The Insatiable (2006) Poster

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Original Vampire Low-Budget Movie
claudio_carvalho27 May 2012
A homeless asks for food to the lonely Harry Balbo (Sean Patrick Flanery) while he is walking back home from his work at the American Flange company. Harry goes to a convenience store to buy a hot-dog for the beggar, but when he returns to the alley, he witnesses a sexy vampire attacking and beheading the man.

Harry becomes obsessed by the vampire and he contacts the vampire hunter Strickland (Michael Biehn) to help him to capture the gorgeous vampire. Harry builds a steel cage in the basement of his building and he succeeds in trapping the vampire in the cell. Harry falls in love with the vampire Tatiana (Charlotte Ayanna) and he tries to force her to drink rabbit blood instead of human blood. But Tatiana is insatiable for blood and sex and usually kills her lovers.

"The Insatiable" is an original vampire movie of extremely low-budget that works. The plot combines horror, drama, romance and comedy in right doses and the result is a film that worth watching. The unknown Charlotte Ayanna is really a very pretty woman and it is easy to understand why the solitary Harry falls in love with her. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Insaciável Sede de Sangue" ("Insatiable Blood Thirst")
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Better Than Expected
rcbridii28 November 2007
This looked like one of those movies that would either be really good or really bad. Odds usually are in favor of really bad. This one surprised me by turning out "pretty good". Not terrible. Not great. The acting was good and the writing was good and I was happily surprised to see it wasn't one of those annoying erotic vampire stories with tons of nudity and Gothic crap but no plot. Rather it was a Clerks-style comedy with a vampire drama underneath. On the other hand, I thought it was a bit slow-moving. But overall it was worth my time. I was expecting it would be one of the rentals I'd regret, a high-risk gamble gone wrong... but it was probably the best of the movies I rented for that night (of course that isn't saying much).
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goopi8319 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a great film, but if you got an hour and a half to waste, this is a good way to use that time. Sean Patrick Flanery plays an insecure office worker who happens to view a hot vampire chick killing her victim. He finds Michael Biehn, who is a vampire expert, and tells Flanery that she will be looking for him. So Flanery plans ahead and ends up trapping her and keeping her prisoner, having to find ways to give her blood. It's interesting to see the chemistry between the vampire and Flanery. My only main problem with the film came at the end, because it ended without answering questions that needed to be answered. I would give it a 5.5/10, because I did overall enjoy it.
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A new low in vampire movies
TdSmth520 December 2007
The vampire genre has got the be most abused genre in movie making. Movie makers just have no clue about what to do with it. When was the last time anyone made a great vampire flick? The latest catastrophe is The Insatiable. Marketed as some erotic horror movie it turns out to be a dull comedic romance, which is neither funny nor romantic. There is a lot of the awful Tarantino-esquire self-conscious direction and (mis)use of music to make things lighthearted. The story centers around a depressed loner loser (bad idea #1) who witnesses a vampire crime. Seen as a crazy guy or perpetrator by the police he takes matters into his own hands going online in search of help. He finds a reluctant vampire hunter with whom he chats online for long times (bad idea #2, people typing on keyboards is never interesting in a movie). He sets out to kill the vampire but being unable to do so chooses to take her captive in a cage in his basement. So most of the action/ interaction will take place between the main characters talking in a basement (bad idea #3). This is a looong, boring, Z-budget movie but with good production values. It's "not rated" but if it were, it's rating would be PG-13. Don't expect a gore fest or lots of sex and nudity- that's just the marketing trick applied to the title. We are told the vampire is insatiable but we have to take the character's words for it because we see no evidence of it. There's one two-second sex-in-clothes scene. Only in American movies do people have sex while clothed. Pretty soon you notice that the story isn't going to go anywhere. The male lead is sympathetic and likable but overacted as is one of his coworkers who plays the funny jerk non-stop. What keeps this movie from being a complete narcotic is the vampire who is a beautiful girl. There's also an attractive neighbor. Pretty but underused girls. The script shows some signs of intelligence here and there. The ending is "good" but given that the rest of the movie is so bad and one has absolutely no hopes or expectations that things will improve, any ending where something, anything happens, would have been good. We are told this thing was filmed in Austin although the only evidence that it wasn't filmed in California is that the girls have gorgeous hair, unlike the lifeless hair of lazy California girls. I was thinking it was filmed in Canada since it's so good natured and dull. Why it takes two directors to film this is a mystery. Half a director could have done it on a weekend. The credits mention a 'behind the scenes' director. Funny, there are no Behind the Scenes in the Special Feautures. In fact there are no extras on this DVD. A shame, any additional screen time of the girls would could have helped. Stay away from this mess.
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Pretty good flick.
c-i-z-ler26 June 2007
I just saw the screener and it's pretty good. It's not a high budget movie, but it's very tastefully done. It's not about the gore, it's not quite a thriller or a comedy. It's a mixture. Keeping it real and somewhat close to life. About the acting: There is one scene where they should have slapped the actor and make him do it again for screwing up his timing, but on the whole it's very entertaining. Sean Patrick Flanery did great, although you do get the sense of a cool guy playing a dork. But that's easily forgotten by the 'hey, it's the guy from the Boondock Saints' feeling. (or maybe that's just me) I think you'll enjoy this movie. It just might make you smile, or give you a kinky idea to try with your girlfriend... (just consider this part a joke, those fainthearted people amongst us)

Anyway: good flick, go watch it.
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Usually not my thing, but this was pretty good
smfilm29 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a big fan of horror and even less so of low budget comedy horror... but The Insatiable was pretty entertaining...

It doesn't attempt to be pretentious and has an interesting plot premise... the sexiness doesn't go overboard as often happens in these flicks.. and there are some unique moments comedy wise...

A couple of major plot errors and continuity problems come across as intentionally done for the laugh.... at 1hr 29m Tatiana is chowing a guys right arm and rips it off, he falls to the ground with his right arm fully intact, then a moment later a gruesome nub of bone and flesh with gallons of blood is back...

Michael Biehn takes the cake as the handicapped ex military believer in vampires and confidant of Harry... years ago everyone thought Biehn was gone, but he's become an acting boomerang and has carved himself a niche as the super worn and craggy tough guy both in comedic roles and drama... on a $700k budget, he must have been the top expenditure...

a guilty pleasure and better than almost everything in the ultra low cost horror genre... enjoy!
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Stupid and Pointless
dustinhunter70729 September 2007
OK I have seen some bad vampire movies, but I didn't think it was possible to make one this bad. This movie had like 2 scenes of violence and the characters are just plain retarded. The main guy is a computer executive that holds the female vampire captive and feels the need to feed her when he could just do what any normal human being would do and LET HER DIE!!! Why would anyone keep a vampire alive? Thats just dumb, and Michael Biehn's character was even sort of dumb because he had like a 10 minute role in the movie altogether. The best thing about this movie is how hot Charlotte Ayanna looked, but thats beside the point. Its a vampire movie and it should have action, this had none. She was in a cage for over an hour getting fed by an idiot. Please avoid this movie at all costs, it really has no point and it is the worst vampire movie ever. Overall I give it a 2 out of 10 because Charlotte Ayanna looked good, but the movie just plain failed from beginning to end.
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Lightweight but fun vampire flick with decent production values
DVD_Connoisseur22 June 2008
"The Insatiable" is a well-made vampire comedy horror with a decent cast and direction. Sean Patrick Flanery plays Harry Balbo, a man who witnesses a horrific vampire killing during his visit to his local convenience store. Balbo becomes obsessed with tracking the beautiful female vampire (Charlotte Ayanna) down and is successful in imprisoning her in his basement.

Ayanna is a convincing screen siren and it's easy to see how Balbo becomes her unwitting helper. Michael Biehn plays a seasoned vampire hunter - it's a small role but he makes the most of it.

7 out of 10. The ending's a bit rushed but this is a reasonable horror comedy. Worthy of a rental.
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Dull but Still Entertaining
aj2k265-green28 December 2009
Pros: * Interesting premise and character contrasts. * Interesting twist at the film's conclusion. * Attractive lead actress.

Cons: * Lack of originality in story - ever hear of a movie and TV series with a similar premise, Buffy the Vampire Slayer? * Lack of consistent dialog and acting - not bad for a B-movie though * Not enough skin from the lead actress. :(

Conclusion: I cannot say that this was a decent movie, but I found it entertaining. It started off pretty bad, but I found myself still watching as the movie progressed. While the movie was void of any consistent acting, I liked how the writers built upon the relationship between Harry and Tatiana, and how they became mutually dependent on each other. It's worth watching if there is nothing else on TV, but not worth renting or purchasing unless you have a partner/date that's into the whole horror/vampire/romance genre.
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Surprisingly good!
jfurioli_200030 January 2009
It's a B movie, so low-production value, some of the direction could have use a bit more transition scene to make the movie more fluid and the space more real but...

The characters development, which is central to the movie, is excellent and keeps you hooked in. The scenes between the two main characters are strong: they are supported by dialogues that are simple but effective and both actors doing a fine job.

I watched "Wanted", with Angelina Jolie, and "Insatiable" the same evening: the next day, "Insatiable" made a stronger impression on me.

Whoever made this movie deserves a bigger budget.
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pretty average really
borofcfan30 June 2007
i'm not a great critic so i will keep it simple. I was lured in by the false ratings and was a little disappointed , i will give it to you straight and rate it compared to other vamp movies. Its nothing like interview with a vampire ( but its not meant to be ) its not in the same league as dusk till dawn the closest i can compare it to is Fright night but its not as good as that either.Biehn and Flanery both give good performances but the budget and camera work somewhat spoil what could have been a smart addition to this genre of movie. If you want good vampire comedy horror i suggest ,lost boys, fright night , vampire in Brooklyn or Dracula dead and loving it (only kidding ) Its worth a watch but don't expect too much .
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A pleasant surprise
GirlAchromatism29 June 2007
I must admit, when I first saw the description for this movie I thought it was going to be awful. Im glad I watched it anyway.

The creators of this film took a tired, cheesy plot and magically turned it into quality entertainment.

Keep in mind this is a rather low budget film with mostly unheard of actors, and despite all of this the film was quite enjoyable.

This isn't a horror film, or a comedy, or a romance, or a drama, or a thriller...its more a tasteful combination of all of these.

The plot develops slowly with perfect timing keeping you interested and tagging along with the main character throughout the film.

The originality and unpredictability I think are the qualities that stand out most with this film.

I may have given it a better rating if it weren't for the glaring over-acting by Jon Huertas (Javier) which was a severe distraction.

Over all though I would have to give my approval on this film (which is rare, as I am picky). I would recommend this film to anyone.
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Decent entry, if not overtly spectacular
slayrrr6668 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"The Insatiable" is a rather fine and acceptable vampire film with a few flaws.


Coming home from work, Harry Balbo, (Sean Patrick Flanery) witnesses a brutal crime going on, but no one will believe his story about a female vampire doing the killing. Becoming obsessed with solving the mystery, he learns how to deal with vampires from master slayer Strickland, (Michael Biehn) and is sent off into battle against Tatiana, (Charlotte Ayanna) the vampire they believe responsible. Finding her, he can't compel himself to kill her and he decides to bring her back to his house and traps her in a steel cage in his basement, keeping her alive by feeding and caring for her. As the relationship grows stronger, it soon draws others into the web who can ruin it for him, forcing him into a position he didn't want to be in.

The Good News: This wasn't all that bad of a vampire film. The fact that the few vampire action seen in here is so good is something to be commended. The opening segments, where she's on the loose in the city, is really fun and actually good. The attack in the alleyway is great, using the darkness to hide the majority of it and having a flashlight to show the good parts, and that leads to the leaping exit as a fun visual. The apartment attack is just as good, for the nudity and the pot-breaking sequence contribute greatly to the good times ahead. The foot chase at the end of it is actually a little tense, mainly once it gets to the apartment building and the trap is sprung. The scenes in between, talking about the different ways of dealing with the a vampire in the modern times as well as the clever way of doing this, all of which is rather fun and original. The main story here is also nice, being new and unique while also having something different about the genre, which is always a plus. The last big plus is the really bloody and messy kills, what few there are in the film. Because of the structure here, there's not a whole lot of opportunities but the ones who are here aren't bad. There's a couple of bitten necks, a nice decapitation, an arm ripped completely off, a stabbing in the chest and one is feasted upon, which are all nice to see in these kinds of films. These here are the film's good points.

The Bad News: There was a couple of flaws in this one. The main issue is that the film suffers from a considerable lack of vampire action. The whole second-half of the film is done in such a manner as to make the action almost non-existent, really reducing the film's enjoyment factor considerably. By basically showing just the vampire hanging around the basement doing nothing except for tempting the lead, which has really little excitement value at all. The endless scenes in the basement serve very little function because it's obvious that the attraction is there but nothing is done with it. They merely reinforce everything that is already known, and the dialog establishes little new points, making them feel quite dull and lifeless. These, as well as the scenes in the workplace constitute the film's second-half, to the point of near-exclusion of anything else, and it's a marked difference over what has happened in the beginning, throwing off a real sense of disappointment when compared to the first half. Even though there's very little which actually happened, it's still not all that spectacular. The last flaw is that there's very little in the way of actual vampire motifs at all. Beyond the neck-biting and sleeping during the day, it's quite hard to believe this is a vampire film at all. There's a discrepancy between the strength, as one scene shows her ripping a door off yet another shows it having a hard time bending steel bars. It could've used a little more to actually stay connected with the vampire mythology. These here are the film's few faults.

The Final Verdict: With a couple of nice moments and a couple worthwhile flaws that pull it down a bit but is still watchable. Give this a shot if you're into the genre or are in the mood for something different within the style, while those looking for more complete genre-experience should seek elsewhere.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity, a mild sex scene and violence against animals
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Hack Directors Meet Lame Script
aimless-463 August 2010
John Huston once said that a good story should have "excitement, color, spectacle and humor, adventure, high drama, tragedy, good conversation, truth and irony". This is a pretty good description of the vampire horror/comedy "Fright Night" (1985), which I highly recommend for fans of the genre. 2006's "The Insatiable" borrows heavily from "Fright Night" for its basic premise, but neglects to also borrow any of the excitement, humor, good conversation, and most everything else that make the original film work. To some extent the same could be said about the segments it borrows from "Clerks" (1994), which are not done as well as the original but still leave the viewer wishing they had borrowed more and created less.

"The Insatiable's" 103-minute running length is very front-end loaded. It sets itself up to be another Fright Night" but the wheels fall off at the midway point and the thing dully limps along until it recovers somewhat with a decent closing scene.

It does manage to put most of its tiny budget on the screen in a professional manner and should get high marks for the crew's hard work. But it is one of those sow's ears to silk purse things where you just can't do much with such a weak script.

It is a depressing lost opportunity because Sean Patrick Flanery and Michael Biehn could have carried a film of this nature if they had more parody and exploitation elements to work with; their scenes together are excellent. The vampire (Tatiana) is played by a middle age woman named Charlotte Ayanna; her acting is more listless than bad so it is not a particularly good mockfest candidate. I doubt if even Leighton Meester could have done much with the lines they wrote for Tatiana, although she would have looked better even in Titiana's dreary thrift shop wardrobe.

Co-Directors Cory Solomon and Chuck Konzelman seem pretty much clueless about acting for the camera direction.

The DVD thankfully has no commentary feature.

Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
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Low rent vampire fun
NateWatchesCoolMovies29 December 2017
The Insatiable, like droves of other vampire flicks, attempts to cover new ground and build on established formulas to create something memorable, and despite having the direct to video stigma working against it's notoriety, works pretty well for the most part. Sean Patrick Flanery plays a timid fellow who, after being targeted by a sexy, devilish bloodsucker (Charlotte Ayana), seeks help anywhere he can, broadcasting his predicament via HAM radio (maybe not the most effective outlet) to anyone who will listen. It just so happens that there is a grizzled old vamp hunter out there played by Michael Biehn, a jaded hardass who's just waiting for signs of these creatures. Ayana likes to play with her prey, and taunts both of them throughout the film in some amusing cat and mouse games, forcing Flanery to great lengths of survival including building one hell of a cage in his basement to trap the bitch. The material is treated mostly head on with just a smidge of smirking deadpan, especially in the sly ending. Biehn is awesome as the cranky, high strung vamp slayer, really having fun in the role. A fun, if slight little flick.
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Reasonable idea, rubbish execution.
poolandrews10 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The Insatiable is set in Los Angeles where Harry Balbo (Sean Patrick Flannery) witnesses a female Vampire named Tatiana (Charlotte Ayanna) killing a homeless guy in an alley, he becomes obsessed with her & trying to track her down in order to kill her. However after Harry does track Tatiana down he cannot bring himself to decapitate her so he sets a trap for her, Harry lures her back to the apartment block he is the supervisor of & traps her in a reinforced steel cage in the basement. There Harry hopes to be able to convince Tatiana to change her murderous ways but it proves harder than Harry first anticipated & whatever happens Tatiana still needs fresh blood every night otherwise she will die...

Co-written & co-directed by Chuck Konzelman & Cary Solomon this is yet another cheap looking low budget shot on a camcorder type horror film that litter video shelves everywhere, the one thing The Insatiable has going for it is that there is a reasonable idea behind it but ultimately it fails to distinguish itself & ends up being crap. The script by Konzelman, Solomon & J.R. McGarity has an intriguing twisted love type premise that could have made for a decent light hearted horror film, unfortunately due to a near two hour running time which is very hard to get through in one sitting, a pace so slow I almost fell asleep on several occasions, a serious lack of dramatic incident, several little sub plots which go nowhere, the general incompetence of the LA police & some poor character motivation The Insatiable turns out to be a waste of time & money. I suppose there are lots of little subtle things going on in the script, the way a prisoner can manipulate the captor, how someone can fall in love with someone evil hoping to change them, the futility of wanting something/someone you can't have & the rather more socially relevant consequences of slacking off work! I don't really know why films like The Insatiable exist, sure there might be a few people out there who take to the story & character's more than most but I would imagine they are few & far between & I firmly believe the majority of viewers will be both throughly bored & annoyed by watching The Insatiable in just about every way.

I was lead to believe that the Insatiable was a horror film but apart from the fact that there's a Vampire in it you would be hard pressed to know most of the time, there is virtually no gore, no horror, no scares, no atmosphere, no tension & that just has to be a little bit disappointing. Apart from a ripped off arm there's no blood or gore, there's no nudity either. There's no real style here, it's pretty much point & shoot all the way. I just don't really understand who The Insatiable is meant to appeal to. Is it hardcore horror fans? Is it the oddball romantics out there? Is it the casual DVD buyer/renter? I can't really see it satisfying anyone to be honest. For those of you that make it to the end credits the temptation will more than likely be to switch the damned thing off as soon as you can but if you keep watching there's a bit more of the film that runs during them. In fact there's a scene with a letter which we are meant to read but since the version I saw was pan and scanned & the image was on the extreme right most of the letter was cut off at the side of the screen! If you keep watching even further after the credits have ended there's a seemingly pointless shot of a cute fluffy white rabbit.

With a supposed budget of about $700,000 The Insatiable is reasonably well made with decent if unspectacular production values, set in Los Angeles but according to the IMDb shot in Austin in Texas. The acting is alright & there are a couple of eyebrow raising cast members, god knows how they got Sean Patrick Flannery to appear in this & it's always nice to see Michael Biehn of The Terminator (1984) & Aliens (1986) fame & I also have to say that he's bloody aged well hasn't he? I mean The Terminator was made over twenty years prior to The Insatiable yet he still looks almost exactly the same!

The Insatiable could have been good, it had potential & an unusual storyline but a snail's pace, a jumbled up plot, an almost two hour running time that feels more like two days & overall one has to say The Insatiable is not a film that I have much fondness for.
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Kiss and ...
kosmasp13 July 2013
The movie just came out a couple of months ago in Germany. They retitled it "Kiss and Die". Go figure what and especially who makes those title changes. But what is more important, that the movie ain't half bad. If you like B-movies that is, because we don't get any new story elements or anything else out of it. There is a nice tweak here and there and it is nice to see Michael Biehn too. But overall the story and how it evolves is pretty predictable.

Sean Patrick Flannery playing the main character is not the most likable guy out there. Or let's say not the one you can completely understand, even if he lays down his feelings (verbally). During the end credits there will be some footage. Though I'm not sure it is or will be what you expect it to be
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Poor script, clichéd acting
khilari16 September 2007
*No real action *No entertaining plot *Main actors were good within the confines of a dire script

So the lead actress was hot and the lead actor recognisable from his stint as the Young Indiana Jones... just a lot older looking.

As far as vampire movies go, this was pretty lame. As far as subtle comedies go, it wasn't good but wasn't as bad. I don't know if it was intended to be comical, but the acting was pretty comical - the lead played a dead-beat down-on-his-luck guy pretty well but all in all this was a dire movie.

The plot in theory is a good one but it wasn't especially interesting, was especially predictable and really should have been much shorter.

I probably wouldn't get to the end of this movie if it was on TV and certainly wouldn't rent it on DVD or watch it at the movies.
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Not bad at all
TheLittleSongbird2 December 2012
In fact I thought it was pretty good. And before I get accused of being a shill or part of the production team/company, I usually find that these types of movies are not done particularly well. I did find myself surprised by this, after convincing myself from the concept, which has been seen many times and often done in a cheesy fashion, that I'd hate it. But I'm glad I did give it a chance, as The Insatiable is much better than the concept makes out. Okay, it is not perfect, there are some slow-moving parts towards the beginning that made me think initially that it wouldn't be a good movie, the ending is rushed and I personally did find the character of Javier annoying. On the plus side, I thought technically The Insatiable was quite good. I know there are people who are not a fan of the techniques used, I'm not a fan really myself, however they are not over-used and they are not too cheap either. The scenery is more than just looking like somebody's basement and the make-up and such is also a vast improvement on other movies within the genre like Mutants and Vampegeddon. I've heard better music before, but also much worse and more over-bearing, while the sound effects aren't bizarre. The script does surprisingly have its fun and intelligent moments(I was in all honesty expecting cheese and a complete lack of flow), and the story while not completely perfect actually grabbed me, made the concept seem fresh and while mixing different genres it gave the vibe that it knew exactly what it wanted to be. On all those points, it does deserve a lot of credit in my eyes. On the most part, I liked the characters. I didn't care much for Javier(personal tastes of course), but the lead character I found easy to root for. The acting was also good, in Sean Patrick Flannery's case I'd go as far to say it was great. Charlotte Ayanna is not only gorgeous but also likable. Michael Biehn was good too but deserved more screen time. Overall, considering what I was dubiously expecting, The Insatiable was not bad at all. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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Decent Movie, Pretty Great Ending
gray1937-13 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There coulda been a little more humor. I would prefer a little less pathos, but there wasn't too, too much. You gotta love a flick where the protagonist is dumb as two boards and has even less personality. As for saving the blood-sucking chick, how many of us nerdy guys wouldn't have felt the temptation? (I'm going with the idea that most guys who watch the Sci Fi Channel are at least a little nerdy.) And it works out, man. He gets both babes in the end.

"You ready to feed me?"... "I'm hungry." This really needs to go in the *Taglines* section, guys; how do we do that?

And John Conner's dad gets it in the end, again. Just can't escape being typecast as a dead hero, I guess.
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Pretty darn good for a B Movie
bitlerisvj7 December 2007
I LOVED it! It is indeed what I would call a B Movie and truly almost a Black Comedy. Those are my favorites. There used to be a plethora of them in the 50's and 60's. This one is modern and fits the empty hole perfectly. It almost reminded me of Little Shop of horrors. The acting was not bad and filmography was a lot better than most. I watched 2 Vampire movies in the last couple of days, RISE with Lucy Liu and this one, Insatiable. Although they were quite different and RISE was obviously big buck, my entertainment factor was MUCH better with Insatiable. RISE was OK, and I do love Lucy Liu, and the movie was worth watching, but, again, I did get more enjoyment with this one. I hope they make more like this.
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Give it a chance - I personally LOVED it!!!
absinthechinadoll29 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The is only the second time I have bothered to post a comment on a movie here, although I am constantly prowling through IMDb for movie suggestions. So to make it clear - I collect vampire movies - all of them, regardless if they are horrible or not. I bought this movie for only two reasons:

1. Sean Patrick Flanery. I think I might have fallen in love with him when he was in Boondock Saints. His character in this movie is a FAR cry from one of the Boondock Saints...but he pulled it off and was convincing.

2. It's a vampire movie. And like I said, even if it's horrible, I'll still add it to my collection.

So besides those two points, I had no idea what I was buying. It turned out to be great!!! OK, it's definitely a B-movie budget, so don't go into it expecting tons of special effects. Javier, the co-worker, is annoying enough to throw the movie away. His character is the only reason I disliked the movie. However, he does get his in the end, which makes the whole thing worth it. And hey - what a nice change, that vampires don't get burned to a crisp by the sun in the end! Now THAT alone makes this movie worth it for me.
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A succubus you can't trust
MichaelWeihn19 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Okay I watched the film & I'm not going to get real specific because I don't want to give away too much.

Pros: Cast. Lead by Sean Patrick Flanery whom I've liked since Powder. He's great in this playing an introverted Superintendent and his apartment complex. That's only his part time job though. His day job is at some sort of steel parts office/warehouse. Michael of course adds grit & depth as a paraplegic Vampire hunter. Brad Rowe has a small but memorable part as a convenience store clerk.

Plot. I like the direction of the storyline. I wasn't sure at first but it takes unexpected turns & with a pleasant surprise sort of ending-it rounds out things nicely. If you mesh Hellraiser, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and Grease 2, here's what you would have. (no it's not a musical) but there are elements from these 3 movies that I found here.

Cons: The size of Michael's role. After Michael joins the film at about 25 minutes-it seems he's going to have a huge part but doesn't. Although I enjoy the plot turns of the film-it kind of prevents Michael's part from being bigger.

Acting. Not real happy with the female vampire's acting or Harry's (Sean Patrick Flanery) mean co-worker. Although I think she improved as the movie developed, I don't think his got better.

All in all it was enjoyable, I'm happy with the result, and I'm glad I finally own it. It's not one of Michael's best nor is it one of his worst films. It would fall somewhere in the middle. As far as movies go it's a 10/10 because I'm biased but within only Michael's movies for a rating I'd say 6/10.
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An absolute gem
burglarbil14 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This may be the best vampire film you see this year, forget about big budget big star adventure movies with a vampire theme, this is true to the legend, well produced and well acted with a small cast and probably a small budget but you'd never guess. Apart from being hot Charlotte Ayanna positively simmers as the vampire trapped in the cellar by a sad little metalwork salesman played superbly by Sean Patrick Flannery. Even the smaller parts are well cast and well acted, it shows that they cared about this movie even though they weren't famous names. So many smaller films suffer from poor acting by the actors who play the smaller parts but not here, the detective is believable and the cashier in the local store is a treat. I loved the part when Harry produces a money off coupon when buying the wherewithal to dispose of a body in the local hardware store, that's the attention to detail that shows this production team has a future, bring on the next movie!
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Interesting movie
myo1 July 2007
At some part I wanted to stop watching this movie but then the seemingly boring plot evolved into something a lot more interesting and I started to enjoy the movie. I really liked the main character and understood his feelings (not because I'm like him, but because they were understandable).

I also enjoyed the plot overall because it was totally unpredictable. Can't say anything about acting as I'm not an expert but to me it seemed OK.

As a pleasant bonus, the girls were pretty in this movie :) Overall I would recommend to watch it.
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