2000 Mules (2022) Poster


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D'Souza DOESN'T tell you that...
Scorpiomin18 June 2022
(🔹) His cellphone data source "True The Vote" only claims 100 ft accuracy. (🔹) It can't be better than 16' best case. (🔹) He won't let anyone review that work. (🔹) It didn't "solve a murder". (🔹) Any fake ballots "stuffed" in boxes won't be counted anyway. (🔹) Valid ballots can be dropped in a mailbox.(🔹) He has no real videos of putting multiple ballots in a box. (🔹) So he staged the scenes of a "mule" with piles of ballots. (🔹) And the scenes of them going to more than one box. (🔹) Mocked up with an extra-wide mouth for effect. (🔹) Ballot transport aka "harvesting" for family is legal except in AL. (🔹) Which is why you see folks with more than one. (🔹) Which he just repeats. (🔹) And until recently was unrestricted in Az. (🔹) So the undated report of it in Yuma means nothing. (🔹) Nobody has found fake ballots anywhere. (🔹) Not one of thousands of "mules" and "healthcare workers" has been found and (🔹) Obviously couldn't be paid off forever. (🔹) The Az Audit hand-counted 2 million ballots and matched them to the databases and found nothing.

(🔹) D'Souza omits that he is a convicted campaign law felon (!) pardoned by Trump... (🔹) and that the Russians helped make this film, leaving in a map of Moscow.

(🔹) BUT HE DOES TRUTHFULLY SAY in his Washington Post interview that his "evidence" wouldn't begin to stand up in court. Meaning... it's WORTHLESS. And points that this is just "a movie" after all. So there's that.
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Worthless cellphone data - why on earth believe it??
eemilitee24 June 2022
The supposed "geolocation" data is absolutely crucial to the film's claims.

But the idea that it could locate anyone at a drop box is ridiculous. Best case accuracy is 16', in an open field. The phone in your hand shows you a little better is because it joins in the processing - not the case for any of the film's data. In fact they only claimed 100' accuracy when they sent info to the Georgia authorities. Totally useless.

No supposed mule's phone is ever shown to be near any box.

The "geolocation analyst" is Gregg Phillips, who has no credentials or expertise in that field. He refuses to divulge his method as a "trade secret". He called journalists questioning him on it "terrorists". His claims of using a university supercomputer appear to be false. He promised to release his data but at the ballyhooed "Ripcord" event said... he had lost it all.

So all he actually has are his statements (i.e. Nothing) and the dummy video display mock-ups.

Phillips is notorious for simply claiming that millions of illegals had voted in 2016. No proof ever. Trump set up a task force to investigate this. It silently shut down 6 months later having found none. So... a massive falsehood on the public stage.

Why on earth would anyone believe Phillips about this now? Just because... you want to?
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Lights! Chimera! Action!
tallymore21 July 2022
This entire wad is a chimera - a fantasy built to confirm your belief that Trump was cheated. At last you know how "they" did it! The fact that every single thing here is a lie or a deception won't matter.

For instance, all the video of "mules" at drop-boxes. D'Souza claims he has 1000 HOURS of this, but all we see are three or four clips of people dropping off a ballot. These are run repeatedly from different angles so the narrators can fantasize about what the "mules" must have been thinking. One person takes a selfie; from that comes the theory that pictures were demanded by mules paymasters. Another wears gloves; which is obviously to avoid fingerprints. She tosses those in the trash; clearly as instructed to do. Onlookers do nothing; certainly because they are too shocked to react. Etc.

In all those 1000 hours D'Souza has NONE that shows a person going to more than one box. Which is THE HEART of his mules theory, of course. So he FAKED those scenes with the actor Jacob Hyman, not listed in the film's main credits. And in all that video he has only one person dropping off several ballots. He calls this poor man a "criminal"; but it turns out that the ballots were his family's so perfectly legal. No apology from D'Souza - but he is being sued.

Then there's the cellphone data, which according to Gregg Phillips exactly confirm the theory of mules gathering ballots at non-profit organizations and distributing them around the city. The fact that locating someone AT a dropbox is impossible means nothing. And of course that data won't be released and the analyses can't be verified. And Gregg is responsible for the enormous lie that millions of illegals voted in 2016. His word here is equally worthless. And btw CRUCIAL to the film's claims.

Then there's the "non-profits" such as nursing homes, shelters, community centers, 4H homes etc. Thousands of staff there apparently coerced or tricked hundreds of thousands of residents to vote for Biden, then fed these ballots into the mules system. Strangely, none of these people or their victims or the mules have come forward or been found in all this time.

D'Souza doesn't leave it at tha. Every line of the script and every reaction is crafted to further the deception. And being professional work is very persuasive... especially to those who want desperately to believe. So we see people claiming that it's "irrefutable evidence of massive fraud".

A chimera - created from nothing but tearing our nation apart. That's the real crime here.
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All Lies - Except The Part Where Everyone Agrees This "Film" is Propaganda Trash.
saria-9038615 February 2024
The Perfect review. :-) :

So, it turns out that "2000 Mules" were mere donkey droppings.

The investigative whizzes who claimed to have evidence of 2,000 "mules" stuffing drop boxes in five key battleground states, including Arizona, were apparently scamming the red-hatted rubes who glommed onto the documentary as proof that the 2020 election had been stolen.

I, for one, am just shocked.

In Arizona, Republicans flocked to screening parties when the Dinesh D'Souza documentary was released in May 2022, plunking down as much as $12 to watch the supposed evidence of ballot stuffing play out before their very eyes.

Kari Lake, others promoted '2000 Mules' The Arizona Legislature actually held a hearing in June 2022, inviting the people behind the documentary, True the Vote's Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, to lay out their "findings" of an elaborate scheme in which unnamed nonprofits dispatched 243 "mules" to systematically stuff ballot drop boxes in Maricopa and Yuma counties.

U. S. Rep. Debbie Lesko, then-state GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb and state Sen. Wendy Rogers sat among the enthusiastic crowd at the hearing, co-hosted by then-Senate Elections Committee Chair Kelly Townsend, who would later call for "vigilantes" to monitor drop boxes in the 2022 election.

U. S. Rep. Andy Biggs demanded an immediate congressional hearing on the "illegal activity exposed in the documentary 2000 Mules."

U. S. Rep. Gosar hosted a screening of the film, along with Ward, state Sen. Sonny Borrelli and several others in the Legislature's conspiracy crowd.

Kari Lake attended the documentary's grand premiere at Mar-a-Lago and promoted the film.

"The Left will do anything to distract America from @DineshDSouza's 2000 Miles movie,'" she tweeted. "Do not stop talking about it. If networks don't want to cover it, force them to. Send it to everyone you know. This is black & white proof that cannot be refuted. Next, we need 2000 Arrests."

True the Vote says it has no evidence Strange that Lake hasn't shared today's news on social media.

It seems True the Vote just told a Georgia judge that it doesn't have evidence to support its claims of illegal ballot stuffing during the 2020 election.

This should be no surprise to anyone in Arizona, given the group's refusal to turn over evidence in 2022, when requested to do so by the Arizona Attorney General's Office. Oh, there were plenty of promises by True the Vote that the data backing up their claims would be handed over.

Lawmakers have time for '2000 Mules': But not the state budget

It just never was.

Eventually the AG's Office asked the FBI and IRS to investigate, noting that True the Vote had repeatedly rebuffed all requests to share the documentary's alleged evidence, yet raised "considerable sums of money" based on claims of having that evidence.

Georgia officials, meanwhile, took it one step further.

The state Election Board subpoenaed the documents and later went to court demanding that True the Vote turn over the evidence of this massive conspiracy to steal the election, one stuffed dropbox at a time.

A judge last year ordered True the Vote to turn over names and contact information for anyone who had provided information, along with any recordings, transcripts, witness statements or other evidence supporting its conspiracy claims.

Ballot stuffing claims were just manure This week, True the Vote's attorneys finally responded to a judge's order that they pony up the goods.

Here is what they said:

"TTV has no such documents in its possession, custody, or control."

So now we wait ... for Lake and Mark Finchem and others who grabbed onto the mules as evidence of some widespread conspiracy to admit they were wrong.

For the Republicans in the Legislature to stop their hysterics over drop boxes and maybe even to pass a bill that would prevent armed vigilantes staking them out this year and intimidating voters trying to exercise their constitutional right to cast a ballot.

Those mules? Turns out they didn't exist.

Yet two years later, here we are, awash in manure.
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Sleight of Hand
mcsears7 May 2022
The film appears to prove that batches of ballots were dropped into ballot boxes. No evidence if offered about the contents of those votes. We never see the actual ballots. They might just as well have been for Trump as for Biden.

Plus, if those ballots actually were illegitimate, that calls into question not only the Presidential vote but ALL the votes all the way down the ballot. If the votes were fraudulant, then no Senator or Representative or Governor elected in 2020 has been eleced legitimately. And why only the swing states??? Think about it.
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Fantastic comedy.
khcunningham26 June 2022
Hilarious, had me in stitches. Very very funny...its made like a real documentary, and if you didnt know how utterly impossible the garbage the fake documentary team were pedaling you'd miss this satirical genius of this movie.
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Most 10-star reviewers didn't really watch this
dannymorra26 July 2022
And neither did most folks rating it 10 stars. They couldn't have. Because from the get-go it's an ultra-biased hack job that just makes up a story as it goes along, and never proves a bit of it. The surveillance vids of drop boxes just show ordinary people dropping off a ballot. That's all. The hooded guy sneaking around with a backpack and no timestamps on his video is obviously a fake. And all the cellphone data we hear about is never shown. Except for demo screens that flash by which it turns out have wrong drop box locations, and with one in Russia for chrissake. Then there's how the zillion ballots they've dreamed up for their imaginary mules must have come from 501c3 organizations like nursing homes. Sure, 400 thousand seniors voted for Biden. As if. Oh wait they were tricked into doing it? So why haven't we heard about that? It's all beyond belief, and the actors pretending to believe it act like puppets. Which I guess they are.
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Truth revealed: clowns control the elections
zhivago9724 November 2022
Finally someone exposed the truth about killer clowns from outer space controlling the election process. Never before has someone gone into so much factual detail and exposed so many never before told secrets about how the government is ultimately controlled by these killer clowns who came from outer space in the 1980's (there's another documentary about that of you look it up). And they aren't costumed clowns either, that is how they are born, with red noses and rainbow hair and giant feet etc.

The scary part is that not only do these clowns destroy fair elections, but they erect circus tents that ultimately trap well meaning citizens attempting to vote and send them into outer space! Mars? Jupiter? Pluto?

Only the Dark Lord Himself in Palm Beach knows the truth. That's why he needs to hide Top Secret and Highly Classified government documents in his manse. Those documents expose more truths, including the fact that consuming buttered popcorn causes people to vote for democrats! And it's obviously because of the long history between democrats and Hollywood, buttered popcorn is the link. Finally someone makes the connection in this documentary.

This documentary is all very factual and thoroughly detailed. The only chance for hope is for everyone to stop eating buttered popcorn and to avoid circus tents, or they will become kidnapped by the clowns and shot into space forevermore. We must all serve the Dark Lord by doing everything he commands, because only he can make America great again. This documentary sums up everything you need to know about how Washington really works and why there is little time left to save America.
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Irrefutably irrefutable - to the irredeemably deluded
senderrobey23 July 2022
Trumpers love to call baseless claims of election fraud "irrefutable". The less basis, the more irrefutable. You see the same here. Out of his ballyhooed 4 million minutes of dropbox video, D'Souza only shows a few single people dropping single ballots into a single box. Except for one person - more on him below.

So he chose several clips which could be handwaved into looking "suspicious" and the cast tries desperately to do that.

-- A couple folks bring only one ballot but have to deal with one that falls out of the box... so these are spoken of as having brought several.

-- Kinda shaky so "let's look at another mule"... This one tosses her gloves in the trash BUT doesn't first look around for the bin. So she's obviously a hardened criminal who had cased the joint earlier and slyly planned her (single) ballot drop far in advance... unaware that she could simply have mailed it in to avoid the video cameras.

-- When government workers empty the box we are told sadly "Look at that... so many ballots" - as if they're all somehow fake!

The deception and absurdity abounds. The ONLY video D'Souza has of someone dropping off more than one ballot is a man legally bringing in all of them for his family. D'Souza tells us that we are watching a crime in progress and that those are "fraudulent ballots". A total lie.

Not having ANY videos of multiple ballots dropped at multiple boxes, D'Souza has an actor do that! Complete with hoodie and frightened expression, and spilling "ballots" out of his backpack as he "stuffs" them into boxes. So we'll be sure to get the idea.

Having all this irrefutable (baseless) evidence of mulery, D'Souza simply multiplies the mules we (didn't) see by the number of ballots they (weren't) carrying and the number of boxes they (didn't) go to, and finds there were hundreds of thousands!

He has to invent a source for all of these: non-profit community shelters and 4H homes bamboozling hundreds of thousands of their residents!

Nothing is too spectacularly absurd for him to say. He "proves" this by claiming that cellphone data has shown that thousands of people (the mules, remember) not only were near those places but also went near a dropbox! Of course nobody can see his analysis... just take his word for it.

All this irrefutable evidence is the more irrefutable because it rests on the word of a convicted election campaign fraud felon: D'Souza. Whom Donald Trump pardoned btw.

So as promised: irrefutably irrefutable. Deny that, you deniers! America, we have a problem!
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Astounding pack of lies aimed at the intensely gullible
taelynnthorpe23 December 2023
Such as those here saying this evil malarkey "exposes fraud, now we know yada yada". Only a pre-convinced simpleton would credit a single word of this schlock.

THINK - Nobody is shown dropping off multiple ballots (except the uncredited actor). Or doing anything wrong! From their hours of surveillance video they just show the same few people over and over, with narration trying to make them appear criminal! The cellphone data they claim to have is too inaccurate to prove anything, and they don't show it anyway - not anywhere ever! They lie about it having solved a murder. Their demo maps are just mockups. They just say that thousands of people were enlisted to somehow "mule" ballots that could have been mailed, and none of these have ever been found.

It's incredible. The entire thing is just insane conspiracy theory dressed up as a "documentary" and presented in a bed of lies.

You could make the same film about aliens using space lasers and the trumpazoids would line up to give it ten stars.

*** Now in theaters - "2000 Fools" *** Ominous music... Blurry object in sky... "Still unexplained!"... Flash of light... Seen during the election!... "Many serious questions!"... How else could Biden win?... People looking worried... Voting machines whirring... "What really happened?"... "The election steal revealed !!"
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Makes you think stuff is wrong - until you DO think
saldorman2 July 2022
Cleverly staged to mask the fact that there's NO actual evidence! Nothing illegal is actually stated for Arizona. The people going to drop boxes aren't doing anything wrong. The one guy driving around with a bag of ballots is an actor. There are no verifications anywhere of the geotracking work. The scenes about non-profits is just what they "might" be doing... and are ridiculous. When you take all those out - there's nothing left.
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Totally spurious and false
kexxxy-1910511 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's very disturbing to see so many people praising this film. Follow this link to read a comprehensive debunking of this complete false and very dangerous documentary by an extreme right wing director, Here is a comprehensive debunking from The Associated Press

CLAIM: At least 2,000 "mules" were paid to illegally collect ballots and deliver them to drop boxes in key swing states ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

THE FACTS: True the Vote didn't prove this. The finding is based on false assumptions about the precision of cellphone tracking data and the reasons that someone might drop off multiple ballots, according to experts.

"Ballot harvesting" is a pejorative term for dropping off completed ballots for people besides yourself. The practice is legal in several states but largely illegal in the states True the Vote focused on, with some exceptions for family, household members and people with disabilities.

True the Vote has said it found some 2,000 ballot harvesters by purchasing $2 million worth of anonymized cellphone geolocation data - the "pings" that track a person's location based on app activity - in various swing counties across five states. Then, by drawing a virtual boundary around a county's ballot drop boxes and various unnamed nonprofits, it identified cellphones that repeatedly went near both ahead of the 2020 election.

If a cellphone went near a drop box more than 10 times and a nonprofit more than five times from Oct. 1 to Election Day, True the Vote assumed its owner was a "mule" - its name for someone engaged in an illegal ballot collection scheme in cahoots with a nonprofit.

The group's claims of a paid ballot harvesting scheme are supported in the film only by one unidentified whistleblower said to be from San Luis, Arizona, who said she saw people picking up what she "assumed" to be payments for ballot collection. The film contains no evidence of such payments in other states in 2020.

Plus, experts say cellphone location data, even at its most advanced, can only reliably track a smartphone within a few meters - not close enough to know whether someone actually dropped off a ballot or just walked or drove nearby.

"You could use cellular evidence to say this person was in that area, but to say they were at the ballot box, you're stretching it a lot," said Aaron Striegel, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Notre Dame. "There's always a pretty healthy amount of uncertainty that comes with this." What's more, ballot drop boxes are often intentionally placed in busy areas, such as college campuses, libraries, government buildings and apartment complexes - increasing the likelihood that innocent citizens got caught in the group's dragnet, Striegel said.

Similarly, there are plenty of legitimate reasons why someone might be visiting both a nonprofit's office and one of those busy areas. Delivery drivers, postal workers, cab drivers, poll workers and elected officials all have legitimate reasons to cross paths with numerous drop boxes or nonprofits in a given day.

True the Vote has said it filtered out people whose "pattern of life" before the election season included frequenting nonprofit and drop box locations. But that strategy wouldn't filter out election workers who spend more time at drop boxes during the election season, cab drivers whose daily paths don't follow a pattern, or people whose routines recently changed.

In some states, in an attempt to bolster its claims, True the Vote also highlighted drop box surveillance footage that showed voters depositing multiple ballots into the boxes. However, there was no way to tell whether those voters were the same people as the ones whose cellphones were anonymously tracked.

A video of a voter dropping off a stack of ballots at a drop box is not itself proof of any wrongdoing, since most states have legal exceptions that let people drop off ballots on behalf of family members and household members.

For example, Larry Campbell, a voter in Michigan who was not featured in the film, told The Associated Press he legally dropped off six ballots in a local drop box in 2020 - one for himself, his wife, and his four adult children. And in Georgia, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office investigated one of the surveillance videos circulated by True the Vote and said it found the man was dropping off ballots for himself and his family.

CLAIM: In Philadelphia alone, True the Vote identified 1,155 "mules" who illegally collected and dropped off ballots for money.

THE FACTS: No, it didn't. The group hasn't offered any evidence of any sort of paid ballot harvesting scheme in Philadelphia. And True the Vote did not get surveillance footage of drop boxes in Philadelphia, so the group based this claim solely on cellphone location data, its researcher Gregg Phillips said in March in testimony to Pennsylvania state senators.

Pennsylvania state Sen. Sharif Street, who was there for the group's testimony in March, told the AP he was confident he was counted as several of the group's 1,155 anonymous "mules," even though he didn't deposit anything into a drop box in that time period.

Street said he based his assessment on the fact that he carries a cellphone, a watch with a cellular connection, a tablet with a cellular connection and a mobile hotspot - four devices whose locations can be tracked by private companies. He also said he typically travels with a staffer who carries two devices, bringing the total on his person to six.

During the 2020 election season, Street said, he brought those devices on trips to nonprofit offices and drop box rallies. He also drove by one drop box up to seven or eight times a day when traveling between his two political offices.

"I did no ballot stuffing, but over the course of time, I literally probably account for hundreds and hundreds of their unique visits, even though I'm a single actor in a single vehicle moving back and forth in my ordinary course of business," Street said.

City election commission spokesman Nick Custodio said the allegations matched others that had been debunked or disproven after the 2020 election.

"The Trump campaign and others filed an unprecedented litany of cases challenging Philadelphia's election with dubious and unsubstantiated allegations of fraud, all of which were quickly and resoundingly rejected by both state and federal courts," Custodio said.

CLAIM: Some of the "mules" True the Vote identified in Georgia were also geolocated at violent antifa riots in Atlanta in the summer of 2020, showing they were violent far left actors.

THE FACTS: Setting aside the fact that the film doesn't prove these individuals were collecting ballots at all, it also can't prove their political affiliations.

The anonymized data True the Vote tracked doesn't explain why someone might have been present at a protest demanding justice for Black deaths at the hands of police officers. The individuals who were tracked there could have been violent rioters, but they also could have been peaceful protesters, police or firefighters responding to the protests, or business owners in the area.

CLAIM: Alleged ballot harvesters were captured on surveillance video wearing gloves because they didn't want to leave their fingerprints on the ballots.

THE FACTS: This is pure speculation. It ignores far more likely reasons for glove-wearing in the fall and winter of 2020 - cold weather or COVID-19.

True the Vote's researcher claimed in the movie that voters in Georgia started wearing gloves to prevent their fingerprints from touching ballot envelopes after two women in Yuma, Arizona, were indicted on Dec. 23, 2020 for alleged ballot harvesting in that state's primary election. But the Arizona indictment didn't mention anything about fingerprints.

Voting in Georgia's Jan. 5, 2021, Senate runoff election occurred during some of the coldest weeks of the year in the state, and when COVID-19 was surging.

In fact, the AP in 2020 documented multipleexamples of COVID-cautious voters wearing latex gloves and other personal protective equipment to vote.

In a similarly speculative allegation, the film claims its supposed "mules" took photographs of ballots before they dropped them into drop boxes in order to get paid. But across the U. S., voters frequently take photos of their ballot envelopes before submitting them

It's so sad that people would rather believe this kind of sensationalist conspiracy nonsense than the evidence of dedicated professional investigators in the FBI and local police authorities who have exhaustively investigated all these claims. Sadly, the growingly extremist right wing are using the lie of a stolen election as an excuse to mount a concerted challenge to the democratic system itself. Across the country districts are being gerrymandered, voter lists suppressed, and Republican-controlled state legislatures are passing laws that will enable them to overturn legitimate results of elections. This is the real conspiracy. If you truly love the USA , campaign vigorously to preserve a free and fair election system.
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Why we have films like this
billieclew28 June 2022
This film essentially concocts a spy-movie plot, finds video clips that seem to support bits and pieces of that, and whips it into a gigantic conspiracy theory. And presents that to the viewer as "proven".

Look at the faked multi-dropbox scenes. Look at the faked dropbox screens (one in Moscow). Look at the unverified cellphone pattern charts. Look at the undated and therefore worthless whistleblower scene. Look at the innocent voters simply being called "criminals" by the panel! Listen to the unsupported fantasizing about "non-profits" victimizing hundreds of thousands of people.

Why do we have films like this? Late last year, when asked by an associate why he keeps pushing the Steal, Trump said: "It keeps my base motivated, and will help Republicans win".

So people like D'Souza and Phillips here are in demand. They can knock out conspiracy theory films like this on command, convincing countless people that their national election was stolen.
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PubChampion24 September 2022
I agree with the authors that the evidence presented in the film shows that widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election did occur. For some reason, watching ballots stuffed into boxes is more convincing than believing ridiculous tales about Russian collusion. The film makes you think about what else might have been rigged in the land of the free and even more importantly, what else is going to be rigged next.

I would like to say more but the last time I did so they deleted my review. The censorship here is so tight that I would not be surprised if they pulled this review as well.
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Like a scorpion... this creeps up, with poison in its tail
tawdryleen8 July 2022
Watch talking heads seem shocked at all the fraud (not) revealed. And amazed that this could (not) happen. Hear them mock regular people dropping off ballots. See them scowl at staged ballot drops, and bogus drop-box maps (of Moscow... oops). Finally, catch D'Souza solemnly conclude that the US is a "criminal cartel". Who was he trying to please with that line?
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macidonovan27 June 2022
So what are they telling us? The Arizona woman doesn't actually say that anything criminal happened. Ballot transport there was legal until recently and no dates are mentioned, go figure. The camera videos are nothing even though the speaker says it's all suspicious. He says the geo tracking is suspicious too but they never follow up with anybody real. Just suspicion, suspicion, suspicion without proof. And lots of drama acting. What they said about them solving murders turns out to be a lie. I think it's all a lie.
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My conclusion is - D'Souza thinks we're fools
avifenton4 July 2022
This film says there were 400,000 muled ballots. Which were actually valid signed ballots from real people but carried to drop boxes by thousands of mules - instead of being mailed, they don't say why. Which they say makes them illegal votes, which is flat wrong because they're still valid and from that real person. And nothing on why none of these thousands of mules have been heard from. Or the thousands of people working in the places they got the ballots. Which they say are like nursing homes and community shelters, who somehow tricked hundreds of thousands of residents into voting for Biden. I watched the whole thing, kinda, but quit trying to believe it even before I quit trying to understand it. Neither one is exactly easy.
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Worthless waste of time
mconstable-441859 May 2022
Yeah, sure, I am a lefty, but I was prepared to look at the other side of the argument. This expose is full of holes and none of the "evidence" would stand up in a court of law in front of a judge under oath. For the very few here who may be curious, just type "fact check 2000 mules" into Google and do your own research.
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Well documented voter fraud
benparkmd11 December 2022
If you don't believe the recent Twitter releases then don't waste your time on this movie. No amount of evidence will open your closed mind.

The rest of you will find it fascinating. Using cell phone tracking from True The Vote, Dinesh lays out a compelling case for organized voter fraud complete with videos of ballots being dropped off at 3 AM by mules who wore gloves after an article detailing how other mules were arrested due to fingerprints on the ballots. Prior to this article none of the mules used gloves.

Watch it for yourself or read the book. The book does a great job of refuting the arguments against the movie in the other reviews.

Keep an open mind, and look at the evidence.
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The guy taking multiple ballots to multiple boxes is an ACTOR
serongona7 July 2022
THERE ARE NO videos of anyone taking ballots to more than one box! The producers are LYING when they say that, and by staging this without saying so!

And the cellphone patterns aren't verified by ANYONE. It's just D'Souza's word! After lying to us about the multiple boxes.

So the ENTIRE basis of this film is FALSE.

Then we're supposed to believe that nursing homes tricked HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of seniors into voting for Biden. On NO evidence.
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D'Souza's admits that "Mules" proves nothing
deliadrake8 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In the 17 May 2022 interview with the Washington Post (see External Reviews) D'Souza says that his film is just a "movie" and a court would need legal evidence which ... maybe ... state investigators could find! Admitting that the film proves nothing and - compared to its hype - is worthless.

Which is obvious when you watch it. It's ALL falsehoods, supposition, speculation, and handwaving. Built on key lies e.g. That the Georgia man legally dropping off his family's ballots is a "criminal" and those are "fraudulent votes". Which D'Souza simply multiplies out to thousands of such "criminals" transporting hundreds of thousands of ballots!

Mixing in the outright falsehood that transported ballots become "fraudulent votes", he concludes that there were hundreds of thousands of those! In full-screen banners. And that therefore the United States is a "criminal cartel". It just goes from absurdity to absurdity.
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So fake it hurts. How can anyone fall for this cartoon??
elainejimenez-9521920 December 2023
These people just lie and lie and lie. Their scenes of a guy driving around stuffing faked wide-slot ballot boxes with 'something' are faked. He's an actor but they hid his credit at the tail end of the film. They just say that the few other folks they show dropping off ballots are criminals - on no evidence at all. One of those people is suing the filmmakers.

They claim that Biden announced a plan to create fraud, which is idiotic. They claim that phone GPS pinpoints many people at many ballot boxes but refuse to show any such data. Besides which it's not that precise, and it turns out they lied about where they "analyzed" this data, and all their "ballot box maps" are fake including one in Russia. They say nursing homes tricked hundreds of thousands of seniors into voting for Biden, which is also idiotic and they haven't got a single witness for such a huge conspiracy. They say that any ballot carried to the polls for somebody else is "invalid" which is an outright lie.

All input to the film (besides from Russians) was from "True The Vote" which later admitted that much of it was lies.

As are the main perps of this piece of trash: Dinesh D'Souza (convicted election fraudster) and Gregg Phillips (famous or infamous liar about fraudulent 2016 voting).

It's like a horrible cartoon but shot live. Do you just believe cartoons if they end the way you like?
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Non-evidence leading to non-proof of non-crimes... per non-truths
colbylara7 July 2022
At least a dozen reviews here tear this shlockumentary apart fact by fact. Go read those. But for starters REALIZE THAT:

-- D'Souza is a felon convicted of election funding fraud. Here he simply lies about people of being "criminals" who are just dropping off ballots. See the "Goofs" list.

-- Phillips is infamous for the viral lie of millions of illegals voting. ALL of the cellphone data claims are his UNSUPPORTED word - and he won't show his work!

-- The scenes showing repeated box drops of wads of ballots are faked. They used an actor because they have no such videos.

-- The "whistleblower" is almost certainly relating legal activities! Which D'Souza makes you think were illegal - without saying so.

-- No evidence is presented for the massive claims about nursing homes etc. Victimizing hundreds of thousands of residents. It's just... handwaved into existence!

Again: get informed BEFORE you watch this. Because there's nothing sincere about it. It's slick, vicious attack propaganda that has no compunction about simply lying to the viewer. Such as the staged scenes.
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The Three Deceivers vs. Your Brain - a horror flick
quadulio25 June 2022
D'Souza, who shows meaningless (and staged) video clips was convicted of election funding fraud. He sees no downside in more lies, and literally everything he says here is deceptive.

Phillips, who simply alleges (!) that his geolocation data shows what D'Souza wants (!!), is a public liar who among other things also claimed that millions of illegals voted in 2016. He too deceives in every sentence. Again - no downside.

Engelbrecht may regret that her True The Vote organization / info has been so perverted. She waffles that lies in the film were "statements lacking full context". For example, that her geo data "solved a murder". But she does nod her head at this and every other outright deceit in the film.

Stay strong and hope for a sequel: "The Three Deceivers Unmasked"

And watch for the prequel: "The Three Deceivers in Moscow"
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Salem Media Group said in the statement that it has "removed the film from Salem's platforms, and there will be no future distribution of the film or the book by Salem."
timothy-417913 June 2024
By KATE BRUMBACK Updated 7:55 PM CDT, May 31, 2024

ATLANTA (AP) - The publisher of "2000 Mules" issued a statement Friday apologizing to a Georgia man who was shown in the film and falsely accused of ballot fraud during the 2020 election.

The widely debunked film includes surveillance video showing Mark Andrews, his face blurred, putting five ballots in a drop box in Lawrenceville, an Atlanta suburb, as a voiceover by conservative pundit and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza says: "What you are seeing is a crime. These are fraudulent votes."

Salem Media Group said in the statement that it has "removed the film from Salem's platforms, and there will be no future distribution of the film or the book by Salem."

"It was never our intent that the publication of the 2000 Mules film and book would harm Mr. Andrews. We apologize for the hurt the inclusion of Mr. Andrews' image in the movie, book, and promotional materials have caused Mr. Andrews and his family," the statement said.

A state investigation found that Andrews was dropping off ballots for himself, his wife and their three adult children, who all lived at the same address. That is legal in Georgia, and an investigator said there was no evidence of wrongdoing by Andrews.

The film uses research from True the Vote, a Texas-based nonprofit, and suggests that ballot "mules" aligned with Democrats were paid to illegally collect and deliver ballots in Georgia and four other closely watched states. An Associated Press analysis found that it is based on faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis of cellphone location data.

Salem said it "relied on representations by Dinesh D'Souza and True the Vote, Inc. ("TTV") that the individuals depicted in the videos provided to us by TTV, including Mr. Andrews, illegally deposited ballots."

Lawyers for D'Souza and True the Vote did not immediately respond to emails Friday afternoon seeking comment on Salem's statement.

Andrews filed a federal lawsuit in October 2022 against D'Souza, True the Vote and Salem. The case is ongoing, and representatives for Salem and for Andrews' legal team did not immediately respond to emails asking whether the statement came as a result of the lawsuit.
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