Butlers in Love (TV Movie 2022) Poster

(2022 TV Movie)

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Being a butler is a bewildering business...
gee-1531 January 2022
At an exclusive butler academy, a young woman who has always aspired to be a butler at first conflicts with and then befriends a young man who comes from a long line of butlers but wants to do something else with his life.

According to this film, all butlers need to know is where to put the fish fork and the salad fork, know which wine goes best with Beef Wellington, and be able to carry four dishes at once (Are butlers not allowed to use TRAYS?). There aren't that many butlers in the world and I certainly don't know any but I have this odd feeling that this is not a completely accurate reflection of reality.

If you're going to enjoy this film, focus on the interactions between the two leads (played by Farber and Cott). After a rough start, they become friends. Their interactions actually seem somewhat realistic and when they begin to be romantically interested in each other, it kind of flows naturally. Oddly, the focus of the film is not really their relationship but the idea of pursuing your dream and being flexible about that dream. And it's appealing to see how Farber really tries to help and support the character played by Cott (and vice versa). So it's a nice, pleasant, nonstressful film and such films do have their place.
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The leads make this
bbkg9127 July 2022
Enjoyable film. I'm on the fence about the butler school plot, but appreciate Hallmark trying something a bit different and watched it twice.

The strongest part of this film is definitely Farber and Cott. They are both very likable and their dynamic is fun to watch and believable. Cott, in particular, is one of the best leading men I've seen in these. He plays cocky guy who is actually warm and grounded very well. I was rooting for both their characters and hope to see both these actors in more Hallmark films.
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barely above blah
sarajimi19 April 2022
If you've seen one Hallmark movie, you already know how this is going to go so I won't talk about predictability except to say that the end had one surprising, and unsatisfying, bump. Corey Cott brought this up to a six from a probable four as his character was so real and fun to watch. What largely brought the movie down for me was Emma, the character not the actress. Part of it was that I felt sorry for her, past sympathetic almost to pittying but no emotional connection to really make me care. But mostly what annoyed about her was her hair. I know it's minor, but the fact that her shoulder length hair is loose the whole time when there's no way a school whose dress code is stricter than the military's would allow that. This is backed up by the fact that every other female affiliated with butling has her hair pulled back neatly. Not only was it loose, it looked like it hadn't even been brushed since the day before. This, her short stature, and the uniform made her look like a kid playing dress-up most of the time so it was hard to take her seriously.
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These Butlers didn't do it for me.
rebekahrox31 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was very favorably disposed to liking this one. I loved the setting: Butler School! How unusual! I look at a lot of shows that have butlers. And I loved the fresh faced youthful girl next door looks of the female lead. The guy was pretty cute as well.

It started off pretty good with a beautiful setting, interesting factoids and elements involving behind the scenes of being a butler. The main guy started off as an entitled snooty jerk, which was promising in that I was drawn in by the story behind that and anticipation of a nice character arc. When it was revealed what accounted for his attitude, all was forgiven. The rest of the story was OK. Maxfield Caulfield, playing the head of the school, paired the two leads together to help both of them. Emma, despite her lifelong dream of being a butler was flunking out, but she had the commitment and passion for the job which Henry lacked. They helped each other and fell in love.

Unfortunately it ended with a whimper. Emma, thanks to Henry, graduated near the top of her class and earned the sought after letter of recommendation needed to secure the position of her dreams. Thanks also to the help of Henry's parents she was happily ensconced on an estate in Scotland serving the type of society movers and shakers she had dreamed of doing all of her life. It was the fantasy opportunity of a lifetime. And then she quits. The job was everything she was told time and again it would be. Nothing bad or even surprising happened. So much for passion and commitment. What a flake. It was for no other reason than the writers not being able to get her back together with Henry for the happy ending. They wrote themselves into a corner. They end up working together in a hotel (I think) somewhere and making out on the job in full view of the public. So much for appropriate behavior. It was a bad message to send to young girls who dream big and work hard.
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Sometimes the dream job isn't all you thought it would be
hallmarkmov1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Started off the same way as other movies where she dreams of getting into a school/ dream job and gets the chance. What threw me off was she claimed to have studied and prepped for this her whole life and gave up on other things just for this yet she really sucked at it. She was soooo overly confident and then failed at everything. She couldn't cook, couldn't set a table, knew nothing about wine, couldn't pour it, couldn't iron, dress correctly- I mean I know there's things you learn there but some basics?! She worked at restaurants and bars- she would know SOME stuff right? I think pouring wine at least. I didn't understand why she was the only one with the wrong wine at the big dinner party? Shouldn't the correct won't just be there and everyone pours it rather than picking from different ones? As the movie went on, I was unsure how everything would wrap up. There was a slight mystery. The girl talked sooo much, soooo opinionated, how could she possibly be a silent butler for the rest of her life and stand there in the corner? The dean or whoever that head guy was was too understanding of her situation- she should have been kicked out long ago. I was caught off guard by the ending! I didn't expect this twist. Her dream job wasn't what she thought and she actually quit! Wow! And now has no money or direction. I guess that's how todays kids are, try something for a day and then quit. I mean at least give it a few months? It was a huge life change and it didn't meet her delusional expectations. But I guess that's the only way for both of them to work together at the same place. I'm surprised they haven't made a movie about the royal nanny academy and training to be a nanny for the rich.
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Pleasant hallmark movie but odd premise
Deedee1446 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's pleasant in the way most hallmark movies are. But the premise that a son has to be a butler as his profession because his parents want him to be a butler was just plain odd. It's not taking over a Fortune 500 company, it's serving wine and setting tables. If you can get over that piece, it's easy watching.
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What fresh hell is this?
caseybones12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, just when you think it can't get any worse, it does. An absolute waste of time.

The female lead can't act her way out of a wet paper bag and it's not helped by the fact that her storyline is so ridiculous. She wants to be a butler based on some TV show? She works in a restaurant but doesn't know how correctly place silverware? The "butler academy" is harder to get into than Harvard"?

The male lead is a marginally better actor but is given another idiotic back story. How many young people enter a profession they hate because "it's a family tradition" anymore? Just tell the parents it's not happening and move on - the drama was ridiculous.

No chemistry between the leads at all. And at the end the female gets the job of her dreams, apparently works one dinner and, poof, the dream is over. Instead she "has an idea" but it's never clear what that was. She becomes, what, some sort of Leader of Waiters and her boyfriend becomes a chef at the same restaurant? Oh, how convenient. And the whole smooching in front of the staff was laughable.

Tow hours of my life I will never get back.
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The Subtleties Of Buttling
atlasmb31 January 2022
I really enjoyed this Hallmark romance, largely due to the performance of Stacey Farber, who plays Emma, a young woman who attends an academy for butlers. I found Emma to be unlike most Hallmark "princesses", which was refreshing. She is humorous and plucky.

Her opposite in this romance is played by Corey Cott (as Henry), an academy student who comes from a long line of butlers.

This film may not display as many romantic sparks as some, but the central relationship feels genuine and affable.

Although other reviewers have scoffed at the idea of wanting to be a butler, the film explains that good butlers have six-figure incomes. That might be enough motivation for some.
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Where was the romance?
therusticapothecary30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was an interesting concept however, there was zero chemistry between the two leads, the interaction amongst the cast was dull, and really the characters were annoying. He couldn't tell his dad he didn't want to be a butler. She thought being a butler would offer her an opportunity to see the world and meet important people. Little does she know when you serve others, your mouth remains shut, and you are viewed as the hired help. She went through all that "schooling" and two days in called it a day and quit.

It was silly.

The ending probably was the most irritating part. This one was a no for me.
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Really Cute Movie
pattersonjamie-1207930 January 2022
Maybe not the best storyline, but the acting was good. The three main characters were fun. Maxwell Caulfield was good as the stern but kind teacher. The overall movie was cute. The scenery was good. Would watch again.
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Another dud
drbreakwell30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A bit of a different setting. A butler school. Not sure why a butler school, unless the school needs an advertising boost. Both "stars" were very unrefined. I assume that if one wanted to be a servant to the wealthy, one would speak and act better. A "yes sir/ma'am" answer would be preferred instead of yup. And there us no way a butler would bring a 4 plates to a wealthy household at dinner the same as in a common restaurant. The plates would be brought out in a tray and served singularly. And there would be more than one butler serving at a dinner party. And anyone who works in a restaurant and not a bar would know that the knife blade faces towards the plate. If thus were a real scenario, she would have been practicing place settings before she arrived. And she would have had both cufflinks in her shirt. Women butlers/maids wear skirts not pants. Hallmark should know this! Hallmark should have learned by all the other dud movies. Quality should be before quantity.
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So many things wrong
dnewell-938004 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the idea of Butler school might make for a good story, but there were so many things that were just wrong with the story. How can these people who were supposedly selected to this very prestigious school, harder to get into than law school, be so slack and ill prepared? How would this school not expect them to already know the basics? How can someone supposedly be so diligent about going for her dream job and know so little about its reality? And then be so easily distracted? Etc. All this makes it hard to care that much about the characters.

The acting was fine. I would be happy to try another movie with the same actors, since it was not the acting that caused me to give a low rating.
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Nice chemistry
kmossh2 February 2022
Liked the chemistry of the main characters. Better video than I thought it would be. The ending was a bit rushed, however. A little more thought by the writers and they could have brought it all home very well.
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Ridiculous main character was so unskilled
franksjolynn31 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why would you have a person that desired to be a Butler her entire life be so horrible and not know anything about the job. Started out that she looked like she had practice her entire life and once she got there she was just a bumbling idiot. Had no desire to even finish the movie.
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All About Butling
philsigler-624012 February 2022
The femme lead is obsessively fixed on being a butler. She falls for a Son Of A Butler at school. Love or Butling! Can She manage both? The screenplay spends much of the action on Butling. Is it Be Careful of What You Wish For?
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Loved learning about the butler world
skpn12331 January 2022
I am loving these contemporary Hallmark movies that focus on little known or underplayed profession. I learn so much.

I have to say Corey Cott is very charismatic and I would like to see him in more films. The female lead was bright and cheery but at times a little too annoying.

Overall a cute and fun experience.
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Awful ending
EPMD5713 March 2022
It's as if the writers of the final two scenes didn't watch the first 90% of the movie. They undermined it all with how they concluded the story. Without the inconsistent ending, this movie would probably be a pleasant watch -- maybe a 5 out of 10. It was pretty dull either way, though there were some nice scenes and a really fun, likeable lead actress.
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Ridiculous to boring
heatherdmg30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't usually review Hallmark movies, but I was looking forward to this one because of Maxwell Caufield. I'm sorry to say this on was a disappointment.

The first half was just ridiculous with all the silliness and careless mistakes being made by Emma...especially since she'd supposedly prepared for the butler training for years. Then add to that the irritating arrogance of Henry. I almost stopped watching. But I pushed on through and was hopeful once these two characters starting helping each other...but either because of lack of chemistry or just bad dialog and writing...it was boring and I just didn't care. I knew they'd end up together...and that he'd get his career change...but there really was no climax and no fun in the ending. Oh, and Maxwell was wasted here. His character wasn't likeable and his dialog was boring as well.

I love some Hallmark movies, but this one...just no.
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One of the Best Hallmark Channel movies f the Pandemic
maggygrasso-5668630 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers near the end- I'll warn you!

I had mixed feelings leading up to the premier of "Butlers in Love". I was excited beyond words to see Stacy Farber score a lead role in a Hallmark Original. For those of you unfamiliar, Stacy played sweet but troubled Ellie in Canadian teen drama 'Degrassi'. I could not wait to see what she could do in a romantic comedy, and she didn't disappoint. I was pretty apprehensive about the concept. A movie about a young woman and man falling in love while training to be butlers had the potential to be a goofy flop- and honestly the preview didn't do the movie justice. The storyline was easy to follow, but still surprising. The leads had sincere chemistry and the supporting cast held their own. The movie wasn't as romanticzed or dramatic as made-for-TV RomComs can get, and can be enjoyed by the entire family.

Spoilers up next!

The cliches left out of this script is what really made this movie so enjoyable to me. There were no long lost High School boyfriends, no 'he's great- but not for Me' guy who gets dumped 1/2 way through, not a single ball gown drawing attention from a weak plot, and the lead isn't reluctantly returning home and leaving a life she loves behind- she's heading toward a goal she's always had.

Farber kills it in the role, through her facial expressions and body language you get to see her character Emma evolve from an overwhelmed and agitated student struggling with her studies, to a confident young woman ready to make serious decisions about her life. In the end Emma realizes that a dream she had as a young child might not actually fit the life she wants for herself as an adult, and she finds a way to combine a good work/life balance with her love for providing glamorous luxury to her clients (all while falling in love with a handsome young man who she helps grow into the man he truly wants to be) The message in this movie is such an important one for today's overworked adults- you have to find a way to make work work for your life, and you have to leave the door open for good things to happen to you instead of locking yourself into an inflexible plan that shuts you off to adventure and the excitement life has to offer.

It also finds space to remind audiences to not give up on themselves, learn to look for collaboration in unexpected places, and to be vocal about what you want for your own life.

This movie didn't end up having a goofy tone, but a wholesome one with hints of fresh new beginnings.

100% worth the watch.
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Painful to watch
Sergiodave13 June 2022
I am a lover of Hallmark, but this was awful. It started badly, then progressively got worse. The mother looked the same age as the daughter, a course in 'Butlering' that takes weeks! And this is a hallmark movie, what romance! One of the worst Hallmark features I've seen.
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Good movie with a good point
beachgirl-869601 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was not what I was expecting. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did! I feel it had a very good point. Sometimes what we think we want ends up being not what we really want at all. I love how Emma realizes what's important in life it's being happy, finding love, having time to enjoy life and starting a family! I knew my husband two weeks before he proposed, we were married four months later and it's been almost 23 years later! When you find love go for it!

And what does it matter that she wanted to become a butler. There are lots of jobs out there. What works for someone may not work for someone else. We all have different dreams, thoughts and feelings! It is just a movie don't be so critical about it just because of the choice of career. I'm just happy she decided to choose more time for life!
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At your service
TheLittleSongbird26 February 2023
Most of the 2022 New Year New Movies films were quite impressive, despite a rocky start with 'Where the Heart Belongs'. 'The Wedding Veil' being the best. Did quite like the premise for 'Butlers in Love' at first, it was a different location and not one of the ones one has seen many times with Hallmark and it did sound like it had potential to be quite fun if done well. The negative reviews though did dampen expectations and most of the particularly negatively received Hallmark films seen in the past year or so have been that bad.

Unfortunately, 'Butlers in Love' as much as it pains me to say it is one of the films that is that bad. There are far worse films out there for sure, but it is very rare for a cool sounding and different location for Hallmark to be completely wasted. It is one of the worst 2022 Hallmark films (up to this still early stage only 'Cut, Color, Murder' was on its same level of badness), and replaces 'Where the Heart Belongs' as the worst of the New Year New Movies batch. That is no easy feat.

'Butlers in Love' has some nice photography and scenery.

That is however pretty much it for the good things. Stacey Farber does try hard, but it never looked natural and it was like she was over-compensating or panicking. Of all the female lead characters of all of the recently seen Hallmark films, hers is up there as among the most unbearably irritating. It is yet another case of exaggerated flaws and her cluelessness and the number of times she messes up on even simple things is taken to vast extremes to the point of incompetence. Corey Colt is stiff and very vanilla in personality throughout, and his character's backstory is pure idiocy. The two have no chemistry together, their rapport is constantly forced and the romance is too hostile and underdeveloped for it to convince.

Not even Maxwell Caulfield, here looking bored and like he didn't want to be there, can save it and basically the whole cast either overact or phone in in caricaturish, idiotically written roles. The direction lacks any kind of distinction and is never in control or engagement with the material. The script is incredibly stilted and cheese ridden, with the banter being more condescending and contrived than playful. The story manages to be beyond ridiculous to the point of parody, is really contrived and lacks charm or heart. It also wins the award of a film having the most mistakes made by one character alone in its first third and it doesn't get better the further the film drags on. Absolutely agree with everybody saying that the ending is insulting and makes no sense, almost like the rest of the film did not happen. The music is forgettable at best and never fits.

Concluding, very, very bad. 2/10.
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Stick past the beginning.
Jackbv12312 June 2022
I really didn't want to watch this. Only my compulsive side to complete everything had me give it a try since it was on my DVR list.

My first impression was that both Walker and Emma were too disruptive and with the personality to go with it. I wouldn't think either should have survived to the first commercial. "Perhaps concentrating on your work and not debating with other students will help you not burn down the manor."

Henry's obnoxious arrogance really made it hard to get to the second commercial. It ticked me off even more that Emma gets blamed for Henry grabbing her bottle. And that's the point where Henry's personality changes 100% in under a minute, which is a plot device I hate in this genre movie.

Emma has a positive and energetic personality and yet the first 40% or so of the movie is depressing. There are brief interactions between the leads, but to that point they don't have much connection.

I have wondered if this movie is meant to be a tribute to butling or a parody. The latter idea was reinforced when Emma thought she could change Henry's attitude with that lame movie. Emma's dedication is even more mystifying after Henry's speech about the time requirement of the profession. Why would a vivacious young lady like Emma sacrifice her entire life like that? 1 day off in a year?

That 40% point was significant. From that point on, the positive aspects of both leads' personalities, especially Emma's, starts to come out. And Stacey Farber, as Emma, paints a really appealing character.

The story seems unusual. The ending is interesting. Some of it was predictable. Some of it was a surprise. Some of it, I'm not exactly sure what happened.

If you stick with it, it's really not that bad.
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Wit, Charm, and Spunk!
pgibbons-8395330 January 2022
I loved this so much! I've watched countless Hallmark/Lifetime/UpTV movies and this might be my favorite. The chemistry was on point, the banter and wit was authentic, and the friendship - turned love, was completely believable. My husband and I both enjoyed it from start to finish. We liked the storyline, but these two lead actors pushed it over the top! 10/10! Hallmark, please continue hiring Stacey Farber and Corey Cott!
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ariesarefunfun30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I hate to be negative but this movie is so stupid. The premise was strange from the beginning but i was determined to give it a shot. The main character is such a contradiction. This has been her dream for more than 10 years but she can't iron or cook grilled cheese?? For all the clumsiness and distraction why wouldnt she just not stand next to him?? I made it 30 minutes exactly. DNF.
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