A powerful film, which delivers in every single scene!
2 January 2018
One day a few years ago I came across the trailer for Beyond the Farthest Star. Before even clicking "play" I noticed two things: First, Renee O'Connor was in the film. I was a fan of the tv series Xena and had the pleasure of meeting Renee and her mom many years ago at a Xena convention. Second, I noticed this was a faith-based film. I'm always interested in faith-based films and was curious to see Renee in this dramatic role having only ever seen her as "Gabrielle" in Xena. From the very first few seconds of the trailer I was drawn in and completely captivated by the story. I went on to search everything I could on this film. My immediate question was when and where was it playing? I wanted to see this film so badly. Over these years, I was a regular follower of the Facebook page and website always watching for updates. I also became a theater captain and promoted this film, telling everyone I could about it and trying to bring it to a local theater. Unfortunately every attempt to bring it to my area was unsuccessful, complicated by difficulties happening to me and my family. But in all these years talking about it/promoting it, you would never have known that I hadn't even seen the film myself (or read the book...I wanted to see the film first since the film inspired the book rather than vice versa as is usually the case). I mean what kind of 2 minute trailer grabs your attention so much that you hold on to it for YEARS, keeps you talking and sharing about the film when you haven't even seen the film yourself?!! I know of none. I've never experienced anything like this. So, is it just a very good trailer? NO. Beyond the Farthest Star is indeed a POWERFUL film, which delivers in every single scene. You will hang on while sitting on the edge of your seat to find out how the story unfolds just like an incredible page-turning novel that you can't put down. Clear your schedule. Stop by the restroom. Give yourself an interruption-free space because you'll want to watch from beginning to end without having to hit pause. And as far as "faith-based," don't let that label stop you. This is not a preachy-type of film or whatever image you may have when hearing that label. It is an inspirational story about a family going through life with all its heartaches and messiness. It's not a sugar coated, feel good type of film with a simple story to watch in the backdrop after a long day. It is meaningful, thought-provoking, and a well-written and directed story that will hold your attention and draw you in just like the trailer did for me for years. Again, what trailer does that? At best trailers get your attention, make you say hey I want to see that film and you add it to a to do list that may or may not happen. This film has staying power, and after you've seen it you'll continue to remember it and watch again. And I definitely want to read the book (which I have already downloaded to Kindle) to dig in deeper to the characters and the story. Buy the dvd or the digital copy, and pick up another for a friend. You will not be disappointed!
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