World's Finest (2004) Poster

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Warner Brothers, the ball in now in YOUR court!
Tresix4 December 2004
Sandy Collora made an impressive eight-minute film called BATMAN: DEAD END which pitted Batman against the Joker and two surprise movie monsters from a rival studio's franchises. Collora returns to the comic book genre with WORLD'S FINEST. Longtime comic book readers will recognize that title as the monthly book that teamed Batman with Superman. It's also the title of a three-part episode of "The New Batman/Superman Adventures" that was released on video as THE BATMAN/SUPERMAN MOVIE.

Once again, we can see the influence of artist Alex Ross on Collora's cinematic work as early in the six-minute film we see Clark Kent (Michael O'Hearn, who looks as if he just flew out of the pages of "Action Comics") changing into Superman while being lit by a single, small spotlight. Very similar to some of Ross' artwork. WORLD'S FINEST is shot in the format of a movie trailer for an "upcoming" production from Warner Brothers, who owns both the literary and cinematic rights to the characters. It would appear that Clark/Superman is having trouble with President Lex Luthor (Kurt Carley, who played one of the surprise creatures in BATMAN: DEAD END). So much trouble that he needs the help of Batman (Clark Bartram reprising his role from the previous film). Luthor, meanwhile, enlists the aid of Batman foe Two-Face (Michael Antonik)instead of the Joker like in the animated film. The action primarily takes place in Metropolis as we only see Superman's supporting players: Perry White (Joseph Collora), Jimmy Olsen (Andrew Decker) and, of course, Lois Lane (Nina Kaczorowski).

For a low budget attempt, some of WORLD'S FINEST looks great. There is a scene where Superman catches a car falling from the sky that will remind you of the cover of "Action Comics" #1 and then flies away with it. However, other flying sequences look kind of cheesy. Also, as with BATMAN FOREVER, Two-Face is portrayed as a cackling Joker-wannabe. Two-Face is a very tragic character who seldom laughs. But, for the most part, Collora has done a very good job. Which leads me to issue this challenge on his behalf: Warner Brothers, if you've seen this short, the ball is in your court. With your talent and money behind you, you should be able to produce a film to go with this "trailer". It's all up to you now.
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About as good as a trailer for a non-existing movie can get.
Boba_Fett11381 January 2007
"World's Finest" is an unique project. It's a trailer for a Superman/Batman crossover movie that doesn't exists and will also never exists, at least not in this form, with these characters, actors and plot line anyway.

So the movie is one big tease, even more than standards everyday real movie trailers. The trailer will hype you all up for nothing. In that regard, I really didn't liked this short project. When watching this trailer it makes you hungry and excited for more and at the same time sad- and perhaps you'll even feel cheated afterward, when it turns out that a full length movie of this trailer will never exist at all. Sort of makes you wonder why this project was made in the first place. Surely to show off Sandy Collora's skills but couldn't he had also done this with a real movie short, like his earlier movie "Batman: Dead End".

But when you have to judge this short purely for what it is, so from a movie technical point of view, it's a really great one. It's great looking and way more professional than you'll perhaps at first would expect, although the people who've already seen "Batman: Dead End" will already know better than to expect a short with cardboard sets, cheap homemade costumes and third-rate actors. The short is not constantly impressive looking and obviously the budget wasn't sky-high but for most part it's very impressive and professional looking, with nice costumes, sets, special effects, cinematography and lighting.

The short has a good quick and typical trailer build up, with perhaps a bit too many posing shots too completely find it credible but hey, it works well for the trailer style. It has some impressive shots but also a couple of lame ones, mainly the Superman flying sequences. It was obvious that the guy was just standing at a moving car, with a camera aimed at him from an angle below. I even found it a pretty laughable thing to watch. But really the better and more spectacular moments really compensate for this.

Michael O'Hearn seemed like a pretty good Superman/Clark Kent, although he obviously isn't the greatest talented actor around. Clark Bartram reprises his Batman role well again and Kurt Carley seemed like an awesome Lex Luthor. The rest of the cast also served its purpose well enough.

It's especially interesting to watch this short after the recent new modern reinterpretations of the two main superheroes of this movie, in the movies "Batman Begins" and "Superman Returns". It's interesting to compare the style and character treatment of those movies with this one. It's actually amazing and fun to hear how much Kurt Carley does sound like Kevin Spacey, the actor who played Lex Luthor in "Superman Returns".

It's a good looking and well made and constructed trailer that however will makes you hungry for more, even though you know that there won't be more. Whatever happened to the Waner Bros. plans to create an actual full length Superman/Batman movie by the way? I thought that developments were underway for it a couple of years ago but nothing has been heard of it ever since. Instead two new separate Batman and Superman movies were made; "Batman Begins" and "Superman Returns".

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If only....
planktonrules1 August 2009
This is a fan-made short film that pretends to be a preview for a new movie that pairs Batman and Superman! It's the sort of film that fans adore and watch at places like ComicCon and was made by the same person who made BATMAN: DEAD END, Sandy Collora.

As far as this film goes, I could easily pick it apart. Sure the CGI effects aren't perfect and the costumes are far from perfect. BUT, this was made on a shoestring budget and for a fan film this is incredible. I was particularly impressed by the very buff Superman--he was no wimpy little guy! If only this were a preview for a real film--they'd have fans lined up from here to Omaha to see it. Great job.
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Great Second Superheroic Effort from the Director of Batman: Dead End
Chiron198715 October 2004
Sandy Collora's World's Finest is a faux film preview featuring the cinematic team-up of D.C. Comics' two greatest heroes and cultural icons, Superman and Batman.

Collora opted for a different approach to filming his comic book heroes, this time using less atmospheric, lighter fare and giving his audience what constitutes a three-minute tease.

Having said that, World's Finest is a very fine display of the directorial talents of Sandy Collora and is a great follow-up to his masterpiece Batman: Dead End.

Clark Bertram returns as the Dark Knight Detective, and is in fine form, but it's Michael O'Hearn's Man of Steel that really steals the show. O'Hearn does a tremendous job of embodying Superman on screen, and carries the physical presence to pull it off realistically and seriously. Once again, Collora evokes the artwork of comic book painter Alex Ross in his choice of actors and set pieces, and once again, it works terrifically.

Kurt Carley, the Predator of Batman: Dead End, portrays a fleeting, but ominous Lex Luthor, and the gorgeous and sultry Nina Kaczorowski is fine as Lois Lane.

The trailer is a spine-tingling experience for comics fans and fans of superhero movies, but it does leave the audience a bit wistful with its short running time and cliffhanger feel.

Sandy Collora has proved once more that he is a capable filmmaker and here's hoping this will be a further boost to an already impressive career.

Highly recommended!
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Not a bad trailer, seemed better suited for a television show than a theatrical movie.
AbeStreet25 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked BATMAN: DEAD END, I thought that it had a theatrical feel to it and that given a chance Collora could make a fine film. This trailer didn't quite give me the same impression. The story line, or potential story line, was quite good but due to the acting and special effects left me feeling like this would have made a good TV movie or television show.

First, Michael O'Hearn is not that good a Superman. I actually thought he, in his brief appearance, made a decent Clark Kent. Sorry, I just don't think of SuperMan as being that buff. The suit Kent wore masked his size. Batman may have the body of a bodybuilder but not Superman. Supes is toned no doubt but not bulk. Anyway, I didn't care for all his posing and his transformation from Kent to Superman seemed cheezy. Now this may not be just O'Hearn's fault, Collora may have to take some of the credit for poor scripting and direction.

Second, the special effects for flying were cheezy. Superman flies through the sky. If was obvious that this Superman flew close to the ground, with the telephone cables and buildings visible above him. I don't think there were any full body shots of Superman flying. Evidently the harness and rigging supporting O'Hearn must have been located on his lower torso.

All in all it was a good trailer. I'd probably pay to see a film, if ever made, and would be sure to catch it on television. The story line, an alliance between Lexcorp and Wayne Industries, Superman jealous of Lois's attraction to Wayne, Lex and Twoface teaming to beat Superman and the joining of forces between Batman & Superman is a good one. I'm sure with a larger budget and approval for a full film Collora and company, even O'Hearn could deliver a decent film. Certainly one better than the most of the comic based crap coming out of Hollywood lately.
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Cool trailer, but certainly not flawless
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews11 December 2007
Batman and Superman. Iconic. The better part of a century old. Who doesn't know of these two? There must be countless of fans who would die to make a film about them. Sandy Collora went ahead and put together a trailer for such a film(which does not exist, and is not being created, much less by this team). Perhaps what this has most going for it is how polished it is. Throughout, the cinematography is solid. The editing is spot-on. The production values, even with the costumes looking more like their comic counterparts than the ones of the feature films featuring these character, are quite high. It looks quite "Hollywood", this trailer. The physical types fit for, as far as I can tell, every single character. The lines are reasonably written. The shots are well-thought up, nicely achieved and fairly effective. However, this does have problems, and in spite of looking good, it doesn't quite match the energy and skill of Grayson(which only had the problem of teeter-tottering too much back and forth between a short and a trailer, as well as unbridled passion leading to the inclusion of too many characters and ideas). The acting is perhaps the most evident. It's... not good. Even some of those who only have one line and/or hardly appear on-screen at all manage to fail at delivering a good performance. The actors cast in the parts seem to have been chosen more for how much they look like the characters they're playing than their talent. Then there is the writing. Really, the plot, well, what minuscule amount there is(this and this character team up, something about some evil plot...) is fine. There is a problem in the characterization. While most characters seem to fit, Two-Face is, well, about as much as a cackling lunatic(which is quite simply, as far as I've understood, not what the character is) as he was in Batman Forever(and having your work on portraying any element of the Batman universe compared to Joel Schumacher's efforts can be considered the greatest insult to a fan). Also, putting that character in this is going to cause comparisons between this trailer and that film(honestly, Collora is practically *begging* for it with such a similar initial reveal) to be made, and, let's face it, this loses in every respect. Michael Antonik most definitely does not possess the screen presence that Tommy Lee Jones does, and the make-up(which, in aforementioned reveal, is essential) isn't as strong as that of the film(whether or not it was good in the film is another matter). The sad thing is that while Fiorella(John, who created Grayson) seems to be far more into the comics, and get them, the depth of them, better(not to mention possessing more of an ability to come up with compelling plot... Grayson had enough material for half a dozen feature films, or more), Collora seems to be the one with access to funds and the one who's more likely to have contacts(on account of having non-indie credits on his filmography) to actually have a shot at making an actual feature out of his trailer. I intend to watch other of Collora's work. But Fiorella is the one of the two whose work I will most definitely be most interested in. I recommend this to fans of the characters. 7/10
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Sandy Collora does it again!
HaemovoreRex1 April 2007
Let me make one thing clear….for the most part, the mentality of those who run the show in Hollywood frankly p*sses me right off in general and even more specifically in relation to its treatment of much loved, iconic characters from the pages of comic books. Why? Well let's take a typical Hollywood executive board meeting scenario to illustrate shall we…..

Executive no.1 'Hey there's lots of dollars to be gleaned from superhero flicks these days.'

Executive no.2 'Good point, let's make one with haste then! – We'll do a lucky dip in a hat and pick out a superhero at random to base a film upon!' (The dip takes place and a famous superheroes name is pulled out)

Executive no.1 'Great! Now who can we get to play the part?'

Executive no.2 'Who's a big box office star at the moment?'

Executive no.1 '*name of big actor* is the in thing this week.'

Executive no.2 'But does he really suit the role? I mean he doesn't resemble the character whatsoever.'

Executive no.1 'Who cares?! He's a big name; We'll make the film with him in it anyway.'

Executive no.2 'You're quite right! And besides we'll fill the entire film so chock full of glitzy special effects to appease the moronic masses that no one will ever question it anyway!'

The above scenario clearly illustrates one of the reasons I generally loath most modern superhero movies. All style, no substance and simply pathetic casting of the iconic leads. Of course to be equitable, there are exceptions to the above rule; when Hollywood does get it right – take the casting of the original (and still easily the best!) Superman; Christopher Reeve and more recently Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen in the X-Men films.

But back to the general negative traits displayed by Hollywood today…..wouldn't it be wonderful if our studio executives were to ALWAYS choose actors who actually suited the roles? Well in this less than ideal world, one filmmaker does just this believe it or not, by casting actors based upon their genuine resemblance to their comic book counterparts. His name is Sandy Collora. Sadly (but typically) Hollywood has not as of yet allowed Collora to direct a full length film but luckily for us, he has given us tantalizing glimpses of what the finished outcome would likely look like in the form of two (as of yet) famous super hero short features. One is the superb Batman:Dead End and the other is this mock trailer for an entirely fictitious film called Worlds Finest.

Well, let's not mince our words here – this is absolutely awesome stuff!

The casting of Mr. Universe winner and male model Michael O'Hearn, (who looked similarly awesome but was utterly wasted in the lackluster Barbarian) makes for the most perfect choice to play the iconic man of steel. In fact, in terms of physical resemblance, there has undoubtedly never been a closer approximation to the comic character.

Added to this Clark Bartram is back fresh from his splendid portrayal as the Dark Knight in Batman:Dead End; Again, yet another hugely judicious piece of casting!

What can I say? – If only this was indeed a real, full length film! Hollywood studio executives – take note! THIS is how it should be done!

As a final note, I am once again intrigued by the vastly split reactions this short film has evoked from fans. Tellingly, the most acerbic and vehemently adverse reactions against it clearly come once more (as similarly with Batman: Dead End) from a younger, less cinematically experienced audience; a fact betrayed by their somewhat grammatically primitive rants and liberal usage of base diction. Such an unfortunate state of closed mindedness is indeed a sad phenomenon albeit one that our aforementioned studio executives in Hollywood, will no doubt derive great satisfaction from. After all, these very same misguided individuals are in all probability the exact same sort of CGI addicted, popcorn stuffing imbeciles that revel in the majority of crap that Hollywood churns out by the deluge these days.
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Sandy's second commercial
neil-47610 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This short but enjoyable project is another demonstration of Sandy Collora's ability to work wonders - on a very small budget he produces a trailer which convinces you that it is cut from a big-budget blockbuster.

Only two things fail to convince. One is a number of the flying scenes, where Superman appears to be tied to a large pole emerging from the front of a vehicle which is just out of shot. And the other is the tendency of the two heroes, but Superman especially, to strike heroic poses. Those poses work on the comic page but not on screen. They look like models for knitwear catalogues.

Apart from that, I would definitely go and see the movie!
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great film!!!!!
longi-28 September 2006
This film is really cool. every thing looks like it came out of the comic book. the sets, the costumes, and the plot is great. Clark Bartram is again our favorite batman. he looked a bit better in dead end, but he still pulls it off. superman is great too. the flying effects are OK. but its a fan-film so we cant expect them to be the greatest. the shot with superman catching the car was VERY believable. it was cool. This is a movie i would definitely see if it were real. its got every thing you would want in a batman/ superman movie. one exception though, i would cast the joker instead of 2-face..... overall i give this film a 10 because its a great film.
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Superman and Batman form an uneasy alliance
disdressed1212 August 2008
this short film trailer is basically about Superman and Batman working together and forming an uneasy alliance.obviously,the two characters have vastly differing views on how to deal with crime and what constitutes's a lot of fun to see these two iconic characters try to get along.i won't go int to the storyline here.but i will get into the acting,which is terrific.everyone is well cast.the two actors playing Superman and Batman are well suited to their characters.the same filmmakers that made Batman: Dead End and Grayson also made this short film.of the three,i probably liked this one the least,but i still thought it was well done.for me,World's finest is a 7/10
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Disappointing follow up to "Batman: Dead End"
movieman_kev6 October 2005
Sandy Collora, the guy who made the fan film "Batman: Dead End" returns with another one this time the short fan-film is packaged in much the same way "Grayson" was (Ie. trailer for a non-existent movie) While John Fiorella's "Grayson" worked marvelously for me, this one just didn't for some reason. Yea, Clark Bartram who reprises the role as Batman from "Dead End" was pretty good (despite the costume not working quite as well in the direct light), but, Superman in this short just didn't worm for me and their was a tad too much banal banter. It has a few good shots, and Nina Kaczorowski DOES make a extremely hot Lois Lane, but the short as a whole just didn't sit well for me and wasn't as good as "Dead End"

My Grade: C
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Flippin' Awesome!
ryanhunter707 December 2006
I'll say this to begin with:...Why, oh why, can't WB do what these short film directors do? Sandy is obviously an amazing Director, and deserves some credit from WB and DC. But I guess they're kinda put on edge when a man with a $12,000 budget can make a super-hero fan drool. The World's Finest is one of the best short films I've ever seen, Trailer or not.

I think choosing a Bodybuilder(Mike O'Hearn) to play Superman was a genius choice. Let's face it people, Superman is no super-model. He may be handsome, but a GQ Stud he is not. And I don't know what that guy a few comments above me was on, but Superman is actually pretty beefy(Have you ever actually read a Superman comic?). I Guess that fact alone just floors me...It seems like such an obvious choice to get someone with some actual muscle-mass to play a Super-hero, rather than a pretty-face. Same Thing for Batman, Bartram is in incredible shape, and an excellent Batman...I don't know guys...If given a bigger budget, and his own movie...I think Bale and Bartram would be Neck and Neck. Bottom line, This is one of only a scant few of Super-Hero movies with actors that actually LOOK the part.

The Acting is pretty nice as well. I don't know what every one is talking about, O'Hearn isn't that bad. He's damn convincing as Superman, and Bartram...Well, he IS Batman. I mean, come on people, this movie had a $12,000 dollar budget, what were you expecting?. Everyone Else is great too, except Two-Face seems a tad crazier than usual...But hey, we only have Tommy-Lee Jones as a reference. Oh, Lois is pretty hot too.

The SFX are flippin' sweet too. I mean, Seeing Superman lift the car up...MAN!, how cool is that. Versus the "Tank" scene in Grayson, I may have to put this one above that, since Mike actually looks like he's flying, and with ease. The Flying sequences left something to be desired, but once again, with a bigger budget...Oh, And he even used a Batmobile!(It was probably a Model, but it looked damned convincing).

All in all, this trailer's only downfall was a lack of a serious budget. And WB refuses to admit that Collora is a credible Director, and NEEDS to be apart of some kind a Project...But no, they'll(Like most of the Marvel projects) just keep getting these hack directors who show almost no regard for the fans and what they care about, and keep churning out these gamble movies. Thank god Superman Returns was a hit, or that seriously would've been the end of it. World's Finest is excellent, and in my book, counts as a Superhero Movie.
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Not bad for a trailer
Horst_In_Translation1 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The title of this 3.5-minute short film may be a bit exaggerated, but lets just say that writer and director Sandy Collora refers to the protagonists in here. These are Superman and Batman and who knows, maybe if Collora had been in charge, then the new movie about these 2 comic book characters may have turned out better. But i myself have not seen it yet, so I can't go further into detail here. This little trailer here was pretty decent. Occasionally it was a bit over the top and needed a touch more subtlety, but overall it wasn't bad and would have possibly inspired me to watch a full feature film about these two. Of course, there isn't any, at least not with Collora in charge. Interesting characters are in here and that also includes the villains. I see no greatness, but i see a pretty decent fan film. Go check it out if you care about superhero films.
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He can do Batman, but not Superman
Asimov4210 August 2004
I liked Batman: Dead End. A dark edgy film-noir setting for Batman was perfect. Batman: Dead End is good. This is not.

First of all let me start off with the acting. None of it is really that good. The best would probably be Clark Bartram as Batman. But that isn't saying much. He is good at first glance, and then you realize he is what he is, a body-builder who happens to be a tolerable actor. But mainly the problem is that Batman doesn't belong in the daylight, he looks like a freak running around in a Bat suit. Instead of a horribly scarred man trying to make up for past mistakes. The daylight also reveals an irritating dorky scowl on Bartram's face which never leaves and unoticeable in Batman: Dead End, probably because of the darkness of short which is so desired in this trailer. Bartram seems to think that scowling and stubbornly shaking his head is acting, it's not, it's quite the opposite. It's called posing, something real actors avoid like the plague.

Something I never understood why Collora casted body-builders as the leads. It makes much more sense to give the role to an actor who can manage it, instead of a bodybuilder who can kinda manage it but HEY HE LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE THE COMIC! Of course, they might have done better if Collora's dialouge didn't leave much to be desired.

The entire trailer (yes, trailer. There will not be a full-length film) is more centered around Superman then Batman. But everything on the Superman side is corny, cloying and amateur. Michael O'Hearn (Superman) is one of the worst actors I've ever seen. He stands around, smiles, says his lines. That's about it. Although I'm not surprised since he is just a bodybuilder they hired and possibly received a few acting lessons. Once again I say to Collora, cast ACTORS. Not bodybuilders. Actors will be so much more compelling that we will forgive the fact they don't look exactly like the comic book.

The costume is what you would expect Superman to wear. As for the Batman suit. Well, I guess it only looks good in the dark. I say this because in some shots the suit looks like something you would buy from a Halloween gift shop.

Superman flies in this movie. But that isn't a good thing. These shots look especially amateur. This and a lot of the entire "film" looks like it was shot in their backyard with a VHS camera.

The best shots are a shot of Superman catching a car in his hands. And the final shot of Two-Face and Batman at the very end. For those of you who have seen the trailer. You know what I'm talking about. Now if only he could have stretched that shot through the entire trailer.

Finally I ask. Why if you're trying to show your ability as a director, would you make a trailer as a short film? This proves nothing when it comes to being an actual director handling story. My only piece of advice for Collora here is, there is a difference between the ability to tell a story and being able to work in marketing.

Batman: Dead End didn't feel amateur. I can't figure out where this went wrong.
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Worlds Finest: It should have been a fantastic movie!
valdepenasjulius21 October 2006
This short film has every components of great superhero movie.Good special effects considering its budget.The actors portraying both Superman and Batman,They look as though they came out of an Alex Ross comic book.....very accurate! I'm very much hoping that Warner Bros.would make at least a T.V series out of this and hire the same actors Mike o'Hearn and Clark Bartram(a very superhero name) or do a separate series for each.They deserve it.Superheroes drawn in comics are with heightened fit bodies...depending on the character.Chris Reeves was the best Superman and Brandon Routh is a fine new superman and Mike just came out of the comic book superman and equally good looking as them not to mention properly filling the blue suit.Same with Clark as Batman,He's just perfect for it....all muscles in that tights. Its Superman and Batman for real on this one
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A damned masterpiece!!!
purifier-13 August 2004
I've just seen it....for those who don't know what it is, I suggest to download the entire feature and enjoy viewing's kinda amateur made trailer featuring the same producer of the famous short Batman Dead End, but this time besides the black knight there is also Superman... It would be wonderful if they made the entire movie...but I'm afraid that it's almost impossible, especially just before the official Batman 5 film.

-- There is no greater crime against peace than the refusal to fight for it.

Lorenzo 'Purifier'Pinto
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This is the real deal, folks!!
jediluke17-131 October 2004
Another exquisite taste of what a superhero movie should be after Batman:Dead End that just helps stimulate our taste buds and leave us wanting more! This is what a real superhero movie should look like and feel like! Even tough this is a fanfilm of sorts. The attention to detail, character and action is undeniably real. Although this is a limited resources production, it puts to shame big budgeted, star-casted, hyped productions "other" superhero related movies. Here the main and supporting characters act and look like they are real life people. Finally, a Superman that actually looks "super" and looks like the real thing! Batman the way it should be, without the flashy rubber-casted , ripped body armor to hide scrawny physiques for over paid actors that don't deliver. I just wish that some sensible Warner Bros. exec gives the OK to produce a full length adaptation of this jewel. I don't care if it goes to theaters or straight to DVD, I would never get tired of watching it. Just the plot itself is worth my hard earned dough for this. Hope the "bigwigs" at Marvel & DC productions take a look and see what a real well produced superhero movie should look. No more "Batman & Robin" fiasco, or Hulk, Daredevil, etc. Learn from these small time directors and learn that there shouldn't be any reason to "reinvent" the hero for the movie, just to have it "bomb" in theaters. Mr. Collora...We need more directors like you!!
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Now, where's the movie..?
superheroesinc16 September 2004
After seeing the "Batman Dead End" short, I didn't know what to really expect from World's Finest. Of Course, Superman AND Batman. All my World's Finest comic books have them as the team-up.

After seeing this 3-and-a-half minute trailer, it made me wish someone would make a serialized fan film for World's Finest, if not an actual full-length film.

Sure, some of the Superman stuff was cheesy, but movie trailers in theaters are always teasers, giving you only certain aspects of the entire product. This looks like it needs a complete product.

Other than director Sandy Collera's relative playing an achingly poor Perry White, most of the actors were unknown. If an actual movie was made, actors would be cast to fit the bill for the film, though I believe Nina Kaczorowski would make a good Lois Lane, especially if given closer-to-the-character dialogue.

Good to see Clark Bartram wearing the Batman costume from Dead End, but it should be updated a bit more and not be like the 40s Batman with the 80s-90s leather cape and cowl. His demeanor is Batman-like, but I still wonder about the validity of white contact lenses instead of just allowing his eyes to show through the mask. I believe the goal was to get it as close to the comic character than the movie persona.

Michael O'Hearn cannot play Superman, period. He stands around with a goofy look on his face that simply says, "slap me." And line delivery seems to be a problem with him.

Overall, though, I would love to see a complete story and film based on this ingenious piece of work. There was a rumor about a World's Finest movie being made, and with the correct additions to the script, this could be it. Hope more like this are made.
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Bartram, great, O'Hearn, not so
mikecrespo-118 March 2005
Another great movie effort from an up and coming blockbuster movie director, Sandy Collora. A very wise decision to use Bartram again as he had in his first effort, "Dead End". However, the choice of O'Hearn had to have been one more of visual compatibility to the role than that of acting acumen. O'Hearn is just about the most perfect looking Clark Kent/Superman I have ever seen. His acting ability is somewhat stiff and wooden I'm afraid. The smirks and glances he gives are just not enough to carry the viewer across the line from thinking that he looks like Superman to believing that he actually is Superman as we do with Bartram in his Batman role. (Bartram and Batman. Hey, I never noticed that before!) It's as if O'Hearn is more interested in looking the role than being the role. I hope that Collora does not wind up going the route of George Lucas whose movies of late have been more about looks and less about substance.
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I want more
rgwood62022 January 2005
Sorry to say I have no idea what Hollywood is doing. Sure give us movies like Batman Begins. Oh, by the way Hollywood I think they may cover the story line in the movie Batman, but please don't entertain us what we would really want to see Batman and Superman together. I really hated this trailer because it left me wanting for more. I was looking around to see when it was coming out. It was like a terrible practical joke. The graphics where good the story line seemed solid and it had all the trappings of a great movie. Unfortunately it's not going to happen for now. To the producers, directors and all the actors great job but I hate you for doing this to me. You left me wanting more.
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A cool trailer but nothing more than that
bob the moo16 July 2005
For every force of good in the world there is a force for evil. Superman is the good to Lex Luther's evil – a fight he has fought many times before but one that sees him truly up against it this time and in need of help. When Bruce Wayne arrives in town, Clark Kent could not have foreseen that this man would provide an ally in the form of the Dark Knight himself, Batman. Their methods are very different though and it will not be so simple to pull together to defeat the evil forces amassing around Metropolis.

Lets be clear from the outset, this is essentially a trailer for a film that does not exist and is not about to exist. It is a fan film, producing a trailer of a dream project for that individual. As such it is actually quite fun – it moves quickly, has some good images and is quite engaging for all that it gives out. Of course, many of us who have seen good trailers turn into bad movies will know that making a trailer is much different from making a working film (of any length) and it does benefit from the fact that, as a trailer, things like plot, character and consistency don't really come into it. Viewers looking for those should stop right now but, for style without substance or budget, this actually does pretty darn well, never looking expensive but certainly looking a lot more professional than I expected it to.

Even in a trailer though, the acting can still be bad and indeed it is here. Nobody really convinces even in this short time and the clunky delivery was one of the factors that put this firmly down as an amateur effort. That said it is still worth seeing because it is cool and most people do like seeing trailers because they are slick, substance-less and full of polished promise, all of which this one produces more or less. Just don't expect it to do any more than the normal trailers.
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philldwill15 February 2006
Sandy should stop making "Movies". He doesn't know what he is doing. Dead End belongs on the Internet along side starwars kid and video's of people getting there hands cut off. He claims to know what feel Batman needs but he doesn't know how to make the audience feel it. Dead end felt so forced and silly. When I was a kid, 9 or 10, I used to put on shows for my family. They were batman stunt shows. Dead End felt as childish and silly and my old shows were only with more money. Sandy has got to be a moron, he took 30 thousand dollars and made a fan film? A good film maker such as Robert Rodriguez can take 7 thousand and make a full length movie of his own, than after he got into the industry he started making his Comic book movies. Sandy doesn't have a chance in hell, from what I've seen, to make it as a director. Worlds finest is one of the saddest things I've seen. It's so easy to make a trailer look exiting and make you want to see the movie, this trailer didn't. It was boring, silly and pretty much crud. I hope he doesn't continue making "movies" we really don't need another Uwe Boll running around.
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Very well done!!
StLouisShamus6 August 2004
First, for all the confused people, this is ONLY a trailer. The director said he only wanted to show what a trailer for this kind of movie would look like and he succeeded in arousing my attention. The premise, or what I could catch of it, has Superman dealing Lex Luthor's newest plan to take over the world. Part of Luthor's public plan involves a merger with another large corporation; Wayne Enterprises out of Gotham City. Luthor's private plan, however, involves an exo-body suit giving the wearer superhuman strength. Luthor also has a silent partner; Two-Face. From there, the preview moves to action shots of Batman and Superman together, including some spectacular shots like Superman catching a falling car and flying off with it. My only complaint, if there is one at all, is the actor who played Superman. I believe his name is Michael O'Hearn. He has the face for Superman but he is obviously a body builder and I'm of the Christopher Reeve generation of Superman. However, I see no giant problem with a muscular Superman. Nobody really knows what Kyrptonians look like.

All in all, this preview is the first time I have seen a live action merger of my two favorite superheroes and I consider it extremely well done.

I hope that Sandy Collora intends to do more Fan Films with these characters because he doesn't have to satisfy big-wig producers or investors who don't know the first thing about comic books.
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