Beneath the Darkness (2011) Poster

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I Liked It
gavin694227 February 2012
After watching their best friend get murdered, a group of teens struggle to expose a local mortician (Dennis Quaid) as the vicious killer and keep from becoming his next victims.

I see this film has a pretty low rating and has some rather scathing reviews. Frankly, I thought it was alright -- much better than a lot of the films I see. Dennis Quaid is always a joy, and the overall concept was entertaining.

If I had to make any complaint, it is that the mother character is just really, really poorly acted. I do not know her character's name, or I would specifically call out that actress. She is outdone by kids half her age, and that is just insulting.

Is this the overlooked horror film of 2011? Heck no. Is it comparable to "The Shining"? Not even in the same league. But I also do not think it is as bad as made out to be by some of those who have said it is like watching paint dry.
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For me this is not a horror film, it's only a thriller
erdalatalay353 September 2012
As also mentioned from other reviewers there are similarities between Mr. Brooks and this film. If Mr. Brooks is a Crime/Drama/Mystery film, this film cannot be a horror film, because Mr. Brooks has definitely harder scenes as this one. I don't know if the makers of this movie claim that they filmed a horror movie. If yes then it is a really poor horror film and you will be disappointed as a horror movie fan. But if you watch it as a Crime/Thriller it is watchable and not a waste of time. It depends on what your expectation is. In marketing the product must be declared correctly: if you declare horror in a product, horror must be in the product.

In the music business there is a genre named easy-listening, translated into the movie business I would say this film is a "easy-watching" film: not bad and not really good.
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Psycho meets Mr. Brooks but equals a below average thriller
Michael_Takes17 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
At the end of the movie it is easy to see this as an attempt to be Psycho meets Mr. Brooks. Dennis Quaid plays against type as Eli a mortician with a secret, and a dark compulsion. He can kill with no remorse and he has the body of his deceased wife in his house. Unfortunely Quaid is one of the weaknesses of the film. He lacks the chilling menace that Costner had in Mr. Brooks and just comes across as a psycho.

The story is lacking in exposition and caused me some annoyance as the movie progressed. Why wait to the end and shoehorn in a ton of explanation in an unnatural fashion, which takes away from the twist at the end. The twist should be the penny that drops to link all the treads together ala The Sixth Sense (the best example of this).

The best part of the film would have to be the young cast. The four friends are great together, very believable as friends. The lead, Travis, is great and reminds me of a young Christopher Gorham (Harpers Island).

The story itself is good and entertaining, unfortunately it is lacking in the execution.
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Not A Bad Thriller!
gwnightscream26 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This 2011 thriller stars Dennis Quaid, Tony Oller and Aimee Teegarden. Quaid (Innerspace) plays mortician, Ely Vaughn who lost his wife a 2 years prior. There's been rumors of ghosts in his home and teens, Travis (Oller), Abby (Teegarden) and their friends decide to investigate. They discover that Ely not only keeps his deceased wife in his home, but is a psychopath. After one of their friends is killed, Travis and Abby are determined to expose Ely. This isn't a bad thriller that sort of pays homage to Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" and "Rear Window" and Quaid is great in it. I'd give this a view at least once.
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Like watching Paint Dry
80sHorror20 January 2012
I looked at the IMDb rating, thought I would give this movie a go.

What a waste of time! It is like watching paint dry or waiting for grass to grow. A complete waste of 90 or so minutes.

How anyone would dare to compare this pile of junk to Jack Nicholson in the Shining beggars belief.

This movie is not fit to lick the boots of that movie.

The characters are 2 dimensional, who thought this garbage up? Do yourselves a favour - go and watch The Shining, this isn't worth a dime, it was actually painful to try and sit through the movie. It certainly isn't horror, and it is barely a movie.
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So dumb
LaverneandShirleysucks25 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with an angry man confronting someone he apparently knows and there's a murder. We're not let in on who it is or why the person is being murdered. We have to wait till the end of the film to find out.

Meanwhile, 4 teenagers decide to break into the home of the local mortician (who happens to be the same man who murdered the mystery person at the beginning).

Their reason to break into his home in the middle of the night, in Texas where intruders can legally be blown away---is because they think they saw a ghost in his upstairs window.

Yes, that is actually the lame reason they decide to break into this man's home---to see a ghost they thought they saw in a damn window. Get lives kids!

The man returns home to find them in his house and winds up killing one of them. This is where it gets comical....because the other teens are now angry he killed their friend...WHEN THEY BROKE INTO HIS HOUSE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT IN...TEXAS!!

What did they expect?! An invitation to dinner?! The rest of this mess is the teens actually going BACK to the house in the middle of the night, and breaking inside AGAIN because they have to prove their friend was murdered by the owner of the house that THEY BROKE INTO!!....In Texas!

Who in their right minds would break into the home of someone living in gun loving Texas?! Only idiots like these who apparently don't value their lives.

You can't help but root for the owner to kill these kids slowly and painfully, but it's not that kind of film. No.... They actually want you to root for these stupid kids instead.

I don't care if the guy is a murderer (we find out in the end that he actually had good reason to kill that man in the beginning of the film). And he also has good reason to off these kids too because they violated his property (twice!) all because they thought they saw a damn ghost in his window. Who's the crazy ones here?!

The scenes also drag on too long and the acting of the teens isn't all that great. Dennis Quaid seems to have had a fun time playing the killer mortician chewing the scenery with abandon. He's the only reason this sad mess of a film gets 2 stars.
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Do not watch!!!
csmeek10 March 2012
First let me say I love Dennis Quaid and just about every movie I've seen him in. This movie however totally dropped the ball. Basically, the first half of the movie had a very bizarre assortment of scenes thrown together, only half of which actually tied into the plot. Not mention the transition of the scenes also made it difficult to understand. For instance, one moment you would jump from one time to another, then you'd suddenly jump from one reality to another. Regardless, that is not my biggest complaint of this movie. The most obvious flaw comes after you get past the fluctuation of scenes that fail to follow any chronological or reasonable order. Even an amateur in filming would know the single most important part of motion picture is to have a picture. The second half of the movie was filmed in the dark and I mean IN THE DARK! I kid you not, in most action scenes you simply couldn't see anything. It was like I was suddenly given the understanding of what it was like for Ray Charles to watch a movie. After it was over, my friend turned off the TV and when I saw the blank screen, I thought we had began watching a sequel!
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Bury this six feet under...
Coventry10 April 2012
I was hugely looking forward to "Beneath the Darkness" when it played at the annual Brussels Festival of Fantastic Films during a midnight screening, because I was told – and I eagerly believed – that it was an uncompromising and outrageous horror/thriller that granted Dennis Quaid the opportunity to depict a psychotic and derailed small Texas-town serial killer. Dennis Quaid as a crazed mortician! What avid genre fanatic wouldn't look forward to this? Together with a theater full of enthusiast people, I expected a tremendously high body count, lots of pitch-black humor, perverted undertones and a totally whack Dennis Quaid one-man-show. Things didn't exactly turn out as favorable … I wouldn't go as far to call "Beneath the Darkness" a disastrous film, but it's definitely a bit too ambitious and wannabe intelligent for its own good. Quaid's character Ely Vaughn, the local undertaker who's still highly admired within the community because he used to be a star quarterback in high school, is indeed an utterly disturbed individual but he's not a maniac on a rampage. Quite the contrary, in fact, Ely is a very distinguished person and his dark side only comes to the surface when a couple of school kids decide to sniffle around in his private business. The first five minutes of the film, as well as the final fifteen, are very entertaining and exciting, not coincidentally because these are the only times that Quaid gets to showcase his evil grimaces and madman capacities. Everything in between is just an overlong series of clichéd and derivative situations. Of course nobody believes the teenagers when they're accusing one of the most prominent town members of being a psychopath and obviously the cheerleader beauty will gradually fall for the outsider nerd instead of her cowardly jock boyfriend. And then I'm not even talking about the pointless sub plot of the nerdy kid who still feels responsible for his little sister's death ten years ago and the difficult relationship with his mother. That was completely irrelevant and downright redundant. In spite of being the big star of the picture, Dennis Quaid actually has surprisingly little screen time and – frankly – nearly not enough chances to illustrate the craziness of his character's persona. This is one giant missed opportunity, to say the least.
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Chill out people, it's just dumb fun.
Greenzombidog22 April 2012
Four high school kids come into some bother when they cross paths with the local Mortician/whack-job. When one of them gets murdered it's up to the others to prove the morticians guilt.

The movie follows a lot of the classic thriller trappings and pitfalls. No one believes the kids story despite the obvious weirdness of the mortician character played brilliantly by Dennis Quaid with tongue planted firmly in cheek. Useless cops neglecting to follow up any evidence and of course the kids parents not listening to anything they say. Despite all this it still manages to entertain. There are some very funny cheesy lines in there some quite tense moments too.

There are some pointless parts like the main teens back story which never really amounts to anything and the fact we never get to see the teachers reaction to one of the bits of story that is eventually revealed (one that if you're paying attention you'll know before any of the characters in the movie do). These small problems aren't really enough to ruin the movie. There are some great moments in there too. Like when you find out what the kids had seen going on through the window as well as Some of the morticians one-liners.

The main cast do a pretty good job, everyone is very capable. Obviously Dennis Quaid stands out. Finally embracing a role that revels in madness. I always thought that a lot of his characters had a kind of wild edge to them and it was great for me in this movie to see him let that edge take over.

The movie looks great and professionally filmed. Sound design is spot on. Technically you can't fault it.

Strangely there seems to be a lot of hate for Beneath the darkness but If you're willingly to let it, this movie can be an enjoyable ride.
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It was actually good right up towards the end...
paul_haakonsen8 October 2012
"Beneath the Darkness" was a great movie in some ways, but also a somewhat mediocre movie in others. It was like taking a trip back to the late 1980's or early 1990's story-wise. Personally I found the story a little bit too far fetched for my liking, as I didn't think that any rational and sane person would return to the house after seeing a friend killed. But hey, wouldn't be much of a movie if they didn't, eh?

The story in "Beneath the Darkness" is about a couple of young people who break into a mortician's house as they believe it to be haunted. And seeing silhouettes dancing in the window just adds to their belief that something ghostly is going on. But the Ely mortuary holds a dark secret past.

I enjoyed the movie, well most of it anyway. Right up until you find out about the reason for Ely's behaviour and what caused him to do what he does. That was just a rather silly turn of events in my opinion, and it didn't really do justice to the movie. But to top it off, the movie had to end in a very laughable manner. I will not reveal the ending here, but personally I found that ending to be one of the worst endings to an otherwise alright thriller.

What I really enjoyed most in the movie was Dennis Quaid's (playing Ely) performance. He was really doing a great job coming off as the somewhat psychotic and disturbingly creepy mortician. (Right up to the ending, that is.) And the people they had cast for the roles of Abby and Travis, played by Aimee Teegarden and Tony Oller respectively, also did good jobs.

There weren't all that much suspense to the movie, sadly enough. And it was a fairly straight forward and well-paced movie, just with a couple of odd twists here and there. I think that "Beneath the Darkness" could have been a much better movie with some improvements. But all in all, it was an alright enough experience (right up to the ending).

I am giving "Beneath the Darkness" a 5/10 rating only because it was lacking suspense and because the ending was just downright ridiculous.
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Scooby-Doo, but serious and without Scooby
Wuchakk30 December 2012
Dennis Quaid plays a creepy mortician in a central Texas town. A group of teens decide to trespass his abode for thrills and everything goes awry.

Quaid and cutie Aimee Teegarden head the cast, but it's Tony Oller who shines here as the troubled protagonist. He's reminiscent of Robby Benson.

As noted in my title blurb, the story is akin to a Scooby-Doo yarn, but realistic and without the dog. Although Quaid is over-the-top and somewhat campy as the villain the rest of the cast play it straight. I was surprised by the dramatic score and a few really touching scenes.

Some complain that the subplot of a dead sister and a ghost sighting goes nowhere, but it's there for a reason, just think about it.

Although there's some realistic cussing there's zero raunch.

I was pleasantly surprised by this little film. It's classy, sometimes moving, mysterious and thrilling.

The film runs 1 hour, 36 minutes, and shot in Bastrop & Smithville, Texas.

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Quite good, what's with the bad ratings?
olestas12 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Movie is quite good. Do not see why most people react so badly. Most characters are played reasonably good. There is normal amount of thriller in here. Do not compare this to the other movies. It is great all by itself. And DQ makes it even better. It is watchable and not boring. There are much worse movies out there.

Script has some unevenness but nevertheless this is not notable while watching the movie. Those are kids you know. What do you expect them to do? And they finish it all quite successfully at the end. And besides, many movies now have many stereotypes in them, because there are so many movies made to he day, that it is hard not to repeat something from the other... IMHO.
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Totally Forgettable and Absurd
claudio_carvalho17 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
In Smithville, Texas, the teenagers Brian (Stephen Lunsford), Abby (Aimee Teegarden), Travis (Tony Oller) and Danny (Devon Werkheiser) are classmates of the Smithville High School and best friends. One day, they are reading Macbeth for a class and they decide to investigate the rumors that the house of the mortician Ely Vaughn (Dennis Quaid) is haunted by ghosts. They see shadows in the upper window and they break in the house to see what is happening and they see a corpse lying on the bed; however, they are surprised by Ely that kills Danny, pushing him to fall off the staircase. Nobody believes in the teenagers since Ely is a respectable citizen, but Travis and Abby decide to prove that the undertaker is a psychopath. Will they be successful in their intent?

"Beneath the Darkness" is a totally forgettable and absurd movie full of clichés about a deranged man that lives with the corpse of his dead wife Rosemary. Four teenagers investigating ghosts in the Twentieth-First Century is a lame premise for the story. Dennis Quaid is not a bad actor, but he is awfully ham with grimaces. However Stephen Lunsford and Aimee Teegarden have good performances and show great chemistry. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): "Além da Escuridão" ("Beyond the Darkness")
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A large pile of ****
Z-Rider8 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I begin?? The main reason for me watching this movie is that I am a big fan of Dennis Quaid but his performance in this flick leaves a lot to be desired! Quaid plays the role of the town's mortician and the audience is quickly introduced to the dark side of his character when he takes his first victim within the first few minutes. It is from this point that the movie takes a nose dive! There was absolutely no suspense and if failed in every aspect to put me on the edge of my seat.

The majority of the other characters were simply pointless and most of there scenes bared no relevance to the plot. This movie quickly went nowhere and the final minutes (especially the final words from Quaid's character) were simply ridiculous.

If you have nothing better to do......still give this a miss!!
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I love Dennis Quaid!
Ezeeshopfitting22 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
But what ever they paid him to make this dreadful movie must have been where the 7 million budget went, hope he got all 7 million.

The acting is the worst I have seen in a long time.

The little blond girl is from Friday night lights and I liked her in that, if this is her idea of a career path she needs to double check her agents mental state.

I have nothing good to say about this movie, don't bother.

If there was a o score I would have given it a 0

Sorry mr Quaid, you are a legend but this is not very ajoba (south African slang for good)
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Quaids character was neat to see, movie was not. Slow moving and seemed to go nowhere. End was OK. I say C.
cosmo_tiger25 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Help me prove he killed Danny." After thinking they saw a ghost a group of friends start to snoop around the home of local mortician Ely (Quaid). When they get caught something happens that changes their lives forever. Now with only their word it is up to them to convince the cops that the well liked Ely is actually a murderer. I had pretty high expectations for this movie. I really liked "Mr. Brooks" and I like Dennis Quaid and seeing him play a psycho I thought would be cool. Once again though like most movies the idea is better then the real thing. While Quaid was creepy the movie itself was very very slow moving and it took over 30 minutes for the movie to really begin. This is another movie where the ending is neat and worth it, but getting to the end is a struggle. This movie doesn't compare at all to "Mr. Brooks", but I would like to see Quaid in a better movie playing a character like this one. Overall, very slow and disappointing movie that had a lot of potential. I say C.
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Not watchable
andrewhawley-794573 October 2021
The way the events unfold are predictable and unoriginal. This film feels one of the cookie cutter chase for a paycheck films that have been flooding the film market for the last decade. Poorly acted and directed, with a sad lack of production value. Don't waste your time.
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Professional amateur
hampus_granberg22 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
this is one script perfected in the stereotypical soulless copy-cat of creations forged in the very pits of normal-ville avenue of the western most vile and hellish mainstream genre, blandness.

The characters are what they are; characters, as literal as they are grey, boring, and Mary Sue in the very description of obviousness. It's not that they don't make any mistakes, they are just teeth-bitingly perfect, glued to their imaginative world recognized as the stage in which the actors perform, behind the fractured fourth wall squeezed in between your boredom and the progress of every despicable frame tossed with a force of slouchy laziness. Every moment is perfect, just perfect, from the cowboy sheriff skeptic with his accent, hat, and brown suit, only missing chewing tobacco and a lasso, to the neighborly abrasiveness befitting any all-American lane of green grass and sprinklers.

It is so American that it's unholy, American in the sense a child would describe each landmark from the occidental country of stars and stripes; "the white house, yankee-doodles with banjos, the statue of liberty, and the president".

In this movie, we have 4 bland teenagers, one being the dork always killed first, the sportsy guy playing American football (which we do have to watch), the cheerleader (she's the love interest and the only girl you get to know, need I say more?), and the slightly misunderstood emo-kid who's sister died X years ago, insert relationship as you please.

We have the mother of the emo-kid, Mary-ann Patricia Linda Barbara Elizabeth Jennifer stereotype mother who tries to communicate with her oh so darkened son. The police force of robotic idiots, no description required, the tough sports teacher with a slight perversion to what figures, the history/drama teacher miss brown hair, slight make-up, and common sense making everyday knowledge sound like brilliance talking about the ingeniousness of Shakespeare (You know, like all brown-haired, slight make-up, and common-sense teachers talk about). You fill the rest of the list.

And then comes Dennis Quaid, and let me tell you, this must be the award-winning Oscar for most stale acting performance of the century. He is the most quirky, scripted, formula of any psycho killer in the entire existence. From the queer giggles to the one-liners, his narcissistic and protective aura of convulsive effect you just can't take serious in ANYWAY. Of all the movies I've seen with this actor, this is just downright dumb, so incredibly literal he's basically the manifestation of his own manuscript.

If this story was every intended to be scary, I'd say they lost it on the way, and not just lost it, it fell out of the car on the highway as they drove over it with a tank. Are there jump scares? Actually no, but that's because they're not scary in any mean whatsoever, giving it full-minus on the scoreboard, and what about the horrific heart pounding screaming sensation of the audience following the main character trying to get away from the antagonist? Yeah right.. it died on the way before the camera was rolling. It is stupid, but not laughingly, like all those old 80's slasher horror films like Friday the Thirtheenth or Nightmare on Elmstreet, it is stupid because it poses so heartbreakingly stiff, adding no significance to the screen whatsoever. To even claim it as horror or thriller is to say the least, a great insult.

Two of the biggest flaws which I just can't live without telling, lies stamped with a red seal in a dirty old envelope licked by a tongue so blistered and morbid it makes my spine twist backwards and break in repulsiveness, are as following:

1 - Any movie using Shakespeare as an excuse to have a scene of history class is an absolute godforsaken hell-hole. Sort of like saying, "Hi, I am as original as Gothika, but I'm only famous because of Limpbizkit's remake of Behind blue eyes." Plus, when the teacher asks why Edgar Allan Poe's murderer from The- Tell-Tale Heart would be able to hear the slow beating heart beneath the planks to which he confesses to his crimes, I could not but utter the exact word which would come out of the main-character's mouth 3 seconds later - "guilt", and that is only six minutes in.

2 - When the main characters best friend Danny gets pushed from the stairs and gets his neck broken from Quaid's well placed foot, there is no question about how he died. No mention of fracture, no forensic team spotting the obvious bruise or disjointed neck, no check-up what so ever, and the teenagers are still questioned for breaking into the murderer's house, worst cops ever!.

Then again, there's also at least two positive things to say about it: Even though the characters are stale, the high-school feeling is not as traumatizing as it usually portrays, and being fair to Quaid, his character is probably the only one that at least makes you smile, just for a second, although his performance is practically a clone of Jack Nicholson dancing around as the Joker from Tim Burtons: Batman.

Although not a Human Centipede, or god forbid Human Centipede 2, this film bears the mark of the raging beast that keeps spitting out flick after flick consisting of stomach juices so intense they burn your eyes with wrath. The only question remains: Where did they get their budget from? They did get Dennis Quaid, so where's the cash? But then again, maybe they knew a friend, who knew a friend, who knew a friend.

To sum it up, it is all one big copy-pasted material composed by every predecessor that have lived in the cold heart of Hollywood's most shabby and decrepit black money-pushing machine.

One that should truly remain beneath the darkness.
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Fright Night Without The Fangs
chicagopoetry20 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Beneath The Darkness (maybe it should be called Don't Go In The Backyard, or perhaps Love Sucks) isn't the worst psychological thriller out there. Although the character of Dennis Quaid's Ely doesn't meet the excellence of Kevin Costner's Mr. Brook's, Ely is still a pretty creepy weirdo, a mortician who is trying to hide the corpse of his embalmed wife, who he enjoys dancing with every night in front of the second floor window, as well as the corpse of his wife's lover. who he buried alive in his own backyard, although he seems to have a hard time hiding these secrets from the local snooping kids. There is nothing special here but there is also nothing outright terrible either. This is simply a half decent thriller that won't disappoint for an evening with the lights out in front of the fireplace with a bowl of buttered popcorn at hand. Don't expect genius and allow yourself to get into it and it'll be a little bit fun.
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Very very average
MattyGibbs5 April 2013
A horror/thriller starring Dennis Quaid looked a decent prospect on paper however from the start it was pretty clear this would be no masterpiece. It reminded me quite a bit of Disturbia but this was nowhere near as good or well acted as that film.

Dennis Quaid is a decent actor but unfortunately this is not one of his best efforts and I found him way over the top and unbelievable in this role. The supporting cast are no more than adequate at best.

There are a few tense moments but the plot jumps all over the place and so these moments are not enough to sustain interest throughout the film.

This film may appeal to younger teenagers but older viewers will have seen this all before and done far better. Overall this is a disappointing and distinctly unmemorable film.
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Not good at ALL!
misterzook27 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I made the mistake of watching this movie on Netflix. Horrible movie. Not only was it was just not believable in regards to the characters but I do not to want to write a spoiler. I do agree with another review that most of the scenes were simply literally too dark, I could not see what was going on, the lighting was terrible! Even if you like Dennis Quaid (which I do), even he did not make this movie worthwhile. I seriously wish I had come and the reviews and most assuredly would not have wasted my time.I am not sure about most viewer but it seems it is really difficult to come across any really well-done thrillers these days.
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A Hidden Gem, Dennis Quaid is FREAKY!
TheJonesBones2 December 2022
I'm watching this one again right now as I type - watching it for the umpteenth time because it is one of THOSE movies. What's good about it?

Oh, just everything! This is one of my favorite Dennis Quaid roles - he is truly menacing and creepy and violent and weird. After Mr. Quaid, the next best part is - well, besides the WHOLE THING - is the many twists and turns that you will not expect. I love that!

Go ahead. Expect a childish story and a predictable plot. That way, when the macabre and the violent sneak up behind you and WHACK you in the head, you will really feel it!

Pop some corn, grab a slice and a soda and maybe a blanket and watch this movie - but make sure you turn on your nightlight first!
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jeromehreimer14 April 2019
The best part of this movie is the song played during the credits.
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Sorry, not worth it
HumbleMensa8 February 2022
Nearly lost the will to live, as they say, watching this movie. I don't know if Quaid needed the money or what, but this particular film bored me to tears and wasn't believable. I know, movies are movies, it's not real, but emotive acting does help. Predictably boring all the way through.
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Beneath Twilight?
thesar-21 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
'Beneath the Darkness' (1/10 Stars) makes me feel bad. In more ways than one. For instance, I feel I'm way too harsh on other movies when you see a beneath the soil film like this. An ohhh so creepy mortician that may or may not be involved in murder or ghosts? Talk about an awful script. One that's lazy, painful, soulless, generic and elementary that contains some of the most unrealistic and laughable dialogue written by someone who's never even met a teenager outside a John Hughes film. Hell, they included the obligatory 'Buffy' reference (in 2012) and had a high school sign with 'Home of the Mighty Tigers' floating about. This movie is so inept, so unconventionally bad, it has the bad guy drop a kid down a flight of stairs and then stomp on his head in front of a witness and the police, bypassing all that, you know, expensive CSI investigation of the freaking shoe-print, turn the other cheek sighting an "accident"? Not to mention the obvious conflict of interest: boy dies in mortician's home, so naturally, he'll tend to the dead kid. There should be a scale on bad acting, beginning at the bottom with 'Twilight' acting. This would join that group, but one can only feel: it's gotta get better right? Even if Dennis Quaid should know better. Right? This is beyond bad. It's not even 'Birdemic: Shock and Terror' bad where you can have fun. There is no fun in this mortician's story of a sixty cent plot.
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