When a Stranger Calls (2006) Poster

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I love this house, like love it. It is almost it's own character in this film.
cgvsluis21 February 2022
This is a decent teen horror film that does a good job building suspense. It would be great for a teen scary movie sleep over. What has it on my horror movie playlist however is the house. I absolutely fell in love with the house in this babysitter being terrorized by a stranger in the phone flick. The house is spectacular and I actually dream about it...it's suspended staircase, the inner courtyard with birds...it's location private but near the water. Yes, it is all about the house and it keeps it on my list. Otherwise this is kind of a slow build suspense film.
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Mediocre Movie With a Less Than Mediocre Actress
courtneypedersen18 June 2019
The first time I saw this movie, I enjoyed it because it did put me on the edge of my seat. However, every time I've tried to watch it since, all I can focus on is how bad of an actress Camilla Belle is. She delivers no emotion with most of her lines and when she does manage to show a sliver of emotion, it's barely halfhearted and very awkward. My suggestion would be to watch it once and then forget about it.
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More Generic PG-13 Horror
Rathko13 February 2006
I'm starting to wonder if all these PG-13 horror movies are just glorified screen tests for young and emerging talent. Get a first-time screenwriter, an inexperienced director, a few TV actors looking for their bigscreen break and see what they can do. 'When a Stranger Calls' is a little better than most such recent offerings, but is still completely by-the-book; riddled with plot holes and genre clichés.

The story is unbelievably simplistic. The slim 87 minute running time is heavily padded with inconsequential friends and a pointless cheating boyfriend. The killer is devoid of even the token motivation of Jason or Michael or even the original movie's killer, and as a result is never particularly frightening. The police behave in such an unbelievably ineffectual and lazy manner as to verge on professional misconduct. Simon West brings the same attractive banality to proceedings that he managed with Lara Croft, but his style of directing is decidedly generic, possessing no indicators of real talent or vision. The performances are routine, dark hallways replace genuine horror, and the scares are of the tired cat-in-the-closet variety.

The cinematography and production design, however, are above average for this kind of film. The house is beautifully designed, all dark wood and glassy reflections, and there are a few moments that are of visual interest.

Though lacking an ounce of dramatic originality, it acts as a reasonably satisfying 'dark house' thriller, and maintains interest longer than most of its ilk.
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This stranger shouldn't have called again.
Nightman854 March 2009
While babysitting at an isolated Colorado house, a teen girl is terrorized by an elusive murderer on the telephone.

Remake of the 1979 semi-classic horror film basically takes the opening 20 minutes of the original film and stretches it out to fit an 87 minute time span! So it's pretty needless to say that the plot of this remake is pretty thin. There's little in the way of originality or interest in this movie. There's a lot of Camilla Belle wondering around a dark house wondering who's calling her and encountering all kinds of false scares. It all gets repetitious and routine after the first 30 minutes and never manages to muster up much in the way of suspense or chills. It certainly never reaches the intensity of the original film, especially since it wimps-out and changes one important plot point from the original. I guess we have the PG-13 rating to thank for that.

On the plus side there's an impressive set design and some dark atmosphere, unfortunately there's not much going on around it to save this remake from being sub-par. Belle's performance is pretty mediocre too.

It's just another unimpressive remake.

* 1/2 out of ****
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Just Hang Up...
allamericanpsycho216 February 2006
Once in a great while I will watch a movie that completely surprises me. One that comes out of nowhere to be a bit of rousing entertainment. One that is pure fun from beginning to end. Well folks, When A Stranger Calls is NOT that movie. It is an unbelievable stupid and far fetched remake of the much better 1979 horror camp classic. Our lead heroine Jill is forced to babysit after going over her cell phone minutes and is harassed by telephone calls from a mysterious caller. Every cliché in the world is used here from the stupid cat-jumping-out-of-a-hidden-spot to the car that won't start to the killer can be anywhere at anytime. This movie is bad...not even bad in a "so bad it's good way" more in a "so bad it's boring way." Skip this godawful film and save your movie for something else. You'll thank me later, trust me on this. Grade: D-
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It makes the original look like The Godfather
christian12311 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
What should have been a routine babysitting gig at a secluded lake house turns into a night of terror, as high school student Jill Johnson (Camilla Belle) receives threatening phone calls from a sadistic stalker, while trying to stay one step ahead of him.

The first 20 minutes of the original film were pretty good but it was all downhill from there. The remake takes those first 20 minutes and stretches them into an 80 minute feature film. That's a good idea because its eliminating everything that made the original bad. However, if they wanted this film to work more effectively then they should have hired a better lead actress, better director, writer etc. There's no suspense, everything can be figured out long before it happens and it's a very dull film since not much happens. At least there isn't much to sit through since its less than 90 minutes.

If this premise were to work, then the lead actress has to give a realistic performance. Camilla Belle gives one of the worst performances I have ever seen and throughout the whole movie, she seemed to be reading her lines. You get a lead role in a Hollywood film that will be viewed by millions of people and you give no effort at all! Why did they hire this girl? Sure, she's pretty but she can't act at all yet I suppose this won't matter to the target audience who will most likely eat this film up. The rest of the cast is bland and forgettable especially the woman who plays the maid, Rosa. Even the stranger was lame and his lines on the phone were not effective at all.

This movie reminds me of last years disappointing horror film Boogeyman. That movie was a bunch of cheap scares and false alarms and When a Stranger Calls is pretty much the same. Jill enters a room because she hears a noise but its just a false alarm like a cat or the maid. This type of scene happens over and over again until finally after about 50 minutes, the stranger appears. He has to be one of the lamest killers ever. He carried no weapons and didn't seem to pose much of a threat. The ending is bad but it matches the rest of the film so it doesn't really matter. The film is directed by Simon West and he is really bad at building up suspense. He was using every cliché he could think of and the results weren't very good. The house was amazing and I'll give the film credit for that. It was an isolated house so it was pretty creepy but that's about the only good thing this film has to offer. In the end, if you're not a teenage girl then you should skip the movie. Rating 2/10
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Man oh man, am I in the minority on this one!
coldstick23 May 2006
Critics and audiences both pretty much panned this movie, but I actually didn't think it was too bad! Even the critics I normally agree with thought it was crap, and I normally despise PG-13 "horror films." So this means one of two things: either (1) I'm too easily pleased, and my taste in movies has dwindled over the years, or (2) 'When a Stranger Calls' isn't nearly as horrible as it's made out to be. Now, to be fair, some of the criticisms of the movie are true--there's not much character development, and not much happens in the story. But man alive folks, how much were you expecting from a movie about a babysitter being stalked? Cut them some slack! As a former babysitter who was watching this flick late at night with the lights out, I can safely say the stalker dude was one creepy mofo! Who knows? I guess stuff like this just gives me the willies.

Yes, I admit I had fun watching this, and I don't care how big of a minority that puts me in. ;)
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wretchedly awful
malidog5 February 2006
I'm not even get creative with the review. it sucked.

The use of this amazing house, waste of time. It was a distraction by the director to give you something interesting or pretty to look at.

Camilla Belle has about as much charisma and screen presence as my last yeast infection.

Simon West's DGA card needs to be confiscated.

I hate whoever greenlit this.

I did not pay to see it. I snuck in.

Hollywood please stop.

Seriously, no more garbage.
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Some info needed
notcrack15 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this movie. I'm not a big horror movie buff so i couldn't comment on similarities between this and other movies of this genre, but i found this movie quite captivating. the story line, albeit a little obvious, had some genuinely scary/tense moments and the acting (particually of the lead female role) wasn't bad in anyway

Overall i'm a little surprised at the low rating this movie has gotten. I watch a lot of movies (working in a video store tends to help) and this really isn't as bad as people seem to think. I do have some criticism though. The final call from the cop was terrible, almost overacted, the dead girl in the bathroom looked liked she was having a little sleep (probably from the amount of tequila she mentioned she drank) and the children's reaction to what was happening instilled in me the hope that they were ultimately killed

hope this helps some people
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Stranger than reality
kosmasp26 April 2007
I haven't seen the original (I thought it was a short, but IMDb stats the running time of the 1979 movie at 97 minutes), but the concept worked better back then. I don't mean that it's not scary getting ... scary phone calls! It just doesn't work that well with the technology nowadays (and one of the "major" scares or revelations is just plain stupid)!

That's not to say that this movie is a complete mess. You have great production values and teenagers will surely get excited about this movie. But there is not enough scare/story to keep you on your toes or that justifies the running time! So while it's nice to watch, there is not much to it!
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Simplistic cinematic nightmare
rivertam265 July 2020
I know alot of people don't care for this film but I think it's one of the best remakes in my opinion. Let's face aside from the first 20 minutes the original was pretty unwatchable it was followed by a Superior showtime sequel and now remade into it's best form. Taking the originals opening and stretching it out for 90 minutes makes for a simplistic, edge of your seat, achingly suspenseful nightmare. Similar to Halloween in its form and ambitions. Camilla Belle is awesome as the young babysitter forced to work at a gorgeous house in the middle of nowhere to pay for her cell phone bill. Upon arriving she's told the children are asleep but as the night goes on there are strange occurrences and creepy phone calls with the voice of a disturbing Lance Henriksen. It all leads up to a mostly satisfactory finale as the killer and Jill have a face off. The movie is directed stylishly with gorgeous, immersive cinematography and a solid lead performance from Camilla Belle.

Budget: $15M Box Office: $67M

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A little bit better than mediocre.
helencmm18 June 2019
A suspenseful thriller that does not keep you still until 20-25 minutes in the film. At first, I think that it was building tension. But the "action" was not that intense until the last 15 minutes I guess.

I want to mention that I watched this film about 5 times, of whom the first time was when I was a lot younger than now.

Back then, I really liked the film. It was intense for my then standards and creepy as well, because I could imagine how scary could be If I would live a similar situation. It really touched my naïve psychology.

Now, being a little bit older, and of course watching it for the fifth time, I can tell for sure that it's a little bit boring. This argument is not fair, because since I've watched it so many times, I knew every detail of the film, so definitely it wouldn't surprise me.

I also want to mention that this is a remake of a 1970s film that I've not watched yet, so obviously I can not compare these two films.

(+) Pros

*Very beautiful photography and directing.

*The house was big, isolated and lost in the mist. Absolutely perfect for these type of films, although it can be some times a little bit cliché.

*The protagonist was not perfect, but cute.

*The reveal 20 minutes before the ending, at least the first time I watched this, was very cool and scary as well and since I haven't been watching horror films back then, it wasn't predictable to me at least.

Note: By today's standards, and with all the horror films that keep releasing one after another, maybe for a person that has not watched the film, can be again predictable. I'm not sure anyways.

*Although it's a remake and its plot isn't original (there is no parthenogenesis in art), I personally like these type of films. When it has to do with a stalker that suffer from psychological problems, and harrasses a girl. Very typical plot, but still, I'm into it.

*I like that this story actually, with the babysitter, is an urban legend, and it is portrayed pretty good.

*I liked the scene in the greenhouse. Maybe the second most intense scene in the whole film.

*I personally liked the fact that there wasn't so much talking. I mean, of course there is talking, but I enjoyed more the silent scenes. It gave an alternative creepy tone.

(-) Cons

*I would prefer to not see the face of the killer.

*I think that the part with protagonist's friend was a little bit unnecessary. I know that there was a background, but the conclusion was not important I think. I feel that they just wanted to put something extra. This is not neccessarily bad, but I was kinda thinking of it. I do not consider it bad, technically.

*In the beginning the flow of the plot was very slow, and I had in my mind that "It builds tension". In reality, the tension would come and go.

*There were a lot of jump scares that made on purpose. They were very cliché. The one with fire, the one with music, the one with mannequin... they were very basic jump scares, that they felt that they had to put them into the film, so it could be labelled "horror" by force. Basically, there wasn't creativity...


To be honest, it's not a bad film, and I feel that it is very misunderstood. I think that my rating and my review are basically of my thoughts now. Good or not, I've watched it a lot of times, like I cited, so there wasn't surprise to me. If I would watch today the film for the first time, it could get a 7/10. I personally recommend it, because it's one of my childhood horror films since I'm millenial.
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Weak Remake of a Scary Thriller – Prefer the Original 1979 Version
claudio_carvalho15 September 2006
Jill Johnson (Camilla Belle) is babysitting two children in a fancy isolated house, when a stranger insists calling her in the phone. She decides to telephone to the police, to trace the phone call. When the officer on duty tells her that the call is being made from inside the house, Jill freaks out and tries to leave the place with the children.

The beginning of the 1979 "When a Stranger Calls" is one of the scariest and most realistic thrillers I have ever seen. The story is excellent, and the performances are stunning. In my opinion, the famous 'Scream' ripped-off the introduction of this film. This 2006 remake is watchable, but director Simon West spoiled an excellent story with a typical Saturday night broadcast predicable movie. The secret of the original film was the claustrophobic environment associated to a realistic plot. The option of this director was to use a huge house, with people coming and going (or vanishing), breaking the tension. Camilla Belle has a pretty face but she is very weak in this dramatic role. Further, her character has the most unreasonable attitudes, for example leaving a house protected by a security system to move to the guest house, or calling the hidden children to escape with her. My advice: see Carol Kane in the original version. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Quando um Estranho Chama" ("When a Stranger Calls")
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I hated every minute of this movie!
hockeyfreak10122 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was terrible. The story line seemed quite interesting at first but still it turned out to be pretty bad. Jill (the horribly wooden Camilla Belle) goes over her cell phone minutes and is forced to babysit for a rich family who lives in a beautiful mansion in the middle of nowhere. It's the perfect job. Nice house to explore, children are asleep, fridge is stocked. Until she starts getting calls from a stranger asking "have you checked the children?". Of course you all know, the calls are coming from inside the house.

First of all, there was no twist ending. The stranger just ended up being some random serial killer, stalking and murdering young babysitters. The killer and the girl were such idiots. A pointless waste of time.

Second, this movie had plot holes the size of Texas. For example, when the police trace Jill's call and find out they are coming from inside the house, why did they not catch on and tell her that there is a serial killer? How did the blonde friend know where the house was? The blonde friend was killed outside, how did her body get in the bathroom of the house?

Camilla Belle is one of the worst actresses to ever grace the screen. She was just so bad it was unbelievable. Line after line was delivered without emotion and she had this dumb blank stare constantly on her face.

She's pretty though, and her all wet in the pool kept me from falling asleep.

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The perfect cure for insomnia
Leofwine_draca1 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Now, I'm all for a good slasher flick, and I don't even mind the modern day ones that flooded the market since the success of Wes Craven's SCREAM in 1996, even though a lot of them are poor. Okay, so I usually wait until they show up on television rather than spend money to see them, but I'm the first person willing to give a film a chance despite negative reviews and the like. I was the perfect demographic for this film: I'm young, I haven't seen the original '70s movie on which this film is based, and I'm easily pleased when it comes to horror. Sadly, I was in for a shock: this is one of the all-time worst movies I've ever sat through, on a par with the similarly execrable BOOGEYMAN.

For starters, WHEN A STRANGER CALLS has NO story, no plot line. A girl spends a night babysitting, gets a few phone calls, then is chased by an unknown killer. The end. There's no set up, no characterisation – other than a few grating teen stereotypes – no motivation. Is that supposed to make the killer more frightening? It doesn't. You just end up not caring. One of the many problems with this film is British director Simon West, whose only other credit of note is the action flick CON AIR, about a million times better than this. West is the master of over-direction. His creepy music starts almost straight away, even when nothing remotely frightening or suspenseful is happening. Girl goes for a car ride – creepy music. Girl is given babysitting job – creepy music. Girl visits the john – creepy music. Okay, so I made the last one up, but you get the idea.

The film is jam packed with false scares to pad out the running time. It's in essence a one-room drama, with a few minor embellishments, so straight away you know that a professional is required to make things work. Heck, PHONE BOOTH is one of my favourites from the last few years. This movie is just boredom, boredom, boredom. Every false scare and cliché is present, from the jumping cat scene to characters suddenly appearing out of nowhere. The lighting is poor and the film has no suspense or atmosphere; a dull-witted script only serves to sink things further. Camilla Belle plays, badly, one of the most unappealing 'scream queen' characters I've ever witnessed, one of those ones you're praying will end up dead. The killer, played by Scot Tommy Flanagan, is supposed to be scary because his face is scarred. That's the only characterisation he gets – a scarred face and Michael Myers-type stance. The killer's telephone voice, played by Lance Henriksen (!) only has about two lines. Towards the end, the whole phone call thing is so overdone (really, the lead gets at least twenty or thirty calls) that I was shouting in anger each time they did it. In all, there's absolutely no point in watching this appalling movie unless you're looking for a cure for insomnia.
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"Black Christmas" was FIRST
dcaruso19685 February 2006
This film is just another bad remake of a remake. The original film (concept and plot) was a scary little classic called "Black Christmas" and it was released back in 1974, five years before the original "When a Stranger Calls" came out and Black Christmas is STILL the best of them all - even to this day. And wouldn't you know it, they are remaking Black Christmas for a December 2006 release and will probably make a mess of it too. If you want to see what a true scary film is supposed to be, and one that doesn't explain every little detail but instead leaves much to your imagination, check out the original BEFORE the remake stinks up the theaters this Christmas. This remake of "When a Stranger Calls" was worse than the original and the original was bad enough.
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Just as good as the original
redheadkz6 February 2006
Having seen the original when I was 13 (and, yes, I was stupid enough to watch it while babysitting!), I was excited to see this remake.

Camilla Bell did a great job as Jill Johnson. And the fact that a teen horror flick could be made in the year 2006 without tremendous vulgarity and gore, made it even that much stronger of a film. I had a great time trying not to chew my fingernails off!

This film won't win anyone an Oscar, but it is entertaining and worth the matinée price ticket I bought to see it. I think girls around the world should watch the original and the remake...and then determine to never babysit again.

All I can say is, I'm glad I'm too old to babysit! There's just something about being in a dark creepy house with sleeping kids that makes this movie classic. No blood, no gore...just good psychological fun! WINNER!
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utter disgrace.
Allendorf15 February 2006
One sentence to sum up everything: Don't Watch this Movie. If you're still curious, watch the trailer since it has everything you need to fully enjoy this movie.

After weeks of watching many movies in year 2006 - without doubt, this movie is one of the worst and is an utter disgrace to Hollywood. The movie has failed in all aspects but most profoundly in its lacking of the real story line. The story line is somehow a replica to very common horror movie (you got bad man out there and start running around with not clear idea: WHY? WHY? WHY?).

There are a lot of questions that the director should answer in this movie, or at least in the end of the movie - but in fact, nothing is answered. The whole content of the focus is simply running around like crazy while there is really no twist (utter boring).

Great disappointment...........

just don't watch!
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Good stab at remake.
SirHenry23 March 2007
Im a big horror fan and I quite enjoyed this remake. With all these horror remakes floating about I think this is one of the better attempts.

I watched it with my two little sisters and I think it made it even better as they were quite scared. Also with the shouting at the screen "Dont do that!", "Not that way!", etc. I thought there were some good little jumpy moments and it built the tension well.

Camilla Belle is absolutely stunning in the lead role and a very good actress - So she holds your attention well.

Overall a decent film.
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Oh, Dear God No
CandideForVoltaire8 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, God, why? Why do they keep making crappy movies and trying to make them scary? Seriously, it's a POS. It's not scary or even interesting.

Let's see here. We have a dumb high school girl who is having guy problems and an inability to control her cell phone minutes. Added on top of this is the fact that her "best friend" kissed her boyfriend. Don't worry, it's a crappy subplot that is resolved by the friend's death (ohh...who didn't see that crap coming?) She is babysitting and spend about 10 minutes going "I wish I was rich like this. Look at these clothes, blah blah blah." Ugh, forget it, I'm just going to skip ahead. It's basically over an hour of "Hello?" *Heavy Breathing* "Hello?" *Hangs up* So just skip ahead to the ending. This is a POS. The maid and the best friend are killed off-screen and you really aren't scared or surprised by their death. The foreshadowing is beautiful, too. I don't think it's subtle enough.


Sorry, I just finished this film and I'm just roaring with anger. The ending was terrible.

"Durrrr...we sedated the killer after we caught him, going to put him in a hospital, and put 4 cops on him." "That won't be enough." I THINK 4 COPS WILL BE ENOUGH FOR A GENERIC KILLER. HE ISN'T JASON OR ANYTHING! Then the ending. Jesus, what a piece of crap. I was so mad I turned on the commentary and I just want to find the director and make him sign a contract to never direct/produce again.

This review is random and full of anger, etc. and I know this. I just don't want anyone else making the mistake of watching this piece of crap. Stay away. Anyone who says this movie is good probably was in this film/has severe brain damage.
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I know I am supposed to hate this. But honestly, I Love It.
GirishGowda20 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well I was 16 when this released and I saw it without knowing anything about the plot and I had a crush on the very pretty and cute Camilla Belle after seeing the movie. So, this is one of my ultimate guilty pleasures and I will always love this film. This was coming on TV the other night and I just saw it again for the 6th time without a second thought. I hope you will watch it without any preconceived bad false notions about it.

Jill Johnson (Camilla Belle) is a high school girl who is on the track team and one of her best friend has kissed her boyfriend. So, she breaks up with him and refuses to talk to her friend. She has also talked too much on the phone, like 800 extra minutes, and her dad makes her to babysit to earn her money so she can pay off her own bills. She has to babysit Dr and Mrs. Mandrakis's (Derek de Lint and Kate Jennings Grant) kids and they live in a huge lakeside house. Things start to get a bit creepy when a stranger (Tommy Flanagan) keeps on calling Jill and seems to be spying on her. She can't find the house maid and the police don't give much thought to her predicament.

Though there are many films of this kind out there, the studios just keep on churning them out every year. Do you know why? It is because every year new kids step into their teens and they would not see old movies of this kind. So, this will be new for them and a babysitter who is stalked by a psycho killer is pretty horrifying if you have ever babysat in a house which makes some creepy noises. Almost every kid will connect with that. Camilla was good in her role, though many have complained that she didn't portray her fear very well. Well, what do I know; maybe some girls don't like to show they are afraid of the killer (ring a bell?) I am a guy, so don't think only girls or young boys will be afraid of this film. The first time I saw the film, I was horrified and wanted Jill to get out of the house, away from the killer. Now, its more like a pleasure to see her and the beautiful mansion once again. That house is huge with all the modern securities and gadgets within it.

The opening scene is very chilling and the director tries very hard to give us false jump scares which were quite annoying with repeated viewings actually. The decor of the house was magnificent, with the bird sanctuary or something within the house and a beautiful lake outside. The atmosphere is very eerie because of the magnitude of this house. I have to say, Jill is a very lax babysitter. She doesn't even check on the kids until the prank caller asks her about them. The adults in the film are not given much scope for acting. Even the stranger, Tommy Flanagan is just a caricature. They could have at least given him some kind of weapon to show us how he killed his victims. That's the only slight flaw I found in my first few viewings. Jill's friends are dumb and boring, at best. I wanted them to finish their scenes more quickly so that Jill had more screen time, without their distractions. The kids were not used properly in the film, though. This film doesn't have an ounce of sexual tension, which was quite surprising and I was happy with that (Many pg-13 movies make the actresses run around in their underwear). Don't let the rating on IMDb fool you. This is quite a good suspense thriller for us youngsters.

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A Decent Film In Search Of A Better Star
annablair-1919130 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The original When A Stranger Calls became known as one of the scariest movies of all time simply for it's brilliant opening 20 minutes. People forget that the rest of the film (besides an almost equally effective closing 20 minutes) is sort of a drag. A remake wasn't the worst idea in the world, especially since the original film's sequel, When A Stranger Calls Back, already improved upon the original.

This remake gets a lot of things right. The location/set is stunning and not a bad place to be trapped for 90 minutes. There are all sorts of interesting hallways and staircases to get one's imagination going. The music is appropriately eerie and the sound mix does a great job of adding tension. The titular stranger is kept in the shadows for most of the film and we have no idea who he is or what his motivations are.

Where the film fails is the casting of its lead. Camilla Belle is a beautiful girl, but she's dramatically limited and not terribly charming. She's certainly not interesting enough to watch by herself for 90 minutes. When the set is more interesting than your leading lady, you know you have issues. This is a shame, too, because the screenplay itself isn't terrible. It extends the original's opening sequence to the breaking point at times and has to keep everything a little bit too safe so that it can keep its PG-13 rating (for example, the children Jill is watching are never in any real jeopardy, which is kind of a downer since the urban legend it's based off of always has them falling victim to the killer), but it's a surprisingly effective little chiller.
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Teen movie
Larsii901 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is the type of movie I would watch with friends at the movies as a thirteen year old, and not being scared then either. Just stupid, extremely predictable and no pay off.
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A Dark House and Sharp, Harrowing Music only go so far
andell5 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The concept of experience, and how it works for and against us is something of a misnomer. By logic, having the foresight to see how a course of action works, we are able to improve upon the decision making which led up to it, ultimately culminating in a better decision.

Or at least, that is the way these types of things are supposed to work. Indeed, in the realm of theater and movies, that concept has never functioned on a consistent basis to produce better movies that work in more effective ways. The next example of this is 2006's "When a Stranger Calls," which itself is a remake of the 1979 film of the same name that, according to the IMDb page, was originally planned to be a sequel to Black Christmas.

Like the original, we meet a young woman (the very lovely Camilla Belle) who will be babysitting the children of the wealthy Dr. and Mrs. Mandrakis (the same names used for the parents of the 1979 original) whilst they are away to dinner and a movie. And like the original, throughout the course of the night, the young babysitter is bombarded with phone calls from a malevolent stranger who is planning to do more than just scare her over the course of this evening.

Unlike the original however, this film is loaded in back story. Take the first scenes as an example of how this back story functions differently. In the original, we start with the baby sitter arriving at the Mandrakis' home; in this remake we start with an allegedly grisly multiple murder apparently perpetrated by the same man trying to do the baby sitter harm. The creators of the film may have included it in the hope of creating a more dynamic story, but in fact this works against the film.

In the original, for instance, we get the sense that this very disturbed individual (with a creepy, spastic English accent that seems to make your skin crawl with its perversity) has in fact been stalking this girl. Without the back story, it makes sense that the intruder knows that the girl was in the house alone, that her calls didn't alert the police of the impending doom, and so on. The absence of the back story asks the viewer to fill in the gaps.

In this remake however, the presence of the back story makes no sense. In the conversation with Mrs. Mandrakis, we learn that Jill was retained at the last minute ("we were so thrilled to find a babysitter at the last minute," or something to that effect), albeit while we are marveling at this isolated house. So, why is the psycho stalking Jill? How did he come to know that she was babysitting? How did he gain access to a secured house (no doubt ADT would happily dis-spell the absurd failings of this beautiful home's security system if one were interested enough to call them and ask), the phone number, the son's phone number (the son who doesn't always live in the guest house), and knock off the housekeeper without being spotted? Is it silly to ask this question? Well then, how about the other questions- how is it that Jill's best friend gets through the main gate when it would seem logical that the Mandrakis' would've shut the gate when they left? In the age of voice mail, why is Jill answering the phone at all? In the opening scene, when the policeman says there wasn't a murder weapon, then what was used to kill the woman and her child(ren)? I mean, lets consider this logically- if someone used their bare hands, then there is still a murder weapon, right? So much of this movie depends on the viewer to ignore the contradictions and the nonsense and focus merely on atmosphere, sound and the dialogue between the killer and Jill- however this only works so far. The opening scene, where a detective opens the door and looks horrified while piercing music works so poorly that no one in the theater could even understand how to feel when I was watching the film. Less than ten seconds later, he's still visibly shaken whilst the coroners cart out the body bags- by mere logical presumption the only thing he could've been looking at were body bags from the doorway of the room. Perhaps terrifying for a private citizen, but for a detective whose job it is to track down killers? C'mon.

Everyone in this film is cute except the killer, and whilst I originally thought that this was a curious coincidence, later I began to ponder the message. This film is not intended for adult audiences- its cast and its very slight levels of violence seem to indicate its meant much more for a young teen audience. And this is exactly what teens these days need: a movie sending the message that the beautiful people are always good and wholesome, and the not so beautiful people are evil psychos.

In the course of writing this review, I have even rethought the score and reduced it sharply. If you're looking for scares, may I suggest renting the original, or better yet, rent "Black Christmas"- a film much better than either the original or the remake.
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When I pay to see a bad movie.
lordsaves77725 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When I pay to see a bad movie....I get really angry and definitely more scary than this movie.

Jill Johnson (Camilla Belle) must work as a babysitter to pay her phone bills.When she gets to the home,in a hidden place in the mountains,she starts receiving calls of some stranger.Well that's it,as simple as that,don't expect any twist in the drama,don't expect the good guy turn into the bad guy,don't expect anything special but some scared girl receiving calls,entering rooms and getting scared by cats jumping from hidden places,clothes and some shadows.Director Simon West is always trying to keep the suspense during the whole movie by playing suspense music in the background.We can even hear this music in the background when nothing terrifying is happening,just Jill and her father talking about the phone bills NOTHING ELSE.This is obviously a bad intent to keep the viewer interested and expecting something when the movie never really gets scary.Then Jill gets in every room of the house while she receives calls from the stranger,and just when we think things are gonna get interesting...is just a cat jumping from a hidden place,they have you waiting the ENTIRE movie for something really scary to happen that when it happens it has lost its impact completely.When the bad guy appears,maybe to keep the bad suspense,his face is covered by the shadows and you cant see his face until the end,just another intent to hide Simon's unexciting imagination and creativity.The plot of the movie is also not believable,how a sick sexual predator could get into a home with security alarms and run through the house without being spotted???,and why he wants Jill when he can get anyone else?,does he knows her? from where?,how did he know she was going to be the babysitter in that house? judging by the location of the house is not believable. No Simon,I am not going to turn my brain off,and one more thing...THIS SUCKS!.
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