R.I.P.D. 2: Rise of the Damned (2022) Poster

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Excellent performance from Jeffrey Donovan
pedja-the1 December 2022
I have been an admirer of Jeffrey Donovan ever since the Burn Notice. I have to admit that this movie is a major disappointment, and compared to the first part this one is quite boring and will likely make you fall asleep somewhere around the middle. However the part that I liked was Jeffrey Donovan's cowboy/macho performance that fits this movie perfectly, I can't shake the feeling that the rest of the cast and the movie itself just didn't match his ambitions and performance to make this movie at least a fun watch. So if you appreciate his work and some earlier roles(especially Burn Notice) give this movie a chance, if not skip it because he is the only thing worth watching here.
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Call Me Roy
nogodnomasters16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a sequel to the first film. It is a separate film which utilizes the R. I. P. D. concept. The production opens 1876 in an abandoned gold mine in Red Creek, Utah. A man using a pick axe on the floor opens the gates of hell and is taken over by a powerful demon. We skip to a month late to Horseshoe, Wyoming. Sheriff Roycephus Pulsipher (rhymes with Lucifer) is shot and killed by an unknown assailant in a shootout with the bad guys. In the afterlife he gets to join the R. I. P. D. and is tasked with saving the world from said Red Creek demon. Jeanne (Penelope Mitchell) with a French accent is assigned to help him. Not too hard to figure out who she really is before they tell you. To humans they both look like African-American women. If you attempt to talk to someone you know it sound like gibberish.

Not only does Roy (Jeffrey Donovan) want to kill the demon, he wants to get the guy who shot him and he would like to see his daughter (Tilly Keeper) get married to Angus (Richard Fleeshman).

This was your average demonic western. Nothing too scary. It was meant to be funny. It is light and might make you smile a few times.

Guide: No F-words, sex, or nudity.
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Very acceptable for strait to market release
rscottj1 December 2022
I'm somewhat impartial as I did enjoy the original RIPD despite its bad reviews. However, when I heard the sequel/prequel was made, and that it was a direct market release, I wasn't expecting too much. The movie does lag at times, and certainly doesn't have the cinematic feel of the first movie. However, it's entertaining and if you're not too hard on it somewhat enjoyable. There are some very self-aware parts that tend to grind on you, but other than that, it's what you would expect from the type of movie it is. I would say it's worth looking at if you have some time and if you enjoyed the original, it's not a bad addition.
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This ain't your mother's R.I.P.D.
dave-8474 December 2022
Aside from the main character being a younger incarnation of Roy from the original "R. I. P. D." and the overarching theme of the cops vs the "Deados", this shares little with the first move. Different actors, cheezy plot, poorly written script... it just FEELS cheap. It almost feels as if this is the result of an elementary school script writing contest. You can miss seeing chunks of this for a bathroom break, or a run for some snacks, and you'll never know it. It is THAT predictable.

No offense intended to Jeff Donovan (Roy Pulsipher). When you're handed a bucket of icky smelling mud, there's only so much you can do with it.

Stay home. Watch the original R. I. P. D. It's MUCH better, and your brain will thank you for it.
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I quit about halfway
ryan-4411019 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing in this movie outside of the afterlife PD aspect, demons running amuck, and dead police officers coming back as heaven's elite force in wacky avatars that don't fit their personalities, even remotely matches up to the 2013 movie with Ryan Reynolds. We get somewhat of an origin story to how Officer Pusipher joined RIPD, and his motivation for working with them. A plot is hatched by demons that come from a random hole in the ground, and then we fast forward to a month later where we have a half dozen demon possessed bandits snatching up humans for some lame ritual. Both Pusipher and his partner Joan of Arc return from heaven to stop the plot, but as black women (you can see where this goes from here). We suddenly are graced with black female tropes, and lectured that even though we know black people in our personal lives as friends or even lovers, we don't understand them, etc etc. Cue the hollywood social justice grandstanding. I stopped the movie halfway because it felt like an old Sci-Fi channel made-for-tv movie. CGI is terrible, the plot falls flat and isn't interesting, and none of the acting is very convincing.

I kept hearing them talk this movie up like it was better than the original, but it's definitely not, and the original was pretty ok (mediocre at least). This was just a way for Netflix to inject more race/gender politics, so I'm out.
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Not very good
rockbox-6953918 November 2022
Not even close to being good as the first one. The jokes fall flat. They cast the wrong actors. They don't seem to own their roles. The writing is not very good at all. Slang talk was forced. I was excited when I saw this was coming out and man was I disappointed. Honestly this should of never been made. I couldn't finish the movie. They didn't use the right filters. It was too bright and too upbeat. It didn't have a that flair and magic as the first one. Me and my wife didn't enjoy it. We decided to watch the first one instead. I'm not sure what Netflix was thinking. They've been killing it lately on content.
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cannonfodder-6666622 November 2022
Why did they change Roy's back story? His story in the first movie was that his body was drug off by coyotes. The coyotes then had thier way with his skull. Are we to believe the townsfolk or his daughter never found his body? And what did he continue to age after joining the ripd? Having none of the original actors killed this movie. Jeff Bridges could have made this work, the current cast couldn't.

It had no magic. You didn't get to know Roy enough to like him before he was dead. He had none of the quirks of the Jeff Bridges version.

After the first 20min of this "comedy" I turned it off. It was just boring and not funny.
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windsled18 November 2022
Unlike some other reviewers I liked the original and I like westerns. Problem is this was neither one. The only thing this movie had in common with the first is its title and the word dead-o. It was on PPV for $6 but I found it on Netfix and was very glad I didn't waste the $6. The best thing I can say about it is we managed to sit through the whole thing, albeit with groans and complaints. It struggles to be funny, intriguing and visually sensational without achieving any of it. I have the original on DVD and still plug it in once in a while. I wanted to like this and expected more but you'd have to pay me to sit through this again.
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Jeffrey Donovan great as always (but thats the best part)
totalork19 November 2022
I love ANYTHING with Jeffrey Donavan and as always was pleased with his performance, but that is the best part of this movie. I still say give it a chance cause its a fun watch with some western comedy. And honestly I'm surprised by how good of a western type movie it was, deff an odd twist considering the first one was a cop film. Still its fun to see Donovan as a cowboy, has good action and effects; but the movie never fully feels to just work ya know? Supernatural Comedy Western about Grim Reaper cops is alot to take on in itself, and the movie did the best it could, and looked to have a decent budget. I actually quite liked the first one, but Ryan Reynolds is also great in everything, and would've loved to see a more modern version again for a sequel.
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It's a new tale, and I loved it
seidelemily19 November 2022
Aside from the department that serves to begin the tale (& the rules once joining the department), this story is a whole new beast.

Don't get me wrong, I quite enjoyed the first one! However, where the first was focused more on "let's make the audience chuckle, smile, laugh out loud, and walk away feeling grandly amused" and a touch less on the "storyline that captures the attention" (not suggesting #1 was missing or had a poor storyline, by any means, only that I felt it focus more on the jokes with friends (which makes interrupting fully acceptable) than on the "shut up, I wanna see what happens!").

I appreciated the nods given to the first, but would have liked seeing more (MiB style). Absolutely LOVED the nods to... just gunna say "things you read in books when you were a youngin" (zero-spoilers ^.^ ). They pushed a few corners that I thought were risky, in today's "climate," but I think the fact it always kept to the actual storyline showed a lovely level of skill and awareness.

  • The actors = smile-with-a-tear emoji worthy
  • The characters = top-shelf
  • The story = interesting and a touch exciting
  • The jokes = wee bit "higher-brow" than the first, but still goofy enough to inspire memes between friends

Definitely nothing "ground breaking," but for the folks who enjoy a dash of silly in their adventures, I'd certainly recommend.
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A pleasant surprise.
toddsgolfin15 November 2022
I found this to be surprisingly entertaining. I'm a huge fan of Jeffrey Donovan...still miss Burn Notice. He didn't disappoint. The movie provides some great comic relief and unexpected heroes.

I'm sure there are many who expect way more of ever movie they watch...I'm just asking to be distracted for a while and the ability to forget about life's struggles for an hour and a half. I got that and then some.

Visual effects were really solid. Quite a few newbies in the cast who look to have some acting chops and a bright future ahead of the. Keep in mind, this movie was never gonna be an Academy Award contender, but it was an very enjoyable watch.
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don't waste your time
dobasu18 November 2022
Have no high expectations. Even if you are a hardcore fan of 1st R. I. P. D., this 2nd part will bring you down to earth. The acting is bad, the characters are more like beginners in "playing in movies" (or this is exactly how the director wanted to be like). Either way, I felt like I want to close and do something else. The story is told in a way that a toddler might like it. Tries to be funny, but it is boring actually.

There are some okay SFX that might cast a shimmer of light on the whole film but as a whole, RIPD 2, unless you're a die hard fan of RIPD 1 won't boost your confidence in the film production industry. It's like a mash between Back to the Future 3, Cyborg, The Witcher and a poor Spaghetti Western, maybe that's the point. You've been warned.

I wonder if the movie will go over 4.5. And that is being generous. Sorry but not worth your time.
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Not worth the watch
drodgers-3939120 November 2022
I actually liked the first one but I mean COME ON Ryan Reynolds you can't go wrong there. This sequel was dumb to be honest it didn't make much sense. Acting wasn't that great it's just not worth the time. Phil was supposedly shot and killed in a shoot out leaving his daughter behind. In which suggesting he aged in the after life. Also in the first one they appeared as other people to loved ones but could still speak to them. However in the sequel they can't because it comes out distorted. If you're going to make a sequel you have to stick with it otherwise it just doesn't make sense. I wouldn't watch this again.
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don't like the old west
SnoopyStyle15 November 2022
It's 1876 in the American West. Sheriff Roy Pulsipher (Jeffrey Donovan) dies in a shootout with bandits leaving behind his daughter Charlotte. In the afterlife, he is recruited by the Rest In Peace Department to fight the Deados. Jeanne (Penelope Mitchell) is his new work partner.

The first movie was almost universally panned and a box office bomb. I don't like that movie, but probably not as much as most others. I am surprised that they are making a sequel. They obviously downgraded the budget and the production. It's better than a TV movie, but sometimes it reminds me of one. I like the afterlife world, but the movie deteriorates after that. I don't like the old west world. It's too clean. It all feels fake and that's considering that I know it's all fake. The CGI is a bit of a mixed bag. The acting is also mixed. I really don't like the constant switching between the characters and their avatars. There has to be a way to fix that for the franchise. Maybe the avatars are only shown in mirrors. Mostly, I don't like this old west world and that's most of the movie.
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Let's rewrite history.
fonfixer25 December 2022
I'm guessing this isn't an accurate depiction of the old west, but rather one the writer or writers would've hoped for in this modern age of "don't like factual history so let's make up our own!" I saw the original R. I. P. D and it was great, saw this on netflix and thought it'd be a cool movie as well. Even though it's for ENTERTAINMENT purposes, you should at least try to stay as close to true as possible. I seriously doubt two black women would've been making demands such as they did in this movie. Not only because of skin color but for being women as well. I wasn't around back then, but everyone has a preconceived notion of the old west, thanks to hollyweird. Now they want to imagine it all away!

Watching ice melt would be a better use of your time!
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Jeffery Donovan
zwjwfxz23 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw that Jeffery Donovan was the in this so I re-watched the first RIPD and followed up with this... movie? This movie was obviously low budget and the secondary "actors" were weak to say the least. Every time Jeffery went to say a line they would switch to the secondary actors. There is a scene where he is just about to threaten a guy with his gun and they switched actors. This wouldn't have been a big deal but the lady didn't even know where the gun was and had to look to find it. Another thing that was a little trite is in the first movie Roy was a tall busty blond but in this movie he was a short black lady. What? While I admit Mr. Donovan does not have the same grit as Jeff Bridges this could have been an awesome movie. I guess the director and the producer just nope'ed that idea and turned out this garbage. To Mr. Donovan's performance he was taking to the western genre well so I would like to see another western with him as the main character. Without the persistent and unnecessary actor swapping.
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Such a shame
jalidav198010 March 2023
I felt like this had a lot of potential, started off pretty good and overall the pacing of the movie is decent, however that's where the positive ends.

I couldn't get over the fact, that this was the same Roy from the first RIPD only much younger, I mean why does he age after death? His partner, Jeanne has been dead over 400 years yet she is still in her twenties. Why the inconsistency?

I also couldn't help but cringe every time Social justice was thrown in, I won't give any spoilers, you can't watch anything anymore without Hollyweird pushing this divisive nonsense, their own personal racism must consume them on a daily basis and that's why they can't write anything without including it. All the fun you thought you'd have watching this, gets sucked out real quickly.

On a side note: Release the flight logs.
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Its not that bad!
bmandela15 November 2022
I thought I would see Ryan Reynolds again in this sequel to 2013's R. I. P. D, but understandably, Deadpool could not sign up to this sequel, he is busy at Kevin Feige's M. C. U. P. D.

Eitherway, this is not such a bad sequel. The writing is a little bland and the acting is average, but the overall story, costumes, and direction is not that bad. Jeffrey Donovan gives a nice performance. It was not a necessary sequel, but it was worth the attempt. On average, I would give it a 7/10 as a very generous IMDB user. Not really a must watch, but still a movie worth your time. A good way to unwind after a hectic day!
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Bad movie from every direction, then agenda driven
siderite28 November 2022
I am used already to get some Hollywood agenda shoved down my throat, so it has become a fact of life, an annoyance that doesn't really affect me in any way, not being American. Yet a movie still has to have a shred of decency in it to be watchable and this film does not. I vaguely remember the first film as fun, silly but fun. This is low budget, badly acted, badly filmed, badly lighted, badly written, badly directed, conceited and only then agenda driven. I could watch 20 minutes of it before I decided I have better things to do with my time. I can't believe this piece of crap was ever made. It's not even so bad it is funny, it's just completely lackluster. No effort was made by any of the participants in this film. Releasing such films should be punishable by law.
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Ignore the rotten tomatoes hipsters
clsjessicawilde29 December 2022
I loved the original RIPD. I was so excited to learn about this one! Obviously a little upset it was a major studio film or a theatrical release or didnt have any of the original big name actors. But OMG who cares?! THIS was RIPD! I loved everything about it! The new Roy feels just as witty, funny, dry, and sarcastic as Jeff in the original film. I like the new dynamic of his new partner/mentor. I love how the movie doesnt waste time with exposition or making this long winded plot and character development foundation. It just assumes youre a fan of the original, have actually seen the original, and just jumps right in and runs! And if you haven't its STILL a fantastic movie!

Above all else ITS ORIGINAL AND DIFFERENT. And omg popular social opinion forbid: just plain FUN! Hollywood has just been ruined by playing safe and making the same 3 or 5 cliche movie types over and over AND OVER. And all these millennial hipsters will rant and rave over being fed the same unoriginal crap because theyre told to.

Break the mold. Enjoy RIPD2 and enjoy something completely FUN, ENTERTAINING, and FRESH!!!

10/10 because it was such a fun ride!
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Fun movie i say
stewiec8515 January 2023
Before anyone jumps at me with 'what? That movie was horrible how could you like it?' First Jeffrey Donovan, I actually loved him in this role, he's charismatic, flawed, high on his ego, and stubborn but yet Donovan is a perfect fit for this role. I do get why some people didn't like it but for some reason this movie didn't made me hate it. It's a good combination of comedy, special effects, and some good casting. I can't say I hate it, I just can't. It's a guilty pleasure I don't mind admitting I like. So for all the haters, it's a decent prequel for RIPD. Yeah, Donovan is no Jeff Bridges but he actually showed he embraced his role and had fun with it. Some actors would treat their roles like paychecks but I say Donovan worth watching.
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I made it about 20 minuyes in
edpeace5527 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a new movie this is not a sequel to RIPD, but another story and I was excited to be entertained. I was not. As a dead sheriff the lead character was a dead white man, but since he could not come back as himself, he was made a black woman. In 1876. He was told, "you may know them but you haven't lived their life". My entertainment ended. As others have said, this attempt at social justice, gender equality, and general woke leaning of Hollywood and the entertainment industry to push their agenda is not entertainment. I watch TV and movies to be entertained, not to be indoctrinated by the left. No wonder they are losing money. Many who have reviewed it have said the same and more. Waste of time.
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Could have been fun
saiken-3034115 January 2023
I selected this at random on Netflix thinking that I needed a frivolous diversion and hoping that it could live up to that expectation, at least. When they started to preach to be about race and gender identity I jumped ship. No thanks.


Set in the American West of 1876, 'R. I. P. D.2: Rise of the Damed' is a spiritual (pardon the pun) sequel to 2013's 'R. I. P. D.' Sheriff Roy Pulsipher isn't too thrilled about finding himself dead after a shoot out with a notorious outlaw gang, but he does get a second chance to return to earth after being recruited by the R. I. P. D. (Rest In Peace Department.). But avenging his own murder may have to take a back seat to saving the world when a gateway to hell is opened in the old mining town of Red Creek threatening not only the locals... but all of humanity itself.
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SJPD: Social Justice PD
stevechams20 March 2023
Its a shame that so many movies now have to carry the social justice sword. Its even worse that movie was unfunny and the characters were just terrible.

Every joke fell flat. I didn't crack a smile.

As for the story. The story made sense and I would have been interested to watch it all the way through but... unlike the first movie, this one sucked. The overall story seemed great but the in between writing was crappy. The dialogue was terrible. The acting was unbearable except for 1 or 2 people.

The sign in the hotel that stated "No Coloreds allowed" would not have existed in Utah. Utah never had segregation and if they would have, it started in 1910.
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tonywho1321 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes with Jeffrey Donovan and Richard Brake being in the cast, but even actors of their abilities couldn't save this film. Poorly written script, the deados were subpar compared to the first film, and the use of social injustice being thrown in (it was the 1870's for crying out loud) takes away from any enjoyment of a sci fi/horror/comedy Western. I couldn't get into the rhythm of the story without being reminded that the Old West was bad for women and black people (again, it was the 1870's!). The title was misleading, it should've been called RIPD: The Beginning since it was intended as a prequel. Better still, RIPD: SJW since they continually mentioned how bad people were treated (again in the 1870's). Don't waste your time unless you're bored or trying to pass a kidney stone and need something more painful to focus on.
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