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Really well done and important film
balticblond7 January 2006
Jim Hanon's new film, "End of the Spear" comes to us in a new tradition started by David Cunningham's "To End All Wars". Over the past 2 years a growing number of films have begun to appear with a believable spiritual connection. I'm happy to say this is another one that hits a home run when it comes to telling a great story without stripping out real life spirituality-- something that is integral to most people's life.

The film brings us the important story of Christian missionaries killed during their first efforts to meet an isolated band of Ecuadoran native people embroiled in a cycle of violence. "End of the Spear" tells the story from the perspective of a tribal leader and the child of one of the missionaries that died.

I think if you keep in mind this is an independent film shot on a restricted budget, you'll be pleased with most technical aspects-- cinematography, sound etc.

You'll also love the actors that were just great. Louie Leonardo does a wonderful job portraying Waodani tribesman Mincayani in the lead role. You also have to give credit to young Chase Ellison in his role as young Steve Saint, whose pilot father died.

The role of religions in transforming culture is a hot button issue these days. This film doesn't take that head on, but presents a balanced realistic view, and perhaps an alternative aspect that most critics generally don't acknowledge.

There were weaknesses in the film also, but none that distracted much from the story. There were a few bits that might have been served by further character and story development-- the son's issues in particular.

All in all, this is a wonderful film with a great message of reconciliation. I hope we see more like this.
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Moving and Enjoyable
TruthEnt13 February 2006
End of the Spear

First, let me say that the Christian aspect of this story is simply a small part of the story. At no time did I feel that there was a Christian agenda or that this story was anything other than the telling of a true story. What do people expect, that a story about a group of Christian missionaries not expose their faith? Furthermore, if I am not mistaken, I am fairly certain, that the name Jesus was never uttered, nor did it appear in the captions.

Secondly, I must confess that Christina Souza (Dayumae) starred in a film I produced in 2003 entitled, "I Love You Came Too Late," and we all fell in love with her then. So, I was ready to be treated to an excellent performance.

That being said, I truly enjoyed this film. I saw it last night with my girlfriend. She had no idea what the story was about and she had never met Christina. So she went in with a completely open mind, but she had been moved to tears by the end of the film. Throughout the film, she reacted to every battle scene, as well as, the tense or tender moments in the exact manner that the writer and director had intended.

Louie Leonardo (Mincayani) gave an outstanding performance. His solid good looks and frequently exposed physique are definitely a treat for the ladies. I suspect that this performance will bring him the kind of attention that he deserves and that we will be seeing more of him in the future.

Finally, this is a well-written, directed and acted film with beautiful cinematography that treats the viewer to the wonder of the Amazon rain forest in Ecuador and the people who live with in it's jungle.

Bill Robertson President Truth Entertainment, LLC
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love, forgiveness and salvation
SnoopyStyle22 December 2015
In 1943 Amazon Basin, Ecuador, Mincayani as a boy survives a massacre in his village as the Waodani tribe live in a never-ending series of revenge killings. Dayumae is a native girl taken by outsiders. The spear is the preferred weapon. In 1956, a group of missionaries fly their plane and make contact with the help of Dayumae. There are misunderstandings and Mincayani's group kills the missionaries. Despite the murders, the dead missionaries' families continue the work.

This is a message movie and I love the message. Louie Leonardo is charismatic as Mincayani. The rest of the cast is filled with B-level actors. This is not a dramatic affair but a compelling story nevertheless. I choose to love this movie for its message and the quiet heroism that is more superhuman than any superhero movie.
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A wonderful movie for your eyes and your heart
plindqui29 December 2005
End of the Spear is a beautifully crafted movie about one of the great missionary stories of the 20th century, but it is not a preachy kind of movie. The story is simply told and allowed to stand on its own. The story is one of those that would not be believable on the big screen if it were not true in all of its essential points. The beautiful jungle scenery (the movie was shot in Panama) is well worth the price of the ticket. But the story will make you think about how self-giving love is more powerful than violence. The story also shows that extraordinary risks taken for peace can pay dividends beyond imagination. This will be a movie that people will be talking about, and watching again and again, far into the future. You'll be sorry if you don't take the opportunity to see it on the big screen. You'll also wonder why an independent film company can make such a wonderful movie when Hollywood is making bad movies based on old TV shows.
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First Contact
bkoganbing21 June 2012
Back in the early Nineties I took some more undergraduate courses at my alma mater and one of them I took was introductory Anthropology 101 which I'd missed in my younger days. The professor would have loved End Of The Spear for the careful and meticulous recreation of the hunting and gathering tribe the Waodani. They were at least a violent group of people who believe when you make contact with outsiders you murder them because they too are violent and their ideas may infect your culture.

This film is based on a true incident where five Christian missionaries in 1956 were murdered by the Waodani. As we learn from Star Trek first contact is most important. That usually sets a pattern in relations. What was unusual that with the subtitles we learn what the Waodani are thinking and why they attack the missionaries. The story made headlines back in the Fifties.

Chad Allen plays both one of the slain missionaries and his son who comes back to the area of the jungle region of inner Ecuador where this took place. Louie Leonardo plays Mincayani who believes he's defending his culture and who is to say he wasn't. What happens with Allen in both roles and Leonardo is as Paul Harvey used to say, the rest of the story.

End Of The Spear was beautifully photographed in the actual location of the tragedy. The roles are well acted and the directing of some of the tribes people in their parts is an incredible triumph.

Because Chad Allen is openly gay, he got criticized for taking the role from some gay people and was attacked by the fundamentalists as well. But as this project and casting was approved by Steve Saint, son of the slain Nate Saint if he was OK with it, who's anyone else to say.

Professor Audrey Wilson of LIU this review is dedicated to you and I hope you saw the film.
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I Was Presently Surprised
Pasafist21 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Growing up a Protestant kid in the 80's I tripped over the story of Nate Saint, Jim Elliot and the three other missionaries who were brutally murdered by the Waorani people in 1956. It is the tragic story that caused a sensation in the United States. Not because the men died in vain, but because the wives of these men reached out to these violent people and changed their lives forever. It's a story that captivated me. In fact when I was eleven I told many people that I one day wanted to make a movie about these very people. To my surprise THE END OF THE SPEAR came along and does just that.

SPEAR tells the tale from the vantage point of young Steve Saint (Chase Ellison), Nate Saints (Chad Allen) pre-teen son, and Mincayani (Louie Leonardo) the Waorani leader whom killed Nate Saint with his own spear. It begins as the Waorani people are on the verge of the extinction. Their violent society has the Ecuadoran government ready to go in and kill them all, and their warlike ways have made them unable to survive very long anyway. It's only when Saint's wife (Cara Stoner) and sister Rachel (Sara Kathryn Bakker) move into the tribe and attempt to reach out to the Waorani women that redemption begin to take hold.

I walked into SPEAR with very little expectation. You have to understand I have seen hundreds of horrible "Christian" films. Most are not worth the film they are printed on. But SPEAR works. Yes it's got some very clunky scenes, the dialogue is a tad bit simplistic, but it has a dramatic tension I wasn't quite expecting. I was actually moved by scenes. I rooted for characters and did not feel talked down to. SPEAR is not a movie about saving souls, it's a movie about characters. It is the kind of movie that if given a chance will spark debate and inspiration. It's motive seems innocent and not heavy handed.

The cinematography while simple by Hollywood's standard is effective. The score doesn't get in the way, and Director Jim Hannon fills his story with just enough detail that it's believable. He gets performances out of his actors that are simple and understated. It's not Oscar caliber, but that's not to be expected. The dialogue works, even if the Subtitles seem to rob the Waorani language of any real nuance, it's simple and get us from point A to point B as well as it can. There were moments I wanted to movie to explain the motives of it characters a little better. But for what it's worth SPEAR is still effective.

My qualms with the casting of Chase Ellison as Young Steve should also be noted. Some heavy scenes fall on this young boy and unfortunately he doesn't have the chops to hold it on his shoulders. A better child actor should have been sought. Casting children can be very hard. But the only scenes I didn't buy fell on this poor kid to vocalize and the poor material stuck out like a sore thumb.

I also hated the ending. It hurt the picture. There must have been a more powerful way of ending it. But unfortunately it pushed the story into the melodramatic range. It also introduced a supernatural twist that needed an explanation. We saw the scene earlier and these events didn't occur, why now? Hopefully this sour ending will not hurt the rest of the picture for most audiences. I for one was a little disappointed.

But all in all END OF THE SPEAR is not a bad film. It has its flaws. But at its heart it's the kind of movie that will inspire those whom let it. It will move those whom allow it to move and hopefully it will open a dialogue about International Missions. A job that has gotten a bad rap by people whom don't understand its importance in shaping the modern world. I'm glad that this story was told and that I had an opportunity to see it.

***1/2 (out of 5)
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Truly Moving Picture
tollini16 January 2006
I am a judge for the Indianapolis-based Heartland Film Festival. This feature film is a Crystal Heart Award Winner and won the $50,000 Grand Prize in October of 2005. The Heartland Film Festival is a non-profit that honors Truly Moving Pictures. A Truly Moving Picture "…explores the human journey by artistically expressing hope and respect for the positive values of life."

The film, which is based on a true story, starts in 1956 in the Amazon basin in Ecuador. Five missionaries are savagely killed by a primitive tribe. But that is the beginning of the story and not the end of the story.

The missionaries' wives and children take on the work of their fathers and husbands. They and we, the audience, are forced to examine violence and how we react to violence and the possibility of forgiving the perpetrators of violence.

The missionaries and their families display incredible human traits. They display courage in the face of danger – they are willing to sacrifice a normal life to help others – they show respect and tolerance to primitive people. But most impressive of all, they retain their humility and do not look down on others.

The cinematography and music are stunning. The Amazon jungle becomes the third character along with the tribe and the missionaries. And all three characters relentlessly attempt to survive and prevail.

FYI – There is a Truly Moving Pictures web site where there is a listing of past Crystal Heart winners that are now either at the theater or available on video.
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Nice little film, but don't expect too much
siderite22 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a descriptive story, one that tells of real events, although I am certain they are highly edited. Basically, a bunch of white guys living in Ecuador decide to "save" the local savage tribes still living in the stone age, killing each other for women and hunting grounds.

The missionaries are portrayed as real selfless people, with only a few scenes purporting to the religious aspect of their quest, which, in my opinion, was probably the main if not the only reason they were there in the first place.

Due to a misunderstanding, the missionaries are killed, but their wives and children end up living in the village of their killers, turning the other cheek, as it were, and breaking the endless cycle of violence... by bringing polio to the enemy tribe :)

Bottom line: it is a point of view breaker. By watching the movie, one gets to break out of their cozy view of the world and gather more insight into human nature. Understanding the amount of editing of the real story and the politics behind it brings more insight.
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Critic's Choice! a new era in movie making
filmcritic5418 January 2006
Absolutely amazing cinematography and storyline, and best of all the story isn't made up, its a true to life story shown from the tribe's point of view. The quality of the film is superb. The storyline will keep you on the edge of your seat in suspense through the entire movie. There are also some bonus "blooper" clips played during the credits of the movie. You would not know that director Jim Hanon was a first time director but rather you would think he had been in the business for years. This film will help inspire the way future films are shot and created. This also highlights and shows some insight into the burgeoning film industry coming out of Oklahoma City. This scene is set to take off and provide Hollywood with a new generation of film makers.

Reconciliation is the word that best describes this captivating film. Most people can forgive someone but they don't move on or exclude people from their lives. This true to life story gives a glimpse into Steve Saint's life. His father Nate Saint, was one of the 5 men brutally killed to death in 1956 by a Waodani tribesman. Today, he travels the world with the exact man that killed his father back then. In fact, he even considers him family and calls him "grandfather". To forgive someone is one thing, to show our violent society how to be completely reconciled with one another can rarely be said in today's world. Go see this true story and decide for yourself!!!
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Beyond the Gates is even better
sloppyedwards24 March 2006
This movie was good.

It is interesting to see the events dramatized. However, I think most people would appreciate the documentary version of the story even more.

Check out Beyond the Gates of Splendor (www.beyondthegatesthemovie.com and www.imdb.com/title/tt0337868). In this documentary film you will hear Mincaya, Kimo, Dayuma, Steve Saint, Jesse Saint, the wives of the missionaries, and others tell their story first-hand.

The actors in End of the Spear did a good job. But seeing and hearing the real life people tell their own story is more powerful than seeing it acted out on screen.

Better yet, watch both versions.
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Great...if you're a bible thumper
craig-squire26 January 2006
This was just a horrible movie. There was just nothing good about it...the storyline jumps all over the place, the costumes were bad (their wigs looked like a cheap Halloween costume), the setting looked more like Wisconsin than Ecuador. Now...if you *knew* that this is a Christian movie before you go things might be different. I'm sure the bible thumpers found this movie great, just for the reason that the white people were 'saving' the indigenous tribe because they turned them into good wholesome Christians. They don't have to pay attention to how good the script is...or the costumes...or anything else...because, darn it, it's a Christian movie. That's the only way I can figure out that this movie has gotten any rating over a 4.
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Outstanding Film & Story!!!!!
movielover-2313 January 2006
Could you truly love the people that killed your family members and friends? What if it was a gross misunderstanding (can anyone say Iraq War)? The kind of stuff more movies should be made of! I got to attend a screening here in NYC that apparently coincided with the 50th anniversary of this true event.

I'm not sure why or how this movie has escaped the attention of most major media. The movie websites says it's releasing in 1,200 theaters in a week. Maybe the media is biased because part of the story is about missionaries. I don't know about the rest of you, but this is the first movie I've been to in a while that is actually worth $9 for a ticket.

I think most people might think that loving your father's killer is a little sick, but when the movie unfolds and you understand the clash between the two cultures, it make sense.

If you like The Mission (Robert Dinero, Jeremy Irons), Chariots of Fire, or Last of the Mohicans, you will enjoy this movie!
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Christian Film Surprises
Captain_Jack_Sparrow_31021 February 2006
When most people think of Christian films they think of low quality, low budget, and preachy movies. Surprisingly, "End of the Spear" is none of that. I was a bit skeptical going into it though, I really didn't know what to expect. Would it be boring? Or would it have downright, horrible acting. I was wrong for the most part.

"End of the Spear" is the true story of the Waodani tribe, known for their extreme violence, from the jungles of Ecuador. When five young missionaries are speared to death by the Waodani in 1956, a series of events unfold to change the lives of not only the slain missionaries' families, but also Mincayani (the violent leader of the tribe) and his people.

This film kept my attention throughout, it never had a slow scene. The complaints I do have were kind of expected since most reviewers already voiced it. The cinematography was mediocre; it was most likely filmed hand-held. In one scene there is a sweeping shot of the Ecuador jungle and you can see and hear the helicopter that filmed it. The scenery is beautiful though, especially since it was filmed on location. The music was good, except it seemed to play on a loop; it was king of like the composer only wrote one song then played it over and over. The editing was poorly done in some parts, and in other parts quite good. The acting, especially by Louie Leonardo as Mincayani, did a great job. Most of the time the actors just acted with their eyes, which I thought was very cool. This film was definitely better then I expected, but it could've been even better. Though it's nice to see a Christian film that is exciting, well acted, and for the most part well done. While not up to par with today's standards, the "End of the Spear" is definitely worth a look.

I give it 7 out of 10.

This film is Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence.
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My biggest regret was the wrongful portrayal of Jim Elliot as a buffoon.
joydriven24 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I don't expect film media to provide an adequate standalone vehicle for the Gospel. I was, however, disappointed with EotS's presentation of the martyrs, and particularly incensed at the treatment of Jim Elliot.

Did I think the Gospel was absent from the movie? I thought it was introduced tardily (as in, late in the movie), partially, and blurrily. I would not say it was absent entirely, but it was absent in its pure form.

Did I mind this presentation of the Gospel? The movie did not really promote "another gospel," either. There were only snippets of the truth communicated, and I think there are valid reasons for that.

1. Communicating the Gospel in its entirety was not the purpose of the movie. I admire adherence to truth, and I think that the Gospel should be evident and glorified in all we do, but film is not the written or preached Word and needn't be judged according to all the standards by which we judge the value of preaching and teaching in the context of the Church. The written and preached Word is God's primary ordained medium for the Gospel.

2. The film genre is simply not conducive to a full Gospel presentation, since it is a primarily audiovisual, fast-paced, entertainment venue. A script adaptation (even a faithful one), emotional soundtrack, evocative lighting, and poignant camera angles are not God's ordained formula for conveying the Gospel in its entirety. He chose the Word, spoken and written, to be the primary vehicle of truth.

3. Presenting what happened to the Waodani as a change effected by their salvation en masse would not have been a faithful representation of what truly happened, and would, in fact, have undermined the very definition of the Gospel had it been presented as such.

4. The focal character during the moments that the Gospel was being communicated was Mincayani, clearly an unbeliever at that point in the story. His and his friends' perceptions of the differences they were seeing were filtered through their presuppositions and prejudices. It is only natural (and therefore a fairly faithful representation) that the Gospel would be all Greek to them. The movie has us viewing the Gospel through their unbelieving eyes at that point.

What bothered me most about End of the Spear? Aside from the false hopes and unrealistic expectations that evangelicals apply to the movie--since those are not the movie's fault, per se--I was particularly incensed the portrayal of Jim Elliot as a self-absorbed clown. As lighthearted (and occasionally reckless) as he may have been or seemed, he was also deeply burdened, highly intelligent, and certainly sober when appropriate. I do not kid myself that Elisabeth Elliot's presentation of his legacy was entirely without some natural bias. But to bereave the movie of a rounder treatment of Jim was a disservice, I think--a disservice to the truth, to the families, and to the audience. That Jim's gravity and earnest depth and calculated plans and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit (as evidenced extensively in his journals alone) was omitted completely, as though he was the chain's weakest link, is profoundly aggravating, to say the least.

The movie's bias leans toward the portrayal of a very competent and passionate Nate Saint, and justly so. The most attention Roger Youderian receives in the movie is the Waodanis' presumption that he is just a very tall woman with a singing voice like a canary. Ed McCulley gets to dance with his wife and introduce himself on the beach. Pete Fleming (off-camera) can't find his Waodani language notes when they need them, although he does get some screen time as the last man standing in the river, quite obviously petrified and mute.

All of these men have been idealized, and are larger-than-life heroes. Fifty years is a long time for those left behind to process real memories or erect imagined improvements. Does knocking the idealized Jim Elliot down a peg or ten serve any real purpose? These men had different strengths and weaknesses, and I think that the families would admit that they had disagreements and differing viewpoints at times. To be human is to differ from one another, and to differ graciously and without harm to ministry endeavors is to be exhibits of God's sufficient GRACE. They were all part of the team. They were all committed men, growing in grace, and they all risked their lives--both deliberately and joyfully. How is it, then, that every single shot of Jim in this movie portrays him as a thoughtless buffoon? The last line of the movie even alludes strongly to Jim Elliot's own famous words ("He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose"), and yet the quote is modified and read by Allen, as Saint's character.

Credible film-making and allegiance to truth go hand-in-hand. I wasn't counting on this movie to preach the Gospel. I wasn't counting on this movie to comprise an all-believing cast with no personal agendas to promote. I wasn't even counting on this movie to be a flawless, unbiased account of what really happened. I wasn't. But I do feel sorry that this movie did not make more of an effort to tell the whole truth. I am glad that more of the "big scope" picture was brought to light. I am glad that more of the Waodanis' history was explained. I am glad that the less tangible elements (timing and providence) were highlighted. I just think that more could have been done to flesh out and honor the memory of these men, all five of them.

I wanted to meet them. I, who have grown up in their grandchildren's generation, wanted to be introduced to them. I wanted a posthumous chance to know them. I wanted to have been there with them. Perhaps those, too, are unreasonable demands for any film. I think they may have been.
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This film rocks
ricroc-15 December 2005
I had a chance to view this film at the National Missionary Convention. All I have to say about it....IT ROCKS! A great film. Very inspiring. I will see it again and I will spend top dollar to see it. When it is available to purchase, I will be the first in line. The film was beautifully made, and was true to the actual story of the five missionaries who gained their lives by reaching the Waodani. I was moved, shocked, brought to tears as I viewed this realistic portrayal. I would not recommend allowing children under 10 to view. Nothing horrific, just some hard imagery to digest. Would open the door for 20 questions after they viewed the film. I am going to allow my 10 year to see it. Again...GREAT FILM!!! GREAT MESSAGE,
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I wish I could give this a heartier recommendation...
farce4u21 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
...than a 7, but I cannot in good conscience. The film is effectively poignant where it needs to be and is at best more engaging than its documentary counterpart "Beyond the Gates of Splendor," as well it should be. But at times the oversaturated hues of the jungle, melodramatic dialogue, and corny sentiment mar a promising story.

The second act is the real meat of the story and it works marvelously. If the others were as strong, this would be a real winner through-and-through. 20 minutes into the film, we're still waiting and wondering if it's not too late to catch another feature. But then we begin to learn about the Waorani cycle of violence and the consequences for its people. This is where the film comes alive and redeems itself, because it knows how to handle its characters, even if they seem a bit too "Hollywood" at times (you'll see what I mean at the end.)

In all, I wasn't disappointed, and if you miss it in the theatre you shouldn't be either. Just be sure to rent it.
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Well done, but preaches too much
d4wn0ff47319 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was lucky enough to be able to see a prescreening of this movie. I was not disappointed by both the acting and cinematography in this movie, but the message contained deep within its bowels turned me away. The message in this movie is not that of what the preview tells you. From what you watch in the preview you see that this is a movie about bringing peace to a waring tribe. But in all truth the movie tells more of a story of Christians coming to save the damned souls of the tribe. Unfortunately this story holds in it a disheartening message that for non-Christians will most likely disgust them. When you first realize the true nature of the story is when the main character Nate Saint says to his son after asking if they will kill the waodoni he calmly replies that they cannot because they are not ready to die, and by the end of the movie if you didn't realize it then you will realize that he is referring to them not being saved. If this undertone had not been there throughout the movie it would have been a much better piece, and would be on my A-list. All story elements aside this movie is worth seeing for the great acting, and great direction.
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Excellent movie
mmhuff19 January 2006
This is a wonderful movie about the human spirit. It was beautifully and lovingly made by people who were truly moved by the story. We watched in a screening at the University I work at and the Producer came to speak about the project and how he got involved. I and 1300 others watched the movie, in folding chairs, yet we were not uncomfortable at all because the movie is so enrapturing that you just don't notice your surroundings at all. The majority of the audience was college aged students and I've never seen them so moved, and amazingly quiet, for such a long time. I believe that this movie will have a great impact on the lives of all who see it. I highly recommend it.
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Critical roasting quite justified
Chris Knipp30 January 2006
There is not much material to write about here. "The End of the Spear" is a beautiful looking but limited, timid, and repetitious film without much specificity of plot or character development (though "based on fact"), about a group of Christian missionaries who take it upon themselves to save a certain Amazonian forest tribe in Ecuador, the Waodani, who back in the Fifties when the story begins are said to be wiping each other out in a cultural pattern of violence and revenge.

A group of five male Christian missionaries arrive in a small plane. They take one of the natives up in the plane for a ride but later the natives become suspicious and spear them all -- including their plane. Eventually relatives and associates of the missionaries come back, and partly because they are mainly women and therefore not worth killing, they are allowed to stay. The Christians cure the tribe of a bout of polio (brought by the whites?) and this seems to convince the Waodani that their visitors are benign -- and their Christian message valid, at least, so we are told. Years later, the son of the original leader of the group of Christian missionaries (Chad Allen, who plays both roles) is persuaded to come and live among the Waodani, where his father died many years before.

A shocking element of the story is that when the small group of white men arrives and is wiped out, they come with essentially no preparation: though some of them know a few words of the Waodani language, the natives "speak too fast" and they can't communicate with them. Anyone really fluent in the language has been left at home. Given this complete lack of readiness for the task, it's not surprising that their visit was a failure. The naivete and sweetness of the missionaries are touching but rather pathetic -- and, when you gradually become aware of the smug assumption that the Waodani are simpleminded creatures who have nothing to lose and everything to gain by being Christianized and Europeanized, the missionary mindset as represented in the film becomes more deeply annoying.

Direction, acting, editing, etc., are on a crude-to-mediocre level and the main native characters are played by Americans of Latino descent (Louie Leonardo, Jack Guzman, Christina Souza) who do not in the least physically resemble Amazonian Indians. They are athletic hunks, not natives, and their behavior is cutesy and schematic rather than ethnographic. Action is underlined by crudely bombastic background music. The Christians are watered down too; there is little of a Christian message and little in the way of missionary talk among the missionaries, but it is nonetheless clear that missionaries is what they are.

Short on specific detail of event or character, the film is also singularly lacking in excitement and momentum. There is lush cinematography (the forest looks beautiful) and there are attractive-looking natives -- the latter perhaps a tad too clean: they look like they've just showered and had their hair done. But in the absence of a good script, it all falls flat. If you want a great Amazonian adventure story with larger implications about the invasions of the white man into the Amazonian forests, get a copy of John Boorman's thrilling "The Emerald Forest" (1985) and watch it.

If you come to "The End of the Spear" expecting a drama on the level of Boorman's film, you will be sorely disappointed. If you want a vague feel-good Christian theme and don't mind condescension toward "natives," this is the movie you've been waiting for.
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Five missionaries are brutally murdered by a violent native tribe in Ecuador. One of the wives and a sister then go to live with the tribe to model unconditional love.
connectwoodbridge10 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This outstanding movie tells the story of five missionaries who were speared to death by the Waodani tribe of Ecuador in 1956. It is based on the book "Through Gates of Splendor" by Elisabeth Elliot and the story featured in "LIFE" magazine after the incident occurred.

The movie traces the event from two perspectives - the Waodani tribe itself, and Steve Saint (orphaned son of jungle pilot Nate Saint who first made contact). This creates amazing tension as the pain and humanity of the incident is seen through the eyes of people directly affected on both sides of the slaying.

One of the most striking features of this film is the participation of indigenous actors. The actual location in Ecuador was too remote for a film crew, so the producers were able to locate a remote tribe in Panama that agreed to play the part of the Waodani. Although these people had never even seen a movie before, they understood the concept of the incident, and were willing to help bring the amazing story to a wider audience.

This is the first time the Waodani were willing to tell the story. They were told about Columbine and other incidents of violence. The Waodani leaders apparently said that if the men were willing to come 50 years ago to help them learn not to kill one another, that they would do the film in hopes that it would help others learn not to kill. They then became consultants for the film.

The cinematography is very good, with some striking scenes in the jungle. The actor who portrays the Waodani warrior-chief, Mincayani, is outstanding. The scene where Nate and Steve Saint say goodbye is incredibly moving, as both recognize that the father may not return. Steve chasing his dad's plane down the makeshift runway is a serious tear-jerker.

There are some intense scenes of violence that are probably too strong for younger children, although I believe the producers took the high road on showing the actual spearing.

The love demonstrated by the women who were willing to go and live with the tribe is simply amazing. They chose to live among the very men who murdered their loved ones (in part to prevent the government from going in and wiping the Waodani out)and to care for the sick and dying of both the Waodani and their rivals. This showed the tribe that the cycle of revenge-based violence they had been living under for centuries did nothing but decimate the tribe itself, and that there was a better way.

Over the next two years, the tribal leaders began to accept that they could live and prosper without murdering one another, and be at peace with their rivals. It is said that the murder rate dropped by 90%.

We were fortunate enough to see this film at a screening, and greatly look forward to seeing it again. It garnered two rounds of applause from the audience. Stick around during the credits to see the actual footage from when the real Mincayani came to the US with Steve Saint. Highly recommended.
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if you like to use brain cells while watching a film...
MLDinTN17 February 2007
then this is one movie to watch. It's not just some candy fluff with a lot of explosions. It's based on a true story and actually has a message. A group of missionaries land their plane to greet some natives known for their killing. They want to teach them white men aren't bad and to be peaceful. Things go bad and the natives spear the men. Instead of being angry and wanting to avenge the murders, the wives of the murdered men try to make peace again by going to live with the natives. There is a native girl, sister to the leader, who grew up with the white men. She is able to translate. The final drama involves the leader telling the son of one of the missionaries he murdered his father. It's quite powerful.

FINAL VERDICT: It is different, it delivers a message. I think it is worth seeing.
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Missionaries, the kind of people that are convinced think they're doing good
deloudelouvain7 March 2022
I can't say I was impressed by this movie that got a lot of positive reviews on here. The acting and filming looked all done by amateurs, so I'm surprised it gets highly praised. The story itself, based on true events, isn't that impressive either. I have my own opinion about the matter, leave the people living far from our society alone, you don't need to 'teach' them civilisation, they're much better off on their own. That said the movie is watchable, just don't expect great acting or story development. I guess the scenery wasn't bad but if it's just for that I prefer watching a good documentary with a good narration.
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go see this!
tomstoerzbach18 January 2006
I got to see a sneak preview several weeks ago, and you really need to go and see if this changes your view of what movies can do!

The creators of this film were deeply moved when they learned of the original true-life event this film is based on, and they poured their all into making a film that would reach people on a more spiritual level than most Hollywood fare these days, without being preachy (thank heavens), and while maintaining the natural lure of an adventure story. See if you agree that they succeeded!

It really doesn't matter if you know the historical true life story or not -- your heart will be pounding, then broken, then softened, and finally strengthened as you emerge a different person.
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Civilized Versus Uncivilized Collide: The Effect is Mutually Powerful
gradyharp22 June 2006
END OF THE SPEAR is a little film that tells a fine story based on a true incident. The director Jim Hanon has mastered the elements of his film - story, character development, atmosphere of place - and the result is a visually stunning little film that is touching without being mawkish.

Nate Saint (Chad Allen), his wife Elizabeth (Beth Bailey) and son Steve (Chase Ellison) are missionaries living in the jungles of Ecuador. A tribe of Indians, the Waodani, is self-destructing due to a long custom of 'spearing' their fellow Indians with whom they have contentions. Fearing that the tribe will become extinct, Nate and his fellow missionary buddies fly a small craft into the area of the Amazon to befriend the Indians. There they encounter Mincayani (Louie Leonardo), Kimo (Jack Guzman), and Dayumae (Christina Souza) among the other tribesmen. The Waodani don't trust the foreigners and in an act of missionary aid they kill the missionary men. The family of Nate is devastated as are the wives and children of the other missionaries and they decide to move into the village to prove their husband's good intentions. The struggle and eventual coming together of these two 'tribes' of peoples forms the storyline and speaks of forgiveness, need, love and survival.

The story is simple but beautiful and the acting is very good. Some may quibble about the use of non-Indian actors (who too obviously maintain well-shaved faces and buff bodies) and the use of a language not always translated in the subtitles, but the overall effect of the movie is one of nature and the lessons to be learned in the interaction of two types of cultures. For this viewer the minor flaws are easily overlooked. Grady Harp
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Religion Rules...? Ha!!!!!!!
mztzo_cherok3 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If not for all the wonderful scenery and melodious usage of the native languages I would have gagged at the start of the movie! The fact they they said, "... we can't shoot them, they're not ready to go to heaven." ! This was ridiculous!!!! You go and suppress the people's culture and act as if you are right thing they they have been missing in their life! The hubris of it all! The audacity! I mean, isn't this the reason why the world has and had religious problems with oppressing other cultures; three of which i belong to?! I cannot believe it that they think they did these people a favor, period! I dare someone to approach me and tell me religion will truly save me from my own self and my entire culture! Disgusting hubris!!
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