Beyond the Farthest Star (2015) Poster

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greenfieldpark014 January 2014
Beyond the Farthest Star is a great movie in my opinion and anyone should go see it it is appropriate for almost any audience only young children would not be able to appreciate this or should not see this for the level of material that the movie is presenting. The director is doing a great job with this movie and I can't say enough how much I enjoy all the actors in this movie they all do a great job and whoever did the casting for this movie did a great job getting this team all together for this movie because it turned out great with a great ensemble of character in it each of them doing a great job with their parts.
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Legalism threatens to destroy a family in a remote Texas town that is suddenly thrust into the national spotlight
Wuchakk6 October 2019
A preaching kid wonder doesn't grow up to become the next Billy Graham as expected, but rather the joyless pastor (Todd Terry) of a small assembly in Nowheresville, Texas. His wife (Renée O'Connor) escapes into romance novels and other temptations while his sullen daughter (Cherami Leigh) plays in a "vampire rock" band. When a strategic crime draws national attention to the town it forces the family to confront their outward issues and core problem.

Written & directed by Andrew Librizzi, "Beyond the Farthest Star" (2013) dragged its feet getting officially released in 2015. It's an intricate and morose Indie drama in the mold of the outstanding "Snow Angels" (2007), but with a faith-based angle. It basically mixes the style of David Gordon Green ("Snow Angels") with that of Alex Kendrick ("War Room"). "Do You Believe?" (2015) and "Grand Canyon" (1991) are other reference points in tone & theme, not to mention depth, reverence and wonder. But "Beyond the Farthest Star" had WAY less funds to work with, costing only $500,000. Yet it doesn't seem like it. Librizzi is an expert filmmaker who knows how to make the most of his limited resources.

The flick is very dense and has the confidence to take its time; it also respects the intelligence of the viewer to read between the lines and figure out details. Every issue presented is real and I've experienced them either firsthand or indirectly. Even minor scenes are superbly articulated and acted. You can tell Librizzi spent a lot of time on the script, working out kinks, etc. Speaking of the acting, I'm surprised at how excellent even the peripherals perform, which ain't no small thing considering the challenge of pulling off the heavy material. Cherami Leigh is great for her role even though she seemed to struggle a bit at the end (I can't say anything more without giving away spoilers).

Two snippets of songs from the "vampire rock" band are featured and they're outstanding, the best musical pieces on the soundtrack; yeah, even the Crystal Lewis track "Beauty for Ashes." Cherami Leigh sings on "Disappearing Act" and I'm assuming the other (even briefer) piece as well. Librizzi should've let these songs play out longer; or feature them on the end credits; or, at least, the bonus material.

The movie's arguably too morose and lengthy for its own good, not to mention some elements are awkwardly implemented in the last act, like the Big Mart aspect. Yet, when you reflect on it, everything is there for a reason and makes an important point. I can relate to practically every point one way or another. Still, the conclusion needed more finesse. But, at the end of the day, "Beyond the Farthest Star" is an obscure weighty gem. It's awe-inducing (and occasionally amusing in a low-key way, e.g. "think happy thoughts"). The fact that it only cost $500,000 is mind-blowing.

The film runs 1 hour, 59 minutes, and was shot in Leonard, Texas, which is located about 40-minutes (drive) northeast of Dallas.

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Worth the Wait
deborahseeley5430 December 2017
Wow!!! I just got through watching the movie "Beyond the Farthest Star". I have always said that christian, faith based or inspirational movies (whatever you choose to call them) that they need to be real. Don't show me a movie that is all goodness and light because let's face it...even those who were brought up in the church go through dark times. Just because you are a Christian it does not make you immune to the real heartaches that people endure! Everyone christian and non christian has a past....has a secret or two...and the enemy will use that to tear you apart. But God is bigger than all that and he will bring beauty from ashes!!! Well this movie is real....and it shows you that God no matter how dark it may seem to you can and will bring beauty from among those ashes!!! Well done!! I encourage you to watch this film. It is out now on can purchase it in many locations, Walmart, Amazon to name a few! So get the dvd...and invite some friends over for a pizza and movie won't be sorry! You can also check out their Facebook page Beyond the Farthest Star.
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Better than the trailer
lovegolfing20 August 2015
I absolutely loved this film. I can see this giving hope and bringing light into the lives of teens struggling to find happiness and to their parents who want to help them. The cinematography was excellent. The lighting was done well, the shot selection was good and the acting was great. Living in Texas I know they didn't just take the easy stereotype for each actor. These actors passed stereotypes and portrayed idiosyncrasies that really made each character come alive. It was as if the creators took perceived public opinion, wrinkled it in a ball and threw it in the trash to be replaced with what the majority really believes. The events and issues represented real struggles in the world. I was inspired by the messages portrayed and would say that faith-based film is making a strong case to rival mainstream film content in the box office.
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Amazing story
dawndutra6 January 2018
I'll admit that I bought this movie just because Renee O'Connor of Xena fame was in it. But by the end of it, I had moved on from that.

This movie is amazingly deep and mysterious. It sheds light on what happens when we aren't true to ourselves and hide the truth. Eventually, the truth wins out and our true meaning comes forward.

From Adam following his father, even though I don't feel he truly wanted to, to Maureen hiding a lie, that was slowly destroying her, and onto Annie who didn't know who or what she was. It was riveting and painful and sad.

Yes, there is a religious undertone to the story, but it's not religious. I didn't feel preached to at all.

Loved it and highly recommend!
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Beyond the Farthest Star
cindynavarro71314 October 2017
"Beyond the Farthest Star" is an insightful, mesmerizing story that centers on the Wells family. Each struggle with resentment and bitterness that threatens to destroy their family...and the emotions intensify following a move to the small town of Leonard, Texas. BTFS has universal themes that speak to all people and effectively weaves the idea that there is hope in spite of physical or emotional scars. This richly layered story shares a raw honest portrayal of transformation and restoration after hidden secrets are revealed and healing is allowed to begin. Elements of suspense, romance, and political intrigue are combined with multi-dimensional characters to present an escalating tension that intensifies to an explosive climax, and, ultimately, to a satisfying conclusion.

When "Beyond the Farthest Star" was in theaters, I was able to see it several times and was riveted to the screen each time as I picked up nuances missed before. The story is fascinating and the actors do an incredible job of making their characters come to life on screen. This film also inspired a novel by Bodie & Brock Thoene, a Kinkade painting, and a new arrangement of "Beauty For Ashes" by Crystal Lewis. I am thrilled that it is coming to DVD so I can have a copy of my own and can share it with family and friends who missed it in theaters. Not for younger kids, but I highly recommend this movie for 13 and up!
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Can't wait for the release in the UK!
serenamarijacreates15 January 2018
I was captivated just from watching the trailer, it's mind-blowing. Everything draws the viewer in from the cinematography to the beautiful acting.
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Excellent movie! ♥
gloriaflabbi13 September 2018
An excellent film that I really recommend to watch, it captured me from beginning to end, it makes you cry, it opens your heart. On love, family, secrets, pain, forgiveness. I love movies that convey great messages. Something that can open people's minds and hearts, make families, children and friends understand the importance of talking and listening more, talking to each other, be honest, being close to the people we love. Buy it, watch it, share it! 👍 Thank you from the heart for this wonderful movie 🙏
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Let your heart soar
pthomps-9269612 December 2017
This film will tug at your heartstrings and yet give your spirit hope and joy. It is a rollercoaster of emotions as you journey with the characters to the end. Each actor did a wonderful job in helping their character come alive. But Renee O' Connor and Cherami Leigh did an outstanding job in the depths of their acting. At times I found myself wanting to reach out and give them a hug. This is a great film to help start family dialog with any and all issues individuals might be experiencing.
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A powerful film, which delivers in every single scene!
Star_Angel_12 January 2018
One day a few years ago I came across the trailer for Beyond the Farthest Star. Before even clicking "play" I noticed two things: First, Renee O'Connor was in the film. I was a fan of the tv series Xena and had the pleasure of meeting Renee and her mom many years ago at a Xena convention. Second, I noticed this was a faith-based film. I'm always interested in faith-based films and was curious to see Renee in this dramatic role having only ever seen her as "Gabrielle" in Xena. From the very first few seconds of the trailer I was drawn in and completely captivated by the story. I went on to search everything I could on this film. My immediate question was when and where was it playing? I wanted to see this film so badly. Over these years, I was a regular follower of the Facebook page and website always watching for updates. I also became a theater captain and promoted this film, telling everyone I could about it and trying to bring it to a local theater. Unfortunately every attempt to bring it to my area was unsuccessful, complicated by difficulties happening to me and my family. But in all these years talking about it/promoting it, you would never have known that I hadn't even seen the film myself (or read the book...I wanted to see the film first since the film inspired the book rather than vice versa as is usually the case). I mean what kind of 2 minute trailer grabs your attention so much that you hold on to it for YEARS, keeps you talking and sharing about the film when you haven't even seen the film yourself?!! I know of none. I've never experienced anything like this. So, is it just a very good trailer? NO. Beyond the Farthest Star is indeed a POWERFUL film, which delivers in every single scene. You will hang on while sitting on the edge of your seat to find out how the story unfolds just like an incredible page-turning novel that you can't put down. Clear your schedule. Stop by the restroom. Give yourself an interruption-free space because you'll want to watch from beginning to end without having to hit pause. And as far as "faith-based," don't let that label stop you. This is not a preachy-type of film or whatever image you may have when hearing that label. It is an inspirational story about a family going through life with all its heartaches and messiness. It's not a sugar coated, feel good type of film with a simple story to watch in the backdrop after a long day. It is meaningful, thought-provoking, and a well-written and directed story that will hold your attention and draw you in just like the trailer did for me for years. Again, what trailer does that? At best trailers get your attention, make you say hey I want to see that film and you add it to a to do list that may or may not happen. This film has staying power, and after you've seen it you'll continue to remember it and watch again. And I definitely want to read the book (which I have already downloaded to Kindle) to dig in deeper to the characters and the story. Buy the dvd or the digital copy, and pick up another for a friend. You will not be disappointed!
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A once in a lifetime film that will change you for the better
linda-oconnell-660-27870221 January 2018
Just saw #BeyondTheFarthestStar with two friends &my life will never be the same. Ceramics Leigh made the movie with Renee O Connor, Todd Terry was good too. For me it has a message, God is unconditional love, we are part of God&choose to be or not. It has made me see things in a more open way. I was shading myself and now I must go out in the sun as the darkness is not God, not me but fear ruled by evil trying to take God from me, my love of life but I choose not to let it.

A preacher and his family come to a small, unknown, dying Texas town where the father becomes the new preacher. The daughter has had a troubled past, the wife seems emotionally unstable. The local nativity screen is torched bringing national news to the town. What happens is; secrets come out, and we learn more about life, God, our own self.

It is a must buy for all.
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Beyond the Farthest Star is a wonderful movie.
dartlady-9279711 December 2017
Beyond the Farthest Star is an insightful, mesmerizing and wonderful story that had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to the breathtaking ending. The movie was well written and Renée O'Connor, Todd Terry & Cherami Leigh were all outstanding. My mom & sister & I thought this was one of the best movies we saw in a long time and it was very touching and heartwarming. God Bless all of you for making this movie.
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A surprising, beautifully made film
melwyn24 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Family dramas with strong religious overtones are not normally my thing. The initial premise is really just a catalyst for all that follows, both new crises and ones that have been brewing for years. The central characters are flawed, complex, realistic and sympathetic. What really surprised me was how visually beautiful the film is. The choices of tones and lighting often reminded me a little of the last couple of seasons of Foyle's War. The cinematography and direction complemented it perfectly. A really high quality film in every sense. (I don't give 10s, knowing how IMdB's algorithms work, but I really can't think of anything wrong with this film).
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ramona-akright31 January 2022
A wonderful movie about redemption and restoration to hurting people. A beautiful story of hope for pain when you have love and compassion. Highly recommend.
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