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(I) (2007)

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Leave it to Beaver!
Jonny_Numb20 May 2008
The trend of imbuing horror films with a quirky sense of irony cribbed from the hell that is adolescence (think "Ghost World" with gore) may have finally run out of steam with "Teeth," a moderately impressive (though unspectacular) yet overly precious and self-aware stab at subverting the genre's gender roles. Writer-director Mitchell Lichtenstein's concept (a puritanical virgin who grows up next to a nuclear power plant discovers a mean set of incisors below the waist when her sexuality blooms) is intriguing, and some of the film's best moments possess a surreal quality that almost transforms the material into a metaphorical extension of Dawn's (Jess Weixler) awkward adjustment to womanhood. While much has been written about gender roles in the horror genre, "Teeth" cleverly manages to have its cake and eat it, too: Dawn is treated as a haplessly naive girl by every male she encounters; the males are predatory, would-be rapists. In films like "I Spit On Your Grave" and "Ms. 45," the female victims recover to enact revenge in an extreme manner--"Teeth" playfully subverts Freud's notion of "penis envy" by transforming male genitalia into a literal kiss of death; Dawn's encounters (while tinged with a sometimes groan-inducing, "Clueless"-styled humor) eventually contribute to her growth and maturity as a woman, to the point where she finally becomes master of her domain. While not great, "Teeth" is a worthwhile little sleeper with some food for thought.
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Something to sink your TEETH into...
ClaytonDavis27 May 2008
A new evolution of horror as arrived with the new film, Teeth. Teeth tells the story of Dawn O'Keefe (Jess Weixler), a young abstinent teenager who comes to find out that her "family jewels" are much more special than everyone else's; her vagina has teeth. When she comes to realize her "differences" she starts to battle with her sexuality and wanting to act on her impulses.

This has definitely revolutionized the horror genre along with some awkward comedy, Teeth holds interest for the viewer throughout. From a woman's perspective I'm not sure how the film would be received, but from a man, to put it plainly simple, it scares the ever living crap out of me. The film holds nothing to the imagination as it shows the most graphic images I've seen on film in quite sometime.

Other than graphic imagery, the storyline isn't as strong as images. There's no flow to the story and pretty random at times as it conquers the steps of gross and unfortunate adolescence. The performances are enough to suffice but its John Hensley who plays Brad, Dawn's perverted step-brother who wants to take his sister's virginity that stands out. Young Dawn takes on some new attitudes throughout the film and Weixler attends to her with grace and ease.

Not sure if this is a must-see for people, but it compares to The Matrix scenario when Morpheus presents the red pill and the blue pill. You can take the blue pill, the dream ends and you can believe whatever you want to believe; you take the red pill, you get to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

**½ /****
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Not something to get your teeth stuck into
Chris_Docker16 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Horror films have long used myth and psychological demons as a basis for gruesomeness. Teeth takes an underused legend (vagina dentata) and eats into the late night chick-flick gore-fest market with gusto and relish.

Hold on - late night chick-flick gore-fest market? Isn't it just guys who go to see slasher stuff? Instead of vampires deflowering virgins we have a virgin de-penis-ing sleaze bags. Not so much I Spit on Your Grave as bible-thumping-bimbo-eats-willies.

In one of the South Park episodes ('Red Hot Catholic Love'), that asks 'why Catholics must molest children,' we had a sect of Catholicism made of dangerous aliens. Their females have vaginas lined with razor-sharp teeth. South Park, of course, is unashamedly anti-everything polemic. Whereas Teeth is just entertainment. The lasting impact of such materials however, can be influenced by how well writer-producers have done their homework on matters psychological.

Blonde high-schooler Dawn is a prominent representative of a chastity-ring -style movement. She discovers she has unusual anatomical 'adaptations' down there'. (She also has that expression that says something is permanently lodged up her butt.) But after she has alternately repelled and then encouraged a sweetheart who then rapes her, she is not unreasonably convinced that the bloody stump he is left with - and the dismembered member subsequently eaten by crabs - is the result of her deformity. Notwithstanding this, she manages to attract a series of pervs who get their fingers or manhoods lopped off.

Teeth has the potential to deliver some biting social comment on the 'chastity' movement which has infected some American schools. In the classroom, Dawn's biology textbooks have stickers obscuring diagrams of the vulva - for 'obvious' reasons.

At one point there, is a chance Dawn could become the crusader with a moral calling (rather than faith obedience). Much like the Troma legend, Toxic Avenger, who hunts down the city's bad guys. In a scene where a serial seducer drugs Dawn and then offers candlelight and romance to conclude the deed, is mistakenly seen as a 'good guy' by our heroine. She amazingly has successful sex with him, and willingly. She thinks he has fulfilled her dreams. But, when he boasts to mates on the phone in flagrante delicto, she changes her mind and chops it off. If the punishment was a little heavy for just being a loudmouth, there is a sense of justice as we know his intentions had nothing to do with consent. But although Dawn feels remorse over a similarly lecherous gynaecologist, she has no compunction about deliberate entrapment of males that she credits with evil intentions. And she does so as the heroine of our film.

The vagina dentata myth is, as the film rightly points out, based on men's fear of sex. Compounding it with the modern craze by some youngsters for 'chastity' blurs the underlying psychology, even as a crowd-pleaser. The chaste woman in the sense upheld by Dawn's religious beliefs is the opposite of all that is pure about the symbols of womanhood. A shutting up, a mental 'castration,' to be reversed only by marriage. A cult that possibly even exacerbates sexual crime resulting from frustration, while denying a woman her own sexuality (A more extreme form is the barbaric practice in some countries of 'female circumcision.') The clarion call to support the heroine (who is depicted sympathetically) rests on an idea of female dominance as repugnant as the male domination of old patriarchal societies. It has developed, particularly in the USA, where American wives may even speak of husbands as men in the past spoke of a 'good, hard-working drudge'.

The end credits quip that, "No man was harmed in the making of this film." But this reviewer at least feels that women who are psychologically conditioned to think in terms of 'chastity' or 'castrating men' are indeed harming themselves.

To its credit, Teeth handles the difficult acting challenges with considerable aplomb. Jess Weixler's portrayal of Dawn is well-nuanced and brings much needed humour, ambivalence and self-doubt to her character. That the film succeeds at all is remarkable, and this first feature by writer-director Mitchell Lichtenstein bodes well for his capabilities in handling difficult subject matter in the future commercial market. He succeeds in breathing life into a well-worn genre, but at the expense of ditching his moral compass. While the film is entertaining, it fails to achieve its full potential, or the cult status of indie classics like Liquid Sky (which was written by women rather than a man). But it certainly beats yet another slasher re-run with female protagonists enthusiastically chopping carrots.
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Teeth is disturbing and succeeds on so many levels
Ysquare4 May 2008
This movie is like a crossover between a feminine horror story and a black comedy, better yet satire. Teeth succeeds because it doesn't take itself too seriously and it gives as well fleshed out characters. The lead actress is an amazing find. She knows exactly what to do with her character and how far she can go with it. She is believable from start to finish. I wouldn't recommend this movie to people with high morals, because you do get to see a lot of 'genital gore' in the movie. Just look at the plot keywords, if one of the things bothers you this movie isn't for you. All in all this movie is for people who like to see something different for achange, not that manufactured sh!i from Hollywood these days. If you don't take this film too seriously and you have a good sense of humor, this movie is a must see for you. I give it 7/10 because the ending is not that good and IMO it could have been longer.
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Disappointing even for low expectations
b1lskirnir22 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The general formula for getting a new movie recognized in America nowadays tends to be by means of a clever gimmick or craft in advertising and hype (Cloverfield, The 300, etc.). Teeth is an interesting addition to this formula, as it is a B-horror movie that is generally marketed to an indie comedy audience. Iif you're interested in seeing it it's almost guaranteed you know what it's about before walking into the theater. Unfortunately for Teeth, it manages to give you just that and absolutely nothing else for 90 minutes, and I mean that in the worst possible way:

The movie is about a teenage girl who discovers teeth in her vagina.

That's it. You can basically write the rest of the story yourself.

Yep, there's pretty much nothing else to the movie beyond that. The film milks its premise of the audience knowing what's going to come for nearly 45 minutes before anything involving the plot actually happens. By the time she discovers her problem, half of the movie is gone and any opportunity for interesting character development, sexual commentary, dramatic tension, or remote intelligence is thrown out the window.

Teeth milks as many plot devices for cheap comedic payoff as possible as well: the young, innocent Christian girl who takes a vow of chastity, the boyfriend who wants her to break that vow, the difficulties between being either a prude or a slut in high school... without ruining whatever story there actually remains to ruin. There's a subplot involving her negligent and completely cookie-cutter character of a brother being a jerk to her parents as well, but it fails to develop that at all for the sake of throwing in more jokes about biting and vaginas than Mr. Freeze has jokes about ice in Batman & Robin.

By the time her character is thrown any interesting development and drama in the way of this bizarre plot, it's already turned into a generic rape/revenge B-movie and the credits have come up the screen. I've heard some women say they felt "liberated" by this movie and to those women I would advise them to seek therapy as soon as possible. To say that is no better than saying as a sexually frustrated male I felt "liberated" watching pornography, which of course cannot be said due to political correctness.

It could've been an interesting study of womanhood, of growing up, of men's sexual fears and the relationship between loving someone and having sex with them... but it's not. It's a sleazy, stupid exploitation flick that doesn't spare any opportunity to show its violent acts in gory detail. It also proves, sadly, that indie movies suffer from the same marketing gimmicks and worn-out clichés as mainstream movies. If you want something better but along similar thematic lines, I would recommend Hard Candy, Lady Vengeance, and of course the classic Virgin Spring. But please, avoid this at all costs unless you just enjoy dumb, sick thrills.
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Not just another teen movie!
AlsExGal23 June 2019
This is an independent film that has not one actor or actress I have ever heard of, but, wow, is it original! The characters don't even have last names in their credits. They are just Dawn, Tobey, Bill, etc.

Dawn is a high school girl who has taken a pledge of chastity until marriage. She is a classical beauty, a rather Scandinavian looking girl. She has a wastoid of a stepbrother (her stepdad's son) who spends his time sleeping, having rampant casual sex with a slew of girls, and keeping a "pet" attack dog in a cage in his room.

Well, unfortunately, Dawn's first sexual experience, with a boy who seems so nice and so sweet on her, turns into assault with devastating effects on the boy, that being death. Dawn is at first horrified by what has happened, does some internet research, and realizes she has "teeth" down there. At first she feels like this is some kind of punishment, some kind of chastity belt, but then she realizes that these teeth only attack when she feels violated. As she learns to control these "teeth" she begins to feel empowered. And although the journey is unpredictable, the destination is entirely predictable from about a quarter of the way into the film. That's the reason I don't give it an eight.

There is not an over abundance of gore, just enough so that you see what happened. I will say the film does have men coming off as very opportunistic, either that or Dawn is the unluckiest girl in the history of the world. And the film has one quirky gimmick. Throughout the film you see two towers of a nuclear power plant. The assumption you might make is that Dawn has this physical feature from growing up in the plant's shadow. But not one word is ever spoken about it. That's what makes it great. The film doesn't lecture you about anything that happens here. It just tells a story and leaves the viewer to draw their own conclusions, and it really works as a dark comedy/horror combo. I'd recommend it.
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marinaant-3621718 January 2022
I was curious to watch this since I heard from many people that it's very weird and honestly it was indeed very weird it was interesting to watch but It has nothing to offer and I don't think it should have been made in the first place it also had some plot holes but I guess some scenes were okay, i don't think I'd watch it again.
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Memorable, to say the least
slayersrevenge3329 January 2008
The premise alone can speak for the originality of the movie. Most audiences will be rushing to this film out of sheer curiosity, I know I did. While this movie is graphic, the conflicting tones of horror and comedy give it a playfulness and a freshness that any true movie-lover could appreciate. Now, its not by any means the best movie ever or the funniest or most horrific but it shines its light. The story and characters are all cheesy/campy but thats what gives this movie its charm. Its almost like whats going on is so absurd and awful and awkward you have no choice but to laugh! I don't recommend this film to the faint of heart but if you are in the mood for something new and will keep you talking for weeks, then I say this is the film for you. If anything, just to say you saw it is quite enough for most people. Women, you'll appreciate it more than you think. Men, you'll be more careful out there in the real world.
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Toothless horror...
mckillotd23 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy horror movies but find that they are being churned out at a ridiculous speed and that quality suffers as a result and this is no exception.

Looking beyond the ludicrous nature of the plot (all horror movies are a bit far fetched in general), this was simply one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

The acting was terrible and Jess Weixler, who pays the "heroine?" Dawn looks embarrassed to be acting in it. The scene with her gynaecologist was the only highlight of the film and even that was because I was laughing as the acting was so bad.

Seriously, this is a stupid, pointless and badly acted film that lowers the standards for shock horror flicks to a new depth. I would rather visit the dentist and have my teeth pulled without anaesthetic than sit through this garbage again...

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Vagina Dentata - One of the Most Refreshing Horror Tales
claudio_carvalho24 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In a small town nearby a nuclear power facility, the chaste Dawn (Jess Weixler) is raised with her dysfunctional stepbrother Brad (John Hensley) by her mother that is sick and her stepfather. Once in high school, she participates of a meeting called "The Promise O" that preaches purity and virginity for the members. When the newcomer Tobey (Hale Appleman) arrives in town, the naive Dawn feels that he is her soul mate and stays close to him. The proximity becomes attraction and Tobey does not control his hormones and forces Dawn to have intercourse with him in a cave in an isolated lake. However, he is castrated by her vagina and vanishes in the lake. The desperate Dawn runs to the library and discovers that she has the mythical "Vagina Dentata" and only a hero can rescue her.

"Teeth" is one of the most refreshing horror tales that I have recently seen. The story of a chaste teenager that finds that she has a "Vagina Dentata" is simply hilarious and surrealistic. The legend does really exist, and in accordance with the Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagina_dentata), "various cultures have folk tales about women with toothed vaginae, frequently told as cautionary tales warning of the dangers of sex with strange women and to discourage the act of rape". There could be also a subtle interpretation that could be the difficulty of Dawn to self-adjust to the womanhood, but I believe the intention of the author was simply uses the myth to make a gem of dark humor. The beauty of the sweet Jess Weixler is awesome. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): Not available

Note: On 06 April 2015, I saw this movie again.
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Another Sundance Stinker
movieoooo24 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Its not that this movie is graphic. I'm fine with that. It was just a bad movie.

The writing was amateurish at best.

The direction and cinematography was worse than the writing.

What you really have here is a clever idea without the substance to back it up.

Only thing saving this movie is the solid performance by John Hensley as the troubled brother. We will be seeming more good things coming from this guy.

Really disappointed by Josh Pais. He phoned in his portrayal as the doctor. He misread the need for overacting and stood out as being somehow out of sync with the rest of the cast.

I can't believe this movie sold for $2.5M I'm quite sure that the people buying didn't watch it or didn't car because they could make some money just on the topic.

It generated a lot of buzz just because the topic makes you curious to see it, but you will be disappointed when you do actually go and see it.
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'No men were harmed during the making of this motion picture.'
Hey_Sweden19 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
But it's a safe bet that some men will be traumatized by just the *thought* of what happens to the men in this film, happening to them. It's a hilariously dark comedy that does indeed turn into a story of female empowerment, and an interesting look into the whole idea / mythology of "vagina dentata", which here is sort of tied into species mutating as part of the process of evolution. (The whole nuclear connection is not forgotten, either, as the two stacks of a nuclear facility are often kept in sight.) All in all, this is a canny look at morals and attitudes regarding sex, and one of the more intriguing horror films to emerge in the last several years. Jess Weixler is winning in the role of Dawn, a high school student who teaches others to abstain from sex, only to learn a nasty truth about her own private parts, and the resulting potential consequences to any man who dares to get intimate with her. The gory bits of business give this film the sort of punch that it needs; the money shots are all quite delicious, even if they're not completely satisfying to all viewers. The film works best at its outlandish spin on one young woman's emerging sexuality and what it means for the men who will get close to her. We can see that by the end Dawn has realized the power that she has available. The acting by all concerned is solid, with John Hensley scoring in a truly repulsive part as the leering stepbrother Brad. This is the kind of thing that can have people with certain tastes howling with appreciative laughter at what goes on; one particular priceless bit concerns the fate of a severed member and a pet dog. This is well worth watching for horror fans of both genders, although the men may well find their knees locking together as the story plays out. Eight out of 10.
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NOT what i expected
anomalousdarling12 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
a friend of mine told me there was this crazy movie about this chick who has teeth in her vagina and 'bites' off guys dicks. of course, i jumped at the chance to see it.

yeah, that kinda is what its about, but i thought it was going to be this joke to just make the porn more interesting. i didn't think it was a serious movie.

i was surprised when i watched it because it was actually pretty good. they made the character likable and didn't go about it just for sex scenes. It had an actual story behind it that in a twisted way is kind of warm-hearted. a weird choice of words, yes, but thats what i got out of it.

The main character, Dawn, is this sweet girl who's part of a chastity group. ironic, right? anyways, she seems to meet this dream guy who's also in the group, which doesn't even believe in touching yourself. now, i'm a girl, but i understand a mans need to do what he's gotta do. its no wonder this kid ends up raping her in a cave with the excuse that he hadn't jerked off since easter. but, karma's a bitch. So, in Dawn's first encounter, she ends up biting off the guys dick, but with her vagina. isn't it genius?! But Dawn learns that if she wants the sex to happen and she enjoys it, nothing gets bitten off. But as soon as it goes sour... CHOMP.

so even though its not the greatest movie in the world, you have to give props to the writers and directors, cause you'd think a premise like that would be impossible to make. i'm in awe. cause seriously! a girl with teeth in her vagina biting off guys dicks! you know whenever you go to a superhero movie, afterwards you always think about how cool it would be to have those powers? after this movie... you(well, referring to girls)kinda wish you could do that. a guys rapes you... no problem. just 'bite' that puppy off.

I'd really only recommend this movie to someone for its crazy story and how well they made it seem less crazy. plus its pretty enjoyable, especially for women with hit-lists. maybe not for men though...

i gave it 7 out of 10 stars.
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Lacking substance
mary-179-6773839 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Warning spoilers So in this movie the 'naive' Dawn is sitting in her bathroon soaking her high school text book page to take off the gold paper that was placed on the image of the female sexual organ. Why wouldn't she just look it up on the internet as she moments later starts looking up teethed vagina finds the name of her condition - as if it was a real thing and common. Oh the acting in that scene was one of the worst I've ever seen.

She sees a doctor, who happens to start screaming out her condition after he lost 4 fingers in the examination. The doctor is not seen or heard of again. The police are not after her, it's as if nothing happened.

Look the movie is too long, how much story line can you really achieve from this plot. This would make a perfectly fine 30 minute Tales of the Crept episode.

The main character Dawn is initially shocked and disturbed by her "curse" and in her most 'scared state' runs to a guys house she barely knows rather than her female 'best' friend or to her father that she is very close with apparently.

She then lets a guy sleep with her and says "I can't believe you're not dead" - so she was happy to risk sleeping with him to test the theory of finding a hero to rescue her vagina. She then starts enjoying sex, but this man turns out he didn't sleep with her because he liked her but to settle a bet, so the writers think he deserves his manhood cut off? Sure, he isn't a gentlemen but she knew him for a whole 5 minutes. I guess the story line is if you regret sleeping with someone then they should have their parts cut off. Hmm..

Then, she figures well I've mutilated so many people without being caught why not my step brother. Now although her brother again not the nicest person in the world, but deserving of such punishment..hmm no. The movie takes a turn for the worse at this point. As the main character now uses sex as a weapon to get away with mutilation and murder. She becomes judge and jury. The writers were a bit confused as the Mum says "were lucky to have both our kids" at the start of the movie so she understands although her son has some issues he is young and she still loves him. That is ignored by the main character who blames her step-brother when her mum dies. Where was she when her mum was calling for help? Nice way to deflect blame. I could maybe understand the move if he murdered his mum.

I am female and I felt bad for the male characters. I've watched a lot of movies where I've rooted for the "good guy" who kills and or tortures the bad guys, but these characters were not really 'bad enough' to justify the punishment and I guess I felt bad for them. Dawn is really the villain.

Also the acting, writing and music was not really that good.
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Teeth: A comprehensive review
soaringpaperclip14 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Teeth is a film released in 2007 about a young girl with teeth in her vagina. Need I say more? The whole plot centers around the folk tale of "vagina dentata" found in many cultures from South America to South Asia. It is a cautionary tale told to young tribesmen in which raping can lead to getting your penis bitten off. In this movie, young Dawn is a devout celibate, active in her high school's purity club (which aren't a thing I'm pretty sure). She is so resolute to this cause that she hasn't even ventured down to her own nether region to discover what lies inside. She grows up next to a nuclear plant in a broken family with a screwed up punk step brother. She views him as a sinful degenerate because he has sex with his girlfriend. Her whole belief system becomes a source of internal struggle as soon as she meets handsome Tobey, who also claims to be a "purist". She fantasizes but doesn't succumb to temptation as they flirt and date. They eventually venture off into the woods to a spot known for banging. Tobey is in the mood and thinks he's about to get his dick wet, however Dawn is not down and tries to stick to her core conviction. Tobey won't take the rejection and plows on only to get his johnson stuck. After a sickening crunching noise, he pulls out a bloody nub of a chode and Dawn's vagina spits out his wiener. Tobey is now dead and Dawn completely distraught and confused. Dawn doesn't tell anyone but is noticeably different, especially when she tries to speak in front of the Purity club at school. Dawn does some research on what a vagina is actually supposed to look like and discovers there's no teeth. Disturbed and even more confused she makes a trip to gynecologist only to be molested by the schemey doctor. As he is going above and beyond the call of duty inside her, the teeth attack and in a violent scene he loses his fingers. She leaves this time more disturbed than her last encounter, but determined to get to the bottom of this conundrum. After some AOL web searching, she discovers vagina dentata folk lore where the teeth need to be conquered. She turns to a douchey guy she rejected in her purity days and pops a xanny and has great consensual sex. They think it has been defeated and continue to have sex on a separate occasion. Yet again Dawn is bamboozled. Her lover answers the phone mid-bang and brags that he's "f*cking Dawn, bro. I told you you'd lose the bet." She gets furious when she realizes he's just doing it for a bet. The dude experiences some serious coitus interruptus when the teeth bit off his penis. At this point, Dawn is hopeless but begins to embrace her affliction. After hearing that her step brother beat and attacked her Dad. She comes home to seduce him and bits off his cock with her teeth. The movie ends with her releasing that disease has become her weapon as she hitch hikes out of town only to be trapped in a car with a creepy old man.

This film can be summarized with the first line of this paper but I decided to delve deeper into the story Mitchell Lichtenstein, the director, was trying to tell and evaluate his effectiveness. "Teeth" is a story of Dawn's transformation from an innocent virgin to a grungy vigilante. With each victim her appearance changes; her makeup, hair, and clothes become darker and she loses innocence but gains knowledge of herself. However, there really isn't much more than that to the movie. Dawn is played by the forgettable Jess Weixler who seems to resemble every female actor in early 2000's B movies. Her performance isn't terrible but she seems to be repeating the same acting over and over. It should be noted that her transformation is impressive and subtle but that should be credited to the make up artists and other behind the scenes crew. The director did make great use of the nuclear plant and evolutionary mutation/adaptation as a motif to suggest this deformity is actually just evolution taking its course. Otherwise, I would give this movie ⅖ stars. One star for the grisly subject matter and one for the hilarious looking 3 detached penises appearing in the film. In summary, don't waste the 1 hour 37 minutes on this movie just to say you watched it.
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Shocking and memorable. A very special girl.
michaelRokeefe16 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If you want something out of the ordinary. Something down right scary even to think about; and you're not exactly straddling that high moral ground...this movie just might be for you. Genital gore. High school student Dawn O'Keefe(Jess Weixler)is typical in concerns of suppressing her awakening sexuality. She is proud to be a virgin and leads a local chastity group. Dawn knows of her bodily purpose "down there", but a stranger to its function. Even more puzzling, she discovers she suffers from a mythical and cultural condition called Vagina Dentata, meaning a "toothed vagina". Troubled comprehending her anatomical uniqueness and trying to resist the overwhelming thoughts of the pleasure of the flesh...Dawn is more-or-less date raped and discovers the powerful and violent pitfalls of using her sexuality. There are several scenes that will make any conscious male to have second thoughts of where he "sticks it". Dark comedy, OK. Creepy, damn straight. Others in the cast: John Hensley, Josh Pais, Mike Yeager, Hale Appleman and Vivenne Benesch.
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A really strange, but original, film
Red_Identity18 February 2010
Teeth is certainly original in it's concept and it's delivery. It starts off very promisingly. It establishes it's mood promisingly, and I have to say, I did not expect what I got. The film is about a young girl who is keen on abstinence, but after she discovers her vagina has teeth, she uses it to target to those who plan to sexually use her. That is the basic story, but the film only gets to that in it's last half hour. It is supposed to be a horror comedy, and I have seen a lot of horror comedies. Evil Dead 2, Drag Me To Hell, Cabin Fever, and to a lesser extent, Scream. The horror aspects and comedy aspects worked in all of those, yet here, the tone is so different. I expected more comedy, yet even when the funny parts happen, it does not seem like a comedy, or even a horror. I do not know if this is a product of it being a truly unique film, or just that the comedy aspects of it failed. I thought the first half of the film was more successful, because I did not know what the film was about when I started seeing it, so I thought it would be about the girl finding her sexuality after being raped, so when the actual plot kicked in I was so shocked. I was shocked because the film's first 30 minutes establish it as some sort of dark drama, neither horror or comedy. I felt as if the film did a complete 360 and all of the ideas it put in my head earlier were erased to make room for the 'comedy' section that it wanted to have, as well as the horror aspects. I also thought it should have been longer if it really wanted to explore more about her and her vagina, since like I said, the actual plot does not kick in until almost an hour into the film. But that is not to say I did not like the film. I did like it, probably more than it seems right now. Some of the writing was very clever, and it reminded me of Diablo Cody's form of writing (in both Juno and Jennifer's Body). Some of the scenes in the first half, especially the one in the cave where all goes wrong, was very brutal and, like I said already, shocking because I did not expect that. Jess Weixler was another highlight of the film. I thought she started off sort of awkward, but I get that was her character, and she completely pulled off her change in character. I never thought of her as sexy at all, and yet the last scene I was like 'WOW look at her'! Of course, this was all because of her acting skills. The ending was unsatisfactory because I felt this film had so many ideas and themes it could have explored more, yet it was just happy wit itself for being a 'vagina revenge film'.

Overall, I did like this film, but it is so difficult for me to grasp on it completely, just because I do not know if it is a product of the film's quality, or lack of quality, that it's tone is so unusually dark for a film about vagina teeth. Also because I find it harder to enjoy without it being a funnier film, and because I thought it could have explored so much more on female sexuality. I saw this film because I heard it had some of the same concept of the newer horror-comedy Jennifer's Body. I can say that while this film did have darker and more interesting themes (than Jennifer's Body) about female sexuality and purity in the beginning, it all seemed to vanish for the most part to a still enjoyable, but lesser film whose fundamental question is 'Next time I am with a girl, should I be scared that my genitals will be chopped off'? But I am sure I will not forget this film simply because of it's originality.
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I cannot decide how to rate this
idonotexist31 July 2022
Really, i cannot. It is part cheesy feel good story, part stupid teenage story, part stupid rape story, part stupid supernatural story, part the directors personal fetish story..

What is not tho, is a horror movie. Does not attempt to be one and actually it is quite humorous because the fake blood is fake, the effects are absolutely not even trying to pass off as real. It is just... odd. Not bad, not good, and it as i said it does have some kinky ideas but again nothing really grimy or anything. Honestly this is easily a PG13 rating at best but there are some sausages, quite literally, thrown around, quite literally, so it gets a raunchier rating.

Anyway... why would you watch this? I watched it for the poster expecting something along the lines of CARRIE, but i stayed just to see if dawn would become a single mom (ahem).

It is a bit of a pervy movie and as i said at the start, thats nice because it is also not a pervy movie. I dont know how to do it justice. So basically, honestly, there's some cool funny scenes (literally) with a cute girl next door vibe as the main. That's it really.
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part crafty and topical satire, part crazy 'feminist' horror story
Quinoa198416 February 2008
I was a little worried about this going in, even as I loved the joke that was the premise: a vagina with razor sharp fangs inside the walls. How much could be done with something like this? As I found out, a lot more than I expected, but especially surrounding it as a nifty satire on the world of abstinence pledgers in high schools. There can never be enough room to make fun of these 'abstinence-only' folk who wear the "Promise Rings" and are amid a self-made desensitized cult that, in essence, dissuades those who do have romantic connections from giving in to their desires. And there's mythology to boot!

If anything, the burgeoning relationship between Dawn (Jess Weixler) and Tobey (Hale Appleman) shouldn't be something they should ever have to avoid. But they do for "purity" sake, despite each others' curiosity about each other's bodies. The first attack is the most savage, and perhaps though the most anticipated, and with a sweet twist: it's a shock to each of them, as she has no idea what is "down there" (all the sex-ed textbooks have the vaginal area censored, this despite the penis right in diagram, a possible reference to how it turns out in visual-style in the picture as men may grab their crotches in unified pain).

To be sure, some of the satirical jabs and slight plot twists aren't totally effective. While the brother character (effectively played as scum by John Hensley) is needed to move the plot along at a crucial point, there's never much explanation to how he's such a sex-psycho with a big dog. There's also a touch of familial drama that feels a little forced (though, again, as part of disbelief that must be upheld throughout). What I liked, and at times even loved, as the pure abandon, like a talented filmmaker tackling the sexploitation genre with some juicy under-cutting to the society that this springs out of. Somehow this guy in his 50s- his first feature no less after years of acting gigs- has crafted some of the funniest penis jokes that could never be fathomed by, um, most people. To say it's a guilty pleasure doesn't do it justice, be it the most obvious jabs or the visual gags and symbolism (the cave opening, the phallic rocks, etc).

One more note: this is truly a "breakout" performance as Weixler plays Dawn for all its worth as a character who truly has an "arc", if you could call it that. Whether it's the sexually confused innocent early in the film, to the totally mind-f****d soul who realizes an old myth called Vagina Dentata may be why she has this via nuclear radiation, and then onward as someone who can use that tunnel of love for all its worth. She's someone to look out for in the indie world, and leads this film along like it's worth every minute. 7.5/10
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Not Bad
gwnightscream17 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This 2007 horror comedy features teenage girl, Dawn (Jess Weixler) who is trying to stay pure until marriage, but soon her sexual urges temp her and have hazardous results because of her mutated vagina. This has some cringeworthy moments, but it's not bad, there's gruesome make-up effects and Weixler is great. If you like creature features or body horror, give this a try.
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A Film That Sadly Went Under Many Radars
gavin694229 August 2010
Dawn (Jess Weixler) is not like the other girls. For one thing, she's in high school and still a complete virgin. But also, she has a set of vicious teeth inside of her woman parts. And, wouldn't you know it, those boys just can't leave their mitts off of her... bad news for everyone involved.

I have to give plenty of credit to writer/director Mitchell Lichtenstein, who is surprisingly older than you might expect for this sort of material. The only film I can even compare to this one as far as controversial subject matter is "Sick Girl". Lichtenstein, what other goodies do you have in store for us? Jess Weixler, who plays Dawn O'Keefe, was largely unknown but is now taking off... I suspect it has something to do with this role. The film seems to have a strong cult following, as I've heard about it multiple times in the past few years, despite not ever receiving a theatrical release and getting ignored by many mainstream outlets.

The film shows penises -- a handful of them -- but not vaginas (a parallel to the textbook incident); is this "modesty"? It's an interesting reversal where naked women are traditionally most acceptable in films. Even soft-core has no problem showing women mostly nude while shooting men at strange angles to avoid the slip of any genitalia.

Jim Emerson, taking the place of Roger Ebert, ties this in to horror and science fiction history. "The 1950s sci-fi premise would be that Dawn is the unfortunate victim of radioactivity, but there's something else in the air (and maybe the water) here. It's called sexuality, and it permeates her everyday life: from pop culture (parental-advisory lyrics, R and PG-13-rated movies) to anatomical textbook illustrations in health class to the hormones and pheromones that hang heavily in the atmosphere, like the fetid steam in a gymnasium locker room. Everywhere she turns, Dawn the dental damsel-in-distress is surrounded by temptation." Emerson takes this is a bit far at times. The lyrics and movies part is his speculation, not made apparent in the film. And yes, while she does live in a world of temptation, she does not actually seem all that interested in boys. She easily maintains her virginity for a fair portion of the film, despite men's advances. He is correct to show that the sci-fi aspect is played down. While there is clearly heavy pollution in her backyard, we are never given that topic directly. This is never an anti-pollution film, despite that being the implied source of Dawn's mutation.

Emerson also draws the horror parallel: "While 'Carrie' is the obvious influence (with genital transmogrification instead of telekinesis, and the other sex doing the bulk of the bleeding), 'Teeth' could be seen as a 'Reefer Madness' for the New Chastity Generation. The camp sensibility, however, is fully self-aware." Yes, the campiness is self-aware, and "Carrie" is hardly like "Reefer Madness" and the connection is pretty much a teenage girl going through life changes and lashing out on those who oppress her. The men doing the bleeding? That's a stretch... lay off the literary criticism when analyzing films.

Anyway, "Teeth" is a must-see for sure. More and more often it seems that the underground films are the ones worth seeing, and this is no exception. You could go see the latest theater triumph (as I type this, it's "The Last Exorcism"), but I assure you that you'll find Lichtenstein's "Teeth" to be far more satisfying and memorable.
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Tonally Schizophrenic
nitro726 March 2022
Not much to chew on in this tonally schizophrenic example of wasted potential. The men are merely caricatures of varying despicableness & the female lead is little more than a vacant stare. Sorely lacking in nuance, depth, & emotion. #nitrosMovieChallenge.
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A True Horror/Comedy
orpheus74317 January 2008
If all you know about 'Teeth' is the premise, you probably think it's a typical B horror film. In fact, this movie is very good and very fun. I don't mean so-bad-it's-good, I mean good.

The key is that the movie is restrained. You get the shots that will make you cringe--the filmmakers don't skimp on the juicy stuff--but nothing outrageous. More importantly, 'Teeth' is well acted and written. In some indie films, the dialogue is so bad it's distracting. Not this one. In fact, movies in this genre can go overboard at almost any point--a rogue scientist arriving to explain everything, buckets of blood, or just a scene that goes too far and makes you laugh instead of scream. 'Teeth' deftly avoids the pitfalls. It is scary, funny, and never too much, at least not for me.

This movie isn't an Oscar-worthy drama, but it could be a cult classic. I, for one, left the theatre with my money's worth and then some.
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Freud was right:
damlacaglar25 May 2020
Playing into the male fear of castration is what adds the horror element into the movie. I would argue that the premise alone makes this movie worth seeing. Although the film doesn't take itself too seriously (which is a good thing in my opinion) it still explores the idea of sexual freedom for women as having vangina dentata would make women immune to sexual abuse. As near the end of the movie Dawn realizes that what she thought was a curse can be gift as well. In short; it is a good horror movie with a side of dark humor that explores the themes of chastity, sexual abuse and pubenscence.
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Vagina-dentata retelling as a black comedy
jpjmoffett9 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Good: Cinematography and production value were immediately noticeable for their quality. The computer animation during the opening credits were interesting and relevant, which is refreshing; I detest seeing credits at the beginning of a film but this sort of thing makes it a tad more bearable.

Acting performances and characters were believable and enjoyable. Jess Weixler and John Hensley were especially noticeable for the honesty and sincerity they brought to their respective roles of Dawn and Brad. Hale Appleman did an excellent job with the few minutes of screen time he was given as Tobey by creating an emotional and interesting character that could have otherwise simply faded into the overall yawn of the film. These three actors did a tremendous job with what they had to work with and certainly saved the movie for this reviewer.

The soundtrack was mediocre though fitting in that it didn't particularly add to the film but didn't detract from it either. The song choices of Dawn's parents added some humor.

The campyness was masterfully done, being maintained just below the point where it is almost annoying, leaving the viewer with a sense of pity for the lead characters as opposed to simply finding them annoying. The character of the asshole brother Brad made for a nice opposable force that made them film more lively.

The masturbation/wedding night fantasy scene was very well done in terms of film-making finesse and was indicative of the high quality camera and lighting work to be found throughout.

The Bad: The pacing of the story lingered for too long at times on non-plot-driving items. The Nuclear-Reactors-Looming-on-the-Horizon bit was overplayed and eventually distracting; some subtlety would have made it a more intense detail, but it's a comedy, so why not I guess. Speaking of comedy, there seemed to be a surprising lack of it. Unless you find boring funny. In all fairness, the gynecology scene did bring an audible laugh. The only audible laugh.

The Ugly: the editing in Teeth was professional by any account, but as mentioned before the scenes had a tendency to begin and/or end without the fat being trimmed which gave the film an overall lethargic feel. Since the movie has a run time of 88 minutes, it might be assumed that this was done to pad the length a little. It definitely would have made a superior short film, but as a feature length, it leaves a great deal to be desired - like the entire Hero's Journey concept.

In terms of genre, Teeth seems to be unaware of it's target, falling instead into some vague netherworld between drama, horror, and black comedy without ever actually committing to any of them. Because of this, the film ends up feeling like a two hour shrug.

Old School: Almost no gore and very little excitement. If you're not drinking, you'll most likely be bored.

New Blood: Younger audiences will be put off by how slow this movie feels. Still, the extremism of the Christian chastity theme will probably get some laughs. If you're under the legal drinking age you'll most likely be bored.

To See or Not to See? Rent, buy, pirate or con? Don't waste the hard-drive space for sure, and unless you can check it out for free at your local library I would not advise renting it. If you really feel like you have to see this film then con your roommate into renting it. Afterwards, you can blame the choice of getting it on someone who isn't there to defend themselves. Pass.
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