Mr. D (TV Series 2012–2018) Poster


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Enjoyable.. bad reviews are from people who gave up too soon
rallder1913 December 2021
At first, after I watched the first few episodes, I thought the exact same thing as a lot of the bad reviews in here.. but then someone said "keep watching, once you get to know the characters it gets better." So I did.. it definitely gets better. All the "awkward" moments don't feel so awkward the more you watch. Sort of like making a weird friend 😂😂 at first you think they're weird but after a while you grow to enjoy their "weirdness" lol... same for this show.

As someone who desperately wanted to turn it off at first, I'm glad I didn't 7/10.
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Headturner1121 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Somehow have 2 accounts and wrote a review a while back for this after only watching like one and maybe a half seasons. I'm on season 5 like episode 5 now and I must say ( an 8 is extremely good rating for me) I'm really loving it! It feels so natural and real! I stopped for a while ( because watching episode after episode they start to run together. I stopped a while after Lisa became principal ( because I didn't like her in that role! Gone was the awkward , goofy Lisa and this bossy one! I restarted watching last night after a like 5 month break and I'm still loving it! I cant believe I've only a few seasons ( ha and with me that's a night ( if I'm lucky). But I'm really glad I found this( think it was when I watched a bit of AP bio? Which wasn't near as good. If you like Curb, Seinfeld etc you should like this! I'll be sad when I'm finished with it because there really is nothing of worth out there lately!

Editing because I've read a bunch of the reviews.. Who rates things 1? There are s many 1 ratings attacking the actor himself or teachers?!? Makes me wonder if a lot of Canadians don't like him and they all came here and gave this a 1?!? I'm extremely picky and have grown to love it! I haven't watched a lot f Canadian shows but liked Schitts Creek ( found out later it was Canadian). How is he a bad actor? I feel like I'm actually watching someone teaching school and it's being filmed. Amanda Susan is his real daughter! I read this the other day and now I can see how much she looks like him. I find it funny also this show only has 50 something reviews and all these 1 reviews?!? I mean I love Curb but I could dare say Mr D is more natural acting. Any ways I have like 1 season left now and didn't really like it at first but I'll be sad when it's over now!
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Give it time...
HUXLEYedwards16 April 2014
This review only covers where I'm at so far - I'm playing catch up here and I'm at episode 7 of season 1.

I think Gerry has a unique approach at standup - and this TV show is no different.

One thing I must give it a negative with is some of the very derivative acting and situations from other TV and Films. It's here and there but not too distracting. Give and take so to speak.

Now the thing I notice people hating on in the comments is the basic outline of the show. The guy is an ass. Reviewers go on to say this is just the way Gerry is. Well sorry to tell you people, when it's on TV and scripted - it's called 'acting'. It's not the way the guy is. Possibly taken from situations the guy was in or possibly things he did in the past - but it's a stretch to just throw the concept out because they truly think he's just getting paid to be an ass-hole to everyone and making everyone feel uncomfortable on the set. I'm amazed we are in 2014 and many people still do not understand theater - especially the wonders of film-making. It's a mystery I see to many.

I would rank this TV show higher but I'm just starting to view it. I will re post a review once I get to season 4 and see where they have taken the characters and the show. It's no where near perfect show, akin to a bag of chips and some concentrated orange juice. Salty sweet and makes you feel a bit sluggish but happy after.

I must say - it's uniquely Canadian in it's approach.. for the good and the bad. (I am not a fan of many of the Canadian production techniques)
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fantastic show.
George_imdb921 April 2014
If your a fan of east bound and down, arrested development, Will Farrell, or Steve Carrell id recommend giving this show a shot. Mr.D is unique, and kind of fresh compared to a lot of whats going on in a lot comedies these days.Ttho more PG and not as raunchy as many shows I like. However I find it clever and often endearing because of the children characters. Its great seeing the jokes fly over their heads or watching them exercise more maturity than the adults. While sometimes predictable Mr.D still manages to catch me off guard and give me a share of laugh out loud moments.

I was shocked to see some negative reviews trash the show. While it might not be for everyone what show is. If you don't like it id say it more about taste than quality. I cringe to think those reviewers might be the same people that keep the American networks pumping out generic laugh track sitcoms each year.

long story short give it a try. Its a fun simple show. It is really hitting its stride in the last couple seasons. Also the short episodes are great for a quick fix and easy to watch at your convince because you can stream it on Netflix or CBC's website for free.
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samglin9 March 2014
This show is not very funny. Maybe what I expected of it was way too high going in to watching it just now for the first time because my friend and his wife both said it was good but I don't think so, I just don't think I find this show or this kind of humor very funny. I don't like the guy who plays Mr. D either he comes off like he is trying way too hard to channel Steve Carell from the Office and trying way too hard to be funny with the lines he has.

I think my friends mostly like it because they are both teachers. I assume there is stuff in this show that teachers can see that the rest of us can not because the guy playing Mr. D apparently based this show on being a teacher because he used to be one. Any how I just don't think it is very funny. I like the kids though they are pretty good considering their age.
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Many LOL's!
srkmm19 December 2021
Not many shows make me literally laugh out loud. This one did & too many times to count! Clever, witty, hilarious! I loved all the characters. Mr. D is awesome!
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Education, or as they say in French, Edu-CAY-SHAWN
ram-309 January 2012
CBC seems to be looking for "Mr. D" to be the replacement to Monday night's popular "Little Mosque on the Prairie" which is ending in 2012. By the looks of it, they have a keeper. Gerry Dee plays Mr. Duncan, a substitute Phys. Ed. teacher starting his full time career as a Social Studies teacher. His lack of historical knowledge is hilarious. He says he will teach his kids such Canadian history as learning who the other three Dionne Quintuplets are, besides Marcel and Celine and promises to teach them all about the Underground "Subway System". When a parent asks him to name the first man on the moon, Mr. D says, "Louie Armstrong" but then quickly corrects himself with "Lance Armstrong". Joining Gerry Dee in the cast is stand up star Bette MacDonald as the school secretary, reality youth sensation Jonathan Torrens as the principal, and the great Booth Savage as the school Sports head. The sit com should appeal to not only teachers but parents and anyone who was ever a student, in Canada or, really, anywhere.
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solid sitcom
SnoopyStyle12 September 2019
Gerry Duncan (Gerry Dee) is an under-qualified, under-motivated, selfish, petty school teacher at the prestigious Xavier Academy. He wants his students to call him Mr. D but that's the nickname of the most popular teacher. Robert Cheeley (Jonathan Torrens) is the equally incompetent vice principal. Lisa Mason (Lauren Hammersley) is the sincere good teacher. Trudy Walsh (Bette MacDonald) is the bossy school secretary. Bobbi Galka (Naomi Snieckus) is the mannish gym teacher.

This is a workplace sitcom. Gerry Dee's teaching background and his comedic timing is well used. It doesn't hurt to have a whole cast of solid comedic actors. It's a great group. There is one missed opportunity. The funniest relationship is Gerry and this tiny little blonde girl. I don't remember her name but she's hilariously mean. It simply divine to have a little girl kick Gerry around. It would have been great for him to stick with the smaller kids. Eventually, they could grow older and for random reasons, they're stuck with him to their despair. The kids do have some sporadic comedic turns but they're the missed opportunity. In our days of shared universes, the show could have spun-off another show with the kids. I don't know how this show lasted eight seasons but I liked most of it. It's a solid sitcom.
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Finally Funny Canadian Television
Georgie19651 March 2014
My friend told me about this when she started watching on Netflix. She told me that the lead character reminder her of Michael on The Office. She was bang on! Love this series. So funny and excellent casting. First time I have actually enjoyed watching a Canadian show. All of the actors are excellent. My taste of humour includes Modern Family, Big Bang Theory, How I Meet your Mother, and many more. If you loved the office and Michael you will love Gerry Dee as Mr.D 😃👍👍. Give it a chance. I was shocked that many people didn't enjoy this show. I have recommended to others and they have all loved it as well. Production is great. Put it this way it seems like an American production rather than the typical Canada sub par series put on CBC.
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And a half
Headturner123 June 2022
Well maybe an 8 but 7 and a half's high for my scale. I thought I had watched this a while ago when I couldn't find anything but I guess that was just AP Bio? I like school based shows( they usually make me nostalgic)this one doesn't ( so far) I think I'm n like episode 2 of season 2? Idk but I must be liking it because I sat straight thru til I fell asleep around 2am. At first I wasn't a huge fan of Mr D but he is growing ion me. I wish the series showed more of them outside of work as well. I loved VP for comedy and that( too bad it was only 2 seasons. I mostly watch British or Australian shows like these but they can be a bit soapy( tho I do love that in them) but US ones are different. I loved PENS15 until they ruined the last season. I'm glad I found something with a lot of seasons tho I can't watch something like this every night for 8 seasons( since it's all about the school really) tho I'm glad I have a long fall back for dry times and I will return to it tonight because for now I need more. Lol.
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A Swing & A Miss
abrahamset18 December 2013
This show was something I actually wanted to see, there were a lot of billboards and hype and I thought it would be really funny. Finally I thought Canadian TV had maybe made something that was actually good. Corner Gas was OK but not since Kids in the Hall or Twitch City or Newsroom had I seen a Canadian show that I really loved watching. So I was hoping. Then it all came crashing down. I hoped it was just a bad episode but I made myself watch several and they didn't get any better. Why is Gerry Dee supposed to be funny? He's a jerk but that doesn't automatically make him funny. For example, Michael in The Office (or Ricky Gervais in the UK version) is a jerk but he's hilarious. It comes down to writing and this show is just awfully unfunny. The actors are not great as well. I like Mark Little from Picnicface, everyone else is pretty bad. Some of the kids are OK. This show is not worth seeing. I'm so sick and tired of awful unfunny Canadian shows like this and Ron James, what is CBC thinking?
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One of my Favourite's!
loganguilbault6 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When i first saw the pictures and read what this show was about i wasn't sure if i'd like it. I thought i'd give it a chance and i loved it! very similar to the office. Gerry always gets himself into trouble and makes some very awkward situations that make it feel like you actually are in that position. He brings life to the school in a different way because he is the opposite of what a stereotypical teacher is like.its funny to see how the teachers have drama and some hate each other and they get in trouble, because when you are a student in school your teachers are made out to be perfect and it's almost as if being able to be in the teachers lounge all the time! Brilliant idea in having a teacher who breaks the rules.
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Give it a chance.
rik-938-11427116 January 2019
The show gets funnier and funnier as you get to know the characters.
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I Didn't Like It
kristabridges21 February 2014
I tried watching this show a few different times and watched it all the way through on two of those times but this show never made me laugh and I just did not enjoy any part of it. The star of the show is not funny and not with any redeeming value, I don't feel for his character or want him to succeed in any way. The bottom line to me is that this is a comedy show and it is supposed to make me laugh or at least smile but it never did. I don't know why this guy has a show on CBC or what "hilarious stage presentations" the other viewer is making reference to but even you did not like this show so I don't know why it is on the air. Just not a funny show.
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Don't Believe the Hype
bobbymalonetherobot30 January 2014
Mr. D is some bad comedy. First of all the problems is the show's star who is basically just some guy acting like a jerk. At first it is a believable character but soon it is apparent that it's just the actor and what he does. He's not a nice person and he's kind of stupid and selfish. I don't care about that since there are a lot of comedy characters like that, the problem I have is that they don't go anywhere with it and the jokes aren't funny. The other characters in the show I don't care about enough to care about what's going on with the show, there is way too much of this guy acting like a jerk to actually care about the other characters on any real level. So once you get over the easy jokes of him being a jerk it's just a repetitive joke of him being a stupid, selfish jerk, trying to get away with something then getting caught, just like According to Jim and a bunch of other shows with bad predictable writing and jokes. Some of the other characters are decent and have a funny line once in a while so I bumped up the show's rating, I just wish there was more of them so I could like the show better. Hopefully if the show comes back again they will flesh out the other characters and get some better story lines going on.
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Do not miss out
cvtke2 August 2022
Easily one of the funniest programs I've ever seen. Thanks to the TikTok videos for introducing it. Not to be slept upon you will not be disappointed.
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pmv_716 February 2021
This show is hilarious. Definitely a laugh out loud show. I'm a teacher, so maybe that's why I love it and really get the humour.
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Napoleon Dynomite as a teacher!
tinmantiger16 October 2022
This cast is hilarious and a bunch of goofs. The episodes are funny, quirky and well rounded. Mr D is a nut case. Love the report the actors have and show. Glad to have found this show, wish it would've continued as it is clean and worth watching! Being a comedy it has its sensitivity and caring yet slap you in the face when your not looking. The competition between the characters is refreshing. Takes one back to what school may have been like or could be like if schools weren't so politically correct in todays gen. This serious was set in the Obumma era so he is mentioned in a crass spot on idiot on some of the storylines.
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Took me awhile
tgilroy-781004 July 2018
The first time I watched it I thought it was dull. Then I happened to watch it one night when I was flipping channels. Oh my god I laughed so hard. It's just dumb funny comedy. Like watching the Office. I don't watch every episode but when I catch it I laugh each time. The characters start to grow on you.
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kolstad-9412817 March 2021
Great. I don't understand the bad reviews. The fact that the main character is sort of like Michael Scott is why I enjoy it. Others don't seem to like that.
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ddudley-273-56654823 January 2012
Despite Gerry Dee's hilarious stage presentations, this show is a bust. Making the audience feel awkward is not humour. Making other characters feel awkward isn't humour either. Not even being awkward is great humour but the show relentlessly attempts to do it all the time. It's really too bad since Dee seems to have a genuine appreciation for the absurdities that take place on a frequent basis in classrooms everywhere but, I get the feeling, that the writers are stretching their imaginations on this show and he's the patsy. I presume, in typical Canadian TV fashion, as the producers realize that the audience numbers plummet after their first couple of views, they will introduce more sexual innuendo (awkward) or nudity (even more awkward in a sitcom) to boost the stats. Won't work though. Time for Gerry to go back on the road where he does best. Next?
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Terrific Show - Misunderstood, simply because people assume CBC equals 'Must suck'...
taylorabrahamse18 February 2015
This is such a gem. This would kill on a national American network, but us Canadians are lucky enough to have it all for ourselves. The pace is quick, the dialogue is witty. The characters aren't very likable, but they're highly relate-able and performed with humanity, and that's all that's needed to create interesting, funny characters. Its a very fun twist to have teachers be such children - certainly not a role reversal I'm used to seeing in TV shows.

It also helps that Gerry Dee is the auteur behind it all - shows often fall apart when they have too many conflicting visions. No so with this puppy.

So naturally, I'm baffled that there's so many people that dislike it. As someone who is grossly disappointed and very good at sniffing out watered down rip-offs, the kind Canadian networks have a notorious streak of greenlighting... Well, this is NOT ONE OF THOSE. This is a show with a unique voice, a unique cast, and is genuinely funny and very well acted. It is totally deserving the healthy run it is having. Start watching from Season 4 like me, and you'll be delighted if you're a fan of good modern comedy. So there!
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Not Funny
keltii9 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am sorry but watching this almost made me fall asleep! I gave it a try, a sort of benefit of doubt thing. Not worth it, makes good valuable and worthy Canadian teachers look bad in the eyes of any American viewers. Wasn't funny, in some cases the way he treats the kids was mean and rude. The script was slow moving and had no connection with the characters. The story line of Mr. D being a supply teacher turned permanent teacher plus basketball coach, didn't meld. They should have kept him as a supply teacher elsewhere. In fact I don't even find his on stage tour comedy shows funny! But like I said, I tuned in on the first show to see what it was like and now I regret it. Won't find me tuning in next week or ever again!
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markbolger7526 February 2014
Mr. D is a bad show. It's not funny at all and by at all I mean at all. Mr. D is a horrible actor and the writing is bad even for a CBC comedy series. I never in my life would have believed you if you ever told me "Mark one day you will actually witness a show so bad that you will actually wish for Insecurity to come back on the CBC". I would have laughed in your face and said "that is impossible my friend!" I would have said "now that Air Farce is off the air there is no show so horrible and no show could possibly ever be made that could possibly be a worse CBC show!" I would have been totally wrong. I don't know who thought this guy was funny and put him on television but they need to go out and buy a sense of humour.
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Office, meets Gerry D.
crowster14 January 2012
I thought the pilot episode was great! It's finally nice to see CBC getting a bit out of their comfort zone for once. Let's be honest, most of the comedy/sitcom programming on CBC is a snooze, and Gerry D is complete reverse polarization from it's regular scheduling.

The character "Mr.D" is a bit unrealistic, and too be honest probably would be fired shortly after starting his teaching career; but this is T.V REMEMBER!!!!...this IS NOT a REAL public educator. So all the people that have been saying he is "rude", or "mean",or a bad representation of Canada, can go back to their boring regular scheduled programming and leave this one for the half of Canada.

I think the demographic that CBC is trying to relate to is probably 16-35, and if you do not fall in this category, than you more than likely will not going to appreciate the comedy of which Mr.D's awkward teaching style cannot go unnoticed.

I think if you are looking for something new on Monday's, and you enjoy shows like Community, The Office, etc... than this show is at LEAST worth a watch, because after all, we have to stand up and keep original programming, or else CBC (Canada's boringist Channel) will once again fall back to it's old ways and start producing more television sitcoms that nobody in the demographic of which I mentioned above will ever, never watch. Can I get an amen?
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