Justin Bieber: Never Say Never (2011) Poster

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steven_adkins_10115 February 2011
Honestly the worst movie ever made. Theatre full of 10 year old girls screaming their heads off at the sight of him.

Could not stand sitting there for the entire time. Left early.


I don't even understand how people agreed to turn this into a movie.

1/10, only because 0 isn't an option.

If anyone wants to see this movie, don't pay money for it. It is one of the worst films I've ever come across.

Im not sure why this became a movie, but im sure it was just so they could milk money from the current state of how popular the kid is and get even more money out of him. Never say never is bad.
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Screaming 10 year old girls will be in heaven. Anyone else....no....
prestonsaccount14 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK. So I walk in the movie, and Every time the great Biebs comes on the screen, I hear the most annoying, loud, and irritating screaming little girls who somehow worship and adore this boy. 90% of the theater were young girls who thought this guy was the "hottest person alive." So annoying.

And onto the movie, it is a waste of time, just watching his annoying confident face, and people like Usher talking about his talent. I hope so much you wont pay 10 bucks to see this crap. Really. The kid is just annoying. Please just stay away from this movie. Unless your a 10 year old girl, this is an utter waste of time.

1/10. No, 0/10, because of the crowd.
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Self Gratification at it's worst!
buckosjointhouse16 February 2011
Right so everyone here on IMDb is pretty much committed to giving this "movie"(if you can call it that) 1 out of 10 to get it to no.1 on the bottom 100 list. Trust me, they're right.I went to see it because I knew there was no way I could criticize this movie without seeing it.However, the film lacks any artistic merit whatsoever. It is full of the latest and greatest pop sensations of the Youtube generation, but all these names and flashy lights are just stuffing in the under cooked turkey that is this show.At the heart of this presentation is the message to never give up on your dreams, however the whole movie is just Bieber smiling, looking pretty and grooming his lesbian hair, and as mentioned in previous reviews, the theater was full of tween girls screaming their heads off every time he inhaled or exhaled. Someone really needs to teach the modern generation about cinema etiquette, or at least tell them to shut up for 10 seconds. I honestly don't know what this movie was trying to do besides earn money and add a few more accolades to the stars names. In short this movie is just pointless.The 3D also sucks.
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A boring and pointless "movie."
mary7219513 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this movie simply because I thought it would be interesting to learn about the Biebs and because I'd heard it was actually very good. I was not a fan of Justin nor did I dislike him, I was just neutral, so I figured it would be interesting to see if I would enjoy the movie or not.

Sadly, I did not.

Although it was interesting to see how Justin started out, (which was like a year ago???) the movie was SO incredibly boring. Half of the movie was Justin on stage singing his songs (which all sound the same) and the other half was him having a cold. So basically I learned that the hardest situation Justin has ever had to deal with was the cold he cold before performing.

I ended up leaving the theater about five minutes early partially because I couldn't take listening to one of his songs and partially because I couldn't take the annoying fans in the theater screaming every time he was on the screen.

So if you are already a fan of the Biebster, feel free to watch this movie. If you are not a fan, you aren't going to want to see it and will be mad for wasting ten bucks on a documentary that could have been aired on MTV.
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too short to need a summary
spacedinvader1117 February 2011
I believe that if I pay for a movie then you should at least stay and watch it as you have payed the money for it

I sat through Vampires Suck.

I stood up from my chair and left this movie.

This "movie" is some of the worst film making I've ever seen, that's if you could consider an hour and a half tribute to a prepubescent teenager while like camera shows his 12 year old female fans a movie.

Unless you're a 12 year old who is currently under the impression that Justin Bieber is the world's most talented person on Earth the AVOID this movie.

If you ARE a 12 year old who is currently under the impression that Justin Bieber is God, go listen to music from 80's / 90's.

If there was a 0 stars option, I would have picked it. This movie made me sick.
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movie sucks.
immagangster15 February 2011
I decided to go see this movie with some friends, just to have a laugh. We were hoping that it would be so bad that it would become funny. But it was just awful... I just cant take that kid seriously.

Also, this movie just confirmed what we all knew, JB has an ego even bigger then Kayne West. The entire movie was like: "Look at me, i'm a talented singer and a good person! There is simply nothing that i can't do!"

What the movie forgot to mention is that its his mommies fat cigar smoking managers that made JB. he's a puppet. This movie could make him look better, but it just buried him deeper. I'm starting to think that this was done on purpose because the fat cats want to get rid of him.

Would not recommend.
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johnjohnsemails17 February 2011
I'm not even a Justin Bieber hater (though that kind of surprises me because he is the exact type of thing I usually rail against on my blog) but I feel like I need to take a 12 hour shower after watching this useless, horrible disgusting piece of "entertainment" with my sister. Yeah I like to hang out with my sister and we BOTH wanted to go see this movie thinking we'd at least get a laugh. Boy was I wrong, this was just awful. His performance is terrible, it's as if this vain little pubeless kid thinks all he has to do is stand there and let 10 year old girls scream at his stupid haircut. The songs are terrible, there's a few attempts to create visual spectacle of some sort but all of it is just awful and pointless. LOL to the reviewer who referred to him as "Miss Bieber" that's awesome. Way more entertainment out of that one joke than I got out of this entire pointless vain movie that's for sure.
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Leave one in the chamber for yourself
tbisaillon19 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
My daughter dragged me to this monstrosity for her 12th B-day. Needless to say I drank heavily before going into the "movie" which ended up not helping in the slightest. I honestly was hoping to maybe fall asleep, but with all the girls in the theater going ape shat, it was impossible. I really never cared one way or the other for this kid. To me he was just another product of some producer intent on destroying the world with bubble gum atomics. After watching this "film" my attitude is one of complete disgust. I have never hated anyone as much as I now hate Justin Bieber. This kid really doesn't need his ego stroked anymore than it already has been and I'm not sure that I have ever seen a douche being molded at such a young age. I felt myself hoping that a fire would break out, just so I could feel anything other than the simmering rage threatening to boil over at any moment. Can someone tell me when a bowl cut became hot? Or denim? Or leather pants? Or those stupid slotted sunglasses?

On the plus side....my daughter loves me and in the end, isn't that what is most important? That and patiently waiting for Beiber to overdose on Oxycotin on his 20th birthday.
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Pointless and not an enjoyable experience
TheLittleSongbird17 February 2011
This review is not coming from someone who is giving this film(if you call it a film as such) a 1 because I haven't seen it and I hate Justin Bieber. This review is coming from someone who did see the film, aiming to give an honest judgement and to keep open-minded. I love music and I love film, but Justin Bieber: Never Say Never came across to me as pointless and I just didn't enjoy the experience.

I did not like how Never Say Never was shot. The photography was shoddy and sometimes went at odd angles, and the lighting got so much I finished the film with a very bad headache, which still hasn't gone away. I do agree about the 3D, I not only found it unnecessary I also found it distracting. It also doesn't help that the 3D wasn't- like the annoying narration- actually that good in the first place, in fact it was really quite bad.

The music and Justin Bieber are also major problems. Not Justin Bieber as a person mind you, when I saw him performing on television at Christmas he seemed quite down-to-earth, hard-working, honest and not too full of himself. I just hate his music and I have never liked his singing either. His singing is for me rather forced and flat, and his music especially Baby has me switching off the radio quicker than you can say "Santa Claus is Comin' To Town". As for the music with exception of the lyrically powerful Born to be Somebody the songs suffer from dull melodic writing and uninspired lyrics that made me think hang on I've heard this before.

I'm sorry to say, Bieber didn't impress me very much either. As I've said, I have never liked his singing or music. However, he does have a commanding presence on stage. But... I don't think here he is in particularly good voice, the singing is still flat and forced for my liking and his acting did nothing for me. I also hated the audience. During the concert scenes, the screaming often got so loud that it was almost impossible to hear the vocals or lyrics, and this audience if this was humanly possible is more annoying than any of the audiences for those trashy talk shows(ie.Jerry Springer, Maury). Granted, people love that and do it for the atmosphere, what I'm saying is that it isn't for me. Also as part of my autism, I do have problems with sudden loud noises so while I hated the audience when it came to seeing the film, being in the audience I think would have upset me more.

The story's structure and message didn't do much either. I didn't mind that the story was part biopic, part concert feature, but the biopic stuff does come across as superficial and contrived and I think some of it slows the film down quite considerably. The message is a follow your dreams message, I have no problem with the message itself, it's just that it is not a very fresh one and feels very overly-didactic in the way it is put across in this film. The dialogue at best is really bad, some of it is cheesy and some of it is cloying, while the direction is wretched. The acting is subpar, Bieber's acting is worse than his singing and Jaden Smith while okay has a hardly credible persona. In fact, the sole bright spot in the cast is actually Miley Cyrus, which surprised me as I cannot stand her.

In conclusion, this film comes across as pointless and I just didn't enjoy it. Bieber fans will like it, otherwise it isn't really worth it. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Genuinely surprised
jrjohnson9314 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be honest - I'm not exactly all that up to date with what kids these days consider "hip". When I saw an ad for this film on the television, though, I was intrigued. I bought a ticket for myself and saw the midnight premiere.

I really admire Mr. Bieber and the director of this fine film. What they created is a honest satire on the level of something like Borat. Never could I have fathomed that a mockumentary about the music industry could ever surpass something like This Is Spinal Tap. But Never Say Never has done just that.

Much applause, Mr. Bieber. I await more great works of satire and comedy in the future.
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Awful beyond description
zak7208716 February 2011
This movie is so unbearably awful. I guess it is supposed to be a documentary on this little kids undying unquenchable dream to be a world famous singer. He's like what? 10? He's never had to pay rent or have a job. He's gotta color pictures and finger paint. There are bars FILLED with musicians who know what it means to sell blood just to make rent and spend their entire lives writing music that no one else will ever hear or appreciate it. This kid like what? Hit forks on pots and pans then landed a a major label deal. Whats worse is every time he popped onto the screen and little girls screamed about how hot he was all I thought was "This boy looks exactly like a little girl........"

The 3d was just the perfect metaphor for how much they shove this down your throat.
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People hate the person more than the movie
catakdrl24 March 2022
I feel like all of this bad rating is because people are subjective and hate him, not the movie. It's a beautiful documentary that shows his growth, where he came from and what he become. It doesn't need all this hate, if you don't like it just ignore it.
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Are U all serious
Aang141 May 2021
Idk y all the low ratings , honestly it's a good movie telling u how Justin Bieber came to fame it's actually really good ,not a waste of time. Obviously it's not the best but I've seen worse.
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Terrible, just terrible
exprmntychewrony17 February 2011
I feel bad for Ludicrous and Usher for being strong-armed into participating in this atrocity.

Anyone who liked Bieber will like this movie. Anyone who disliked Bieber will dislike this movie. It's always embarrassing to watch a "star" resort to poorly produced garbage like this "documentary" to scrape together a couple extra million for his bank account, but I guess Bieber is starting to realize that once he hits puberty his profits will disappear. Best to take advantage of the pedophile women who want him before it's too late.

In any event, the popcorn was pretty good, and Usher and Ludicrous are talented performers. It's too bad the documentary wasn't about them.
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Never... just Never
FinalWordOnFilm17 February 2011
'This movie contains no material likely to offend or harm' reads the trailer for this "film" which should be disregarded by anyone over the age of 12 or with an IQ greater than 6.

What we have here is an exercise in self-indulgent nonsense. A long and painfully cringe-worthy experience which could easily have been slashed to 30 minutes and tossed aside to the biography channel. After all, think of the amazing musicians who have never warranted a 3D biopic lasting almost 2 hours...

The use of 3D in this film seems to be more geared to keeping the attention of toddlers in the audience, as clearly there is nothing to be gained by showing any part of this story as if it was supposed to be a visual feast, which people talking and the occasional dance number certainly is not.

The point of this film is undoubtedly to give young Mr. Bieber (or those who conduct his financial affairs) another way to print money, and keep the saccharin music movement in top gear. It is in fact an insult to the movie-going public to put this feature into cinemas, as it adds nothing to a film which is essentially empty of any point anyway, but allows us to be charged an extortionate fee to see it.

Luckily, I did not pay to see this one... but I did see families exiting another showing a few days later. The little girls seemed happy, the mothers looked bored and the fathers looked as if they had a noose they would be hanging from the bathroom ceiling about 20 minutes in.

Final Thought: A diseased cash-cow which should be residing on nickelodeon, if not in the cutting room bin... thanks corporate America!

Rating: 0.5/10
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Wow. Just wow.
cookiesandoreos8017 February 2011
If I had even one tread of respect for Justin Beiber before I saw this movie, It's gone now. This movie is visual and auditory trash. There is no thought,creative plot, or logic to this movie. It's simply Hollywood's way of cashing in on a teen idol that's just a flash in a pan. If I could rate this movie in the negatives, I would. If I had one wish, I would rid the world of Justin Beiber all together. This movie is painful to sit through. Do not waste your money. There's no thought process whatsoever. This talentless teenager belongs back where he started; on Youtube. He definitely shattered all hopes of ever being on the big screen again.
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Awkwardly feminine little boy thinks he's a celebrity and actual celebrities play along
thaworth-981-42575719 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I would love to say everything good about this movie, to be fair to the multitudes of prepubescent girls that would stab me through the eye with the broken shards of a Bieber CD rather than listen to me, but there is a small problem.audial

There is nothing good to say about this movie.

I honestly don't understand why anyone in their right minds would voluntarily sentence themselves to two hours of mindless torture. Bieber's voice sounds like the annoying wail of bad Superbowl singer trying to hit another octave at the end of the Star Spangled Banner. And his lyrics...honestly, I don't understand how he can be such a baby. For crying out loud, he's sixteen freaking years old. He hasn't had a chance to find love or heartbreak, not even close. The Taco Bell quad steak burrito has better songwriting, better singing, and better musicianship than anything little Biebs has ever done, or I suspect ever will do.

It's a shame that a talentless barely even adolescent kid like him become so famous and so idolized when actual musicians (anything from Rush to the Beatles to Guns N' Roses in their day to Gustav Holst to J. S. Bach to Avenged Sevenfold) are ignored by the brain dead masses.

There is nothing I would like to say more than spoiler alert, Justin Bieber dies, but alas, he lives on.

******SPOILER ALERT******** This movie will cause you to rue the day you were born, and the audience may cause you to feel the rational need to commit seppuku. ******END SPOLER***********

This is not a disgruntled music fan spitefully arguing against a terrible movie, this is a warning to the masses, especially to the parents who may see the billboard and decide to see it to find out what all the hype is about. DON'T SEE IT. Plain and simple. You will regret it for the rest of your life. And if that is not reason enough, he might actually be getting money from the movie sales (assuming he's smart enough to realize he's entitled to it). Therefore, if you the reader go to the movie, then you are indirectly feeding the Bieber, which will cause him to stay and annoy us longer.

Please say never, for the sake of all of our sanity, say never. If the movie doesn't make enough money, there might not be a sequel. At this point, that is the best case scenario.

Final notes: -If I could give a negative rating, I would. 0/10

-I wish I had four hands so I could give it four thumbs down!
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No, just no
brifkin-983-72598421 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was awful. I've always hated Bieber but this just makes me hate him even more. Most of the movie are his annoying songs with subliminal messages in them. I feel these were put in to just brainwash the fans even more. Every time his face came on most of the girls in the audience went crazy and I wanted to yell at them to shut up. The rest of it was just about him getting sick. Everywhere I looked it seemed there was an Illuminati reference somewhere. Bieber's acting was just terrible, even Trolls 2 beats Never Say Never. He's only 16 and they are already trying to market him with a movie about his life. I thought biographies were supposed to be made when you're an adult or dead. This is the worst movie I've ever seen, and it's a waste of my money. Bieber is just a marketing ploy for record companies to steal more money from little fan-girls who have no taste in music. Don't see it.
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Wow it's terrible...
korbman1617 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
*SPOILER* My god...that was by far the worst movie I've seen in years. I shall give you a brief synapse of what the "documentary" covers: A prepubescent boy squeals at young teenage girls about "love" he has never felt. The little girls love that they think he's gay, and have yet to mature to the point of realization that he is an untalented "sensation" who will lose his career when puberty finishes its course.

Pretty much sums it up.

Common...the kid grew up in the suburbs with divorced parents. Whoop-dee-f**king-doo...the same could be said about millions of other kids. The only difference is that other kids didn't suck thick dick for a career before they were 15.
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Waste of Precious Time
danny-elwell19 February 2011
I expected this from a documentary about Justin Beiber. He's 16, nearly 17 so hasn't even lived his life so shouldn't be able to have a documentary on it. Terrible Movie overall. Sad thing is the teenage girls will see it not knowing how awful it's going to be. I just hope he doesn't get the urge to create a second movie as it will have the same fate as this.

This documentary is just about Justin Beiber running around with his high voice, still not hitting puberty and all the other stars that have been in music videos with for e.g. Ludicras or Sean Kingston talking about how 'good' it has been to star with this teenager. I hope these actual music star sensations don't get dragged down from this awful performance of a 'Documentary'.
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noah-980-15214518 February 2011
I was never a Justin Bieber fan but I didn't join in on the stupid "Justin Bieber sucks" bandwagon.

However, I can say that this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen ( other movies on the list "House of Blood" and "Troll 2") the actors and the script were terrible. If you wanted to make a movie that will pull in money because kids will see it no matter what, you have succeeded. if on the other hand you wanted to make a decent film....*facepalm

basically, the movie is like a lame version of 8 mile.

congratulations Jon Chu and Justin Bieber, you have managed to make me praise 8 mile. I hope you're proud of yourselves.
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Wow This is a movie or what-??
poli-jeno16 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie as originally a person on the boundary of the liking and not liking Justin Bieber. After watching this film however, I find myself more in the disliking category. The film was unnecessarily shot in 3D which seemed pointless to me and just seemed as if it was jumping on the 3 dimensional bandwagon and some of the scenes also seemed to drag on longer than they needed to. Overall I think the film wasn't great and I think only the truest "Belieber" could remain loyal after this atrocity. The acting on the non essential characters' behalf was sub- par, with the exception of Miley Cyrus who was on form as per usual and the acting of Jaden Smith was comparable to Tom Cruise as opposed the quality expected of the Smith name. I can see why the film would appeal to the hard core fans, but as an average viewer, it did not appeal to me.
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RainbowVic26 November 2022
Unique person, and living proof that you can always re invent yourself.

One word describes her throughout the show.


I feel like all of this bad rating is because people are subjective and hate him, not the movie. It's a beautiful documentary that shows his growth, where he came from and what he become. It doesn't need all this hate, if you don't like it just ignore it.

Where there is JB, there's fashion, music, fun and love. Watch this movie now. He will make you laugh and cry . This movie is by JB, he had make this movie!

This movie is such a silly, silly, guilty pleasure. Only funky and good vibes. JB is the key of all the show. Music, fun and comedy in all one show.

Good job and great documentary!
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"I don't love him, I don't hate him, I respect him"
StevePulaski13 February 2011
America's got talent! We've had Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Ernest Tubb, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, The Rat Pack, Elvis Presley, Lief Garrett, Bon Jovi, Cindi Lauper, Madonna, AC/DC, Christina Aguliera, Lady Gaga, and now we have Justin Bieber. This little guy started his career on Youtube, and worked to become an internationally known child star who is now loved and cherished by pretty much every adolescent female in the USA. Never Say Never showcases him in a different light.

The film is what some might not expect. Unlike Michael Jackson's This is it, this film is a look in Justin's personal life and how he prepares to perform in front of a sold out crowd in NY's own Madison Square Garden. We go as far back as when he was a tween, and making videos on Youtube showing off his talent doing cover songs by artists like Chris Brown and Ne-Yo. To think this kid made it as big as he's made it in only three years is insane. I make videos on Youtube and write reviews on my website and I'm still waiting to be discovered.

As for the 3D, it's the absolute worst 3D film I have ever seen. Even worse than The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Only the scenes with him in the concert and the text are in 3D, the rest is just in regular 2D. This is the kind of thing that really pisses me off. Of course they knew they couldn't remaster old clips into the new 3D technology, so lets enhance the footage of him in MSG a bit more to make it slightly in the third dimension, and add some clips made exclusively for this film. Great way to scam more money out of us.

I found this out because every fifteen to twenty minutes I remove the glasses to blink a few times, and to relax my eyes so they don't become fatigued or irritated. I happened to do it on a scene where it's an interview and I discovered what I was watching wasn't even in RealD. What a cruel way to pretty much double the price of a ticket. Make film that isn't even in the third dimension 75% of the time. Is this the future? Because if so, I like living in the past.

As for JB himself, plain and simple; I don't love the kid, I don't hate the kid, I respect him. Bring on the hate! I must give the kid credit for doing all of this before he even reaches the title of "adult". Whether I like what someone has to offer or not, if they are a few years younger than me or a few years older than me, I support what they are trying to get across.

I too have major sympathy for the kid as well. Look what this kid has to live through (most not showcased in film): gay rumors, death rumors, being called "a faggot," school stress, work stress, people constantly bothering him, overprotective parents, etc. I know the kid brought it on himself some of the stuff dealing with stress, but I do feel sorry for him in a way. When I told my friends I was going to see the kid's film everyone jumped on me saying "I'm secretly gay". Is this the kind of homophobic society we live in? Back to the topic of the film, my favorite part besides the end is where Scooter Braun (JB's manager) explains why fans are so worthy to him. They feel like they discovered him on Youtube. We see a complete montage of videos by teen girls singing his song "One Time". It's nothing but amazing to see how one sixteen year old acquire millions of fans. Thats the beauty of it all.

The concert is entertaining, but I find it rather pointless. This is the beginning of his life, why do we need to see it in the making? Though he is big now, I can pretty much guarantee in ten years, maybe five, people will be saying "who the hell is that?" when is name is mentioned. He'll live in the moment and fade out like many others. It happens. We don't need a concert showcasing his life in the making, we need to see it when he dies or when he goes into retirement. Not right at the beginning of his career.

The thing that I laughed about were the girls in the film at a concert of his literally crying their adolescent heart out. My laugh was an interesting one because it's a shock to me that girls are genuinely moved by his music. Same goes with when he picks the "one less lonely girl". You may have one less lonely girl, but there are about two million jealous girls in the bunch.

Never Say Never is like Kenny Chesney: Summer in 3D. It's a pointless concert film, that may provide some good music, but we question it's existence. Never Say Never is worth it for the music factor, but only for "true" fans of Bieber. The theater I was in was rather quiet, but I saw a lot of cell phone lights illuminate in the middle as they text their girlfriends saying "I'm @ the Bieber premiere. He iz sooooo hawt lol ;)" This movie is sure to make girls "awwwww" at the pictures of little JB, "ooooooh" and "awwww" when his shirt comes off, and maybe shed a tear during some of his performances. It's entertaining and engaging, but their isn't a whole lot to recommend to people looking for a good or well made film.

Starring: Justin Bieber, Usher, and Scooter Braun. Directed by: Jon Chu.
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Garbage, this movie is an insult.
superpatjas18 February 2011
The movie briefly goes about Bieber's not very difficult life before he became a "star" and than goes about glorifying him in an all too sickening way with Bieber fans screaming for half of the movie. As the title implies, the movie almost tries to deliver the moral message of not giving up, but it fails when most most musicians don't get famous because they don't receive endless resources through endorsement. That's all irrelevant compared to the actual movie though, but in comparison with the movie documentary on the band Rush called "Beyond the lighted stage" the filmography of this movie was terrible. I sympathize with any parent who will inevitably have to bring their daughter to see this.
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