Freak Power: The Ballot or the Bomb (2020) Poster

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Strong documentary
benhousden6 December 2020
Really enjoyed this. Great momentum from the start, excellent film-making.
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Packs a punch!
photographyisadrug16 November 2021
The more things change, the more they stay the same. In a surprisingly intimate look that show cases not just a passoinate side of Hunter S. Thompson but those around him, those that worked towards building better world, especially when it comes to the role of law enforcement. Ideas like that the role of the police shouldn't just be to make everyone out to be a criminal but understand the cause of crime and how a community can work towards unifying one another. It honestly felt that the same exact arguments between the conservatives and the freaks could be made today and unfornately probably even 20 years from now. But the film does a great job of creating a spark of hope, that change is possible, even radical change. As long as people stand up and use their voice with such passion that they just can't be ignored. For any fans of Hunter S. Thompson or just anyone that wants to see how politics at the community level can bring about huge change, this is a great film to check out.
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This is a classic and will be shown to my kids
dieselkslade18 March 2021
Oi mates... This film marks a time in my life where things changed. And to have an idol be Hunter S Thompson, well goddamn. The film was amusing and also marked seriousness when thinking struck. I'm not going to involve spoilers because if you're reading this and considering watching. Well hell spend your hard earned dollar on this film. You wont regret it, especially if you love the man himself. This film gets a hell yeah for me and the boys. True grit while watching this film. Cheers.
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'Freak Power: The Ballot or the Bomb' is the documentary that Hunter S. Thompson has long deserved
roryfeehan28 October 2020
As we close in on election day in the most contentious and insane presidential election in living memory, one question that keeps popping up across the media landscape is this - "What would Hunter S. Thompson have to say about the current election and the sorry state of American politics?"

It is a fair question to ask. As the author of Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72, Hunter S. Thompson was responsible for one of the most incendiary and celebrated books on the circus that is American politics. His coverage for Rolling Stone was a revelation at the time and is as fresh and compelling today as ever. Indeed, many so-called journalists and pretenders to the throne could do well to go back and read Thompson's coverage and learn about the difference between actual insightful and revealing writing and that of merely serving up sycophantic bulletin board puff pieces for their preferred candidate. Thompson took no prisoners and skewered politicians on both sides. It was a brave thing to do in the era of Nixon but then Thompson was no ordinary journalist. He refused to merely stand on the sidelines, sniping at the participants - Thompson got directly involved. In 1970 he ran for Sheriff of Pitken County, Colorado, on the Freak Power ticket in a surreal campaign that drew international attention. And he almost won. Though he lost the battle, his campaign kick-started a political movement in Aspen that ultimately won the war, the reverberations of which still ripple throughout the community today.

The new documentary Freak Power: The Ballot or the Bomb, co-directed by Daniel Joseph Watkins and Ajax Phillips, tells the story of Thompson's campaign and builds upon Watkins' previous effort, the hugely impressive book Freak Power: Hunter S. Thompson's Campaign for Sheriff. In addition to the massive volume of research that they had from that project, they discovered a virtual treasure trove of original campaign footage, some of it not even developed, which forms the basis of this new film. Essentially, this allowed Watkins and Phillips to tell the entire story of Thompson's run for sheriff using original footage from 1970, filmed as the campaign progressed. Watkins also discovered nearly 3000 photographs from the campaign taken by David Hiser and Bob Kreuger. It is truly remarkable material that presents the real Hunter S. Thompson, totally unfiltered as he makes a serious attempt to affect political change in his home town.

The directors made the sensible decision to let this extraordinary footage tell the story through the participants own words, captured as they were on the scene in 1970. Complimenting this are several voice-overs from the individuals involved, from Bob Braudis (former Sheriff of Pitken County) and Joe Edwards (former Pitken County commissioner) to the artist Ralph Steadman and Jann Wenner of Rolling Stone. In a clever move, we don't actually see these people until the very end, 50 years later, which proves to be strangely poignant.

I don't want to give a complete breakdown of all the footage here or indeed the story. I think it is best that you see it unfold for yourself but I will say this - the parallel with what is happening today is uncanny. Through sheer serendipity, Freak Power: The Ballot or the Bomb serves to show us how little has changed in 50 years. The dynamics involved, the generational clashes and dirty political tactics deployed by the establishment are frighteningly familiar and relevant. One such powerful example of this is the scene at the beginning of the film as the incumbent Sheriff, Carrol D. Whitmire, representing the Democratic Party, debates Thompson. When asked about the source of Thompson's support, Carroll responds - "I don't know what Freak Power is. I don't know what they are talking about when they talk about Freak Power." Thompson's answer was as salient then as it is today - "Freak Power is the ability to act, to have control over your environment, to have control of your government. My idea of running for sheriff is to expand the notion of the office. As it is now you just don't talk to a cop, they are the enemy and that's true not only of Aspen but of all over the country. That's a dangerous situation when the enforcement arm is totally out of communication with the reality...It is time that we either bridge that chasm with some kind of realistic law enforcement or else I don't think it is going to be bridged in this country, we are going to have revolution."

As someone who has invested many years writing and researching about Hunter S. Thompson for my PhD, I have to say it is a delight to see the man treated onscreen in a serious, respectful manner. Hunter on film has been very hit and miss over the years and there has always been a temptation to indulge the Gonzo persona or idle celebrity gossip. The film also benefits from the focus being solely on his pre-Fear and Loathing days, with none of the over-the-top theatrics that define his later career. I have always maintained the view that Hunter S. Thompson's career in the decade prior to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is actually the most interesting period of his life and the one which arguably contains his best work. Thankfully, more and more people are now discovering the incredible output from Hunter during this period (I highly recommend his letters collection The Proud Highway in this regard)

Freak Power shows us the serious writer and concerned citizen from that period, determined to take a stand against the greedheads that threatened his community. It reminds us that there was a lot more to Hunter S. Thompson than drugs and bad behavior. Clearly the film was a labor of love for all involved and this is reflected in every aspect of the production, from the soaring soundtrack to the unmistakable film poster by none other than the legendary Ralph Steadman. I also believe that the film contains the only known footage of Hunter with his legendary attorney, Oscar Zeta Acosta, who is shown briefly with Thompson on election night as he learns of his political fate.

However, as Thompson's campaign manager Ed Bastian added - "In retrospect, we can see that it was a really powerful oar-stroke forward for the change and political dynamics in the valley area around Aspen. All of the things we did...they all set the stage for what was to soon follow." Thompson's would later offer the mantra - "Politics is the art of controlling your environment." He proved that to be the case by getting involved and taking action. We can all learn from that.
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This is the best documentary I have ever seen
gueronamara26 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
An hour and half feels criminally short by the time we reach the inevitable conclusion that is dropped on us like a bomb.

The makers do a superlative job piecing together vintage footage of the campaign itself and from scenes around the country. I felt like I had gotten into a time machine to the madness that was the late 60s/early 70s. The documentary is so much more than just an exploration of Thompson's campaign, it covers the zeitgeist of the day, from Vietnam to The Weathermen, the true focus of the whole thing is what it means to fight 'The Man'.

I was previously familiar with Thompson's run for sheriff, but the details, actual footage and interviews make it so real and palpable.

Hunter and his crew of 'freaks' shake the establishment to its core by participating in the very same system that is holding them down. Rife with moments of glory and heartbreak, this doc is a ride through the mangled corruption and greed that is American politics.

Even if you have never heard the name Hunter Thompson, it is imperative that you watch this documentary in an election year that may prove to be the most important in modern history.

We need Freak Power more now than ever.
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Absolutely Incredible
Parvana52 November 2020
This doc was extremely well made and a great insight into the life of Hunter Thompson at a time when he was a serious journalist taking action. As we are facing one of the most important political times in recent history, Hunter's message is more important than ever. The issues Hunter was fighting for in 1970 are scarily similar to now and there is so much we can learn from watching Freak Power. As the saying goes..."History repeats itself" but maybe this time we can be inspired by Hunter to help make the changes needed.
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A Call to Action
bcurtinp4 November 2020
A great documentary about Hunter S. Thompson's 1970 campaign to become Sheriff of Pitkin County. The issues that the country faced during the Nixon era are eerily similar to today's contentious partisan environment. I thoroughly enjoyed watching these larger national themes get seamlessly woven into Hunter's local campaign. I highly recommend this documentary, as the directors do a great job showing that local elections are just as important as national elections and that collectively getting out to vote really does matter.
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Don't miss out Hunter fans or those interested in grass roots politics
storm-nick29 December 2020
This film is prime Hunter S. Thompson - a man on a mission to protect his home and willing to take on the establishment to do it. The message and brilliance of this film is its staying power - the issues of police reform, environmentalism, land use, and drug laws are just as relevant now as they were then. I hope everyone takes the time to watch the film and PAY ATTENTION at the local level.
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nesmith-3055919 November 2021
Great documentary!!!!! Grabbed my attention throughout the whole doc which is very rare for me. The footage they had of hunter played a huge part of relaying the overall message of the documentary.
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A Great Doc about a Great Man!
vegasalec4 January 2021
An excellent documentary that examines one of the most interesting periods in the incredible life of Hunter S. Thompson. Full of original footage that gives great look into this fascinating story. Timely and timeless, I highly recommend this film for fans and first timers alike. HST was one of a kind though we could certainly use more like him.
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Gonzo Activism at it's finest
timothywagner-3559318 November 2021
Vivid documentary of a great author in a perfect example of what gonzo journalism is and how Hunter S Thompson wrote on what he lived.

Theory of fighting the system from inside through intellect by actions.
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You have my vote for sherif
captainjesseblack12 March 2021
A MUST watch for any Hunter S. Thompson fan! This documentary holds the same relevance to today's world, with issues of the power we give law and order and the political system. This documentary shows the different layers and complexities of hunters personality. As a true rebel and man of the people hunter uses his bravado and "freak power" to reclaim the people's voice and challenge the establishment.
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HST was the man we all needed and didn't know it
acdp-7032113 March 2021
Freak Power just shows how much HST loved his home. He wanted to protect the beauty of aspen and would go to any lengths to do so. He took on the government and stood for his own beliefs and values. Many of today's people see HST as some old drug addict, but this film will show you how much he cared for his town.
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A must watch!
ericmichaellarsen17 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
An amazing look at something that is very very relevant today. Entertaining and very well done 🙌🏻 I think there is a very real way todays elections and law enforcement issues can learn from what happened in the past, and Freak Power really shows you grass roots politics taking on the establishment.
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karenanaya-5601218 November 2021
Great documentary showing HST as bold and idealistic as ever. It's engaging, motivating and infuriating all in one. An insightful look at small town politics and the power of a movement.
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My favourite film on Hunter S Thompson.
xphcywjq16 November 2021
Must watch if you are a fan of Hunter S Thompson. The footage displayed in this film is amazing and shows an amazing insight into Thompson and his team.
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A must watch!
bfcampbell11 November 2021
Brilliant documentary about Hunter S. Thompson's run for Sheriff in Pitkin County Colorado in 1970. The footage of the campaign was taken by the late filmmaker and pilot Robert E. Fulton III. The first reel was found in a barn in the spring of 2017. Fulton's daughter helped locate the rest in his basement archive. And amazing piece of history we're all lucky was found and restored for our enjoyment.
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A Freak Journey into a Freak Political System
mooniegoonies-9156318 March 2021
Honestly the contention among contemporary politics, even past and "nuclear" style politics, exemplifies the bizarre and spectacular circumstances of todays issues with the issues faced during Hunters journey in his 1972 campaign. I can honestly say, with much positive review, that this documentary encapsulates that very feeling of absurdity; where young activism, especially from the liberal point of view, is looked down upon as being a fervent display of opposition to the system that allows them to do so; where the system favors and sustains a image of populism, similar to the like you would see in the "Spectacle of Society". It's a poignant documentary, not because it isn't brilliantly orchestrated or directed, but because the issues discuss never change, contrary to what HST advocated for, they shape in different ways. The bipartisan divide today is as split as it was during the 60's. It's not a suprise either, and I think Hunter knew that. He knew that through running for Aspen that it might, ever so slightly, inspire a change. And so your left with a feeling of "This is my damned Country, I love it" and it compliments the laughs that you get from lines such as "my long-haired opponent" because its as absurd as the issues on display.

The Political opposition portrayed, even general disagreement, is quite sensational, especially when emphasized by Hunters ideas. It's a peculiar sensation, this double consciousness, the sense that the sentiments of the moral and ethical nature of politics can be so diluted when the votes matter. There's always a two-ness amongst the political system, not Dem v Republican, but intrest over communal action. The civil rights is an example where the interest of political image of sustaining conservative value overshadowed the communal action of minority equality. Where Nixon is the antagonist? And MLK and Malcolm X, with his The Ballot or The Bullet, are the protagonists? It's no suprise that this antithesis of progression and regression are the staples holding America's declaration of freedom. This documentary provided an excellent commentary that rivals today's politics.
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Great footage
Kbiby4413 March 2021
There is some awesome archival footage in this documentary. Much of it would be very hard to come by had this movie not been made. Great film.
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Freak Power is the power we need in America today!
justinadammarshall12 March 2021
This is an incredible document of the power of one freak to change his town, if every town had one freak that would do this the country would be a million times better for it. As for the film, the trove of footage gathered by the filmmakers of this beautiful campaign is impressive, I was expecting more interviews and less original footage but I was happily wrong! The footage of the debates were especially cool to me. If you are a fan of HST than you will love this pic.
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Must See For Hunter S. Thompson Fans!
DanMoran2423 December 2020
I've been a bit obsessed with the life of Hunter Thompson growing up. Consuming all content I can find on his life and thinkings. Freak Power: The Ballot or the Bomb is a great addition to other documentaries out and the focus on his run for sheriff is a period to focus on. The directors of the film did an amazing job finding photographs and putting never before screen footage of Hunter on the campaign trail together. It's such an insightful look into the life and mind of Hunter at that time in Aspen. Freak Power is such a beautiful movement & documentary that poignantly mirrors todays political climate, I will certainly be revisiting it again and again.
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Freak Power: the Ballot or the Bomb
bribennett-4783530 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Freak Power: the Ballot or the Bomb provides justice to the Good Doctor's noble pursuit of turning local politics on its heel and has the potential to build on Thompson's momentum even now some fifty years later.

In 1968, Thompson attended the DNC Convention in Chicago as a journalist covering the embattled party's lackluster candidates and returned to Colorado a "raging beast," radically transformed by the violence encountered from the city's police and troops from the Illinois National Guard. Always the political enthusiast, the Hell's Angels author used the brutal police overreach in Chicago as fodder for a revolutionary takeback of his local community's campaign for Sheriff. His plan to run for Sheriff of Pitkin County, Colorado was fueled by the platform's strict adherence to savage, in your face honesty. This documentary provides ample insight into how small town corruption initially laughed off Thompson's decision to run, but as the campaign gained momentum, and suddenly this small town's candidates garnered national attention. So much attention that Hunter S. Thompson began to receive credible death threats as reported by the Colorado Bureau of Information, and a place in J. Edgar Hoover's FBI files. While Thompson reveled in the controversy his campaign amassed and, in turn fueled his constituents, the underhanded tactics of the incumbent's campaign ultimately tainted enough of the voter turnout that Thompson lost by a slim margin.

Thompson's campaign for Sheriff should be seen as a rallying cry for those interested in politics and a vicious reminder that it is local politics where individuals can create the momentum necessary to produce real change in their communities.
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absolutely great
warmwind23 March 2021
Wonderful images, great story. seeing Hunter so young and involved in this is a treat.
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kayjelmairena17 November 2021
A great documentary built on archival footage that shows HST run for the Sheriff. A documentary that shows Hunter S. Thompson not just as a writer but rather a bold and bright political figure. It's captivating, thought provoking, and a must see!
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Belen G
belenartista18 November 2020
This documentary is one of the best i ever watch of the amazing Hunter !!
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