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Fascinating, Moving Story of a Falasha
genevadavid1 May 2005
Twenty-four hours after seeing this extraordinary, multi-layered film about a boy who is airlifted out of Ethiopia and brought to Israel, I am still reviewing images in my mind and wondering at the courage and audacity that must have been necessary to bring this story to the screen.

Salomon was nine years old, living in a desperate refugee camp in Sudan. In late 1984, there was a covert Israeli-American operation to save Ethiopian Jews, known as Falashas, by airlifting them to Israel. The Falashas, are a small branch of the Diaspora. But as they lined up for their exodus, Salomon's mother tells him firmly to "go, live and become", the title of the movie. She saw in the exodus an opportunity for her son to escape the death, disease, famine and civil war that were ravaging Ethiopia. Salomon's mother would stay behind.

The trauma of being told by his mother to leave was already strong stuff. But there is more; Salomon is not even a Falasha. So the arrival in modern Israel is a double shock for him. However, Salomon becomes Schlomo, and we see that he is a quick learner. He learns Hebrew and, when he is adopted by a bi-lingual French-Hebrew family, he learns French, too.

However, Schlomo has a persistent and profound desire to see his mother again. He is wounded. On top of that injury, he has to deal with racism and bigotry in Israel, while hiding the fact that he is not a Falasha. Schlomo carries a lot of emotional baggage, but he has some good people rooting for him. Like the Yarom and Yael, the couple who adopt Schlomo, and Sara, the girl who has him firmly in her sights. The story of Schlomo's trials and tribulations is moving on several levels.

What makes this film audacious is that it confronts the question "who is a Jew". The answer is not self-evident. Indeed, the question has been the subject of impassioned debate in Israel for years. The Falashas are just one case study. It is simply remarkable that someone would make a film that touches on this issue. Bravo!
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The pain of feeling alone
howard.schumann10 April 2006
The images we see of Ethiopians are often those of children with distended bellies clinging to life as a Western television announcer comments about their depressing fate. No one, however, speaks for the children. Winner of the Audience Award at the Berlin Film Festival, Radu Mihaileanu's Live and Become gives words to people whose voices have been silent. The film tells the story of Ethiopian Black Jews known as Falashas who were brought to Israel in Operation Moses in 1984 by the Israeli Mossad. It was an operation that successfully airlifted 8,000 Ethiopean Jews to Israel, but sadly also one in which 4,000 died during a brutal journey on foot to Sudan or later in refugee camps.

Mihaileanu (Train of Life) was born in Bucharest, Romania to Jewish parents who had spent time in the Nazi labor camps. In 1980, like the film's protagonist, he was torn from his parents when he fled the dictatorship of Ciaucescu to move to Israel and later to France. In Live and Become, a boy clinging to his mother in the Sudan is told by her to "go, live and become". She tells him that he must pretend to be a Jew and instructs him to remember that his name is Solomon, his father's name was Isaac, and his sister's name was Aster. The film spans fifteen years in the life of young Solomon (called Schlomo by the Israelis), describing his experiences of being alone into a foreign country that speaks a language he doesn't understand and filled with people of a different religion and a different color. Mihaileanu crams a great deal into the film's 142-minute length and it often seems cluttered, yet we can listen and understand its heart and the clear voice in which it speaks to us.

As he reaches Tel-Aviv, Schlomo begins the long processes of absorption and integration into Israeli society but the barriers engendered by social and cultural differences prove difficult to bear. He angrily acts out his frustration in a boarding school in Tel Aviv and is sent for adoption to a left-wing French Sephardic family, Yoram and Yaël Harrari (Roschdy Zem and Yaël Abecassis), who already have two children. They are a close-knit, warm and loving family but face many problems with the boy they did not anticipate. Yael must fight the prejudice of parents in the school who want to withdraw their children from school because they think, coming from Africa, he must be a carrier of disease.

At first refusing to eat, he makes an effort to fit in but hears over and over that because he is black he is not really a Jew. A battle erupts within Israel between fundamentalists and Orthodox Jews over the premise of a black Jew and Schlomo is caught in the middle. Afraid of being discovered as a Christian, the boy immerses himself in Jewish theology, learns Hebrew and French and studies the Torah, yet he carries the burden of his lie around with him. The story then jumps ahead a few years. As a good-looking teenager (Moshe Abebe) Schlomo meets Sarah (Roni Hadar), a white girl he likes but must contend with the virulent racism of her father. Rebelling against the authority of his surrogate parents, the boy is sent to a kibbutz to work and study but maintains a correspondence with Sarah.

As Schlomo (Sirak M. Sabahat as an adult) grows into adulthood and takes responsibility for his guilt, he feels compelled to confess his inner truth and the film capitalizes on every touch of his personal drama. Live and Become tackles one of the most controversial subjects in Israel, that of Jewish identity and racial purity. While it does not hesitate to show the ugly side of Israeli life, it also embraces its humor, sensitivity, and compassion. Although unfortunately the film occasionally slips into cliché, Live and Become works because it is about more than the experience of one person. It tells a universal story of alienation, wanting to belong, and the pain of feeling alone, feelings shared by people of all religions throughout the world.
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Simply life-affirming
johnnieoz12 February 2005
Just returned from the first screening of this movie. An amazing start to the Berlinale Film Festival. It was long (2 and 1/2 hours), absorbing, well-scripted/acted, and very moving. The director and the lead actor were there afterwards and we applauded them heartily. This is what a film festival is about.

The basic plot follows the life of a young Ethiopian boy, Shlomo, whose mother realizes that he can be saved if he poses as one of the Falashas, the Ethiopian Jews. They were clandestinely airlifted to Israel from Sudan in the mid 1980s. This is a story of migration,assimilation and identity through the eyes of an individual. It shows how Israel deals with these 'different' Jews, how he deals with not really being one of them, how he is adopted by an idealistic left-wing family, falls in love with a young Israeli girl whose father is a racist, and his ongoing inner-dialogue with his mother still somewhere in a Sudanese refugee camp. Very multi-layered, critical without being moralistic and preachy. Unlike Mr. Mihaileanu's other big movie "The Train of Life" this is not a comedy, but it contains plenty of warmth and humor, and also stars a Shlomo.
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Its a 10
john-224422 June 2005
I saw this at the Shanghai film festival,it was called there -Live and become- I knew nothing about it. It is one of the few film that gave me a history lesson as well as complete entertainment. I really didn't notice the Cinematography or even the music. the story was encapsulating,and albeit fiction,had that real aura that made you think that something identical or very close ,has actually happened. The young Schlomo was excellent as was the mother-in fact I really couldn't find a weak performance. If you liked The Last Emperor or Dances with Wolves this movie should have a similar effect. I know quite a lot about both the countries involved in this story and I thought the director was flawless in portraying each culture. He was also flawless in taking you down one path, and just when you thought it was safe and predictable-he would rush you to another, surprising, even better place. It taught me things I didn't know and brought out emotions that have been dormant a while. A stimulating,informative masterpiece.
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another heartbreaking story from radu
styavuz15 October 2005
In my opinion, Radu Mihaileanu, the genius director of 'Train de Vie', has created his masterpiece in his second film. This is the story of an African boy who returns to life from the brink of death. The movie depicts his fight, his ambitions, passions and the power of love. It is a very weird experience for me to enjoy a movie telling the story of a black Jewish! boy. I think, this movie must also play a very important role in the war against racism. There has been a huge conflict for decades in Middle East between Palestine and Israel. I hope that the sense of humanity and love in this movie will help ending all conflicts on earth. Never forget that same creator has created all of us and Adam was a redskin.
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Many films are to be seen, but few to be chewed and digested.
ew403726 September 2006
I am an old man and an inveterate cinema-goer since my early youth. I admit that I have been and still am perhaps rather too demanding where films are concerned because, to be honest, out of the innumerable films I have enjoyed throughout the long years of my life, the ones that really succeeded in stunning me as masterpieces which nailed me to my seat from the start of the projection to its very end can be counted on the fingers of one hand. But "Va,vis et deviens" is most certainly one of them in all respects. It aims directly at what is noble in us, and it does so in simple and understandable terms. Pity that the word "excellent" is used so frequently these days, for I now feel the need of yet a stronger adjective to qualify this film.
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elbazal4 January 2006
I have just finished watching "vas vis et deviens" and must say that this is one of the most thought provoking pictures i have seen in a longtime. Many controversial issues were raised. Although racism and the never ending question of "who is a Jew?" were raised , less obvious, more subdued issues were also dealt with. The most intriguing issue raised deals with separating state and religion. The viewer essentially comes to see situations in shades of grey. The viewer is asked to find himself in the Israeli government without the movie even dealing with governmental issues. Not only are you constantly challenged in this movie but you will be offended and intrigued by it. This is a definite must see.
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'Deny thy mother, and refuse thy name...'
janos4513 May 2007
The closing night of last year's San Francisco Jewish Film Festival turned out to be more than just the screening of a movie. There was drama in the Castro Theater, many in a mostly Jewish audience sobbing audibly in response to the story of an Ethopian child escaping to Israel by pretending to be Jewish. In June 2007, "Live and Become" is being released commercially in the U.S.

Forty-seven-year-old Radu Mihaileanu - Romanian-born, raised in Israel, now a French filmmaker, director of the much-honored "Train of Life" - created a complex, honest, deeply affecting work in "Live and Become" ("Va, vis et deviens"). In the post-Holocaust world of many Jews trying to pass for gentile, Mihaileanu's true and truthful story shows the opposite: a mother's denial of a child as her own, forcing him to adopt a new identity and religion in order to survive - as a Jew, in Israel, escaping the deadly Ethopian famine and war.

Yet another meaningful reference is Imre Gyöngyössy's 1983 "The Revolt of Job" ("Jób lázadása"), about a Hungarian Jewish peasant couple adopting a Christian child, raising him as a Christian, and refuse to recognize him as their own when they are being taken away, again to assure the child's survival. (The child lived, and grew up to be the writer and director of the film about his own story.) Mihaileanu's film is based on true events. In 1985, the Mossad supervised an amazing drive, "Operation Moses," the airlift of thousands of Falasha, Ethiopian Jews, believed to be descendants of Menilek I, the son of the Queen of Sheba (Makeda) and King Solomon. Thousands died on the march to Sudan where the Israeli airlift operated, but even more escaped, arrived in Israel, were accepted by the country - if not without religious and political controversy.

History and politics are just the background to "Live and Become," the title stemming from the heartbreaking command of the boy's mother: go, don't tell anyone who you really are, become a Jew, do not come back.

Three actors play Schlomo (the name given to the boy at the Ellis-Island-like refugee center) at various times of his life. The film's greatest impact is from the child Schlomo (Moshe Agazai), who must learn new customs, a new religion, Hebrew, Yiddish, and French (of his adoptive parents) at the same, forgetting his Amharic. His initial transition from the refugee camp to modern Israel is astonishing, at one unforgettable moment, while taking his first shower, he is trying to stop the water from going down the drain, panicking at the sinful waste.

Mihaileanu is a skilled, powerful moviemaker: he is sticking to the central message, staying with his characters, keeps telling what is the truth for them, but the direction, acting, cinematography are glossy-professional. What makes the film extraordinary - what creates all the crying in the audience - is its honest and effective portrayal of the young refugee's isolation and loneliness, made worse by his belief that his escape is at the cost of his mother's life, in exchange for a lie he feels he must live, even as he becomes an authentic member of Israeli society.

The cast is uniformly outstanding, but Schlomo's adoptive parents are especially memorable. Moroccan-Israeli actress Yael Abecassis' warmth and strength, Moroccan-French actor Roschdy Zem's rough integrity create a true and enviable family environment - but there is nothing easy or false about the young refugee's difficult journey and internal tribulations.
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Living a lie
jotix1001 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A film of epic proportions, "Va, vis et deviens", shows an excellent director, Radu Mihaileunu at his best. Mr. Miahueunu, who co-wrote the screen play with Alain Michel Blanc, gives us a slice of life in this life affirming film that will please audiences because the way these two men decided to present their story that centers around a tragedy perpetrated in Africa.

A young Ethiopian child sees enough devastation around him. When he is separated from his own mother, a kind Jewish black woman, advises him to assume a new identity, that of an Ethiopian Jew, so he will qualify to be taken to Israel, part of a plan to help settle these unfortunate people in the land of milk and honey. The young man, who has witnessed enough tragedy during his short years, goes along and is taken to a place where he has no one, or even belong.

Schlomo, as he is called, is lucky enough to be adopted by a kind Israeli family with two young children of their own. Being black in an almost all white society has its disadvantages, as the young man learns early on. The love of his adoptive parents should have been sufficient, but he is a child that knows he doesn't belong among these nice people that have opened their home, and accept him. Schlomo, who we see through different aspects of his life, as a boy, then a teen ager, and a grown man, meets an older Jewish black man, another fellow Ethiopian, who helps him overcome his fears and ask him to come clean, not only to Sarah, the woman who loves him, but to everybody. The big secret he has been carrying all his life, is a burden keeps him enslaved all his life, revealing it, will free him of the tremendous guilt in his heart.

There are excellent all around performances in the film. Yael Abecassis and Roschay Zen, who play the adoptive parents make a tremendous contribution to the film. The young Schlomo is acted by three different actors, all of them good. They contribute to make this, one of the most credible movies in a while.

The hauntingly beautiful music of Arman Amar, and the cinematography of Semy Chevin, make the film even better to watch. The director, Radu Mihaileunu shows great sensitivity with the material and turns a great picture that will be hard to forget.
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When will I be able to believe...
jpschapira11 August 2008
Radu Mihaileanu's "Live and become" could be defined as an 'indie crowd-pleaser'. I know it's not the best definition, but think about it: a European movie with a lot of nonprofessional actors, an inspiring title and story…Strong story. Films like this one always make the intelligent viewer suspicious, and with reason. There were many things I though I'd see in "Live and become"; I found them all.

The script, by Mihaileanu and Alain-Michel Blanc, constructs its bases from something that has to be veridical because of the way the movie presents it, with admitted seriousness. If it's not, then the director and his writing partner have made us believe the suffering throughout someone's life and the film's most revealing moments from something that never occurred.

Schlomo, the film's main character, leaves a village in Ethiopia because his mother obliges him. Soon the 9-year-old, a non-Jew, finds himself in Israel saying a name that's not his (but it's the only one we ever know he has) and admitting to be a part of a religion he didn't grow up knowing: Judaism. When he leaves his mother, she tells him something like: "Live and become, and don't come back until then".

The boy obeys, of course, but lives his whole life trying to understand what his mother meant, as he talks to the moon as if it where his mother and writes letters and arguments to defend himself in debates relating them with his personal feelings. In his life in Israel, he lives with adoptive parents Yael (Yael Abecassis) and Yoram (Roschdy Zem), who love him but, although he learns to love them back, he only wants to go back home. One man will help him manage this desire, but I won't tell you who he is because the role he plays in the boy's life and how they meet each other is probably the film's highest point.

I don't want to sound disqualifying, but it's hard to sustain a story like the one "Live and become" presents. I suspected that it would center everything on the boy's dilemma, and it did. Everything revolves around the prejudice and consequences of Schlomo's situation; some discussions become predictable and sometimes it seems this is being exploited so much that it leaves the rest undeveloped.

The truth is that there's not much more character development in the film than the three- dimensional Schlomo, who is played by three different actors and only one seems to comprehend him (Sirak M. Sabahat), when the boy is no more and we see him in his maturity.

When I said "Live and become" was a crowd-pleaser, I meant that it knows the material it's dealing with and the effect it can generate in an audience. It's a big dramatic effect of course, that generally provokes a big smile or a little tear. The experience I had with "Live and become" is very similar to the ones I had with "Whale Rider", from New Zealand, and "The Pursuit of Happiness" from USA; both crowdpleasers.

"Whale Rider" relied on Keisha Castle Hughes' presence to generate emotion (and maybe too much on the images), and 'Pursuit' relied on Will Smith's chemistry with his son (and not so much on the images). Here, the actors don't have the sparkle, and Mihaileanu bets it on the music-loud and heartbreaking-and the images.

The three films are moving; I said it, but I didn't buy any of their stories. This one could have the most solid general development, a fact that may redeem its poor, crowd-pleasing ending.
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Come, see and win
Weredegu15 February 2007
I can only talk in superlatives about this movie. It's so powerful that it takes a second viewing to realize that in fact it's even more powerful... Yes, there is a history lesson in it (Falashas, Middle East, Cold War, Gulf War etc.), and yes, it's an interesting tale about a person whom you just have to think to be real, but more than that, it's so universal in its way of talking about our search for a secure identity... searching for it in a process at the end of which we hope to end up in some nice future at the same time not having forgotten that what was precious in our past. To arrive at that, so much help is needed from good people you can trust, or so much luck, if you want to say it that way... This film will make you realize that and in the process it will awaken in you an overwhelming feeling of respect for human dignity as well.

To Radu Mihaileanu I can only say, continue to give us this good films, please. If it takes years of research as it did in this case, so be it. Oh, and I hope to see all of the actors, too, again some day. How stupid of me, I will, of course, at the third viewing of 'Va, vis et deviens'.
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Live and Become
jboothmillard4 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I found this French / Israeli / Belgian / Italian film in the book 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die, I read a short description before watching it, and it did sound like something worthwhile of that recommendation. Basically set in 1980 in Ethiopa the black Falashas have Christian beliefs and live in poverty, and every so on transports come into the community and take away people away to Israel, and a young boy, who is renamed Schlomo (Moshe Agazai) is sent by his Mother (Meskie Shibru-Sivan Hadar) to get on it, told to "Go, live, and become". Eventually the boy is adopted into a good family, who have no knowledge he has replaced am Ehtiopian Jewish boy who died, from the beginning he is forced to endure racism and learn the Jewish religion, he remains depressed for some time, until he is able to send a letter to his real mother. Schlomo as a teenager (Moshe Abebe) seems to have become accustomed to the adoptive family, but he still struggles with the Jewish ways, and he finds himself falling in love with Sara (Roni Hadar), but her father is an extreme racist, he tries to gain "real Jewishness" competing in a Bible interpretation competition, but this makes no difference to the father's attitude. Disappointed he decides to himself into the police explaining that he is a Falasha and not Jewish, but he is ignored and his adoptive parents send him to study medicine in France, it is there that he and Sara get married, her family are taken from her, but in the circumstances Schlomo will not reveal his true identity until she becomes pregnant. Sara does find out his true origins, she leaves him not for his deception but for believing that she would not have trusted or loved him anyway, but the adoptive mother helps them reconcile, but Schlomo is given a condition by Sara, he must meet his real mother again, as a doctor he does find the way to return to Ethiopa fugitive camp, in the end Schlomo and his mother do have an emotional reunion. Also starring Yaël Abecassis as Yael Harrari, Roschdy Zem as Yoram Harrari, Sirak M. Sabahat as Schlomo as an adult and Yitzhak Edgar as Qès Amara. I have seen these kind of films before, someone bing forced to go against their beliefs to fit into a new society or family, the racial tension and religion clashes do add to what could have been a predictable story, and the inclusion of hard hitting moments of human poverty is also moving, it is certainly a worthwhile drama film. Good!
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Cinematic Orthodoxy Hinders a Real, Urgent Narrative
mvrg-124 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The story told during the internationally-produced film "Live and Become," is, beyond any doubt, touching; nay, it is heart-wrenching. To witness even a fictionalized version of the poverty suffered by the starving Ethiopeans in the opening scenes of the film; of the fears and challenges of a child coming of age in a strange country; and of the social and religious complexities faced by Ethiopean Jews living in Israel is at once horrifying, confounding, and inspiring. If one has the chance to see this film, do so without hesitation, for the story it tells is one to which all should pay great attention.

Despite its important story that promotes diversity, "Live and Become" falls short cinematically. From the first establishing crane shot, through the shot-counter-shot narrative, to the extremely disappointing final scene in which the director employs both slow-motion and a frustratingly melodramatic overhead shot, the direction, cinematography, and editing feel very slick, even Hollywood-esquire at times. While such technique is merely bland and predictable in most films, in this case it is particularly disappointing, given the very urgent and very real content of the film: the final cut would have benefited greatly from the directors pursuing a realist aesthetic, which would have impressed the audience more with the gravity of narrative.

The acting, however, is quite impressive, especially that of the non-professionals: Yitzhak Edgar and Moshe Agazai. Equally impressive is the performance of Yaël Abecassis.

Finally, the score, which I generally find to be the most overrated (and usually unnecessary) element in contemporary cinema, is subtle at times, but, at others, throbs operatically, detracting greatly from the poignancy of many of the more touching and inspiring moments in the narrative.

In short, "Live and Become" is clearly not aimed at spurring audiences to social activism through cinematic means; it accomplishes this end through the narrative, which, while effective, would have been enhanced greatly had the filmmakers chosen a more realistic style throughout the work.
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please support this wonderful film!
asurasuria-18 October 2006
OK, so i may have some gripes with it artistically, but when you consider the fact that this is one of the first feature films dealing with the migration of Ethiopian Jews to Israel made by people who actually lived through the experience, those factors become less important. This film has spirit, and that is hard to come by these days. It's imperfections, I think, lie in the fact that this story has been kept under wraps for so long and it was difficult for the filmmakers to know where to begin. It touches on most of the major issues that refugees face in Israel, and is a strong and inspiring beginning to opening up this experience to further filmic treatment. Word has it that the distributors are currently trying to get enough viewer-ship for this film to reach New York and LA, so please support this film! It is an experience not to be missed.
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Unexpectedly Moving
EmmaRobert17 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this movie just today, not having planned to, but simply because I was too late to see what I originally wanted to, (Something Like Happiness). Friends had been pressuring me to see Live and Become for awhile, but I refused, thinking it seemed to focus too much on the political.

Well, am I glad I got to see this one. Nine-year old Shlomo leaves Ethiopia pretending to be a Jew, saved by "Operation Moses". He promises his Jewish 'mother', when she dies, never to tell of his real Christian mother, left behind, since non-Jews discovered by the Operation are sent back to Ethiopia. He eventually begins a life with the Harraris, an Isreali-French family, and the story goes well beyond the refugee life.

The story of Shlomo, an Ethiopian refugee escaping from awful circumstances, is not a new one. Movies about war refugees abound, but originality is irrelevant. I came in expecting weepy, overdone, politically motivated. I rolled my eyes when the boy's mother said "Go! Live and become!", and then cried the very moment Hana took his hand and claimed to be his mum.

This movie is slightly uneven in the sense that scenes with overwrought dialogue are scattered throughout it, but I never thought of it until afterward. I wept a bit, surprised by it every time, my cynical self not being accustomed to crying at the movies. There are also quite funny parts, for example when the rescued children first watch television, all of them sit behind it, waiting to see when the people inside will come out. I recommend this movie; strong performances, a wonderful story. The two and a half hours truly fly by.
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makes you understand God and love so much better
andjel_ko31 May 2006
i have seen this movie yesterday and i couldn't stop thinking about it afterwards so i would like to share this thoughts with you. but before philosophy just to mention some other aspects of the film i liked.

music was a little bit weird but always in a right place, as if she was following our young protagonist and the way he feels - sometimes silent, sometimes loud, sometimes religious or even disco music. soundtrack does not represent perfect harmony but it fits perfectly to the movie. The protagonist, Schlomo, is great - i mean as an actor. particularly the first Schlomo who, with no more than 12 years spoke three very different languages. There is also a lot of humor in the movie (sometimes mixed with tragedy but important to keep us sticked to this more than 2 hours long movie).

okey, and now to the religious speculations. This movie is about a boy who searches his identity but don't want to forget his roots because he knows that his future depends on it. He has more mothers during the film, but there is a mother that he respects very much and it is mother earth, mother Africa - the land on which he take his shoes off and walk barefoot. he is born Christian. to survive he has to become an hebrew but soon he enters in a family that is not religious but simply pacifistic. This boy, Schlomo seeks God. he talks with the moon, he pray beneath the wall of cry, he changes religions but he remains faithful to God and his religious tradition. How is it possible? In the background of the story there are many religious wars and Sclomo observes them. what i understood at the end is that it is important to do our religious rites, to respect our religious traditions (i for example as a catholic Christian) but be aware that god is bigger than i imagine him. we understand god in our limited capacity of understanding and often in a wrong way, but sometimes we manage to love thanks to our religion. God reveals him in human experience of love.

and so i arrive to the second (first is religion) main theme of the movie - love. Schlomo learns how to love. he loves his original mother but he'll have to learn to love his new father, his girlfriend and ultimately every person that needs help and need to be loved. he will learn that lust is not love, and that love is expressed through helping and at the end he will be richly rewarded for learning his lesson well. Do your lesson and watch this movie!
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Must be seen
roy-blake6 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is an Israel-France co-production, with a Romanian director. It concerns a young Ethiopian boy who goes to Israel in 1984 with Operation Moses, This was a project to rescue the Falasha, a group of black Jews who had lived in Ethiopia for centuries, from famine. Moshe, as he becomes, is not actually Jewish, however. His Christian mother sends him off and tells him not to come back to Africa until he has "become". Before getting on the truck to the airlift he is taken in hand by a Falasha woman whose son has just died. He pretends to be that son and is assisted in this by a friendly doctor who knows about the situation.

In Israel his surrogate mother, already sick, soon dies and he is adopted by an Israeli couple, secular left-wing Jews from France. He very quickly learns enough about Judaism to pass as Jewish, and, after an initial difficult period of adjustment wherein he is ostracized, largely because of his race, he finds his way in Israeli society.

Gradually Shlomo becomes more accomplished and more integrated in Israeli life. He has an off-and-on relationship with Sarah, an Israeli Jewish girl. Unfortunately, her father, who seems to be quite bigoted against blacks, opposes the relationship, ostensibly on the grounds that Shlomo isn't Jewish enough. To prove that he is, he enters and wins a religious debate on the topic "what color was Adam." He sidesteps the obvious black/white question by declaring that Adam was red, like the earth he was made from. He wins the girl's heart, but not the father's.

Eventually Shlomo goes to Paris, becomes a doctor, and returns to marry Sarah. He still has the guilty secret that he is not really Jewish, and finally reveals it when his wife tells him that she is pregnant. She is very upset, not because he isn't Jewish, but because he kept something from her. Shlomo tells his adoptive mother the truth, and she intercedes with Sarah. She forgives him, but, she says, on one condition. We never hear exactly what that is, but in the next and final scene we find Shlomo working with Medecins sans Frontieres in Africa, where, against all odds, he finds his birth mother, still in a refugee camp.It's a bit too pat, but after what Shlomo has been through, we forgive the filmmakers for this rather Hollywood-style ending.

This film won best film award at the Copenhagen festival, and it is easy to see why. While it deals with the very particular situation of the Falasha in Israel, it addresses much larger questions of identity and belonging, of prejudice and acceptance, and of the need for recognition of our common humanity. It's not a diatribe against religion: two rabbis show great compassion towards Shlomo while others show their prejudices. Nor is it really about politics: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is in the background, and so are the civil wars in Africa, but the film is much more about smaller, everyday interactions where people show their true selves. I don't think a brief description can do justice to this film: it should be seen.
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Kirpianuscus3 October 2015
touching. well made. impressive. a story of survive, hope, sacrifice and truth. a bitter story about clash between different worlds, about the sense of words, about self definition and the root of self determination. the story of Schlomo is not different by many others. and that is its basic virtue. not to be an universal story. but to convince about the force of a special form of joy. a film about the rhythm of life. about political options, about the identity, about the fight to discover and to be yourself. Mihaileanu is a great, admirable director for the rare science to transform his films in subtle powerful manifestos. that is the secret. in the case of Live and Become the last scene is the proof.
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mike_isaacson30 January 2006
Good film . . . but WHAT was that ending?!

The film also brought back some bad personal examination memories, in that the makers obviously suddenly realised that they only had five minutes running time remaining in which to squeeze-in the last ten years of Shloime's life!

Yael Abecassis is as lovely as ever, however, and worth the entrance money on her own (didn't you just want to slap her son, though?!).

Israel is now producing high quality films on a regular basis. To anyone who enjoyed this, I would highly recommend "Nina's Tragedies" (the best Israeli film I have seen).
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If Only I Could Be Fortunate Enough To Meet Someone Like Shlomo In Real Life!
interestingfunstuff6 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Live and Become is is about never giving up, no matter what! It's an optimistic story. When you do good in your life, good comes back to you when you least expect it.

Parts of this story are incredibly gut-wrenching, I even had to fast forward the movie, at times. Vicariously experiencing the incredible suffering taking place in a refugee camp was unbearable. On the other hand, we get to see a relatively normal Middle Class existence through most of the story, which is quite a relief!

While this is a fictional story the setting is 100% historically accurate. I felt like I was reliving the news from the 1980's! I remember the Falashas, also known as Ethiopian Jews and their evacuation from Ethiopia and the Sudan. I also remember what a hard time they were given by a large segment of the Israeli population, especially by the Ultra Orthodox religious establishment who did not consider them to be real Jews.

The racism and constant humiliation experienced by Schlomo was mind-numbing, and symbolic of how the Falashas were actually treated back then. What a very sad commentary on the Israeli society of the time!

I immensely enjoyed getting to see Schlomo played by 3 different actors: one as 9-year old, then as a teenager and finally as a man in his 20's. We literally get to see Schlomo turn into this incredibly brave and self-confident man. What a moving story! After watching it, I guarantee you it will strengthen your belief in a Supreme Being!
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Hope in big quantities is like a drug
reperu4 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie yesterday. I went to see it with idea that nothing could go wrong, but I left the movie theater a little disappointed. Maybe I was to excited reading user comments and thinking at the other Radu Mihaileanu' movie (Train De vie). I give this movie a 6 (I think that average of 8.2 is to much). OK the facts are well presented and real but I couldn't see the "movie". For me it was like a documentary. Many characters were weak and dialogs were fade; I couldn't feel the touch of the movie and what I dislike most is the very good chronicles of the IMDb's users. Please don't get me wrong, go and see the movie (it's not so bad), I'm waiting for your comments
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English Title: Live & Become Jewish: Excellent. Two Thumbs up high.
KATO-SUBZERO10 September 2016
Yom Shi Shi, 9 September 2016: I found this movie by accident, but I am so happy that I did. I wish that I had known of it in year 2005.

This film is based on a true story about Ethiopian Jews suffering and dying in Ethiopia, Africa for lack of food and medical help and that eventually Israel saves them. The English title is: "Live and Become" or "Live and Become Jewish", which is about a Christian boy and his Christian mother in Ethiopia. To save her son, when the Israelis arrive to save many Ethiopian Black Jews, the mom tells her son to say that he is Jewish and go live in Israel so that he will not die in Ethiopia.

The young actors, Moshe Abebe and Sirak Sabahat both playing "Solomon" at different ages and pretty Israeli actress, Yael Abecassi in the role of the adoptive mother both deserves an academy award. The entire cast was excellent. Excellent acting, excellent direction and great locations. Also it was great to hear the dialogue in Ivrit and also in Amharic, but I don't know why French is included.

I also love when the young cute Jewish girl, actress, Roni Hadar started to like Solomon in spite of his dark skin. God does NOT see skin color, Elohim, Adonai, El Elyon Only see the heart and mind of people. Real Love overcomes hate, bigotry and prejudice and I think that if I had the chance to meet a pretty White Israeli Jewish woman, love and marriage would Not happen between us because I too am African Black American and I would be looked down upon because of my skin color.

My favorite scenes was when Yael told him that Sarah loves him and she waited 10 years for him he better tell her that he loves her. I thought finally and the beautiful wedding scenes. But even more what I loved is the fact that Sarah loved him in spite of his skin color not born Jewish. True Love conquers all.

But I wish that more White Jews and darker skin Jews (converts included) would open their hearts and minds and allow men and women to love and marry freely without all the racism. For the Jewish women and men in America that have open hearts and minds and loved and married darker skin, I say Toda La El for them.

I also loved the scenes with the Jewish celebrations, music and dancing. The Israel Jewish culture of religious and non religious is very beautiful with the dancing in a large circle and celebrations.

I hope that when it was originally released that it was well received and won some awards.

I wish that it was release in United States. Todah Rabah.

Shalom, Laila Tov ve La heet ra ot.
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A good movie with obvious flaws
kram_mirjana31 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Go see and become yesterday without no expectations what so ever. The movie surprised me though, it was a good movie but I knew that something was bothering me about it, and today I realized what it was.

Sure the movie is good. It's sad and fun at the same and sure the acting is good but the writers got caught up in something else that they didn't see the big picture.

Shlomo, the main character who got the opportunity to flee Sudan at the age of nine with help from his mother and a woman who pretended Shlomo is her son and that he's a Jews, just like her. His mom told him to go see and become, to not come back before he's become something of himself.

The plan is that all the black Jews from Sudan have the opportunity to start a new life in Israel, they're being saved from starvation and from a poor life.

Sadly, the woman who pretended to be Shlomos mom, died and Shlomo is all by him self, he starts boarding school but is too aggressive and disorderly so he gets adopted by an Israeli family.

The rest of the movie is about Shlomo having a secret, that he's not a Jew and that he had a family back in Sudan, that his mother is still alive. It's also about him growing up and finding love and about the Israeli family becoming a family to Shlomo

But Shlomo is too obsessed with his mom back in Sudan, he wonders why he isn't aloud to come back home and he thinks about his mom everyday at every moment possible.

He is too busy with his mom back in Sudan the whole movie, that he couldn't see that he got an amazing family, a wife, and a kid. It's almost that he didn't realize what parents are, just because you give birth to a child dosen't mean that you're a mom. A mom is someone who's always there and loves you, helping you become a good human being, is there for your wedding and your birthdays and so on.

He couldn't even see that Yael, the Israeli mother where always there for him. And then we have the Israeli dad. He was the one who wanted to adopt Shlomo but the older Shlomo got, his attitude to Yoram was meaner and he couldn't see that Yoram was the one who saved his life.

I think that Shlomo was ungrateful the entire movie and his only wish was to be with his mom. That my IMDb friends, was the thing that bothered me about the movie,

Ungratefulness. It's one of the most despicable things in the world.
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One of the most emotionally upsetting films ever made
robert-temple-12 March 2011
The writer and director of this utterly amazing and gut-wrenching film is the Romanian Jewish emigré to Paris, Radu Mihaileanu (born 1958). Every shot, every detail, every performance, and all the dialogue, is completely and totally brilliant. That perfection, plus Mihaileanu's impassioned fury, is what gives this film its unique power. The film contains many unknown actors and actresses who have never appeared in anything before or since, and they are often the most effective people in the film, under the director's sure and sympathetic hand. The film deals with the strange story of the people known as the 'Falashas'. People in the West who are old enough to remember the news stories of 1980 may dimly recall the incidents, as they were so bizarre as to seem almost incredible at the time. The Falashas certainly made front page news for weeks. The Falashas are the so-called 'black Jews' of Ethiopia. They had lived for perhaps 2,000 years or more as a tiny minority in Ethiopia, and they are of Ethiopian blood. But instead of being Christians like the majority of Ethiopians, they are Jews. No one knows how or why they became Jews or what their original story really is. Then one day the Israeli Government decided to rescue them from the oppressive Mengistu Regime which existed in Ethiopia in 1980 (Mengistu was a fanatical communist of the Stalinist persuasion, and a psychopathic mass murderer). The Israelis wanted to airlift all of the Falashas and take them to Israel! But this had to be done in total secrecy. Also, the Israelis could not land their aircraft in Ethiopia, so the Falashas had to make their own way on foot to the Sudan, from where they would be collected from a giant refugee camp which existed there. So 12,000 Falashas set out for the Sudan in a vast and tattered migration, 4,000 of them dying on the way. Only 8,000 reached their destination more than 1,000 miles away, dehydrated, starving, ill, and exhausted, and many of them dying. The story of the film commences in the camp, when a Falasha woman holds her very young son dead in her arms and realizes that she has lost everything; she herself is also dying. Meanwhile, an Ethiopian Christian woman and her son of the same age are also in the same part of the camp, but they are still healthy. The Christian woman pretends that her son is the dead boy so that he can be evacuated as a Jew, and the Falasha woman decides to help him and agrees to the deception. The Israelis come and are fanatical about screening out the Christians and will only take Jews, so they interview them mercilessly. The boy has been told to say he is called Solomon ('Schlomo' in Israel), his father is Isaac, he is told the village name, etc., to convinced the Israelis. But he does not want to go and leave his mother, whom he loves above all else. She turns harsh with him and pushes him away and says: 'Go, live and become! And only after you have become, then come back to me!' They are both heart-broken. Both the Ethiopian women are amazing, overwhelmingly effective despite being non-professionals. So the boy is swept up in the evacuation and gets through the Israeli screening process. He and a plane-load of Falashas land in Tell Aviv, dazed and totally confused. They are kept in isolation for months and repeatedly screened. And that is only the beginning of the long and emotional story. The little boy is brilliantly portrayed by a genuine Falashsa boy named Mosche Agazai, and equally brilliantly played as an adolescent by another real Falasha, Moshe Abebe. Because 'Schlomo' has been so upset, he had become unruly and so a left-wing Israeli couple with two children of their own adopt him, and he moves into an affluent suburban house. His adoptive mother is wonderfully portrayed by an experienced and sensitive Israeli actress named Yaël Abecassis. The boy befriends a wise old Falasha, whose family all died, played by Yitzhak Edgar. And finally, Schlomo as an adult is portrayed by Sirak M. Sabahat. The remarkable thing is that none of the people I have mentioned apart from the Israeli actress has acted in any other film, and yet they all did better than any professional cast could conceivably have done. The intensity of their performances is searing and never to be forgotten. This film is a great classic, which should be entered in the annals of world cinema as one of the most moving films ever made. The film is also a massive indictment of hypocrisy and intolerance, as experienced in Israel by the Falashas after their arrival. They were abused, insulted, and subjected to a bombardment of hate and prejudice of incredible proportions, and this is graphically shown in the story. As an adolescent and adult, Schlomo is loved by a white Israeli girl named Sara, beautifully and sensitively portrayed by the young Roni Hadar (who has gone on subsequently to appear on TV and in another film). Her father is a violent bigot who thinks the Faslashas are sub-human, and the irony of Jews classifying other people as 'untermenschen' is not lost on us! Every aspect of this tale is anguished, and so much of it is heart-rendingly tragic. Some of it turns out well, however. Schlomo grows up to be a medical doctor and despite the alienation from his adoptive father, retains the devoted love of his adoptive mother.The talent of Mihaileanu is best of all shown in one of the most breathtakingly brilliant final shots ever to be seen in any film, though of course I am not permitted to describe it here. Radu Mihaileanu is certainly a cinematic genius of the first rank, and he has proved it again in his equally amazing film, THE CONCERT (2009, see my review).
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Best Film Ever
umbie3 October 2007
This is one of the best films i have ever seen . It was only scheduled for one screening at Van film fest in 2005 but after an email campaign got a second screening, peoples choice award and subsequently general release, still not seen by as many as it deserves. Sublime! It should be part of every schools curriculum. If its the only film you ever see , let this be it. The direction, storytelling , performances are all heart wrenching and uplifting. The fact that i am writing about it 2 years later says something! It restored my faith in cinema and the power it has to change and empower lives. English title is 'Live and Become" Does anyone know if its on DVD or video?
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