Honeydripper (2007) Poster


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What do critics know anyhow?
eckerry11 January 2008
I was able to see this wonderful little film at a special screening prior to its release in New York. I was charmed from beginning to end by the characters, situations, and John Sayles' great ear for dialog. It is 1950 in a small town in the South. Segregation is still the norm except for the recently reopened Army base nearby, which has integrated its barracks in response to Presidential order and is preparing young black and white soldiers for the newest war, in Korea. Danny Glover, in an understated, effective performance, plays Tyrone,the owner of a small blues club on the outskirts of town. A former blues pianist himself, he stays loyal to the old blues musicians who still perform there, to an almost empty house. You see, the times, they are a-changing, and the young people are drawn to the hot music available on the juke box at the bar next door. Broke and desperate, already stealing electricity because he can not pay the bill, Tyrone and his loyal friend Maceo (Charles S. Dutton) come up with a crazy plan. Advertise a Saturday night appearance by Guitar Sam, the local musical icon, charge admission, sell all the drinks he can, pay his debts, and retire into the night. Simple, right? At the same time, a young drifter wanders into town carrying a new fangled electric guitar, and sets about wooing Tyrone's lovely innocent young daughter. Add the corrupt local sheriff (Stacy Keach) who smells profit: Tyrone's tired, disappointed wife, flirting with evangelism to salve her unhappiness, and a wise and witty blind musician who comments on the action like a bluesy Greek Chorus, and the stage is set for a very eventful Saturday night. John Sayles has always excelled at portraying his characters as real people with real lives. His dialog rings true without clichés born of racial stereotypes. His men sound like real men, his women authentic. The film takes its time but is never boring; the music throughout and the highly entertaining acting are all the more enjoyable for being leisurely. Sayles is evoking a different time, and does so with wit and precision. The critics missed the boat on this one, and that is their loss. See it early and often.
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Singing is one thing, Slick. Whether people want to look at you while you're doing it is another.
lastliberal27 June 2008
Good movie to watch on the anniversary of our involvement in Korea, and a new base opens down the road to prepare troops to be sent to the war that will apparently never end. But, this movie is worth watching for the music alone. If you like blues and early rock and roll, this is the film for you.

But, it isn't just about music. It is also about relations between Black and White in the 1950s South. There are some powerful performances by some powerful actors like Danny Glover, Charles S. Dutton, and Stacy Keach; and interesting new faces like Yaya DaCosta (Take the Lead).

A good story with an great backdrop. Maybe just a little long.
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A marvellous evocation of the early just before Rock met Roll!
Redcitykev21 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In one review I wrote recently I said that some films come along with a big reputation that leave you feeling "yeh, so what". On the flip-side of that coin there are other films which very nearly slipped under the distribution network, little gems that you almost missed, but were so pleased that you didn't. Honeydripper is one such film. Released in the UK a few months back it has hardly been seen outside of London - I can not recall it even having been screen anywhere in my nearest big city, Bristol, yet, with luck and great foresight, the film club in my own little town of Clevedon decided to screen the film as the climax to the '07/'08 season. Was I pleased that we decided to show this little gem of movie! The actual screening attracted people not only from Clevedon itself but from all round the district, and even as far as Birmingham - about 150 miles away! On to the film itself. It is a simple story, some may even say clichéd to a fault, about a little lounge bar that is on the verge of going under if it can not raise $200 by Monday, leaving the owners with a big problem. This problem they hope to solve by having a well known radio star - Guitar Sam - play and pack the house out, but, naturally, things do not go quite as planned until a young guitar picker by the name of Sonny rolls into town and... Plus there is the figure of a blind bluesman acting like a Greek Chorus, and conscience of Pinetop.

That is basically it, add in the cotton field, the near-by military camp,a real sod of a sheriff and some pretty women, plus some of the best blues and early R&B that you can wish to hear and there is your film. So what sets this film above many others released this year. Well, the settings feel authentic, you can feel the heat in the cotton fields, you can smell the damp in the lounge and you can see the look of desperation in the eyes of some, hope in others, as the story progresses. The acting is, as one would expect from such a cast, quite wonderful. Danny Glover is outstanding as Pinetop Purvis, with excellent back up by Lisa Gay Hamilton as his wife and, all cuteness and hope for the future, Yaya DaCosta as China Doll. Then there is Gary Clark Jr as Sonny, confident, proud and, oh boy, he can play! Another outstanding performance comes from Stacey Keach as the sheriff, as nasty as Southern sheriffs come.

Director John Sayles has fashioned a film in which the simple nature of the story allows for many issues to be tackled in a way which is enlighten but never preachy. The casual racism of the day, the role of women, the way religion is interwoven into everyday life, and the passing of one generation to the next are all dealt with here. This is best seen by the passing of Bertha May, superbly played with such dignity by Dr Mable John, an old blues singer who in seen in the opening scenes of the film playing to bar empty apart from a couple of winos and Pinetop and his family. Later, when Sonny lets rip, we see the place jumping, and the new generation, the generation that would give us Bo Diddly, Little Richard, Fats Domino etc and give the world Rock 'n' Roll - with a little help from a few white fellas! Is it any coincidence that the guitar that Sonny plays is very similar to the home made guitars that were the trademark of Bo Diddly - I think not, nor is the fact that his sound is not dissimilar to that of Louis Jordan - another great that played the type of R'n'B that we hear here. I feel that the film can easily be read as a homage to these, and all those that strove to move the music forward and spread it out of the cotton fields and small lounge bars onto the radio, the jukeboxes and, eventually across the globe.

Finally a brief word on the music itself. This has to be the most authentic sounding music of this era that I can ever recall hearing in a film. Some of it is real, but the rest has been recorded for the film, and I would bet that only an expert could tell the difference! It is not only the Blues and the R'n'B music, but also the Black Gospel which is very moving and powerful. This is one soundtrack that I will be adding for sure to my collection! John Sayles has made a film of real beauty here, one which needs and deserves a wider distribution within in this country. If you have not yet seen it then look out for the rare screenings of it - it needs the big screen with a good sound system to really get the full benefit of this little gem!
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A Welome Return by America's Great Independent Working Class Film Maker
colinbarnard-12 February 2008
This is not a great movie by any stretch, but it is a very GOOD one. My rating should be 7.8. IMDb, invest in some higher technology! John Sayles proves yet again what can be done when there is unity of vision on a film, and when everyone involved passionately believes in what they are doing. Any limitations this film has must surely be due to the budget (was there one?) rather than any creative lapses on Sayles' part.

In fact, the only problems I have with "Honeydripper" are technical: some of the shots are out of focus, some of the scenes drag, and there is not a lot of dramatic tension to carry the piece along. It is enough, though, for those of us who can handle something more relaxed than the kinetics of Michael Bey or Steven ("I'll do anything for an Oscar!") Spielberg.

"Honeydripper" is really a small character study of a working class man, surrounded by good people, who is trying do do right by them and himself. It is a romance for the nostalgia of the Deep South in 1950, a period where Jim Crow was on the cusp of yielding to John Kennedy.

It is also a romance for music, where Gospel and Blues was about to fuse and metamorphise into Rock 'n Roll. Sayles loves everything he is doing; you can feel the writer/director's respect and integrity through the camera and the screen.

Unusual for a Sayles film, Danny Glover anchors the piece as its central character, the axis upon which the story and all the characters revolve. All the characters are complete human beings, with only a few drawn as caricatures. I don't mind.

This would be a good film to show as a double bill with "The Great Debators". Several themes overlap, but "Honeydrippers" is the more mature film. Here, a man's biggest grievance is not being able to live in dignity as a man who pays his way. Sayles' characteristic character arcs provide us with many dignified men and women who achieve that dignity by finding ways to honestly pay their way. They do it with joy, love and creativity.

Another fine Working Class film from Cinema's Working Class Hero.
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Outstanding job, great music
vchimpanzee21 February 2017
So is this guy who gets off the train and carries a guitar in fact the famous man himself? Hardly. And Sonny is advised by the fantastic and friendly blind dobro player that he is on the wrong side of town.

Let me put it this way: There's good rockin' tonight! Yes, I said rock. Five years before white people discovered rock and roll, these people were doing it and doing it quite well.

There are outstanding performances from just about everyone. Danny Glover has some scenes that I wouldn't be surprised to see as Oscar clips. Charles Dutton does his usual fine work and makes us laugh. Stacy Keach also does great work. Mary Steenburgen has a good scene as the employer of one of the black women.

Keb Mo' gives what may the best performance of all, and not just as an actor. He can play that dobro!

The musicians are very talented, particularly Gary Clark.

Even those young boys give good performances, however brief. You have to watch them again at the end, after their pretend musical instruments have improved.

It's an outstanding effort you just have to see.
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Good show, worth music alone.
hawkstepgins20 February 2008
The movie was enjoyable. Only complaint would be that it moved slowly, and with a two-hour length ... made it seem quite long. Reasonable plot, well composed, well acted & directed. The supporting actress for the character of China Doll had some very good moments. Tighter editing and better pacing would have made it much much better. It is not the best film in the world, but of good quality and very much worth watching - it will probably fall under the radar for Hollywood and the general populace.

The really outstanding thing was the music. While not a musical, it does stop whole-heartedly to focus on the performers and the music. Think "Black Snake Moan" but without repeated cuts/editing. Those who love blues, six-count blues and early rock-and-roll will likely enjoy the film. I intend to get the soundtrack. It apparently includes Ruth Brown's final recording, as well as work by Dr. Mable John & Keb' Mo. Newcomer Gary Clark Jr., a Texan actor and musician shows good potential. Although this performance at Chicago and New Your music festivals last year (with the "Honeydripper All-Stars" promoting the film) have larger dynamic and vitality to them. His performance of the song China Doll, which John Salyes apparently wrote/co-wrote, is on the other hand quite entertaining.
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Touching, Skilfully-Made Drama Of Small-Town Nightclub With Outstanding Cast
ShootingShark25 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In rural Alabama in 1950, Tyrone "Pinetop" Purvis is struggling to make ends meet at his club, The Honeydripper. With too many bills due, he pins all his hopes on promoting a show by the popular Guitar Sam. But when Sam doesn't turn up, Pinetop hatches a crazy scheme to run the concert anyway …

Another richly observed, well written and beautifully acted period drama by Sayles, sort of a companion piece to Matewan. Its strengths are many; an interesting story with great characters - we want Pinetop to come through despite his faults - excellent photography and terrific music from that great shifting period between blues and rock and roll. Best of all is the incredibly talented cast, all of whom bring a rich individuality to their roles; I especially like Dutton and Hamilton, but contemporary bluesman Keb' Mo' pretty much steals the show as Possum, the mysterious blind geetar-picker. It's one of a few movies which successfully mixes actors and musicians in the cast, each bringing out the best in the other, and Sayles' regular composer Mason Daring's music is a enchanting mix of old standards cleverly interwoven with new material. There are many terrific scenes - Delilah swaying in the revival tent as she struggles with her faith, Pinetop's story of the servant left alone with the master's piano, Sonny singing Midnight Special in his jail cell, all the cotton-fields scenes. Artfully shot by British cameraman Dick Pope in authentic Alabama locations, this is one of those well-crafted, truly American movies, which provides a rich historical escape into a colourful and fascinating landscape. The director appears in one of his usual minor roles as the clipboard-carrying no-nonsense liquor salesman.
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10 for the music; 5 for the rest
rlange-314 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The songs are to die for, and really make this a great movie to see. It's a peek into the cultural heritage of the blues and gospel in America, and the deep roots of rock and roll emerging from a segregated South.

It's a bit stereotyped racially. The whites are all one dimensional, unsympathetic crooks and bigoted bastards except for one cloyingly condescending alcoholic woman. The black characters offer a more realistic and well acted mix and are multidimensional and intriguing. Glover is excellent, and you are really pulling for him by the end of the movie, along with his wife who stands by his side under tremendous stress. There is a real emphasis on the positive side of a family living out tough times which makes the story compelling. The interaction between Maceo and darn near everyone else, especially the sewing woman, was hilarious and entertaining.

On the downside, it was very slow to develop. The pace during the first 2/3 of the movie was downright glacial. Some of the scenes could have been cut and a few more songs thrown in instead. It was a bit hard to believe that the guitarist at the end didn't check his amp before such a critical performance. Still, these are minor points that did little to detract from an overall good movie.

Anyone with an interest in music and its roots should see this movie and will enjoy it thoroughly.
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sweet musical trip down south
along-234 February 2008
OK, let me say right off the bat I am a little biased. This film was shot here in Alabama, and most of it was filmed right here in my home county of Butler. One of my high school classmate's son is featured throughout the movie as "Lonnie" and other folks I know served as extras or performed as part of the choir.

And I loved seeing the people and places I know up on the big screen. I think Maggie and John are "da bomb." The woman is a hugger; I love that warmth. John's the most down-to-earth guy.

That being said, I can also honestly report to you "Honeydripper" is a good movie - not perfect, but very much worth seeing. I think Danny Glover is sensational in the lead role as Pine Top and he and Charles Dutton are totally believable as two old pals fighting the odds to save Pine Top's blues club. Keb' Mo' is delightful as the "Greek Chorus" known as Possum, a mysterious and witty blind guitarist.

If you love blues music and early rock 'n' roll; if you enjoy a story that takes its time, one filled with complex characters and some memorable lines penned by Sayles - a movie made with love and lots of heart - then "Honeydripper" just might be for you.
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Vaguely interesting, but plodding and too long
natw29 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I got "Honeydripper" based on the sleeve information, which made it seem like it might be interesting in the same way that the excellent Samuel L. Jackson vehicle "Black Snake Moan" was. The movie did keep my attention somewhat, but I was disappointed with its slow pace and meandering nature. Plus, the director could have done a better job of depicting basic elements of the plot. For instance, on the "big night" that is supposed to be making money for the club, there appears to be about 12 to 15 people in the nightclub. I don't think he could have made enough money to pay expenses on that. Anyway, I guess disappointment is my basic reaction. If you're interested in blues in the integrated Deep South, check out the aforementioned "Black Snake Moan." It is a superior movie.
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High-school level story hidden behind great music
cliff-1916 November 2008
This is a story right out of the "Hey, kids, let's put on a show!" cliché. One implausibility piled on top of another in a "feel good"/"right will triumph" pattern that is SO OVERWHELMINGLY dominant in American movies. John Sayles has long been one of my favorite directors/screenwriters, so the foolishness of this movie came as a shock.

What happened? Where has the creator of "Casa de los Babys" and "Lone Star" gone? What happened to the creator of such exhilarating plots as "Limbo" and "Passion Fish"? I can only guess that he farmed it out to one of his kids, or an intern, or something like that. This movie fits in more with the rush job of the Scorcese-produced blues films than with a Sayles project.

Here is my "disclosure" statement. I have been a working musician and have spent most of my adult life in the company of musicians. This movie reveals some of the biggest complaints musicians have about their portrayal by non-musicians. The biggest is that non-musicians don't understand the role of rehearsals, individual practice and the huge amount of work and effort it takes to seem "talented." This movie is another example, and a rather extreme case at that.

I also have a question for Keb Mo. Why do you sign on to so many projects that undervalue your efforts? I am thinking of the NPR Blues History radio series and now this. Don't you have more leverage than that?
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John Sayles On (Again)
Seamus282920 January 2008
John Sayles has done it again. He has taken a world class cast (including Danny Glover),some crisp photography,a very well written & directed script & a music score to die for, and has made screen magic. The story concerns an embittered juke joint owner (Glover),an ex musician himself,trying to make ends meet with a club on the outs,who is trying one last move to avoid closure by hiring a well known musician named Guitar Sam,to try & fill his club. Add a few other elements (a wife who is serious about re-connecting with her faith,a corrupt sheriff,and other elements),and the formula for a successful story is all set. The story is set in the racial segregated South of 1950. Although the film was shot in 2007, it is now just getting some scattered distribution. This film deserves far better than it's getting. The music score (composed and/or arranged by Sayles' favourite composer,Mason Daring)is a out & out toe tapper (which includes Delta Blues,Stride Piano,Gospel,Rhythm & Blues--years before it would be coined 'Rock & Roll' by Alan Freed). Honestly, Honeydripper (the name of the juke joint coined by the films title) is one for anyone who is interested in early creative black music(s).
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shades of Lone Star
SteveSkafte5 May 2010
I guess my main problem with "Honeydripper" was the lack of real conflict or dramatic central theme to the story. It's a quiet small-town drama of the sort I usually love, but with the sense of being a bit of an afterthought. Rather like a story that was written on a slow afternoon when nothing much else was going on. That might work for something of a little more personal nature, but this is a film of archetypes and experiences, not of one-on-one human interaction.

So what is good about it? When Sayles' direction is at its best, "Honeydripper" is a heavy and real film. Best scenes are when the characters tell stories to themselves, and any scene with Keb' Mo'. Danny Glover is real good too, as is Stacy Keach (even with Keach playing the sort of role he always does). But by the end of the film, it all starts to feel a little arbitrary. By the final scene, we get the sense that not much happened, and something should've. It's in no way not worth watching, though. Give it a shot.
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The voices definitely drip honey, but the story comes 8n droplets.
mark.waltz9 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Too much of a good thing is what comes out of this drama with music, making it a glimpse of a community with a lot of characters but nothing that really holds it together. A few key characters are surrounded by minor characters that interrupt the important stuff and distract the viewer from the meat of the story which is minimal. Its view of the struggles and the Injustices of a 1950's Alabama black Community was far too important to be told as slice of life, and this could have been an amazing historical document about that time.

It seems like just as you get to know one character, they are out of the story, and other characters are suddenly introduced that makes you wonder if and when they will get back to the ones whose stories have already been started. Danny Glover is the glue that holds the story together, and there's not even enough of him. Mable John, a real life blues singer, has a nice cameo, but most of the storyline surrounding her character occurs after she is found dead.

Lisa Gay Hamilton is a shining light, and Yaya DaCosta as her daughter is memorable to. Hamilton has a nice scene with Mary Steenburgen as her kindly employer, a white woman who obviously sees beyond skin color. There's also a guitar-playing blind man seems to be like the Greek chorus, providing a bit of wisdom to everyone who passes him by.

The film is gorgeous to look at with radiant colors and the music is glorious to listen to. But in wanting to listen to the stories of these people's hardships and the Injustice as they face, I only got little bits of that and that was a letdown. Director John Sayles obviously means well with what he is putting on screen here, showing the black workers still in the cotton fields 100 years after slavery, being paid a wage, but barely enough to survive. Glover as usual commands attention every time he is on screen, but unfortunately thanks to a weak script, I barely got to know anything about his character.
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showcase of Gary Clark Jr.
mrrmr7 September 2009
While a lot of people may not know Gary Clark Jr. out of Austin,Texas, this sort of helps to get his name out there. He is a "awesome" guitarist. Still in his early 20's and self taught. If you ever get the chance to see him perform, don't pass it up. He is a true blues man, and a "VERY" good one. It would be nice to see Gary showcased in a good blues movie.While the actors in the movie are well known and most I thought were very good. The movie itself was just OK for me. I would have liked the movie to center more about the blues and Gary as a talent.Keb Mo was very good as the blind guitarist seeming to show up everywhere abound town. Now, I am still very glad to see any movie that shows some blues and the struggles and problems that goes with the blues. I know there are a lot of people that like to listen to blues. This venue of music is a true American art that should be more recognized and showcased.
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The worst, most boring, poorly made professional film I have ever seen.
specht_mark7 November 2009
This film is painfully slow and uninteresting. The dialog is brutal. The characters uninteresting. I have seen thousands of films, and this horrendous product should have ended the career of John Sayles. Sayles' Eight Men Out is among the most boring modern baseball films, but Honeydripper is at the very bottom of its genre.... and of all film making. There are countless good films about race relations in the southern United States, and this is not among them. Young directors and writers should watch this as how *not* to make a film. Danny Glover, Charles Dutton, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Stacey Keach, Sean Patrick Thomas, what *were* you thinking? There are always other movies to see instead of this one. See them all, then hesitate before renting Honeydripper.
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Bogged down in dripping honey
johno-2118 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I recently saw this at the 2008 Palm Springs International Festival of Films. Director John Sayles was on hand and did a thirty minute seated interview on stage with an LA Times film critic following the screening and then did a 30 minute Q&A from the audience. Veteran Independent filmmaker and screen writer Sayles wrote, directed and edited this film as well as a cameo screen role. The imagination of Sayles and the cinematography of Dick Pope, set decoration of Alice Baker, art direction of Eloise Crance Stammerjohn and costume design of Hope Hanafin make this a beautiful looking film but while its heavy on looks its light on substance. Set in 1950, this is the story of Tyrone 'Pinetop' Purvis (Danny Glover), a big band touring piano player who now is the proprietor of a sleepy little roadhouse called The Honeydripper in Harmony, Alabama, a cotton center and home of a military base. Pinetop wants quality entertainment like Bertha Mae (Mabel John) but the roadhouse next door swings with the latest jukebox hits and draws all the young cotton pickers and black servicemen. Faced with unrelenting bills Pinetop gives in to modern times and hires a New Orleans recording star Guitar Slim to play the Honeydripper and get him out of the red. Charles Dutton is Maceo, Pinetop's faithful sidekick who wants to see the Honeydripper as a rocking' juke joint. Lisa Gay Hamilton is Delilah, Pinetop's wife, who works as a maid for the wealthy white Amanda Winship (Mary Steenburgen) and cooks the dinner menu at the Honeydripper. YaYa DaCosta is Delilah's beautiful 16 year old daughter China Doll whose delicate name reflects her delicate condition of being born with a heart defect. Stacy Keach is the white county sheriff who gets a cut from cotton farmers by sentencing vagrants to work the fields to pay off their jail sentences and by getting a little side money from black owned businesses such as the little roadhouses. Keach, who has beefed out a little and wears a thin mustache looks like Jackie Gleason in Smokey & the Bandit and is kind of a watered down bad guy role so it was hard for me to take him seriously as a threat to anybody in Harmony. Gary Clark Jr. is Sonny Burke, a rail hopping drifter who handcrafted his own electric guitar and knows all the current hip tunes on the radio and finds himself in Harmony, both on the wrong side of the law and with the potential to rescue Pinetop from his monetary woes. Of course we see this coming from the second he appears on screen. Keb' Mo' is Possum, a blind guitar player who apparently is visible to only Pinetop and Sonny and represents their musical conscience. The film is slow and predictable with far too many cast members most of which I haven't even mentioned here. Some great music here and a good looking period piece but it falls far short of being a memorable film. Everything, including the town, is just too tidy, neat and clean looking too. I would give this a 7.0 out of 10.
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Good but not Great
les696931 August 2010
This film has it's moments and there is a lot going on. It is an incite into early Rock and Roll and the fact that it was black singers and musicians and not Elvis who started it all off. It shows the racism and corrupt attitudes of the deep south and there is a little love interest. Danny Glover is outstanding as is Stacey Keech but all the support roles are also really well done. My only criticism about this film is that it doesn't really go anywhere. At the end I was left with an empty feeling with so many unanswered questions. What happened to the young guitar/singer after that weekend? Who was that blind man exactly? ( if he was blind, he gave the Danny Glover character a knowing nod at the gig ) Whay didn't the Stacey Keech character expose the boy as not Guitar Sam? ( Money I am guessing? ) I think this was a good film and it kept my attention but it could have been grittier and a better ending.
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Great music, reasonable story.
tao90224 July 2015
Set in 1950s Alabama around the time of the birth of rock 'n' roll, focusing on a music venue and its manager. The backdrop is the racist America South.

At the heart of the story lies the proprietor, Tyrone, of the Honeydripper Lounge. He is in debt and needs to raise money fast. He plans to put on a gig with a brilliant black guitarist. Behind his battle to run a successful club lies the conflict between religion and rock 'n' roll, God and the devil, with a convenient compromise by the end of the film.

Predictable at times with some obvious set pieces but a fun film with great music.
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Ssgoldfine-17 January 2008
Saw the movie, Honeydripper, with Danny Glover at the Palm Springs Film Festival today and it was wonderful Music was delightful and great characters, great photography, and I predict a big hit in 2008. It has been an audience favorite and probably be in the Best of Fest next Monday. Glover is outstanding; may be a little long, but every person in the film is well characterized. As a movie reviewer, I have given it FIVE STARS. I would like to know when it goes into general release so I can tell people all over the country. The blues music, rock n roll blends together. I recommend it highly. If this film came out in 2007 it would easily be in my top ten films of the year.
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It is a movie, after all...
mustangboy6614 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie got my attention right away with the music in the early scenes. But that's also where it lost me. There are only a small handful of movies about music that really capture the true essence of live music performance, and for me, this movie is ultimately not one of them. I'll say, though, that I enjoyed the movie as a whole. But knowing live music performance like I do, the "Guitar Sam" show scene left me squirming on the coach. It was far too "rock and roll" for the era, and the situation. And for a throw-together band, far too polished. Because of this, I couldn't help wondering if they have also missed the mark with their representation of life as an African American in the 1950's south-something I have NOT experienced for myself. It seemed pretty bad in the movie, but maybe it was FAR worse in reality. Like I said, I did enjoy the movie as a whole. But couldn't the band mess up ONE ending, at least?
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Blues at harvest time.
michaelRokeefe4 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Picture 1950's Alabama at harvest time. Tyrone Purvis'(Danny Glover)former swinging little juke joint, The Honeydripper lounge, whistles a lonesome long-gone blues. Business is no business and he may be forced to shut 'er down. But wait, he may be able to save the Honeydripper with just one big ass rockin' Saturday night. He will hire the legendary Guitar Sam to be his champion. But any news is just more bad news...Guitar Sam can't make the gig for being in the hospital. So the story goes, Tyrone must quickly find another guitar-slinger to save face and his Honeydripper. A versatile cast featuring: Lisa Gay Hamilton, Charles S. Dutton, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Mable John, Gary Clark Jr., Keb' Mo' and Stacy Keach. Volatile soundtrack featuring electrifying rockin' blues from the likes of: The Aces of Spades, Gary Clark Jr., Mable John, Keb' Mo', and even Hank Williams.
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pivot between eras
lee_eisenberg20 July 2008
John Sayles, never one to avoid a political focus in movies, now brings us "Honeydripper". The movie is set in 1950 Alabama. The Jim Crow laws are still in effect, and black-white relations are limited to African-Americans performing only the most menial jobs: a number of people work in a cotton field for practically nothing (slavery has risen again!). Tyrone "Pinetop" Purvis (Danny Glover) owns a restaurant and often has singers come and play. Business hasn't been doing too well recently. Pinetop has worked hard his whole life and barely gotten by...but the possible arrival of a New Orleans singer might change things.

Aside from the great music, one can also see this movie as a look at the pivot era in the South. It's set during the Jim Crow era, around the start of the Korean War, just a few years away from the civil rights movement. One notices that even though this is still the age of institutionalized racism, many of the characters do what they can to try and have civil relationships with white people: Sheriff Pugh (Stacy Keach) is on pretty good terms with Pinetop, and Pinetop's wife Delilah (Lisa Gay Hamilton) manages to carry on a conversation with her employer (Mary Steenburgen). The music, of course, is really the best part. I certainly recommend this movie, as I have recommended every John Sayles movie that I've seen.

Also starring Yaya DaCosta, Charles S. Dutton, Vondie Curtis Hall, Keb' Mo', Kel Mitchell and Gary Clark Jr. I think that I saw John Sayles in a bit part.
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perhaps a good idea, but weak execution
filmflamflim19 March 2011
Reading other reviews of this, I was quite looking forward to watching it. I was expecting interesting characters and lots of good music. After t started, I kept waiting for the music. There was talk and silly dramatic events. Then there was more talk and more silly dramatic events. This continued for quite a while. There were characters who really had very little to do with the story of the film. A couple of scenes take place in a church, for example, and they go on for several minutes each, but, in the end, they have nothing to do with the story.

Then, finally, the climax of the film: the music came and after only a few minutes, the film was finished. I cannot recommend it.
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wonderful film
hcoursen11 November 2009
I tuned into this one while trolling for a film and became immediately absorbed. The film interlocks several plots, as 'The Waltons' used to do -- the problem of keeping the night spot out of the hands of the criminal creditors, the issue of the unfulfilled wife (nicely mirrored by the alcoholic white woman for whom she is a servant), young love developing between the guitar player and lovely China Doll, a dispute between two cotton pickers (one a city slicker, the other a local field hand), the sheriff who, of course, is a racist but who loves un-spiced fried chicken, the inevitable tug of fundamentalist religion on the underclass of a rural town, and two waifs who end the film with a mime of the musicians they hope to be. I confess that I was stationed in southern Georgia a little after the time of this film and found my own experiences coming back vividly. It is a warm film, drawing on an ominous set of possibilities lurking behind the action, and it doesn't cheat with its interlocking happy endings. What a surprise!
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