Jeepers Creepers III (2017) Poster

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Broke Too Many Rules
bobjohnson99413 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love the Jeepers Creepers franchise. But Victor Salva made too many mistakes in this one that you don't do in horror movies. Victor are you reading this?

1) Brilliant to show the Creeper in broad daylight, but you show not more than 5 seconds at a shot. Otherwise it just looks like a fat guy in a mask. If you are going to have longer shots, you need to make the Creeper itself move in a non-human way.

2) You make the Creeper WAY too powerful. Based on the earlier movies, the Creeper's success is based on how smart it is (been around a thousand years), that it can hide in plain sight (like a scarecrow on a pole), super strong, able to regenerate. and people don't believe the stories. This would be enough for any monster, BUT NO, you need to put it in front of some kind of hundred caliber truck mounted machine gun and... not a scratch. Now that is just fucking silly. We had to have SOME hope the Creeper could be stopped, like they almost got him in Jeepers Creepers 2. You could have had him ripped in half by the machine gun, then the upper half crawls over to a dead body and swallows it whole - too much for the effects budget? You can't make the monster unbeatable, because then it DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER what the protagonists do, its not going to work, it had no chance of working. You just get to see them die like it was on a conveyor belt. You killed the suspense.

Finally the guy that plays the Creeper is a great actor, but he needs to lose some weight for the next outing. The Creeper should resemble a scarecrow - lean, desiccated flesh, fast, lithe - something that looks like it could fly. Not a fat guy in a shapeless red shirt with his belly sticking out.

Also, one of the things that is great about the previous movies is the FRUSTRATION we sometimes see in the Creeper. Probably in the past, the Creeper went unchallenged in its feeding spree, it is arrogant. But times are changing. There is technology the Creeper is not familiar with. This could provide some awesome frustrations and hurdles for the Creeper. Its harder for him to hide in the shadows now.

But overall the worst for me was putting him in front of the machine gun with no effect, and the mask for the creeper looks like it cost about $20. You need to pay for some special effects for the face and the movement of the creeper, not just the wings.

Oh, one more - the truck shoots out that spear, we see the spear travel something like the length of a football field to get to the guy on the motorcycle. Then when it starts dragging the guy back, we see he is not more than 50 feet away from the truck - silliness.

Victor Salva, do better, I am counting on you!!! I will pay to watch the next one, please don't disappoint me! Or send me the screenplay, I will give you feedback for free!
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Lacks interesting characters and any sense of dread or mystery
AlsExGal3 June 2023
Arriving 14 years after part 2, this latest installment in the supernatural monster movie series is a dreadful disappointment. Acting as a direct sequel to the first film from 2001, the story follows events from the following couple of days as the Creeper, a mysterious demonic killer of great power, continues his activities.

He awakens every 23 years for only 23 days, during which he causes mayhem and kills and consumes fearful human victims. A contingent of law enforcement officers try to finish him off, but he's determined to reclaim a lost relic that has been hidden away by a local farm family.

Writer-director Victor Salva had trouble securing financing for this film, and it shows, with bad FX work and missing shots. There's also a surplus of badly-done green-screen work. A lot of time is devoted to the Creeper's distinctive truck, which is revealed to be loaded with booby traps. Besides the poor production values, this entry lacks interesting characters or a sense of dread and mystery (found in the first film), or any cleverly executed monster attack moments (as in the second).
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This was Pathetic
view_and_review6 March 2018
This Jeepers Creepers is a far cry from the previous two and not in a good way. It's been many years since I've seen the first two but my memory is good enough to remember them not being this lousy.

The story of Jeepers Creepers is that every 23 years this creature feeds for 23 days. It smells fear and uses that to determine what part of the victim to eat. It has been 23 years and it's on a mission and part of that mission is to reclaim something that belongs to him.

Jeepers Creepers 3 occurred mostly during the day. Whereas that gives the viewer more to see it does detract from the scariness. They went for showcasing his vehicle more than the actual monster. Apparently his vehicle is supernatural just like he is because it was able to do a lot of impossible things. In fact, both the creature and his vehicle seemed to have picked up some supernatural abilities beyond his flying and strength.

The characters in this movie all had one emotion: anger. Everyone was yelling. It was like they understood yelling to be good acting. They threw in a teenage love just for tradition I guess. It was really pathetic. The whole movie was a bunch of disconnected scenes and lines with bad CGI, bad acting, a bad plot and some killing. It was not scary, gory or intense, just sad.
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darthMisaskernew27 September 2017
What were they doing in those 14 years between 2 and 3, staring at their shoelaces? I love the first two films because they are both scary and well made, but WOW, this film is GARBAGE. TRUST ME, this is coming from a HUGE JC fan! The film takes place between the 1st and 2nd movie, which is dumb because nobody wanted to see what happened between the 1st and 2nd movie. I wanted to see what happened after the 2nd movie, but even then, it's really confusing because the plot keeps jumping back and forth between all of these dumb characters. I couldn't tell if the film was set in the present day, in 2001, or in the 70's because of the craptastic pacing. There's even a scene where you can see a 2016 Chevy truck in a film that supposedly takes place in 2001. Speaking of pacing, there is none! Nothing happens in this movie and the film ends right when it should've started! There are so many characters that the film gets lost in itself. The first film had Darry and Trish, simple and easy. The 2nd film had the athletes and a side-plot revolving around an angry father, but it was still easy to follow and well balanced. Here, we have an old lady getting visions from her dead son, then we have Sargeant Tubbs from the first movie, then we have the anti-Creeper gang, then we have some teenagers, then we have a country boy who has a crush on a girl, and said girl also gets her own storyline. All the characters are pointless and are not flushed out because the film is trying so hard to give equal focus to everyone. The CGI is SO BAD and is EVERYWHERE in the film. It's so bad that my theater was laughing louder than the actual movie! The Creeper doesn't do ANYTHING, no smelling fear, eating body parts, he just sorta walks around and grunts. There's one good scene where a group of teenage bikers finds The Creepers truck in the woods, and it's the only good scene in the entire film. That's it! Worst of all, WE STILL DON'T KNOW THE CREEPERS'S ORIGINS!!! I've been waiting nearly 2 decades and we STILL DON'T KNOW WHERE HE COMES FROM??? The film ends on a cliffhanger but I do not want a 4th movie. This feels like it should've been made for the SyFy channel and seeing this on the big screen is like seeing Lake Placid 6 on the big screen. Just don't do it!
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A serious contender for worst film of the year.
Bibleman_Adventures1226 September 2017
Oh man, where do I even begin?

I've been waiting for Jeepers Creepers 3 since elementary school. When the day was finally announced last month, I couldn't contain my excitement...well, I could, simply because Jeepers Creepers had worn off a bit. I had realized that the first film, though good in certain aspects, was an overall flawed film, and that the second film was an outright piece of garbage. I predicted that this film would be bad, but oh man, I never could've guessed it would be as awful as it turned out to be. JC3 makes JC2 look good. There's so much wrong with this movie that I'm not even sure where to start.

First, let's start off with the plot, or lack thereof. There are several stories Jeepers Creepers 3 could've told, but it's like they didn't know which one to choose, so they just made a film with no plot at all. JC3 takes place in between 1 and 2, which is a baffling decision since that story didn't need to be told and it ruins the continuity of the JC timeline. The film revolves around, like, 9 characters and I don't even know which character would count as the "main" character because nobody gets adequate enough screen time. We have Officer Tubbs from the end of the first movie, a character so minor in the original that it really makes you wonder why Salva would write him a lead role. Then we have the team of Creeper Hunters led by Stan Shaw. We also have some dementia-stricken old lady, her teenage daughter, the country hunk that's crushing on her, a group of punk teenage bikers, and the Creeper himself. They all have notable screen time but most of them are totally pointless and some don't even have resolutions of concussions to their characters. Notice how out of all of these characters, I never mentioned Trisha? Despite Gina Phillips's on-poster credit, she is not in the movie at all and instead has a 15 second cameo at the very, very tail end of the movie. The film constantly flip-flops back and forth between all of these characters at the most inconvenient times, and by the time the story has come back around to a set of characters, we've already forgotten what's going on with them because the story has packed so much into a 5 minute span, yet so little at the same time.

The errors in the plot continue as, well, there is no plot. Pacing is something that seems totally oblivious to Salva and company, as the film had no distinguishable act structure of any kind. The film still felt like it was in it's 1st act at the hour mark, and I'm honestly not even sure what the climax was supposed to be, if the film even had a climax to begin with! We're just watching the film and suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, the screen turns black and the credits begin to roll. Tonal shifts are aggressive in this film, as one minute it's an episode of Degrassi, then it's John Carpenter's Vampires, then it's Evil Dead 2, and then it's American Horror Story. None of it matches and it feels like 3 or 4 random scripts were cobbled together without any editing. There are some moments the feel like Salva was trying to make a borderline comedy, but it's unclear mostly due to our next point...

Next is the production. Salva is a great cinematic director and the first two movies are filled with gorgeous shots and atmosphere so thick you could cut it with a blade. I suppose Salva got lazy with JC3 because this movie feels like it was made for TV. The film is laden with abysmal CGI, some of the worst I've ever seen in a theatrical release. The CGI in the original film looked better, and that came out in 2001. The editing and lighting are often so awful that you can't even tell what's happening; there is one instance where a biker is snatched, or something, by the Creeper, but it's so quick and shot so poorly you can't even tell what happens. An audience member behind me said "what just happened?" and I was glad I wasn't the only one. The production actually reaches "so bad it's hilarious" status on several occasions, including a slow-mo scene with the Creeper that was so over-the-top that it had the theater erupting in laughter. Trust me, it wasn't the only serious scene where the audience laughed hard at something meant to be serious.

Even The Creeper himself is ruined. One of the most intimidating horror villains of the modern horror age has been reduced to a slightly irritated staggering drunk. Whoever decided to give him that bright red T shirt should be fired, as it looks severely out of place on him. Oh, and we STILL don't know his origins. By this point, being teased on his history comes off as a cheap gimmick, like even Salva has no idea what to do about his backstory.

So there you have it. JC3 is possibly 2017's worst film so far. Too many main characters, an unfocused story with no conclusion, too much plot yet somehow not enough plot, absent pacing, a nonthreatening and goofy looking villain, Syfy channel levels of production, some of the worst CGI ever, and a massive kick in the groin towards the JC fan-base. I used to wonder why this film was denied a worldwide theatrical release, thinking Salva's history may be the culprit. I've now realized that the more likely reason is that the producers saw how awful this film was and couldn't bear to release this on the big screen. It's most definitely a home release, and that's where it should've gone. Judging by how hard my theater laughed at every scene, I doubt I'm the only one who holds these opinions.
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low rent, pretentious, and pointless. The Creeper deserves better!
blametaker7727 September 2017
Jeepers Creepers 3 is less of a movie and more of a prolonged bowel movement. Production wasn't delayed, it was 14 years of cinematic constipation, but unfortunately, they finally crapped out a pitiful, useless end to the Jeepers Creepers saga. Ironically, the budget was probably less than a roll of toilet paper. Also, for the record, I am a die-hard fan of the first two films and I promise you I went into part 3 determined to like it, despite the garbage trailers and negative online buzz that was surrounding it. Bottom-line, the first film is scary, the second is fun, and the third is cancer. The creeper did not age well. Someone behind the camera has clearly lost their touch because this one just felt like a cheap, direct-to-video cash grab made without love or legitimate purpose. Avoid this one like the creeper himself and hope it goes away for 23 years... and then another 23 after that.

p.s. The ending is the biggest slap in the face to fan ever because the filmmakers know they won't be making another one... and I thank God for that.
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Awful movie by any standard
Ducsoup29 October 2017
It did not live up remotely close to the others. Story was bad. Acting was bad. Plot was bad. Special effects were bad.

Let me save myself some typing and you some time. Everything was really bad.

Go ahead. Watch it if you want. But you'll be all like "man that was bad."
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Total Let Down of the Jeepers Creepers Franchise
destinymann-7234829 October 2017
I love the Jeeper Creeper Series but this was terrible. From drive the truck while standing on the hood, the rigged truck, the buried hand, and overall poor acting, except from the horse. I watched better acting on "In the Heat of the Night" in "Sparta Mississippi" and in my Charles Barkley voice, this movie was turrible.
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Fun...But weird.
dlmfilms26 September 2017
Jeepers Creepers 3 is a weird movie going experience. I loved the first one, and really liked the second one. I went into three wanting to love it. I didn't. But here is the weird part. The movie felt like it was never fully finished. Almost like a very rough first draft was the finished product. It almost looked as if they ran out of money before it was completed. It was very strange. If you are a fan of the first two, you will like to see the characters you love. If this is your first experience with the characters, you will be like what the hell did I just watch!
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Bad bad bad - Almost the entire movie was done during the daytime, sunny
daytrader-228 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What the hell happened here???? this is insane, one hour into this and the few times you see the creeper its sunny out, he looks like a $10 costume, nothing like the other movies, the actors were sooo bad.

this was by far the worse movie on the planet, I am such a huge fan of the other two, all I talked about for 15 yesr was when it part 3 coming out, I checked every year, waited and this is what they came up with ???? 15 years and this trash???

This makes sharknado look like an Oscar winning movie

Can you tell how upset I am at this trash? The 1st two were soo well done, acting, creeper, story etc, this is soo bad, damn!!

* * * * * UPDATE: Its a 2 hour movie, thats with commercials, 20m is night time, 1hr and 40m is daytime, sunny... that in itself is crazy

It looks like they shot this all in one day, terrible, I tried 3 times to watch this and could not bare the bad acting, story, cheesy effect


I seen the other two like 100 times, that says a lot, DO IT RIGHT, MAKE THE NEXT ONE GREAT VIC LIKE THE LAST TWO

* * * * * UPDATE: * * * * * UPDATE: I've been binge watching 1 & 2 to get this one out of my head. Watching 2 as I type, simply amazing how awesome this one is compared to this 3...
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Excellent addition to the series
alsadag26 September 2017
Watched it at the one day only release on Sept 26th. A really fun addition to series, more in the lines of Part 2 rather than the dark and scary tone of Part 1. One of the first positives that come to mind are the production values and the cinematography. Some of the camera angles are pretty awesome. Very hard to review this without giving things away. Another positive is some(attempt at) character development similar to Part 1. More screen time for creeper than probably both movies put together, which is awesome. Not every thing is rosy though...acting, especially that of the lead actress was wooden at best. Some claims which Salva made about the movie were not true, which was a huge disappointment for me. To summarize, don't miss it at any cost if you are a JC fan. Oh and there is a surprise cameo as well :)
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Not totally satisfied with this one
petrun-4203928 October 2017
I cannot say I was totally satisfied with this one, but there are a couple reasons for it. First, they never tell you or go into great length to tell you anything about the creeper's origins, reasons for eating or why he even exists. The second is that they did not completely close off the story, in my opinion. I also did not find it as exciting as previous creeper movies, my own perspective on that one. Enjoyable, yes, but I felt as though they could have done more on this one. If there is another creeper movie in the future, I hope it is better than part 3. Left much to be desired for me.
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Poor choice to put out.
imace-3815627 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After waiting 10 years for the next installment of horror movies that i LOVED, this movie was utterly disappointing. The. movie begins in between 1 & 2 somehow, still placed at night like the first one didn't end in the morning after the creeper took Darry and took his eyes and killed him. I don't see how he magically got time to take Darry, fly away, take his eyes out after carving his head out, stealing his truck back, all in one night? I don't get how. They made him entirely too "human" like. He seems to have lost his monsterness when it comes to being the creeper from the first film. Also, his new uniform is disgusting for lack of better words. He is not the same creeper who was as ruthless as in the first one, not as menacing and really just not the same overall. How was he so terrifying in the first two movies, using all his own weapons with no sign of any attachments to his truck besides the cow attachment but somehow he has upgraded?? he was enough of a monster before to where he just needed it to get around and make his way to and from his hideout. They made this movie "funny" and to me, that is a bad bad sign, because this movie isn't even supposed to be funny. there was more love story than it was finding out who the creeper really was or is. only hints, that weren't really hints were dropped. You didn't find out any new information, just rehashed info we have gotten from the first two-- "every 23rd spring he gets to eat", which we already knew. OK? i don't know where they are going to go from here, but i am very, very upset.
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Jeepers, this one isn't very creepy
ofumalow23 April 2018
Normally with a movie like this that took so long getting and presumably had trouble securing financing, you'd expect the problem to be a restrictive budget. But actually "JC3" would have been better-and more like the earlier films-if it were smaller scaled and less costly. There's too much action here, too many characters, all unconvincing and sometimes silly.

But what's really inexplicable is that there's way too much of the Creeper, who is no longer a seldom-seen figure of mystery but one seen WAY too often, in broad daylight, moving around like a regular guy albeit in some kind of Comic Con costume. He's not scary this way. He's just some dude in a mask. Nor is the hitherto teasingly doled-out mythology at all heightened by overly graphic FX views of him in flight, or so much dwelling on the armored truck he's got that isn't just a "death wagon," it's made out of indestructible stuff and has all kinds of lethal gizmos more appropriate to a "Phantasm" movie.

Lingering on a few characters in peril, with few and frightening glimpses of the Creeper, was clearly something that worked well for the prior installments. All that gets thrown out the window here, only lessening atmosphere and suspense. Victor Salva remains a technically proficient filmmaker (at least compared to most direct-to-video-level horror directors), and there are scattered things to like, notably giving Meg Foster a major role. Having #3 bridge the narratives of #1 and #2 was at least an unexpected decision. The movie isn't good, but at least it isn't dull (something you can't say about some of those later "Phantasms"). Getting an interview with Creeper actor Jonathan Breck, who appears a pleasant guy, provides a nice (if sole) bonus feature.

Still, this is a disappointing film that goes from generally wrong-headed to just plain ridiculous at its ill-judged climax, at which point the Creeper becomes so feeble a menace he might as well be shown dancing to "The Monster Mash." It's almost as if Salva wanted to deliberately kill off his own franchise, no matter that (of course) he claims #4 is already written.
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Complete garbage
brandenbass26 September 2017
Everyone was laughing it was so bad. I just felt stupid because I haven't been to the movies in two years and I wasted my time on this trash. NOTHING like the first two. I kept expecting them to stop the movie and say it was a joke and play the real movie the whole time. The first bit is too dark to see anything, then by the time you do it's just total crap. I've seen better effects on YouTube, and the story makes no sense.
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Worst outcome after 14 years of waiting!
bromumen27 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have been waiting for too long and can't express how disappointed i am now! The Creeper wearing a red shirt? Really? New cleaner face with some fancy weapons and 2000s techniques on his truck? This is more like a comedy movie, or to be fair, a love story! Both writer and producer should go bury themselves!
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cpellot-650508 October 2017
I waited 14 years to be disappointed. The acting was terrible, the story lines were terrible, and the plot was inconsistent. Because of the time difference between when the second Creepers was filmed and the third, everybody has aged especially the sheriff. It was obviously he had on a wig and it made him look comical. Despite my disappointment I continue to be a Creepers' fan and hope that the fourth installment makes-up for the third.
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Very bad
blondekitty197229 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely horrible,boring movie.It doesn't come close to either the first movie,which was excellent,and the second,which was good.Now,we are supposed to believe the creeper is some sort of Mcguyver whose truck is booby trapped beyond belief,deflects bullets,has run flat tires,and dispenses rolling explosive devices who turn on command and are able to follow vehicles.The creeper is indestructible,and supposedly has psychic abilities able to have his weapons return to him on command.The story was non existent and explained nothing.If you are all for non stop kills with no story whatsoever,this is for you.I know now why it wasn't released at the theaters.And if you are a fan of Gina Philips,she made only a 1 minute appearance at the end of the movie.
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Jeepers Creepers 3: Best one yet
Platypuschow1 July 2018
We waited 14yrs for a third part to the Jeepers Creepers franchise, but did it deliver?

Well let me clarify the previous 2 movies got a 3 and a 5 from me so they've hardly blown me away. I did however want to see the series continue and was looking forward to this.

Sadly the road to release wasn't easy for Jeepers Creepers 3, people didn't care about the movie so much as wish to boycott it due to the director/writer Victor Salva being a convicted paedophile. This frustrated me because though I understand peoples wishes to screw over this disgusting human being they are too blinkered. Can we kindly remember that this movie provided the livelihood of hundreds of people not just Salva, bigger picture people.

And the movie, isn't half bad actually. In fact I'd say it's the best one yet. Full of interesting ideas, great kills and really builds up the mythology.

Sadly that's also its greatest flaw. This third part really humanizes the creeper, takes it away from being a mysterious creature cloaked in shadow. We now begin to find out it's origins, but alas the movie poses questions, gives the characters the answers but never relays them to the audience.

This wouldn't be so bad if it were a AAA movie guaranteed another part but this simply isn't. Will we get answers? Will we get a 4th part? Will we wait almost 15yrs for it again? Will it even get made due to the boycotting?

If they'd done a better ending complete with answers then I'd consider Jeepers Creepers 3 a really quite good film but in its current state it's enjoyable but flawed.

The Good:

Some great characters

Well cast

The Bad:

Very much feels like a made for tv movie

FAR too open ended

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Meg Fosters eyes still stun me
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So boring
FilmBuff040916 May 2019
You'd think after 15 years the special effects would get better, but the creeper looks just as cheesy as in the first movie. This was beyond boring, I fought myself the entire movie not to turn it off when I wanted to. I just kept waiting for something to happen and nothing did. The characters are ridiculous, the plot is non-existent, and the movie just plain awful.
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Great old school horror
user-1515927 September 2017
I loved the movie. It has a nice old school horror feel to it, and was shot beautifully. Quite atmospheric. Creeper looks fantastic. Great kills. I'd say it's better than plastic It.

I hope they make Jeepers Creepers 4. I can't wait to see what happens next
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Good to see the old Creeper again after all these years
Kinsha26 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well just got home from seeing the movie tonight. Thought the movie was better than I thought it was going to be. All the moments that the creeper was on the screen was great. The acting could have been better by the characters. The new more developed character in this movie was the truck. Won't spoil it for anyone, but the truck has a few new moves this time. Really as creepy, and surprising as the creeper himself. Yes we also finally get to see Trish a little bit. This movie starts at the end of the first movie and ends at the beginning of the second. You can seamlessly watch the 1st one - the 3rd one - then the 2nd chronologically. One problem with the movie is they seem to figure out where the creeper came from ( quote from movie ) he is ancient. Then they don't tell you?
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Jeepers Creepers 3 = Worst Movie Ever Made.
impactsker7 October 2017
Theatre was full of laughter of how terrible the CGI and acting was. Jeepers Creeper's makeup was the only thing that was half decent but the acting again, terrible. Don't understand how the original can be so great as this ruined its legacy as a whole. Overall, I was waiting for the movie to end the entire time.
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Not The Best
michaelbaltazar-318574 October 2017
Honestly, to me the movie was a complete and utter let down. I had some high expectations for this movie because the 1st and 2nd movie were so good and I thought this 3rd movie would have been way better. Although, when I went to the movies to see the movie I was really disappointed on how it turned out. There were many flaws from the movie. For example on how the video effects and cinematography turned out, this had way more green screen action then the 1st and 2nd movie those two movies took place in the open and I think this movie didn't get enough of the open area.

Also I was a little disappointed that they didn't tell us who Jeepers creepers really was. That was one of the reasons I wanted to see the movie. I do understand why the movie looked the way it did because the video effects and it was because they were on a low budget which is also why it wasn't advertised as much. So probably why a lot of people didn't know about the movie's release date or anything. Even with a lot of the things that was wrong with the movie I just hope in some way if they make another movie it comes out to be better.
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rainyairaftersleep29 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am just angry. First i couldn't wait to watch it after the amazing 2 movies we got and the Jeeper Creeper monster one of the greatest monsters ever seen. Long story short this movie was pure garbage,it was just a insult to the previous 2 movies , it just left me angry that such a great horror story wasn't done right and just ruined into the ground. Don't watch this movie you will be just angry if you are a horror movie lover.
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