Top Gear USA (TV Series 2008–2016) Poster


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come on, its not nearly as bad as your making it seem
kylen2019 January 2011
come on people, you rip it up and down as if in the first season is going to pick up in the off season of BBC TopGear and be just as good. Did any of the people commenting here actually watch the first few seasons of BBC TopGear when it went to its new format in like 2000? it was bad... they had some fatass doing used car tips and reviews in season one who was eventually replaced by may in season 2 doing the same job. The BBC version did not become the most watched show over night it went for like 10 years and in the first few the hosts did not have the casual back and forth conversation flow that they do now, it dident have soul, and it was boring to watch. it was a car review show that was trying to appeal to a larger audience with higher production level as well as bits and comedy. It developed a format, host chemistry and a audience over 10 years.

Now after much clamoring by auto-enthusiast in the US someone has been bold enough (history) to try to produce it and i think for season one considering the measuring stick being held up to them (BBC version) they did a pretty good job. In no way did i expect it to be as polished as the BBC version and hell they may do a host change (but i think they should stick with it). the jokes may be corny but so are the brits jokes, we just don't get them.

all in all i watched every Sunday and my girlfriend dident mind watching w/ me and i think i enjoyed the alaska episode more then the BBC Christmas special.
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Lacking a bit of the Brit wit.
jersmac28 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I am from the US and have watched a couple of seasons Top Gear UK. I was devastated to hear the show was being remade in my homeland.

You just knew before the show came out, that it could not match up to its predecessor from across the pond.

That said, I found myself interested after the first episode w/ the Lambo comparisons. By the Evo in the snow in episode two (which I'm watching now) I can see that this is a watchable show. And I will be watching more episodes strictly for the gear head element.

Few shows on television will match the wit and banter of Jeremy, Quentin and Vick. So to ask it add up probably isn't fair.

I will continue to watch the US version, while digging through the crates for old UK ones.

Worth a look IMHO.
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Rough First Draft
Quicksand3 June 2011
Top Gear US is currently rockin' a 4.1 on the IMDb. While it is a shallow echo of the original and brilliant UK series, it is by no means deserving of such disrespect.

The first season of the show aired Nov. 2010-Jan. 2011. I did not watch nor hear of it until May of 2011; I do live in America, but I'm just not a big watcher of the History Channel. I'd heard there was going to be a US remake, but it took so long and internet news kept changing and contradicting itself, I just forgot about it and assumed it would never happen, and if it did, it certainly wouldn't be good (especially if it was on NBC).

So I sought out that first season a few months later, just to see how it went. The results? Not terrible. But there is room for improvement. And the show obviously knows it.

The pilot is terrible. There is no chemistry between the hosts, the scripted, heavily-edited patter is insulting, and nobody seems to know anything about cars. But, what the hell, the season was 10 episodes, so I stuck with it. That first show featured a field piece that was kind of fun, so maybe there'd be more of those? As the season went on, the field pieces got better, and the chemistry of the hosts improved. The show stopped insulting my intelligence, and I was genuinely entertained watching the guys hang out, and wished the show would rely more on that, instead of the still-obviously-scripted (but by now less frequent) studio throwbacks. Clearly the producers adapted as the show went on, and I've heard it said on these boards that the first UK series wasn't very good, either.

The hosts have their own issues: Adam Ferrara seems to know nothing about cars, frequently picking New York City staples for off-road tests, when any moron with a junior high school degree would know you don't drive a Coup de Ville through the woods. He's a New York boy and made no effort to educate himself. On the flip side, Rutledge Wood actually did work with cars prior, on the Speed Channel, and while he knows his techs and specs, he's still a good ole boy from the country at heart, and as such, made the exact same "homer" mistakes as Ferrara. Wood and Ferrara's ignorance wasn't endearing, as on the UK show when James May or Jeremy Clarkson screw something up... it's frustrating, because this is a car show, and I should not know more than the hosts.

Tanner Foust is obviously a car guy, he's worked on movies, he's a professional drift racer. He makes for a charismatic host, but he needs somebody to play off of, and the show doesn't offer that. On the UK series, there's a clear leader... Clarkson runs things and May and Richard Hammond are allowed to chime in. Here we have three really polite personable guys who have no strong opinions or, if they do, are not allowed to express them.

Episode 9 features an Alaskan Adventure, showcasing "the great American pick-up trucks." And while I respect that's the theme, a 4th truck-- a Toyota-- was brought as a back-up in case one of the American cars broke down. There was no effort made to talk about the Toyota, to discuss its pros and cons, to compare it to domestic trucks. I felt like I was watching a propaganda film for the US auto industry, and that made me want to rate the show a lot lower than I did. The entire point is to talk about ALL cars, not just what's convenient. And to be honest and objective, and not suck up to companies who might be advertisers.

If you're interested in the concept, or just a fan of cars, or Top Gear, stick with the UK show. But the first season of the US version was an experiment, an audition, a first attempt. It's enough to make me want to watch a season 2, and hope they replace either Ferrara or Wood, preferably with someone who can teach me something about cars. How about a female? Would that be so bad? 60% is passing and I give it a 6/10. But that's still a D. Stop giving them copy and let them talk about cars, and if they can't do that, they don't need to be on this show.
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What a let down
Caitlin-721 November 2010
I love the original Top Gear because of the presenters, the cars, the Stig, the stunts, the incredible photography, and the enthusiasm in each episode. Top Gear US had cars, and photography, and stunts copied from the original show, but not once did I see or hear any thing remotely approaching enthusiasm. The presenters could have been discussing dog food instead of driving incredible supercars at 180 mph. When Jeremy is doing a power slide in a car that challenges him, the viewer knows it. I watched in dismay while the Viper was driven hard, wheels smoking, and the level of excitement from the driver was zero. Very bad choice of presenters - replace these guys immediately to save this show.
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This show had the best format!
handymandjt11 March 2020
I just rewatched the entire 6 seasons of Top Gear US and it was so much fun! These 3 were developing some fun chemistry and the format was perfect. 3 dumb guys buy 3 cheap cars and compete in challenges or show up with the most over the top vehicles. Either way it took the best of the UK Top Gear (Clarkson and crew) specials and had a US flare to it.

Why does BBC screw up everything they had done well?!?
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Not bad
I do tend to agree with most of the reviews on here, but I would say that they only hold true for the first couple of seasons. I think I probably watched season one and two and remember the cringe worthy lack of chemistry between the presenters and the complete copy and paste job from the UK Top Gear, but what can you expect so early on? Now watching season five and I have to say it is a much better show, yes each episode is now just one long special/expedition, but I really like it. Yes it may be incredibly scripted and impossible to believe at points, but so is the UK show and it doesn't take away from the fantastic places they drive their high performance vehicles through! One problem with removing celebrity guests, fast lap time etc is that if you don't really enjoy the subject matter (for example drag racing, which I have zero interest in) there is nothing to give you a small break from it. Although it is many times better in its current iteration I hope they bring back something from the UK series.
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Looking out my window at my motionless car was a more exiciting automotive experience.
lmcdaid6 December 2010
I wasn't surprised that i was disappointed, but i was surprised at how awful the hosts are, Foust is the only one that deserves to be anywhere near this show, at least In TG UK, the guys are all car nuts, not some washed up comedians. This reminded me of a bunch of kids who stole their dads viper and only know stats about the car through the sales brochure. Not only was the hosting pretty terrible, the Lambo caparison at the end was the most boring, monotonous and uncreative thing I've ever seen on TG. TG UK could have made a comparison test with 3 Toyota Corollas far more existing and witty. The Brits just do some things better like tea, accents and Top Gear, I'll pass on the rest of the season and wait till January for the real Top Gear to come back.
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You don't even have to love cars to enjoy.
tayalanglois15 July 2019
Funny, witty, fun. I love this watched season 1-6 twice. Light hearted family friendly.
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I Like It
silentassassin_1520 January 2011
Yeah, I know Adam Ferrara is no Jeremy Clarkson but, he's not supposed to be. The show is surprisingly up front and truthful, considering that it is on a commercial network. People keep bashing the show for being dry and dull. But remember the early days of top gear where there was like 8 people in the crowd AND Jason Dawes.

The second season is where it started to pick up it's also when they introduced James May. Hopefully, they get rid of Rutledge Wood and replace them with someone more capable of the position. But come on give it a chance, let it get a second season and hopefully it will get better.
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Top Gear America is just spinning it's wheels.
brooklyn_john22 November 2010
Question: If a show has a loyal, rabid, worldwide audience would you; A) Give said show a U.S. distribution deal? B) Give said show a U.S. special to test the waters? or C) Create not one, but two lifeless, uninspired pale copies of said show featuring unrelatable hosts who spout stale, scripted patter and have no rapport with each other? Well, if you're an American producer, you will always go with C., and needless to say... you will always be wrong. This latest incarnation of 'Top Gear,'(U.S. 2010)on the History channel proves this rule. As most carbon-copy, shot for shot re-makes go, this version of 'Top Gear' looks similar, but is NOT the same; it lacks energy, spontaneity, humor, camaraderie and technical know-how. That said, this U.S. version is low on the coolness and slickness of the U.K. 'Top Gear's' production values and has none of it's wit and charm. I gave the U.S. 'Top Gear' a look based on the fact that Adam Ferrara, (a comedian whom I admire greatly) was one of the hosts; although the poor writing and lackluster directing made even him look bad. As for the other two hosts, not only are they 2-dimensional, cardboard nobodies... their voices sound, for all intents and purposes, exactly the same. I guess, if you boil it all down it comes to this, 'Top Gear' U.K. is a show for gear-heads by gear-heads and it shows, there is a true love of all things automotive and anything that should be mocked is, and mercilessly. 'Top Gear' U.S. is produced by money-men for mindless viewers and it shows. Sure, Tanner Foust knows how to race cars, but he is unable to bring that across to the viewers and Rutledge Wood may be an analyst, but comes across as a dull slacker with no real TV personality. Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May from the U.K. 'Top Gear' bring all the requisite knowledge, but do so in a humorous, satirical, dare I say it... personally relatable package. 'Top Gear' U.K. is available on DVD, so don't waste your time on this cardboard copy of a great car show.
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Not the original but...
jestercow_20214 July 2016
This show is quite obviously not the original, with the British trio of Clarkson, Hammond, and May being some of the best television ever filmed. That being said, I'd wager that the majority (if not all) of the one-star reviews were bitter fans of the original who never gave this series a chance. The presenters here - Tanner, Rut, and Adam - definitely took some time to come together, although that's to be expected from throwing three strangers together. Their lack of chemistry most definitely hindered the first couple of seasons, but once they clicked (around season 3) the show took off for me. It would not be fair to compare this to the original, but after the three got comfortable presenting the show most definitely learned to drive by itself.
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Lacking, but has potential....(spoilers possible)
shadowhawk1j3 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So I just finished watching the first episode of TG:USA, and honestly I am intrigued by the possibilities. Ill break down my impressions.

Now I need to state that when I originally heard about this that is was going to be terrible. And after seeing who the hosts were I was even more sure that it was going to just outright suck.

To my surprise, I enjoyed it more than I expected.

Now is it as good as the UK version. No its not. Not even close.

Format: Very similar to the UK version. But for some reason it felt rushed, and that may be simply because they are still trying to figure out how they want the individual segments. If they can iron out some of the kinks then that will help. The cobra attack in the first episode should have been broken up with News and BSSC. The interview felt like they were only allowed to ask vanilla questions and keep it short. The second "challenge" felt tacked on like there really wasn't anything else for them to do. But because they had the other "challenge" they could only do the mile long race, and the Stig testing the cars. So everything in episode felt very rushed and incomplete.

Hosts: This is the big issue for me. They lack the edginess of their UK counterparts. And their delivery is just boring. Tanner Faust should have been the Stig. And till I see the 2 of them standing together I believe they may be one in the same. Rutledge Wood, I have never heard of him and after 1 episode he really makes NO IMPRESSION at all. Which for a host is bad. Adam Ferrara, this guy well also leaves no real impression. The 3 of them together haven't gelled yet and at least in the first episode they all looked awkward. The Stig, in the UK version he is a persona all to himself and requires a similar UK treatment. With out it he falls by the wayside and becomes no one.

Challenges: From watching the preview highlights it feels like they are taking most of the UK challenges seen over a few series. Which is fine, it may help give the show some credibility.

Overall I think that if the Hosts can form a bit of a rapport, and they can follow the UK version, and come up with some original challenges, they might have a worthwhile show. If that doesn't happen then it wont last more than a season maybe 2.
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No Heart
Slopmaster400128 November 2010
Jeremy Clarkson was recently asked by Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes "What do you look for in a car?" and the response was "soul" and I believe the same question and answer can be applied to Top Gear USA. This show has no soul, no x-factor or enthusiasm. In a word, it's just dull or boring if you will.

I'm a big fan of Top Gear (UK) and no matter how open minded I tried to be, instinctively I was going to compare TGUSA to TGUK. In spite of my bias I really did want to give it a chance. But it was so boring, I had to fight the urge to watch something else but I said I would get it a chance.

The first episode was very hard to get through and I hope the second will be better but I'm not planning on holding my breath because I have some serious doubts it can improve. I'm hopefull this show will improve because doing Top Gear in North America has great potential but it will never reach that potential if there is no soul, x-factor or enthusiasm.
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Core Disaster!
vladob8730 November 2010
I was watching it with a friend of mine the only fun part of the show was discussing the flows. It is tasteless, boring and there is nothing fresh and entertaining. The hosts are trying to do something original and hip, but especially for two of them it is very hard and they are very misplaced. The biggest problem is the script though, it looks like it is made for NASCAR fans, meaning that is as annoying an boring similar to NASCAR race.

While I was watching I tried not to compare them to the original TG, but it just lacks.... well everything: the humor, critic, excitement and insanity of it's British big brother. When there is a new TGUK season you just wait in anticipation, well in the TGUSA case we will just wait for it to be banned.

The only thing I could not understand is how could some one let them use Top Gear's name!
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Love this show
ryangordonmacpt9 May 2015
I know I'll probably catch hell for this but I really like this show IMO, I also like UK version as well, the only thing I don't like is that that they don't do enough episodes per season. This is one show on History I don't miss. I just like the way they do the show, I know the UK version is different but that's what I like, I like them both very much. The banter between the three I find to be very entertaining I do wish that they show the STIG more often, but I'm sure he has obligations with the UK Top Gear. I would also like to see the U.S. version bring back the car challenges like they did in the first season towards the end of the show.
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It will always be in the shadows of Top Gear (UK), but that doesn't make it a bad show.
BobLoblaws_LawBlog18 January 2011
I actually enjoy the show, and the hosts are growing on me. It will NEVER be TGUK, and I'm fine with that. It adequately does the job while TGUK and Fifth Gear are out of season. You get to see some sweet exotics in action, the roads of USA, and some abroad. It's honestly NOT THAT BAD. I don't understand why people are so appalled by it. I'll agree some of the lines on the show are cringe worthy, but it's not supposed to be a comedy about cars, it's supposed to be a car show with bits of comedic relief thrown in. It just unfortunately has a very successful big brother to try and live up to so naturally everyone is going to be extremely critical of it.
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This is just wrong...
gravis-910-60694729 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't hold my breath about this show, knowing how other us remakes ended up (coupling, death at a funeral etc.) but i gave it a chance anyways. Whata misteka i been maika! Both episodes looked like very faint edition of UK original, VERY! Not sure how many people are aware of some Turkish and Indian movie "remakes" of popular movies in 60's and 70's. Well, this is same deal. Bad acting, absolutely no new ideas what so ever, jokes, from UK show, gags, British bumping cars like Hammond and Jeremy does to May, oh come on, you can do better than that… I can't believe those screenwriters can't think anything new.

Not even cars can't take out the pain that this show left after watching it. 1 star from me and that's more than they deserve.
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A Different Perspective Of Top Gear Show
badaiks23 July 2014
The first time I watch the 1st season it was totally disappointment, to me as a top gear UK fans it was rubb*sh. It is like getting a G**ly car when you expect a Volk%*... Both are car but 1 is like a pirate version of the real car. But still since the Top Gear UK is not aired during certain month so I just watch the Top Gear US.

The time pass by and when Top Gear US reach the 3rd season, I saw something different, it is the way they present the show that was totally change. And I LOVE IT. It makes me thing how come a totally different concept can change the way I see it. After that I realize that it is make sense, since Top Gear always compared to Top Gear UK so people already have a mind set of a standard Top Gear is the UK version which you can't compare. Those are different country, different person, different culture and many more of difference between them. Of course they need to change the concept which suite to the host, the place, the culture and more. Because it will create different chemistry with the audience and makes them open their mind for the difference that stated beneath them.

Since I realize this, I able to enjoy the other top gear show. And keep in my mind that Jeremy is Clarkson and Tanner is Foust, they are different person. No one will able to replace Jeremy Clarkson and so does Tanner Foust. So I totally like the way the man behind the screen change the idea of presenting the whole season and each episodes. Its a great job but also a big home work especially if there are going to be another Top Gear in another country. Because their biggest problem is to get audience who already state their mind and thought that the standard top gear is the UK version and comparing the host to be like Clarkson, Hammond and May.

So people, please sit and enjoy the Top Gear US. Open your mind for different set of Top Gear. It will refresh your view after watch this and continue with Top Gear UK later.

I hope all other Top Gear to able succeed for their show.
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Drown it in a bathtub and import the UK version
zerobeat30 July 2011
My friend said "you've got to watch this show called Top Gear. You'll love it even though you're not a car freak. It's awesome".

So I watched a couple and told my friend he was sadly mistaken. I didn't like the show at all. He was perplexed. What had I become?

It turns out that he was only referring to the UK show (and had never heard of the American show). I had never heard of either, and only stumbled upon the American show.

Now that I have since seen the excellent UK version, and he has since seen the wretched American version, the Universe has become stable again. My friend is no longer convinced I had become compromised by a body snatcher.
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On the fence
tony_pop_119 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This show is obviously out of the league of their UK predecessors, but this US version holds a well earned spot on the history channel. Yes, Rutledge gets annoying sometimes, but once you watch the show a couple of times, you would get used to it. The one thing that really bothers me is how obvious the producers make the show to be scripted (THAT COULD BE SAID ABOUT EVERY HISTORY CHANNEL SHOW-COUGH*COUGH*-PAWNSTARS). Every episode, the three cast members goes through a series of challenges and the winner gets to "claim their prize" at the end. This sounds great and all, but whenever the prize happens to be a supercar of any kind, Tanner always seems to win. Even if Adam or Rutledge somehow wins, they will come up with a lame excuse to let Tanner drive the car instead. Don't get me wrong, I like Tanner, but the producers of the show must think everyone who can afford a supercar is a professional racecar driver. At least on Top Gear UK they make it obvious that Jeremy is the main man, but at the same time, they let the other two cast members drive supercars occasionally.
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It fails, it fails and it fails some more.
AdamCSmith16 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen every episode of every Top Gear (UK original) and all spin offs.

Top Gear UK managed to very quickly fix and tweak itself into shape, replacing only one cast member at the beginning of Series 2 (James May). He was a natural.

Top Gear USA is miserable. However much of TG UK is written/acted it doesn't FEEL that way. The rapport between the hosts is incredible, the wit is sharper, the technical stuff and boasting about cars from their country is fantastic.

What we get in the USA is an unoriginal aping of all the TG UK stunts. All these writers and producers listed for TG USA and they can't come up with anything new?

The final straw for me is the disservice they do America and our car industry, culture and influence in the world. In the episode they copied from TG UK where a boat, airplane and car race... the oaf who was describing the boat acted all amazed at the twin supercharged 502 V8s. No mention of manufacturer, (GM), history of that motor (The big block Chevy is very important to an American car lover). These amazing motors in this boat glossed completely over except for their HP rating.

The presenters talk slowly as if speaking to imbeciles. They don't appear to know each other, can't tell if they like or hate each other, and the natural wit is a 0 on a 1-10 scale.

The short guy is the only one worth keeping. He at least appears to know how to drive, and has some good historical relevance he brings up whereas the other two appear to be reading. We could cram twice the dialogue into a show if they'd just not speak is if they are trying to get (what little history, pride or whatever) across to a 5 year old.

Hugely disappointed. I want to work for them. I want America to have a car show. Certainly with all the money in this and the talent (minus the presenters) it must be possible.
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Top Gear USA
paulfdibella16 March 2015
This is a well produced fun show to watch. I like how the show has evolved into its own "brand" of Top Gear. No more studio interviews with wannbe stars.

I am very bothered by the loyal UK fans that only put the US version down. The UK show is good too. Why can't there be different versions of a show of this nature?

All 3 hosts are very good in their own way, and have grown with the show itself. I even own all the DVDs available to date. This is good clean fun!!

Keep up the good work!!
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It's at least entertaining mostly...
jwfritz28 October 2021
While Adam may have questionable car expertise, he is funny, fun, & entertaining, but I wish it didn't feel like he was destined to lose or crash and destroy his ride in every episode. It loses the mystery of what shows should have. Though technically it doesn't happen quite every time, it's enough that it's almost miraculous when it doesn't. Rut certainly sounds a bit like a car tech who's other job is working for a NASCAR raceway, but it's also too dull that he usually either comes in second or wins the most after the pro racer, Tanner. Tanner is like a kid in a candy store in every episode and it shows. The dynamic between the hosts almost reflects high school friends who have known each other for years.

The drawbacks are mainly lack of consistency or variety. The show wavered one way or another but failed to stick to either. If it had, it'd have been much better. There's no sense to the so called competitions or races because they all either tend to take turns cheating or they have lousy unfair unbalanced competitive starting picks. One thing I saw on the Brit version at least once was, they changed drivers which balanced their races in a sense. I can think of a few ways how the show could and should have improved: first one of my biggest & best suggestions would be specializations. 1. When I first watched, I thought each host did have specialized types of races or vehicles they had advantages in, so if something like existed and was emphasized, it would have made the competition more exciting and less predictable. ; 2. Make them all skilled enough they won't pointlessly wreck every other episode, it might have been fun the first few times but it gets old and repetitive fast. ; 3. Pranks might be ok but cheating in every episode by at least one cast member makes the whole point of competition pointless.; 4. Pick one, consistency or random style. The series bounced around too much from having guest racers in tiny cars to stig test driving models to not having either but having random events or structures in some episodes. For a technical type show about cars, I'd expect some set pattern. While I might not expect even a consistent show to always be the same , it would at provide s consistent structure and viewer expectations. 5. Humor and jabs are ok but don't need to be based so heavily on ways that are NOT depending on competition or focusing on cars.
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Stewie meets Colin Ferrel - but with cars and way less funny
mindbender230211 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I get it. They've got a Top Gear in the ♪land down undie♪ and, of course, THE ONE in the UK. So, why not start one here in the US, too, right? NYYAAAAAAAGGGH!!!! Wrong!! Guess again!!! They've got Aezza, Captain Crunch and Tanster and, wait for it.... the Stig. WOW. How original, right? I've seen the first and the second episodes, and each time, I could only take at most 2 minutes of continuous watching, where the rest was spent fast forwarding.

I've seen every single original Top Gear (TGUK) episode and the US version (TGUS) were pretty much cheaper copies. Episode 1 was a rip off of the TGUK scene where a Lotus Elise raced against an Apache. Episode 2 was a rip off of the TGUK scene where a blind man drove around the Top Gear Track faster than Terry Wogen, and the scene where Hammond raced an Audi A6 in Verbier against two skiers. I won't watch this anymore because I can't take it.

I'm pretty sure in the future, if there is such a thing for this show, they'll get a chihuahua named Top Gear Dog and have an Awesome Corner where they rank cars from "Stinks," "Sucks," "Alright," to "Hells Yeah" based on what Angelina Jolie would do if you come to pick her up in that car.

Every car TGUS has reviewed so far has been well covered by TGUK. When reviewing the Aston Martin V12 Vantage, they said that that was "hot rodding" the V8 Vantage, which was like fingernails on the chalkboard.

TGUS lacks originality, delivery and is painful to watch.

Save yourselves a lot of trouble. Go buy the original Top Gear Series DVDs and watch them as many times as you want, because watching Top Gear US is like eating gum that's already been chewed... and stuck under a bench... in the New York Grand Central Station... and left for an year... yep...
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Absolute garbage
kpeng24 July 2011
This show is an abomination. The hosts know nothing about cars, have no chemistry whatsoever, and the "challenges" are boring and uninteresting. How this show continues to remain on the air is a mystery to me. I'll admit I watched the first season in hopes that we've finally come up with a decent American version of a fantastic show. Sadly I was disappointed, and it doesn't look like their chemistry or the writing has gotten any better.

It's impossible for the US to produce a good show like the original. The BBC is publicly funded and the presenters have no qualms or reservations speaking their mind. The US version doesn't have that luxury, as I'm sure there's plenty of big wigs directing their commentary.

Watching this show is the equivalent of watching 3 robots programmed to speak by people with nominal car knowledge. I'd rather stare at the wall for an hour instead of watch this junk.

Save your time and just watch the UK version.
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