Zenith (2010) Poster


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Sex & Nudity

  • Woman is assaulted in a noisy club by a man. He drags her to a deserted hallway and begins to assault her, intending to rape her. A second man comes along and rescues her before this happens. He brings her to a safe area. She begins to seduce him, lifting up his shirt and kissing him moving downward. He then begins removing clothing. He lays on top of her now naked, both panting. Sex is assumed.
  • Man walks into bedroom where a naked man is kneeling behind a naked woman on her hands and knees. They are having intercourse. It is presumed this is father and daughter, i.e. incest. Observer flees.
  • Man walks into a noisy, crowded club where scantily clad women are dancing. He is attracted to a woman sitting against a wall. He leads her to a backroom where they kiss passionately. He removes their clothes and has intercourse with her face to face, thrusting, standing against a wall supporting her legs. Nudity includes his chest and her breasts.

Violence & Gore

  • Several beatings and a few gunshots. Not a Ton of violence, but a considerable amount. Gore is limited to aftermath bruises, blood and cuts etc, but there may be a small amount of blood included with the violence.


  • Quite a bit of cursing in all ranges. Many "F" words. Used several times in a vulgar sexual way.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Most of the drug use pertains to the usage of expired and strange drugs in order to experience Pain rather than pleasure. There is quite a bit of this.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Quite a few frightening/disturbing scenes. Aside from the violence and beatings, the usage of drugs to achieve pain could be considered frightening. The disturbing sex scene between father and daughter, as well as a forced abortion that is not very graphic.

See also

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