Silent Night (TV Movie 2002) Poster

(2002 TV Movie)

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True-life story expanded
blanche-25 December 2005
Die-hard "Unsolved Mysteries" fans will remember the wonderful story told by a man named Fritz about a Christmas eve in the German woods when he and his mother were visited by American soldiers seeking to get out of the cold. It was a lovely story if you just stopped there, but German soldiers soon arrived and wanted to get out of the cold as well! The mother insisted that everyone lay down their weapons and have a Christmas dinner, and they did so. One of the soldiers was wounded, and the soldiers on the other side helped him. They all spent the night with no incident, realizing that on whatever side you were on, you were still a human being.

Well, if this didn't have all the makings of a movie, what does? The story, of course, has been vastly expanded to include some conflict and some insight into the personalities involved. In real life, there wasn't intense communication since there were language barriers.

This is a Christmas story that embodies the true meaning of the season in every sense of the word, all the more poignant because it's true. The performances are all wonderful. In real life, Fritz, who emigrated to America and became a baker, was looking to connect with the GIs he had met. The show found one of the old soldiers in a nursing home, and as he and Fritz reminisced, it was obvious that to both of them, the incident happened yesterday.

This movie is highly recommended. It's about a remarkable woman who understood the term "peace on earth."
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Truth is stranger than fiction...
JonathanWalford20 December 2002
And this movie proves that old adage. Silent Night is a simple story with a small cast in one setting (and one that will translate well into a stage play, if it didn't originate as one to begin with). It is not an unfamiliar story for those who read military history, but the human aspect of civilians in the midst, and especially one courageous woman who set the terms of a truce for just one evening, is a fresh twist. As with all "based on a true story" movies, one wonders how true the facts are to the original events. If liberties were taken with the facts of this event, the result was a charming and tightly told story that questions the value of duty and honour versus the value of life and friendship. Its a good war story, and a good Christmas story, and although the plot is set up from the start, so that the viewer knows all will end well, there is a tension throughout that keeps the viewer interested.
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A gem of a small, feel-good Christmas movie.
griffina20 December 2002
This film challenged my assumptions about made-for-TV films. Linda Hamilton and an excellent supporting cast do a first-rate job portraying a group of American and German soldiers who take time out from battle in the closing days of World War II to celebrate Christmas and remember their shared humanity.

Nice underacting combined with solid camera work and lighting make this film work. An interesting touch is that throughout much of the film, the German characters speak in German with English subtitles; personally, I found this effective -- amazingly, most of the accents were pretty good. Although it has a happy ending -- it is a Christmas movie, after all -- the film has sufficient pathos to prevent it from becoming saccharin.

This film seems proof again that our northern neighbors seem to have to compensate for a lack of special effects and big names by resorting to acting and plot! Definitely worth watching.
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One poignant film...*May Contain Spoilers*
AndyVanScoyoc10 December 2004
I saw this story originally I believe on "Unsolved Mysteries" a few years ago and I thought to myself "this story would make a great movie," and wondered how long it would take for someone to realize what a movie of this caliber could do for people. I see that it didn't take as long for that realization, as I thought it would.

In one of the most heartfelt performances in her life, Linda Hamilton, as Frau Elisabeth Vincken, a woman living alone with her young son who has her own demons to deal with and her own dislike of the war that has torn her country and family apart, has managed to pull off what few other women could have with the strength and believability that she did.

World War II...Christmas Eve...all the makings for a dreary night in the trenches with not much to celebrate one would think.

Not so for this movie and the heartstrings definitely get a good pulling in this film.

The animosity between the German and American soldiers when they first meet is evident and Martin Neufeld puts in one heck of a performance as Lt. Hans Klosterman, a bitter, loyal to the death, and unbending German officer. The hatred, the anger that he feels toward the American soldiers, especially Sgt. Ralph Blank, played with hard realism by Alain Goulem; who seems to butt heads from the get go with the battle hardened Lt., who have come seeking shelter for the evening in the home of Frau Vincken is palpable and makes for a very believable situation. More than once I felt myself torn between hating Neufeld's character and having hope for his heart to soften.

As has already been said, this story was based on a real life occurrence. Sometimes fact can be more beautiful than fiction and this movie is ironclad proof.

If any film needed levity and laugh now and then, it was this movie, and that call was quickly and with an outstanding performance, answered by Private Jimmy Rassi, played with expert talent by Romano Orzari. This actor really put his heart into his performance and the result was a character that was not only heartwarming but completely and utterly believable.

If you want a movie that can convey the message of what Christmas is REALLY about, then you must see this film. It will make you think, it will make you laugh, it will make you will give you hope that our future, if we could simply put aside our differences could be a lot brighter than what people could ever dream...
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Totally different Christmas movie
shearerc24 December 2003
Undoubtedly one of the best Christmas movie ever. The plot is simple, yet was so effective in bringing out the best in every cast member. Viewers can be forgiven for having a temporary sense of disbelief as they watch Linda Hamilton portray a bold character who forces the soldiers into submitting to a truce (no mean feat for any unarmed woman). However i believe the bulk of the credit should be given to the supporting cast, these guys convincingly added emotional weight to the movie. Also as a previous reviewer pointed out, lighting and staging were very fitting and impressive for a tiny production like this and man, would they look good on the DVD.

Forget this movie if you're hungry for some action - watch it instead to find out how human commonness and compassion triumph over hostility and bitterness in the midst of insanity. Highly recommended. 9.5/10
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This movie grows on you
jnwa37 September 2004
I think most love a true story and this one to me is one of the best. I loved this movie the first time I saw it but each time since, I fall in love with it a bit more. Set in a time in our history where death and war (World War II) were on every mind, this sweet story shows how love and friendship can happen even between strangers who are bitter enemies forming a friendship that can and actually does wind up lasting a lifetime. It opens as a battle rages on showing the horrors of war while a mother and her son try to find a safe haven in the family cabin. Little did they know on that special Christmas Eve so long ago that something was going to happen that would change their lives forever. Enemies met in that small space and an understanding grudgingly developed between people even surprising them at the end and bonding them for life. Hopefully all will make a point of going back in time and experiencing this amazing true story. You won't be disappointed.
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A WW2 Christmas movie -based on real events
juneebuggy21 November 2014
This was pretty good, a Christmas movie without all the commercialism and clichés. I liked how this started out in modern times with a grandfather telling his story and then we see him as a young boy with his mother during WW2.

He and his mother (played by a mostly German speaking and almost unrecognizable Linda Hamilton) have taken refuge in a cabin which is invaded by American and then German soldiers. She persuades them to lay down their weapons and break bread together, pooling their meager rations for a Christmas eve feast.

This did come across a bit far fetched at times, in regards to how quickly the men said "okay" to leaving their guns outside and bonding over pineapple pudding but on the same note they ended up having a lot in common. The 15 year old German boy-soldier was particularly heart wrenching. This has been based on real events which makes me like it even more. Rough time in history for so many people. 12.26.13
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Lovely Re-telling of a common story un-commonly told.
Lixza27 December 2002
Growing up I was told by my Parents and Grand Parents similar accounts of how during the W.W.II that the enemy lines were crossed in order that the Rank and File solders, of each side could have a cup of worm cheer and a carol or two on Christmas Eve.

The night that seemed too holy not to stop and remember Family so far away. This touching move does this and in a engaging and dramatic way. It also reminds us that not all Germans welcomed the war and the havoc it brought, nor did all Germans believe in the Nazi propaganda. Elisabeth's impassioned speech in which she tells a reluctant Nazi solder ` If I had only know earlier, in the beginning I would have done something, but I didn't know' brought me to tears. Also the scene where the two sides sit down to a "pitch in" Christmas Supper was very moving.

Linda Hamelton's Elisabeth is a fine performance and a wonderful example of how when given good material she can really give an award winning performance. All the actors turned convincing and hart tugging performances.

I feel that it is unfortunate that a Major network did not pick this up for broadcast, and that it ran on a rather obscure cable station, but Kudos to Hallmark for using good sense in airing it.
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Silent Night
cloudyskye4 March 2007
I rather liked this, having bought the DVD just based on these recommendations, although I agree with some of the reviewers in that I find it a little too sweet and naïve in some places. But then, apparently it is based on a true story, and I don't really mind swallowing a little sugariness sometimes. There is just the language issue that made me cringe throughout the film. As a native speaker of German (perhaps the only one here?) I can't agree with the reviewers who praised the actors' accents. Maybe they could impress foreigners with their very fake sounding English-with-a-strong-German-accent, but no German would ever be fooled. The only exception is Cassian Bopp, playing young Heinrich. All the others speak their German lines in a very stiff and wooden way, betraying their origins all the time. And please, is there a German who can read "Moby Dick" and "Huckleberry Finn" in the original and yet forgets to say "and" instead of "und" when speaking English? I think not. Still, I tend to be forgiving because obviously they tried their best. I'll certainly give it another chance – because sometimes a good story covers many sins.
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A True Diamond in the Rough
Razalia_Queen29 December 2006
While movies made solely for television generally have a stereotype for being mediocre, this outstanding movie breaks records easily. It covers a true story, of a boy during WWII with his not so traditional mother. It tells the story of how soldiers of both sides come to share a Christmas with them.

One of my favorite aspects of this film was that it did not have the excess violence, gore, profanity, etc. It seemed to me that it was just an honest, down-to-earth type. It is not made up of thousands of dollars worth of special effects or an hour and a half of cars being blown up. The characters are not overly evil, good, or perfect. They acted as if they were the actual people that the events had happened to. Wonderful acting, I think.

The storyline is filled with twists and turns, heart-breaking moments and even a little humor. It is a perfect film for any family, especially during the holidays. I am sure if someone got real nitpicky there are a few errors, but to me, everything is pretty darn close to being perfect. I sincerely recommend it to someone looking for a truly good film.

**I suggest that you google "Fritz Vincken" after watching the movie. There are numerous interviews with him about the real events and his life after the war ended. I find them very inspiring.
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A story of peace
blumdeluxe21 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Silent night" is not so much a movie about Christmas as it is one about war and peace. In it, American and German soldiers meet at a hut inhabited by a woman and her young son on Christmas eve during WWII. They agree to remain peaceful for this one night and find out about the more human side of their enemy.

Undoubtedly, this film moves close to being cheesy. On the other hand, it is a clear statement that peace is always and in every situation possible if only people agree on it. In my eyes the movie could have been even better by including German actors and letting them each speak in their respective language supported by subtitles, because that way some of the story would have been additionally supported. In a genre that deals mostly with the horrors of war, a topic this film doesn't exclude at all, it still manages to remain hopeful and set a positive marker. If you're able to see this as a single piece and don't forget about what else happened during that time, I think it has its rightful place as a pacifist contribution not through shock but through kindness.

All in all this is a beautiful movie with some exaggerations (I don't believe even a young soldier would think the war is over in that situation, especially having witnessed everything that led to it, e.g.). There are still possible improvements but it does deliver its message quite clearly.
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One of the best war movies I've seen..
kevdor22 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was watching late night TV when I came upon this movie and I was completely absorbed by it. All I have to say is wow.. just wow! Everything is so different in this film, it shows the true human nature behind the killing machines soldiers become, and how enemies can even bind in the most unlikely situations. It is not meant to show the atrocities of war (bullets flying everywhere, guts being spilled on the ground, etc) but how ridiculous it can be for living, breathing, thinking human beings to kill each for causes that are not even their own.

I highly recommend it to anyone, WW2 passionnate or not
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Riveting but also disappointing
justbusinessthebook14 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another DVD movie that a friend suggested I watch, it is a movie that I would buy for its message. What is disappointing about a movie that I would otherwise rate nearer 10 for the acting, intrigue and drama is that this is yet another movie 'from Hollywood' that really twists the truth to sell a movie.

One need only look up the history of one real character, Fritz Vincken. Vincken is portrayed as a young German boy who witnesses a surreal event that is sponsored by his German mother on Christmas Eve, 1944. Persuading American soldiers to make her temporary home a place of neutral refuge on Christmas Eve, she risks execution for treason. The truth is that a German patrol then arrives at the same isolated cabin, agrees to a night of no guns, and actually sups with and helps a wounded American soldier. Both factions then go off in opposite directions to resume the fighting while leaving the boy and mother to survive an incredibly stupid war.

The 'based on facts' portrayal in this movie immediately falls apart IF we understand that neither the mother nor the boy understood English. One American soldier spoke French. The German mother also did. This helped in the real situation in the end. Frantic arm waving changed into some words of understanding.

Knowing this base fact and the fact that the 'Hollywood' version goes to great extravagance to dramatize the situation may diminish the value of this movie as a record of history. Its value is in the dialogue and emotion. Once again, we have another movie that portrays why our world stumbles along in vast international murder because we have lost all common sense to what our moral duty to each other is.

This movie is good in that it does not sell 'Jesus Christ' and Christmas as 'the reason for the season'. It simply illustrates what the bravery of one lady, without a gun, can do to end the senseless killing we seem bent on repeating despite these lessons from our human history.

That small fact makes this not-so-fact-based movie still worth watching. I am not so certain that the surviving German son's 1997 interview (by a Honolulu high school student) as to what really happened would make a 'block buster movie'. Still, I will buy this DVD in the end for the compelling messages in the movie.

We need to start to heed messages from movies like this to make this world a better place for generations to come.
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user-917424 December 2005
I came here for a review last night before deciding which TV movie to settle in front of, and those I found made this one look unmissable. How misled I feel!

Firstly, it needs to be pointed out up front that this is very much a housewife's daytime movie. The performances are wooden, every sentence is an attempt at 'poignant' in the way that housewife's daytime movies and bad soap operas always are, and it is based in that predictable and well-trodden premise that men (particularly soldiers) are essentially violent and incompassionate. The whole movie is about the 'drama' apparent in the moments when the male characters threaten to develop a second dimension.

If that sounds tolerable (or even enjoyable) to you, then be warned. Linda Hamilton's German accent, while quite good, is painfully distracting - as is her face, for some reason. The other performances are no doubt an enduring source of embarrassment to their perpetrators, with painfully thin and obvious characterizations being the order of the day. There are few surprises, but do watch for the 'Monty Pythonesque' endless supply of food and drink that miraculously appears from the hungry soldiers' knapsacks!

I wasn't expecting action, but I had hoped for beautiful or textural or emotionally charged. What I got was a particularly bad Christmas 'feelgood' story that will have an intelligent audience cringing with the crapulence of it all.

Watch it under the folowing circumstances: 1: There's nothing else on. 2: You are a fan of predictable 'housewife takes on men and wins' TV movies. 3: The only way you can appreciate a true story is when Hollywood turns it into a feature film. 4: You've imbibed enough nog that your emotions are easily stirred by unsophisticated storytelling.
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Very good Christmas movie.
youcantspamme24 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Sehr gutes Weihnachten film.

This sheds more light.

"By Rod Ohira Advertiser Staff Writer

"A Silent Night," a 90-minute television movie based on former Honolulu baker Fritz Vincken's wartime experience about enemies sharing a peaceful Christmas Eve dinner in 1944, is scheduled to be shown Dec. 14 on the Hallmark Channel. Shooting was completed Friday night in Montreal, executive producer Steve Rubin said. The film, produced by Rubin's Los Angeles-based Fast Carrier Pictures in association with Mews Entertainment, stars Linda Hamilton as Elisabeth Vincken and 12-year-old Canadian Matthew Harbour as her son. Fritz Vincken, former owner of Fritz's European Bakery in Kapalama, died Dec. 8 in Oregon, 16 days before the 57th anniversary of a Christmas experience he called "the night God came to dinner." Vincken was 12 years old when he and his mother offered food and shelter to three American and four German soldiers in the Ardennes Forest near the German-Belgian border. The soldiers put down their weapons to share an evening of good will and peace. After a restful night, they went their separate ways but not before the Germans gave the Americans a compass and directions on how to get back to their lines. The screenplay, written by Roger Aylward, deals with that night in the forest. After searching for the American and German soldiers unsuccessfully for years, Vincken realized his dream in January 1996 when he went to Maryland to meet Ralph Blank, who was one of the American soldiers at the Christmas Eve dinner. Blank, who served with the 121st Infantry, 8th Division, showed Vincken the compass the German soldiers had given him. "As the world hears the drumbeats of war, it's nice to be able to present a peaceful, inspiring story," Rubin told The Advertiser in a telephone interview from Montreal. The project is in post-production and will be delivered to Hallmark in November, Rubin said. "It's really a tribute to Fritz, and his family was very supportive."

Source: The Honolulu Advertiser, September 24, 2002"
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Excellent movie
joed166719 December 2006
I found this movie while flipping through the channels early one morning in December/2005. I had missed the first 10 minutes and just had to buy the DVD. Although it plays loosely with the facts, something the film industry has a hard time adhering to, it nevertheless is an wonderful movie made for TV for the Hallmark Channel.

It is based on the short story "Truce in the Forrest" and "The Night God Came for Dinner" by Fritz Vicken. Unlike the movie, communication was done between Fritz's mother Elisabeth, who spoke some French and one of the American soldiers who also spoke a little French. Only one of the Germans spoke some English.

Both the movie and real life incident showed that these people could put their differences aside and found they were much alike in many ways. Unlike the conflict between the Germans and Russians, there wasn't that level of hatred unless they were dealing with the SS. I've found many stories where soldiers put their differences aside to help each other out, from a German officer stopping an American jeep at a checkpoint that was carrying a wounded GI, then directing them to the American lines, to the pilot of an ME-109 who came upon a crippled B-17 and rather than shooting it out of the sky, escorted it to the English Channel and made sure it was going to make it safely back before peeling away. Ironically, the pilots of those 2 warplanes found each other in the later years and became close friends. That's what this movie does it to show the human side of our "enemy" and leaves you hoping they made it out of the war OK but it does leave you wondering what ever happened to them.

Fritz Vicken was able to locate Sgt. Ralph Blank in a Maryland nursing home after years of searching for the soldiers, thanks to "Unsolved Mysteries". Sadly, Fritz Vicken died the year this movie was released. What is ironic is that Fritz immigrated to this country after the war, like so many German soldiers and civilians. Our former enemies were now productive Americans. Fritz owned a bakery in Honolulu for many years.

I've added this movie to my Christmas holiday collection.
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A celebration of what Christmas is about!
senhue-120 December 2002
Prior to watching this movie I thought I would pop in a dvd Christmas movie but I didn't. I am glad that I watched this production. With exception of Linda Hamilton I didn't know any of the actors involved. Everyone provided excellent portrayals of their characters. Linda Hamilton was very convincing as German mother Elisabeth Vincken. Actually I was reminded of my Aunt Freida by Linda's practicality and sensibility. The fact that the characters made the best of what they have in a time that was anything but best and supplies of things we take for granted now, limited. The concept of putting aside the war for a night of peace is something fantastic. Pulling together, the characters show the common thread that is in all of us - memories of times when battles were something unknown and sharing was something that just happened. I say Bravo to all involved in this production for being part of providing a perspective of Christmas too often overlooked. It is my understanding that this movie is based on a true story. If this is so I say God Bless to such a woman who created a night of a miracle. I sure wish there were more movies like this that relied on the special effect in the story and not the visual effects.
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Nicely done
ctomvelu-113 December 2008
As World War II draws to a close, three Nazis encounter three American GIs outside a shack in the woods on a snowy Christmas Eve. The shack's inhabitants, a German woman (Linda Hamilton) and her young son, invite the soldiers to come in out of the cold -- as long as they leave their weapons outside. An uneasy truce ensues. Everyone does his best to make the place Christmas-y, and they share a modest meal. And each has his own story to tell. Based on a true story, this TV movie is first rate. You likely will not recognize anyone in this Canadian-lenses flick other than Hamilton, but they are all very convincing in their roles. Beautifully photographed and designed. Kudos to the scripters and director, too.
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A great story. A must see for everyone!
jcdjms9 December 2004
Linda Hamilton's performance was wonderful! The story was great, and the acting was very good. If you want to be "touched", and not just entertained, this a great movie. The tone is warm and serious, but not without a few light-hearted moments. The setting is World War II, so it is not your normal Christmas movie, but it is well worth watching.

I enjoyed Linda Hamilton in the Terminator movies, but she shows a more serious side in Silent Night. I was blown away by the convincing German accent and acting skills. She shows that she is more than an action lady (although she certainly has left a legacy in the first two Terminator movies).
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Seeing the other side
Vinny3729 April 2012
Silent Night dramatises a search for humanity, with a hint that the spiritual (though mixed with pagan singing to a Christmas Tree) is the key. Honouring hospitality, even under duress, is a big theme. I enjoy war movies, especially when the themes of common humanity & pathos come into play. The German accents should have been better, and native German speakers would have helped. But still, it's nice to relax to a reflective war film, devoid of immoral language, that asks anthropological questions. It is far from blood and gore, nor is it some feminist fantasy of woman putting man to shame, though it is about a mother who bravely laments to her country's soldiers that their fight has been misconceived. For their part they respect her the more for her bravery, and feel the truth of her politically incorrect words – but should she be shot? The last character introduced, Capt. Dietrich, aligned to Hitler, levelled his gun... There are some early cringe views of a wounded leg (let the squeamish cover their eyes), and the wounded man soon shrieks in pain as the wound is cauterised (let the squeamish cover their ears). He later gives the opportunity to test how strongly the German leutnant links honour to his sworn word, which in turn shows Pvt. Rassi how the 'other side' can also suffer human tragedies of the heart. Rassi repents of some callousness. Yet the story concludes on the theme that some callousness is a must in war – perhaps is in life if "war is but the aggravation of the normal human condition". Honour to one's country, or even humanity, is not the highest duty, but it is a duty, and both sides, American & German, having welcomed the other during a brief Christmas respite between their lines, nevertheless rightly return to their lines, with a nice twist or two.
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Can't Praise it Enough
War_Emblem21 February 2004
Silent Night is honestly the best Christmas movie I have ever seen. It kicks ass compared to all those other holiday movies about superficial families that try to get along for the sake of the youngest child during the holidays. This movie shows the reality of both war and goodness of mankind.

Though it is set during the Second World War, it is really about how race and ethnicity should not affect people. It is also very realistic; the snowy Ardennes and cozy cottage Elisabeth and Fritz live in had me running outside to chop wood for my fireplace just so I could have that old-world feeling. The costumes are very nice too, easily matching the real costumes used in Band of Brothers. The only thing I got tired of was Linda Hamliton's German accent, a few more weeks of voice coaching and she could have fooled me though.

This movie deserves a place of honor on the movie shelf right next to Band of Brothers and Schindler's List. I feel strongly that a book should be written by the Vincken family about this event, I would certainly buy it.
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Poignant and memorable
nvasapper13 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Hallmark Channel films are always well-made, thought-provoking and excellent and this one is no exception. I saw it last night and it really resonated with me. It's based on a real incident that occurred on Christmas Eve 1944 in the Ardennes Forest during the World War II German counteroffensive known as the Battle of the Bulge.

The opening sequence and the end sequence act as bookmarks to bracket the film and bring it full circle. Three American soldiers- a sergeant and two privates- one of whom has a serious leg wound, find themselves cut off and are attempting to make their way back to their own lines. They stumble upon a cabin in the woods occupied by a German woman named Elisabeth Vincken(LINDA HAMILTON) and her 12-year old son, Fritz(MATTHEW HARBOUR). Mother and son both speak English, but this does not help in endearing them to Sergeant Ralph Blank(ALAIN GOULEM), whose hatred of Germans does not distinguish between soldiers and civilians. Mrs. Vincken is depicted as a proud, strong-willed woman who is grounded in morality and has only distaste and contempt for Adolf Hitler and the ruinous war he has foisted upon the German people. Fritz, on the other hand, like most young boys his age, is a believer and looks forward to becoming a member of the Hitler Youth and joining the fight against the Americans.

Mrs. Vincken allows the Americans to use her house to try and patch up their wounded comrade- but with one condition attached. She will not tolerate the presence of weapons inside her home and has her son hide them for safekeeping in the cellar when the soldiers' attention was with their wounded buddy.

The arrival of three German soldiers at the cabin serves as the focal point for what will turn out to be a very unusual encounter between opposing enemy forces. The Germans- a Wehrmacht Lieutenant named Hans Klosterman(MARTIN NEUFELD) along with his Sergeant and a Private, are tricked into dropping their weapons by Private Jimmy Rassi(ROMANO ORZARI), a street-smart Italian-American soldier from Brooklyn.

With both sides now effectively disarmed, Mrs. Vincken offers them the hospitality of her cabin for Christmas Eve and works to establish and maintain a shaky truce between the two hated enemies. The main conflict comes in the obvious mistrust and dislike between the two ranking officers of each group. Lieutenant Klosterman is a hard-liner who believes in the inevitability of a German victory against the Allies. He believes that this battle is the first step in an eventual German rout of the Allied Armies that will succeed in pushing them back through France and into the English Channel. He realizes early on, however, that Sgt. Blank, a tough, grizzled combat veteran with an attitude, is no pushover and can handle himself quite capably in their verbal jousts. Mrs. Vincken has her hands full keeping them apart. However, when the German Sergeant(MARK KRUPA) helps save the wounded American's life by cauterizing his leg wound with a heated knife, it goes a long way in establishing a measure of trust and comradeship as the evening progresses.

Mrs. Vincken offers to feed these soldiers a Christmas meal out of the goodness of her heart and in the hope that sitting down at the table and breaking bread together might help both sides see that they share a common humanity in spite of their differences- at least for one night. She is challenged in her assumptions by the Lieutenant, who feels that she lacks the proper allegiance to the Fatherland. She puts him in his place by telling him that she has already lost her eldest son in the war and has no intention of sacrificing her youngest son in what has become a lost cause. Private Rassi understands what she's trying to do and suggests that each soldier- German and American- contribute to the meal by offering up items of food from their personal supplies. This goes over quite well and gives Rassi the opportunity to display his quick wit and repartee about Italians and food. He is shown as a sensitive, wise, intelligent and caring person. He knows how to communicate with people and reach them on an inner level and this ability goes a long way in bringing the two groups together.

As the evening wears on, the desired effect is achieved. With the exception of a conflicted moment between Rassi and the German Lieutenant, which was about to lead to fisticuffs but was resolved by a painful personal confession and an apology, the two groups actually start to relax in each others presence and begin to enjoy each others company as they come to know one another better. The effect that Mrs. Vincken had hoped for becomes a reality as the soldiers come to see each other not as a faceless enemy, but as people with shared dreams, fears, hopes and desires. Even Lieutenant Klosterman loses some of his hard edge and allows himself the spirit and significance of this night.

The next morning, the slumber of the men is disrupted by the sudden appearance at the cabin of an American Army MP Captain. I won't reveal what happens after he arrives, other than to say that this officer is a surprise for both sides. When the two groups part, they part as friends, with Lieutenant Klosterman giving Sergeant Blank a compass to help the Americans find their way back.

This is a beautiful, sensitive movie which shows that even amidst the horrors of war, men wearing different uniforms can, if only for a moment, come together in peace, reconciliation and healing. I give this one a 10 out of 10, hands down.
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story is not too bad, actually pretty good, since it's based on a fact. odd behaviour of soldiers. get some real Germans to play "german soldiers"
zulian-sandro8 December 2010
as a soldier myself, in duty of the swiss army, the first thing that seemed strange to me was the inaccuracy of the soldiers behaviour. e.g. only one guy checks out the house and so on. but that concerns me with every war movie since my service :-)

it's not really what bothers me the most. could it be, that such a high-rated movie could not afford actors who are actually capable of speaking German properly?? actually, they should all be real German actors. it seemed rather awkward to me, hearing those "German" soldiers speaking an odd dialect or even a broken version of German which i've never heard before. clearly, they're Americans trying to speak German. I'm aware that it may not be recognized by English people who watch it. however, it really started to annoy me and i'm sure i'm not the only one who feels that way.

good story though.
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Nice Film
Christmas-Reviewer20 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A German mother, Elisabeth Vincken (Linda Hamilton), who had already lost her eldest son in the Battle of Stalingrad and whose husband is a cook serving in the German army, and her son, Fritz, are seeking refuge in a cabin near the front lines in the Ardennes forests region of western Europe. They are invaded by three American soldiers and then soon after three German soldiers, and after much resistance the mother manages to convince the enemy soldiers to put aside their differences for one night and share a Christmas dinner.

To tell you more about the story would be a crime. The film is so well made that you are drawn into the story once the first images hit the screen.

The film is well paced. I was pleasantly surprised on how much I enjoyed the movie.

Now this film is "A Christmas THEME" film but it is made for an older audience and not for children. Now children can watch but they would be bored. When this film pops up on Television watch it.
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Absolutely excellent!
jcarter-19 December 2007
A true Christmas season treat, this story is compelling and powerful. The acting is wonderful! All the characters are believable and their interactions are subtle and always convincing. So often, TV uses sleazy situation comedy, me-too Mafia characters or yet another tale of crime, drugs and exaggerated family melodrama. This honest and unsparing look at real people caught in the last stages of a terrible war that has torn their lives apart uses no such cheap tricks.

Yes, their personal circumstances are a tad difficult to believe here and there, and yes, a viewer does have to suspend disbelief. But I think most viewers would willingly accept these limitations because the story is so good.

Especially in the Christmas season, a beautiful and uplifting drama like this about the best in human nature is a reminder that in expert hands, television drama can still be first-rate theater. Highly recommended!
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