Out of the Blue (2022) Poster

(II) (2022)

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Poor rendition of Body Heat
badambowman29 August 2022
Follows similar story of 1981's Body Heat.

Could tell the director's decisions were aiming to have some sort of artistic value added but were questionable and fell short of the desired effect - odd transitions, meaningless scenes, forced music, and long scenes with dialogue that felt redundant failing to move the story forward.

Hard to root for or get attached to any of the characters - none of them felt real, all kind of forced stereotypes. Each of the main characters (Diane Kruger and Ray Nicholson) were equally mysterious, but didn't feel like any substance between them, just physical attraction. The dialogue and decisions they made felt more like a Hollywood creation than anything based on reality or logical thinking.

Side characters were pretty good. The boyfriend (Yousef Abu-Taleb) at the end stole the movie for me and felt like the only real character in entire story. Parole officer (Hank Azaria) was good, his intro scene playing the role of a no non-sense tough cop was over the top. The deputy (Fred Weller) was even more over the top, but felt more in-line with the spiteful, I am the law, kinda persona a cop on a power-trip gives off.

Entire time watching, felt like a different take on Body Heat. Want to again mention weird transitions - if the director.(Neil. LaBute) reads this, what are you doing??
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So many different individual fails as a noir fan.
rjfromtoronto20 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's bad, you know the second they reference The Postman Always Rings Twice and Double Indemnity right at the start it's not going to be good. Then by the time the Detour scene comes in It's like a dead dog stinking up the joint and you just want to bury it humanely. I know Kruger from her role in Inglourious Basterds, and a few other flicks out there where she did a decent job. She's got talent. This was not one of those roles, none of the actors did a passable job from the sheriff to probation officer Azaria, the daughter, husband, boyfriend/thief, they all stunk, people reference Lifetime and Hallmark, this is not even on that level, there isn't even a believable love or lust scene or dramatic bit in the movie. This is CBC quality, aka Canadian Broadcasting Corp stuff here, we're talking The Beachcombers or Littlest Hobo type 70s stuff here. The ending was a blessing, of course she ends up with the daughter lol, so predictable and 2022, the bore is over at least, not a chance I will ever watch this again.
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These kids and their phones...
indy-3929 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The other day I was channel surfing and came upon Neil Labute's terrific "In The Company Of Men", I hadn't seen it in years and, after sitting through the bulk of it again, I wondered out loud "Why can't they make smart films like this anymore?" When I saw the same channel was running Labute's latest film "Out Of The Blue" I figured, "Why not?" It's a kind of neo-noir starring Jack Nicholson's son Roy( Chinatown prequel anyone?) and Diane Kruger that features some curious titles "Some Time Later" "A Little Later Than That"- that lead me to believe that in a last ditch effort to avoid serious scrutiny Labute kind of mocks the genre hoping you "get" the joke. It doesn't work, which isn't surprising since almost nothing works here.

Among the things that don't work, the chief offender is the femme fatale at the center of the drama. In the best romantic noir's there is, at the core, the "Baby, I don't care" rule (instituted from "Out Of The Past"- if you don't know the film- stop reading and find it) which, in short, means that the draw to the flame is so strong that our protagonist has lost his sense of reason. The best romantic noir films "Postman Always Rings Twice 1946"and especially "Body Heat" feature this element. As I said to my wife- "I'd go to jail for Lana Turner, to hell for Kathleen Turner, but Diane Kruger? I wouldn't go to the store..." The lack of a "to die for" femme fatale is a body blow to a noir but it is not always fatal. Smart dialogue and a clever plot can still make a compelling film ( contrary to popular opinion I see "Double Indemnity" in this category).

Labute, however, has not graced us with either here. The dialogue is a disappointment and the plot is a rehash of Body Heat /Bound. Disturbingly, the film looks cheap, and in an era when so many cheap films look fantastic. Virtually the only thing that really works, as many have noted, is Hank Azaria's character. Sad to report.
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Don't waste your time.
leopup30 June 2023
I cannot believe I just got sucked in and watched this entire movie. The main reason for its low rating is the acting. Krueger and Azaria were the only decent actors. I felt like I was watching a Nickelodeon teen soap. Well, with a little more spice and violence. The story itself wasn't too bad but it started spiraling near the end. The very ending was the WORST. Please...with all the creative people in Hollywood I am sure they can do a better job than this! The only thing this movie had going for it was the scenery. Looks like it takes place in the northeast and it's just gorgeous! That's the only way it got its 1 star.
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Suggested replacement title: Huge Collection of Overused Clichés
jfbbcsjrqg9 December 2022
Absolutely predictable, not one surprise, or novel idea from start to finish. You could call some of it foreshadowing, I suppose, but that would give the screenwriting far more credit than it deserves. Hard to believe that even one 'named' actor signed up to be part of this movie and the horribly obvious faux-plot that it pretends is worthy of your time, attention and electricity to suffer though. Do yourself a favor, and watch just about anything else you can, and skip this one.

This is probably obvious from the above, but I'd be horribly surprised if this didn't get nominated for multiple razzies. If not, the diner scene, and the "I can sit here all day with my **** down your throat" scene alone should get a writer a good, old-fashioned tarring and feathering.
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Absolut trash
CinemaMovieAddict31 August 2022
Boring, generic, and completely predictable. The plot is absolutely tedious. The screen cards telling you the time that passes between each scene are completely unnecessary. They become very annoying and cut the fluidity of the story consider they appear basically every two minutes making you lose interest. To be honest I'd rather watch paint dry and get more entertainments from it. Diane Kruger is one of the most boring and unerotic actresses in the industry. I've seen the Kardashians act out better emotions than this wannabe Hollywood actress. In a nutshell another forgettable performance on Kruger's part!

The end is made to shock us and reveal the absurdity of this kind of movies. But it is a bit forced and cringy. I felt nothing for any of the characters.
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If I was at all surprised, I would have given it a 5
smoke028 August 2022
I wanted to see this since I love neo-noir films and I usually love Neil Labute films, but this was just a Lifetime movie with some sex scenes thrown in, and the acting is about par with a Lifetime movie as well, except for Hank Azaria, who overacts erratically from scene to scene.

Everything that is going to happen is telegraphed in every scene, so the viewer can predict everything that's going to happen including the twist ending, which wasn't much of a twist because that was telegraphed also. I would have had more fun with this if the movie hadn't forced all its cards so deliberately out into the open, but as it is, I just kept watching to see if I was right. And I was, so there's that..
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More of an "exercise de style" than a good movie
cathyisa27 August 2022
The movie is well filmed, well played (even if it is not well-written) but makes no sense and has a plot that is weak to say the least.

There are screen cards telling you the time that passes between each scene as in silent movies. I understand the intention : this is not reality but an interpretation of it by the main character. It does not work because these cards are there every two minutes. They become very annoying and cut the fluidity of the story. It gives the impression taht every scene is a sketch independent from the other scenes, thus creating a story that isn't one. You lose interest pretty fast in my opinion.

The story in tiself is pretty basic. I think the directior who also wrote this movie wanted to look at this genre (the erotic thriller) with a cynical eye. But if that was the case, the movie in general takes itself too seriously for it to be a critique piece of this cheap gimmicky genre.

And well the end is a gimmick made to shock us and reveal the absurdity of this kind of movies. But it is a bit forced and cringy.

Maybe I am reading to much in this, but there are not any black actors or extras on-screen. Is the director saying that these thriller-thingys are often all-white. It made me wonder and it is true that these erotic-thrillers that I saw lately (the Affleck one adapted from Highsmith's novel...and others I don't remember the titles) are all-white cast. They are all pretty bad too.

I think it is time to declare these thrillers dead and begin to make thrillers where the story takes central stage instead of the twists. Deceivng the audience is cool and all-that, but not when it impoverishes the plot and takes the audience for a "babbling bumbling band of baboons".

I will give this 4 for the actors and the director's filming but even if it is a critique it is not a well made one.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of Out of the Blue
burlesonjesse58 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
2022's Out of the Blue is director Neil LaBute clearly on holiday. But hey, at least he's having fun on said holiday (isn't that the point). His love of other movies is evident (scenes of black-and-white stuff on an old TV), his title cards add to the cheese factor (and he knows this), and his twist at the end gives Out of the Blue a reason for being (I was waiting for that). I've seen other LaBute flicks and this doesn't appear like his normal shtick. I guess he got bored and decided to recycle old genre uses with quirks attached.

Starring Jack Nicholson's boy (Ray Nicholson) and featuring enough long shots and wide shots to power the sun, Out of the Blue is neo-noir in broad daylight, all risible with softcore porn clips and inane dialogue that seems like it's read off of cue cards. I mean yeah, the film blurs the lines of "it's so bad, it's good" territory.

So let's break it down all cinephiles shall we? If a movie was touched by the classical stylings of composer Pino Donaggio, it would be Out of the Blue. And if Brian De Palma and David Lynch decided to adopt an illegitimate baby, it'd be Out of the Blue. Finally, if Basic Instinct felt the need to cut the racier stuff just to appease the MPAA, Out of the Blue would suffice. Whoa, that's a lot to take in.

Out of the Blue has nothing to do with that Debbie Gibson ditty (of course it doesn't). It's a vehicle that somewhat tries hard to back up its definition (that would be without warning, unexpectedly). It's about a released convict (Nicholson as Connor) who has an affair with an older woman (Diane Kruger as Marilyn). While doing the nasty Cinemax-style, Connor and Marilyn decide on how to kill Marilyn's hubby (who is only seen once). Bottom line: Out of the Blue would be more effective if it took itself more seriously and didn't unintentionally play for the overripe. "Blue Velveeta".
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Not a good film, but not as bad as the reviews/ratings here
Dar Star26 January 2023
I'm not about to say that Out of the Blue is a good movie or anything, but I believe the reviews/ratings for it are a bit harsh. It has a myriad of flaws, but "one time watchability" is not one of them and that should matter to someone looking for a film to keep themselves occupied for the night. The acting is average, with the exception of Hank Azaria who is pretty funny in his limited role. The plot follows the usual cliches of a "film noir" and is not particularly novel in any way, but you do want to see what happens in the end and that keeps you engaged the whole time up till the obvious ending and the laughable final twist at the very end which is pretty much an arbitrary add on. The biggest flaw which was mentioned earlier is the LAUGHABLE interlude frames which let the audience know how much time has elapsed. It is soooooo cheesy and totally ruins the flow of the movie. Don't know what the director was thinking with that. Still if you're bored, it's not the worst movie to occupy yourself with if you like noirish films.
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Garbage cuz of ending
clreviews27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Can't believe I really thought it was going somewhere. Yep straight into garbage. The only movie that worse is 365 days. I don't care for nudity especially where there is too much. Or especially spicy scenes. Everything was around the 2 main characters. Ugh. Not only deputy was annoying but the actor was doing to much. Acting like cartoon character lol. The rest is just background noise for main characters ugh. To me the only character I liked was Kim. She got fashion sense. But they barely explored any other character.

And the ending predictable. But also sweet home Alabama. Even if they aren't blood ( or just two strangers con artists or whatever and they never explained that) related it's still flipping weird. Who pays for this to be made. Don't waste ur time on this trash.
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Helene has come ... a long way
kosmasp12 August 2023
No pun intended - Diane Kruger whom I (and I assume many others) had discovered in the movie Troy, has been in quite a lot of movies. I assume she tries to get better scripted stuff than this most of the time. But one has to pay the bills too - also the script may have sounded better than what came out of it - including all the cliches we get served .... you almost know from the get go what is what.

The main male character seems weird - and he has quite the character flaws. Also he changes attitude ... and intellect it seems. So I get the 4 rating ... what saves it a little for me: Hank Azaria ... the guy has fun to say the least! I actually would love to see a spin off with him playing that character! There is a way more interesting movie there ... and him being here and there (character wise) ... well I can take and dig that to a degree. He has the charisma to carry that though ... also be aware, while this is rated R, there is no real nudity in this. If this is one of the reasons you watch.. well thrillers like this one. Still it gets steamy from time to time - just don't lose your mind over it ... although you won't really care in the end ... twists and all that.
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Avalanche of cliches
angeloventuraq22 February 2024
The Fire of Sin is a slightly absurd film with a protagonist who the director seems not to have decided whether he is a naive boy who ended up in prison for a fight that ended badly or a consummate criminal with mask and everything. The boy gets seduced by a woman married to a violent husband, who is at least 10 years older than him and spouts one soap opera cliché after another. "Do you think it was fate that brought us together," for heaven's sake! Well he falls for it and you can imagine the ending. Apart from the scenes with the super cool Ray Nicholson, a forgettable film. Only the director knows how he manages to be seduced by a woman who has all the charm of a salted caramel popsicle. To the avalanche of clichés, add the good cop and bad cop couple, the icing on the cake 🙄
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No Thrills; All Predictable
vonlew26 May 2024
Sorry to say, I am not a very astute, in-depth, insightful movie watcher, but I figured out this plot in the first 3 minutes; & I do mean three minutes. The movie went downhill from there with its predictability. Every scene, following those three minutes, unfortunately, just proved my hunch to be more & more correct. The movie actually became painful to watch because of its trite, predictably. I continued to watch out of humorous curiosity to see how correct I was. Humour soon became anger. I wanted to yell at the characters, telling them how ridiculous they were being. "Stop, think, don't fall for it, the way every movie guy does!" But, I knew it was too late to tell them, I was watching a movie so the deed was all ready done & "in the can" as I've heard movie people say. What a shame. That's 90, or so minutes I'll never get back.
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Out of Their Minds
myronlearn29 May 2024
I blame Neil LaBute for writing and directing this awful picture which should have been so much better. It probably would've been had an a more talented screenwriter created it. I want to commend the actors, especially Ray Nicholson who gave as good a performance as this limited screenplay allowed. I hope he's not discouraged. It's regrettable that he and the others, including Diane Kruger and Hank Azria, two excellent actors, hitched their professional stars to this terrible project. Hopefully they'll be more selective in what they do going froward.

There is nothing novel about the script. It's far fetched in addition to its numerous other problems. I recommend skipping it, as you'll never retrieve the hour and forty four minutes you'll lose.
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Nice surprise out of the blue
tomsview16 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's not easy leaving a fresh footprint on well-trodden noir territory, but "Out of the Blue", manages to leave an impression.

When Connor (Ray Nicholson) meets Marilyn at a secluded beach the attraction is immediate. They become an item, however there are hurdles. She is married, apparently to an abusive husband, she also has a stepdaughter and Conner is an ex-con watched closely by his quirky parole officer and the local cop who hates his guts.

Nice to see Dianne Kruger as Marilyn though, back in the day ("Troy"), her face launched a thousand ships. As she comes splashing up the beach towards Conner in a red swimsuit you can believe she is still capable of hoisting a sail or two.

Conner works in a very cool looking library, but the way Marilyn makes a beeline for the shelf with James M Cain's "The Postman Always Rings Twice", we think we know where the film is going.

Writer/director Neil LaBute grasped the basic ingredients that make these things work. He gave it a light touch that lifts "Out of the Blue" above the sort of thing you get on Lifetime movies.

Despite critics that thought otherwise, there's clever dialogue. When Connor describes to Marilyn over the phone how he has just escaped being killed before making it look like two guys killed each other, he says, "That was my night, how was yours?"

Towards the end Connor is beginning to suspect he is being played for a naïf by a classic femme fatale; he joins great noir company.

The sex scenes in "Out of the Blue" seem a little over-considered. Overall, the journey is more rewarding than the destination. The finale has a twist and there's a twist within the twist as Marilyn gives us a final look that suggests she's duplicitous to the core. However, maybe it wasn't the best way to end it, it's all a bit too twisty.

The film looks good and has a terrific score by Adam Bosarge, reminding us of the great scores for noir by Herrmann and Rozsa. Still, he is his own guy; he's someone to watch out for.

I think "Out of the Blue" is worth sitting back and just letting it roll. I enjoyed it more than either of the "Knives Out" mysteries.
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