The Reef (2006) Poster


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Amusing dialog and great performances lift up a mess of a movie that's mostly stitched together from pieces seemingly stolen from other movies
dbborroughs24 March 2007
The Reef (aka Shark-bait) is a(n occasionally watchable) mess of a movie. The plot of the film has Pi, a fish from Boston Harbor fleeing south to "The Reef" to find his aunt after his parents are scooped up in a fishing net. Once on the reef he falls for the most beautiful girl in the area and runs a foul of a shark.

The film doesn't so much plagiarize Finding Nemo (which is sort of reversed here) and the other animated films from the last few years as rip them apart and stitches them together into a movie so unoriginal you'll swear you've seen it before. It's a jaw dropping in its unoriginality. There's a drinking game in this movie where you take a drink every time you spot a riff from some other movie. I'd love to see someone take the film and annotate it so that there is a list of steals.

The character designs run the gamut from really good to what were they thinking. The look of the girl fish for example is quite lovely, the design for Pi's "psychic" aunt is amusing, while the look of the three eyed friend of Pi's parents back in Boston is clichéd but very funny. On the other hand characters like the shark and the old timers are blocky and awful. The backgrounds are an odd mix. Some are fantastically detailed settings like Pi's aunt's home or the pirate ship which look great; on the other hand there is the nothingness of the open ocean (and I do mean nothingness), with the characters seeming to hang all alone in a world that's just the blank sea. (while I understand that's probably what it would look like in the ocean, its really dull to look at on the big screen). The some of the animation is lacking any sort of finished quality appearing as what looks like a half step up from test footage. Its as if they had an incomplete staff of animators so they could only really finish bits of the animation.

Oddly the dialog seems much better than the Frankenstein like plot. To be certain many of the jokes have been lifted from elsewhere and you will find yourself saying the punchlines before the characters do, but there's a good chance that you'll still be amused thanks to the work of people like Fran Drescher, John Rhys-Davies and R Lee Ermey who take their stock characters and turn them into something more than a wooden prop.

Its oddly amusing at times in a weird sort of way, but I can't recommend you actually pay to see this movie. To be certain this is the sort of movie you'll watch a couple of times on cable but that doesn't mean its worth your hard earned money. Its one of those bad movies that you find yourself enjoying on TV simply because its not as bad as your other choices and because its not really costing you anything.

Trust me this is a cable movie....
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The film hangs itself out on the hook, shortly before the film going public come along and massacre it.
johnnyboyz18 November 2008
Compared to this, films like The Little Mermaid and more recently Finding Nemo are broad, groundbreaking epic pieces of surrealist animated genius that echo Fantasia. Yes, Shark Bait truly is that bad in fact it could well be looked at as a new low for animation as a whole. But it's not that Shark Bait isn't just bad, it's mostly pointless. Did we really need another film about a young and energetic hero who must overcome his self doubts and doubters as he strives to win the heart of a young female and beat the bad guys in the process, creating a better and safer new order? No, we didn't but Shark Bait goes ahead anyway.

I read that this film was a joint venture between the U.S.A. and South Korea; ugh, what do these two nations have in common when it comes to film-making? Shark Bait's cast includes R. Lee Ermey; John Rhys-Davies; Donal Logue; Rob Schneider and Freddie Prinze Jr. Love or hate any of the cast, that's still an impressive array of different personalities but judging by the animation, did they blow all the money on the cast? There used to be a time when it didn't matter who was doing the voiceovers and the goal was to create a dynamic and visually impressive experience, not any more it would seem; now we have to have names to fill up the posters and get people in – but get them into what?

A word on the animation. On this occasion, the film looks more like a badly rendered PC screensaver produced by a second rate company for an equally second rate computer, and that's at the best of times. There is one occasion when the animation threatens to pull through and that's when the hero and his girl are above the sea level watching the moon – the ripples in the water and clouds above seem impressive enough, but that's when you realise the two fish have been above the water for so long, they would've 'drowned' by now.

Also, a point on the joint U.S.A./South Korea set-up is that they're two very different nations when it comes to animation or cartoons. When I think of Korea, I guess I think of 'funimation', or 'cute' animation, something that has perhaps spilled over from Japanese contemporary culture. Now, it's all well and good saying this is a kids film and so forth and that it fits but there is a clash of ideas here. The Americans have made some cracking animated films in the last few years such as Monster's Inc.; Ice Age and Finding Nemo but these were American through and through and there is no 'influence' or clashing from other nation's animated ideas.

The Shark Bait of the title is Pi (Prinze Jr.), a young fish whose family is swept away by a human fishing net and flees to a fish sanctuary far away to live with a relative. It's here he meets girlfriend Cordelia (Evans-Wood) and shark bully Troy (Logue), who wants Cordelia for himself – can you imagine what the kids between a shark and an angelfish (or whatever Cordelia is) would look like? Anyway, Pi must come to learn that just taking something is the wrong belief and sharing what Troy thinks is additionally incorrect so he must go through a training montage with an elder mentor and on and on it goes. Now, delivering this sort of message to very young kids is fine, I suppose, but when a film is so inept that it sounds like the voice talent was recorded in someone's living room and the script sees needs-must to throw in homosexual German crabs and a photographer of French decent as well as Jamaican and Southern United State accents for the hell of it, it grates on me.

Additionally at Shark Bait's centre is the idea that Cordelia, the female the two males are fighting over, is nothing but a mere prize to be won and that's the catalyst for the whole film to even happen - that part certainly isn't a positive message. The film is all feint, feint set up and no payoff. Did I mention Cordelia is supposed to be some sort of fish celebrity that appears on the cover of National Geographic? I guess the fish know that because one of them must've seen a discarded issue, amid all the other trash, on the bed of where Pi was living at the very beginning. But, this celebrity status is non-existent from the beginning and she manages to go to a concert with Pi without anyone noticing her – that's before the trip above water where they should've died.

The film wonders on and Pi eventually undertakes a training routine from a turtle that knows some sort of martial art in which controlling water bursts and moving at high speed are key; Pi only cracks it when he actually builds up enough energy to get genuinely angry. Everything from Troy's nasty sidekicks, one of whom seems to posses an accent reminiscent of a 1930s Hollywood gangster whilst the other seems to be doing a really bad Christopher Walken impression, to Troy's own frequent rhyming as he attempts to get across a sense of evil; it all fails and fails big time.
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Film for toddlers
dunjaramadanovic19 January 2010
I have seen this film with my brother back in 2006, when I was 10 and he was 6. My dad brought this film from a video-club, not even looking what it is (typical for him, he just asks "Is this a film for kids?" and if it is, he takes it). When I saw the cover, I knew it will be a bad film, but I put it in and watched it anyway.

The film is about a fish named Pi. He lives in Boston with his parents, who are starting to think should they leave Boston and go to a tropical reef, where Pi would be safe. Both of them are caught in a fishing net, and Pi is saved by some porpoises. They bring him to the tropical reef his parents were talking about.

Next, he sees Cordelia, a pink female fish, being taken photos of by some divers. Pi immediately falls in love with her. There are some fish around her, and among them he finds his cousin, Dylan. There, he learns about the inhabitants of the reef. He learns about "flatbottom" (the open ocean), and that all the fish avoid it, because fishing isn't forbidden there, and there are numerous fishing nets.

Soon after, a bully shark Troy (oh, how original name) appears on the scene, with his two pals, a barracuda and an eel. Troy kisses Cordelia, and Pi unsuccessfully tries to stop him and save Cordelia. The eel and the barracuda attack Dylan.

Pi learns that Troy is a true nightmare for the inhabitants of the reef, and that nobody has enough courage to stop him. He meets a sea turtle, Nerrisa, who teaches him some kind of martial arts and shows him some places where Troy could get stuck or worse, so Pi could defeat him.

As the day of the fight between Troy and Pi gets closer, Cordelia begs Pi to not do that, because Troy could kill him. In the meantime, Troy is trying to find a pearl and give it to Cordelia. He promised he'll find the most beautiful pearl in the ocean for her (in the film, when a fish gives a pearl to another one, it means the first fish wants to marry the other one). He gets angry and sends his pals to find one, and they see Nerissa's dark-blue pearl and try to steal it, unsuccessfully. Fearing of Troy's punishment, they steal the pink pearl of Dylan's mother.

The day of the fight comes. Troy appears on the reef and starts singing rimes, like he's the best, the strongest and so on. Pi stops him and provokes him. Troy gets angry and chases him to kill him. Pi quickly swims through narrow passages, and Troy gets stuck, but is saved by the divers from the beginning of the movie.

Pi tries out another trap: a sea current filled with jellyfish. Troy bashes into one and faints. He falls on the sea floor. Pi comes to him to claim his victory, but Troy suddenly awakens and kicks him. The other inhabitant of the reef, when they see what happened, rush in to help Pi. Some of them attack Troy, and the others help Pi.

Pi gets better and lures Troy into a fishing net. As the net is going to the surface and the only way out is getting narrower and narrower, Pi quickly swims to the top and jumps out of it. Troy tries to do the same, but is to big to get through. He cannot get out, and he gets pulled out of the water.

Everybody celebrates the victory. Dylan manages to defeat his provokers, Troy's two pals, and takes the pearl they have stolen. Nerissa gifts his blue pearl to Pi, and he gives it to Cordelia. She accepts him. Even the eel and the barracuda start celebrating and find their place among the others.

OK, these are thing that I noticed in the film:

* Firstly, I'm not sure that in Boston there are so colourful fish as Pi (he's orange).

* Next, the dolphins (porpoises) that saved him and brought him to the reef are very stupid and unnaturally looking.

* How can Dylan know that Cordelia was in National Geographic? He couldn't just walk out of the water and buy one!

* The people that made this film should have made the fish look more natural. In this way I'm not even sure that Troy really is a tiger shark (because I think that tiger sharks have some kind of stripes on them).

* There's a wise sea turtle, Nerissa. Why does it always need to be a turtle? Putting a sea snake or something instead of Nerissa would be more original, I think.

* The graphics are awful!

* Troy is smiling through the whole film! How can a baddie smile all the time? He must be a psychopath or retarded or something!?

* I noticed a goof in the film: in the current there are some jellyfish, and Troy bashes IN THE HEAD of one. The heads don't sting, only the tentacles or how are they called.

* There is a walrus or something in the film, and, during the whole film, he did not go to the surface to breathe (I say this because walruses can't breathe under water).

In the end, I give this film a 3 out of 10. Why 3, why not 1? Because I watched it the second time with my little cousin, a toddler. She enjoyed the film, so I think this movie is suited for toddlers.
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chrisroberts_7512 February 2007
To be honest, this film is basically a very poor rip-off of Finding Nemo....

and is no where near as good, funny or entertaining, nor is the animation up to the same standard.

The plot is roughly the same, although this time he doesn't go after his parents - even the voices sound alike!

I really recommend that you don't go and see this film - even little kids who have seen other animated films (such as Finding Nemo, Shrek, Shark Tale, Over the Hedge, Madagascar, etc) may turn up their nose at this one.
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One of the worst animated films I have seen
TheLittleSongbird12 June 2011
I adore animation, I grew up on it, but I have seen some real stinkers. When it comes to computer animated films, at the top of my head, I can only think of Animals United and Doogal that are worse. Other than a couple of good frames in the haunted shipwreck sequence, The Reef(aka Sharkbait) is a mess.

The animation/graphics are terrible lacking in originality and attention to detail, in fact some scenes look incomplete. The colours are plentiful but look flat in shade and the backgrounds look as though they were taken out of Finding Nemo and Shark Tale. Worse are the character designs which are incredibly forced and stiff.

There is also some really poor writing as well, it is clichéd and lacking severely in humour and heart. The film is too short and has moments where it feels rushed or too pedestrian which further exposes the story for what it is. The story is also a major weak link, it is very thin and feels recycled of other (better) animated films. And even when it didn't feel like that, the level of unoriginality that is in this film is shocking.

None of the characters I felt anything for, they were either bland or annoying. On paper, the vocal cast seemed tolerable, on film they sound bored and sound as though they are not connecting with the characters.

Overall, as much as I love animation I really disliked this. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Avoid watching this film at all costs
hjaggs28 May 2008
Truly, this is an awful film. I loved Finding Nemo and I enjoyed Shark Tale, and I saw this film expecting it to be less good than either of these films but worth a watch none-the-less. This was not the case.

Obviously I am not the target audience for this film. I am seventeen and this film is clearly aimed at children much younger than myself. However, most children's films are made bearing in mind that they will mostly be seen by adults as well. This film can't have been - there are no jokes for kids, let alone adults. The whole thing feels like a bad computer game; an impression emphasised by the bizarre pause that follows everything any of the characters say. The ending, especially, gives the impression that somewhere there's a kid with a console playing out the action.

Not everything in this film is appalling. Sometimes - just sometimes - it comes up with something that really is moving or humorous. However, the tears and the laughter quickly dry up when you remember that you saw the exact thing in Finding Nemo or Shark Tale, only better. The level of plagiarism this film reaches was previously unknown to me. Never before had I seen anything that ripped off anything else to the degree that this film does. Even Freddie Prinze Jr.'s enthusiastic vocals can't lift this one - he's clearly trying his best and, although his best is not wonderful, it shouldn't have found its way into a film this poor.

Overall, the animation is shocking, the characterisation is non-existent and the story has clearly been stolen and dumbed-down until it means nothing, makes no sense and makes the audience feel far more willing to buy that Finding Nemo DVD. Avoid. This. Film.
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Anything more than a 1 and they're just being nice
geokar-129 February 2008
I'm sorry, but this movie absolutely stinks. Any review giving it more than one star is from someone just being nice. My 2 and 4 year old daughters watched it, like they do every new movie, 6 times in a row the first day. But now it's in the back of the pile and it never comes out.

It's hard to decide which is worse: the dialog or the acting. First, Andy Dick, like he does in every movie, stinks. Then there's the fake accents that sound so... what's the word... fake. Fran Drescher is so stale. Freddie Prinze Jr. actually sounds too stiff to be the hero.

Every aspect of this movie is a butcher job of a bad movie made worse.
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Maybe for Saturday Morning Cartoons?
Buskieboy29 April 2008
The animation on this movie was so sub-par it is amazing it even made it to the screen. The movements are stiff and the faces are not very animated. There is no emotion in the faces and they are extremely bland and boring. The characters are all predictable as is the dialog. The main character, Pi, is so badly created he is almost forgettable. I guess the "big stars" offering the voices must have all cringed at the final product because it is embarrassing to watch.

The writing is stiff as well and the jokes are for toddlers or little kids.

If this was cut up and then shown on Sat. Mornings then it'd be above average, just.

This is a rip off of both Finding Nemo and Shark Tale, and a very bad one at that.

For the kids only. Young ones at that.
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Cute but same old story
Ophalion4 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was well animated and had a good voice cast, but the plot left something to be desired. Namely, it has been done over and over again. The plot was literally an even mix between Finding Nemo and Shark Tail, without the originality. It seems everyone is jumping on the "cool underwater 3D animated fish stories" bandwagon.

Additionally, the characters were one dimensional and if you've seen any of Disney's animal movies, you basically know the story. Loss of family, find a loved one, overcome the bad guy despite being the underdog, sappy ending. (And Disney does keep churning those out) Different company, same old concept, without anything new added to the mix.

Overall, it was a cute movie for kids. However, if you're over the age of 14 and are still looking for good underwater animation, try Finding Nemo or even better, Shark Tale, which was geared more toward plot-liking adults.
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The Reef Reeks - no really, it's quite bad
jantoniou8 January 2008
Functioning only as an apt definition for "hot mess," "The Reef" is really just an awful movie. The script, the voice acting, and the animation are not even a notch above film school amateur hour. In fact, a conscientious mouse jockey in his mom's basement could probably compose a 5-minute CGI short on his Mac with more going for it.

"The plot" does not matter as the similarities between it, "Finding Nemo," and "Shark Tale" are so obvious that Helen Keller could find them. The glaring deficiencies in the quality of CGI, screenplay, voice acting and the feeble rip-off of other far more capable screen stories makes one wonder why someone at some point didn't come to their senses and ditch this project long before it ever made it in the can.

It tries for some jokes but fails every time. In fact, I don't think I laughed once. Even purposefully bad groaners fail to elicit a chuckle. The puns are so deliberate and juvenile it's baffling that it could have passed muster to any adult sensibility. But, then again, even "Howard the Duck" got made.

One of the key reasons there are no laughs is that there is no good voice acting. There is zero personality attached to these characters. Everyone involved is phoning in it and probably going for a paycheck to cover their Christmas fund.

Movies like this make you appreciate the thoughtful craftsmanship of Pixar's movies. It makes you realize how vital the story and the composition of the script is - not to mention, of course, their vastly superior CGI animation. Even relatively "bad" CGI movies like Shark Tale and Madagascar have tons more personality and skill behind them than "The Reef" does. As desperately tired as I am of all these awful and cheaply made CGI movies about animals, insects, or both, at least most of them have some basic charm and a few jokes you may actually laugh at, thus in some measure vaguely redeeming themselves.

"The Reef," however, has no redeeming value at all. Best to leave this one alone as watching it will merely be torture.
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Beautiful! Divine! Holy! A new part of the bible?!
supioranime16 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Oh! The masterpiece that this is! It's so beautiful, the character design of Pi, it's so well done, young Pi slightly looks like a crack baby, but otherwise he is absolutely DIVINE! 100% Husband Material, would smash adult Pi. Oh, and sexy fish girl? She's so beautiful! Oh my gosh, her pink scales grace across the screen, it's so lovely~😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤

Oh, and the death of Pi's parents? It made me cry, sadder than Titantic and Endgame!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Honestly, turtle homie? He's like, really cool! When he's fighting the squids and goes "Ahn~ Tricker Treat!" I nearly passed out of love~ So hot xoxoxoxooxo. His devotion to his wife? Muah! Beautiful! I wish I was his wife~

Aunt Pearl? Man she is DUMMY THICK! Her lips? Ooh, almost as thick as Aunt Fanny from Robots! Her character growth is amazing~

Troy is a big meanie head. He's buff and sorta hot, but still. Smh.....................

I sorta wish that Pi went to visit his parents if you know what I mean.

Anyways, my favorite edition to this "New Bible". I'm really glad christians are opening their eyes up to the lord which is Shark Bait/The Reef.
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The third in a trilogy of unrelated fish movies
angel62428 July 2007
I saw The Reef (which is one of Shark Bait's other titles, to which I shall refer it as) when I was in Ireland, and I kinda liked it. It's definitely not Finding Nemo, and I haven't seen Shark Tale (so I can't compare the two); it's in a class all by itself.

Now, many people have said that The Reef is a rip-off of Finding Nemo, Shark Tale, or both movies. But The Reef is more like, and here I quote another user whose name I forget, "Karate Kid with fish".

A quick summary of the plot: When Pi suddenly becomes an orphan, he travels with a pod of porpoises (NOT dolphins! As Percy laments, "Why does everyone think I'm a dolphin?") to the reef in order to live with his aunt. Pi meets up with his cousin, Dylan, and a beautiful model named Cordelia. Pi is immediately smitten with Cordelia, but a big problem stands in his way. Troy the tiger shark wants to give Cordelia his pearl (the equivalent of a wedding ring, and a bit of a symbol of giving one's purity to his/her spouse...but that's a different story). But Pi can't stand to see Cordelia pushed around by that big bully and his two cronies, a barracuda and a wolf eel, so he decides to do something about it...but what? With the help of Dylan, Percy and his pod, Nerissa the ninja/wizard sea turtle, three old marlins, a seal with grand storytelling skills, a sassy crab, and a flippant saw shark, Pi sets off to save the reef...and the girl he loves. But -- cue dramatic music -- will he succeed? I still remember a few quotes, like "The captain is ashamed of you...and he doesn't even exist!" (Nerissus), and "Evil henchmen don't get the willies. They *give* the willies!" (the barracuda). Plus, the three old marlins swapping human stories (Remember that last fish you caught? How sure are you that it wasn't trying to catch you?) and a few undersea puns ("Check out my mussels" and "Un-fishin-believeable!") will catch the fish nerd in you.

Of course, the CGI is a bit strange. Some people call it cheap effort, but I say it's merely artistic license. Then again, I'm overly optimistic...

Now, this movie is without flaws, even in my view. Occult/supernatural stuff, lots of unnecessary bathroom gags, and a stereotypical gay attitude to the saw shark gave me the blahs. That's why this movie got a seven out of ten from me.

In the end, it all depends on your tastes. If you like fish movies, and you have strange tastes, then go on ahead and see it...although you may want to wait for the DVD and just rent's really up to you.

And, if you *really* like fish movies (like I do), then why not watch FiN, ST, and TF as a triple-feature?
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absolute carp- the worst animated film ever ever ever!!!
AJ_is_Awesomness24 February 2007
Firstly, let me start by saying that if I could give this movie 0, then I happily would, as it goes I cain't so a 1 will have to do. Now, then on with the review. 'The Reef' or 'Shark Bait' as it is otherly known is a floundering story about a young guppie fish named Pi who is forced to move to the glossy reef under the sea after his family are killed. It is here where he encounters bullying sharks, dopey but cute angelfish and a storyline so drip it makes you want to bury your own head.Queue all the kiddie-flick clichés which so merrily unfold. There are just so many bad points about this movie (not to mention a laughable stab at trying to rip off Finding Nemo and Shark Tale) The animation is absolute carp, the voice-over work (by a blatantly wannabe Will Smith-like Freddie Prinze Jr and Rob Schneider) is a jumbled mess and the whole 'complexity' of the story is just bad. The set visuals are very candy-eyed but only add to the dishorientation of the film. It is a very appalling movie, even below Shark Tale's standard, and very very un-original. Don't see this for your own good...
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Do not waste your money however hard your kids persuade you....
AlexLakey18 February 2007
Ever been to a film where you are looking at your watch within the first 5 minutes?

Sadly this film looks great from the trailer and has the relevant kiddie appeal - so we took our son (who loves Finding Nemo) and all of us were deeply disappointed.

The very poor animation looks like this was made in someone's bedroom (actually I think now you could do a better job at home) and the storyline is nearly non existent. Half the time I thought the projector was out of focus, but no, it is just made that poorly.

The characters sound and look wooden, there is none of the 'shine' that a film like Nemo has. Characters also appear out of nowhere with no explanation.... granted the audience is young, but they aren't stupid!

It is sad to see how a film like this can be made against the fabulous work and care that someone like Pixar put into animated stories, this is just rubbish, and I wouldn't bother going to see it - save the £20 or so it will cost you, buy some popcorn and watch something decent in your own home on DVD
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IceFreak200026 September 2007
I took two of my kids to see this abomination the other day, and couldn't wait to get out of the cinema. It's just truly dire.

I wasn't expecting Pixar levels of animation, but I certainly wasn't prepared for quite how bad it turned out to be. And as for the story... well, at least it's being environmentally friendly by recycling every cliché it can lay its hands on.

The voice acting is more wooden than Keanu Reeves (now that's not something I ever expected to type!), but given the script it's not entirely surprising - it sounds like the 'talent' just phoned their parts in.

Awful, awful, awful.

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raypdaley18227 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Everyones going to say it and I'm no different. Shark Tale/Finding Nemo rip-off!

The start is Finding Nemo, right down to the parent being caught.

Pi is sent off to find his Aunt on The Reef. On the journey Pi grows up in less than 5 seconds and is told by Aunt Pearl they never go to Flat Bottom so you know he IS going to go there. And to stay off the Haunted Pirate Shipwreck. And sure enough they go to both forbidden places within less than 5 minutes of being told not to.

Odd that.

I do question how a fish knows the names of Star constellations?

Anyway, Pi gets bullied and beaten up by a Shark who likes the girl/fish he loves, goes on a journey of self discovery until all his friends help him defeat the bad shark. Exceptionally DULL and predictable.

He gets the girl. No shock there.

This is Really Boring and awful, nothing happens and its tedious to watch as it takes SO much time to get anywhere at all.

Leave it until its in the DVD bargain bin which won't be long.
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Don't let the cast fool ya. This one's a stinker.
stewart_x3 November 2007
Shark Bait (aka: The Reef) sports an all star cast (and I use the term rather generously), but is badly marred by a weak story line, horrendous dialogue, cheesy references to other films, and third rate computer animation.

I assume the bulk of the film's (apperently low) budget must have gone toward convincing some fairly popular actors to embarrass themselves by having their names associated with this "bucket o' chum"! The actors seemed to walk through their parts, as if they simply sat in a sound booth and read lines they had never seen before.

The writing is horrible... period.

Much of the film is an obvious knock off of both Disney/Pixar's Finding Nemo and Dreamworks' Shark Tale. However, the animation doesn't fall in line with those movies. Much of it seems unfinished, as if we are watching a "making of" segment on the bonus material portion of a DVD.

IMDb lists the title as Shark Bait in the U.S. and The Reef as the U.K. title. However, the copy I rented from a U.S. Blockbuster store had the latter title.

The film is rated G for General Audiences by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), but is riddled with crude, scatological humor (farting noises followed by bubbles rising from behind – a fish "wetting" himself and the surrounding water turning yellow), numerous references to butts, and even one reference to putting things in one's butt. When a movie is rated "G" one usually expects that it won't contain any material which could possibly be considered offensive. Not the case here.

The only reason I gave this movie a rating of 2, and not 1, is that my kids under 6 found it mildly amusing (emphasis on mildly), but I can't even recommend it for kids of that age because of the gratuitous potty humor. Those over that age, however, were as bored and disappointed as I was.
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Avoid at all costs
trombamusica3 February 2012
Wow. Just.... wow. This is perhaps the worst movie of all time. This is one for your youngest child to watch in a different room. With headphones. And the door closed. The script is terrible. The voice acting is half-hearted, at best. The animation is colorful, so it's got that going for it. There might be a story in there but I just couldn't tell through the bleeding in my ears. There a big blue tentacled thing that makes the observation, "what a bunch of carp." That's at least accurate. 3 tentacles? They couldn't even be bothered to make it an octopus? Imagine a getting some friends together, watching a Chinese movie, and making up your dialogue. That's better. My 7 year old likes it, though. I blame her mother.
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For kids and kids alone
LazySod28 May 2007
A little fish moves to a shallow reef. When he gets there he finds a lot of new friends and one common enemy: a nasty tempered shark. Determined to win the heart of a girl, he decides to do something about the shark.

Animation films for children always have one thing in common: very happy and brilliant color schemes. It worked for this one. The insane amounts of different fish and the things they did worked wonders on my nephew. Personally I can't say I was really thrilled by this film although it really isn't half bad. Most scenery was worked out rather nicely and the story was pretty much OK.

Not great, not grand, but good enough for a bored Sunday afternoon and watchable with young kids as there isn't too much heavy action in it.

6 out of 10 fish about to be sushi'd
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Worst film ever!
KCa-871-15707815 December 2013
Ugh I wanted to rate this film less than a 1 but I can't. This is truly the worst film ripping off so many films such as Finding Nemo, Shark Tales and Karate Kid. This film is EXTREMELY cliché and I thought Osmosis Jones was cliché but looking back at it the story has an educational mix to it unlike this film where the plot is very boring. The animation and graphics are poor to say the least. Why even make a film about an annoying orange fish with an ignorant pink female fish (she's the worst character in this film because of her ignorance and her obnoxiousness) and a gross shark. I say it's a rip- off of Karate Kid because it's a plot where 'A protagonist finds a girl he likes but she is with the antagonist and he's coming to fight for her back', sounds familiar? Even Shrek 4 wasn't this bad. This film is unwatchable and I had to watch it twice to make sure I didn't make a stupid mistake but there was no doubt now. I know people will say there are worse films or say things like 'Plan 9 From Outer Space' or 'Battleship Earth' are the worst films but I have watched them and they are bad but tolerable. I can be cruel and go as far as saying that I would rather become friends with Jon Venables and Robert Thompson than to ever watch this torture device. I really hope Nemo comes and murders Pi and Cordellia.
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A Beautiful Tail...
phoenixturley9 October 2007
After reading some of the debilitating comments on this, I felt the need to comment. It is a wonderful film. The voice talents were excellent and I found it to be a sweet, sentimental story. I think it might help if you love the ocean to begin with, as I do.

I found myself crying in two places and my children who viewed it: ages 3,4 and 13, all loved it. A G rating is a great change of pace. This is a children's film and the subtle aspects that are for adults are not the snickering b.s. prevalent in recent years films.

This film received an award of excellence from the film advisory board and I think it is well earned.

If you're a cynic looking to pick things a part, you shouldn't be watching this anyway. I wanted to be entertained and I was. The animation was it's weakest link, and I'd still give the animation a B+ for quality.

This film had depth (hee, hee) and humor and compassion and with the crop of junk that passes for entertainment out there I couldn't pass on the opportunity to speak up and encourage others to watch it.

A question to all of you with your scathing comments:

Why do you spend your time tearing a part the creative efforts of others?

This was a lovely film and it is original and creative, two rare things these days. Take a bow little fishies...
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Awful and sexist
AquaBlueSea7 February 2017
There are many issues the other reviewers mentioned, from the animation (many characters are ugly and even scary - I might have nightmares about some of the characters that are supposed to be nice), bad writing, poor acting and stolen themes from other movies. But the worst part- and the thing that made me turn it off, is the disgusting sexist subtext. A beautiful helpless girl fish is "bullied" by a shark that apparently wants to sexually assault her and kisses her without her consent. She is of course defended by the boy fish (because she can't really stand up for herself, of course), but when it's clear that the boy fish is outmatched, she goes to the shark and offers to "do anything" for him if he will leave the boy fish alone. Are you kidding me? Did someone actually think this content was appropriate for a child's movie? It's really sick and it does not teach anything good. Please don't let your kids watch this. It's gross and inappropriate.
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tonyd-td18 July 2014
I find watching paint dry more enjoyable than this film. Due to the requirements of IMDb, I'm forced to spend wasted time on why this film is deserving of the lowest rating allowed on the site. The movie is a poor man's version of "Finding Memo" and also has similarities with "Sharktail." If cruel and unusual punishment was legal, watching "The Reef" on repeat would fit the bill.To be honest, if possible, I would have given it a negative rating. Unfortunately, "The Reef" was given to my toddler as a gift, since he hasn't watched it an infinite amount of times, we have too endure voice overs that seem disinterested and cgi that is sub par even compared to today's apps geared for toddlers. Avoid this film!
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Finding the reefer.
morrison-dylan-fan20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
With a friend coming round to visit before X-Mas,I decided to search for a animated flick we could both enjoy watching. Going to a local DVD shop, I spotted a cartoon film I've not heard of before,which led to me lighting the reef.

View on the film:

Whilst Freddie Prinze Jr. Keeps his tone flat as the lead voice of Pi,Donal Logue and Rob Schneider (!) bring colour undersea as Logue's bellowing boo-hiss Troy, and Schneider snaps multiple,lively roles. Exploring the reef, co-directors Howard E. Baker/ Kyung Ho Lee & John Fox give the backdrop to this undersea world a zest lime green appearance, scattering bright plants and sparkling small fish swimming in the background. Going against the tide of the backdrop, the directors give the lead characters a rubbery, dour CGI look, lacking the detailing or shiny shots of colours from the backdrop.

Losing Pi's parents to "The Net" in the opening, the writers take the flick in a intriguingly down-cast direction, where the fear of being reeled in is hooked into the mind-set of every fish, and a surprisingly macabre sting for the baddie. While most animated films retain a feel of staying on track despite a large number of writers, the screenplay by the 4 writers here has a frustrating push-pull quality, where the serious threat of The Net gets torn in attempts half with fishy, plodding attempts to net Pi into a romance on the reef.
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I took a shower after watching this one
rdolishny4 February 2008
I've seen a lot of bad animation and this is the worst theatrically released animation I've ever seen.

It's just hitting the pay-per-view scene in Canada and I beg you, don't rent this one. Obviously I fell prey to its "something to rent for the kids on a snowy night" marketing strategy.

Animation: zero Sound quality all over the map: zero Dialogue (are you kidding me): zero Poster (a well done rip-off of the Finding Nemo design): 1 out of 10

I only log into IMDb to comment maybe three times a year and this is my first of 2008. It's that important that this film dies a quick death.
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