LOL (2012) Poster


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Fast Times for the Instagram demographic...
smgillespie2618 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I won't mince words. This is the worst movie about teenagers I've ever seen. Now, objectively, there have been other "worse" teen sex movies, like the innumerable American Pie sequels, but this one is offensive because of the fact that it so obviously has pretensions to be a generation defining examination of the sexual politics of high schoolers. But contrasting this film to even the Tina Fey penned "Mean Girls", almost a decade this film's junior, LOL absolutely pales in comparison. Now, I'm willing to give Lisa Azuelos some credit. I have not seen her original 2008 French film, and maybe it's good. Maybe it is the sharp edged satire that this film failed to be. Maybe something was lost in the translation to English. Maybe, lines such as "Skank-ass ho" don't engender the kind of bad laughs in French as they do in English. But, ultimately, the faults in this movie have to come down to her screenplay. Character motivations change every minute, plot lines are introduced, dropped, only to be either picked up again at a point when it's convenient for the film or just abandoned outright. The casting was atrocious. Miley Cyrus cannot act. Not that any other actress would have much luck trying to breathe life into this rotting , personality-void corpse of a character, whose only motivation in life seems to be deciding between two nearly identical wispy haired low-rent Cilian Murphy lookalike she's gonna give her V-card to. But give the artist formerly known as Hannah Montana some credit, at least she looks like a teenager! The absolutely goose-bump inducing storyline involving the blonde wanting to bump hormonal uglies with her math teacher fails to capture the creepiness and desperation of the situation if only for the fact that the two actors look about six months apart in age! Not that any of that matters, as this plot thread, like so many others, comes to a complete halt with no resolution, no consequence, and no lessons learned. And that's the biggest problem with this movie, it gives us absolutely no reason to care at all about the people in it. Why should I care about Lola's love life? What about this cop am I supposed to find charming apart from his motorcycle and leather jacket? Why should I like Kyle as opposed to the other guy?(I can't remember his name, and no, I won't look it up because I've already spent an hour and a half of my life on this movie, and that's about two hours too long.) Demi Moore is the only one in this movie that comes across as credible. She's believable as a single mom trying to have a family and a career(What career, you ask? Good question, we're never told.). This movie is a complete mess of half-baked ideas trying to say something profound about the Twitter generation. Take my advice: watch Mean Girls or Fast Times at Ridgemont High, two films that despite their age have as much to say about teenagers in their time as they do now. And I guarantee you won't have to hear the line "skank-ass ho" in either of them.
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Bad... Just bad...
odd-bon_claud19 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
LOL. That's exactly what to do after watching this movie. Not because of any tummy-tickling humor or laugh-til-you-drop moments, but of the fact that this is even remotely considered a movie at all! LOL follows Lola (played by Miley Cyrus), a stereotypical teenager going through her stereotypical problems in her stereotypical life. Aside from a few sentimental mother/daughter moments and a well-fitted soundtrack this movie holds nothing special. It lacks meaning with it's stale dialogue recycled from the more vapid teenagers facebook page. If anything can be learned from this movie it's that internet slang should remain on the internet! Miley's performance is, as usual, bland, with nothing more to offer than the reciting of the script and a splash of her usual rebellious demeanour. She falls in love with her best friend Kyle, who just so happens to play in a band called 'No Shampoo', with her ex-boyfriend. Aside from this predictable coincidence you'll be pleased to know that they take the whole 'No Shampoo' thing to the next level by applying this philosophy to Miley's hairstyle throughout the movie. No doubt they saved a considerable amount of their budget! All in all the movie lacks a genuine plot as we observe lingering conflicts which end up simply dealt with and lack the epiphany needed to make them the focus of the film. The movie as a whole seems to avoid the traditional 'beginning', 'middle', 'end', which we normally associate with successful films, so that it's unclear to see what the films motive is. To say this movie was a 'disappointment' would be a huge understatement and a great compliment to it! So for all you movie-lovers out there who're looking for a good movie to watch, this is definitely not your cup of tea! Rating: 4/10 ... and that's me being generous
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nikamari0712 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I went into the movie with an opened mind. I usually don't like Miley Cyrus as an actress and usually won't waste my time watching films or shows she's been in, but I do enjoy movies with Douglas Booth and Ashley Greene. So, I began watching the movie and it seemed like it showed promise as being an original (or slightly original) movie (even though it's an American adaption of a French film). Then it got really cliché really fast. I was able to predict exactly what was going to happen before it happened and it was just so ridiculous. I literally fast forwarded at times and wasn't lost in the slightest. It had soooo much promise. Had they tweaked it slightly it would've been such a better film. Maybe if they had dipped into Kyle's home life a little more or spent less time on Lola's friend. It felt like none of the stories they were bringing in really made sense or mattered. It was just splotches of a teenagers daily life without the depth of meaning to it. It portrayed a true relationship between friends, enemies, love interests, and parents; even if Lola and Kyle's friendliness was a little stressed and the interest in each other too obvious in the beginning. Honestly I was more interested in Kyle's home life then I was in Lola's. And the movie was in Lola's POV. (for most of the movie) Maybe if they'd added some confrontation with Kyle and Chad about his and Lola's relationship or gave SOMETHING that wasn't so dry. You really only get the face value and some slight shallow depth to each of the teenagers when the movie could have been so much more. The people who worked on the film state the movie didn't do well at the box office because of the lack of publicity it got, but that wasn't it at all. It was because they had an amazing cast with a lacking story line that didn't make the audience care. What person wants to waste money on a movie they can see in a million other B movies that go straight to DVD?
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An awful remake of an already awful movie
Lugewi20 April 2012
Okay first things first, you should know that this movie is a remake of a crappy French movie of the same name. If that doesn't deter you from watching, then maybe knowing that Miley Cyrus is starring as the lead role does.

I never had high hopes for this movie especially since Lionsgate completely shunned the marketing team and had no effort in making sure that this movie gets some much needed publicity. But aside from that, this movie isn't really targeted for people like me. It seems to focus on its teen demographic, hell the title says it all...LOL.

Now I'm not hating on Miley Cyrus or anything but God that girl really brought down the movie. I thought that she could maybe prove that she can act and switch away from that Hannah Montana crap, but no, she cannot. And having Demi Moore didn't help either. It's like the cast had every intention to make a god-awful movie that only teenage girls would barely like.

Overall, the movie was your average run of the mill, teenage love affair crap. If you're a guy then stay the hell away from this movie, but if you're a girl, you should also stay away from this movie.
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johnnymacbest26 April 2012
If there's one way to describe this movie, it would be utterly atrocious, execrable trash. In no way are there any redeeming qualities in this "film" as it is filled with a moronic plot, hideous dialog(if you can call it that)banal acting and overall crap. The whole thing is a ruse; it looks like a low-budget made-for-TV film that ironically enough SHOULD HAVE BEEN A MADE-FOR-TV FILM IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! I'm sorry, but after Hanna Montana and the atrocious film that followed it, Miley Cyrus's career as an actress is pretty much in the toilet. Only a wickedly hardcore Miley Cyrus fan would watch this because any self-respecting movie-lover would stay clear away from this hell-hole of a movie.

1 out of 5 stars. That's how bad this piece of sh*t is.
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LOL - Load of "Load" (If you get my drift)...
I'm going to summarize here:

This "film" bears about as much connection with modern society as KFC represents the life of Chickens. Not only is it the most cheese filled pap ever, it's a walking cliché and the people in it, even say the word "LOL" rather than actually laughing, in one scene; one person even rolls around the floor laughing when she is told a joke by her friend, and it wasn't even funny.

The entire dialogue in this film looks as if it has actually been written on a Nokia 3310 by a 10 year old boy, who has ADHD, no offence to people who actually HAVE ADHD, but seriously, it's like they've given a child three things:

1. MDMA.

2. 90 Blank Sheets of Paper and a typewriter.

3. 2 Days to complete it.

The acting is below par and even in one scene, it is blatantly obvious that the actress has forgotten her lines, so she seems to make her line up on the spot. How on earth did Demi Moore get roped into this? Demi Moore has made some god awful movies in her time, but this will be a black hole on her CV for many years to come and I imagine she is only kicking herself to the loony bin for partaking in this absolute rubbish.

Then I have to mention the obvious fake posts on here which are condoning and praising this teeny bopper movie, which is obviously made to capitalise on fans of the girl out of this, kids who are grounded and have to use their phones as a social outlet, LOL, and teen kids who have nothing better to do with their money than go and see how the media thinks they should live their lives.

Anyone paying to watch this god awful trash should take themselves and get counselling, go and see a doctor, because whilst there are thousands and thousands of good script writers trying to earn a living, thousands of actors trying to break through; and thousands of budding directors just aching for a chance to even get 1% of this budget for their work; production companies are still lying and pulling the wool over our eyes with pap like this.

If you are fan of the girl in this film, think about it, and think about it hard!!!

If you actually like this girl, then you will NOT go and put money into the pockets of the greed ridden pigs who are actually trying to exploit YOU as well as your idol. So I'm not going to give you grief for liking this girl; like most will, but seriously think about it before you part with your money. If this film does even remotely well, the fat corporate pigs will only release more pap with her in, to try and prize YOUR hard earned money from your hands, and in turn, the big wheel of fortune will grind away on YOU and ONLY YOU!

It says something when a production company pull out of post production marketing like they did on this kids, they want to BURY it without trace, because they know how terrible this film truly is!

Fair enough, watch it on cable (it will be on there soon enough), download it from some kind of torrent site, but whatever you do, do NOT go and spend a penny of your money on this, you will regret it for years to come.

Long live the free thinkers.
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Waste of Film Reels
renethewizard19 April 2012
A monotonous, dreadful film that follows the gimmicks of social networking and text messaging. I wouldn't classify this as a movie; it falls along the lines of high school trauma and the depressing pokes of a Facebook page. The acting was sub-par and the love story was the equivalent of rusty nails while it focuses on the redundant internet slang we constantly see today. The whole feeling of the film was basically like looking at a Facebook page. Very dull and asinine with the sense of delusional romance forever reminding us how little hope remains for todays youth. If this is what you call quality entertainment then I fear for the sanctity of our Media. Major waste of filming resources and should be shot into the sun for the sake of humanity.
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I'd rather watch paint dry. Really.
stevensd800314 April 2012
I regret going to see this movie. Says it all. I was dragged along to it by an overly excited friend who wanted to see it. I couldn't of despised this movie more if I tried. The only difficulty about this now is trying to reach the minimum requirements for the length of this review.

Right, so I expect people seem like they know what to expect with this movie. Otherwise, why go see it. Miley plays nothing more than how she does on her TV series. A ditsy girl with poor use of English. Which isn't surprising.

If I had to recommend this to someone, it would be those under 11 years of age.

One good thing about the experience of seeing this.. "movie" was that I felt relief when it was over.

But hey, if you want to waste some cash with minimal physical and, let's face it.. mental effort, then see this wasted reel of film. 1/10.
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Childhood favourite
dalyrobyn-811782 February 2021
I first watched LOL when I was 11 or 12 and recently bought it on DVD and rewatched it, I'm now 20. I don't understand why there are so many negative reviews, yeah obviously it's not the best film ever made but these people giving it terrible reviews are obviously the wrong demographics. it is obviously aimed at tweens and young teenaged girls. It's very cliche and very cheesy, but i think if you seen it were you were young and re watch it it's very nostalgic. It actually gave me goosebumps haha but yes it's a rom com and the acting isn't amazing but it's not awful and I have a soft spot because I loved it so much as a child but I can understand if you hadn't seen it when you were younger I could understand why some scenes are a bit cringe but I think it's great and doesn't deserve the extreme hate.
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I've got a Juno poster in my room. There! I'm smart now.
Organic_624 April 2012
In the movie, LOL, the character, Lola, has a poster for the smash-hit, Juno, hanging in her bedroom. I know, I know. Analyzing a detail as small as this might sound nitpicky but just hear me out.

Juno was a movie about a teenager who addressed the people she loved and the people she had problems with, in person. Juno revealed an ultrasound picture of her baby to its future adoptive parents, in person. She laid out an entire living room set on Paulie Bleeker's front lawn, to tell him she was pregnant, in person. The reason its main character maintained quick-witted comebacks and came up with ironic allegories, at the drop of a hat, was because of her characteristic of going out and exploring new things. That movie was so refreshing because it took place in a world in which teenagers didn't constantly have the glow of a cell phone screen, reflecting off of their faces. In fact, there was only one part in the film involving a phone conversation between two people...and both sides had their phones plugged into a jack!

So why does LOL's mentioning of such a great movie bother me? Because its own message contradicts Diablo Cody's vision and her faith in teenagers. Cody believed in a world in which adolescents might actually look up from their gadgets, turn to each other and like, talk. Hell, there actually is a scene from Wall-E, in which two morbidly obese men favor looking at monitors with video feed each other, when they're in floating chairs, side by side. Juno spits in the face of such technological dependence.

LOL, on the other hand, condones the non-stop usage of iPods, Twitter and other sites of the moment. Its lead characters are so reliant of online social networks, where every sentence is simplified and shortened, that once they finally log off, they use phrases like "it's good to love someone so much it hurts." A line like that wouldn't even make it into Juno's deleted scenes section on the DVD. LOL celebrates the idea of kids, hunching their heads over a five by three inch screen all day long, as the rest of the world passes them by. Don't get me wrong - I'm well aware that there actually are teenagers in the world who are this overly consumed. With it being near impossible to find a person between the ages of 18 and 29 NOT on a phone within a three hour period of time, writer and director, Lisa Azuelos, isn't exactly making up fiction here. But to try to portray these hypnotized kids as deep thinking and complex is wrong. How could they have the drive to reflect on who they are when they don't even put effort into typing out full words into text messages? Like I said, it's fine for characters like these to exist because there are real world people like this. But don't try dragging another film down to your level when it boasts unexplained emotions, open for interpretation while your own best moment of self-reflection consists of the line "Every year, it's weird going back to school but here we are, just going with the flow". Oo-hoo-hoo, look out, Hemingway.
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Cute..funny..coming of age movie!!
katslzoo4 January 2020
I thought this movie so was cute. Had all the checks for me!! Funny, sad, music and relationships!! Excellent movie!! I will refer friends to watch and I will watch it again!! I cant believe just two stars!!! Good job cast and crew!!
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So Bad Some Might Enjoy Its Badness
Michael_Elliott21 November 2012
LOL (2012)

* (out of 4)

Lisa Azuelos remakes her own French movie. This one here has Miley Cyrus playing a teen who seems obsessed with sex, drugs and music, which is something her single mom (Demi Moore) doesn't know about. I'm guessing that's the so-called plot to this film but the truth is that plot and this movie really don't go together. I can't comment on the original film since I haven't seen it yet but this thing here pretty bad but thankfully it's so bad that most people should be able to get a couple good laughs out of it. I think what really kills the movie is the fact that every character from the teens to their parents are just downright idiots. I mean, the Moore character is without question one of the dumbest mothers I've ever seen from any movie. Just watch the way the character pretty much can't put her foot down on anything and the scene where Cyrus talks her out of taking her phone away is just embarrassing. Even worse is a sequence later on when mommy and daughter have it out after mom reads her diary and notices all the things she's been up to. Not only the entire sequence unintentionally funny, the performances by the two actresses is just embarrassing. Cyrus really comes off bad here because she can't handle what limited range the character has. The scenes with her crying are just poorly done and I can't say I believed anything she did here. Moore isn't quite as bad but she's burdened by the horrid character. Even Gina Gershon, Ashley Greene and Thomas Jane can't do anything. Everything from the dialogue to the actual story is just really bad and there's really nothing good to mention here outside the use of a certain Rolling Stones song. What keeps LOL watchable is how bad it manages to be and I'm going to guess that the only people this thing will appeal to are those who enjoy movies that are so bad they're watchable.
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Good for a chick flick
Kristen999 July 2016
It's a movie you can watch easily.Doesn't require any attention 'cause the plot is very simple.It's just another chick-flick.The cast is good. And actors' interpretations are surprisingly good.Gives you quite monoptical view of teenagers life,but has some real world problems which was an good thing to notice.Music is good.But the plot is very empty.The scene were Miley snicks Douglas in the host home is really stupid.They could have thought of something much better.It is worth watching if you're a teen girl.Nothing that will blow your mind.I am not sure if the relationship between the two protagonists is what a relationship really is or what it should be,so the message that comes about relationships isn't a healthy one.
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great movie loved every second
dococ4414 July 2012
this is THE WORST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN there was no acting !!.This is not a movie this is a documentary of how not to make a Miley Cyrus acting sucked worse than watching paint dry on a iceberg.It seems like the director gave up within ten seconds as the trailers for other movies had better action than this whore of a film. Everything about this movie makes me throw up blood it is horrible why call a film LOL when there is no humour I really don't understand it.

My daughter watched the first minute of this movie and is now in intensive care. Every day she bangs her head so hard on he wall she creates deformities in her ovaries. She cries so much that she has to drink 56 gallons of vodka every hour. She has a liver transplant every day. Miley Cyrus is my sons worst nightmare and every night he wakes up screaming so loud that he bursts his own ear drums. Overall it was rubbish never watch if you like bad movies this is your worst nightmare! Myley Cyrus deserves a BAFTA.
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Yet another example of how the movie industry has gone down the drain.
Despite knowing the cast before seeing LOL, I decided to keep an open mind. I always feel as though I can examine something in further detail if I put aside all previous knowledge of the subject. This attitude quickly changed.

Another perfect demonstration of Miley Cyrus' rise to fame surfing on her father's back. As per usual, zero effort put in to her performance. This becomes increasingly worsened via the slaughter of what was once an excellent script. Humour (if it can even be referred to as such) pushed to its very limits; and scenes that had viewers covering their faces as though ashamed to be seen as they fled the cinema before even 20 minutes in.

What amuses me the most however, is that this actually seems to be getting positive feedback from a very small, direct audience. Simple movies for simple minds I suppose.
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Just no.
beckyholmes9328 November 2012
You can change your status, but not your heart. When reading this tag line you can get an instant view of the movie. Talentless, boring, and needs to be changed. It was so unrealistic, and I don't even want to waste words on a review for this movie. How can you make such a rubbish movie?!? First 5 mins of this film you have an irritating voice over thats not one bit meaningful or says anything useful. With a film like this you wouldn't expect this as the concept is actually good, but I don't think I could say another good thing about it.

0/10 Not worth it. Take it back and make a film, not a school project where your trying to find out how a camera works.
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this film made me want to shout myself
wolfkiller113 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
How and where do I begin to tell you people the horror that is this poorly acted , terribly scripted mess of a 'film'. I never thought I would ever watch a film that would at condone the poor behaviour of miley Cyrus' Character Lola but actually promotes and glorify it. The drug use that Lola partakes in is classified as 'cool' and 'hip' and the consequences of taking drugs are only briefly spoken of , Lola also is a victim of terrible parenting , Demi Moore is a overly touchy-feely mother who loves to indulge in the very acts she so aggressively and rightly condones HYPOCRISY AT IT'S FINEST PEOPLE , Demi Moore and her friends actually smoke pot in the adjoining room from her daughter and Jeremy {friends son} where they to are indulging in this terribly destructive behaviour pattern. Lola is often implied to be just like her mother POOR GIRL her mother is a woman who actually makes no sense as a human... she got a ride home with a COMPLETE STRANGER for peat's sake. Most of the males in this film {In fact all of them} display a chauvinistic view about women which none of them dare to challenge.Also nobody seems to care as to Lolas obvious obsession with technology and her mother fails to tell the father about Lolas self destructiveness and lies to him. MATURITY . Demi Moore portrays {badly} the worst parent ever who finds condoms in the house which her daughter owns along with several used joints and the only punishment is missing a party BUT WAIT ... LOLA GETS TO THE PARTY, Lola lies to her boyfriend and has an overly advanced sex life for her age To conclude this is a very destructive film which promotes behaviour that is self-destructive and harmful without consequence , this would be the last film on earth that i would permit my child to watch and it is in general crappy AVOID AT ALL COSTS
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If I could give this zero stars, I would...
trublu21526 May 2013
This is by far the worst piece of sh*t I've ever seen. The acting is terrible, the direction (if you could even call it that) is awful, and the story is down right unrealistic, pretentious, and ridiculous. Every minute that I sat through this garbage I was pondering whether or not to scratch my eyes out of my head or jump off of the tallest building I could find, neither of which would have taken this movie to the burners. Miley Cyrus is by far the WORST actress of all time, narrowly beating the entire cast of The Room for that title. Demi Moore is completely idiotic in this film, trying her best to portray a mother but only falters as the task despite being a mother herself to children in the same age bracket. The supporting cast, made up of Thomas Jane, Jay Hernandez, Fisher Stevens and Gina Gershon try to elevate this direct to DVD film with an unsuccessful result. The film's story is horrendous, it tries to convey high school filled with overbearing clichés that have been done better and more tastefully in other previous films. Overall, STAY AWAY FROM THIS FILM!!!! It should come with a warning on the DVD case reading: MAY CAUSE SUICIDAL THOUGHTS. Yes, it is THAT bad. You've been warned.
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A Nutshell Review: LOL
DICK STEEL3 March 2012
The first Hollywood film to premiere in India this year, which is quite apt since I suppose audiences in India can appreciate remakes upon remakes hitting their screens every now and then, since different movie regions in India have cross-made their films especially if they are financially successful. This version of LOL is a second generation remake, with the original film made with French actress Sophie Marceau playing the role of Miley Cyrus' titular role of Lola, before switching to play Demi Moore's role of mom in writer-director Lisa Azuelos' 2006 version, who then decided to direct the same film all over again, this time with Hollywood money.

I suppose it's tough getting bored when doing the same project, albeit with a different cast bringing different sensibilities to the table, and of course, being set in different countries allowed for an exploration of the modern / current day teenage trials and tribulations, and see how they would have differed from the very first film. For starters, this is an out and out teenage chick flick, set in high school where topics are rather constricted, ranging from bad grades to boys, to hot teachers and cliques, circle of trust and betrayals, and so on. High schools make for very fertile ground as a story setting, but you really can't get away from the formula, even if technology from webcams to IM chat sessions enter to spice things up a little

Miley Cyrus had a scene involving smoking of drugs here cut out, because a real life shenanigan blew way out of control with the teenage idol hell bent and desperate to leave behind her Disney child-friendly persona of Hanna Montana. Be it having provocative personal pictures making their way online, to recreational drug use or otherwise, the filmmakers probably thought it best to leave behind the negative publicity, and cut that out of the film. Which didn't do the flow any favours at times, with other less than stellar editing efforts such as a following scene that contradicted what was said before.

In any case Cyrus plays Lola, a teenager who opens the film being dumped by her boyfriend Chad (George Finn), and we'd just about know that she'll fall head over heels with her best male buddy Kyle (Douglas Booth) especially after gushing ad nausem about him and confessing so in her secret diary. But the road to true romance is always a bumpy ride, so you can bet your last dollar it has to deal with misunderstandings which led to temporal breakups and the like, not to mention falling school grades all over the shop make school life quite the bane to a relationship. Kyle too has issues with his dad's frowning upon his musical CCA, but since this is a chick flick, who really cares about the male characters anyhow, except when they fail to pout and look hot.

Subplots in the film that pad it up include a focus on Lola's best friend Emily (Ashley Hinshaw), who has the hots for her math teacher (Austin Nichols) with dream boat looks, and is the female equivalent of a Stifler or that obligatory rude, shock jock in any teenage sex comedy, and of course, Mom Anne, which the film splits 50-50 with her own relationship, being unable to move on from the husband (Thomas Jane) she divorced, and being at the crossroads to begin one with a rather persistent cop James (Jay Hernandez). Plus the dynamics between mother-daughter getting the highlights and focus as well, between Anne and Lola where sometimes they drive each other nuts, only to always inherently realize blood runs thicker than water.

LOL, after so many iterations, came off as flat and offered little surprises to fans of such films, who lap it up only because of a different cast. It's the usual chick flick dealing with rudimentary issues for its formula, which in real life may not even be issues at all. It's mildly amusing with nary a class act from anyone in their delivery, and perhaps it's that generation gap that's fast driving a wedge between myself and issues brought up in the film which may seem like a big deal for one growing up. Surely it's a coming of age tale, but I'm not getting it, nor am I the right demographic targeted to begin with.
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I would rather spend the rest of my life in a Turkish prison
sergei740-623-23913020 March 2015
I am embarrassed to be of the same species as the people who produced this film. They must have been smoking crack cocaine up their anus. Like I've seen bad films. I've seen horrible films. I've seen films that make me want to throw up and then eat my puke. But this is beyond that. I'd rather shove King Kong up my butt while shoving my balls in a crocodile's mouth than watch this again. It will forever wonder me what the screenwriter was thinking when he made this film. I personally am a professional writer, and I struggle to think of who is capable of creating this crime against humanity. If I ever build a time machine and kill one person in history, it would be the director of this steaming pile of goat droppings.
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don't judge a movie by it's actors
katwood61213 August 2012
I would give this movie a 7.5 or 8.

This movie wasn't exceptional; it won't win an Oscar or a people's choice award, but it wasn't a waste of time to see. I've seen the original LOL (subtitles and all) and I don't understand how this one was "worse" or "mocking" it. I enjoyed it. It was a good way to spend my evening. Miley Cyrus executed her character well. People are giving her a bad rep because of her previous movies; I'm not the biggest fan of hers myself. However, she did well in this movie. It wasn't a hard part to play but she did well. And all the other characters did well too. Between the original movie and this one, nothing was different except that this one was in English and had different actors.

This movie won't change your life by all means, but if you're looking for a romantic teen movie to watch, this one will serve you well. It's meant for teens (just like the writer/director envisioned) so don't go in expecting "The Notebook" because it will not give you what you're looking for. I hope this helps.
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Brain melting.
jon_grimstad20 July 2012
Just took the time to watch this movie, as it was one of PirateBay's most downloaded.

I honestly can not understand how anyone manages to do enough drugs to imagine this would be a good movie when writing the script. Luckily enough for me I was smart enough to not spend any money to watch the movie. I do however feel that I've not only been robbed for my time, but also for all of the knowledge I've ever gathered over the years. I am certain that at one point I could feel my brain melting away.

I still do not understand the plot of the movie as there was no red string connecting the movie, and it would jump from one story to another without ever finishing what it started. I am left feeling empty, as I don't know for instance what happened to Kyle and his dad after the Battle of the Bands.

If I would have to recommend this movie to anyone, it would be for brain dead tweens who believe that Europe is a country located in the United States, and that Justin Bieber is the greatest thing to happen to this world since the invention of make-up and hair straighteners.

Seriously, don't waste your time watching the movie, as you will most likely suffer severe brain damage afterward, and have troubles remembering anything useful that you've ever learned.

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Teen Life!!!!!
vishnupgn25 July 2020
I don't understand why there are so many negative comments on this movie, seems like people have personal grudge on Miley... c'mon!! This movie is so damn good, it's about teen relationships, friendships in school, parental stuff it's like everyone can connect to this movie, it brings back all your memories it's so simple and that's the beauty of this movie. I just loved it. You can watch this whenever you are bored.
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Miley Cyrus
btreakle11 February 2020
If you like a coming to Age movie, but you got to watch this one with Miley Cyrus. . Yeah, it was kind of cheesy. But I love Miley Cyrus. So to me, it's a must-see. ! And let's not forget Demi Moore. Still looks wonderful.
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Don't dismiss all these reviews as 'just old people moaning'
3Shirts10 March 2014
A lot of these reviews do sound a bit like old people who don't understand youth culture. There is a lot of moaning about 'these kids with cell phones constantly in their face'. The problem is that this film fails to challenge that image at all. I understand that the way teenagers communicate has changed. They use internet slang in person, they are on social media a lot and always using a smart-phone. It makes sense for films to reflect that.

The problem is that this film is total tripe, regardless.

The acting is horrendous on all sides, particularly Cyrus who clearly already passed the limits of her acting talent in Hannah Montana and needs to just jack it in. How Demi Moore got involved in this I do not know. Sure, she's done some bad movies in the past but I thought she was older and wiser now. Apparently not.

I not only failed to empathise with any of these people, I actively started to dislike all of them for being so woefully one dimensional. If you have a teenage daughter, or even just know a teenage girl, ask her about her life at school or the boys she likes. I guarantee it will be more interesting and engaging than the plot of this film.

I actually consider this film does more harm than good to the very people it portrays. It could have been an insight into the, sometimes impenetrable, world of teenage life. It could have shown parents or other adults how things have changed since their youth and why social media is so important to teenagers these days. Instead it just reinforces the image that they are shallow, whiny, and entitled 'kids' with no perspective on the real world.

I would say this is just for hardcore Miley Cyrus fans but actually it's more likely to upset you if you liked her before. It's not for anyone, simple as that.
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