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Realistic look at our juvenile justice system
the-movie-guy14 September 2006
(Synopsis) The movie is based on a true story of a juvenile detention camp probation officer Sean Porter (Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson), who is frustrated by the 75% recidivism rate of the teenage felons that he is responsible for at Camp Kilpatrick. Sean Porter, a former college football star, comes up with an idea to form a football team. Porter believes that football will teach the teenage inmates what it takes to be responsible, teammates, and be winners for the first time, not losers. Porter and probation officer, Malcolm Moore (Xzibit) become the coaches, and they only have 4 weeks to get a team together before their first game. The juveniles must give up their gang rivalries on the gridiron to unite as a team.

(My Comment) You may think that this is just another football movie, but you would be wrong. This is one intense movie that gives you a realistic look into the lives and attitudes of teenage gang members, and their mindset that life means nothing to them when it comes to being disrespected by other gang members. Coach Porter was able to change their ways and give the young men a second chance, and they were better for it. You may be surprised that the Rock actually did a fine job of acting as Coach Porter. You must stay to the very end during the credits, because they show scenes from the documentary of the actual people. (Columbia Pictures, Run time 2:00, Rated PG-13)(8/10)
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A very good, touching movie!
rlnutt17 September 2006
Well, who would have thought that a professional wrestler would become an actor... not just a star, but a real, true to life 'ACTOR'! Dwayne Johnson has done this and he's seamless with his portrayal of Sean Porter to the letter!

The end of the movie shows several scenes of a documentary where the real Sean Porter is saying the lines that Johnson was speaking in the movie. The Rock makes those lines seem like his own and I bought into every moment of it!

Some characters were from actual kids that were in the L.A. juvie detention center and others were obvious blended characters. Two of the main characters were adversaries at the beginning and they become close... very close friends. This scenario probably has happened in real life, but they are fictionalized blends of probably many. The producers even made the numbers on their jerseys the same, but opposite. One was 13, the other 31... in other words, we are the same, just the sequence is different. I don't know if anyone else caught that, but I found it effective.

Overall, a very good movie with solid acting and a good script with a good ending! I recommend it, but the language is rough. No sugar coating the violence either. Not for kids, not even if the parents are sitting right next to them!
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When A Strong Man Shows Them The Way
bkoganbing2 October 2006
Other than some bad language, I can't see why The Gridiron Gang rated a PG. It's a really nice inspirational story about a man with idea to slow down the rate of recidivism among juvenile offenders.

Based on the true story of Sean Porter, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson plays Porter a former college football star who thinks that if he can get some of the kids to organize as a football team in his ward of the Los Angeles Juvenile Detention Center it might keep them from going back to the gangs and returning to jail or winding up dead.

The Rock, trading in on the name and image that professional wrestling gave him, maybe for the first time is playing a normal human being albeit a former sports star. No superhero heroics for once in this film, just a man with an idea who inspires a bunch of kids to not think of themselves as losers.

Dwayne Johnson dominates the film just as he dominated the ring in his wrestling matches. He's got his own troubles as well, a mother who is dying well he's dealing with the problems of his juvenile charges. But he does persevere and he turns losers to winners.

It's a nice film about what can be accomplished when you believe in yourself.
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Ignore the cold-hearted critics
TheMovieMark15 September 2006
Prepare to hear whining and complaining from movie critics who fall outside the boundaries of this movie's target demographic by a good 15 - 20 years: "This is so predictable!" "What a bunch of clichés!" "We've seen it all before!"

You know what? I'm not going to argue with those points. I don't deny that this is a by-the-numbers sports drama. "You can do it" speeches fill the air, inspirational music soars high, and anybody well-versed in this genre can easily call the shots. Come on, did you really doubt that there'd be a jerk opposing player that we'd be forced to hate? Are you naive enough to wonder if he'll get his comeuppance by the movie's end?

Gridiron Gang is a movie that understands who its audience is, and it plays them like a fiddle. But you know what else? I don't care. The audience absolutely loved it. Biggest crowd reaction of any movie I've seen so far this year. They cheered when the gang got a touchdown, they grimaced at every painful tackle, and they chanted for Johnny Betts to take his shirt off. Hey, I thought it was a little out of place as well. But who am I to deny my fans?

Now I'm not saying this is a movie of the year contender, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not ashamed of that, and I'm not going to apologize for it. I'll even go so far as to admit that there were a couple of scenes during which I got a little choked up - the only time it's happened this year.

Yeah, I said it. You got a problem with it? My biker boots (size 11) and I would be more than happy to discuss the issue. If you can turn an indifferent eye to the scene near the end involving Rock's mother then you, my friend, are a cold, cold man. Or woman.

What can I say? I'm a sucker for inspirational sports movies, especially when they star an actor I like - and I really like The Rock. His charisma and natural screen presence are undeniable, and he even displays some impressive acting chops here. The man gives us real tears - from BOTH eyes. Take that, Ashley Judd!

Not every film has to be a deep, insightful masterpiece of epic proportions with layers and layers of social commentary and "vertiginous fluidity." Some movies are simply made to entertain. What's wrong with giving the audience something to cheer? You know, there are still a few moviegoers out there who want to go home happy and inspired.

If you fit into that category then you won't have any problem ignoring the familiarity of Gridiron Gang. The wonderful mixture of humor and drama will suck you in and have you rooting for these kids to overcome the odds.

If you've got a "Mr. Potter heart" then do us and George Bailey a favor and stay home. The theater will be more pleasant without your curmudgeonly ways.
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Not Just Another 'Team Sports Cure Every Evil' Film
gradyharp19 January 2007
It seems like the past few years have seen a run on sports films that demonstrate the power of learning sportsmanship on a team level can alter the lives of the misbegotten youths suffering from the angst of society's perceptions. We've been through soccer, baseball, tennis, dance, track and football: GRIDIRON GANG uses football as the pivotal point, but due to the presence of a fine script by Jeff Maguire who adapted Jac Flanders documentary film, and cohesive poignant direction by Phil Joanou who knows how to move a large cast around and keep it personal, and most of all due to the overpoweringly fine performance by Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson this film is so honest and uplifting that it doesn't leave a dry eye in the audience.

The story is well known: Probation Officer Sean Porter (Johnson) is frustrated that the boys in his camp for young criminals when released to the streets show 75% returning and a large number dying in gang related violence. He sees this trend as being due to the lack of self-esteem in kids whose lives outside are demeaning and encourage failure. He gathers support from his fellow workers Malcolm Moore (Xzibit), Paul Higa (Leon Rippy) and Ted Dexter (Kevin Dunn) and gradually builds confidence in his project to organize a football team of his inmates. We wisely get to know the background of a few of the more difficult incarcerated boys, a fact that makes the project more full of tension and understanding of the problems to be resolved. Though most of the cast are unknowns, they are fine actors in this film: Jade Yorker, David V. Thomas, Setu Taase, Mo, James Earl, Trever O'Brien, Brandon Mychal Smith, Danny Martinez, Joe Seo, and Joey Lucero.

Through the team's growth as a unit they confront and manage to cope with problems and grow into goal-driven, good spirited young men. The presence of Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson is stunningly underplayed and all the more powerful for it. This is a sensitive performance that places Johnson in an all new category of respect as an actor. The film is overly long (120 minutes) due to repeated games the team plays and for devotees of Football that will be a positive aspect. But far more important than the games is the quiet growing of trust and faith that shows in the faces of this fine cast. Recommended viewing, especially for those who think they have seen too many sports related do-good films! Grady Harp
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feel good film
wrlang20 January 2007
Gridiron Gang is based on a true story about a juvi detention center that starts a football program to help troubled kids. There's really nothing new here, idle hands are the devil's work. Kids in trouble simply don't have anything to focus on. The story is about an administrator that takes a chance on a coach who almost wrecks the program, but pulls it out with the help of the kids. This is one of those quintessential feel good films about overcoming the odds and succeeding. Some good acting and good directing with the help if some way too tight camera shots help make the film look more realistic. A class A film to make you fell good about the system.
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The Rock does a fine performance in Gridiron Gang
tavm15 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As I watched the end credits and saw documentary footage of the real Coach Sean Porter and discovered he had lighter skin than The Rock, I thought, oh well, at least there was no discussion of racism in this movie. Skin color aside, The Rock did a fine performance in the role of a coach who wanted to show his juvenile delinquents what teamwork and discipline are about through football. From their first play with the Panthers to the first playoff game with the same team, this movie makes you cheer or cringe with every move that comes. There's also gritty footage of life in the streets in the beginning and the aftereffects during some games. Overall, though, it's not unlike some other inspirational sports films like the recent Invincible that shows victory in the end. So if you don't mind another feel-good football sports movie, I highly recommend Gridiron Gang!
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When a Man Makes the Difference
claudio_carvalho9 June 2007
In the Kilpatrick juvenile detention center, the supervisor and former football player Sean Porter (Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson) sees the lack of discipline, self-esteem, union and perspective in the teenage interns and proposes to prepare a football team to play in one league. He is supported by his superiors and his successful experience changes the lives of many youngsters.

While watching "Gridiron Gang", I commented to my wife that I was enjoying the movie in spite of being corny and predictable. However, in the credits there are several footages of a documentary with the real Sean Porter and several interns, and I realized that this movie is not only based on a true story, but many lines of The Rock are exactly the same said by Sean Porter in the documentary. This revelation changed completely my first opinion, and I found this movie a great homage to a man that made the difference. The message about the importance of sports to aggregate men and make them winners in the essence of the word is beautiful and The Rock is amazing, giving credibility to his character in one of his best roles. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "A Gangue Está em Campo" ("The Gang Is In the Field")
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Enjoyable for hope inspired
Launchd-II18 September 2006
For an L.A. native, disgusted with what has happened to a very influential and potentially great city, knowing that there are attempts to show alternate ways of life to the gang-riddled youth is in itself hopeful. The film may seem formula-like, however it presents a true story in the trappings of such formula without the often seriously candy-coated drippings of maudlin ways. There are good performances here, and including but not limited to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who comes close to but never totally dominates what is an ensemble of future stars. This is not only a youths-gone-bad movie and sports as panacea film but a look at how, on occasion, the right intentions can override the wrong pursuits.
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As Good as The Titans
bob-rutzel19 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Gridiron Gang Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

As Good as The Titans

A detention camp supervisor Sean Porter, (The Rock), comes up with a way to decrease the high percentage of teens returning to a life of crime after they serve their time. He plans to teach them football, and getting this idea past his boss won't be easy.

I said this was as good as the Titans and in many ways, better. The action, football and non-football, comes at you at a fast pace and if I didn't know better the non-football action seemed pretty real to me. The football sequences didn't allow anyone to hold anything back. This program is real and works and we get a little taste of it here. Yes, a lot of clichés are thrown about, but they are really needed for this hardened group of criminal teens. They work.

A lot of credit needs to go to the real Sean Porter and his staff by making something like this work. How far this program has extended itself outside the boundaries we see in the movie was not mentioned or if it was I missed it.

The Rock continues to amaze me. He is pretty good as an actor. All the cast performed in excellent fashion. The editing for the football action sequences was outstanding.

The dialogue was downright real and humorous dialogue was abundant. I remember one line that went something like this: I just love sacking quarterbacks. Hard to believe it's legal.

All in all a very good movie and keep in mind it's based on a real program in California to help troubled teens.

Violence: Yes, Sex: No, Nudity: No, Language: Yes
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breaking the ties that bind you
pookey5625 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
i feel compelled to give this film a 9 and almost rated it a ten. It isn't original; it isn't award-winning craft or direction. The football scenes weren't that good. I'm not sure The Rock has improved or expanded his range as an actor or not. But this film is based on true events, and inspires a great deal of optimism for the nature of mankind. There is a sincere desire for reform and redemption as a mission here, by a penal institution no less. It is less punitive and more on the side of these kids who end up in the court system. Many of us don't consider ourselves to be "criminals", and yet, by definition, most of us have broken the law at some point in our lives. Perhaps they were for what might be considered minor infractions, such as coasting through a stop sign, or not declaring something at the airport. But they are still crimes. The big difference here, is, most of us don't get caught. And even if we do, many of us can escape a prison term. We are, after all, human. I really appreciated this film for it's compassion; it's desire to build self esteem in a person and give them a real shot at a fulfilling life; to turn their lives around. It went for a sincere attempt at eradicating recidivism and portraying "locked up" kids as complex human beings who want a better life. kudos to Grid Iron for that. Am i a bleeding heart? maybe. And if i am, so what? Better to give someone a chance for redemption than to shut them up and turn your back.
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On the Gridiron, things were done right.
discoelephant6423 September 2006
It seems 'Remember the Titans' caused the levee to break. Every year, there is about five football movies released. Most are the exact same story, played over and over, while others are simply money grabs. This is exactly what I thought 'Gridiron Gang' was going to be.

I was wrong.

This movie was more than just football. I went deeper into real problems that today's underprivileged families face daily. Gang shootings, trouble at home, all of it was expressed in this movie, with no punches pulled. It had more heart than most movies I've seen all year.

The story: a youth detention camp decides to form a football team in order to help teach these kids how to bond, how to respond to authority and how to act as one unit. To forget whatever gangs they were, and to form new friendships, and respect others.

Sounds clichéd, and many posters on this site have declared just that. However, I thought it was very very well done. The Rock is no de Niro by any means. Not even close, but he did an excellent job in this as a frustrated youth worker willing to risk his job to help these kids find a purpose.

For many, football has helped them accomplish their dreams, has elevated them from the streets and given them a chance to save their families. This movie showed that, and leaves feeling inspired. I loved it, and I hope people give this a chance over that God-awful 'The Black Dahlia'.

This was the better film.
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Something like Invincible
JohnDeSando12 September 2006
The spate of "documentary" sports stories in the last couple of years has represented all levels of games from high school (Gridiron Gang, Heart of the Game, Remember the Titans, and Friday Night Lights), to college (Glory Road), to professional (Invincible), to Olympics (Miracle), and even to Paralympics (Murderball). So trying to say something new about the recent Gridiron Gang is as tough as playing that hardscrabble high school football for convicts.

The Rock plays Sean Porter, a forgiving but tough counselor/coach for a team of teenage delinquents, one of whom, Willy, has murdered his step-father. Sean's mantra is best expressed in his first speech to the team: "Everybody listen up. The Gridiron is a football field. On the Gridiron, we do it my way, not your way. Your way got you here. Whatever gang you claim, whatever hood you're from, this is your hood now." Well, although I'm not sure it's good to compare an urban war zone to a correctional institute, the speech reveals an overall soft, almost naïve, view of teenage violence. The hood indeed comes to the institute.

It's not that you need to know the outcome for this hostile crew, but you can guess that the Rock is effective, given his inhuman physique and killer smile. If there is a surprise, it's that the going itself is unHollywood difficult, with few victories and much interference from outside gangs, who like to settle scores for their incarcerated members, adding another layer to Rock's responsibilities. In fact, the depiction of gunfights in the hood is realistic enough to compete with the action on the field. In this way, Gridiron is something like Invincible, starring Mark Wahlberg as Vince Papale, in which Papale has no easy time making the Eagles, enduring their vigorous training, or winning games.

It's good to emphasize in film the importance of cooperation and heart; recent sports films have done better than most in showing that spirit.
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Formula sports/juve-prison film is exactly what you'd expect
a_chinn20 August 2018
Reasonably enjoyable but super cliched and predictable film about a juvenile detention facility where The Rock, Dwayne Johnson, starts up a football program. Nowhere as tough as Sean Penn's "Bad Boys." Nowhere as tough as Robert Aldrich's "The Longest Yard." Nowhere as funny as "The Bad News Bears." The script is paint-by-numbers, but is rescued by Johnson's strong performance as the coach, a solid supporting cast that includes Leon Rippy and Kevin Dunn, and solid directions from underused director Phil Joanou ("Three O'Clock High," "State of Grace," "U2: Rattle and Hum"). Overall, you've seen this film a hundred times before, but I suppose you could do worse.
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Highly entertaining movie. The formula works
ice_man_391 September 2006
This isn't one of your overly patriotic movies of how great Americans are. Its all about how a sport such as American football can change people to work together as a team.

This can effectively bring bonding amongst a wide array of demographics and individuals (in this case inner city youth with massive egos).

This movie had both action and drama and the rock really does look like someone these types of kids would listen to. One thing that I really respected was that racism wasn't really an issue here, which is apparent in usually all of these types of movies. It really had to do with the gang mentality and egos that gets into the minds of youths these days and they effectively showed this aspect.

At the end of the day it is a well rounded movie and something I highly recommend people see as a family because it does widen your perception of the issues that face youth most notably as I mentioned the gangs and bad influences that can unfortunately plague societies. It also had an interesting little documentary and epilogue at the rolling of the credits, so no need to leave early ;).
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good movie with inspiring actors
asing00417 September 2006
This was a good movie. It is based on a true story about a man named Sean Porter a real live coach for juveniles played by the "THE ROCK." He wants to coach some 16 and 17 year old juvenile delinquents in a detention facility in hopes of making them change their violent and criminal ways. He wants to teach them team work and to take their minds off gangs and to also learn respect. Since a lot of juveniles return back to their gangs or prison again or end up dead. This movie does send a good message to the youth who are incarcerated. That they can become better people if they are given a second chance. The acting done by "THE ROCK" and "XZBIT" were realistic and inspiring. (8/10).
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good movie, if you're looking for nonstop football
mtl_mlsha20 September 2006
I enjoyed this movie, although if I had been looking for some good drama to go with the football action, I would've been disappointed. Luckily, I am a sports fan, and enjoyed those parts quite a bit. It was a longer-than-average film, running 2 hours, and at least an hour and a half was football. It was this way right from the beginning, which starts with one of the inmates jumping another inmate. Although the film does touch on such issues as racism and gangs, it's not quite as deep as it makes itself out to be. That's not a problem, though, because the action and acting make up for what it lacks in character depth (we only learn about one character and how he got into the camp, and he's a prisoner). Even the main character's background is only hinted at (played by The Rock). Despite this fact, though, Gridiron Gang is a quality film that keeps you engaged for its entire two hours.
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The rock who knew?
amac99200021 January 2007
The rock gives a telling performance, the main reason I watched this film was because he was in it, as sadly I am a wrestling fan. But he showed that he can act with the best of them

I had no idea what to expect, now you all understand that it is a football film, being Scottish my knowledge of football is limited to say the least. But this is a film based more on football, it is about the hard life that kids have on the street, and also the struggle that youth workers have to try and keep kids off the streets.

What makes it more intense is that it is real, anyone would like this film, just because The Rock is in it doesn't mean anything so guys, believe me when I say, even your girlfriends will enjoy it
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Good uplifting football movie
happybob9118 September 2006
It seems like almost all movies about football that have come out have some kind of good uplifting message. Remember the titans was about overcoming racism, Rudy was about persistence and hard work (as was Invincible, another good movie) Gridiron gang focuses on the story of a caring social worker who organizes a football team of delinquents in the hope of filling the void that they have heretofore filled with crime. I thought it was a great movie. The Rock did a great job acting. There were funny parts, sad parts, and uplifting parts. I was unsure if it would be worth my time, but I was not disappointed. Not only did the movie have a good message, but there were also some pretty cool football scenes. So check it out, it's an awesome movie
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Give this film a chance
twalchusky22 September 2006
I have seen a lot of people rag on this film because it has a wrestler in it. First of all lemme say something. This isn't the football movie to end football movies. The Rock actually plays his part really well as well as the other members of the cast. To totally brush this off would be an injustice. I had my doubts as well, not because of The Rock but because there are so many football movies that come out and a lot fail to keep my attention. I loved Varsity Blues and The Program. The Replacements failed to meet expectations and Remember the Titans was just OK. and don't even mention The Longest Yard remake.... This film is definitely above average. The presentation is handled well and The Rock proves he belongs there. He also proves that he excels in drama rather than being the action hero or the comedic role (although i did enjoy The Rundown). So take a chance on the movie and chances are you will enjoy the whole 2 hrs and some change that this movie is.
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Not a bad little movie! Great action...
kmn577414 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Saw a Special Screening in Philly last night--pretty decent sports movie! And I'm not a High School football nut! Very entertaining and contains a lot of action. The Rock has come a long way since those 'Scorpion' days or whatever it was he played years back. This film actually has a good little story.

Long and short of it, the movie takes a very 2006 look at what's going on in the lives of some of America's young, urban, and mixed up youth. I cannot remember another Hollywood sports vehicle that has presented these themes in this fashion in the last 20 years.

Not a 2-D, 'I've seen this team before' movie... It wasn't the typical Disney sports flick that sometimes has a 100% rosy view of the world(not that there's anything wrong with that) :). This film does not hold back anything.

Just mixed up people, families, and situations---pretty much what happens on the streets today and whats been going on for a long time.

Don't know if the film will make it in middle America, but enough people will probably make this movie a success.

Good time...go see it for yourself!
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Uplifting and inspirational!
tracy_h24 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I think this movie was excellent. The "Rock" surprised me completely. I took him as a hard core/action actor, but he really made this movie his own. The boys were great actors as well. I cannot get over how some of these boys can act. Willie Weathers played the part, as well as the others. It wasn't a movie where in 10 seconds they were best friends or they won the first football game they played....the movie gave you just what it was - of course I am sure some of the real life events were a little different, but towards the end of the movie I couldn't wait until they kicked some butt, or when Willie finally knocked the "private" school brats down on their behinds!!!! That was so exciting! I laughed, cried and my heart was touched. I think this movie will make people see that kids sometimes make the wrong choices, a lot of which is upbringing and some not, but have so much more inside, they are children. This Coach Porter changed a lot of lives!! God Bless Him!
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Best football movie since Radio!
humpydoe25 September 2006
The rock! He is solid and does a wonderful job in this football genre of a movie. Yes this is a football movie And the football in this movie is great. Better then a lot of football movies out there! there is definitely more then football in this movie and the more then football part is Sentimental. This Has to be a Start of Showing the Rock may be able to act. The Film is loosely Based off of a true Story. it shows with the idea of them coming out with a football program in juvenile detention. it almost sounds like it was meant for a movie. everybody did an amazing job and should be happy with how the film turned out. Overall I loved the Idea . and enjoyed the film!
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Warm and touching
UrbanFilmCritic8 September 2006
A career in corrections is often a thankless job. Dealing with the worst of society's offspring, its no wonder that 75% of juvenile delinquents end up as repeat offenders back in the system. A sobering statistic that inspired juvenile corrections officer Sean Porter to become proactive. His plan was to give focus and dignity to a completely forgotten demographic.

Gridiron Gang is based on the true story of Porter's first football team. He wasn't coaching trained athletes, and his players' parents weren't on the sidelines. There were no scholarships at stake or academic probations to worry about. He was coaching gangbangers and murderers in a low security juvenile facility with nothing to lose and everything to gain.

If Remember the Titans and The Longest Yard had a baby—it would be Gridiron Gang. The film had the warmth and heart of Titans with the basic premise of the Longest Yard. We all love an underdog story and what's buried deeper than a group of antisocial teenagers playing football for the first time in their lives.

Of course films like this have their share of corny scenes—the Rock attempted tears (unsuccessfully) in two of them. But the film will make you cheer and might make you cry.

Standout performance by newcomer Jade Yorker. He's a face to watch…he's got something.
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The Funniest Movie of the Year
jonmilles15 September 2006
I just got back from seeing this movie on opening night, and I haven't been able to stop laughing since about 15 minutes into the movie. My friends and I were able to guess what was going to happen in this movie based solely on our knowledge of other sports dramas. We even nailed lines of dialog before they came up. The kicker, though, was how one actor would say something, which was then followed by at least three reaction shots and around 10 seconds of silence before somebody would say anything. I suggest seeing this film with a bunch of friends who enjoy laughing at movies that try to make you feel sentimental, it certainly helped my experience.
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