Star Wars: The Clone Wars (TV Series 2008– ) Poster

Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

Violence & Gore

  • In the Season 5 episode "The Lawless", a semi-major female character is suspended in the air and Force-choked for several prolonged moments by an evil character as he taunts the woman's love interest. The evil character then runs the woman through suddenly with his darksaber (we see her shocked and pained face), and the woman dies a moment later in her love interest's arms. This is an extremely intense and difficult scene.
  • The show progressively gets more and more violent with each season. The show starts off light hearted and directed to a younger audience but gets surprisingly violent and dark as it goes on. For example, a group of slavers kidnap multiple innocents, then let them loose in a jungle and hunt/kill them for sport.
  • As the show goes on the violence increases with frequent dismemberment, suicide and executions. In one instance it's heavily implied multiple kids are killed right after the scene cuts. This show is very dark and mature for a cartoon, and its marketing as a kids show is very misleading.
  • In the season 7 episode "Shattered", a clone's arm was cut off by a closing blast door. The scene is considerably graphic, as the cut off hand and arm was shown clearly for a few seconds. No blood is shown on the scene.
  • Almost every episode shows clones getting killed, usually getting shot
  • There is a lot of bloodless violence; some can be somewhat explicit
  • In an episode with an ongoing underwater war, bombs are being stabbed into a few people's chests by an antagonist, before exploding them into ashes. The antagonist later gets blown into pieces by a protagonist with the same type of bomb. This scene is extremely gory, showing blood mixed with water (even though it's black), pieces of body parts, and the decapitated, lifeless head of the antagonist. This scene is one of the most disturbing throughout the whole series.
  • A protagonist decapitate FIVE antagonists at once. Even though the antagonists are wearing helmets, this scene can be very disturbing, considering it is done by a major character.
  • A semi-major antagonist decapitates a man after a long duel. The victim gracefully waits for his death and the murderer is seen raising his lightsaber and bringing it down. Although the camera moves behind a woman as the decapitation happens, the tumbling body of the victim is shown for a second. In DVD/Blu-Ray releases of the episode, a scene is added, showing the man's headless body from a distance.
  • Electrocution is very frequent throughout the series. In a Season 2 episode, a Jedi is being tortured and electrocuted to death. The scene is long and painful, as it shows the twitching of the Jedi's hand. The Jedi falls to the ground lifelessly after endless torture. Extremely disturbing for an early season, where the graphic and gory scenes are still few and far between.
  • The number of casualties in the series is shockingly high for an animated show. Thousands of people are being killed on and offscreen in the span of a few seasons. However, it is a war show, therefore most of the casualties are military related.
  • A man's hand is stabbed by a fork.
  • Several instances of suicide ON SCREEN.
  • [The Complete Season One]
  • Depictions of violence tend to involve laser gun shootings, massive explosions, Jedi-saber fights, and giant alien monster attacks. Younger viewers may still view this series since these depictions are without gore and do not portray cruel inflections. Nevertheless, battle violence is prevalent.
  • [The Complete Season Two]
  • Violence consists of many depictions of sci-fi action where people, robots, spacecraft and more are killed or destroyed by various weapons, while various forms of fighting (i.e. light-saber duels) also occur.
  • Mild battle scenes are present in every episode in this season. Typically, the characters in the series go into battle using laser beams, laser swords or guns. In these battle sequences, explosions and giant alien monster attacks are also portrayed.
  • Occasionally, some severed but non-bloody heads are seen, and that, combined with the violence and various moments containing potential disastrous peril may prove unsettling and/or suspenseful to some younger viewers, such as children.
  • Mild action violence also include various Jedi-saber fights and some physical brawls that include punches and kicks between characters. However, younger viewers should be able to view these scenes accompanied with a parent as its portrayal of violence does not dwell on infliction of pain or torture.
  • [The Complete Season Three]
  • Violence consists of all sorts of sci-fi action where humans, robots and alien creatures are killed by various weapons; typically involving laser swords and guns, and the explosions of many spacecrafts.
  • In some cases, severed but non-bloody body parts are seen; and such moments of potential shock & peril will prove unsettling and/or suspenseful to younger viewers, such as children.


Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • The in-universe drug known as spice is referenced frequently
  • Members of the Pyke syndicate are depicted as drug lords and in the episodes involving them we often see them transporting spice and/or smoking it.
  • Occassional smoking and drinking.
  • In the episode "Lethal Trackdown" there is a scene at a bar. They are said to be drunk.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Though it's a cartoon, it's more for teenagers, the show started off pretty tame and lighthearted, but as seasons progress the violence increases heavily with, dismemberment, suicide, executions, torture and more on-screen graphic deaths occurring. Even the tone/style of the show changes, darker atmosphere, less humour, and more intense sequences.
  • The final three episodes of Season 7 are VERY dark
  • There are a few episodes in Season 2 where it is especially frightening. A type of parasite enters through the nose of a person and then control the brain. The affected people form an equivalent of an army of zombies.
  • Intense and prolonged battle scenes in many of the episodes.
  • 12-13 can handle this.
  • This show is more intended for tweens/teens because it has more intense cartoon violence.
  • [The Complete Season One]
  • If episodes are watched in succession, the impact of overall intensity accumulated from the violence portrayed will be increased.
  • [The Complete Season Two]
  • [The Complete Season Three]
  • When compared to previous seasons, Season 3 is darker in its presentation and thematic elements.
  • For example, the entirety of Episode 13, 'Monster' focuses on the torturous process of selecting the strongest assassin for an evil lord; hence implying that each candidate had to come to a fatal end before a victor could emerge. In the final test, after a black magic spell has been cast on the appointed assassin, he is made to kill his own kin. He is seen lifting the helpless man in the air and strangling him. The victim's death is suggested by the snapping sound of a bone.
  • The above episodes which contain sinister elements will prove unsettling to younger viewers.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • These two seasons have many intense moments. Some that stand out are these: A slave attempts to assassinate her master with a knife, but when this fails, she leaps off a balcony to her death. A Jedi master turns evil and gives his soldiers false orders, tricking them into killing some of their fellow clones from another battalion. When the clones discover his betrayal, they turn on him. The evil Jedi proceeds to kill many of the clones, both with a lightsaber and his bare hands (breaking backs and necks, though no injury is visible due to their armor), in an intense and brutal fight scene. The troopers take him into custody and the Jedi is eventually shot and killed.
  • In the penultimate episode of the series, Maul kills numerous clones on a rampage. While the clones have become antagonists, this can still be disturbing since the entire series focused on humanizing the clones. In addition, some are bisected and decapitated by metal panels, and while there is no gore or blood, the cut is very audible and disturbing.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • In season 6, a series of episodes involve a small group of clones discovering chips that are in clones brains, making them controllable by the antagonists (Order 66). These episodes are very dark, bleak, and depressing, not only due to the hopelessness of the situation but also the intentional sad tone of the episodes
  • One of the more darker episodes of the series portrays some very disturbing material. Slavers kidnap innocent people, drop them off in a jungle, and then hunt them down and kill them for sport. The killings are seen on-screen and are quite upsetting.
  • There is a lot of aliens that could scare younger viewers.
  • In another episode, 'Altar of Mortis', an evil son who is consumed by his greed for power is willing to go as far as to kill his own father to get what he wants. Although he does fails in his first attempt, the following episode, 'Ghosts of Mortis', depicts him accidentally stabbing his sister while aiming for his father. Furthermore, he then shows no remorse and his father eventually sacrifices his own life to deter his son from doing any further evil.

See also

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