Dark Rising (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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Dark Rising
Scarecrow-8824 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those horror flicks where twenty-somethings fool around with the dark arts around a camp fire, getting into a heap of trouble for doing so. A portal was opened containing a world of demons known as the Kelippoth of the Sitra Achra by a man whose daughter, Summer, gets kidnapped by something, taken into it. Summer is trained by a mysterious group whose identities are never revealed to battle the demon monsters. This is a portion of the plot which lends itself to scrutiny. Anyway, three wannabee witches, who went to high school together, Renea, the most enthusiastic, serious practitioner in the dark arts, and her lesbian cohorts, Jasmine and Marlene(..it's more or less a passing fad with them, though..) join up with buddies, Jason and Ricky, on a trip in the wilderness where Summer vanished from her home ten years ago. Opening the portal through a spoken text written in an ancient book, a demon is set free, as is Summer, now a warrior babe whose training has led to a very fit and athletic body and skills that have been needed to ward off monsters in the other world.

Low budget contains a loopy, but ambitious story, restraining it into a confined setting. These young adults spend a lot of time running around in the woods hoping not to be fodder for a beast. As can be the case in these movies, the demon stands on the sidelines while the story develops as Summer attempts to remember how everything came to pass, while befriending Jason who wishes to help her restore the lost time. The action is shot mostly in the dark, making any violence hard to decipher. Brigitte Kingsley(and the rest of the female cast for that matter), is some mighty nice eye candy, dressed scantily clad as a female Conan, a gorgeous body we have to pleasure to gaze upon from the moment she appears until the closing of the movie. Some lesbianism(..some kissing and fondling)and nudity spice things up nicely, and the cast seem to be having fun with the goofy plot..it's so preposterous that the silly tone is probably appropriate for the material.

Might be of interest for co-starring World Wrestling Entertainment's "Captain Courageous" Christian(real name, Jason Reso)as one of the group, spoofing his alter ego, as a chicken, quivering at the sound of a snapping tree twig. Landy Cannon is likable as unlikely hero, Jason, a lovestruck, naive young man whose ex-fiancé, Jasmine(Vanessa James)is now bi-sexual and in love with Marlene(..Jasmine's cruelty is in toying with Jason's feelings by hiding her affair with Marlene from his knowledge), while Ricky and Renea attempt to steer him away from this idea that he can rekindle a dead flame that gone out, never to ignite again. The Kelippoth demon is mostly darkly lit, I guess to refrain from showing how ludicrous/laughable it looks if presented in full. The lesbian antics of Jasmine and Marlene(Haley Shannon) is mostly tame, their love making, once alone in the woods up against a tree, is toned down and also lighted using the blackness of night. My rating is a bit favorable towards it, almost solely because of Kingsley, for purely superficial reasons, rather than the plot or film-making. The movie aims to please and is marketed to the boys(and girls who love hot women). I think, though, for the most part, the humor falls a bit flat.
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Waste of time
commonwealthofcanada27 February 2010
Dark Rising is your typical bad, obviously quickly produced horror/sci-fi/fantasy movie. It has a strange, unexplained plot with holes so big you could fit an elephant through them. Most of the time I didn't know what the hell was going on but it didn't really matter, it was a simple demon hunter returns from hell dimension to save campers story with confusing stuff added on about witches and a book of evil with plot elements and characters who make no sense or disappear totally for no reason. The acting is bad but there honestly is not much they can do with this script I am guessing. There is a couple topless scenes which is probably the only reason this bad movie got made (like so many other bad movies). Give this one a pass unless there is nothing else on T.V.
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Quite a Bad Film
fembot10051 February 2010
This film has a very simple but somehow very bad plot. The entire movie is about a girl getting sucked through a gate to another dimension then years later it gets opened again by a witch while a group of friends (including the lead actor who is having trouble getting over his ex girlfriend who is one of the other campers along with her new partner... another girl... that's right they're lesbians and there is some nudity of course for no particular reason). Unfortunately demon follows the now adult girl back through. Also unfortunately, none of this is ever explained. Where exactly were they? Where did the demon come from? How did she survive as a child in a place full of evil demons? Who the hell trained her and made her a gladiator type outfit? The acting is terrible I think but it's hard to tell because the writing is so bad maybe there was just nothing they could do with it. I give it a three because the wrestler was pretty good and the effects were pretty fun even though they were very cheap. I would not recommend it, it wasn't quite bad enough to be funny.
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sluttyslutty5024 July 2008
This movie is lame and not funny at all. The plot doesn't even make sense. Some scientist who works on the fringes of science opens a doorway to another dimension (maybe hell???) and his daughter gets sucked through it or something, then one day for no apparent reason she comes back and now she has big breasts and wears a skimpy outfit (I guess the demons in the other dimension made it for her?) The main character is a guy who wants to marry his girlfriend but she is gay so obviously she's more interested in her new girlfriend, and they stumble upon this witch spell book (they want to be witches or something???) and the evil spell ends up getting read again which is how the evil demon comes to earth which only the bikini top girl and the spurned guy in love can stop apparently. There is topless scenes for no reason and a guy in it who my boyfriend says is a well known wrestler but his part is completely unnecessary, obviously they made something up just to put him in it because then maybe wrestling fans will actually watch this pointless movie. I'm sure the topless girls doesn't hurt there either. The extra features on the DVD were even more confusing than the rest of the movie, I thought it might help explain what was going on but it actually just made things more confusing. Who are these people and what are they doing? Basically this is a go-camping-to-make-out-then-fight-a-monster movie but there are a bunch of things (like the other dimension and book seller) than make it confusing. I didn't like the movie but it was only like five bucks so big deal. I don't recommend watching it though it was just too stupid, I can't think of any part of the movie that was good.
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i thought this movie was called "dead rising"? least appropriate title ever.
whiteowl111 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
so last night a friend is over and we're at the point where we decide to watch a movie. we are perusing through Showtime On Demand and we stop at this charming little production because she recognizes her favorite wrestler of all time is in it. i had never heard of it. before the movie even started, based on the incredibly cheap looking title sequence, i thought i knew what we were in for. a movie you KNOW is going to be cheesy but maybe so bad its at least a little entertaining, so you give it a try.

oh boy, was i wrong.

the first and only time i laughed was when the little girl interrupts her bedtime story with "daddy, the female characters are coming off a little superficial". after that, i thought we would be getting ridiculous one liners and lots of red karo syrup but that never happened - or maybe it did, we had enough and shut it off about halfway in. i am really amazed we made it that far.

everything takes forever in this movie and most of the first half is all montages. people driving and enjoying a sunroof = five minute montage. mean-spirited clichéd lesbians making out = = ten minute montage (side note - every time they used their tongues it seemed the camera cut away... but they both get topless later, and of course the scene takes forever). the demon attacked us & wants to finish us off = 15 minutes of slow paced decision making. virtually every scene could have been cut in half and the point would still have gotten across. and the soundtrack is as bad as they come.

once the "demon" (pretty shoddily-made robotic thing) shows up with the now scantily clad, sword-wielding, demon slaying heroine, she kills it then leaves only to be later found doing some moonlit bathing in a creek. but it was too late for me to care.

it leads to a confusing jumbled mess with characters you do not care about. the acting is terrible and even though they were trying to make a campy typical horror-comedy, you will not be scared and you will not laugh, you will only end up getting really annoyed.
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Sucky movie
mergatroid-16 November 2010
Don't believe the main review here. Obviously that person has only ever seen two movies in their life, and this was the better one.

This movie has:

Bad Acting (what would you expect from a wrestler?) Bad script Bad production values Poor story Poor music

Everything that can make a movie bad, this movie has. If you see this movie in the bargain bin at your local big box store, I recommend you scream like a little girl and run away to a different store.

If you are contemplating committing suicide then go ahead and watch this movie first. It will push you over the edge.
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Wow, awesomely bad movie
davis200015 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The actors in this movie did try and it shows, but the script and story were just awful. The brief nude scenes (topless girls x 2) were very gratuitous but the lesbian scene was totally unnecessary since one of the girls is killed soon after.

The humor is lame but they do try to lighten things up. The story is convoluted and vapid with a blend of science and witchcraft and nonsense. At one point the "scientist" father reads words that make an incantation and open a dimensional portal. Uh-huh. That's right up there with the spaceship in Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls which added a redundant dimensional portal. This is more forgivable as it's clearly done on a tiny budget but if you're mixing magic with science try to make it a little bit sensible and have a witch do the magic and let the scientist do science.

The acting isn't terrible but it's very uneven. The girls are all attractive and fairly sympathetic but I wanted to turn into a beast to kill both of the male actors. One is so pathetic and clingy he's hard to take, the other starts at the other extreme but turns coward at the end. And the ending. Wow. Build sympathy for the mousy girl only to have her neck broken in an instant and never seen again. The coward somehow gains fighting skills to take on the warrior girl who has honed her skills in the other dimension for most of her life. Yet he beats her down. Finally the wimp and warrior girl get re-united and somehow a bunch of freaky vigilantes show up out of nowhere to help out...and then it ends. I'm really hoping they don't plan on a sequel, the flashes of talent that came through here should be put to better use than continuing this story.

The music tended to be too loud and didn't fit too well but it was the highlight of the movie I'm afraid. I might have missed some finer points because I watched parts of it on fast-forward on my DVR as it was just painful to listen to the dialog.
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boobs, a demon, and a battle axe
SnoopyStyle7 January 2018
As a girl, Summer Vale witnesses her father attacked by dark forces. She is taken by those dark forces into a brutal S&M existence. Jason Parks is organizing a trip with brutish friend Ricky. Marlene brings along his ex Jasmine as her lesbian partner. Renee uses her natural skills, a magic book, and a special place to call upon Summer Vale.

This is straight up B-movie territory. It's better than most but it's still bad. The dialogue is clunky and cheesy. It's not quite bad enough to be funny. Jason's jokey tones do not work. The lead is a bad actor. Why would Summer's childhood home still exist in pristine condition after 20 years? The demon design is a mess. The acting is mostly B-level. It is curiously watchable but lacks any goodness.
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Surprisingly good!
greg-51118 January 2009
I really expected to dislike this movie. I bought it for $5 in the bargain bin. Surprisingly, I got into it and enjoyed the far majority of it. There were a few parts that were superfluous (a lesbian sex scene that served no plot purpose since we'd already been whacked over the head with the fact that two female characters were sleeping with each other) but overall the movie flowed quite nicely. Make no mistake, this is a comedy. Sometimes however, that sneaks up on you and you have to laugh out loud.

The ending makes it absolutely clear...the director intended there to be a sequel. I'll be watching for it.
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Down Rising
kosmasp25 April 2020
Sometimes I'm surprised how a movie can spawn something more than just the initial one that was released. Curious to a point but not to the extent I want to go out and check the other movies based on this or even the TV show. Now this is a teenagers wet dream (some teenagers), for male viewers for apparent visual and story reasons for female viewers because of the beautiful yet strong warrior woman on display.

There is nudity and there is comedy ... and there are some fights (overall fine though nothing to get too excited about). And there is one quite cool moment when the artist formerly known as Christian (Wrestling name) is on the receiving end of his own finishing move from his active days. Moments like this may be enough for some, but others will feel things missing. Script is ok, but nothing special. Have seen worse of course if that makes it better ...
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Cheesefest of the highest order
slayrrr66618 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"Dark Rising" is a lot of fun if still plagued with a few minor flaws.


Still upset over a break-up, Jason, (Landy Cannon) finds that his friends Renee, (Julia Schneider) Marlene, (Haley Shannon) and Jasmine, (Vanessa James) are coming along with him and Ritchie, (Jay Reso) on their camping trip, and uses that to try to get back together. Getting everything together, they start their outdoor activities only for him to keep throwing obstacles between them getting back together, and everything gets put on hold when they're attacked by a strange monster in the forest. Struggling to understand the situation, the group discovers Summer Vale, (Bridgette Kingsley) who they were initially trying to contact via séance, living in the forest and fighting the monsters that were unleashed from another dimension by their black magic book, forcing them to fend off the creature together to get out of the forest alive.

The Good News: There was a lot here to really like in this one that really works. One of the best parts is that the film manages to include a lot of action in it that's a lot of fun and gives the film a large dose of excitement and enjoyment. The campsite ambush, beginning with the séance held between the girls surrounded by candles in the middle of the forest to the sounds it makes off in the distance and finally the shots of it stalking them, to the creature appearing at the campfire and chasing them around, leaving bodies in its wake amidst the chaos, is a lot of fun and definitely a highlight moment. The battles with the creature in the forest, from the quick ones with the battle axe to the hand-to-hand combat, are highly enjoyable and definitely add more action into the film, as do the multitude of different dreams that are brought into the fray. As there's several of them, each one has something different. The first is the most visually-arresting, with the different operating tools being laid out and the confusion over everything, while the second one is the tension-packed one with the chained-up women, the darkness around them and the siren as well as the victim being dragged into the darkness screaming uncontrollably with the inevitable awaiting them next. The third one is the action part, where it's a full-on, back-and-forth fist-fight and martial arts filled brawl between the two that is just over-the-top and extra enjoyable. Aside from this, the film also manages to include a few moments of suspense amongst the action, including the initial confrontation with the girl in the house, searching through the empty rooms before finally finding her and the struggle to figure out what's going on and the eventual finding of the bug in her back, cutting it out and the confrontation within all makes for a pretty thrilling sequence. The opening, where the demon is resurrected through the incantation of the spell, followed by the green light glaring through the night, causing the walk-through of the house to discover what's going on searching for her father and the eventual discovery that ensues, is another pretty suspenseful scene, and the later technique where they discover what's going on with her is also quite good. Another plus for the film is that it manages to work in the lesbian subplot and get some mileage out of it, delivery some comedy with them in the bookstore while on the phone to the oblivious boyfriend, a bit of sensuality with the whole group frolicking in bikinis at the camp, including several of them going topless, and finally the sleaze in the full-on sex scene between the two, which is really good. The monster design is quite good, with the skull-like head, horns, warrior helmet and huge spiked-hand, along with its outfit design make for a really memorable creature. The last plus here is the film's gore, which is quite nice. From slices across the chest, a splitting in half, amputation and a decapitation, this one certainly satisfies. These here are its' positives.

The Bad News: There wasn't a whole lot wrong here that holds it down. One of the biggest issues here is the fact that the film doesn't really manage to keep it's different story lines cohesive enough, as it tends to shift around between all of its different plot elements and never really makes sure it's important to the scene. It'll simply shift into one of its different stories in the middle of another one, going from the girl's childhood to her past battles with the demons as a warrior/barbarian and then back to the group's struggles in the present and then shifting back to the different dreams where they're fighting the others, are never really put into logical order and the constant shifting around is something that could've been fixed. Also what could've been fixed is the film's lack of explaining anything, since we don't know anything about the creatures other than they come from another dimension, but their purpose, motives or even what the thing is to begin with are all skipped over, as is the explanation of how she became the warrior/barbarian, all crucial items in here to understanding the film. The last flaw here is the rather quirky and utterly stupid music thrown in whenever the guy is failing to impress the girl. It's obvious the guy's a doofus, but to have the non-comedic music that's just plain irritating all the way through doesn't help matters. These here are the film's flaws.

The Final Verdict: A whole lot of fun but still containing some flaws here and there, this one really doesn't have much of anything that will really turn off those looking for some fun. Give it a shot if you're into those types of films, a fan of the cast or just interested, while those that aren't into these should heed caution.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity and a sex scene
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Get yourself some wine and crackers
wolfshead568 January 2010
This movie kept me up one night not because it was scary but because it fell into that category of movie that is so bad in that way that you can't tear yourself away. Cheesy is the word. Bare bones plot, bad FX, guys and girls on a camping trip, skin shots and some gratuitous sex(that means it has nothing to do with the plot, just there because it's sex) and, because it's the 2000's and not the 70's said sex is between girls. They make many more like this they are going to have to start building drive-ins again.

The plot isn't difficult to follow being on the thin side not to mention one doesn't know if it is supposed to be horror or comedy. Father accidentally opens portal to other dimension. Daughter gets sucked in and is converted to be a demon fighter. 20 years later guy having problems with letting go former girlfriend organizes camping trip with former gf and friends. Would be witch recites the portal again and little girl, now all grown up, springs through, followed by a demon who starts killing the friends. Standard horror plot though there is a bit of a twist on the guy gets girl usual ending. It's so bad it's good though no who, why or wherefore is given as to why this girl is kidnapped and trained as a demon fighter other than the fact that there is a demon. Also the training scenes are so disjointed and quick cut that one might not figure out what the hell is going on.

Citizen Kane it ain't but for good, cheesy can't stop watching, it more than fits the bill.
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Much Worse Than I Anticipated
Rainey-Dawn14 September 2018
This has got to be one of the dumbest films I've ever seen - correction, tried watching. It took almost an hour for them to get to the camp ground so the girl could "fight the demon" - before that it was stupid attempt at comedy. Where was the Horror aspect of this film? It's non-existent. Going in my trash pile collection.

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Terrible 'A' Movie, Brilliant 'B' Movie
Celtic-Tyger13 August 2008
If you are looking to watch an action packed blockbuster movie, stop reading and move along. If you are looking for a good old fashioned solid 'B' movie, this is it. It's not on the same level as say Sam Raimi's classic "Army Of Darkness, show casing the chiseled chin and the witty quips of Bruce Campbell.

Yet this movie is the best recent attempt to bring back the campiness that 'B' movies used to offer to the world. Unlike lack luster blockbuster movies this movie is not eye candy, it's brain candy, which Roger Corman has proved time and time again that a movie trying to be serious can be seriously funny if it's made the right way.

There is no real story in this movie, no real explanation of what happened, where it happened, and why it happened. What there is a great gaggle of eclectic characters. Some typical flashing of skin, and splashing of blood. That is all that matters to this kind of movie.

Plus the appearance of Canadian wrestler "Christian Cage" in a role that would make Bruce Campbell throw up a little in his mouth with pride, was a refreshing surprise, along with the double threat talent of brains and beauty in co-star and producer the stunning, and we need to see more of, Brigitte Kingsley.

If you want to feed your brain some mush, this is a movie for you.
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Much Better Than "Lame"
TXBear36031 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is far and beyond better than most of the recent crop of horror movies. Yes, it's campy, but it doesn't pretend to be serious and should not be reviewed like it's competing for an Oscar.

It starts off with the obligatory translation of some ancient text by a professor alone in home with his young daughter. Gotta love some of the verbal comebacks the little girl comes up with while daddy is telling her a bedtime story. The professor continues his translation aloud (Always a bad idea as seen in previous movies like Evil Dead) and a portal is opened up and the daughter disappears.

The rest of the movie takes place 20 years later with a group heading out for a camping trip (used hundreds of times... so what) One of the girls, a wannabe witch, reads from the very same book seen earlier and finds the translation by the professor and reads it. Surprise, the portal opens and out pops a demon pursued by the little girl all grown up and HOT. Turns out she has been in that demon dimension for the last 20 years and turned into a serious demon fighter (which some reviewers would have known if they'd actually watched the movie) What follows it campy and funny. Nasty demon just keeps coming back after getting hacked a number of times. There's humor, horror, gratuitous nudity and a little silly romance.

Now I'm not saying this movie is the best thing since sliced bread but it is definitely worth a watch and much better than so much of the horror being cranked out these days ie any of the crap by The Asylum.

Oh, and Ricky, played by Wrestler Christian listed under his real name was hilarious both as human and later on demon spawn.

All in all it was a fun movie.
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Dark Rising DVD Review
steverockamaniac19 February 2008
When Jay Reso aka Christian Cage departed the WWE there were a few goals he wanted to achieve, one of which was to become a world champion, and the other was to try his luck in the acting field. The first part certainly came true as he quickly rose to the top of TNA and finally received the recognition he deserves, and now the second is becoming true with the release of Dark Rising on DVD. Billed under his real name, Jay Reso, Christian, plays Ricky in this rather unique blend of comedy and horror.

The films lead character, Jason, is going through a rough time. Recently his fiancé broke off their relationship, but Jason cant let go of his feelings for her, Meanwhile, his ex, Jasmine has moved on in a whole different way as she has now adopted lesbianism as her way of life, which provides for a lot of the sexiness of this film as there is some full on make out sessions with her new girlfriend. As a last ditch effort to woo Jasmine back, Jason, alongside his good buddy Ricky (Reso) organizes a camping trip and invites, Jasime, and her two friends, not realizing one of them is her new girlfriend.

After seeing the movie poster and reading what I've written so far your probably wondering if im talking about the right movie, Its the same thought that went through my mind when I received the DVD, and having read the movies plot on the internet weeks before getting into my hands, This is where the films unique plot twist comes into play.

Jasmine and her two friends, Marlene and Renee are aspiring witches, as mentioned though, Jasmine and Marlene are more interested in making out than actually mastering any sort of witchcraft powers. Leaving Renee, who is a bit of a bookworm, and with that determination, she accidentally opens a portal to another world. This allows Summer Vale, a lost little girl, who when she was young was dragged into this other world to return to earth,all grown up with battle axe in hand. I know it sounds like this comes out of no where but her disappearance is explained off the top of the film. Also passing through the portal is a demon, long story short, it must be stopped, and Summer is the one to do so.

I gotta admit, the story is kinda weird, and at times I found myself wondering if I should be taking parts as a scary scene or as a comedic scene, That may be the beauty of the films story as you could often take it either way, ultimately though taking each scene for what it was and just trying to watch the progression of the film, not to mention the rather enjoyable sex scenes, I made it through Dark Rising and didn't regret watching the film at all.

Christian is a natural in this film, his wrestling days probably helped him a lot here as his character was almost your typical heel in that he is usually the cocky in charge ladies man, but when faced with some overcoming adversity morphs into the coward role. I honestly think that he has the potential for a future in the acting field.

The DVD offers all your typical bonus features including the behind the scenes featurettes, deleted scenes, and director/cast commentary, but also offers a complete TNA Wrestling match between Christian Cage and Rhino inside a six sides of steel barbed wire cage match from a November 2006 edition of Impact.
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alright... Jason and Brigette made it!
blissfullycat24 March 2010
If you look at it as a horror movie, it is not very good, but as a dark comedy it is alright. it took a weird turn with Summer thinking she was a princess, I think it would have been better if she had remembered her past and just told them about what had gone on while she was in that other world. Personally, to me, though he wasn't necessary for the film, Jason Reso's character made the movie, he was actually funny and was probably the only one who could do that fight scene at the end with Brigitte. All in all, it wasn't the worst movie, but it could have been better (personally I think the random lesbianism could have been done without, but I guess the guys would like that) The part I really did not like was the end, he could have come back like he left without the stupid costume and the showing of all those demons. If you are in the mood for a laugh with a little science fiction and gore, this is a good movie every once in a while...
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Good old-fashioned fun
jaym4 November 2009
I didn't know what to expect when I began watching this and was a little unsure for the first fifteen minutes or so. But then I relaxed into it and went along for the ride. I'm glad I did. Dark Rising is a fun little movie- sure the effects are on the cheap side but by sticking to proper FX for the most part instead of CGI they work. It also helps that the bare-bones plot keeps moving along and that the main actors in the cast are more than adequate. Unlike your average low budget production these guys and gals can act- and while no Oscars are going to be handed out any time soon, their personalities carry the film along. There's something likable about all the main figures. If I were in the horror film business I wouldn't hesitate to hire any of the main cast off the back of this.

This isn't a production to be taken seriously- just sit back, relax and enjoy the show. This is just a fun film. The script is nicely paced, the direction is better than average for this kind of movie and the cast all earned their pay-cheques. I can see this picking up a bit of a cult following. I for one will be looking out for more features from the director and main cast.

Here's hoping we do eventually get to see a sequel.
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Great Movie!!! Must See!!!!
jeff_saboe213 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Just got finished watching Dark Rising, a small budget Canadian movie by an independent film company. When I first heard about this movie from a friend I thought it seemed like a movie to check out and boy was I right. This movie has everything, great one liners, hot chicks, violence, horror, and even a lesbian sex scene! What more could you want???

I thought the lead actor Landy Cannon did a very good job of his role as Jason Parks! At the beginning of the film where he was a hopeless romantic, but by the end of the movie there is a complete character change and he becomes this fearless, courageous man, It really did show the character development and went well with the story.

Talking about the story I feel it was very well written and held together pretty well. The plot did have a number of holes, but I didn't find that a problem, I feel the director put the holes in to sorta create your own back ground ideas or sorta to hint to them but keep you guessing.

Now Brigitte Kingsley the main female character who plays Summer Vale, a very sexy, ass kicking, killing machine, created from a secret agency who ran tests on her since she was a child, and she fought demons in another dimension until one of Jason's friends open a portal that releases a demon and Summer back into the real world.

Another cool thing about this movie is wrestler Jay Reso or Christian Cage, is in it! He plays Ricky, a macho, phone dating commercial director. At the beginning of the film Ricky seems to be the macho ladies man, but by the end of the movie he turns out to just be a coward. He will dish out a lot of the comedy and one liners!

To finish off the review I would just like to say that I loved this movie completely, it's great to see independent Canadian film companies making good movies! At the end of the first movie it also hints at perhaps making a sequel, where now I have just learned they they are currently working on a sequel for it, which I am extremely excited to see!

This is a great Canadian made movie! A must see!!!!
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