Last Rites (Video 2006) Poster

(2006 Video)

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Awfully Bad
claudio_carvalho7 December 2009
In Los Angeles, a meteor bringing some sort of disease falls on a group of homeless and turns them into flesh eater zombies. Meanwhile, two rival gangs are dealing drugs with an intermediary in an old warehouse without knowing that there is a stakeout of the LAPD of the whole operation. When the policemen are ready to arrest the criminals, they are attacked by the hunger zombies in the beginning of a nightmarish night.

"Last Rites" is an awfully bad zombie movie. There is no originality in the story that is violent and never funny. In addition, no character is likable or charismatic; actually most of them are despicable. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Cidade dos Mortos" ("City of the Dead")
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Gangs of the Dead
Scarecrow-8826 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A stake-out drug sting operation is thwarted when the cops are interrupted by undead zombie bums whose condition derived from fallen meteorites carrying a type of infection. Two different gangs, a Latino group led by the unscrupulous thug, Caesar(Noel Gugliemi)and a black group led by tough-talking Mac T(Ethan Ednee)are meeting their drug supplier, Mitchell(Reggie Bannister, in a glorified cameo)whose home is within a massive warehouse. One among this group is a narc for the DEA, led by Campbell(James C Burns)and partner O'Bannon(Stephen Basilone)who bust in unannounced, causing quite the awkward situation as zombies run amok outside eating cops or anyone with the misfortune of being in the general area. Weatherman(Cazimir Milostan)is a television personality whose wife is pulled from his convertible by the zombie bums as he looks on in horror, abandoning his vehicle, intruding upon Mitch's warehouse as well, put to good use by Caesar when attempting, unsuccessfully, to retrieve his vehicle. Trying to ban everyone together, Campbell faces a tough task as these groups hate one another but must put aside their differences because of the greater threat. Soon, however, Caesar takes advantage(when Campbell saves him from being swarmed by zombies, risking his own life in the process)of an opportunity presented to him, and takes control of the group using his hand gun as a tool to do so. His tyranny will only last so long because his brother, Spider(Danny Martinez), has been bitten and is slowly succumbing to the zombie plague sweeping across the city. Despite being bound to a chair, developing circumstances will lead to his release causing an escalating series of events which will leave few people standing.

As expected, the Latino and ghetto stereotypes are present as is their colorful language and dangerous attitude. The film maintains a relatively volatile atmosphere as Caesar is your usual bullying antagonist, pointing his gun in people's faces, ordering them around to do his bidding. You know that with him in charge, the situation will only get worse because if the group doesn't work as a cohesive unit, tempers will flare and violence is certain to occur. Weatherman is the rich suburbanite who weakens psychologically, downing discovered booze, his behavior a mix of fear, paranoia and sadness. The zombies themselves have your typical facial discolor and drooling mouths, rampaging on fresh victims en mass. Rarely do you see visible flesh-ripping or cannibalism because the zombies form in massive packs hovering over their victims as we listen to the screams. The fate of Caesar is certain to earn a round of applause from the audience who watches a film like this..he is quite a despicable low-life who obviously gets his jollies from wielding his power with a revolver in his hand as those is fear for their lives do as he says. The most memorable death sequence comes at the end when a face is ripped apart from the mouth. I believe few will care for any of these characters and root for the zombies to tear them limb for limb. Despite the use of firearms and 2X4's, the violence towards the zombies is quite tame..lack of budget, I guess.
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neat idea, sad that more wasn't done with it
theLunchMovie3 July 2006
In a nut shell, Latino and black gangsters hole-up in a warehouse while homeless Zombies rage outside.

Too many gangster clichés, not enough Zombie action. Long, loud and repetitive periods of testosterone posturing coulda been spiced up by a few unique characters. I won't spoil it, but there was one potentially cool twist that came too late and fell flat when it was finally revealed.

This movie could have said something about Los Angeles, said something about about racism, or at least delivered some scares. It missed on all 3 counts. It's too bad, because a few of the performers brought more to their characters than the script gave them to work with.
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Gangs of the Dead
Michael_Elliott4 September 2009
Gangs of the Dead (2006)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Also known as LAST RITES, this film was re-titled and thrown on DVD and is yet another stab at the NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD line with some ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 thrown in for good measure. A group of homeless people are standing around when a meteor crashes on them and turns them into flesh eating zombies. A black gang and a Latino gang, rivals, take shelter in a warehouse with two white cops. The mixed group not only must battle the zombies but also each other. There's some nice stuff here but in the end I couldn't help but be bored by this because we've seen the zombie side of things so many times. I did think it was interesting seeing the two rival gangs having to deal with one another but this stuff didn't work as well as it could have because the screenplay mostly has them shouting things at one another and calling each other the "B" word. The performances aren't Oscar-worthy but all the actors fill their roles fine and deliver the type of performances you'd expect. The CGI effects are all rather obvious and that includes all the fake blood and guts being thrown around. Zombie fans might be attracted to the (new) title but they've pretty much seen everything here in much better movies.
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Night of the Living Dead Overwrought Racial Stereotypes
lovecraft2313 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
What happens to a Hispanic gang and a Black gang when a meteorite causes the dead to rise? They don't exactly band together, and instead just yell at each other a lot. Oh, and Reggie Bannister shows up.

A better film than "Zombiez" and "Dead Heist," "Gangs of the Dead" is still a rather pedestrian urban horror flick that thinks racial stereotypes and bad dialog are better than actually giving the viewer anything good as far as horror is concerned.

Granted, the occasional action scene and gory moment tends to put this above the previously mentioned films, and Reggie Bannister shows up at one point (though his role is essentially an extended cameo) However, the whole thing isn't that different from other Direct to DVD zombie flicks that can be found at movie rentals. It also doesn't help that the majority of the characters are essentially uninteresting and unlikable (even though the actors for the most part are actually better than expected), and when they die, you don't feel anything other than indifference. The apocalyptic finale actually leaves things open for a sequel, but so far, nothing has come up. Maybe that's a good thing.

It's kind of a shame really, because while watching it, I couldn't help but feel that with a better script and director, this could have been an enjoyable little zombie flick, and that the Urban Horror genre could finally have had a good recent zombie effort. As it stands, "Gangs of the Dead" is pretty much just the same old song and dance you've seen before, and done better by other movies as well.
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Stupid movie filled with stupid people making stupid decisions...
AndyVanScoyoc18 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
But at least the language in this film is hilarious.

Good idea, actually, just poorly executed.

One REALLY good death scene.

I've seen worse and would only recommend if you're having a beer and pizza night with your pals.

Beer would probably make this movie a whole lot better than it is watching it, sober.
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Um, Trade Descriptions Act anyone?
anxietyresister18 January 2008
Hi there. This is going to be one of my shortest reviews ever. Normally, I like to go into the plot, acting, direction of even the worst movies. However in this ones case I'll make an exception. You see, this film while being known as Last Rites in the USA is called 48 Weeks Later in the UK. There are lots of great quotes on the packaging like "DAWN OF THE DEAD EAT YOUR HEART OUT" and "THE BUMS ARE EATING THE COPS" (??) but these have little or nothing to do with what is contained within. Yes folks, if you buy this trash then you have been well and truly stitched up, as the only way it resembles Danny Boyle's original and its sequel is the final two words of the title. That's it. Thankfully I only borrowed it from a friend, I didn't make the mistake of wasting money on this rip-off.

There are hardly any zombies, no decent head explosions and most definitely no flesh eating viruses. No, what this you see is a modern blaxploitation film, and a pretty rubbish one at that. So, if you want to spend 90 minutes watching black actors running around a badly lit warehouse, shooting blanks at each other while talking like illegitimate sons of Shaft, be my guest. You'll also be giving the film company licence to mislabel any product in the future in the hope that they'll make an easy buck out of gullible saps like you. What next... Predator as a romantic comedy? Titanic as a ship navigational guide? Gigli as an Oscar winning masterpiece? Remember, it may be your money you're wasting, but it could have devastating implications for all of us. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

In the meantime, this waste of a perfectly good disc gets a 1/10 and a one way ticket to ebay. Starting bid: 1p. Hope my mate can find a gullible sap to take it off his hands. Oh, aren't I a hypocrite...
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Low budget urban gang version of Night of the Living Dead.
poolandrews28 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Last Rites is set in Los Angeles & starts as a meteorite crashes down near a bridge where a group of homeless people are gathered, knocked down by the force of the meteorite hitting the ground the homeless get back up again but have been turned into flesh eating zombies. Meanwhile two cops are staking out a warehouse, a large drugs deal goes down & they call in backup to raid the place but the before they can reach the warehouse the cops are attacked by the zombies, all the uniformed cops are killed & the two detectives only just manage to make it into the warehouse. With two opposing gangs, two cops & hordes of flesh eating zombies outside the unlikely bunch must put their rivalries aside & work together in order to survive but as tensions rise inside the warehouse it might just be safer outside with the zombies...

Co-written, produced & directed by Duane Stinnett this cheap Night of the Living Dead (1968) rip-off might have been alright if it were not for the horrible character's that make it an absolute chore to sit through. Basically Night of the Living Dead with an urban setting in a warehouse with cops & black gang members to keep the tensions high & the arguments coming Last Rites sees this bunch of people trapped inside a warehouse deciding whether to wait t for help or make a run for it. The story is alright I suppose but what really killed Last Rites for me were the annoying character's especially Caesar who just had a huge attitude problem throughout, wanted to do nothing but antagonise & start arguments, swear & get other people killed. This character & the way he acts gets really annoying, you just want someone else to shoot him just to shut him up, the other character's fare little better with two bland cops, various black gang members who just swear a lot & try to give it lots of attitude. It becomes incredibly tedious to watch & as I said the story isn't bad, if the film was populated with more likable character's that you could emphasise with & root for then Last Rites might have been decent, as it is it doesn't so isn't.

Retitled to Gangs of the Dead for it's US DVD release & puzzlingly to 48 Weeks Later for it's UK DVD release the film is fairly colourless & a bit bland to look at but competent enough & the initial CGI computer effect of the meteorite crashing to Earth in Los Angeles is quite impressive. There's a bit of gore, a woman has her arm ripped-off, there are a few zombie flesh eating scenes & a scene in which a guy has his head ripped in half. There is one moment that makes no sense though, when Dick Weatherman & his girlfriend are attacked in his car why doesn't he drive away when she is pulled out & eaten? Why does Dick then get out of the car & just randomly run away? Wouldn't it have been better to drive off? The again, what do I know. I was attacked by flesh eating zombies I'd rather run than drive off in a nice fast car, I mean that makes sense right?

Filmed in Los Angeles the production values are decent, the special effects are alright & it's not the worst looking low budget zombie film out there. The acting isn't great, the character's who are all annoying anyway come across as even worse.

Last Rites is a decent attempt at a low budget urban gang Night of the Living Dead that gets a few things right but the horrible character's ruin the film as you just want to see them all ripped apart & eaten as soon as possible.
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An okay zombie movie for its standard
jhpstrydom1 January 2010
From the opening scene its clear that LAST RITES (a.k.a GANGS OF THE DEAD) is a really low budget film but it has its upsides, the acting is decent the storyline is competently done and the direction is better than average for a film of this standard.

The downside is this film is nothing groundbreaking and obviously won't sell a record breaking number of DVD's and because many people prefer bigger budget films, this one here might put people off, it doesn't have major production values and the sound is sometimes very poor, but despite all that the film is overall competently executed.

If you're a zombie fan give it shot, I recommend though that you set your expectations low, like I said its a competent film but the films low budget certainly shows.
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yes another movie where even the zombies can't act
aaronnz8 April 2009
I love Zombie films, shame no one seems to know how to make them anymore

Black and Hispanic gangs go bang, bang, with a penis replacement and use words like hoe and other stereo typical so called black gangster related sayings and while they try, listening people? I said TRY to act,like gangsters, they just turn this into what looks like a low budget zombie? film, or is it a home movie made by a 10 year old using a single 1/8" CCD home video camera? Not sure hard to tell really.

The coloring was so drained it was almost monochrome most of the time. It's only when I saw so many credits at the end I realised the 10 year old directing the film must have a lot of friends, who also must have seen the Australian film called Undead which used similar opening well sort of, but was one heck of a lot better, in fact it was good.

Or did adults make this mess, I don't know, on the credits it looks like they had a large film crew, which makes me wonder how the hell this turned out to be such a load of pooh, 0/10 try again no gold stars for you. Films are Built on story lines people not just crappy acting and a few visual effects.
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One of the worst movies i have ever seen,
atinder9 February 2010
I saw movie called 48 weeks later, why have I never heard of this movie before?, So picked up thinking it was a sequel to 28 Days later and it even says on the DVD what happens after 28 days later which is a massive lie. As this movie is also called Gangs of the dead and like it says above Last Rites, if i knew that was same movie, I would never have picked up (What the hell did it give a different name in the UK.)I can believe i have wasted a hour and half of life on this pieces of rubbish that is called a horror movie.

The plot A meteor hit a place and then two gangs come to the same place and go to warn and then the people who should have died are backing attacking the humans.

The zombies are not scary at all and the make up effect are really bad and have zombie have no idea how act like a zombie and the acting from whole cast was horrendous. Some of gory stuff in this movie looked so fake.

Please avoid this movie.
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Great B movie, could be a cult classic.
krissanns9 July 2006
My friend wanted to take me to this midnight screening to see this movie. At first I hesitated a bit, 'cause I haven't heard much about it. But when I saw the movie, I was surprised how good it was. Oh come on…gangsters and zombies in LA…how you not like it. Unlike most low budget films, they didn't use the pretty boy look. All characters in the film are very charismatic and look the part, not to mention they are very good actors.

It is the kind of movie you want to see with a crowd. It is really fun to hear the person next to you cheer or gasp. My only complaint is that I wish there were more gore, but other then that it is a very good movie.

One thing I like is a surprised ending. Boy, I had no idea how it was going to end and then boom...surprised! Anyways, I really like it and can't wait for the DVD to come out.
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A decent zombie film
asdalovesme8 February 2008
I had this film under the title of 48 weeks later an i watched it directly after 28 weeks later!! i must admit that i did think it was a follow up to 28 weeks later but as soon as the film came on i could see that there was no link at all!!

You can tell this is a budget movie and has some cheap actors but don't let that fool you!!!! the film is actually quite good, the story line is what you'd expect from a zombie movie and it keeps you entertained!! some people here have given it bad reviews but i think they are forgetting one main thing.....zombie movies were originally just like this one!!! now im not saying this is as good as the original dawn of the dead or the return of the living deads but if this film had of come out in the late 70s early 80s it would of done quite well!

I will say that if your a general movie fan that rents a film every week then this will probably not be for you, but anyone who's into their zombie films or old time 80s horrors will enjoy this one!
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"very poor"
edcorden17 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not just poor it is down right rubbish! At no time does the movie have you gripped with suspense or even bothered about what happens next to the characters, it's just not entertaining! On the cover of the DVD people are quoted as saying 'unmissable'! what are these people on! What makes this movie so disappointing is the fact that the storyline is a good one. Perhaps in the hands of someone else the outcome could off been different. A few of the actors in the production give good performances but these tend to be killed off early, for example the senior cop what a waste having him eaten at such an early stage! There is no reason to go into a major review of this film as it is utter rubbish, save yourself some dollars and re-watch your copy of Dawn Of the Dead for the 50th time at least you will enjoy it!
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Poor Dawn of the Dead remake.
lastliberal31 August 2008
Why in the world would anyone want to watch a remake of Dawn of the Dead, when you can watch the original? Not only is this a bad remake with Black and Latino gang members in Los Angeles locked in a warehouse to escape the zombies, it is racist to boot.

It has been a while since I have see Mantan Moreland yelling "Feets don't fail me now," but I certainly expected it to come out of the mouth of Dayana Jamine, who played the sister of one of the Black gang members like Moreland.

Noel Gugliemi played Caesar, the leader of the Latin gang in a obnoxious stereotype of all ultra macho Hispanic. It was pure racism.

The zombie action was good when you saw it, but that was sparse as most of the action took place in the warehouse.

Janine Foster was the best character in the movie, and I look for more of her in the future.

Neat ending, though.
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Gangs Of The Dead
dukeakasmudge26 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers Ahead.....Maybe? Gangs Of The Dead was alright.It's not a movie I'd ever watch again or buy & I'm not sure if I'd recommend somebody go see it (Maybe if NOTHING else is on) I definitely wasn't expecting to like it at all but I did & I have no idea why.It started off pretty good (That meteorite striking the bridge did look pretty cool) but fell off towards the end.I still enjoyed watching it though.My main thing with Gangs Of The Dead is that you would think a bunch of gangbangers would be able to band together (With the police as well) No matter how much they hate each other & try & fight the zombies trying to get into the warehouse to eat them alive.I think any group of people would at a time like this.Gangs Of The Dead isn't a movie I'd go out searching for but if you're able to see it for free, Why not?
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Gang bangers of the dead
Bezenby6 October 2014
I've watched so many modern day zombie films that have the same plot as Night of the Living Dead that I've produced a template we all can use.

Delete as necessary: A (meteor/satellite/witchdoctor/evil book/bad sandwich/particularly powerful fart) raises the dead, resulting in some (marines/drug dealers/teachers/dancers/elephants/British 70s TV entertainers) to barricade themselves in a (warehouse/farmhouse/underground bunker/hotel/shopping mall/portable toilet/suitcase) which results in much arguing. They are safe until one of them (gets bitten/tries to break out/tries to retrieve a dog/farts and the rest have to escape/tries to give a zombie a wedgie) until the cast is whittled down until (they all get killed/one escapes/they find the world overrun/start a break dancing contest with the zombies). Also features a cameo by (Bruce Campbell/Jeffrey Coombs/Reggie Bannister/Keith Chegwin/Peter Sutcliffe).

Also, it looks like the director of photography's watched Blade Runner and Battlefield Eart too often, judging by the lighting and camera angles. The acting's fairly dodgy and more people are killed by humans than zombies. This is a run of the mill zombie film and if you go in expecting that, you might like it. Or not. It is what it is.
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Stay away from this one!!!!!!!
Hoganator18 September 2009
I'm not here to discuss plot or lack of it. I'm not here to discuss acting or lack of it. I'm here to say just a few things. This movie was so terrible. It was truly one of the most, if not the most, awful wastes of time I have ever had the displeasure of viewing.

I'm all about cult flicks that may or may not intend to be scary but have some value due to unintentional comedic timing or they may just be a good b horror flick. This movie was neither. THIS particular piece of crap was washed up skinemax players trying to act. This movie is beyond horrible and will never get to cult status.

I made an IMDb account JUST TO WARN PEOPLE on how crappy a film this is. Listen to me or not your choice but don't say I didn't warn you.
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They got me!
BA_Harrison5 August 2019
It's not often I that I am duped by the sneaky re-naming and re-packaging of movies, but I admit that I bought the DVD for 48 Weeks Later (33p at a local charity shop) mistaking it for the sequel to 28 Days Later. I soon realised my mistake, but decided to keep it anyway - after all, I'm a sucker for zombie films, no matter how terrible.

Originally titled Last Rites, the film features zombies vs. hispanics vs. blacks vs. cops, the action unfolding in a predictable manner as its clichéd characters argue amongst themselves, the living proving to be just as deadly as the zombies. It's a missed opportunity to do something intelligent: there's none of the sociological subtext that the premise suggests. But who cares about that? Director Duane Stinnett keeps the pace fairly lively, and there are a couple of impressive gore effects (a gory arm-ripping and juicy head-smushing) to please splatter fans (although a bit more graphic violence definitely wouldn't have gone amiss: it's a bit 'dry' for much of the time). It all adds up to a passable time-waster as far as I am concerned.

All told, 48 Weeks Later is far removed in terms of quality from Danny Boyle's movie, and its sequel, but still not the complete and utter crap-fest I had been expecting given the subterfuge required to get me to purchase it.
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When Stereotypes Collide
krachtm13 August 2013
The plot: Different groups of inner city L.A. stereotypes collide in a warehouse during a zombie attack.

The film is very low budget, and the filmmakers were not particularly resourceful, creative, disturbing, or weird. Instead, they fall back to clichés, stereotypes, and hack writing, then insert hints of social criticism. I'm not really impressed. As a horror fan, I have a certain degree of tolerance for bad acting, bad effects, and poor writing. Low budgets really don't bother me. However, this film has very little to recommend it, besides the fact that Reggie Bannister has a cameo. If you've seen Night of the Living Dead, Street Trash, Assault on Precinct 13, or Reservoir Dogs, I think you'll be pretty bored by this retread. There's no reason why low budget B films can't be trailblazers despite their limitations. However, this film slavishly follows all the rules, endlessly homages/rips off its influences, and has no surprises for veteran horror fans. Its like a Troma film, but without all the over-the-top aspects that make those awful films enjoyable.

It's not a total waste, though. Some of the gore, special effects, and stunts are passable. It's got a rare starring role for Noel G., but he unsurprisingly plays yet another obnoxious Latino gangster. There's some clichéd social criticism, but they really missed out on an opportunity to make some intelligent and insightful statements on racism, police brutality, intolerance, and violence. Instead, it settles on the same clichéd elements as every other direct-to-video zombie film, where stereotypes bicker and shout at each other for 90 minutes while occasionally being eaten by zombies.

Watchable for zombie fans -- but not recommended. Instead, try a French horror film called La Horde, which rose above its stereotypes and clichés to be a gory, fun, and memorable B movie with some interesting things to say about racism and police brutality... amid zombie carnage.
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Gangs of the Dead
Uriah435 February 2019
This film begins with a small group of homeless people gathered together near an underpass when a meteor crashes down nearby and knocks them to the ground. Upon recovering these homeless people have all turned into flesh-eating zombies. Meanwhile, a few members of a black gang arrive at a nearby wearhouse to make an illegal transaction. While they are there discussing business with their supplier a few members of a rival Hispanic gang just happen to arrive due to confusion over the time for their own transaction. This immediately causes some problems which only gets worse when a couple of police officers suddenly appear-with a monstrous horde of zombies seeking to gain entry into the warehouse as well. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that, for a low-budget zombie production, this film wasn't nearly as bad as I initially thought it would be. Admittedly, while it didn't offer anything that was unusual or unique, the plot kept my attention and the acting was generally sufficient as well. I especially liked the performance of Noel Gugliemi (as "Caesar") who played his part to near perfection. At any rate, while this film clearly isn't Academy Award material, I thought it was good enough for the time spent and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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More of an action movie than scary, but still very very cool...
Wild97 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this at a midnight festival the other day and wasn't sure what to expect, but I've been on a zombie kick lately, and I was pleasantly surprised. I liked this one a lot. It's a little different than some other zombie movies, more like an action movie, but it worked...and there were a few twists that took me and the people I was with by surprise, which is hard to do, because I've seen a LOT of these kinds of movies, and thought I'd seen it all. At one point the whole crowd just sort of gasped, one of those 'did I just see what I think I saw?' moments. very cool.

There are long stretches without any zombies but I didn't really mind because there was enough other stuff going on, and every time I started thinking I hadn't seen any zombies in a while, they'd come back (and usually do something really cool (there's a scene in here that's one of the sickest I've ever seen, in a good way!) The action scenes in this one are good, too, you can tell what's going on, not like Batman Begins or some of the 28 days later stuff.

I liked the characters, even though there weren't really any 'good guys,' some of them were likable...I won't say which ones get killed or when, but it definitely wasn't who I expected.

All in all, a really good film that went by FAST. Reminded me of early John Carpenter, but faster paced.
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I really liked it and I can't understand why it's rated SO low
alexfromhorn10 June 2012
I really liked it and I can't understand why it's rated SO low I'd except an all in all rating of ... I don't know 5.4 or something, OK no problem. But only 3.4? seriously? The budget was low, yes but that's how it is with B-Movies. I think the acting was OK, it was quite typical for ghetto-gangster movies. The zombies and effects were also well done for a B-Movie. Music was OK, nothing special but for its budget pretty fitting. But what I really liked was the story. It was quite nice not to watch only a movies were some guys fight zombies but there were some inner tensions because there are three different parties in this "building" so it's not only "kill the damn zombie!" but also "whos side are you on man?" and stuff like that. That's why liked it, it had many surprises and was probably the "freshest" movie I watched in the last weeks, although of course it was not that well done but still extremely entertaining. The ending was intriguing to me, very well done as well. The only people I wouldn't recommend it to are: People who don't like minorities for their stereotypical behavior, people who don't like low budget and of course people who hate zombie-survival stuff. But all in all I think it's very likable, so go enjoy it.
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Last Rites (Gangs of the Dead to me)
ricktv200710 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Duane Stinnett's "low budget" (it sure looks good for low budget) zombie flick is possibly the best zombie movie I have ever seen (so far). If Duane is checking out my post right now, I want to thank him so much. Bums eating cops!!! To see cops beating a former cop with knight sticks (priceless) makes me happy.

This movie was such a treat. The direction is simply perfect. The special effects... awesome!! I lived close to the area they were filming at, I have driven over the Olympic St. bridge, seen the Warehouse, and bought weed at Washington St. and S. Soto St. (you can see the spot from Google Earth, coordinates 34degrees 01'16.50" N, by 118degrees 13'25.10" West.) If you love action, gangsters, snappy dialogue, and the most realistic gore created so far, this movie is an absolutely must own!
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Not good but not bad
miss_deth_addict25 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Many things annoyed me about that movie but it was overall entertaining if you can make it past the first 15 minutes of the movie...

The characters are all under developed, the music at the beginning of the movie is awful, most of the actors are not what I would call actors but they still managed to be entertaining. The plot brings nothing new and the fact that the survival instinct never seems to kick in for any of the characters is annoying (the keep going with their gang rivalry even when they should just focus on surviving).

The movie is visually very acceptable and the story so fast paced I didn't see the time go. Not a must see but not an avoid at all cost either.
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