The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure (2012) Poster

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How did "The Oogieloves" go from 1.7 to 4.9? No seriously, how?
abrown97512 August 2013
Really, people?

I mean, I saw the movie. I saw it just to see how bad it was. Oh, I was not disappointed. And it seemed like at the time everyone else agreed on how bad it was, considering it had a 1.7 rating here on IMDb. About three quarters of a year later, here we are with 4.9? How did this happen?

So people just decide to up and suddenly praise this movie? Yep, seems likely. I did a little research on a lot of these "reviewers", due to outrage and a bit of summer boredom, I'll admit that right there. Here are my findings: Many of them were not only posted within a span of four days or so, but most of them have "The Oogieloves" as their only review ever made. Also, those accounts were made exactly one month and three weeks ago from today. What are the odds? Not to mention their usernames follow the format FirstnameLastnameNumber. Is it possible for everyone to just up and decide that? Poorly executed cover. Maybe this is true, and maybe it isn't, but to me it looks as if Kenn Viselman, the "marketing visionary", is getting desperate and is asking people to give his "film" good publicity. How else do you explain this sudden spike in votes and reviews? And if this really is true, then maybe Kenn was lying through his teeth when he said it "wasn't about the money". I mean, seriously. If it's not about the money, why the heck would you credit yourself as "marketing visionary" in the trailer? Does anyone see the irony in that? We're not that stupid. (Funny, I can imagine kids all over the world saying that to their parents when they saw the trailer.) Not to mention, if this is Mr. Viselman's way of compensating, then he must not be very good at his job. When you have to literally hire people to like your movie, then quit your occupation. That's like paying people to cheer you on at your baseball game. That's a bust. You've hit rock bottom, Kenn.

And this film truly deserves more bad views than it already has. Three over-sized, fully-clothed Teletub- er, I mean Oogieloves- go on a quest to find five magic balloons for their friend Schluufy. After all, it is his birthday (it is a he, right?). Okay, that's not a bad set up. It's simple enough. But we need to keep the parents entertained. Let's spice it up with some C-list celebrity cameos! I watch them sing and dance in this movie, and I bury my head in my hands, wondering "Why, Prince Wesley, why? Detective Kujan, what are you doing with your life? Doc Brown, if only you had your DeLorean to travel into your future and see this pile of dung!" It's sad, really. However, even when watching the movie, I think to myself "So what's so bad about this movie?"

It's not how poorly-made it is, how badly-written the songs are, or how embarrassing the cameos are. It's the fact that they think this is what kids need. Do children really need three crudely designed gigantors talking down to them (literally) as if they were stupid? This is WAY past pandering, it's babying. Many people would respond to this, saying "Oh abrown975, you've gone too far. It's just a kids movie. It doesn't have to be perfect." Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. "Oh come on, it's just a toy. It doesn't have to be perfect." "Lighten up, it's just a baby swing. So what if it's shoddily made?" "It's okay, it's just a pacifier. Why would it need to be child-safe?" Let me put things in perspective if I haven't done that accurately. Is "Barney's Great Adventure" a kids movie? Yes, and it was horrible. Is "The Lion King" a kids movie? Absolutely, but it's currently rated the #1 animated movie of all time on IMDb. What about "Mac and Me"? How great was that? Not at all. What about "Up"? Um, nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars, need I remind you.

Just because it's a kids movie doesn't mean quality has to be abandoned. Using "How can children tell?" as an excuse is just a blatant cop-out. It's laziness, no matter how "revolutionary" the idea is.

THAT'S why "The Oogieloves In the Big Balloon Adventure" is not only a horrible children's movie, but just a movie by itself.

And that's exactly why I say you should definitely watch it. WHAT A TWIST! Yes, that's right. Watch this horrible piece of poo. Watch it with your friends. Make fun of it. Have fun. This is the "Troll 2" of our generation. "Mystery Science Theater 3000" has prepared us for this exact moment.

Huh, maybe this was Kenn Viselman's plan all along to get viewers. Perhaps he really is a successful "marketing visionary" after all. Well played, Mr. Viselman.

This movie still sucks though, no matter how many PR people are telling us otherwise.

UPDATE: 6.3!

UPDATE 2: 7! This is unbelievable.
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Yes. It is as bad as you would think.
dwnetseeker10 September 2013
Well I just finished this film. Full disclosure, I lost a bet on whether the Pittsburgh Pirates would go above .500 this season and for some crazy reason they actually finished above .500 so I had to watch this film. With that said, I can say that at times I was thoroughly entertained.

Let's start with the acting, it's hard to imagine why some talented actors chose to work in this film but then it's not that hard to imagine when you think about the one day of shooting for the significant pay day. Listen, every actor or actress was just horrible in the film. Tony Braxton was so self centered that it was almost uncomfortable for me to watch and not one time do I remember her stating who she actually was in the film. Was she playing herself? I'm still left wondering about this one.

Cloris Leachman was the first respectable actress to appear and she essentially played a crazy person. Her character was obsessed with circles. If you just read that sentence and re read it because it didn't make sense then let me spare you the third re read, yes...she was actually obsessed with a circular shape. When the Oogielove trio enters her home and begins speaking with her they mention nothing about this psychopathic problem. If I entered a situation like that, my initial thought would be something like "What the hell is wrong with this woman? I gotta get outta here. This woman is crazy and I legitimately need to be worried about my safety." Instead Cloris's character induces the trio into a disturbing dance about circles that is sure to leave the audience questioning their sanity.

By the way, let me interrupt my character and acting assessment to quickly explain to you the plot of this film. The Oogieloves wake up in the morning and it apparently is their pillow's birthday. Once again, you read that correctly, it is their pillow's birthday. Now there is no explanation for why there pillow is alive or whether it can even speak at this point, as a viewer you just have to go with it and as I tried to immerse myself in the Oogielove world, just for a second I was able to believe that the group was really excited about there pillow's birthday.

Now we are introduced at this point to our first supporting character in the film, a window with a woman's face on it. Think Snow White mirror but a beautiful woman instead. I wish I could say that this talking mirror is the most unique and weird character in the film but frankly it probably doesn't even approach the top three. The talking mirror speaks with a southern accent for really no reason whatsoever. I'm not sure where the accent comes from but it is just accepted despite no one else in the film having that accent.

The window wakes up the Oogieloves and they look into her. She has the magical ability to see anywhere in their mysterious land so she shows them an approaching character. What character you may ask? Well this character is hands down the most unexplained and unbelievable character in the film, it's a talking vacuum cleaner. Why a vacuum cleaner? I repeatedly asked myself that question while watching the movie and came up with no good answer. I'm just going to assume they simply thought of a household object and for some reason believed a vacuum would make for an interesting character. They were wrong.

The talking vacuum accidentally lets go of some helium balloons for the surprise birthday party for the talking pillow because I think he tripped on the sidewalk. (There is a sentence I never would've believed I would've typed in my life.) So the Oogieloves trio set out to go and find the balloons for the party. Now at this point my spidey senses were tingling. I had a ton of issues with their decision making here. So you're telling me they can't just go buy 5 more balloons? The talking vacuum has an answer for that question. No, these are the last balloons in their world. Hmmmmmm...well played director, well played. Well truthfully, we learn later these are magical balloons that can sing but their song was really stupid and basic and I don't really think the talking pillow enjoyed it but I don't want to give away the ending for you all.

So the Oogieloves go from place to place and meet the celebrities. The worst acting performance (and believe me this was not an easy decision) had to go to Christopher Lloyd. In about 10 minutes of screen time he had 1 line...ONE. I mean really? He just blankly stared at the camera and then made weird threatening faces towards the Oogieloves when they stared at Jaime Presley the wrong way. And yes, we were to believe that Christopher Lloyd was hooking up with Jaime Presley. The sad fact is that this was not the most unbelievable subplot of the film.

Listen there is other characters in this film and other terrible story lines that are worth discussing but I think I've talked enough. It was a disturbing film and really entertaining at times. It was an awful film and I don't believe for a second that kids would actually enjoy it (kids aren't stupid) but from a satirical standpoint I somewhat enjoyed it. View at your own risk.

(As a side point you have to love the people that come on here and are hired to write reviews. They are so blatantly hired to write positive reviews and frankly it is comical.)
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A danger to children's attention spans and their mental health
StevePulaski6 February 2013
The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure is the worst kind of film you could ever show your young children. It's unsubstantial, witless, lacks anything in the way of a lesson or a moral, too kiddish for even the youngest viewer, and largely comprised of things that have been proved unhealthy for your visual and auditory senses. It has been reported by Box Office Mojo as having one of the worst opening weekends for a film opening on more than 2,000 screens, with a dismal $102,564 and a final gross of $1.06 million. Against a $20 million budget (and an extra $40 for marketing), this makes this one of the worst performances for a film ever.

Our story is concerns Goobie, Zoozie, and Toofie, the three Oogieloves that exist in their own world, which is so colorful that is borders along the lines of nauseating. They are celebrating their pillow Schluufy's birthday, and plan to give him five bright gold balloons for his surprise party, which they plan to set up while he is sleeping. When J. Edgar (their vacuum cleaner friend) accidentally frees the balloons outside, they become scattered all over the whole mythical land, leaving the Oogieloves no choice but to get them back. They bounce in and out of colorfully artificial sets, running into people like Rosalie Rosebud, Dottie Rounder, Marvine Milkshake, Bobbly Wobbly, and Lero Sombrero.

That's all well and good, but would you believe those characters are played by none other than Toni Braxton, Cloris Leachman, Christopher Lloyd, Chazz Palminteri, Jamie Pressly, and Cary Elwes? If one thing is guaranteed to make your jaw drop when watching this film, whether it be the stunningly frothy atmosphere, the corny singalongs, or the inept nature of the characters, it will be the list of talent involved with this project. What could've been going through Chazz Palminteri's mind when he signed up for this film? He was the driving force behind the film adaptation for A Bronx Tale, an amazing coming of age story I'm sure those who attended The Oogieloves won't go on to see. To give him credit, he plays his role with convincing motivation, but witnessing him batting dopey milkshake puns and dancing around the milkshake diner, concocting cockamamie shakes filled with peppermint, chili, pickles, and other ingredients is one of the most dreadful things I've ever seen a talented actor succumb to. And I saw Movie 43, mind you.

Let's talk about the box office performance of this film. Normally, if I catch a film on DVD, when all its financial information is already public and mostly complete, I shy away from explaining it because it usually has nothing to do with the quality of the film at hand. It's not worth mentioning, per say. Yet we need to talk about how The Oogieloves performed theatrically. I already wrote an entire blog when this film was in its theatrical run about how this film's dismal performance was either an indication of the end of August being a generally poor time to release a film (kids are going back to school, adults are generally rushed, and time is fleeting) or a smart public. Both of those, I believe, are big factors, but one of the biggest ones is the lack of an introduction on these characters or "Oogieloves." Think about it. Films like the Rugrats trilogy, The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, and The Wild Thornberry's Movie succeeded largely due to their name and familiarity amongst elementary schoolers and maybe those of selective age groups. The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure is marketing characters nobody knows to a demographic that still can't completely influence their parents to take them to the cinema to watch the film of their choice. Usually, the parents decide the film and see if the child has any dissenting remarks. The Oogieloves were not introduced to the public prior to this unexpected movie adventure, and with no prior consumer knowledge via an album debut, a TV special, a TV show, books, etc, this was a project doomed from the start. Why was $60 million invested into this? The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure was marketed as an "interactive" movie feature, allowing children to fearlessly speak to the characters in the film, get up and dance on que, or openly talk during the picture. During the course of this eighty-one minute endeavor, ten songs are played, hoping to get children out of their seats and on their feet dancing. What is played are some of the most redundant, idiotic, monotonous songs that showcase nothing but maddening tedium. If there was any prior music released by the Oogieloves prior to this film I'd hate to hear it. The theatrics, too, never stem past costumed-humans dancing robotically back and forth to the music, and in a day and age where computer animation can create an army of one-thousand characters to dance and sing simultaneously, this return to primitive style is lame and relatively bland.

To bring things to a simple close, The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure is a harmful, harmful film to show young children. Films like this give kids nothing but a shorter attention span and an energy level that can easily be adopted off of caffeine and fast food. Taking your child to see this film will do nothing to make them smarter, better, and will do nothing to further them in any way shape or form. Taking them to see films like Brave, Cars, Shrek, Toy Story, or Wreck-It Ralph fuel their minds with creative energy, giving them a lust for life, adventure, and fun. This is one of the most appalling films released in some time for all the wrong reasons.
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EXTREMELY overrated.
helenacaju14 July 2013
Awful, pointless, unlikable, and unfunny. One: the costumes are just awful. They're disturbing and they can give you nightmares. Especially the 3 creatures (The Oogieloves AKA Goobie, Zoozie and Toofie). Two: The actors. CHRISTOPHER LLOYD, CARY ELVES, CLORIS LEACHMAN....These famous actors play unlikable characters. Congratulations, the career of these actors have a new low. =_= Three: The. Horrible. PLOT! They expanded finding 5 balloons in 83 minutes? It's repetitive! With lots of SLOW POINTS. Also, there are horrible puns and jokes. Like when Toofie's pants fall down...IT'S NOT FUNNY. Four: The songs are absolutely horrible. They will make you want to rip your ears off. The worst song is the awful theme song. I can't believe this piece of trash has many positive reviews. Five: The fact that this movie got theatrical release when everything screamed "Direct to DVD". I'm not forcing anyone to avoid this, but who doesn't like very annoying kid's movies shouldn't watch this.
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Absolutely horrendous
TheLittleSongbird8 May 2014
If it weren't for the talented actors and the notorious positive reviews and ratings spamming, I wouldn't have known that The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure existed. After seeing it to see if it was as bad as all that, a big part of me wishes it stayed like that. The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure is really as horrendous as everyone says. The colours are bright, but not in a good way, the whole movie has a garish feel that only accentuates the movie's overall tackiness. The costumes are so creepy that they induce nightmares, Barney and the Teletubbies are tame in comparison, while the songs are some of the worst I've heard, the lyrics are incredibly childish and the tunes will leave you cringing. That they're badly sung doesn't help though. The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure isn't fun, educational or endearing in the slightest. The writing is as childish as the songs, with the humour and gags being enough to insult a 5 year old and traumatise children younger than that. They are not funny at all, and can be seen as inappropriate. Education value is low on the radar, people will almost certainly be saying "why am I being being "taught" something I already know?" and they won't appreciate that it's done in a way that talks down to them rather than engage. The story is full of repetition and goes nowhere a lot of the time, there are stretches where there is a strong temptation to nod off. 5 year olds won't even need to see this movie to do and learn the stuff that is shown in the movie, so that makes The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure pointless as well as repetitive and dull. Don't expect Christopher Lloyd, Cloris Leachman, Cary Elwes and Chazz Palminteri to make The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure watchable. They are saddled with characters that are impossible to like or engage with, dialogue that shows even them looking embarrassed and they are poorly utilised, they try but just can't do anything with what they're given. It is a waste of real talent, which is one of the worst things a film can commit in my opinion. And the less said about the truly obnoxious titular characters the better. In short, a horrendous movie, which along with Foodfight! is one of the absolute worst movies seen by me in a fair while. It fares terribly as a family movie, and is even worse for its main target audience too. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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misspjw1 September 2012
This had to be the worst kids' movie I have ever seen in my life; my four year old and I we were the only two in the theater watching it today; she must have asked me 10 times if the movie was over and if it was time to go. The voices didn't match up to the film and the whole thing was a big old' mess. The songs were silly and not in a good, silly for kids way; just silly and meaningless. We missed the first few minutes, which I usually hate, but I think that save us a few more minutes of misery. Perhaps the glow stick had something to do with the beginning that we missed, but she kept asking me what it was for. I like the idea of kids being able to interact, and maybe if there had been someone else in the theater, she would have been motivated to get up, but it just didn't work.
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Terrible movie with some bogus reviews on IMDb!!!!
MsMovie1 September 2012
***UPDATE - Another bogus review added by someone who JUSt registered and NEVER reviewed anything before, and still it's on 1.9!

***UPDATE*** Worst movie opening of ALL time - the American public speaks!

Firstly, I have a pre schooler and I watch a lot of kids movies and TV. Dora can be a little annoying at times to me, but I can see it's educational value and that it has a plot, a point, some thought went into the episodes.

The Oogieloves had a bad plot, bad writing, bad songs, bad acting and was quite frankly and insult to your average pre schooler.

One of the reviews here said it was for 8 years and under, and I say to that NO WAY IN HECK! You will not find a kid above 5 wanting to sit through this garbage.

It makes the lack lustre The Lorax (of which most would say the book was far superior), seem like it should have garnered numerous Oscars.

If I was a writer on this project I would have told them they didn't have to put my name in the credits, it's THAT awful.

NOW, to the bogus reviews - there are 5 here as of this moment - 1 is a good review by someone who has written a lot of reviews, so I can respect that they found something appealing in this pile of dross that I obviously didn't see. 2 are awful reviews like mine, written by people, like me, who have written other reviews.

Two of the reviews are bogus in my opinion, probably written by someone in connection to the movie, since neither of these people has EVER written a review on ANYTHING before. Does that scream fake review to you? Even with the bogus reviews this movie is only on a 2.2 so far, that should tell you it's just plain bad.

Don't even rent it from a Redbox, it's not even worth that much! Parents everywhere hear me, you're going to be happy in a couple of weeks because Finding Nemo is coming back to theaters, save your money and take the little guys to that - they haven't seen it on the big screen and it's even going to be 3D too, now THAT is a movie worth your movie ticket bucks.

I would have given this a zero with no qualms at all, except that there is no option for a zero out of ten!
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Everything That's Wrong With Children's Entertainment In One Awful Movie!
Rebel_With_A_Cause_9428 August 2012
The Oogieloves In The Big Ballon Adventure is not only one of the worst movies i've ever seen, it's the worst children's movie i've ever seen! It's everything that's wrong with children's shows wrapped up into one movie. Having left the theater, i'm still incredibly shocked that a film this terrible got a theatrical release. First off, this is some of the laziest writing i've ever heard for a kids film. Just look at the characters names! Goobie, Zoozie, and Toofie! And if you think that's bad enough, just wait until you hear some of the supporting cast characters names. Rosalie Rosebud, Marvin Milkshake, and the worst of all is Carey Elwes character's name Bobby Wobbly. The saddest of all is Christopher Lloyds role which is just embarrassing. You can tell for the most part though that none of the supporting cast wanted to be there because they aren't even trying at all. The plot of the film is as simple as it gets. The Oogieloves have the collect the 5 magical balloons they've lost and get them back in time for this big party they are about to have. You can pretty much figure out the whole movie from just that one sentence. What ensues is some of the worst jokes i've ever heard in a film and a bunch of lame dance/musical numbers. Now the Oogieloves is being marketed as a "revolutionary interactive movie-going experience". However, there is nothing revolutionary or original about it. If you've seen Dora The Exploreor or anything show similar of that, then you've seen everything that Oogieloves has to offer. There is nothing new here to see, except the material being taken to a new low. The writing is some of the worst i've ever heard for a kids film with all of the jokes involving some sort of gross out gag or flatulence jokes. The musical numbers are also very bland and the songs are not catchy at all. However, I can't really say the film bored me because it just kept irritating me and making me more and more angry by how awful it was. The fact that this is what people are accepting for children's entertainment is shocking and is exactly why all kids entertainment these days sucks! Oh, and don't buy into the "Academy Award Nominated Director" crap either, Matthew Diamond was nominated for Best Documentary for a film that nobody saw. I really can't think of anything else to say about this film besides how awful it is. Please Parents, do not take your kids to see this film!
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Beyond belief!
trfesok11 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
On the Sunday before Laobor Day, I took my 5 year old to see the loves" movie (as in, desperate parent needs something to distract child). There were 11 people in the theater, counting us. He, of course, adored it. I found it fascinating the way people find train wrecks interesting. Take the more bizarre aspects of the Wiggles and multiply them by 50, and you get the idea. I just sat with my jaw dropped through this thing, hardly believing what was on screen at virtually every point. Things like weirdly colored puppet people, lead characters such as a vacuum cleaner and a throw pillow, a cowboy with bubbles in his pants, a giant tulip, a flying sombrero powered by spastic dancing, and people like Toni Braxton and Christopher Lloyd totally humiliating themselves. It cost $20 mil to make, $40 mil to market, and has taken in $0.5 mil so far! I'm excited to be part of a historical event -- one of the few people to see in the theater one of the worst big budget bombs ever!
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The worst movie I have ever seen in my life.
peeweeh915 December 2013
One of the worst movies in the world. Don't be fooled by the bots who are freaking PRAISING this movie. The movie is god awful. In fact it's so bad that I would give it 0 stars, but IMDb does not have an option to give it 0 stars. "The Oogieloves in the BIG Balloon Adventure" has to be the WORST movie ever right next to the Garbage Pail Kids movie. Don't waste your money on this miserable pile of excrement. It is absolutely horrible. Also, if you really want to have your eyes and ears bleed, watch the movie at your own risk. And, would you believe that this "movie" is at a 7.4?! Want to know why? Apparent some troll decided to get a bot that spams this movie with surprisingly positive reviews, thus, bringing the rating up. This movie is a good reason why IMDb needs bot protection.
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This film is an artistic masterpiece!
rosshenderson-933262 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So I've heard many people claiming that Casablanca or the Shawshank Redemption is the best film ever made, well I'm afraid that I am going to be forced to disagree: the Oogieloves is superior in almost every way. I especially loved Christopher Lloyd's appearance in the film. It is a truly inspiring tale for the whole family!
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Beyond bad
fredrutz8 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I only watched this movie (on video) because it was nominated for a Razzie award. Unfortunately, this movie will not win worst movie since so few people have seen it.

I understand that it's a kids movie and that the plot needs to be simple. It also needs to be a responsible movie and this movie is not. When the kid jumped out of the tree holding onto his magic balloon I actually yelled at the screen. This made my wife laugh, since she is the one usually talking to the television.

The only good thing that I can say about this movie is that the colors were very bright.
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The Worst Film of 2012
jdennist31 August 2012
If I were 3 years old and had this garbage foisted on me...I'd consider putting myself up for adoption.

If I were 3 years old and had this garbage foisted on me...I'd fling fecal matter at the screen.

If I were 3 years old and had this garbage foisted on me...I'd throw a tantrum just to get taken out of the theater.

If I were 3 years old and had this garbage foisted on me...I'd never want to see another movie again.

This movie was not good.

Don't take your kids to see this garbage. There are TV shows far superior to this. There are classic movies far superior to this. Last year's Winnie The Pooh is perfect for kids. Show them that.

Not this sludge.
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Not to be seen by anyone older than 3.
planktonrules4 December 2013
I do not understand the marketing decision to create the Oogieloves. This sort of thing clearly would interest very young children--with its bright colors, catchy music and deliriously happy characters. However, I cannot honestly see a child older than about 3 enjoying this in the least. So, it appears as if the target audience is 12 months to perhaps 36--a very, very narrow window indeed. So narrow that many parents wouldn't take their kids because who wants a film that ONLY kids this age would like? You couldn't bring the older sibs to the movie, as they'd be suicidal or would be bouncing off the walls throughout the movie. And, if your older child DOES like this, I question their sanity and maturity! As for everyone NOT in the target audience, you'll probably find the Oogieloves both annoying and incredibly creepy. Their faces are only barely animated--with their dead-like expressions and facial movements. And the music is clearly the sort of simplistic stuff that would annoy as well. The bottom line is that I can see NOTHING about this film that wouldn't turn off the viewer unless they are very, very young.

I am not giving a numerical score to this one. I don't have a tiny child to ask what they think and it's not fair to rate a film for tiny kids when I am an adult. But I am very annoyed with IMDb because they don't do a very good job of policing the reviews or numerical ratings. "The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure" HAD a score of about 2.0 for several months and some group apparently bombed the site--flooding the film with 10s (why, I have no idea)--hence it's very respectable score of 7.5. Additionally, there are many positive reviews that clearly must have been put there by the filmmakers. You can tell since the reviewers have not reviewed any other films and their 'reviews' are made up of single-line blurbs--as if they were lifted from a press release! Unfortunately, I've seen this same sort of thing happen with a few other films--such as the reviews on "Just Another Romantic Wrestling Comedy". Someone is going to need to start policing these things or of what value would IMDb be if this get out of hand?!
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Terrible movie, ignore the rating
jml4707 January 2014
Normally, I don't write reviews for the movies I rate just because I don't have the time, but for this I'll make an exception since I found out about either a person or a bot actually going through and raising up the rating for this piece of dreck.

Now, I know I'm not the target audience being an adult, but you can tell the difference between a good kids movie and a bad kids movie. A good kids movie won't talk down to its audience and treat them like an idiot, just because they're kids, it doesn't mean they're stupid. A bad kids movie treats them like an idiot because they're a kid. Oogieloves decidedly falls into the latter category.

So, please, parents, if you're actually looking for a movie for your kids that's live action and not animated, DO NOT rent/buy this movie. For the love of god, there's like 10 Muppet movies out there that's better than this, including Muppets in Space. If there's no Muppet movies, even Space Jam is better than this. If you're really desperate, even the Scooby Doo live action movies are better than this! And if you absolutely can't find anything besides Oogieloves, give them a book or make them watch a blank screen, both provide better mental stimulation than this!
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Why is this even a movie?
tomjackson409 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING:SPOILERS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS REVIEW!If you don't want to watch the movie while knowing everything about it,don't read this.



Okay,basically this film is about three rejected and talking Teletubbies with clothing trying to get five "magical" balloons from floating away for a talking pillow's birthday,thanks to a talking vacuum cleaner. First of all,WHO CAME UP WITH THIS PLOT?! A two year old? Second of all,Only people under the age of 3 would enjoy it.THAT'S HOW BAD THIS FILM IS!

This film is one of the biggest bombshells in cinematic history,and I can clearly see why.Also,it wasn't in theaters anywhere outside North America.GEE,I WONDER WHY?!

Also,the costumes are freaking SCARY!

I'm just glad I never watched the movie.

I'd give this movie a 0/10,but IMDb won't allow us to do that,so I'll give it a 1.
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All those 10/10s must be by spam bots...
WhosDat-62-59662024 July 2014
I can tell all the 10/10s were actually bogus ratings because everybody HATES The Oogieloves. They're annoying creatures who do such stupid crap. How can this get a 7.6/10 when The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl already has a THREE point four out of 10?! I bet the 11,764 people who gave it a 10/10 were probably spam bots or bogus ratings because a fan of them was probably mad about it getting a 1.7/10. I bet those 1/10s on The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl were also made by spam bots. I wish The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure can have a 3.4/10 while The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl can have a 7.6/10, or maybe higher!
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And for all of you who thought this was actually GOOD....
Flowertyra24 January 2014
I reviewed this film for my Youtube channel, and I considered it absolute crap. The characters have little personalities, EVERY DAMN THING is brought down to the lowest level (even insulting the intelligence of "challenged" children), and the songs made me want to jump off a bridge and make this movie burn in a hole in the ground.

EVERYTHING in this movie screams"Direct-to-DVD",and even though this is only 87 minutes, it feels like it's three times as long because of all of the stupid filler.

However,I think this would've been fine as a TV special, just with most of the songs taken away, have the Oogieloves understand the concept of a LADDER, make it so the movie talks AT the kids' level instead of talking DOWN to them, and have the kids ACTUALLY LEARN SOMETHING BECAUSE OF IT. In this film, all I learned is what would happen if someone got really high while watching "Teletubbies" and thought up of a rip-off of it.
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Who was this made for?
The_Film_Cricket29 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have no point of reference here. Not being a parent, the Oogieloves are a new experience for me, and at first glance they seem to be no more or less irritating then the stuff I pass by while flipping channels on my way to something else. My knee-jerk reaction is to call their movie "harmless" yet something troubles me. At the very beginning of The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure the titular characters inform the kids in the audience that this movie requires an interactive response. When the movie signals you – by way of butterflies floating across the bottom of the screen – that you are to stand up and dance and sing. In other words, the movie is asking your kids to do the very thing that we have been taught all our lives not to do. It can only be hoped that this does not become a trend.

If you've heard of The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure then you've probably heard of it's now famous legacy, released on August 29th 2013 on 2000 screens it quickly became one of the worst selling movies of all time taking in around $500,000 on it's opening weekend on a $12,000,000 budget.

Not knowing what I was in for, I did a quick internet search and discovered that the movie is based on a TV series called "My Bedbugs" featuring the adventures of three colorful child characters called Gooby, Toofy, and Woozy. To be honest, I have no idea which one is Gooby, which one is Toofy or which one is Woozy and I only finished the movie 20 minutes ago – not that I was struggling to keep up. I have no idea how this movie ties in with the show, but having seen the movie, I'm not exactly killing myself to investigate further. I can see from an IMDb search that "My Bedbugs" was only on two seasons and ended its run in 2005 which means that the intended audience for this movie probably wasn't even born when the show ended. Are the parents flying blind? The story of the movie is basically a hanger on which to hang a bunch of musical numbers and songs and interactive bits for the kids in the audience. The journey follows the Oogies as they are preparing to celebrate the birthday of Schluufy, the pillow that sleeps on their couch. But the magic balloons they bought for Schluufy float away and we are told that they are the last magic balloons to be found. The rest of the movie is a song and dance journey to find the five balloons before Schluufy wakes up. The journey takes us through a malt shop, a traveling sombrero, a bubble truck etc. etc.

The world the kids live in is not a million miles removed from "Pee Wee's Playhouse." Their guardian is a vacuum cleaner named J. Edgar (who bears a nearly litigious resemblance to The Rug Doctor) and a window named Wendy who is their view of the entire world. The look of the movie seems to be a distant cousin of the Sid and Marty Krofft style of the 1970s most notably "The Banana Splits" only without the zaniness or the aura of the 70s groovy time capsule. The characters are adult-sized costumed actors with big eyes that move and mouths that barely move when they talk. They look like lesser versions of The Muppets and inspire you to wonder why this movie wasn't animated.

Naturally my own reaction was kind of indifferent, though I was surprised by an incredible amount of celebrity cameos, some of whom looked game but many of whom looked baffled and confused. There's Cloris Leachman, Toni Braxton, Christopher Lloyd, Jamie Pressley, Chazz Palminteri and Cary Elwes. Elwes is the most baffling, playing a guy named Bobby Wobbly who looks and acts like Jim Carrey. None of these actors appear as themselves, and none is on-screen for more than a minute or two. They are there to sing a song and move along. Will the little ones enjoy it? Probably. It's bright and it's colorful and it has a lot of motion and music. But it's not anything you would need to see in a theater. It's a perfectly serviceable DVD where the kids can interact with it in their living room. Again, I'm not sure I am comfortable with the idea of a movie that requires children to sing and dance and act up in a movie theater. And again, I'm not a parent. I would be more comfortable putting a child in front of The Wizard of Oz or My Neighbor Totoro or Toy Story or Mary Poppins. Those movies will stay in your kid's mind for the rest of their lives. Oogieloves will stay with them as long as the DVD is still running.
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This is a true work of art
wipedclean20 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
the oogieloves is a wonderful masterpiece that truly shows how good art is. its a great movie that wont be outdated by anything! and i am 100% not brainwashed to do this! if you break down the movie you can see the true art form and meaning that it has. it teaches children at a young age to buy the movie 219 times on DVD now! much before the actual skill should be attempted! the movie also thought me that 9/11 was staged and the holocaust never happened! Thanks Oogieloves!
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If you wanna know who made the bogus reviews, I know who caused this mess
DatCrazyRater153 September 2014
This is NOT an actual review for The Oogieloves in The Big Balloon Adventure, but I'll tell you how I know who really made those bogus reviews.

I filtered it as chronological when reading all the reviews, and I when I looked at pages 2 - 6 and I saw 34 accounts give this movie a good rating between June and September 2013. I also checked the last page and found 2 more bogus ratings around the time it was first released. But because the mess happened in June 2013, I think I know who created the bogus reviews. It was really Peter Simon, I suggest you filter it as "Chronological" and look through pages 2 - 6. When you go to page 6, you'll see his username under batnerdavid, meaning that Peter Simon was the FIRST user to write a bogus review when this whole mess first happened (The day was June 14, 2013, the other 2 in 2012 and the one earlier in the year don't count). Yep, so we finally know who was responsible for this mess and it's all thanks to me for telling you guys who wanted to know. Your welcome if you find this useful. Case closed.
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Do not believe the sock puppets. This is a terrible movie.
allexand21 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Back in August 2012, "The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure" burst on to the scene and broke box office records. Unfortunately for them, the record they broke was that of the LOWEST grossing wide-release film ever, managing to best the previous record holder, "Delgo," which posted some pretty pathetic numbers of its own. Of course, it probably didn't help that advertising for the film seemed to be nonexistent but make no mistake, this movie stinks.

The movie starts with Goobie, Zoozie, and Toofie, who can charitably be described as the unholy spawn of a troll doll and a Teletubby explaining the movie's audience participation gimmick. How they do this is a mystery as their mouths barely move. The rest of their costumes are not much better, as they're only slightly more convincing than the guy in the Goofy costume at Disney World.

We also learn a little about them. Goobie is the smart, analytical one, Toofie is basically the slacker of the group, and Zoozie is a girl who talks to animals. Except for the animal whisperer deal, none of this amounts to anything.

Then we meet their friends, a talking vacuum cleaner named J Edgar, a talking windowpane with a bad Southern accent named Windy Window, a literal fish out of water in a bowl named Ruffy, and a sentient pillow named Schluufy. They set up the plot, which is that the pillow is having a surprise birthday party and J Edgar is tasked with getting five balloons for it. He does this, but loses them all during some spontaneous epileptic fit. Since these balloons are somehow magical, it's up to the Oogieloves to get them back before the party starts even though the pillow seems stoned out of its mind and probably wouldn't notice anyway.

If that sounds bad, just wait. There are five humiliating guest star appearances tied to the retrieval of each balloon. Each of them is dressed like a clown (except Toni Braxton), is forced to act like an escaped mental patient, and sings an irritating repetitive song meant to inspire audience participation. Everyone here is making such big fools of themselves (except, MAYBE, Toni Braxton) that I spent the entire movie feeling sorry for them.

Guest appearances include Cloris Leachman, as a deranged woman in Raggedy Ann make up who's obsessed with circles and lives in a teapot. Next we have Chazz Palminteri decked out as a fifties soda jerk trying his hardest to channel Jimmy Durante. Then we have Toni Braxton, who is somewhat spared by the costume department as she gets to wear a sparkly yet revealing evening gown and her natural singing abilities keep her song from being a total disaster. Though it is puzzling why she sings a slow R&B ballad in a movie designed to encourage children to dance.

After Ms. Braxton's ode to the sniffles, we get to see Cary Elwes in perhaps the most degrading, bizarre performance in the film and that's saying something. It can best be described as a psychotic cowboy who walks bowlegged and bounces up and down while wearing a creepy smile on his face that doesn't say "Hey kids, let's dance," so much as it says, "I dismembered several young girls and buried them in my backyard." The final balloon is held by Jaime Pressly and Christopher Lloyd who pretend to be Hispanic for some reason and live in a sombrero that only moves through the power of dance. At first, Lloyd mercifully doesn't have to speak but he later loses his dignity in a flamenco dance set to Benny Hill speed after bellowing out a loony Tarzan yell.

And so we have a movie trippier and weirder than anything to come out of the mind of Hunter S. Thompson. That aside, its failures are almost too many to count: bad costuming, bad acting, bad singing (except Toni Braxton), bad writing, and boring, uninspired music. It's also annoyingly repetitive. Not counting the songs, which repeat the chorus until you want to drive a nail into your skull, every time a balloon is retrieved we must endure a chant from J. Edgar to summon Windy Window, another chant to phone Goobie, and the Oogieloves' stock chant.

The last balloon in particular is agonizing to sit through as it takes twenty minutes more for the movie to end and it seems to grind to a halt while they try to get the sombrero moving. When Ruffy complained that they were going so slow that they wouldn't even make it to Schluufy's retirement party I sympathized. I can understand the repetition if it were a TV show divided into several episodes, but in movie format, it comes across as the filmmakers thinking their audience has the memory of a goldfish. Did they really expect kids to sit through this?

This is a movie that truly deserves its reputation as the biggest flop of all time. It's irritating, boring, garish, cheaply made, sickeningly cutesy, and sometimes creepy even. I know I'm not the target audience for this film but there are plenty of kids movies out there that can entertain both kids and adults so it can be done. I truly feel sorry for the few parents who had to sit through this thing to appease their kids and maybe even some of the kids as well.

And as for Cloris, Chazz, Toni, Cary, Jaime, and Christopher Lloyd, my condolences on all your careers.

OK, Cloris Leachman will probably survive this disaster cause she'll appear in anything (this movie is undeniable proof of that), but the others still stand.
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Horrible, truly horrible - 98% of positive reviews are hoaxes
david-tessler19 January 2014
Absolute garbage! We saw this opening weekend with our then 2.5 year old. Thought it would be a fun first-time movie experience for our child. It's the worst trash for kids I've ever seen. We see plenty of kids movies and TV and this is atrocious. 98% of the good reviews here on IMDb are bogus - just check them out and they all are exactly 7 months old and none of the reviewers have reviewed anything else before. Full disclosure - this is my first review, but I felt I had to try to counteract the obvious IMDb marketing attempt for DVD sales. I cannot recommend seeing this - for anyone of any age when there are so many quality children's movies and programs.
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