The Unicorn (TV Series 2019–2021) Poster


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Thumbs up
villatntaz25 October 2019
I love the adult humor, most of all I appreciate the absence of the laugh tract, ( I HATE them), I know when I think something is funny, I don't need a lead in. I, am 3 episodes in & will continue to watch....with a hope that tv stupid doesn't enter the story line
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Finally a show about a widowed only parent that is true
breastbestmilk29 October 2019
Contrary to popular belief many widowed people date within the first year. Most family and friends DO interfere A LOT and are way over involved in a widowed persons life thinking they know best. The only thing that didn't ring true is how easy the teen daughters are but it is a comedy not a drama. The widow group was so right about on. Not all widows think alike of course. Age and circumstances change how and when we choose to move forward. The thing is we NEVER move on we only move forward and this show so far does a good job using humor to help the non widowed get a peek into the life of the club they never want to join.
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ve got good news and bad news. The good news is a hot woman followed me into the men's room. The bad news is it was the ladies' room.
Sylviastel17 January 2020
Walton Goggins does a very good job in playing, Wade Felton, a Raleigh North Carolina new widow with two daughters. The sitcom is an unlikely premise about Wade and his family adjusting to life without his wife, Jill. He doesn't realize that he's a catch for single women who can smell the ideal man. He is a unicorn because he was widowed, works and seems like a nice guy. Goggins does a very good job in playing Wade. The cast including his friends, two couples with kids. They help him adjust to the dating world which is far different than when he was with Jill, his beloved wife. The series is well done without an audience. It can be funny and serious at times.
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Funny, and the Characters Care About Each Other
foundagoodaddress11 December 2019
It's not a hilarious show, but it's funny. The characters are good and they actually seem to care about each other. Plus the parents aren't stupid and the kids aren't brats.
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heartwarming and funny
petguy-4920127 September 2019
Caught the premeire of this last night though the family dynamic wasnt what i expected its hilarious the youngest daughter was sassy sweet and hilarious the rest of the family made me laugh this was a huge family hit though i do recommend it for an older family due to jokes and situations
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Jumped the shark early
taub25 March 2021
I really enjoyed the first season. A loving, caring Dad that gets along with his daughters and tries to deal with becoming a Widower, ethically.

The second season has lost all it's charm. One whole show was about a group colonoscopy. His relationships become superficial and helter skelter. Tonight he's quoting Jack Kerouac, counterculture icon, not a hero of mine. There is very little real father daughter interaction, the daughters are more of a prop for his dating and interactions with his friends.

It's not really any different from any other single Dad show anymore. He's not a Unicorn any more.
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It Can Only Get Better
blueoysterdvp27 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I know some viewers might like this stuff. It seemed more like an ABC comedy than one from CBS. (Minus "The Goldbergs") It's amazing how many good to great shows CBS cancels because of budget. Hence "Life In Pieces", "The Millers", "The Odd Couple" etc. Even "Fam" was funnier than this. For a number 1 network they sure are cheap. "The Unicorn" is a fluff comedy with weak jokes and a stolen overused plot. The widower. Maybe the writers get together and rewrite some of the next couple shows they've already written. Too many moving unfunny pieces going on with this one.
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Walton Goggins is a star who shines bright
Ed-Shullivan27 September 2019
Mrs. Shullivan and I are big fans of actor Walton Goggins. I was so looking forward to watching him star in this new sitcom. Then, in the opening scene, in walks actress Michaela Watkins, she opens her mouth and she is the epitome of the KISS OF DEATH to any TV series that she cameos or stars in. I have nothing personal against Michaela Watkins, but darn it, she has appeared in so many sitcoms that never seem to hang around for more than a year or two. I can only assume that she has some strong connections to the producers of these various sitcoms and they will keep plopping her into a role, any role, to see if she can just blend in. The same can be said adding salt to a soup, but a bland soup is still a bland soup, just with more salt.

Goggins plays Wade Felton, a widower with two (2) daughters and they agree that after a year of grieving he should start dating again. His friends help him set up a profile on a dating website and because he notes he is a widower the eligible women are like fish literally jumping in to his proverbial boat thinking he would be a great catch.

I am not sure if Goggins can carry this sitcom on his own, especially if Michaela Watkins who plays his neighbor steals some of his scenes valuable air time with her constant babbling (Just like in her other sitcoms. Uughhhhh). Think how you would feel sitting in front of a nice warm wood fire eating buttered popcorn and watching a very suspenseful movie, and every five minutes or so someone opened your patio door and a very cold breeze and wet snow put out your fire, that is what Michaela Watkins does for me. I don't think it is a coincidence that whatever sitcom(s) she appears in, the fire goes out prematurely.
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Fun show!! Great cast
thesilverias127 September 2019
Love this Walter Goggins does a great job as a widower finally dipping into the dating pool. Just enjoy watching him know who he was - but now trying to figure out WHO he wants to be.... especially as a dad for his daughters. Funny and sweet.
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Goggins talent totally wasted
jetskiboybze1 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As with many other reviewers I liked Goggins excellent perfomance in a show that doesn't justify (no pun intended) his talent . I have no problem with the shows premise but overall found the "friends" interference annoying and forced. Surely the writers could have found a better way to comedically deal with the basic plotline of the show without harping continually on this interference. I will continue for Walton but certainly no other reason.
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CBS is kicking it!
danieldomecq30 September 2019
Thursday nights used to belong to NBC. Now CBS rules.

This show hits every mark in the exact right spot. Single cam (so no laugh track) but you'll supply the laughter. A relatively unexplored concept. A 40-something widower with two daughters finally starts dating with the encouragement of his four friends, who consist of two married couples. He's catnip to the ladies -- but he's not going for points based on pity. And thankfully they don't belabor the difficulties he's been through. The show establishes his new trajectory, and then it escorts us along it in a way that we understand his challenges and we laugh as he finds (and stumbles) his way into new territory.

It's a show about family -- his relationships with his daughters come across as so real. It's a show about friendship -- his relationships with his friends come across as so real, even though they are totally fictional. BUT -- they are the kind of friends relationships we wish were real, and we wish we all had, so we gladly spend time with them, enjoying an undeviatingly supportive camaraderie no one but sitcom characters ever experience.

Looking forward to going on this journey with him and his crew. Way to go, whoever put this together!
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Great humor
aikent23 November 2020
Great sense of humor. Michelle's character is best. Such a good dynamic across the five friends.
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Ugh! Walton Goggins deserves better.
jasontruax4 October 2019
I really wanted to like this, primarily because Walton Goggins has a way of making his characters so compelling. Unfortunately, writing in The Unicorn is so tired and corny, it's nearly impossible to save this mess. I hope that when this forgettable piece of fluff gets cancelled, people will still remember his brilliance in Justified, Vice Principals, and The Righteous Gemstones. Walton Goggins is at his best when he plays characters with an edge, not this pathetic lifeless mess.
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Goggins should sue for lack of support
jamesell-917394 October 2019
Big fan of Walton Goggins and he's fine. Pleasantly surprised at how good the actors are playing his daughters. But the friends are awful, with the exception of Omar Benson Miller. Less cringe-worthy dialogue would help.
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carlekennedy14 January 2020
I don't watch many comedies because most are badly written and to close to slapstick ... this show is an exception. It's really funny and enjoyable ... Never thought I'd see drama star Walton Goggins star in a comedy, but he's great, takes to it like a duck to water
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Say it ain't so...
mv1716616 December 2020
Liked this show until the latest show decided to preach about white privilege.
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Funny and sweet
pnathan281 October 2019
Funny and heartwarming, the main and supporting cast are great.
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So good S1, but MEH for S2 (so far)
kenkonecki-7599218 January 2021
Season 1 was brilliant, funny and heart warming. Great life lessons and clever dialog. The widowed father was solid and provided a great role model to his kids.

However, while watching Season 2, I feel like I am being preached to about social issues. All of S1 didn't even come close to that. The magic seems to have vanished, and each episode has been empty and strained.

Hopefully the show will turn around but if another episode tries to guilt me - I'm done.
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love everybody
SnoopyStyle12 August 2021
It's been a year since Wade Felton (Walton Goggins) lost his wife. He and his two daughters have been living off the frozen death casseroles. His married friends, Forrest (Rob Corddry), Delia (Michaela Watkins), Ben (Omar Benson Miller), and Michelle (Maya Lynne Robinson), notice that the women are coming after him. They get him back into the dating pool.

This is a hilarious cast. I love every character and every actor. The premise is cheeky and fun. Goggins is known more as a tough dark character actor. So it's fun to see him to turn that on its head. It's not necessarily breaking any molds but it's a fun group. It lasted 2 seasons. I would have wanted to see more.
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Less Rob Corrdry and this would be a Unicorn
saroundell24 October 2019
I saw the trailer for The Unicorn this summer and I thought I would give it a try. I liked the concept of show about a widower who is looking for a relationship and his friends have labeled him as an unicorn because he's perfect and single women will fall over him. Walter Goggins (Wade) is very likable in this role but the friends are annoying (especially Rob Corddry). The friends are trying to guide Wade's way through the dating process because they feel he needs to get back in the game. They feel that it's their job to find love for Wade. The writers could scale back on the inferring friends. The best part of each episode has been Wade's relationship with his 2 young daughters. That's when the show truly shines.
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Better and better
adalby-1150013 March 2020
Started off a little slow, but by mid-season this show had improved SO MUCH. It has honestly become one of my favorite weekly viewings. The emotion is there, and the humor is quick and fun. No laugh track, no odd political commentary, no forced jokes... just great characters.
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Season 1 is great
eskipo-436-80130215 March 2021
Season 2 the cringe of the main character is only redeemed by the supporting cast.
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Never quite settled or hit its stride.
JabezGill27 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have been a huge fan of Walton Goggins ever since he played Boyd Crowder on Justified. He is one of my favorite actors and if you watch Justified it's easy to see he is one of the most talented actors in Hollywood.

Because if this I make a point to watch whatever he is in.

However, in "The Unicorn" he never seemed quite comfortable in his role - never settled in - and as a result the show seemed clunky and never hit its stride.

In my opinion, the show was bolstered by a strong supporting cast. Michaela Watkins was the stand out to me - I loved her portrayal of Delia and got a few genuine laughs out of the scenes where she took center stage. Maya Robinson, Omar Miller, Ruby Jay, and Makenzie Moss were also standouts. These 5 knocked their characters out of the park

However, Jay & Moss - playing the daughters of Walt Goggin's character - were underutilized. Especially in season 2 - which relied too heavily on The relationship between Wade and Natalie Zea's character, "Shannon."

  • side note on Shannon -
Love Natalie Zea, another Justified Alum. However, the relationship between Wade and Shannon kind've defeated the show's premise of him being a "unicorn." He got into a serious relationship after 1-2 dates total.

The end of season 1 and all of season 2 focuses on this - seems like more time should have been spent on him dating around and dealing with the difficulties and awkwardness that comes with dating after a long marriage that ended so tragically.

So the story seemed rushed to me.

While it had a strong supporting cast - it had a weak lead. The character seemed poorly written and - heartbreaking as it is to say about one of my favorite actors - the actor, Walt Goggins, seemed uncommitted, uninterested and miscast. In most episodes he seems like an SNL guest that is reading his lines - live on TV - for the first time ever. The delivery is always a little off - almost flat. And after watching him in other roles, specifically Justified's Boyd Crowder, I can only assume that he was uninterested in or uncommitted to the role of "Wade." For me, it seemed like I was watching someone act as opposed to watching a story about a recent widower trying to figure things out with good friends and a loving family. To an extent, I feel the same way about Rob Corddry's character. Also miscast in my opinion and always felt a little out of place.

If you compare it to a show like Modern Family - that was a show that seemed to get into a good flow pretty quickly and the actors made you buy that you were watching a real family and their hijinks and shenanigans etc.

Furthermore, like most shows on TV right now. They got a little too caught up in the "woke" and the episodes that focuses on that - 1.) threw off what little momentum the show had and 2.) were done very poorly "you got my son a water gun?! Now I'm gonna have to have a talk with him about how he can never go outside with that or the police will shoot him." Really? That was the best you could come up? It just came across as hokey and insincere ... "we are doing this because we have to, not because we found a compelling way to incorporate it. Same with the episode where Delia had to learn about her privilege from Michelle.

The show really fell off in the second season and I think the cancellation was in the best interested of everyone - but I'm disappointed more effort wasn't put into this show because it could have been great.
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All but the lead character are well done
edwardsnh17 December 2020
It's a fun show, but there is just nothing likeable about the lead character. At one point, a woman is "really into him", as he's flirting, and it was just painful to watch. Bravo for her for acting like he was being charming.

I've seen the lead actor in other parts, and he's good. This is not the role for him.

The pediatrician character is so well written, acted, and developed. Love her! Everyone else is really good, too... except the friends' oldest son. But he's given the dumbest lines, so hard to fault him (and I don't want to say negative things about a child).

All that said. I do like most of the episodes.
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nasirrnmindbodyhealth2 October 2020
The couples are realistically diverse. Great representation of middle class families.
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