Farha (2021) Poster


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Powerful and Heartbreaking
rumenaaktar3 December 2022
I'm not going to lie, this makes really difficult viewing. Anyone with an ounce of empathy and compassion will find it heartbreaking. But this also makes it essential viewing so that we understand the history and the pain of the Palestinian people. I had hoped to see it more from a historical aspect but seeing it from the view of Farha really helps you to get to grips with what it was like for Palestinians at the time. It isn't overly graphic but could be quite a traumatic watch for younger viewers. But what about the situation in Palestine isn't traumatic? I watched it with my 13, 11 and 6 yr old children.
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In the Blink of an Eye...
Xstal15 December 2022
... when your hands could reach the sky, when a future had been opened and your dreams had been awoken, with a chance to learn and teach, explore, investigate and seek, helping barriers erode, helping others to decode; but instead of unlocked doors, you're imprisoned by a war, observe the crimes of an invasion, through portals locked without salvation, inhumanity to man, to children, to families, by man, against the innocent civilians, who still suffer in their millions.

An outstanding performance by Karam Taher brings to life the torment, torture and tyranny endured during times of upheaval post WWII.
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A strong story in the middle of a conflict
frukostrast3 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Farha when it was viewed in the Gothenburg Film Festival.

Just as the young girl Farha gets a chance to change her life the conflict i Palestine changes everything. All alone she has to witness everything that happens around her from the inside of a locked pantry. A strong movie that shows brutality and a young girl that has to take care of herself in an unbelievable situation. A very well made movie about a tough subject.
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Detailed sensitive view of traditional Palestinian village life before the Nakba
fdeconde3 December 2022
The tale of Farha is not only a tale of the destruction of Palestinian life caused by the Nakba. It is a sensitive and beautiful portrait of traditional village life and the dreams of a young girl who desires an education beyond that provided to girls by the village Sheikh as well as a destiny beyond marriage. No one should miss this portrait of Palestine in 1948.

Although the film begins at a time of turmoil, the traditional harvest by the women of the village is shown while Farha reads a book. Her father, as mayor, is asked to join the fighters but hesitates. A traditional betrothal is shown, and the viewer becomes aware of Farha's indifference to a marriage arrangement and her own ambition to study at a school in the city. It is against this backdrop that the violence and destruction of the Nakba begins to unfold.

The inclusion of traditional harvest and betrothal songs are beautiful details and offer a counterpoint to the horror of the events of 1948.
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kamruj-a16 December 2022
Decided to finally watch this, didn't regret it one bit. If you're expecting a political film, this is not it. This was a raw and emotional account of how a young Palestinian girl lost everything near and dear to her and how her aspirations of becoming a teacher and opening a girls school in her village were destroyed due to the events of the Nakba.

It was filmed very well with brilliant cinematography and amazing sound design. The primary protagonist was great and the overall acting was very convincing.

Definitely worth a watch!

Be aware that this film has some tear jerking moments, it is the unfortunate reality of what occured in Palestine.
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Extremely difficult psychologically. Outstanding.
lskulskaia2 January 2023
I am Jewish. I want to make this abundantly clear in my review. I am the Am Yisrael. I am supposed to hate this.

But I cannot. This is an extremely difficult to watch movie. It's psychologically torturous. It is, genuinely, the hardest watch since I saw Stalker or Solaris, and people who watch Russian sci-fi know the extent of it.

This communicated the message better than anything ever before. I feel like had I watched it as a Zionist, it would bring me to the point I am at right now regardless.

The raw power, the naked truthfulness of the movie makes it an extremely valuable experience and motivates the watcher to take action against the Israeli oppression. I am deeply ashamed that my holy land is being claimed by an apartheid state.
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Beautiful historical true story
shanawani11 December 2022
Watched this with my teen children. We all loved it despite it being slow in the middle. A must-see to help understand history. Wonderful to have movies depicting Palestine to portray a genuine side to the conflict.

Watch it with your family. It's heart-breaking but nothing too gory that a teen can't handle.

Artistically the movie was beautifully directed.

A girl's dreams that collapsed all in one day because of occupying forces against a nation of defenseless villagers.

Loved the details of the costumes and the songs.

Loved the dialects in Arabic.

I wish they had translated her lullaby accurately. Instead it was translated as an American classic lullaby.

The best part is that it's a true story.

The truth of Palestine history needs to be portrayed more and the people deserve justice.
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There is nothing cheap, mawkish or sensational. Much better than Adrien Brody's The Pianist.
Fella_shibby15 December 2022
Everything is impeccable.

The direction is top notch, the cinematography mesmerizing, the editing crispy, engaging screenplay n terrific performances by all.

The lead female actor gave a terrific performance but the best stuff is the direction.

The director n this movie deserves more recognition worldwide.

Hats off to the director for not trying to show unnecessary violent or brutal stuff.

The camera does not linger any longer than is necessary on the horrific scenes.

There is nothing cheap, mawkish or sensational.

In fact it is much better than Adrien Brody's The Pianist.

I hope it gets the recognition in the Oscars.
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A story that's all too familiar
ariafiesta3 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As a Palestinian who is familiar with the events of the Nakba, there's almost a sense of dread in watching Farha. The movie begins with scenes of fig picking, the laughter of childhood innocence, a traditional Henna party and gives life to the stories our grandparents would tell us about the beautiful simplicity of life in palestine pre-1948.

But...we all know what's coming. As Farha convinces her father for a chance to continue her studies in the city, her happiest moment is quickly followed by the most horrific.

Palestinians are all Farha at the end of the movie, carrying a heavy load of trauma and unanswered questions about the fate of our neighbors and loved ones.

Amid continued attempts to water down our history or rewrite it completely, Farha illustrates the horrifying truth clear as day in a gut wrenching tale.

Yes. The film ends with out closure. But that is the open ended reality of being a Palestinian in a post-1948 world.
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A Powerful Plea For The Palestine Voice To Be Heard
CinemaClown21 June 2023
A story of shattered dreams, uprooted communities & destruction of the soul, Farha is one of the countless accounts of al-Nakba, the 1948 Palestinian exodus that led to their displacement from their homeland for the creation of Israel. Powerful, provocative & profoundly upsetting, the film is a harrowing coming-of-age journey of a young girl whose innocence is destroyed by the violence she witnesses.

Written & directed by Darin J. Sallam in her feature film debut, the premise may be bare-boned but it is sufficient enough for the horrors of the diaspora to play out. The film acquaints us with our 14-year-old protagonist's dreams & aspirations before the coming tragedy and the despair & anguish she's left with after seeing the sheer brutality of the invading forces. It's not an easy sit but then, it isn't supposed to be nor it should be.

Most of the events unfold inside the pantry our titular character is locked in by her father after their village is attacked. The camera stays with her throughout the ordeal, shows the violence from her perspective, and aptly captures her loss of innocence. Karam Taher is outstanding in her debut performance and plays the eponymous role with emotional precision. Sound is also integral in conveying the terror unfolding outside and it is expertly utilised.

Overall, Farha informs & sheds light on a vital slice of Palestine history that its oppressors have tried to brush under the rug for decades and makes for only a small fragment of the massacres that unfolded back in 1948 & still continue to this day. Although heavy-handed at times, it does get the message across with clarity and is a strong plea for the Palestine voice to be heard & not be silenced. One of last year's better offerings and by all means an essential viewing.
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English Review
zainrehman-2397716 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a heartbreaking tale about a girl who just wanted to lead a normal life and continue her education. Unfortunately, this wasn't able to happen because of Israel soldiers invading her village. She had to hide in a pantry for days and witnessed a family executed before her eyes. This is the sad reality for many Palestinians and people of other war torn countries around the world. Peace is all one can ever want but isnt granted because of others selfishness and lack of empathy for those around them. This story was told because of Farha escaping the pantry and the village and fleeing to Syria to tell her story. Many people from war torn countries have similar stories like this.
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Storytelling at its best
screamonly5 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Walking into the film I had no expectations but the desire to watch something that tackle Palestinian stories.

As I learned about Farha, i started to have my own thoughts and dreams for her journey. Little did I that my dreams will be ripped away as the movie unravels. I felt heart broken as I witnessed the teen girl journey and I kept thinking, if that was me how was it for her then?!

Darin, The brilliant director and writer of the film told a story for the ages, and introduced new narrative to the way Palestinian stories are told, beautifully so. A well thought out and beautifully written and directed film. Beautiful acted by its young talent who held the movie on her shoulder and she did it with grace!

As i ugly sobbed at the end of screening, I was thankful for the experience because This film is important, and those stories needs to be told.

Can't wait for the director future projects!
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kramerthecat29 May 2024
"Farha" could not keep me engaged as a viewer. The actresses failed to deliver convincing performances, leaving me detached from the storyline. Their portrayal seemed unrealistic, making it hard to connect with the characters. The plot itself felt disconnected from reality, resembling more of a fictional narrative than a relatable story. The poor lighting further detracted from the viewing experience, with scenes appearing excessively dark and difficult to discern. While these aspects led me to doze off during the movie, it's essential to acknowledge that personal preferences vary. While I may have found "Farha" lacking, it's entirely possible that others appreciate and enjoy the film for different reasons.
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Creative "slice of life" yet historically accurate storytelling of the Nakba
Keepin-it-Kind18 December 2022
'Farha' (2021) is a visually stunning, historically accurate film set in 1948 that depicts a relatively small-scale tragedy that Palestinians refer to as the Nakba (Arabic for "catastrophe"). The film doesn't detail the politics behind the arrival of the Israel Defense Forces. It primarily unfolds in a storage room, offering glimpses of life through a crack in the wall. Sound is used effectively to give color, further cementing the trauma of the experience in an emotional roller coaster. The storytelling techniques do not fail to describe the world beyond the walls: strafed by bullets, torn apart by cries of distress, and marred by an airless, oppressive quality.
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couchpotatofilmbuff15 December 2022
I saw this movie on Netflix and it depicts the tale of a young girl who lives in a Palestinian village with her father in 1948 at the beginning of the invasion of her homeland.

This gripping film will leave you on the edge of your seat as you watch her hide out in a storage room while witnessing the displacement of her community and the assassination of the families in the region.

It does an excellent job of depicting how colonization can devastate an entire country, displace its people and obliterate generations of families that share a heritage to that homeland spanning hundreds of years.

I cannot recommended this movie enough. The acting in this film was superb, highlighting the beauty of Palestinian culture through clothes, food and customs. The actors showed the struggle of balancing traditional customs with the increasing demand for women's right to education.

Overall, the nail biting experience of the main character will give you insight into the Palestinian peoples' resistance to the occupation and the catastrophe that we know as the Nakba.
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Powerful story
fidaa_e3 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I knew the film would have violent scenes of brutality and killings, so I thought it would be difficult to watch. But the characters drew me in. I loved that each of the characters was flawed, which is often missing from depictions of true stories. Farha's stubborn nature kept her in her village as it was invaded and emptied of Palestinians. Her father was stuck in his traditional ways and believed too much in the empty promises of the Arab armies. The treasonous relative who "was trying to help." The cowardly soldier whose heart was too weak to kill the baby, so he left the baby to die. All together, it made the film feel like we had a lens into the past. Or like it was all still happening right now, in the same place, with the same people, 74 years later.

I loved the filmmaker's dedication to the set, the costumes, and even the dialects. It truly paid homage to a people and their story, as they experienced it. And like all coming of age stories, the themes of rebellion and fear and angst were so relatable. But just as Farha's desire to learn and grow and be free filled you with hope she'd grow up to be an extraordinary woman, her story was just ordinary enough that it could speak to the experiences of 75% of the Palestinians alive during the events of 1948. I'm sure the woman farha's story is based off of is extraordinary nonetheless. It's a beautifully told story of unspeakable tragedy that is still unfolding today and whose victims still await justice. A must watch.
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Not what I was expecting
sumy-906437 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting an all out film about war but was pleasantly surprised. The story based around a central character Farha. A typical teenager to start with who than has to survive an uncertain situation. Watching the film I could sense her desperation and frustration. It was well written and executed. As a viewer i felt everything from hope, sadness and relief for farha. The young actress did a brilliant job. One particular scene with a crying baby thats just out of reach was done well and very hard to forget. Overall it was captivating to watch such a life changing horrific event from the eyes of a young girl through a crack in an old door. Inspired by true events I feel the film was subtle yet still managed to capture the terrors of nakba.
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A painful but realistic story
Claricedemedici14 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As someone whose knowledge of the Palestinian occupation was just limited to my college world history class, this movie brings adds a whole another layer to how I view the Nakba, the events of 1948, and the occupation that continues to this day.

While not told through a historical perspective, Farha is told through the eyes of 14 year old child, thus, we the viewers, see the catastrophe unfold before us, through Farha. We follow her from a spirited, stubborn child, with a zeal for education, and breaking with tradition, to her being reduced to a shell of her former self by the end. This story is the tragedy of not just Farha, or her father, or her best friend, Farida, or the family including the baby that is brutally murdered. Rather it is the tragedy of generations upon generations of Palestinians. Of millions of Farhas who watch their dreams crumble right along her entire village into ashes.

This is especially harrowing when you realize it is based on a true story.
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Takes away a piece of your heart to make sure you remember it forever
arabnikita21 December 2022
Farha (2021)

The last time I felt such profound sadness and speechlessness after a film was when I watched Capernaum on the big screen. I wish this film played in the cinemas as well because these are the kinds of movies that need to be seen. In its short runtime, Farha packs a heavy amount of powerful and heart wrenching emotions that give an insight into the tragedy of Al Nakba that took place in Palestine in 1948. Here, we get to see a story of young girl and as shattering as it might look, it's important to remember that there were tens of thousands of similar and possibly more tragic stories all across the country.

The tale begins with a pleasant portrayal of a small Palestinian village where we get to witness ordinary life of the villagers with their share of hardships and joys. Children are playing in the nature, people are getting married and a girl named Farha has big dreams of going to a city school to get a proper education. All of a sudden, the happiness and dreams are erased by bombs and gunfire while the smiles are replaced with screams, tears and terror. Farha's father hides her in a provisions closet with hopes of shielding her from the horror but eventually, the horror comes knocking at the door.

Despite the harrowing history and nature of the events, the director masterfully sets up the scenes in a balance that allows the audience to make their own observations and pass their own judgements. The moive doesn't go overboard with violence and instead, creates impactful moments that will suck the life out of you. In between, there are periods of silence, darkness and suffocating claustrophobia that show so much that is unspoken while allowing the audience to catch a break and ponder the events.

The acting from Karam, the girl that plays Farha, is great throughout the film as she is able to depict hope, despair, fear and the will to live. Artistically, there are multiple small elements like the use of lighting that provide an additional touch to this powerful film. When the end credits play, you wont be able to move because of the music and because of a piece of history that your have just witnessed.
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Intense, claustrophobic but superbly acted and produced and essential viewing
carljfree8 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Currently screening on Netflix, this low key but incredibly powerful film has clearly upset people who would prefer it if the truth was suppressed. I am aware of a smattering of negative "faux" reviews that always tend to appear when the voices of Palestinians manage to break through the dominant narrative. But it is important to actually review the film too so others can decide whether or not to watch it.

I was totally struck by the quality of the acting. The young woman who plays the lead role spends much of the film without lines. She conveys her emotions through facial and physical expression and does so convincingly.

There are some standout moments for me. Farha's father clearly recognises his daughter's potential and supports her educational aspirations. I love him for that. The scene in which a Palestinian woman whose house key is discovered during a search of her clothing is told she can keep it "as a souvenir"...spoiler alert....that is not the worst thing that happens to her.

A huge amount of the film is shot in one intensely claustrophobic setting. It makes for uncomfortable viewing but don't let that put you off. It draws you in and enables you to engage with the story in a way that a text book can never achieve. The main character is forced to watch horrors unfolding outside the room in which she is trapped from a position of powerlessness. To me, it feels like a microcosm of the events (and aftermath) of the Nakba in which at significantly larger scale, many other Palestinians could only watch as evil acts took place, causing enduring pain and suffering that has transcended generations.

The emotions experienced by Farha must have been similar to those of the inhabitants of Kafr Bir'im when (after a welcome Israeli high court ruling) they anticipated returning to the homes from which they had been evicted years before. But their hopes were literally bombed to smithereens when the Israeli airforce razed the village to the ground while the villagers watched from a neighbouring hill. How distressing must it be to witness something so barbaric and not be able to do anything to prevent it.

Farha is an important film. It tells a story that others would prefer the world to forget. It blows a hole in the old myth of a land without people for a people without land. It is hardly surprising therefore that there is a concerted effort to denigrate this film in order to deny the reality of the Nakba through faux, negative reviews. Those people for whom Israel can do no wrong are going to hate it. It has already scooped several awards and must be a firm favourite to pick up an Oscar. And when it does....well we know what sort of backlash there will be.

I encourage everyone to watch this film. Not just because of the story it tells but because it is brilliantly filmed and superbly acted. In short it is a brilliant move.
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Didn't live up to the ratings IMHO...
LiveLoveLead16 December 2022
Although I think the Palestinian War and Nakba are important pieces of history, and more movies should be bring this time in our history to light, I don't think this movie is good enough to recommend. I think most of the high ratings come from the emotional subject matter rather than the quality of the film itself.

The subtitled movie, Farha, was inspired by a true story and although poignant, it was often slow and frustrating to watch. The movie mainly takes place in one room at the home of a Palestinian family, and is primarily focused on the experience of the teen daughter named Farha.

14-year-old Farha is determined to get an education. As she waits for her father to decide if he will allow her to go to school in the city (instead of focusing on getting married, like a good Muslim girl) her little village erupts into violence caused by the "Palestinian Catastrophe", the destruction and displacement of Palestinian society in 1948. Farha is hidden in a small pantry off her courtyard where she hears and watches through a tiny window the catastrophe overtaking her village.

The acting is decent, but the story is slow and drawn out. The film gets claustrophobic and stagnant at times, which I guess is the point. Although Farha is supposed to be intelligent and driven, you find yourself questioning and frustrated by her choices while in hiding (as well as the choices of other characters). The plot creeps slowly along in the middle part of the movie. There just isn't a lot of substance. It starts to pick up towards the last third of the movie and then, it just ends, and a few postscript/epilogue sentences leave a not so satisfying feeling for the time invested, IMHO! Didn't hate it, but didn't love it either. 5.8 stars.
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Beautifully heartbreaking
marwamaghraoui30 January 2023
Thank you Darin for this masterpiece. The story is tragic but it's told so delicately and gracefully, it is harsh and brutal at times, it tightens your heart and tears up your eyes, but I enjoyed every bit of it even though some of them felt somewhat suffocating. The details that went into the production of the movie are immaculately wonderful: the decor, the clothing and cinematography were perfect so was the acting and the cast. The story itself is engaging you truly root for the girl as she tries to convince her father to enroll her for school, and you feel her pain as you watch her suffering and mourning. We need more movies like this based on true palestinian stories.
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FARHA: A Haunting Reminder of the Brutality of Occupation
osamarasheedofficial7 January 2023
It is a powerful and moving film that tells a poignant and important story about the Palestinian girl and the ongoing struggle for education and self-determination in the face of armed conflict and occupation. The portrayal of a young Palestinian girl fighting for her right to learn and better herself despite the challenges and dangers around her is likely to be both inspiring and heart-breaking.

Overall, the movie appears to be a thought-provoking and emotionally charged film that shines a light on a very real and ongoing crisis. It seems like a must-see for anyone interested in the history and current state of the Palestinian conflict, and for those who value education and the right to pursue one's dreams in the face of adversity.
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A painful but amazing movie
ogalabruh4 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was the most sad truthful story that i have ever seen and the most painful part is that its true and has happened to many Palestine people. It shows the heartfelt moments of which farha is lock in a pantry awaiting her father whom never comes back. During those days of waiting she encounters the biggest heart break in which she can not doing any thing since she is locked in the pantry. I love the representation of muslims and Arabs shown throughout the movie since many movies these days have bad representation of mostly Arabs and Muslims. I cried multiple tears throughout multiple tears throughout multiple scenes which led me to make this review so more people see this as an example of what happens to Palestine, Yemen, Jordan, and many more countries. Shoutout to those people and May Allah help and and Guide You through this awful journey we call life.
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a Touching Story
tarekhdr20 December 2022
As a citizen in Lebanon, one of countries in Middle East and Arab region, that suffered drastically from massacres, brutal activities, and occupations, I can say that this movie sheds light on our life stories.

In fact, the movie talks about real life and suffering of Palestinians, Lebanese and many other people who experiences this kind of actions.

Although the movie shows very little about what's going on and the history since 1948. I find it very unbiased and fair towards reality and truth, and not as how the Darin J. Sallam has been condemned or accused.

This movie has to continue showing, because empathy with victims and humanity should take place despite the many misleading news and deceptive media channels out there; it's just a small part of the real story.
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