The Tooth Fairy (Video 2006) Poster

(2006 Video)

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Not terrible
wrlang23 August 2006
The Tooth Fairy is about the ghost of an old deformed witch that lures children to her house to get a prize for their loose tooth and then takes their lives. The first few minutes introduce you to the 1949 beginning of the legend of the tooth fairy and then switches to present day. The worn out horror plot is pretty much saved by the solid acting. They could have done without the Hammond brothers and a few other scenes, but overall the gore scenes were bloody but quick which had a minimizing effect. The eye candy is pretty good for both genders. Camera work is good. Dialog is fair but cheesy. I expected the film to be a bare bones, low budget, slasher with very few redeeming factors. I was surprised by the quality of the film.
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Slasher Surprisingly Gore
claudio_carvalho8 October 2015
Darcy Wagner (Chandra West) and her ten-and-a-half-year-old daughter Pamela "Pammy" (Nicole Muñoz) are heading to the bred and breakfast of her boyfriend Peter Campbell (Lochlyn Munro) in the River Bend Road in Northern California. Peter has quited his career of doctor and bought an old house to have a calmer life and write a book. When Darcy stops at a gas station to ask for direction, she has an abusive treatment from the owners, the Hammond Brothers. Meanwhile Peter welcomes his first guest, the student Stephanie "Star" Roberts (Carrie Anne Fleming), while he works with his friend Bobby Boulet (Jesse Hutch) repairing the house. When Darcy and Pamela arrive, he explains that he had a dispute in the justice with the Hammond Brothers and asks Darcy to forget the incident. Soon Pamela befriends the girl Emma (Jianna Ballard) in the barn and she tells that the house belonged to the Tooth Fairy Witch that killed many children to get their milk-teeth; further, Pamela would be in danger since she still has her last milk-tooth. Pamela tells Emma's story to her mother and Peter, but they do not believe in her. But when their friends are slaughtered in the house, Darcy and Peter start to believe that something supernatural is happening in the house.

"The Tooth Fairy" is a surprisingly gore slasher with terrible story and screenplay. The cast has good performances but the story is poorly written. One point that irritates me in this type of movie is the indifference of characters with the death of someone close to them. For example, Bobby is slaughtered in one scene and forgotten in the next ones by Peter, Darcy and Pamela. Cherise is slaughtered in a room and her boyfriend Cole wants to get laid with Star Robert immediately after with the butchery still in one room. There are several unexplained deaths (Bobby, Cherise, Cole, Chuck and Ben and their mad sister) and there is no consequences or investigation. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): "Lenda Maldita" ("Damned Legend")
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There's no money, but she's got an axe!
lost-in-limbo18 March 2007
Darcy and her young daughter Pamela are heading out to the country where her mum's boyfriend Peter left his doctor's position in the city to become a writer and fix up a bed and breakfast inn. Although this inn has a terrible past and Pamela learns from one the girl's who lives in the town that a deformed witch once reside in that house. They called her the 'Tooth Fairy' as she would kill kids after getting their last baby tooth. This work on the inn, has awoken the 'Tooth Fairy'. Now she has her sights on Pamela and her last baby tooth, but if any gets in the way they face the same fate that awaits Pamela.

This flick's old folk myth of the 'Tooth Fairy' doesn't paint her in a very generous way, as you would believe when you were a child. Don't they just love turning happy childhood memories into nightmares! Another one which did fall into the same category was "Darkness Falls (2003)". I can't compare how similar they are in the premises, because I haven't seen the latter, but I mostly read they have basically share the same idea. For a little straight to DVD film, this DTV effort looks good and has some promising images surrounding the senseless and traditionally by the book plot device. Low expectations are needed, as I wouldn't class it as an success, but I found it be to marginally entertaining.

Cory Strode and Cookie Rae Brown's story or background for this 'Tooth Fairy' character is completely bare with it leaning more towards a slasher vehicle than anything really supernatural. Silly is a good way to describe what's happening in this poorly scripted story, but it never really feels like a fairytale horror. The dialogues can seem rather redundant and morally hounded. While the acting is simply sub-par with the bland characters they have to work off, but director Chuck Bowman offers up some inventive blood splatter and terribly nasty jolts. This kinda makes up for the lack of suspense, the zero scares and generic tone. His direction is reasonably earnest and visually able, where he gets some atmospheric lighting contrasting well with its slick photography. The promising opening scene is creepily effective. His pacing can slow up in parts and there's the odd and unnecessary slow-motion scene put in, but nonetheless it never gets too stodgy with something active occurring which made sure that I wasn't bored.

The make-up special effects provided the goods, as there's enough repulsive gruel and the Tooth Fairy's appearance is especially gooey. The figure of the tooth Fairy can look threatening in its black robe, bubbling make-up and swift movements. Being on location helps carve out a more natural feel and can get atmospherically rich in its sense of eeriness. Child actors can be incredibly annoying, but Nicole Muñoz was decent in her part. Lochlyn Munro and Chandra West are somewhat solid, but can be a little too causal in their performances as Peter and Darcey. The radiantly gorgeous Carrie Anne Fleming is one of their lodgers. P.J Soles shows up in small part as a superstitious neighbour who tries to warn them about the evil that lurks at the inn.

I thought it was a okay time-waster that has a sound concept, which just isn't fleshed out enough and the execution is pretty textbook stuff. Watchable nonsense, but at the same time extremely forgettable.
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What a dreadful insult to intelligence!
wrf-52 August 2006
Just saw this film and I must say that although there was shown in the beginning some effort to produce a decent film, this was absolutely horrible -- but not in the sense that was intended I'm sure.

It was like a child was directing this insult to intelligence with the belief that all would-be viewers are morons OR extremely hard up for entertainment OR both.... Thank God for fast forward! I can't imagine the type of viewer the producer had in mind when making this film. I mean, you have actors trying to be serious, albeit barely, and a script that cries for a total rewrite,.... I just can't say anymore. If Harlequin Romance decided to do horror films, this would be a good effort.

If you found this movie to be entertaining, then I strongly suggest that you seek out some guidance as to the purpose of movies. There is MUCH BETTER fare out there. Join a club, READ REVIEWS, but above all, avoid crap like this.
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Terrible that's all I can say
thomvic29 May 2011
This is very much like straight to video film and while I always give such films the benefit of the doubt, this one just falls flat in every respect. The acting is bad, there are too many close ups of the characters faces which got distracting, the suspense isn't even there and the characters feel more like cardboard cut outs with no emotional engagement with any of them. And the kids are annoying.

Everyone sort of looks like they don't know what they are doing there. And the Tooth Fairy villain for one thing isn't scary and is simply just there to take everyone off one by one. This is more a slasher film when you think about it.

And those two annoying characters at the garage - I was so happy when they finally got what was coming to them.

While it is violent, it doesn't save the film from being downright awful. At times it feels like its forgotten about its main plot and focuses on some potential sex scene about to happen, then it was like the writers thought 'oh yeah we're making a film about the tooth fairy and the kid!' so let's get back on track shall we? Definitely a movie where you need the fast forward button.
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"What's your dick doing over there Chuck?" Another poor low budget straight-to-video horror.
poolandrews16 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Tooth Fairy is set in a small town somewhere in Northern California where Peter Campbell (Lochlyn Munro) has brought a farming property which he is renovating & planning to turn into a holiday inn, he is joined by his girlfriend Darcy Wagner (Chandra West) & her young 12 year old daughter Pamela (Nicole Munoz) who arrive to help for the weekend. While exploring the property Pamela meets another young girl named Emma (Jianna Ballard) who warns her that evil lurks within her new home, she tells a tale of an evil old witch known as the Tooth Fairy who takes baby teeth from children & then kills them. Pamela is worried & becomes even more so when she falls off her bike & her last baby tooth falls out, it's not long before the evil ghost of the Tooth Fairy has her eyes on Pamela's tooth & just for kicks she also decides to kill anyone she comes across...

Directed by Chuck Bowman I thought The Tooth Fairy was just another poor straight-to-video low budget horror film that fails to distinguish itself from the countless other's which litter video shop shelves & fill late night obscure cable TV schedules, basically it's not very good. The script by producer Stephen J. Cannell, Corey Strode & Cookie Rae Brown is a complete snooze-fest for the first 40 odd minutes, nothing of any great interest happen during this period at all & is basically dull exposition as if this stuff was going to surprise anyone. It introduces the character's, sets the Tooth Fairy legend up & that's it. The second half of the film improves slightly but even then it's hardly spectacular stuff, there are a few decent set-piece gore scenes but apart from that it's all very predictable & forgettable stuff. The character's aren't great & most of them are there purely to be killed off, the story has inconsistencies like the story of the Tooth Fairy herself, it says she kills children after they give her their baby teeth so why does she go on an indiscriminate killing spree that has nothing to do with teeth? What happened to her after the prologue set during 1949? Why has she come back as a ghost? Despite being a ghost of some sort she seems very human having to open doors herself & using weapons to kill people, there is no attempt to make any use of the supernatural elements except the ghostly children who are played for maximum sentiment.

Director Bowman does OK, it's reasonably well made & there are a couple of half decent scenes but nothing to get that excited about. There's nothing I would describe as scary or atmospheric in here & don't take any notice of the comparisons between this & Darkness Falls (2003) as besides the teeth thing they're quite different. The gore is OK, someone is shoved into a wood-chipping machine, there's a decapitation, someone has their penis chopped off & the best scene when someone is nailed to a door & then has their stomach hacked open with an axe & their guts slide out.

With a supposed budget of about $1,500,000 The Tooth Fairy is generally well made but there's nothing special on show here. The acting isn't anything great but it's not too bad & unusually I didn't find the child actors that annoying so that's something I suppose.

The Tooth Fairy is the usual just below average low budget modern straight-to-video horror fare that seems everywhere these days, if you can find a cheap copy then it might pass 90 odd minutes if your not too demanding otherwise it's pretty poor & forgettable stuff.
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The Tooth Fairy Movie Review. Surprisingly bloody
Klovemovies31 May 2009
Tooth faiy well its very similar to Darkness Falls its pretty much the same thing except a tooth fairy is after a little girl rather than a little boy and this tooth fairy is not afraid of the light and seems more hunts people with axes and power tools. Now Lochlyn Munro moves into this old cursed house turning it into a country inn giving up on his career as a doctor saying he just was not cut out for it, he has a young man whos going to be a football star and a pretty lady going to be a vet, along with his x wife and daughter staying around as the first guests, things get bad when the little one (nicole munoz) loses her last baby tooth the fairy lady will stop at nothing to get her. There is some great comedy here with the stereo typical rednecks they will give you a good laugh, there's a little bit of nudity we see some boobs so thats a plus and we have some cool deaths that involve big machines power tools and axes, so there's plenty of fun here. Check out the tooth fairy and see if she gets what she wants, Will she get it? you have to watch and find out
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not for kids, adults, teens, or anyone else for that matter
tlc_122518 October 2006
I was duped into seeing this movie after reading a positive review from another website and man was I p.o'd!!! it took me at least 15 minutes to pick it up off the shelf b/c I didn't want anyone to see me. then another 10 minutes to build the courage to take it to the counter and actually use real money to rent it. I thought that all my stress would pay off by the time I got home to and watching the movie b/c the review I read said the movie was a pleasant surprise; what a joke! if you can make it through the first hour of the movie then your in luck! b/c it's not until then the movie turn's into a horror. don't bother with this one folks, your better off watching "dankness falls"
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Fun and enjoyable for fans of this sub-genre of Horror, nothing exceptionally good or bad.
nitzanhavoc23 February 2013
Films like The Tooth Fairy are my favorite Horror sub-genre, a nice mixture of supernatural/ghosts/monsters with an "epic" legend for a background story. Therefore, I must have enjoyed it a lot more than the average viewer.

Like many other films that simply didn't shine, there's not much I could say about this one, for better or for worse. The cast and acting, the screenplay and story, the cinematography, everything wasn't half bad nor exceptionally good. The plot could have used a twist in my opinion, I always prefer twists in such films. The best thing here was the music, the main theme really was perfect for this kind of horror.

What I didn't understand was the unnecessary use of semi-gore shots and nudity. Who's ever made it a rule that Horror films had to be for adults only? The story here could have easily been suitable for today's children, so why plant this unnecessary adult content? Could have been just as good without it.

All in all, like I've said, I have no complaints and no specific compliments. I've enjoyed this film very much, yet I would understand viewers who'd find it lacking. Personally I'd happily recommend it.
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Uneven storyline defies logic of the situations
zomboscloset23 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to finish this film three times, but it's god awful. Case in point: mom and daughter drive up to the bed and breakfast,mom stops for gas, crazy gas station weirdos mad at her hubby whose running the B&B try to rape her. She escapes, heads to B&B and instead of hubby going ballistic and she wanting to call the cops, story just continues with lukewarm behavior on both their parts. Wow.

Other action logic deficits abound. Acting is also lukewarm, and the next door neighbor's warning is delivered in a really corny, badly acted moment.

Moments of intense gore/death unevenly interwoven with lukewarm scenes of time-filler interplay between characters.

Less focus on gore, more focus on mood and story would have been appreciated.
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The Tooth Fairy
Scarecrow-8830 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A badly tumored witch lures children to her rickety abode promising gifts for their baby teeth. Once they fork over the baby teeth, she murders the children taking their souls hostage. The teeth remain inside a magical music box until someone can burn her alive retrieving the item and subsequently freeing them from their limbo. In present time, Peter Campbell(Lochlyn Munro)renovates the witch's home into a forthcoming bed'n'breakfast inviting his girlfriend, Darcy(Chandra West)and her daughter Pamela(Nicole Muñoz)to stay with him on the weekends. With one baby tooth left, Pammy becomes a target of the dormant witch who will kill anyone in her path to get that which she so desires. Bobby(Jesse Hutch)is assisting Peter in fixing up his joint, Star(Carrie Fleming)is a former stripper who is leasing a room as she plans for veterinary school, and Cole(Steve Bacic)is a wannabe rock star down to bum cash from his reliable money source Peter. Meanwhile, Pammy meets a ghost girl, Emma(Jianna Ballard)who was a victim of the witch and needs help from them so that her soul can be freed from the limbo imprisonment she finds herself. Pammy is the key to stopping the witch's reign of mortal terror for she is the middle-link between the children caught in limbo and the adults who can help her. Pammy is also in mortal danger herself so it's up to Peter and Darcy in accepting this wild story and finding out how to kill the witch. Two nuisances, Chuck(Peter New) & Henry(Ben Cotton)who were squatting on Peter's newly purchased land and house, raise as much trouble as possible..they run a gas station and nearly sexually abuse Darcy when she stopped for fuel.

You should know what you're getting into by reading the premise alone. It's full of gory bits..beheadings, staple-gun nails piercing through body parts, ax murders, the works. Carrie Fleming does expose her breasts, but that's pretty much the only real nudity in the film. The film really isn't at all scary, and the story regarding the tooth fairy is merely given a bit of back story to set up all the bloody murders on display. PJ Soles has a(unintentionally) hilarious cameo as a neighbor prophesying doom to the cast regarding the witch and what she'll do to them. She informs Peter and the gang that they will have to burn the witch not once, but twice for certain effect. This is one of the few chances where you'll actually see Lochlyn Munro play a restrained, mature character, even if it's in a film about a tooth fairy witch capturing the souls of children through murder and the collection of teeth.
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Highly enjoyable and better than expected
kannibalcorpsegrinder13 February 2014
Opening a bed-and-breakfast in a quaint, small-town home, a man and his visitors for the grand opening find the home to be the legend of the vengeful tooth fairy who's targeting his youngest daughter and must stop the being's deadly rampage.

This is a far better effort than it really should've been and has a lot to like about it. One of the better elements to this one is the fact that the brutality level is far above what's expected here as this one really lets the blood flow with some incredibly brutal and graphic kills that get shown in full detail, making the gruesomeness all the more pleasing and squeamish. Almost as important, the fact that this one manages to effectively put children in danger from the threatening ghost is a great sign, which really manages to make this one feel a lot more realistic for doing so as there's a legitimate force out there that children would be afraid of, which is helped along greatly due to the twist in the characters' back-story here, and is actively given a role in doing that which causes it to feel realistic and adds a new wrinkle to the proceedings. The overt supernatural tones present here make for even more fun here with the presence of the ghostly children, the catering to the supernatural traditions and the rather extensive and involved rules that have to be followed to keep everything in line to follow-up on are all quite a bit of fun and really make for this being a rather enjoyable effort. Even more so, the finale is where it really starts hitting it's stride with a multitude of frenetic chases, some intense stalking scenes and plenty of suspense and action mixed together into one wholesome, complete package that's quite entertaining. There's a few flaws here, mainly the fact that the film's decision to include the redneck brothers makes no sense as they're clearly cannon fodder from the start, their purpose in the film is utterly ludicrous and they serve no purpose at all for being in the film which makes the first half of this one drag on endlessly with all sorts of scenes dealing with them and their affect on the property. As well, the film's continual repetition of killing someone and not reacting to what had happened makes for some pretty off-kilter actions from the characters who are seemingly oblivious to what's going on around them, but these aren't that damaging overall.

Rated R: Extreme Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity and continuous instances of children-in-jeopardy including themes of death and murder.
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Not as bad as other's said it was!
reeves200231 August 2006
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I almost didn't rent this because of all the bad comments but did anyways.I thought it was similar to darkness falls which i also liked. The only part i hated about the tooth ferry was the 2 red neck brothers at the gas station.They were funny and the dialog made me laugh but this was not a comedy. It ruined the movie a bit for me because it was unnecessary.The rest of the movie was the way a horror or suspense film should be. The make-up was good and I have seen way worse movies then this one. It was a simple story with believable acting.It's not the scariest or goriest movie, but I wasn't ticked off or wanting a refund after watching it. On the DVD there was previews of other movies that all look good and i'm gonna check them out.
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I've seen worse....but....
Leatherface91119 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
...the child actors were annoying. Also it seems as if the makers on this film were struggling to fill 90 minutes. Decent death scenes, though. If not for the death scenes, this movie would have a very Disneyish feel to it.

The main child protagonist didn't seem nearly as scared as she should have been. If I was in the middle of the woods with a tooth fairy ghost killer type individual, you can bet your arse I wouldn't be out wandering around and riding my bike.

Overall, I've seen worse (i.e. It Waits) but it's nothing I would watch again, or recommend anyone bothering with it unless you're an avid horror collector.
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Stupid stupidness
elpresidente-49 September 2006
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This movie is so stupid it simply goes around the corner and becomes ridiculous. I wanted to watch "Darkness falls" actually and thought that this was the movie. Boy, what a mistake! I fast-forwarded as much as I could and still I couldn't get rid of the boring moments. I just envy the people who was paid to play in or work on this movie. They were actually given money for this crap. Isn't that amazing? I mean in this movie a man gets killed and chopped in a wood-grinder to little bloody pieces and few minutes later the mother and the kid talk calmly at the table as nothing happened and drink coffee. Please! Come on! Who gives money for such crap movies? Oh, and the "tooth-fairy" was lame. Not scary at all and was obvious that it is a bored stuntman wearing a badly made make-up.
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Trying to copy "Darkness Falls"?
eagilmore1530 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin. This movie started out as something that seemed like a rip-off of "Darkness Falls". An old , disfigured woman living in the woods, giving kids presents for their teeth. Sound familiar? Then it changes. In "Darkness Falls", the tooth fairy only killed you if you saw her. The tooth fairy in this movie killed you no matter what. Why did they need the rocker, his hippie girlfriend or the Bubbas and their sister? I think the movie would've been fine without them. It seems like the producers sat around and decided that they needed to put extra people in the movie just so the tooth fairy would have people to kill. Although, it's nice to see a pretty blonde girl not being portrayed as a bubble-head for a change. Okay to rent, but I wouldn't suggest buying it.
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About what I expected.
TOMNEL5 April 2008
When I saw this movie cover, the first thing I thought was that it was made for video. The second thing that came to mind was how similar this looked to another terrible movie "Darkness Falls", the tale of this dumb witch who killed people in the dark. Unfortunately, Darkness Falls was quite the masterpiece compared to this pile of garbage, and this movie should not have been made.

The film starts off with a small back story for the witch, or, more like a pointless introduction of two little kids who are going to go meet the tooth fairy in hopes of her giving them a shiny new bicycle for their tooth. The opening is filmed poorly, and like the rest of the movie, it's certainly not scary. In present time, the movie is about Peter (Lochlyn Munroe). Peter's renting out his house, and his ex-girlfriend Darcy (Chandra West), and her daughter Cole come to stay there. Cole meets a neighborhood child, and they talk of the Tooth Fairy, and how you shouldn't lose your tooth, or she'll come for you. Unfortunately seconds later, it looks like the Tooth Fairy steals her bike and knocks her tooth out (How ironic). Will Cole survive the wrath of the Tooth Fairy, and will her mother and Peter be able to save her, and rekindle their romance...this is a bad movie, you could probably figure it out.

One of the main problems with this idiotic film is how undefined the Tooth Fairy is. They say she kills you if you lose your tooth, but nope. She's more like a serial killer who kills at random, and if you lose your tooth, you're definitely going to go. She steals a bike, so apparently she's a thief too. I said earlier that the idea for this movie was based on Darkness Falls, but where did they get the inspiration for the Tooth Fairy's appearance? Let's see. She looks like a burn victim, and she previously went around the neighborhood slaughtering children.'s almost as though she's an exact rip-off of Freddy Krueger from the "Nightmare on Elm Street" films. And this is not the worst part of this awful mess, the climax is. This movie might have the most laughable climax (Not literally laughable because I found it more sickening than funny) I've ever seen. Don't see this.

Just a little trivia. Lochlyn Munroe was in Scary Movie, and Jianna Ballard was in Scary Movie 3, and they both were in this, so apparently Scary Movie stars are forced to end out their career with bad scary movies.

My rating: 1/2 out of ****. 80 mins. R for violence.
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A film to snuggle up to
sdbyrne7 December 2006
I gave this a fair 5 out of 10 for effort. The cast are pretty steady. Film is about an evil tooth-fairy and I was more drawn in by the great cover then anything else. Conversational acting is better then the actual action, I think I would scream more if I was being nail gunned to the wall. If it wasn't for the amount of fake blood I think this could have easily been given a PG rating. Fair storyline but unlikely you will watch again. Some very funny parts. This film could have had the makings of a great horror but the plot was poor and only one good death scene. It isn't bad but it isn't good either. Worth watching to see how America like to try to scare you nowadays, IE not very much. Worth watching with the missus.
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emsharpe1118 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well, all in all, the worst horror movie ever. On the bright side, it is hands down the most hilarious movie I have ever experienced. My favorite parts: 1)Two hillbilly's who really don't have anything to do with the movie, other than having extreme anger issues, are shown peeing in the woods. The Tooth Fairy comes out of nowhere and cuts his manhood off. This goes against the fact that she is only supposed to kill children who have just lost a tooth, but instead she obviously gets a kick out of killing people with all of their adult teeth."Dude, why is your dick laying over there?" 2) The "tooth fairy" runs like she has a clubbed foot and severe mental retardation 3)The children think that this woman who has lived for years and is seemingly invincible, can be killed by beating her with sticks. This movie will give you a great laugh!
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a very stylish horrror film
kairingler10 January 2007
why is it that, when most critics reviewers, or people in general give a movie a bad rating, i like it. well i guess it depends on my mood, very rarely do i ever agree with the ratings. this movie is the perfect example, this movie got shellacked here on this site, well i for one am going to stand up for it,, the only thing i didn't care for in this movie was the dumb brothers, the movie could have done without them, other than that i have watched this movie over the course of two nights, not that i was bored to death, but just was tired and shut it off, anyway , picked up the 2nd half of the movie the other night , and was very impressed, the makeup, special effects was wonderful,,, i loved the character star.... but what guy wouldn't , the tooth fairy had some great moves.. i find this movie very enjoyable,, yes it's a little campy,, clique..ish. but it was FUN. entertaining, and scary at some points. and as for darkness falls, i also own that movie, and will be rating that one in the future, this isn't the greatest horror movie ever made by any stretch of the imagination, but it sure wasn't the worst, not even close.i will publish my top 10 worst movies of all time at a later date, but here's a quick tease,, 12 monkeys, was awful....... a note stephen j. canell the producer of this film is the same writer for n.b.c. of all those wonderful action series in the 80's a-team,riptide, and a host of others i can remember, so kudos to stephen j. canell on his very fine effort of the tooth fairy.
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Absolutely awful.
reflection24 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The only scary thing about this movie is the thought that whoever made it might make a sequel.

From start to finish "The Tooth Fairy" was just downright terrible. It seemed like a badly-acted children's movie which got confused, with a "Wizard of Oz" witch melting and happy kiddies ending combined with some bad gore effects and swearing.

Half of the cast seem completely unnecessary except for conveniently being there to get murdered in some fashion. The sister of the two brothers, Cherise the aura reader and Mrs. McDonald have entirely no point in the film - they could have included them in the main plot for some interesting side stories but apparently couldn't be bothered. The people watching the film know the characters are there for some bloody death scene but come on, at least TRY and have a slight plot for them. The story in general is weak with erratic behavior from the characters that makes you wish they all get eaten by the witch.

Add the weak plot and the weak acting together (the children are particularly wooden) and the movie ends up a complete failure. If only MST3K could have had a go at this one ...
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uskifia77727 November 2012
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Very nice movie with the perfect title song. I like all - names, conversations, dialogs . Escape from evil is the beginning. After you see how evil takes people. This film about situation where is deeply vision but no any manics. I think this film is not so empty as many other horrors crafted for light souls. This film is a secret of lonely soul with a bag full of tooth. Very, very horrible ending - where the witch jumps on camera. So this is horror with nature, with sky, also with saw and crucification. I viewed this when I was teenager so the first scenes killed me. In fact you can collect in this film a variety of life mistakes and gores but so surrounding film must be viewed. I think it is deeply, spectator-oriented, and professional film.
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Not Great But Def Not All That Bad
big_ants8513 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
To Be Honost With you i think everything was so good in this movie there should be no reason why it didn't go into theaters,The Deaths in the movie are awesome the fx are awesome when used,There are a few dull moments when the story's following the little girl but all in all this was a very good movie that i hope someday get's the props it should.The very first part of the movie is prob why it came straight to video with them killing a little boy but after that the story is based on a little girl and her mother who came to visit the moms boyfriend who moved out to try to become a writer,The property he buy's turns out to be where the Witch(Tooth Fairy)lives and anyone who live in her house or goes on her property will be in great danger don't wanna give anything really away just a little info if you've wanted to see this movie then do so it's worth the price of the rental
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Not too Bad
catlin_massier3 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When this movie started, it seemed good, and then it went lame again. But after that it just rose up again, the brutal killing scenes were great, the nail gun the guys penis getting cut off. This movie turned out to be a great slasher that I think would have made it in theaters, but it was very good and is a good collection to any horror movie collectors collection. The girl was very creepy and I loved the use of fire in her death. The children as ghosts also added to the fear factor of the movie. Also female full frontal nudity can make any bad movie good. So even if this movie wasn't that good, it has boobs in it! The ending of the movie was good and didn't make me angry like many other horror movies out there, for example "The Amityville Horror (1979) ending was way to inconclusive, I know it was to set the stage for the sequel, but serious. This movie had a solid ending and I enjoyed it.
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this is the product of making an r rated children's movie
shawshank8624 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
i was enjoying this movie most of the time, but i kept getting the feeling that i was watching a children's movie. i honestly think that somebody wrote a pg script and then, while filming, decided to add in some blood, nudity and language. it was a big let down. there's that believe the children magic that exists in movies like "babe" (the pig) or "angels in the outfield" that defeats the evil tooth fairy. the parents end up believing their daughter about her ability to see the ghost and utilize this skill to supernaturally defeat the tooth fairy. when i bought this movie, i thought it would be a b-film response to the dreadful darkness falls; somehow manage to make a better film with 1/4 of the money, but they don't. they made a worse film and will probably lose the same proportion of money lost on darkness falls.
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