I Believe in Unicorns (2014) Poster

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Too Many Glowing Reviews
Stoshie13 September 2019
While most of the reviews here give this movie high scores, the overall score of 6.1, as shown on the main page, as I write this, is far more accurate. The scores of "10" that some people gave here is an insult to the great films of Kubrick, Scorsese, Coppola, and many others. A "10" means a film is perfect; this doesn't even come close to meeting that standard.

I suspect this movie is more than a bit autobiographical, since Leah Meyerhoff cast her own mother as the mother in the film. I'll give Toni and Leah Meyerhoff credit for that; it must be hard for a person with a disability to appear in a film playing themselves. I would have given the film 5 stars if not for that.

But beyond that, the film is too artsy, and far too pretentious. The stop-action animation didn't add anything to the film, in my opinion. In fact, I saw it as a way to cover up the thin writing in the script. The thin writing was further shown by the run time of the movie: 1 hour and 18 minutes. Mercifully short.

Hopefully teen girls watching this might learn a lesson about falling in love with a boy simply because he is cute. But probably not; if anything, they will emulate the lead girl in the film because they think this film is showing them a step they need to go through as part of the maturing process. I hope that isn't true.

Anyway, the movie is a quick little diversion, but nothing with any deep significance or value. I see it as a vanity project on the part of the writer/director, nothing more.
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It's alright, but could be much better
ayoreinf13 July 2014
I Believe in Unicorns, is a nice starting point for director Leah Meyerhoff (it's her first feature film). It has a great leading performance by Natalia Dyer, interesting usage of stop motion animation representing the memories and imagination of the movie's leading girl and an interesting twist on the generally familiar myth of the unicorn. On the other hand, it's not as original as its creator believe, and it has a big problem with the pacing and a smaller problem of the potentially loaded relationship between Davina and her mother, to which the director keeps implying but never really explores, while she does explore the relationship between the young lovers whose direction is figured out long before the movie get's there. When an 80 minutes movie feels too long, it means the director has a problem. Still, for her feature film debut Leah's command of the media is impressive, there's every likelihood she'll get the pace better next time.
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The Last Unicorns.
morrison-dylan-fan24 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Looking at the titles chosen for the ICM Film Festival,this one and Ivy stood out as the ones that would be hardest to find. Getting lucky in stumbling on Ivy,I just could not find this film anywhere. Wanting to find all the movies so that a fellow IMDber could also see them,I did an extensive search over the weekend,and by pure chance,was able to finally start believing in unicorns.

The plot:

Taking care of her ill mum since she was a child, Davina dreams of traveling to a world of knights in shining armour, dinosaurs,and shining unicorns. Getting closer to her long-term crush Sterling,Davina starts to look towards the open world. Going on a road trip with Sterling, Davina discovers a world far from her fantasies.

View on the film:

Seamlessly blending earthy drama with handmade flight of fantasy,writer/director Leah Meyerhoff & cinematographer Jarin Blaschke give Sterling and Davina's road trip in incredible Mumblecore intimacy,with a light colour stylisation and fragile camera moves bringing out the raw emotion between the couple. Dipping into Davina's imagination, Meyerhoff brings her dreams to life with a sweet kooky vibe,where the colourful stop-motion animation neatly contrasts the rustic,dusty appearance of the open road.

Layering their travels with Davina's narration, the screenplay by Meyerhoff drives into a Showgaze groove,with Davina and Sterling's exchanges hanging in the air with an awkward warmth, and a deep feeling of a passage of time gliding pass Davina's fantasies fading into the distance. Sitting next to Peter Vack's great, rough round the edges performance as Sterling, Natalia Dyer gives an excellent,attention-grabbing performance as Davina,whose expresses face chimes with the whimsical and the melancholy of Davina's unicorn dreams.
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An intimate portrait of a young woman escaping through romance
hannahrittner22 August 2015
I Believe in Unicorns is a poetic and deeply intimate film. Its greatest achievement is how it conveys the loss of innocence as a teenage girl discovers womanhood/independence through a road-trip with her boyfriend. However, this newly discovered freedom seems to be just as disturbing as the home life she seeks to escape. Meyerhoff depicts through stop- motion and an effusive color-palette the POV/Internal life of our main character--Davina. There are unicorns, knights, princesses--it's a narrative of mythology to describe how her childlike internal world is trying to make sense of the looming chaos of her adult life.

This film does not depict the empowerment of love but is a cautionary tale for the relationships we chase when we are looking to escape our circumstances. And through this cyclone, we see Davina's mythological internal world crumble as her external one transforms.

This film is sophisticated and confident in its approach. It commits to one story/character- rather then a feature aiming to dizzy us with a multitude of sub-plots. The two stories can arguably be distilled to Davina's romance with Sterling and the adventures of her mythological internal world. As a result, you leave feeling you know this person like a best friend or a lover. (A testament to Natalia Dyer's acting).

This is a treat given cinema's ever-growing plague of saccharin and one-dimensional female characters. What you learn about Davina is not just magical--but it is terrifying. And the fact that Meyerhoff gives us such a close portrait of a teenage girl is nothing short of daring (things don't just boil down to getting the romantic interest and being happy--there is nightmare that looms from even chasing one)--from first sexual encounters (the squeaky awkwardness) to finding true love for an imaginary princess. This wide spectrum exists in Davina. I only look forward to meeting more of the characters Meyerhoff brings to life.
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It's a girly picture, about a girl's first love, beautifully photographed, well acted, but a bit lacking in drama.
imseeg3 May 2020
I am a guy, so I am not the target audience for this picture, because girls are. I dont necessarily dislike girly pictures, but this movie is nothing else but a total girly picture, without ever being really funny or really dramatic.

The good: beautiful photography. Good acting. Gentle, lovely story about a girl's first true love.

The bad: no real drama, no real spark or punch, it's all quite lovely and beautiful artsy to watch for sure, but lovely is all there is to it and I am definitely missing some real drama. But hey, I am a guy, and as I said before, I am not the audience this movie was made for. So take my review with a grain of salt, many other (female) reviewers loved this movie...
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Visually interesting coming-of-age road movie
Red-Barracuda8 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In this romantic drama a teenage girl embarks on a relationship with an older boy, a free spirit who she soon discovers has a darker violent side. She is a young girl with responsibilities beyond her age, such as looking after her disabled mother, so she wilfully disappears in her head into a fantasy world from time to time.

This one could be filed under both the coming-of-age and road movie sub-categories. It has a protagonist who I did like and sympathise with. I felt the portrayal of the characters was quite realistic and there were many little moments which felt true to life. It does go into some disturbing areas it has to be said with a scene which amounted to sexual abuse, so it is a film with some darker aspects lurking below its sunny veneer. I think it was this visual side of things though which was the most impressive single aspect of this one though, with a look which reminded me of the warm glow of old photographs. It was quite beautifully done and there was quite a bit to enjoy from a visually aesthetic point-of-view. Ultimately, the content of the film itself was a bit too limited to truly make this one feel more than an interesting snapshot of something. Still, it was a fairly alluring snapshot all the same, and certainly had a distinctive look and feel to it.
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Not very impressive...
msmairi-280605 June 2020
The only two good things about this were the acting and the visuals. Other than that, the film doesn't have much to offer other than looking like an artsy-fartsy 14 year-old's photography project.
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Amazing understanding of the human condition
LauraAltair24 July 2015
All teenage girls need to see this I Believe in Unicorns. Or for that matter, anyone who ever was a teenage girl needs to. Leah Meyerhoff somehow manages to capture the human condition so perfectly in this film. It shows the ugly little details of life and relationships that nobody bothers to do in most movies and leaves you with a gut wrenching feeling (but in a good way). That's what really sets it apart.

Natalia Dyer gives an extremely brave performance as Davina, a 16 year old girl juggling school, taking care of her mother with MS, and a new relationship with Sterling (Peter Vack), an older "bad boy". Sterling starts out as her "unicorn", but that starts to change as they become closer.

It's also beautifully shot, some of it on 16mm film which gives it a vintage, timeless feel. There is no use of modern technology throughout the entire film, which leaves you guessing whether it took place in the present day or some magic era that never existed. The stop motion sequences make it whimsical and fantastical.
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Absolutely ridiculous
zombiedaizy1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is kinda cringe. Starting from when the dude is rolling across on top of her, to putting a carrot on a horses head, to making snow angels on hay, and to licking on temporary tattoos on eachother. Lol what in the world am I watching?

The filming is artsy which is interesting but the story is boring. Maybe I would have liked this as a teenager and I'm just too old. I'm not sure. The actress from the ozarks is in here which was a nice surprise. I wish she had more of a role in the story. There are a lot of scenes of the couple just cruising in their car in a boring rural area. If you have nothing to do I guess watch it.
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An artistic look at love as a young teen
juliaqcoulter19 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I Believe in Unicorns was visually stunning! Leah Meyerhoff is certainly an artist to watch, she didn't shy away from the raw sexuality that we all experience as teenage girls and how we would all bend over backwards for the guy we think is "perfect". Natalia Dyer and Peter Vack beautifully capture teen relationships at their messiest and you are draw into their world even more by the stop motion animation story that parallels their performance. I was particularly moved by her writing her mother into the script. Disabled people are wildly underrepresented in the film industry despite the fact that it effects so many peoples lives including my own. Was very moved and throughly enjoyed this film.
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Interesting film, but at what expense?
txst-403131 November 2016
The film is beautiful and innovative, though I couldn't help but feel disturbed that the parents of the 16 year old actress allowed her to be in scenes where she's so graphically raped and sexualized. I literally felt just as disturbed and distracted by this as I was affected by the film itself.

This could be because I know people who were sexually abused as children, and I've worked with child actors who later look back at that graphic kind of exposure and ultimately see it as detrimental to them and their lives. I think it's unfortunate and premature to expose a such a young actor to this.
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An original coming of age tale featuring a young girl and her ultimate acceptance of reality
eesredhead11 July 2015
When I first saw "I Believe in Unicorns" I was immediately struck by its power; completely enamored by its sheer beauty and the importance of its narrative. What specifically struck me was how unabashedly truthful it is, unapologetically entreating us to understand a young girl's plight for serenity and what that may mean. Its pendular narrative dances between fantasy and reality revealing how a girl copes and ultimately accepts the brutalities and pain of the world in which she lives; rightfully redefining the "coming of age" genre entirely. The film really spoke to me, and I believe it to be a must see for every woman of any age.
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Honest Film - Great Composition
shari-803 August 2015
This is an honest, well-composed film with a unique style.

I Believe in Unicorns takes you in to the mind of a teenager as she struggles with what life has given with her. It shows her inner turmoil and hopes using fantastic imagery. And even though it is full of imagination, it presents a realistic picture of this young lady's life. It does not offer some "great solution" to life's problems. Instead,it shows the pain of growing up and facing the world for what it is - often disappointing and not all we wish it could be.

Though it is definitely geared towards a female audience, if you understand that film is an art form and not an amusement park ride - whether you are male or female - you will enjoy this coming of age picture. Try it out. It's worth it.
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Unique motifs and a visual feast.
metimes9 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Unicorns is a truly unique film. Its whimsical, yet bold aesthetic enhances the storyline, which diverges drastically from most coming of aged films about teenage girls. The creative and visually stunning special effects use light and stop motion in enchanting ways that depict Davina's internal condition with a relateable clarity. These magical realist representations illustrate the main character's psyche in a deep and intellectual way that female 16-year-old characters are unfortunately rarely endowed with in films.

As someone who often gets bored visually with contemporary films, Unicorns kept me spellbound. It is a feast for the eyes. I had been able to see more films like it when I was 16, in which the story does not (Spoiler Alert) end predictably, with a romantic and heteronormative jaunt into the sunset.
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A terrific role model for young women filmmakers
msmanning29 June 2015
Leah Meyerhoff's transcendent, visceral, intimate examination of a young girl's heart- wrenching coming of age left me breathless. From the fanciful, fairy daydreams to the recklessness of adolescence, I felt like I was watching something from my own head. The fierce beauty of the world as seen through a girl's eyes. The understated poignancy of simple gestures, glances between mother and daughter. The ache for the exquisite: sunlight dancing in leaves, the bridge of a lovers nose. It's so rare to see a woman give life to what is inside her. We feel like we have to ask permission, and even when "granted", we play it safe, we give other people what we think they want. But Meyerhoff's unapologetic passion and ambition is empowering for women filmmakers everywhere. Her film is necessary and important, as is she.
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"There's so much I want to say. But I don't know where to start."
Invalid_ID_DI26 November 2017
Experience, indeed, defies representation or articulate expression. Just as a photograph only captures one shot of a smooth manifold aggregate of lived phenomena, so language can only restrictedly encapsulate vibrancy. But one'd hope that a sequence of such photographs enables one to peer into that share of moments, brightening up memory and trajectories of thoughts, absorbing anew the cultivating spectrum of lived emotions. Breathe.

The opening credits alone immediately capture the spirit of this pure coming-of-age masterpiece. Ignoring the excusable whiny music, it alone was already so great and lingering that one'd want to stop and muse. Submergence into water necessitates the synergy of the liquid water's flows with the likewise fluid and variedly current half-obscured memories of growth intertwined with decay. Stopping for an instance, retreating below the surface, divine Davina feels the impact of the past. It's her birthday, but she's not yet ready to face it. Brooding on the past can perhaps help, before lurching further into uncertain future terrains, that will eventually also continually expand the mind's horizons.

Film itself captures the process. An acoustic-visual artificial succession of events, melded with and moulded by memory, fantasy, by movements of objects that defy physical laws. Stop-motion and time-lapse show the productive capabilities of the unconscious factory, and the fragmentary apprehension of spacetime. Shades of lights correspond to different intensities. One traverses heterogenous planes, exploring natural strata, and sensing the world. The hair billows through the wind, the skateboard grinds across the concrete, the clouds, the grass, crops, trees, endless telephone wires, ... they all reverberate, grafted from their respective denotations to dance within the partial subjective perspectives, poetic experimentation and flows. Stream of consciousness.

Divine Davina is in a state of becoming. The creation of memories contrasts with the stagnancy and deterioration of her mother. Touching her mother instills stifling anxieties of death and decomposition, the limit of possibilities - "la forme et l'essence divine / De mes amours décomposés". She still has a life ahead, and hence must venture into those fairy tales and badlands.

Becoming the nomadic voyager, wandering about. Dreaming and playing. Feeling the full spectrum of emotions. The unicorn and the dragon. Multivariate and recombining flinches of desire, sadness, happiness, loneliness, abandonment, comfort, disappointment, surprise, danger, warmth, coldness, excitement, pain, pleasure, ... transitions between various intensive states and interactions with a significant other, who's active and feeling too, differently, but reciprocally, within a changeable complex relationship.

Finally one has to digest the trip, make time for thought. The past becomes another series of photographs, pages of diaries, details, conclusions, and material mementos. And then one continues on, indefinitely.

"There's so much I want to say. But I don't know where to start."
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Raw, Beautiful Film
sgalbraith2217 February 2021
I Believe in Unicorns is a poignant, down-to-earth look at the complications of coming of age and young love. Having first seen this film when I was in my early teens, it emotionally affected me on a personal level and has carried with me throughout my high school years.

One of the film's strongest points is its aesthetic beauty. With gorgeous cinematography and inventive use of stop-motion, the film visually carries along like a dream, or somebody's hazy, nostalgic memories of a summer long ago. It sinks us deeper into Davina's fantasy world and lets us see the world through her naive, rose-colored glasses. Anybody who's a fan of cinematography will adore this movie.

Davina is an interesting character- shy and naive, perfectly portrayed by Natalia Dyer. She's caught up in her own fantasy world, which blinds her from the truth of her prince charming, Sterling. He becomes increasingly violent, up until the film's explosive end. The film doesn't shy away from showing Sterling gradually take advantage of Davina's naivety and purity, and we're given a raw, realistic look at abuse and the rough waters of youth. We're taught a cautionary tale along with Davina, and this film is an essential watch for any teenager.
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A good film led with dubious promotion.
gerald_valnderlaan5 May 2014
I like this film. It has got heart, it has good intentions for the cinematic language that I so adore. I feel like the filmmaker is earnest and thoughtful with the script and the performances are very strong and show a lot of talent on her cinematic future. However, I've been following this movie online and keep seeing photos of the filmmaker, Meyerhoff at festivals. Great right? Well, yes and no. Yes, it's great the film is getting out there, it should! No because it's more that a little embarrassing to see a 38 year old woman wearing a unicorn prop on her head, as though she's so desperate to hype her film that she'll turn into a corny advertisement. Is this what cinema has come to? I should hope not, not in the cinema I know. I get it, you're supposed to do something "striking" and "wild" to stand out, but Miss Meyerhoff, if you need to walk around with a toy horn on your head to get press on your film, or to get attention, well that's just sad and pedestrian. Have some pride in yourself and your work. You are a talented filmmaker. Please take the horn off and have some respect for yourself, your collaborators and most importantly, for cinema.

Besides the corny advertising, as a critic I do recommend the film. Don't let the harsh truths discourage you. It is a VERY strong film!
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Like unicorns, great films like this are one of a kind
stacy-19919 May 2015
When an indie film has a profound story that tracks, actors that transcend their role and truly become their characters and move you without even having to speak, gorgeous cinematography, perfect editing, a soundtrack that accents without intruding, a look and feel that is memorable and unique, and a story that stays with you for a while after…you have a unicorn of a film. It is very rare to see a film that has stop motion animation and super 8 footage from the filmmaker's life that is not gratuitous. This film is brave, honest, and important. Leah Meyerhoff is a director to watch and I Believe in Unicorns is a film not to be missed. If you can see it in theaters, do so. It's shot entirely on film (another unicorn) by cinematographer Jarin Blaschke and therefore should be watched, if possible, in a theater.
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Amazing Movie
xhmgsbgdx8 August 2023
"I Believe in Unicorns" was an outstanding movie. It had elements to it that helped to make it the movie that it is. I thought that the way it was filmed and how cut to different parts was really neat, and you sort of in a way had to put the movie together like a puzzle which I liked. I also really liked the soundtrack of "I believe in Unicorns," it matched the vibe of the movie perfectly and even added to the plot at times. "I believe in Unicorns" was quiet but the quietness of the movie helps create the perfect atmosphere and it too helps to tell a story all without even saying much. I really liked this movie and it's definitely one of my favorites.
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Truth to the dangers of dating whithout parental guidance of where abouts.
sanchezruben-994486 May 2019
I Believe in Unicorns showed the sexual passion teenagers have for each other and the easy dangers they can fall into. The ugliness at the end showed a powerful truthfulness of what can happen, a powerful warning for both male & female teenagers.
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rabbitbark5 June 2019
I think the movie is very good. Reminded me of the Virgin Suicides a little. The plot is strong and moves ahead confidently. I think anyone who has been a teenage girl will feel the emotion in it. The story is unique. I would like to see more of the director's movies.
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