Eaters (2015) Poster


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Like Cabin in the Woods, only not
leliomulas-2658317 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Well, that was interesting. The very first moments looked decent, with a somewhat retro look. But as soon as the characters open their mouth you realize you're in for a treat. Sound editing is terrible, you can't hear half of the lines, and the other half is people telling each other to shut up or chill out (duude). Dialogues are below 5 years old writing. Camera work is atrocious, some of the very few thrills in this bore-fest are courtesy of the cameraman struggling with focus. And losing miserably. The editing is lame. I just began to mentally trim the footage to accelerate the pacing, leaving behind minutes and minutes of awkward silent people blank staring, panting and gasping, looking around, while I was waiting for a line or a reaction to happen. My god... Then acting. Tell me about it. 'Great acting' someone said, holy cow... They are abysmal, all of 'em, with a special award for the guy in a yellow t-shirt (sluggishly dragging around like he hadn't any idea what he was doing) and the biker chief (desperately trying to be cool in a Samurai Cop wig). Storywise, it's a mess. Girl gets missing (we couldn't care less about her, 3 minutes screen time), friends freak out (kinda) and try to find her, they stumble upon drug courier bikers, they argue, they escape, they find refuge in a ghost town, the bikers follow them, cannibal creepy inbred people, almost everybody dies by stupidity. There is no tension whatsoever! The pacing is all off, slow and helpless, the bikers are not menacing, the 'eaters' could have been a redeeming point for the movie if there was any attention to details, maybe even some self aware irony (we're playing with 50 years old tropes, guys). The plot doesn't progress, it percolates like garbage juice. Even the gore is missing!

Maybe they tried, maybe it was a joke. What remains is a mess of a movie, some occasional funny-bad moment (the screaming scene, as previously noted by other reviewers: hilarious) and lots of boredom and frustration. I somehow sat through all of it, but I don't recommend this experience to anyone.
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Pretty Darn Bad
baroby29 October 2015
I'm going to keep this simple: This is NOT a good movie.

I'm not going to put any spoilers in here, because everyone else kinda did that. I'm not going to explain the characters or the story line, because others have done it, and there isn't really much to explain. But here's my take on it:

The story is bad, the camera work looks like someone shot it with an iPhone, the script seems like it's mostly ad lib, there is next to no gore at all (at least for a movie this bad, you would think that it would be heavy on the gore), the acting is HORRID, the characters are vastly underdeveloped, the interactions make no sense, the movie itself drags for the first half hour, and then when it picks up it is almost comical, there is NOTHING believable about this film--it's just a flat out mess.

I didn't give this a 1 because I've seen a LOT of bad movies in my day, especially of the horror genre. However, this movie didn't get a 1 out out of 10 simply because I've seen worse movies to compare it to, not because it wasn't really bad.

Read the other reviews, and compile them all into one. Everyone is telling the truth all at the same time, trust me. If you like rustic independent films shot by film students, then this is right up your alley. If for some reason you want to see a really good horror film, either just because you like horror films or because you want to kick Halloween off with a bang, don't waste your time.
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High School Filmaking
jamdifo11 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the acting is atrocious. The guy that lost his girlfriend was so annoying. This movie is his only credit and should be for life. The rest of the cast has no more than 6 credits, and that includes numerous shorts. No real actors or talent here. The fight scenes are what you expect during rehearsals, that's how bad they look. No one is convincing, the group of 5 friends or the bikers. The townspeople is hard to tell, they never take off their potato sack masks.

I kept watching thinking maybe the effects would be good. Not at all. This is something you would expect from a high school student or earlier. There's a hilarious scene where the one friend is screaming over and over from getting tortured and yet his friends act like they don't hear anything, yet you as the viewer clearly hear his screams. Its that comical.

I gave it a 2 because somehow I sat thru this whole movie. Nothing is explained and it never gets good. Trust me and stay away.
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I've Got Heartburn...REAL BAD
dcarsonhagy6 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A group of idiots (driving a nice looking 1965 Mustang) stop at a rest area in the middle of nowhere to use the facilities. One girl turns up missing and her friends are off to find her whereabouts. Oh, I "forgot" the ruthless motorcycle gang (which consisted of four horribly miscast individuals) that was at the rest area, but I digress. Such is the premise for "Eaters."

When the movie started, I thought it MIGHT be decent...and then the actors spoke. I swear the majority of the cast in this joke could not walk and chew gum at the same time. None were believable. Not only were the actors awful, but so was the directing. When they reach the "abandoned" town while in search of their friend, they (naturally) decide to split up. The loud mouth, who you want to immediately die, comes upon something in a barn. Cut to two of his friends standing on a porch, both looking like they've just been hit in the head with a brick. You can plainly hear screams coming from the barn, but they completely are oblivious to this and decide they must go looking for him. Are they both deaf? Feeble-minded?

The surprise is there's some sort of clan who inhabit them thar parts and (I guess) eat people for s*its and giggles. But their introduction into the film is nothing short of comedy. The masks they wear only elicited howls from me and my friend.

I usually complain about the overuse of blood and gore in these types of movies. This one spared me on that level; however, I'm beginning to think it could have only helped.

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Made bad movies in past seem decent
blindquist-1776914 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am in a very fortunate situation in my life where every few days I get to see A LOT of bad movies. However, this one takes the cake. So much so that it inspired me to follow steps needed to create an account on this website to warn others of potential loss of 90 good minutes of their life to which they will never get back. The storyline is appealing, just not very well executed. I never had an opportunity to emotionally attach to the character that went missing getting everyone in to this mess in the first place and that's unfortunate because this movie had a lot of things I can get excited about in a movie...huge wooden hammer thing that smashes people, gore, and attractive women just to name a few. However, those things, in my opinion, were not well placed or utilized. I would love to give more insight, but the way the whole thing played out I am left still a little confused as to what just happened in this movie. Typically our movie group ends with a resounding "your welcome" from our leader, even with the worst of movies, but this one left him in silence as well. I will end this review the way the movie ended, suddenly and no soon enough.
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Horrendous- one of the worst movies seen in a long time
TheLittleSongbird6 November 2015
As said many times before, this is not coming from anybody who takes pleasure in hating a movie. In fact, quite the opposite, this is coming from somebody who tries to see good in anything that's bad regardless of how strong any negative feelings are. Eaters is one of few movies in some time where there is nothing to say redeeming about it.

It is hard to say where Eaters failed most heavily, but the acting is a definite contender here. Atrocious isn't describing it enough, with the yellow T-shirt guy and the biker leader agreed tied for the worst performances, the former looking like he both didn't want to be there and didn't have a clue as to what he was doing and the latter is more irritating than menacing. Everybody looks disengaged and stumble constantly through their lines, giving the already crass and awkwardly written dialogue- that is enough to make even a toddler feel dumb- even less fluidity than it already suffered from. The cardboard, stereotypical characters were not worth giving a toss about, they're all annoying and the bikers have no sense of presence and instead behave like idiots. The missing girl isn't on screen anywhere near long enough to make one care properly about the situation the characters are on or the basic story.

The story is another massive failing, there is nothing scary, suspenseful or tense about it, structurally it's choppy, a lot of scenes are so mind-numbingly stupid and pointless it was insulting and it just drags on and on with scenes stretched to interminability. There is nothing competent about the direction, which is literally all at sea, nor about the filming. The opening is alright, but everything else visually is unfocused to a dizzying degree, was starting to wonder whether the cameraman was drunk or something. Scenery is basic and drably lit, and the sound is so flat that hearing what was being said was difficult and sometimes like somebody trying unsuccessfully to tune a radio.

Overall, horrendously bad with nothing good to say in its favour. As someone who tries to be fair when viewing films/movies/shows Eaters really has to be one of the worst movies seen in quite a long time. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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Total Crap
davidwcromer9 October 2015
Low budget movies are one thing, but total lack of acting talent is another. Usually you can find one "actor" that has a modicum of chops, but this is ridiculous. It's as if no one has ever acted a lick. Probably none of them have and they are all friends/relatives of the director. I could've done better and I'm sure I did even in grade school plays.

Too many other movies to watch to waste 90 minutes on this train wreck.

I would say I've seen worse, but I'm drawing a blank.

I will say remember the director's name: Johnny Tabor. That way you can avoid anything else he may have the misfortune of writing and/or directing.
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Don't waste your time on this title.
emberstonepierce12 October 2015
It's been a very long time since I've seen such horrific acting, casting and directing. To find all three in the same film doesn't surprise me when a 'Biker Gang' consists of four normal looking men trying to look imposing and missing by a mile. As a biker myself, I'm used to seeing stereotypical representations of motorcycle riders, but this just made them look like fools. The plot is (you'll be unsurprised to hear) a common one that frankly has been done a lot better in other movies. The characters are as weak and two dimensional as the acting and the narrative and script appear to have been written by teenagers without a firm grasp of what making a film should entail. Unless you enjoy watching paint dry or grass grow, I'd give this shocking excuse for a film a wide berth. Low budget doesn't have to mean low quality, it's just a shame no one reminded the director and production team associated with this disaster.
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Why the wig why?
pelin-syilmaz7 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As a horror fan, i'm trying to watch all kinds. This one is a comedy horror, but in a very wrong wrong way. The worst thing about the movie was the bikers horrible wig. Seriously, why use a random guy with a terrible wig who is also terrible at acting?

I also felt so disturbed while watching the fight scenes. Punching someone can not be faked worse than that. It was like watching a Troma movie, but lack of humour. Seriously that wig ruined my whole day. Can't stop myself thinking WHY?!

I liked the masks though. And still wonder what was that white stuff injected to her? Is it to tenderize or something. Anyway,there are thousands of slasher movies and i believe that movie makers have no right to mess it up.
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dnlcorrea4 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I usually take a look here at IMDb before I watch a movie. I knew this one was crap. But hey, there are good bad movies and there are bad bad movies.

This one was absolutely a bad bad. The acting is horrible, close to painful, with long shots that don't add nothing. The biker gang was laughable, they tried really hard to look tough, but came out as the Clown Gang. The plot wasn't going great, either. Yeah, yeah, cannibals, we get it.

If you have some self-respect, please, get your dog and go to the park. If you watch this, you might kick it instead.
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This was a great low budget film
anarchysoap6 October 2015
Personally I'm a fan of low budget movies, especially because of the fact it's fun to watch. 5 kids roll out and get caught up in the middle of no where at a rest stop. One of the girls disappears and they're forced to look for their long lost friend. The acting is great, I enjoyed the discourse and odd nature of the bikers and the bunch. The wig on the main guy cracked me up, it was too rich. They're your classic villains without a cause type characters.

This kind of reminded me of a hills have eyes with a different nature of villains in terms of choice. I like the male and female main protagonist mainly because of being capable of putting you in the willing suspense of disbelief. There was a commitment there that made it entertaining to watch.

The Villains reminded me more of the Strangers with hats. Very creepy and somewhat 1930's Halloween type costumes. Cryptic and Dark in demeanor. What made this a good film for even it's lowest of budgets is the fact the actors were so committed to telling a good story. Think you'll enjoy it if you give it a chance.
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the review by ANARCHYSOAP is crap and a lie
namaGemo18 October 2015
It's obvious ANARCHYSOAP worked on, or acted in this garbage film. I find it interesting he mentioned character commitment, because while watching this piece of 5hit, I kept laughing at how the actors had absolutely ZERO conviction and telling my girlfriend about it over and over. Especially the least talented guy in the yellow shirt who was supposed to be getting married. He was the absolute worst, with second place going to the annoying 5hithead who gets tied up in the barn. You basically want to see this cast getting killed in the most brutal of ways, minus the girl because her body was pretty rock'n, and she had an attractive yet odd Maggie Gyllenhaal vibe going on.

The first few scenes were nicely shot as the Mustang pulls into the rest area, and it makes you think it might be starting out good, and then it just collapses after the girl disappears. I've never seen a more disjointed film. Like 10 minutes of two idiots looking around, and you're thinking, wtf happened to the damn biker gang guy, or this guy, or this girl? I mean really stupid direction and pacing that's just awful. Mostly because instead of fleshing the story out, they added filler. I'd say 85% of this dung was filler.

As others have mentioned, laughably long scenes of people hearing others screaming, and looking as if they hear nothing. It reminded me of WCW wrestling with Hulk Hogan seeing the image of the ultimate warrior in his mirror, yet Erik Bischoff couldn't see the warrior. WHA WHA WHAT???

SO, endure this feces at your own risk. You have been warned.
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Easily THE WORST horror movie I have ever seen.
jadelaw1428 January 2016
To start, if I could give it a zero, I would.

Absolutely terrible acting (yellow shirt and bad wig in particular, if you've already seen it) almost no plot to speak of, and heavy reliance on creepy masks in order to justify it as a "horror" movie, with no other actual horror or suspense to speak of.

Anyone who actually recommends this movie either played a hand in making it, is in denial, or possibly so extremely sheltered that this is the ONLY movie they have ever seen, and thus have nothing to compare it to.

If possible, I'd give it .000001 stars, because the only thing remotely scary about it is how terrible the acting and plot was.
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I finally finished this movie after several hours
bmadasz30 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying my time in "the office" is more interesting than this movie. For the slower readers I'm talking about my poop. I would rather watch a turtle sit in one spot for 10 hours, because that's how slow the fights are in this movie. I literally went to McDonald's and got myself a yummy milk shake before the biker dude punched the very poor actor. Wait, they're all bad at acting. I mean the guy that got shot twice in the stomach and died in front of his fiancée. What's up with that fiancée taking 20 minutes to actually help her future dead husband. She had the gun, could have shot the bikers, yet she runs out and gets shot first because she's a very challenged person. I'll admit though, that acting from her fiancée when he was dead was phenomenal. He deserves an Oscar for playing dead because that was the best acting during the entire film. I'll be honest though. I fell asleep 3 times. My girlfriend tried to wake me each time to continue watching the movie, and I politely nudged her away for waking me back into this nightmare of a film. My eyes are still trying to figure out what the hell I just watched.

In all honesty... Burn this disk if you find it at a yard sale. Save the next person from wasting a minute of their life on this crap.
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Every Bad Review is CORRECT
dinatekno4 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The best thing about this - ahem, movie - is the image that you see as you are scrolling through what to watch. Don't start it, don't waste your time, it won't get better, it has no redeeming qualities. Just STAY away, I'm begging you. You'll never get that time back. Go spend it playing with your dog, cat or kids. Call your mom and say 'hi'. Watch a lava lamp do it's thing, whatever. Anything will be better than this sorry excuse for entertainment. Not even bad/good. This is supposed to be taking place in 1974 & hearing that one guy reminisce about being stuck in 'Nam while 'Charlie' was on the attack made me almost choke on my popcorn. Totally ridiculous. It was the one good laugh I got out of this monstrosity.
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Good b movie
epiceffectss18 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was good (for me) but appreciate lots will not like it. I liked it for its b movie acting , I thought the shooting was OK , costumes OK , sound OK . But their was lots of wooden actors. That gave it a humorous quality in itself . The story was OK but the whole thing was let down by the acting and delivery of lines by almost all characters , I think if the director made them work harder and did multiple takes he would've nailed it. The story is simple but OK , I recommend this for people who like b movie style films. I watched the entire film , which I imagine lots would have given up on. I'm giving a five because I did enjoy it but I recon it maybe the highest score given yet
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Atrocious on so many levels..
InDyingArms22 November 2015
A group of these young friends, while on a road trip stumble into a biker gang. On their way to find one of their friends, after she's gone missing, they find themselves lured into a trap, now turning their nightmare into something more sinister as they come face, to face with the supposed "Eaters" One plain sentence can pretty much sum this entire movie up. What a load of crap. This movie was just.. terrible. To start off, the acting. The acting in this movie was absolutely atrocious, and words can't describe how painfully obvious it was that these "actors" had the slightest clue on how to act. Their line delivery was terrible, their reaction acting, as well was dreadful, and their all around delivery of their characters was God awful, and just painful to sit through. On Top of that, the characters they acted as were flat out, to the core, completely clichéd. You have your typical bunch of clichéd characters, at this point, you could literally care less about. This film just delivers the same copied group thrown into the same, boring situation, just another time. The entire plot of this film was mixed together with clichés, and to top that off, it was presented in the most atrocious of ways. You have the same, agonizingly old situation where a bunch of characters are stuck in the middle of nowhere, more specifically, the desert. And you have the same old situation where they're being hunter by killers. The only thing that this movie differs with, is an execution of the same exact cliché, only in a more agonizingly boring, and convolutely ugly way. The pacing in this movie just threw any interest out the window completely, as we have an unwanted mixed bag of which sends the storyline, overall to be a horribly slow, slow movie. We barely see these "Eaters" until the 30 minute mark of the film, even then, we barely really get to see them at all. The film makes itself even more pointless as we get barely ANY story whatsoever. We literally watch these strangers of characters be thrown with these strangers of killers. What makes matters even more worse is the budget. With such horrible elements of the film, we get the horrid elements with an even more horrid budget. The cinematography was atrocious, most of the shots couldn't even focus, making things look blurry. And for the most part, we get ugly shades of yellow throughout this entire film, making even the smallest of things look ugly, and simply unsettling, and not in the good way. And finally, the audio.. Half of this film, the audience struggles to hear what their trying to say as it pans in, and out constantly, making it not only frustrating, but angering, and annoying.

In conclusion.. what an atrocity. I can honestly say this is one of the worst, in not the worst horror films of 2015. Terrible, God awful acting, horrible elements, lazy writing, ugly technical work, and all around a jumbled mess of a supposed "film" I honestly can't recommend this under any circumstances, you're better off watching a high school film of a horror film, in all honesty, as this proves to just be another one of Lionsgate's dump films.
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I wanted to like it
tmdarby3 July 2016
I really wanted to like this film. The plot seemed decent and i found the villains pretty creepy. The acting in this film though is shockingly bad. I mean really, really bad. There isn't a good way to describe it other than it's like watching a high school play, but in all honesty most high school plays have better acting. Marcelle Bowman was the only decent actor in the cast. The dialogue and delivery was just horrible from everyone else in the movie. There are quite a few plot holes as well.

All in all, this could be a good candidate for a remake with some good actors and a new screen writer.
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Bad on every level.
travislhendrix3 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I love to watch horror movies. I watch them if they are bad or good, usually even the worst movies have something to redeem themselves. That is not the case with this movie. When watching it I kept wondering if this was a group of university students that got together and did this as their end of year project. Here are some of the points I had issue with.

Plot: I am not sure there was much of one. Had they gone with the biker gang or the killers they might of had something going but this was just a jumbled mess. No idea where the actors were going or what they were doing there. No idea who the killers were. No idea what the story behind Boot Heel New Mexico was.

Characters: No back story to any characters in the movie at all. The little back story they did give doesn't make sense. One had fought in a war and said that "Charlie" had been to a village. That got me to wondering if this was supposed to have taken place in the 70s but the cloths and hair don't look like it to. No idea who the good guys or bad guys were.

Acting: Wooden would be the best way to describe the acting. It felt like they were reading from a prompt off screen. The biker leader I think was supposed to be scary but he did not come across that way. The best acting were the "killers" because they had no lines and you couldn't see their faces.

intangibles: Most B movies throw in lots of gore or nudity to make up for other things that are lacking. This movie had little gore and no nudity. Sometimes a show is funny or for some reason or another makes you feel like your time wasn't wasted. This has none of that.
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god help me **spoiler**
steveaustinrp-6035616 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
May contain a few spoilers I was kinda excited about this film then I started watching it.. A group of friends are at a rest stop next thing you know the one girl ends up missing,they set out to find her and confronts a so called ruthless hardcore biker gang that is dressed awful and reminds you of a local rock group. They finally leave the rock group and end up in a abandoned town..

As they we're driving to the abandoned town the talking of these actors are just horrible and too calm about the situation but the masked men they run into are actually awesome and that's when things begin to get a little better because they start knocking off these hideous actors! I would suggest not to watch this film unless your bored out of your mind and nothing else is left to watch.
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May be the worst movie I have ever seen.
caleboster-0663525 July 2018
Where to begin with this mess, the acting is atrocious, the audio quality terrible, and finally the camera work and editing. I'm not going to spoil anything because to you are going to have to see this movie to see how truly bad it is. As everyone has said it actually starts off strong with good shots of the main characters and their mustang, a little background of the main characters, and it really feels like it is professional grade and you are in for a treat. Then without spoiling anything once they hit the rest stop (it happens like 5 minutes in) everything goes downhill. It seems as soon as they step out of the car they all forget how to act. The 2 girls have to go to the bathroom and we are shown these "scary" "intimidating" bikers. They of course hit on one of the girls are she comes back from the bathroom, and at this point while cliche the movie still looked ok. Later on our main characters have another run in with the biker gang and this is where I realized one of the major problems with this film. First off the acting obviously and the delivery of their lines. Nolan (the main man) has a gun to the bikers face and he trips and stumbles over his lines and it got to the point where a pistol sitting on a pillow would be more intimidating. To be fair to the cast the dialogue is so bland and basic if a middle school student were to write some of these sentences they would receive an F. It is so uninspired and vanilla I don't blame the actors for not caring about what they were saying. The second main problem with this film is throughout the entire 90 minutes the audio is so bad you have to struggle to hear what the characters are saying. The music blares at some parts or the music is too quiet and you can hear the transition from background music to the inserting of the audio recorded with their five dollar microphones. This was most apparent in the first ten minutes when it is showing the title "Eaters". They are talking in the car but you cant hear a word but it's not like your missing much with the uninspired dialogue. Finally the third biggest problem with "Eaters" was the camera work and their editing. All of the action scenes are unfocused or shaky. There is even a point in the movie where you can hear the camera man's footsteps! As for the editing this was glaringly off in the fight scenes, if you can call them that. Every time someone was punched or kicked it was like watching the 1960 superhero shows. The punches were pushes with the punching sound played way too loud. The same goes for the kicking. The only thing they did right was the gunshots and the angles with that. This movie had so much potential and that is why I am so angry and disappointed with this movie. The pacing is what kills the horror aspect of this movie. What I mean by pacing is how fast we are shown vital parts of the story so it can flow. It takes us 30 minutes to get to the "real villains". We are a third of the way through this movie and we are just introduced to the main villains. This is quite the problem but don't worry the writers decided to cut out silly things like a back story or what they really are or how long they have been living there. By doing this it creates shallow villains that aside from the masks are not scary. In the end they leave so much left unexplained and it leaves you with this annoying feeling in your gut. Along with a weak plot that after a while becomes more lost than the main characters. The plot seems to be forgotten at BackHeel. They began to introduce so many new things, characters, and events I had to check what time the movie was at. Once I did this I was concerned with how little time was left and how much they still had to go into detail about and explain and how much had to be resolved. At the very end of the film I had literally 23 questions that weren't answered. Of the 23 about 13 were vital to the plot while the rest were just little nitpicks. While the problems above would made any genre of film terrible those along with terrible pacing and a forgotten plot absolutely destroy it's chances of being a decent horror film. The worst part about this movie is what it could have been. I would be brave enough to see a remake if they decide to do one but if you're looking to kill 90 min, I would still not recommend this movie but don't take my word for it, if you think you are brave enough(and the movie is free) give it a shot.
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Well, Well, Well...
xxmrsqueenxx-92-1579658 August 2016
I wanted to turn it off from the start but stopped myself from doing so because I wanted to see what happened. I wanted to know what they were. From the title I just assumed they were zombies or something, but I was wrong. The story line is the same story that we have been seeing and hearing for years. I sit here all of the time wondering when they are going to come up with new ideas. They keep making the same boring stuff over and over and over again. *yawn* Anyway, the acting was so bad that I wonder if they even know how off key and bad they actually sound when they are saying their lines. Honestly, I don't know what was worse, the boring over used story line, the bad acting or the biker dude's ugly fake hair. Oh well, if you want a good movie, this isn't it. If you want to waste some time, this is the movie for you. Bad, just bad.
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Almost the worst film I've ever seen
atlanta-715512 March 2017
The only good thing I can tell about this film, that it has an interesting plot. Sadly, that's all. The acting is so poor, the props are trash, and did I just hear the cameraman's footsteps? Some scenes are very amateur, like it was filmed only once, and nobody cared about the quality. And back to the plot. Actually, I really liked the main idea, it seemed very mysterious...and, it still is, because there are no further information about those masked men. Well, I think it was so awful I nearly enjoyed it!

Fun fact: I wanted to watch an another movie with the same title, accidentally opened this.
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Not a bad B-film!
JayDensman18 June 2016
I appreciate this type of film for it's simplicity. The actors are a bit green, the editing could have been tightened-up, the scoring could have intensified certain scenes and I might have enjoyed a bit more expansion or backstory on the masked ones. It had elements not too far removed from TCM and Hills/Eyes, but the suspense was a bit subdued and the antihero iconography couldn't seem to find it's footing. Nonetheless, nothing really pulled me out of the story and I enjoyed it for what it is - a novice indie road thriller that managed to tell it's tale without Hollywood money or big-name actors. So, for me, this film didn't suck at all, and unlike other reviews, I don't hold it up to any expectations. I know what it takes to get a film made and even tougher to get some kind of distribution - theatrical or not - so, hat's off to the filmmakers for a decent ride. Keep rockin'!
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nogodnomasters25 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers

The film takes place June 26, 1976 as five people drive a Mustang across the desert with an AM push button radio and no 8-Track. Jill (Hannah Risinger) goes missing at a rest stop and the remaining group confront some "Demon" bikers and then they all (almost) get eaten by cannibals who wear derbies and pillow cases over the heads for reasons that were never explained.

Painfully bad plot. One scene showed a bunch of guts which was about half the film's budget. Writing wasn't that good. They could have done a lot of simple things to have made the plot better. Should be part of a multi-pack in no time.

Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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