Kronk's New Groove (Video 2005) Poster

(2005 Video)

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Kronk gets one big thumbs-up from me!
melodyro-126 December 2005
Very cute for a Disney sequel. I love Kronk and I was not disappointed by his portrayal in this movie- he's still still charming and funny & had me laughing pretty much the entire movie. You really need to watch this movie w/out any preconceived ideas of sequels or high expectations. Just prepare for mild amusement and you will be pleasantly surprised. The plot line did jump around a bit, but everything was tied together in the end. I think a double conflict (Yzema and Birdwell)adds more "oomph" (for lack of a better word) and departs from your typical, run-of-the-mill storyline. I love the subtle references to other movies (i.e. Gollum & "Lord of the Rings"). I also think that the message/objective that "Kronk's New Groove" projects- to be honest with yourself and others about your true self, and to worry less about what others may think about you- is highly meaningful to today's youth (adults too!) Great job, Disney: No "nostril flare of total rejection" from me! :)
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A Worthy Successor
great_19830 November 2005
because i work at a very popular movie rental chain, i was able to see this movie before it comes out on DVD dec. 13th. i tried going into this movie with no expectations, and i must say that i was pleasantly surprised. it'll never live up to the brilliance of the emperor's new groove, but it's still pretty good for a Disney direct-to-DVD release. it referred back to the first movie a lot, and it rehashed some of the old jokes (ala austin powers movies), but it had enough fresh gags to keep me entertained. kronk was good as a main character, and we get into his character a lot, but the character development did get in the way of the humor of kronk from time to time. when it comes down to it, kronk just wasn't as funny as he was in the first movie, but he's still a great character. check it out. you may enjoy it.
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An entertaining, though weakly plotted sequel
CuriosityKilledShawn9 December 2005
First of all, let me just say that Kronk's New Groove is very, very funny with a good amount of laugh out loud moments. Surely that is all that matters then, eh? Well, no. Compared to the first film, the story is pretty tepid.

All of the previous characters return. Of course there is Kronk himself, along with Kuzco, Pacha and his family, the babbling squirrel and Yzma (who has now turned mostly back into a 'human' but still features a cat's tail and feline abilities. The movie tries to incorporate all of them into the story but nothing really sticks. It all just seems like an excuse for mayhem.

As before, it is told in flashback with Kronk explaining how he ended up in such sorry circumstances. His dad is coming to visit him and he's afraid of the inevitable disapproval he'll get as all he's managed to do with his life is be a Junior Chipmunk Troup Leader and run a restaurant kitchen. His dad thinks that cooking and talking to animals isn't a 'real job' and won't give Kronk the big thumbs up until he's got his own house on a hill with loads of money.

From this thin idea comes loads of deception, scheming and hijinks. And that's basically the movie. It IS packed full of hilarious moments and wonderful Looney Tunes-inspired humor like the first, but it just lacks that overall high-quality. Still, it's loads of fun and any fan of The Emperor's New Groove must give it a rent.
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Entertaining enough but not a patch on the first film
TheLittleSongbird19 January 2013
I loved The Emperor's New Groove. Hilarious and highly original with great animation, music and voice work it was by quite some considerable distance one of the best Disney movies after the Renaissance era. Considering that Kronk's New Groove was a direct to video sequel that did put doubts in my mind, but I saw it anyway as while there are some bad ones(101 Dalmatians II, Cinderella II, Jungle Book II, Little Mermaid II) there are also some good actually(King of Thieves, Bambi II, Enchanted Christmas and Simba's Pride). Kronk's New Groove is among neither the bad or good ones, ranking it if I had to I'd put it around the middle. The biggest letdown to Kronk's New Groove was the story, it was very thin and felt often like a few episodes strung together. Some of it also did feel rushed pace-wise, and there are a few scenes around where they're at the squirrel camp where the humour got a little juvenile. I did wish as well that Kuzco and Yzma were in the movie more, but it was a pleasure to see them, and they do have some good moments. The animation is great though with the colour and fluidity more than satisfying, especially for a Disney direct to video sequel, and the music, especially Yzma's song, is catchy. Apart from the odd juvenile moment, the film is often hilarious, and there are some nice moments like Kuzco's crying at the cheesy footage, Kronk's music video, Yzma's song and the idea of Kronk and his father. Kronk does work better as a support character, but at the same he is likable and funny enough to be a lead as well so having him as one didn't hurt the film for me. The voice talent is top-notch, unsurprising as all the voice-actors here are very talented. All in all, entertaining but not great. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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Fun movie, very entertaining - story could have been better...
cashflow216 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was really excited when I saw the commercials for this direct to Disney DVD movie. Because I loved Emperor's New Groove so much, I had to go out and get this one. As with all sequels of a well crafted original story - Kronk had my expectations set to a very high level.

It's hard to judge this movie without comparing it to the original and that's why I don't think it's possible to write a fair review about it. First of all, it did hold my attention the whole way through - the story moved right along and didn't seem to drag at all. Funny at several different points and rehashing some of the jokes from the first movie but not doing it to the point that it becomes irritating.

It starts out in a similar style to the original, a day in Kronks life where everything seems to have blown up in Kronk's world and has spun out of control. Then we watch the events that have already unfolded leading us back to the point in the opening scene in the movie.

There were some parts in it that were extremely entertaining and basically made the movie for me. One of these is the music "video" in the middle of the movie between Kronk and his love interest Birdwell. It was so funny - I laughed out loud. It's set to the song "Let's Groove" by Earth Wind and Fire and features musical sight gags from Ghost, Pulp Fiction, Titanic, the Micheal Jackson "Thriller" video, and Saturday Night Fever to name a few. A well done sequence in my opinion.

There were other elements of the story that could have used more attention from the directors. First off, Kuzco, Pacha and Yzma were shoehorned into the story. Granted the story is told from Kronk's perspective but the major characters from the first movie have basically bit parts in this one. Because of this, Kronk basically "goes it alone" getting himself into the mess he's in and having only himself (and his shoulder angel and devil - basically himself too) to get him out of it.

The main theme of it all is that Kronk's happiness hinges on his father's approval. At the end of the film Kronk realizes that he's not a failure because he has friends (straight out of It's a Wonderful Life) but it's not complete happiness until his Papi gives him the "thumbs up" - is that a good message or a bad message for kids? I'll let you come to your own conclusion on that one.

All in all, it was time well spent getting to visit with Kronk and his pals again but it's a sequel and it's strong enough to stand on it's own only as a sequel. If it was an original film with no back-story to fall back on, it would be a weaker attempt at entertainment. 7/10 stars
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I had hoped that at least one Disney direct-to-video sequel would be watchable...
Sunfox-212 December 2005
...but of course I was wrong.

Now, I never expected to like the first movie. I'm not sure what's up with Disney's marketing group, but it seems that every trailer they make for an animated film ends up turning me off as too childish, or silly, or stupid, and yet the movies themselves are usually anything but. And no movie looked worse to me in the trailers than The Emperor's New Groove, which is why I was quite surprised to actually find myself quite enjoying that film when I finally broke down and saw it. I entered with zero expectations and came out pleasantly entertained.

Despite Disney's track record with direct-to-video sequels, I had nonetheless hoped for a better experience with Kronk here... but in the end I was nothing but disappointed (and unfortunately not exactly surprised that I felt that way). There's almost no humor targeted towards adults. The original songs are uninspired and sickly cute. The animation, while not bad, still doesn't come close to Emperor (which was no Lion King to start with).

The main plot, as such, is astoundingly "minor" and is comprised mainly of a sequence of mini-plot flashbacks - in fact the while thing felt more like a sequence of pilot episodes for a Saturday morning cartoon series than a well conceived single entity.

David Spade gets about four lines throughout the entire movie and there isn't exactly a lot of John Goodman either, so overall we're just left with far too much of Patrick Warburton's Kronk - who was entertaining as a secondary character in the first movie but is completely inappropriate as the main lead here.

Although kids might find it somewhat fun, the only thing Kronk's New Groove managed to do for me is make me want to go back and watch the far superior original.
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Great movie for fans of the original
NatTatherton13 January 2006
Being a huge fan of the original movie, The Emperor's New Groove, I was thrilled to find that a sequel had been made. I bought the movie thinking that, at its worst, it would have some familiar characters and a couple of laugh-out-loud moments. However, I was delighted to find that it was as good as it could be without being the original classic.

For those who weren't fans of the first movie, this may be such a good choice as there are many 'in jokes' and nods to the original. Also the plot is quite complicated for a cartoon, effectively covering three stories in the one film.

However, the music is fantastic, opening with a very original and funky tune 'You Should Be True To Your Groove' and continuing with a fabulous jazz piece sung by the talented Eartha Kitt and a classic track by Earth Wind and Fire.

This is a movie that works on different levels, so that parents will not be bored when watching it with their children. There are a couple of cringe-worthy moments, perhaps aiming for a young teen market but these can be easily overlooked.

Overall a really great movie with some brilliant and original moments.
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Nothing Like The First One
b40dogs10 December 2005
This coming from an adult who happened to come across the first one expecting a movie aimed towards children and was surprised at the adult humor that was in Emperors New Groove. The character i liked most of all was Kronk, so i was thrilled when i heard of the sequel (sp) featuring non other than "Kronk".

I just watched Kronk's New groove, it took me two days because i had to shut it off, i was so bored halfway through it. I finally watched the rest of it the next day and unfortunately the 2nd half was every bit as lame as the first.

Being a Disney film, i was expecting to have some musical scenes, however this one was filled with them and they were not amusing. The great thing i found about Emperors New Groove was that it could be appreciated by a wide audience, from toddlers to adults. Kronks New Groove in all honesty did nothing for me nor my girlfriend and we both loved the first. It is really aimed towards young children, the comedy is pretty childish, the musical scenes are not very well done and the plot itself is extremely corny.

Save yourself some money and rent this movie if possible because its definitely not worthy of a second viewing. I was extremely disappointed and shocked at how thrown together this film was. They actually managed to make a character(Kronk)not funny in this film, that is amazing in itself.

Obviously every ones opinion differs but i am very easily amused, i usually enjoy sequels (sp) even when others discredit them, mostly because i loved the first so much i needed more of the characters and no matter how bad the plot was i would enjoy the film. I cannot say the same for this one, i never would have thought i would be turning it off half way through due to pure boredom.

Buy at Own Risk.
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Not bad for a Disney Sequel, but its not the same without Kuzco
kittykittygaby1314 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I got the DVD for Christmas, since I love Kronk. I liked the intro, animation, and dialogue, but I missed Kuzco, Pacha, and Yzma. They get very little dialogue and Kronk is better off being a supporting character. I especially hated the bitch, Ms. Birdwell, he married in the end. She was just a hollow, no good, flat headed, Posh witch. She deserved having a nickname like "Birdy-Poo" cause thats all she's worth! My mom agreed. Kronk deserves better. As for the plot, it wasn't all the funny, but what do you expect from a sequel? The arrival of Papi was HILARIOUS though, and I loved seeing Kuzco again, but then he just disappeared. I also loved the song Yzma sang. Sadly, she disappeared too.

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Major Disappointment
darin-elliott18 January 2006
The Emperor's New Groove was a great twist for Disney. It wasn't a musical! It had clean, fresh jokes and no political twists. It was just a darn funny movie.

Kronk's New Groove, on the other hand, is tired and weak. My 3-year-old still loves Emperor's New Groove, but fell asleep during Kronk's. There really isn't any really conflict (that, in the first movie, lead to all of the wacky adventures). Because of the lack of conflict, it almost seems like the animators threw out the writers and just made the storyline up as they went along.

I kept waiting for something to happen that would make the movie fun . . . and still am.
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A fantastic sequel, as fun as the original
franz-9018 September 2006
"The Emperor's new groove" is a fantastic comedy that has been entertaining me since its debut in cinemas. Now there's another comedy, "Konk's new groove", who is as fun as the original. Rarely Disney keeps the original's spirit alive in a sequel (sequel?this seems more a spin-off), but they've done a great job for this one. Kronk is lovable and as realistic as ever,and the gags are original and very funny!The animation is not fantastic,and some characters,especially Yzma (one of my favourite Disney characters!)and Pacha's wife are less expressive than in the original.Anyway,the characters' look is faithful to the original.The songs are pretty and entertaining as well,especially the Yzma's one, in a cabaret-style. If you like the first film as a comedy,you won't miss this excellent sequel. Great work!
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Delightfully funny sequel to the first film
ersinkdotcom1 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"Kronk's New Groove" is the direct-to-DVD sequel and obviously concentrates on Yzma's dim-witted henchman. When Kronk finds out his demanding father is coming for a visit, he becomes concerned that his new life as the chef of his own restaurant won't be enough to please him. The devious Yzma uses his insecurities to her advantage and lures Kronk to assist her in an evil "get-rich-quick" scheme. After realizing the consequences of his actions, the lovable lunkhead must find a way to fix all the damage he's caused to his friends.

The Emperor Kuzco shows up briefly to provide commentary for "Kronk's New Groove." However, that's all we see of him. This is a delightfully funny sequel to the first film and teaches children the importance of being honest and thinking about the consequences of your actions before doing something.
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More sad than the original.
Rex_Stephens21 January 2006
Another direct to video movie from Disney, that is essentially perfect for the kids. The problem with Kronk's New Groove I find is that everything that made the first movie a fun great ride is replaced with a more sad and sombre film. In this movie, Kronk learns a great deal of lessons at many others' expenses. It takes away much time that could be spent at creating a more enjoyable film.

Kronk's New Groove deals with two stories: Yzma returns for payback and one Ms. Birdwell hopes to defeat Kronk's camp counseling championship. This all leads up to Kronk confronting his father and his disapproval over his son's direction in life.

From Lord of the Rings to Michael Jackson's Thriller, Kronk's New Groove recycles every bit of time that it allows to entertain its viewers. If you loved the original, or are looking forward to the upcoming TV series about Kuzco, I recommend Kronk to his loyal fans.
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Not As Groovy As The First Time
TheMysteriousReviewer27 February 2023
Not really as hilarious as the first movie, but some decent amount of laughs I had with this one. Kronk's New Groove is just one of the more tolerable Disney sequels. On one hand, it would have a couple of segments that while connect to the movie, are generic and scenario elements that get predictable for each one. But on the other hand, it can be a decent followup to its predecessor with nice animation, good humor that's traditional to before, the heart that would affect Kronk's personality. Maybe this may be an okay choice for those that enjoyed The Emperor's New Grove. But at least set your expectations a little low because considering this is a a Disney sequel, it's not as clever as before. This is nowhere near as good as the first film, I will tell you this. But as a straight-to-video Disney sequel, it could've been a lot worse. So I'll give that this one has a fair amount of groove.
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ericstevenson17 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I think this may be the highest rated movie on the IMDb that received a 0% from RottenTomatoes and I can honestly see why. Okay, a 5.9 isn't that good, but it's way better than most of its kind. I did not like this movie, but I still enjoyed parts of it. I admit that "The Emperor's New Groove" isn't one of my favorite Disney movies. There were a lot of fourth wall jokes in this movie and they worked way better than in "George Of The Jungle 2". The funniest part is easily at the end. It features everyone trying to impersonate Kronk's wife and even impersonate his children.

We get two stories and it seems like they made the same mistake as "Tarzan & Jane" and "Cinderella II: Dreams Come True" did. They actually do have this nice resolution at the end. I actually did end up feeling bad for Kronk as he didn't get the girl. Luckily, he did at the very end! It's not something I would recommend but with all the awful direct to video movies I've seen this month, it was refreshing. I'm glad it wasn't too long. **1/2
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Funny, but it could have been better...
xlildancerx4312 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know, I was just expecting more out of Kronk's New Groove. I especially loved the 1st movie, but this one just didn't "pop" I thought it was very cute and funny, but it's like I can't explain it. I was expecting something just like or even better than the first movie. It seemed like it just all-of-a-sudden ended too. I think some scenes weren't necessary, and overall it was okay. I'm not saying it's a terrible movie, or a really good movie either. I obviously thought Yzma would be in the movie more often, but its like in the beginning, she has the youth potion, its fake, then POOF! She's gone for the rest of the story.

I definitely liked the first movie a whole lot better.
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Kronk is literally the gigachad of Disney universe
dion_xd_20053 June 2023

Yeah remember when I was talking about Krank in "The emperor's new groove" yeah that's the movie I was waiting for...

When I was a kid I watched it way too many times and totally forgot about it...I thought this movie was a series of mini episodes like those ones on Disney Channel... turns out this was a MOVIE!

Damn what a movie,the plot was simple and pretty much the same as the previous film but still was very good maybe a better one.

The soundtrack was good nothing way too cool just good had fun listening to it and vibed a lot...i mean it's a kid's movie have some fun and chill while watching it.

The characters were hilarious and funny af i literally loved everybody in this movie and had a fun time listening to Kronks flashbacks.

The voice acting even though it was in Greek it was pretty much amazing but i enjoyed and liked "Giannis Stefanopoulos" and the rest of the voice actors for giving this movie a funny to a guy like me.

To close this review,"Kronks new groove" is a movie you can see and enjoy without even watching the first film, iconic every way possible and nostalgic for the fans of it if you are you to this kind watxh this movie it's worth watching it the same thing applies for the first one.
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batlise24 March 2006
This is the worst waste of time I've ever experienced. not even close to the first one. The story line difficult to follow - plot was weak - at best. The whole thing looked like three stories trying some way to tie them together and make a movie. It had a few good lines here and there - and the attempt at the message was admirable, but they went from Houston through New York to get to Dallas. It was really hard to tell over what period of time the present time took up. The movie was just over an hour and it felt like we had sat there watching the movie all afternoon. Mayve points for being honest - but a son should not have to do all that Kronk felt he had to do. Do your self a favor - Watch Kuzco again.
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huffalumphugger2 February 2006
First off I really dig this movie. My friends come over to my dorm and we watch it and's awesome.The only problem I really had with the movie was Yzma. I love the character but the whole cat angle didn't really come off. I can see what they were trying to do, but they should have either dropped the idea or kept it up throughout the movie. OOOH and what was with that song?? "What will you serve it on, Kronk? Plastic tupper? You don't even own a fixer upper.." Anyway er did anyone else think Yzma's accent changed in this movie? She almost sounds Russian..where I kind of thought she was British in the first movie. But seriously don't be too hard on this movie. I was expecting far less...even though I actually liked Cinderella 2 and Toy Story 2 a lot as well.
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One of the best, if not, best Disney sequel of all.
sebastianali12320 April 2021
Kronk New Groove surprisingly although it is not better than the first one, it is almost at the same level, and that is super rare coming from Disney! Kronk is quite as developed as Kuzco (and even more), in addition to giving more importance to the secondary characters and gives them more charm. Although I did feel that as a result of the multiple stories that the film tells you, the same one in addition to not saying how long ago it happened and how they are located in the timeline of the series, also the comedy and the story in general is not so good as in the first (but still remarkable).

I definitely recommend it if you already see the first one. I have enjoyed Kronk New Groove almost the same as Emperor New Groove.
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Don't go out of your way to watch it
RedSquirrel12 December 2005
When i heard they were making this i was quited happy considering the first film was pretty good, if a little on the short side.

But then i remembered some of the Disney sequel disasters i have previously watched (im looking at you Little mermaid 2).

Anyway i watched it and unfortunately i was very disappointed. The best thing about it is the animation is superb. It really has that special polish that the "proper" Disney films have.

Apart from that.. the rest is disappointing. The storyline is seriously all over the place. One moment its about something, then completely changes to another storyline and then changes to another completely different storyline. It reminded me of how the Family Guy movie was like 3 separate episodes, turned into a film.

I laughed perhaps once at the most. Kronk was very funny in the original film but in this he just isn't funny at all.

Stay away from this film, unless someone lends it to you for free.

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More than just a pleasant surprise
MaxJSteele25 January 2006
Another unnecessary sequel from those pesky cartoonists at Disney, right? A less-than-acclaimed original in the first place, right? Sure, I can agree with those sentiments; after all, I thought them as I popped in the DVD, watching only on the recommendation of a less than reliable source. Yet all I can say is I enjoyed it.

"Kronk's New Groove" includes some of the crude humor becoming increasingly present in Disney's 21st century work, but beyond that point it is a fun little story about burly henchman-turned-chef Kronk, best remembered for his idle squirrel chit chat in the original. Here, Kronk finds himself trying to please his father, but struggling when his conscience intervenes with his efforts.

But story is not what carries this movie. It is the delightful anachronisms, the self-defacing humor, the cross-dressing, the parodies, and the PERFECT voice provided by Patrick Wharburton to Kronk that makes this so much fun. The story alone is predictable, but with edgy humor ornamenting it, the movie draws laughs (and maybe even a tear).

So before writing "Kronk" off as another waste of time and animation by the Disney brain-trust, check it out at Hollywood Video or Blockbuster. It was well worth the $3.00, in my opinion.
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Guilty pleasure
borowiczlucky3 August 2021
I don't know why but I love this and the first. I'm animation fan my whole life from film to detailed figures. I love this animation style. Corny movies but just cool to me. Check it out find your own groove.
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gavincpf15 January 2006
I really liked the movie 'The Emporer's New Groove', but watching this was like coming home and seeing your wife having "relations" with a llama. Seriously, this movie was bad. It's like Club Dread after Super Troopers. I am supposed to write 10 lines, but I don't even know what else to say. I laughed a couple of times, but only because I was drinking. A movie like that should at least be funny when your drunk. It was not. Maybe llamas are just funny and regular cartoon people aren't. Either way, just stick with The Emporer's New Groove if you want a funny, cartoon, llama-themed movie. Line 10 is this line right here.
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How much would you hate me if I said it was "groovy"?
GiraffeDoor31 January 2020
An agreeable anthology of tales that feel like more like episodes of a TV show but they seem to all come together as one thing.

Kronk is a swell character. He's a sweet little gentle giant that sees the best in people and consequentially gets caught up in the wrong activity. Warburton's warm tones help him become the funniest and most adorable tough guy I've ever known.

The fragmented nature of the narrative ensures that it doesn't out stay its welcome and the thing carries massive visual wit (and funny music).

Not bad at all but SO a direct to home media experience.
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