Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel (TV Mini Series 2021) Poster

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Focuses on the wrong people
Calicodreamin11 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A strong first episode but then it all goes to hell. The focus lies entirely with the "internet sleuths", gives fleeting interviews with actual detectives, and never mentions the family. Poor documentary style. Internet sleuths concoct wild stories, bully one man, and then admit they're wrong in the end. Lisa gets lost in all these people parading as champions and detectives.
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Internet sleuths lol
elliotjeory12 February 2021
Sherlock Holmes eat your heart out. An hour documentary stretched to four. First episode excellent. Very insightful into the Skid Row area, something I wasn't aware of. Good footage of inside the hotel. Falls off a cliff when Morbid comes onto the screen, who has nothing to do with it except he once went there. Stretched out in typical Netflix fashion. What's the library code/ cemetery location about? Some good questions remain. Overall a very interesting case.
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I'm concerned
jkidd-2744711 February 2021
Someone seriously needs to check out the dude from that web Schume that is talking about Elisa like he knows her. The guy literally made someone go to a grave site to touch her gravestone for him and talked about her legacy like she was Kobe Bryant. Got bless her and rest her soul but some of these people for some real issues to have the time to act like their going thru this case like they were concerned for her when really it seems more like they used her story for clickbate and watch time. Was the story unique and intriguing, yes but these people must have ALOT of time on their hands to do all they did like they knew her.
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Ruined by conspiracy narcissists
forepsyt13 February 2021
Title says it all, good production and a tragic tale ruined by including a bunch of nobodies who use YouTube to promote their bizarre ideas for likes and subscriptions. Completely disrespectful to the victim and the family.
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Social Media Yahoos At It Again
Acid_Reflex12 February 2021
What's really troubling here isn't the main story, because anyone who knows even a little something about mental illness can see what most likely happened to this girl; rather, the scary thing here is the many social media yahoos just living for creating something out of nothing probably because of their boring existences. You can see Qanon and Trumpster conspiracy fanaticism all over this. It reminds us what a messed up delusional world we are living in.
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Vanishing point ?
southdavid17 March 2021
This documentary, on Netflix, is about a case that I had heard some details about before but shifts towards the end, away from being about True Crime and more on the dangers of jumping to conclusions when you haven't been presented with all the facts.

The Cecil Hotel is a Los Angeles venue that was highly prized when it opened, but over the years fell into various states of disrepair, in parallel with the surround area become "skid row" - a focus of homelessness and crime. After some refurbishment work, the hotel establishes its reputation again, despite the dangerous elements still in the area. In 2013, Elissa Lam, a Canadian student, disappears from the hotel and the police release an odd video tape showing her behaving erratically in the lift. The police eventually discover her body, but not before amateur internet investigators have latched on to every aspect of the case.

Looking back, there's something a bit disingenuous about this whole documentary series. It has the answers all the way through, obviously, particularly the big reveal that explains away the one bit of the case that didn't ring true. It interviews a couple of "internet sleuths" throughout the show, and shows numerous bits of other footage from Youtube people offering their own ideas. It's not until the last episode that the show turns on them, telling us about the trauma inflicted on Pablo Vergara, whose anointed prime suspect because he'd been to the Cecil at some point in his life and because he makes death metal music. But that indignation comes after the third episode of the show ends by using Vergara as a hook for the next episode.

Apart from the manipulative nature of it, it's not that bad a documentary. They had access to the right people, the detectives, coroner, the manager at the hotel and even the poor maintenance guy who found the body and it finds an interesting way to tell the story, if a bit drawn out. Ultimately, it's just a sad tale of a poor woman's demise that is wrapped up in a dozen other mini-mysteries and odd folklaw, most kept going by people who have too much time on their hands and who don't know the full facts.
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Tin foil hat style doco.
thatsgottahurt-18 July 2021
The Elisa Lam story is both interesting and tragic. Aspects of this Documentary are interesting and well told but the grouping of YouTube numb skulls, spouting their conspiracies, drag it down. They are essentially just a bunch of self styled "internet sleuths", whose actual grasp on the events is as insignificant as they are. Everyone, up to and including Santa, comes under suspicion from these nitwits. They desperately want to include themselves in the drama of it all, and even go so far as to group at the Hotel to point and whisper.
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Youtuber conspiracy garbage
tarynabryant11 February 2021
I'm generally a fan of Netflix original documentaries, but this didn't grab me. Always found this case compelling and creepy so I was looking forward to watching this. But instead of being presented with facts and interesting aspects of the investigation, I wound up witnessing a bunch of wannabe famous youtubers sharing baseless conspiracies and accusations about hotel cover-ups and whatever other useless theories. I recognize that web sleuths have been helpful for many investigations, but the people in this documentary seriously need a life. This just focused on the wrong things. What a waste of such an interesting case. Save four hours of your life.
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A strong indictment of conspiracy theories
goldi-3853319 February 2021
Wow! I'm a little surprised with the venom of some of these reviews. I thought the show was well put together and worth the four hours. It purposely leads the viewer down a rabbit hole of possible scenarios to demonstrate how people can become fixated on a theory when they don't have all the information. I though it was a strong indictment of these self-aggrandizing web sleuths who, obsessed with solving the case, got sucked into thinking that some pretty creepy coincidences and a lack of information must mean that foul play and a cover-up are involved. Think COVID-19 + speculation = conspiracy theories... something must be up!

I found the show incredibly relevant. Everyone wants answers! But in this age of self-styled armchair expertise, fake news and people with too much time on their hands, conspiracy theories can take on the power of truth and run rampant. They can also ruin lives. Yes, the show does exploit a tragedy to make a point, but it's a point that needs to be made.
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web-sleuths ridicule case and selves
Ar_Pharazon_the_golden22 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are 2 problems with the series: 1. This case does not have enough material to cover 4 hourly episodes 2. The focus is wrong - the death of Elisa Lam, though bizarre, should not be the subject of the show as much as the danger these insane self-appointed investigators pose. Though there is a cautionary tale told by the end, the series allows them to say something in the lines of 'yes, maybe we got carried away a bit'. No - that's not an accurate description of the behaviour of a mob that watches a video a billion times to discern if a 2-pixel blur is a shoe, but has no problems accusing and threatening an innocent person without checking if he was even in the same country as the victim, just because they are afraid of metal. The real victim here is Morbid, and had this been focused on him, it might have been better.
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Oh I'm sorry didn't realise it was a you tuber doc
rikkisalmond-3774710 February 2021
Where the hell to start. Interesting story however it seems to be more about wanna be detectives not believing autopsies etc because all the do is sit and read them on their pcs. I'm sorry a poor woman died and these you tubers make it all about themselves literally crying over a death of someone they don't really know. Don't watch it it will just make you angry. These you tubers need to get a life
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thomaspacefilms19 February 2021
I disagree with those who are reviewing this series, saying that it's only about the web sleuths.

This series does spend a significant amount of time diving into the perspectives of the "web sleuths", but the position that this show takes is not theirs. It is much more about the dangers of the internet, and how we can feel overqualified to talk about what we are not qualified to talk about at all. It illustrates the pain so many can have behind a keyboard, and the pain we can cause with such a tool.

This series studies the mystery itself, mental health, the impact of our words, and even homelessness. It shows us the beauty and power of even a single life. It is well worth your time.
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Interesting watch
Gingerandcharlie12 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
See, I disagree with most reviews on here that state that the documentary did not need to include the YouTube conspiracy theorists, or the theories surrounding Elisa's death. I think they were important too. I feel like this documentary highlighted several factors through: Social media and it's power, Elisa's mysterious disappearance, the poverty in LA (which disturbed me a lot that people still live like this in todays society - it literally reminded me of a ghetto) and mental health issues. All of these issues were interesting in themselves.

The thing that stood out to me was theories floating around on the Internet, becoming so caught up that they accuse an innocent man - it's scary that the Internet can condemn you as a murderer with no evidence. It also shocked me how people with no qualifications to investigate a crime thought they could make such judgements. But again, it was interesting as it highlighted the danger everyone faces when uploading anything to social media.

It was definitely worth the watch in my opinion, gave me several things to think about.
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I'll do you a favour...
gavcrayton10 February 2021
Just watch the Buzzfeed Unsolved YouTube video on Elisa Lam. It will save you 3 hours 32 minutes.
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They think it's ghosts (at least at certain points).
rdoubleoc11 February 2021
I would give a higher rating, but I just hate when a few guys can't come up with an explanation for things so they start pointing towards ghosts. IT'S NOT GHOSTS. A CRIME HAS NEVER BEEN COMMITTED BY A GHOST.

Other than that, it's not bad.
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Answers what happened.
rdoubleoc11 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I skipped the 2nd and 3rd episodes because I didn't feel they added much (from what I saw of them), but the first and last episodes were good. The explanation they give really makes a lot of sense, though.

The blonde hotel worker's testimony was really good. She's a fun personality to watch, also. I'm glad they put her in it.

I really think they need to stay away from the YouTube people -- those were the main parts I didn't like.
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An unnecessarily stretched but well-made documentary on the disappearance of Elisa Lam! [+57%]
arungeorge1320 June 2021
Somewhere in its roughly 4-hour runtime, Joe Berlinger's documentary (with its clickbaity title) begins to lose focus. It deviates from the facts, delving deep into conspiracy theories put forward by internet sleuths. The 2010s have seen the incredible rise of these so-called nerds owing to social media, YouTube, and other content publishing platforms with popularity-based algorithms. The entire midportion is simply a chain of what if scenarios that could have happened to Elisa Lam, none of which turn out to be true. Thankfully, the closing episode acts as a redeemer of sorts, covering almost every possible angle as well as empathizing with Lam as a human being with vulnerabilities - something that should have been the core of the piece right from the start. This needed more perspective from the family, friends, or acquaintances of Elisa's instead of these self-proclaimed internet champions.

It was really interesting to know all the historical information about the hotel itself - a place of accommodation that has existed for nearly a century right amid the crime-infested area of downtown Los Angeles. Knowing that serial killers such as Richard Ramirez have stayed at the hotel only adds to its uncanny intrigue. Another aspect that Berlinger and his crew tackle pertinently is absolving death metal musician Pablo Vergara (a.k.a Morbid) of his role in Elisa Lam's demise. The last episode covers this quite well and how cyberbullying can turn out to be traumatic is highlighted. If Berlinger could have done away with established facts being repeated several times and at least some of those bizarre YouTuber theories, this could have made for a better, crisper 2-hour feature - with a more factually appropriate title, of course!
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Annoying as hell
cmoorejnr12 February 2021
They call the idiots in this program who 'web sleuths', when really all they are is ignorant, pathetic, conspiracy theorist with sad lives & nothing better to do. Honestly this is a sad story that would have been watchable is they hadn't of added the clips of the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nuts. They literally ruined another persons life & career, they should be held accountable for that.
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Reviewers are missing the point!
msbuff13 February 2021
All the bad reviews are because people missed the whole point for the focus of the doc. Whether you like it or not the producers aimed to show you what happens when unqualified people (web sleuths) get involved criminal cases. It was less about true crime and more a social/cultural themed doc about where the internet is taking our society. Watching it brought to mind the Fake Famous doc on HBO. Rando people on the internet just trying to get likes off of a poor families tradegy.
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Ignore the bad reviews, worth watching
fatacattiva20 March 2021
I don't understand where all the bad reviews are coming from. I ignored them and did not regret. Sure, the show is a bit dragged, 3 episodes max would have been fine, but I absolutely do not see the problem with web sleuths. They add so much to the story. It was an important part of the events and it adds a different side to everything, why would anybody want to omit that? Also, the sleuths are totally not cringy or insane, they don't give off many weird vibes at all, as other reviews have mentioned. It's not the most captivating documentary I've seen by Netflix but if you feel like watching it, it's definetely worth it, so don't get repelled by negative reviews. I bet most of those who wrote them haven't made it to the end even. The doc featured a lot of people who actually took part in the events, witnessed things, people who have something to say; the visuals are good, and the story is compelling.
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Tediously drawn out
sarahcalver10 February 2021
This is a fascinating story which deserves to be grippingly told, but between all the pointless youtuber opinions and the overly drawn-out narrative of the hotel's past I lost interest quickly. Classic Netflix doc - it would have been a riveting 2 hour tale but it felt very diluted across 4 episodes.
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Internet Sleuths - Dangerous Delusions
jason-1650316 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a fantastic expose, not of the Elisa Lam story, which was a tragedy and well covered by this documentary, but of the narcissistic self serving internet sleuths of this era. These sleuths' mental illness is much more subtle than Elisa's. They sadly seem to have such little in their own lives that they become can become so engrossed in the mystery of her death, demonstrate behaviors indicating they truly believe this is about them solving the case that nobody else can. Spending thousands of hours within the confines of the internet because they "must know" and must have closure is the height of self-centeredness. To feed their delusions of grand sleuthing abilities, they accuse the hotel, the police, and the coroner of incompetence, conspiracy, and doctoring the elevator video because those ideas are more interesting than what really happened. They even destroy a man's life who is just trying to build his career as a metal musician just because they didn't have the facts. This documentary does a great job of telling the true story of what happened to Elisa Lam while at the same time showing in detail the way that lack of complete information can send the uninformed down paths which can be quite destructive to themselves and others. A folie a monde if you will. It does a great job of bringing attention to the severity of untreated bipolar disorder and perhaps also can help those sleuths and all of us to be more careful in how we interpret information in our limited capacities.
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You can't forget Elisa Lam.
erhanipekciler10 August 2021
I did read all comments here and all of them is true, lots of unnecessary details, stupid youtubers, super stupid lapd investigation and one poor girl dead...I started to watch and later I read the comments, I had some doubts but after finishing, I think this is a nice documentary also with lots of dimensions about mental illness, internet bullying... For me a little loooong, almost 4 hours but it was watchable.

Ps : from the beginning I always thought hotel manager is a killer :) you little blond evil :))
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I mean it's interesting but insulting
jesscalleen10 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All the nut job conspiracy theorists that they interview had me screaming at the tv, "She's manic!". They are trying to find something that isn't there. Just because they don't understand what a manic episode is and that paranoia, delusions, and psychosis can go hand-in-hand with an episode and Elisa Lam's behavior doesn't mean that it wasn't a huge contributing factor; yes it's strange but if you've experienced mania everything she did makes complete sense.
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Not deserving of a 1star at all!!!
robertwsmith-8294020 February 2021
So many people are giving this poor reviews but I disagree strongly. It is a very strange story and is extremely complicated. Documentary well done, and did its best to capture that
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