Butlers in Love (2022 TV Movie)
Sometimes the dream job isn't all you thought it would be
1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Started off the same way as other movies where she dreams of getting into a school/ dream job and gets the chance. What threw me off was she claimed to have studied and prepped for this her whole life and gave up on other things just for this yet she really sucked at it. She was soooo overly confident and then failed at everything. She couldn't cook, couldn't set a table, knew nothing about wine, couldn't pour it, couldn't iron, dress correctly- I mean I know there's things you learn there but some basics?! She worked at restaurants and bars- she would know SOME stuff right? I think pouring wine at least. I didn't understand why she was the only one with the wrong wine at the big dinner party? Shouldn't the correct won't just be there and everyone pours it rather than picking from different ones? As the movie went on, I was unsure how everything would wrap up. There was a slight mystery. The girl talked sooo much, soooo opinionated, how could she possibly be a silent butler for the rest of her life and stand there in the corner? The dean or whoever that head guy was was too understanding of her situation- she should have been kicked out long ago. I was caught off guard by the ending! I didn't expect this twist. Her dream job wasn't what she thought and she actually quit! Wow! And now has no money or direction. I guess that's how todays kids are, try something for a day and then quit. I mean at least give it a few months? It was a huge life change and it didn't meet her delusional expectations. But I guess that's the only way for both of them to work together at the same place. I'm surprised they haven't made a movie about the royal nanny academy and training to be a nanny for the rich.
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