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A beautiful and romantic film about love.
factorsunknown25 October 2004
I saw a screening of this several months ago and have been patiently waiting for news about when it was going to be getting released because it was one of the most romantic films I've seen in a long time. The movie tells the story of Sam (Jennifer Love Hewitt) a young American musician living in London with her British boyfriend Ian (Paul Nicholls). We learn a little bit about the couple in the first 1/3 of the film, and how Ian may be too involved in his work to really pay attention to what is going on in Sam's life, which leads to the two having an argument right before Sam is involved in an auto accident which leaves her boyfriend in pieces... until he is given a second chance to relive the day. Essentially the film is showing the importance of not taking for granted every second you have in a relationship because you never know when it could be taken away from you, and how all of your actions have tremendous meaning in yours and your loved ones lives. The story is very involving and it has a really emotional ending which makes the impact of the whole setup that much stronger. Jennifer Love Hewitt is the big name here, and she gives a good performance. She's much more subdued than I've seen her in previous films and it helps bring her natural charm to the forefront. Paul Nicholls is an unknown to most Americans, but he is someone I do know from his 'Eastenders' days, as my ex-girlfriend watched that British soap on PBS loyally, and I must say he was very impressive. Very charismatic and genuine leading man material. I'm sure all the girls will go crazy over the accent. The two have very good on-screen chemistry, especially with all the highly emotional scenes in the latter half of the movie. Tom Wilkinson was great in a small role as the taxi driver lending his ear to Ian with his relationship troubles. The film is really touching and has some of the most beautiful scenery you will ever see of the English countryside in the second half of the film, in which you follow the couple as they relive the day that changed their lives. A very romantic, beautifully shot film. Here's hoping it gets the exposure it deserves.
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Truly Moving, Love the Twist.
JNoble19 July 2004
I was fortunate enough to view this film during the Sarasota Film Festival with the Director (Junger) and the star (Hewitt) in attendance. Though I truly wish this film could have been shot in the U.S., the Euro setting of the film helped to add to the overall storyline wonderfully. I recommend this film due to the well crafted story and thought provoking experiences it presents. A young couple is in their final days together before (Hewitt) is to return to the U.S., or so it seems. This film plays with the thought we have all had at one time or another, "If only I could have that moment over again". I would advise anyone to see this film, "If Only" it could find the right deal to be released, PLEASE! Bravo Jennifer and Gil, a tremendous film adventure.
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IF only this would have been a good movie...
siderite23 June 2007
OK, I am biased on this one. Forced by the wife into searching a romantic movie, I found this one and was glad to see it was an indie flick about some people said it was good. In my book, indie implies at least novelty.

Alas, it was not to be. This movie is as full of clichés as all the other movies called If Only. I mean, not even the title is original for crying out loud! A love affair between a Brit and an American girl which has no humour, nothing really standing out (and I mean both music and acting), with a title that says it all (yet another movie about going back on a particular moment and trying to change it)

And no, not even the wife liked it. Could it be that this film was produced by Hewitt because it was the only way she could be cast into a movie or allowed to sing?
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A moving, well crafted romance with standout performances
MarcJSF6 February 2004
I attended the Sarasota Film Festival recently. "If Only" was the opening night film there, but I passed on the initial screening. However, it generated great buzz from those who saw it, so I caught the second screening of the film at the festival, and I must say I was stunned at how good this film was.

Emily (Jennifer Love Hewitt) and Peter (Paul Nicholls, British newcomer) are a young couple living together in London. Peter is a British businessman, Emily, an American, is an aspiring singer. The film opens with some sweet, light hearted comedy as we are introduced to the couple. However, when the two have issues many young couples deal with, they are left on a bad note when suddenly tragedy strikes and their relationship is ended. It is very hard to get in to more detail without giving away too much of the film, but let's just say, we are treated to a touching dramatic story of a romance as we see what a unique opportunity could bring and how we should never take for granted what we say or do in relationships because of what can happen in life.

When you run in to a film of this nature, you always wonder about whether the film will try too hard to pull the heart strings to manipulate an emotional reaction, but the movie is so great at avoiding that. The film is genuinely touching with outstanding, intelligent writing, moving and serious with nice sprinkles of humor when appropriate, and very well paced direction. The acting, to me though, is the biggest shocker. I'd never heard of Paul Nicholls before, but he is a very charming presence. Another reviewer mentioned Hugh Grant, and that is spot on. He is a very charismatic young actor and could develop in to a star down the road. Tom Wilkinson, a staple in very strong independent films ("In the Bedroom" being his favorite of mine though "The Full Monty" has always been near the top of my list as well), graces the movie with another good performance in a supporting role. The biggest standout to me though has to be Jennifer Love Hewitt. I've seen a few of her films, and while she was attractive and charismatic at times, I was fairly unimpressed with her ability as she was usually glossy and two dimensional. I had major doubts about her ability to actually be a lead in a good dramatic film, which is why I skipped this before the great festival buzz, but I have to say, she was perfect. Her physical attributes are more subdued in this film, sure she is pretty, but she has to actually carry this film on her skills as an actress and she pulls it off. She shows range, nails some very emotional scenes, and does something that is the key to pulling off this type of role, which is make you care about what happens to her character. Her happiness comes across as genuine, as does her excitement at a major event that occurs in the film, as does her pain. The performances by Hewitt and Nicholls are what make the climax of the film so dramatic and emotional. This film should advance Hewitt's career beyond the type of run of the mill Hollywood fare that she has based her movie career on so far. She shows great potential as a good leading lady in more serious films which, frankly, is the last thing I expected going in to this film.

"If Only" is independently produced, it is not a studio film, which is why it was showing at the festival as it is making the rounds looking for U.S. distribution. As is often the case, these types of films allow the discove ry of great newcomers (Nicholls) and the chance for more established actors to stretch themselves outside their previous mainstream work (Hewitt) in hopes of making a small film that beats out the major studio work with quality in writing, acting and directing and this film has accomplished that goal. I hope that this film finds the success it deserves down the road; it was the surprise, and treat, of the festival for me and many others in attendance. It is a beautiful love story and an extremely effective film at keeping you involved in the development of the characters for the full two hours. Thumbs up from me and keep an eye out for it.
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Sickly Sweet Claptrap
colinmac24253 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When you get an orchestral and operatic performance suddenly transform itself into X-factor with J.L. Hewitt, you know things are going down hill rapidly. The film begins with an opening sequence, that suddenly reminded me of Sliding Doors, which to an extent this film resembled. Sliding Doors had events occurring differently, with a slight time shift of a couple of minutes or so. If Only reiterates the same events of the previous day, with variations - a little like Groundhog Day, but with only one extra day. At one point, they seem to travel to Northern England or Scotland, climb a mountain, make love in a stone cabin and make it back plenty in time for a 7pm recital. Then again, time doesn't appear to have much of a say in the film, seeing as Nicholls manages to transform himself from a self-centred bastard to boyfriend of the year in a day, with just the odd shake of his head towards the impossibility of the temporal manoeuvrings. With the lame attempts at humour, the annoying cute smiles by Hewitt and the overacting by Nicholls, it's no wonder the taxi-driver drove out into traffic the second time around. Avoid like a car crash.
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Homage to 'Run Lola Run'???
mllelarisa15 January 2006
This movie has some seriously cheesy cringe-worthy moments. In particular, the concert performance made me want to gag, though JLH herself was impressive... it was just a ridiculous scene added to the story to highlight JLH's musical talent... and it put this movie into Soap Opera category! (As in US soap, not UK soap... I don't think you'd see Paul Nichols performing in a concert hall on EastEnders as Joe Wicks, would you?) It is a nice cute movie though, and I admit it made me cry some tears at the end. The acting was very good, I thought. The one thing I can't believe nobody is commenting on, though, was the total rip-off of the German movie "Run Lola Run"! Well, maybe it was an homage to that brilliant movie. They even practically copied the RLR soundtrack in the scene when Ian was running to Lotte's flat! I do like such movies like this where people get a second chance to change things, so though it can't touch Run Lola Run, it's definitely a nice TV movie to watch and think about.
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One of the world's few "must see" movies
ralphdn31 March 2006
This movie changed my life. It is tremendously moving if you are a sensitive person and contains almost as many valuable messages for your life as its length in minutes.

Everyone who knows how to love and wants to learn to love even more should definitely see this film; if you are the type of person who can cry during a film (I never thought I was) then have some Kleenex nearby.

If you find that after viewing this film you do your best to love your partner even more and squeeze the most out of every minute given to you by fate or whatever, then this movie will have opened your eyes in a way similar to how it opened mine.

Ralph, Loving Sandra even more than before
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As a romantic I enjoyed all but the end of this well acted film
cgvsluis19 February 2024
In the beginning it seems like Paul Nicholls' lan Wyndham is a self-absorbed jerk and it is hard to understand why the more free spirited artist Samantha Andrews (Jennifer Love Hewitt) would be in love with him.

"All birds are like that" "Oprah and stuff"...so offensive.

The star power in this film is great starting with Tom Wilkinson, who plays a Taxi Driver who seems to know more than he should and poses the question "if she went away and never came back, could you live with that?" This also sets up the theme of the film..."just love her".

There is a twist which works for the overall story, but as a true romantic...I was sad to see. I will say I did appreciate Paul's finally understanding how to love Samantha, including opening up to her, that was very romantic and almost makes up for the end.

I think Jennifer Love Hewitt fans will love this film, romantics may have mixed reviews, but the two leads really do have great chemistry (eventually).
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Sarasota Film Festival Opening Film...Worth the Ticket Price.
Jko128023 January 2004
Well heres the deal. As an actor myself I like to think that I know what I am looking for in a good film. I think this is one to see.

Samantha (Jennifer Love Hewitt) is in love with her boyfriend, unfortunately he doesn't pay any attention to her. She is living in London attending school there to be with him. She is a music student and aspiring singer/songwriter. Ian (Paul Nicholls) is wrapped up in his job and is taking her "for Granted". A twist of fate occurs and makes him realize what he has.

Honestly, this is the one of the first times Jennifer Love Hewitt has made an impact on a film. She stands out as a true actor in this production. She also Produced this film, which makes her a force to reckon with in Hollywood. She also lends her vocals to the soundtrack which is worth it. The two songs she performs in the film are wonderful.

English actor Paul Nicholls is a wonderful addition to this cast. He is a breath of fresh air for our films, considering American cinema is plagued by the likes of Nick Cannon and Paul Walker types. Nicholls offers Americans a look at our future Hugh Grant. His performance is considerably good, playing both the "horrible boyfriend" and the "loving boyfriend" within the same film. He never makes you think twice about his integrity or especially his acting.

I recommend this film to anyone who is a Jennifer Love Hewitt fan, or to anyone who is a romantic at heart. This one will get ya'. Director Gil Junger, did a wonderful job and Writer Christina Welsh succeeded as a first time screenwriter. I look forward to any projects they take on in the future.

I also hope that an American company picks this film up for distribution soon.
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Not A Great Movie By Any Means, But Far From Bad
tcorrell-6907024 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Admittedly, Jennifer Love Hewitt had a big lull in her career from early 2003 to early 2006 before it was revived in early 2006 with the super popular TV show Ghost Whisperer (which aired in late 2005). Like the first two Last Summer movies, this movie has inconsistent acting, one third above par, one third par and once third subpar.

In this movie, Jennifer Love Hewitt plays a music teacher named Samantha Andrews. She's having relationship troubles with her boyfriend, an executive named Ian Wyndham, played by a relative unknown English actor named Paul Nicholls.

There's a traffic accident near the beginning of the movie that claims one of their lives. A Mr. Destiny type character (played by Tom Wilkinson) allows the survivor of the accident to relive the day again and make things right. Unfortunately, the accident still happens and one of them gets killed.

The best things about this movie are the songs that Jennifer Love Hewitt performs in the movie. She's the original performer and the writer of the lyrics with each song. Jennifer's also the original performer and the writer of the notes for the acoustic violin she plays in an orchestra.

If Only is not close to a masterpiece by any means. But nevertheless, it's a cute romantic comedy drama fantasy that I recommend to fans of the cast, especially to fans of Jennifer Love Hewitt.

She is credited as one of the producers. However, she's actually the main executive producer under Lovespell Entertainment, later renamed Fedora Films and now named Just Believe Productions.
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The Last Day - or Week?
wnawara20 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the romantic thread and thought the ending was pretty heroic - probably unnecessarily so. Anyway, I am a bit puzzled by the length of the last day. They woke up, had breakfast, he went to work, then went to a hotel to give a presentation, then went to the pub, went to their apartment, went to her friend's apartment, went to Zinc gallery, then took the train to some distant location which could only be the Lake District, 4 hours away by train each way, climbed a mountain, went into a cabin, lit up fire, went to a pub, took a walk over a bridge, took the train back to London, took the underground, went to London I, went back to their apartment, changed, went to the photocopier, all of that, and a few other small details, then had time to go to the 7 o'clock graduation concert.

Which day was that?
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Don't Miss.....
starg8zer23 January 2004
Don't miss this movie. I had the opportunity of Pre-screening this movie and i just wanted to say that this was an excellent film. Very well acted, directed, etc. The performance from Jennifer Love-Hewitt was astonishing. Probably the best performance of her career yet. Her co-star Paul Nicholas was just as good. The Direction of the film was excellent as well. The story(which i won't ruin) was great. easy to follow and not too complicated and not too "hoaky". this is a film to see with a date, but keep in mind that it may get a bit sad. for the pure entertainment value, my marks are high. I would say that this is a film that i would watch over and over again. Don't be fooled or deterred by the cast. I say "I know what you did last summer" etc. and as cheesy as they may have been they where entertaining, however this movie far surpassed my expectations. I say definitely see this film. twice.
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A Bad Movie?...If Only!
tony-allen88725 February 2005
Usually when a film sits on a shelf unreleased in countries such as the US and UK it usually means it's a real stinker and one which will never make any money.

If Only is a surprise purely because it's not a disaster. In fact it has a lot going for it. The film deals with losing love in tragic circumstances but then getting another chance to do things differently. Obviously it's fantasy but it's a compelling story that makes you think more after you've seen the film.

Jennifer Love Hewitt is sparky and very likable in the female lead while Paul Nicholls makes a good leap from the TV screen to the big screen. Together they have good chemistry and there are moments that make you smile, at other times you're feeling for the characters.

On the negative side some of the script is clunky when it comes to portraying the British, there's also some holes concerning time where our characters take a train to the lake district from London and spend several hours there before being back in London for 7pm. In reality that just wouldn't be the case. It also doesn't end when it should and instead tacks on a several months later scenario.

Ultimately If Only is a nice way to spend 90-minutes. I honestly believe that is this movie had been picked up and marketed to women around valentines day then it could have been a modest success. It's certainly better than some of the trash that get's a mainstream release these days.
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Something is fishy with these ratings.
NicoNc11 June 2012
I recently saw this movie on cable, and I don't know what was worse - The story, the acting, Jennifer Love Hewitt's shameless self promotion, the dialog, (both in the script and as executed with varying accents), or the ultimate message of the movie (strong attraction = true love = proving your love with the ultimate sacrifice).

I can just see JLH, as producer, saying, "Let's show how I inspire my students and how much they love me... How sexy my boyfriend thinks I look in my lingerie... How funny I am when I'm nervous and bumbling on and on about why I'm there... And then let's get me singing - with an orchestra, and a chorus!... And then show me singing again! Oh... and don't forget to call in favors and have everyone we know come to IMDb to promote it!"

There is no way that females over 13, or males (of any age) would give this movie an average of 7. For a film about "do-overs" and redemption, (that is also actually funny), you'd be happier seeing Groundhog Day for the umpteenth time, instead of this vanity movie-of-the-week.
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Wonderful, Touching Movie
JB6731 December 2004
Luckily, I was able to see this as my final film of 2004. Not being a fan of JLH, I was very impressed with her role here in 'If Only'. Others have described the plot, so I won't go into that. But from top to bottom, this film won me over.

The writing, acting and directing were all top notch. It was a wonderful film, very moving and touching. Hard for me to believe that anyone would dislike this film. With the movie business being what it is, it's doubtful this film will ever be released in the US, so go out any find the Russian DVD, the only release available as of this date.

Voted 9/10.
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Not what I was expecting...better
juneebuggy21 January 2016
This wasn't at all what I was expecting but I really enjoyed it. I went in assuming it was going to be a light hearted Hallmark-y type romance then Hallmarks version of 'Groundhog Day'. Ultimately it wasn't either of these, turning instead into a touching if somewhat mystical romantic drama including action-movie type sequences set with fast paced music and lots of running.

I guess the closest thing I could compare it to it to is 'Sliding Doors', all about fate and destiny and what ifs -I'd turned left instead of right. Also set in London the story here follows Ian, a businessman who gets to relive the day his spirited musician girlfriend, Samantha, died in an taxi crash. The acting is well done, the story surprising and tearful.

Grief stricken Ian can't get over how awful their last day together was; he didn't tell her he loved her, they almost broke up and he definitely didn't pay attention when it mattered. Now with the help of a mystical cab driver (Tom Wilkinson) he has a chance to relive the day all over again in the hopes of changing the events that led up to her getting killed.

Jennifer Love Hewitt does a great job with her character and looks fantastic in this -very likable and fun. I also was impressed with her singing capabilities, as well as her on screen chemistry with co-star Paul Nicholls. He also does a good job especially with some of the more heartfelt scenes and there are several. I enjoyed the London setting and the scenery in general. Tom Wilkinson, in a small role is suitably creepy and very enjoyable. And wow was I surprised as hell by the ending, not at all what I was expecting. This was a surprise hit for me. 12/24/15
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very beautiful and moving movie
ATX-Movies16 January 2006
jennifer love hewitt and paul nicholls were wonderful.

tom wilkinson was mysterious.

i believe they left it this way as to not bog the story down with too much exposition.

the plot was beautiful and moving.

they tried to keep it fairly simple and to the point and let you feel the emotions.

if you have ever felt you loved the other person a bit more than they loved you, then this movie will have a special place in your heart.

similar to sliding doors in that there is sadness and loss, but also new beginnings and new possibilities.
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Love's Best Film.
M0-2321 September 2004
I was lucky enough to see a preview screening of the movie & let me first say i hope one day the movie gets a USA-release...

A small recap of the movie.

(Jennifer Love Hewitt) plays Samantha a music student and aspiring singer/songwriter & lives with Ian her London based Boyfriend played by(Paul Nicholls} The movie starts of well & eazy but midway through it Samantha & Ian have a fall-out & thats where the wonderful part of the movie hits where a huge twist of fate occurs & the movie really takes of.

I wont go much into that but it's a great story.

Honestly, this by far is Jennifer Love Hewitt best work & i recommend it to all movie fans & Jennifer Love Hewitt fans will love it no doubt.
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A one time watch. Not more!
ankit_km0910 September 2011
I haven't seen many love stories, but the ones which I have seen, I have loved the way they were portrayed and the way the stories changed course. This one is a love story; it also changes its course; the ending is also unpredictable but there is no feel-good factor after watching the movie. I was expecting a bit more from it. Though The plot was well written, acting was good as well, but something seemed to be missing.The LOVE which Ian tried to express didn't come out the way it should have. Tom Wilkinson's role remained unexplained.

Though I loved Samantha's expressions and her Nile size smile is super cute. The movie is a one time watch, though I won't recommend it.
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"I wanna tell
raeanvillacruz9 August 2005
I'm speechless actually. I don't know what to say yet. I just came straight from caisson mall cinema 4 to be exact....... I just finished watching the movie IF ONLY. Now, if you were able to watch the movie then you know why I'm speechless right now. If i were to rate the movie from the scale of 1-10, 10 as the highest.....i will give the movie 10. It was so great. Straight to the point.

The message is just simple: If you love someone don't waste time of showing how much you love him or her. On how much you value him or her. And how much you appreciated him or her for being there with you.

The movie was perfect. So if I were you, you find ways and watch the movie. If your into a relationship, you watch it with your sweetheart. Or with you family and friends.

You'll miss one half of your life if you miss the movie.

So long......................"I wanna tell you why i love you...i love you since the first time i saw you. I don't know but you bring love to my life. If not because of you, I am a guy who doesn't know what love is. You taught me what love is and how to love...i love you."
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Gil Junger's film makes us review the way we treat those we love, teaching us to value every little moment as if it were the last while there is still time
fernandoschiavi8 February 2023
What if you lived the same day twice and had only one chance to do everything differently with your loved one? This is the premise of the film Before the Day Ends (If Ony, 2004) by filmmaker Gil Junger (the same director of "10 Things I Hate About You"). Anyone who is familiar with the terrain of romantic and dramatic comedies with unhappy endings, focused on supposed realism, but actually interested in the tears and insecurities of the spectators, knows that cancer or car accidents/run overs are usually some of the main bitter causes for the end of a sweet love story. In the case of traffic incidents, the suffering comes from mourning a seemingly inevitable natural cause, something that could have been circumvented had one or all of the parties involved been luckier or more cautious than the basics required. "If Only", released in 2004, focuses on this segment to make the audience purge before a young love story annihilated by the instabilities of what we call destiny.

"If Only" presents us, over 92 minutes, the during and the outcome of the love relationship between Samantha Andrews (Jennifer Love Hewitt) and Ian Wyndham (Paul Nichols). She is a sweet person, music teacher and student in the same field, about to graduate and earn her diploma after more than ten years of investment in the cello. In her dilettante moments, the young woman who owns a beautiful voice also composes. Romantic, seductive and affectionate, the girl is the opposite of her boyfriend, a handsome, successful, honest guy in the relationship, but who doesn't know exactly how to show Samantha her deepest feelings. It's the old cliché. While she is sensitive to feelings, her partner is a workaholic who will need "advance notice" to change his behavior.

Constantly framed from above by the direction of photography by Giles Nuttgens, the couple is shown in their first moments inside the apartment. They wake up together, they exchange caresses, Samantha is always careful and Ian is agitated and worried about his tight work schedule. Soon after that first moment, they go to their respective functions, on a day that works out badly for him and very well for her. The date ends with a dinner that ends in the cancellation of the relationship. On the way out, the young woman takes a taxi, always driven by the same character, played by Tom Wilkinson, here just "the driver", with no name defined in the technical sheet. He is a mysterious character, apparently the commander of the "love boat" in the narrative. Faced with the tearful scenario that involves conflicting feelings, Samantha follows and Ian observes from a distance, until he runs towards the taxi and is surprised by an accident that takes the life of his beloved.

Loaded with guilt for having been a reckless boyfriend, he goes home, turns things over and discovers that in the deceased's diary, there was a composition in progress, created in her honor. He sleeps clutching the contents and the next day, things seem to have turned out differently than he imagined. Screaming and jumping in fright, Ian leaps out of bed at the sight of his dear companion waking up at the same pace as he does. Dream? Nightmare? What happened? It is when the narrative begins the entire previous dramatic circuit, now from the perspective of someone who already knows everything that will happen and needs to avoid the disaster of his premonition. From the teapot that burns her for breakfast, to the cyclist who passes by and wets her with puddled water on the street, everything is repeated, on a different street, facing Ian. You don't need to be a great movie buff or reader, used to dramatic narratives and their pranks, to understand that the focus now is on the guy who believes he is a hero by promoting an unforgettable day for his beloved girl, but who is probably the person who will from that after the accident until the outcome, we will not know if it will happen or if it is just a distraction for the sake of the "surprise".

The film is very clichéd and caricatured in relation to other films of the romance genre: The good guy does not value the young lady; he cannot show her feelings and he loses the young lady. Little guy has a second chance. Good guy manages to show his feelings and show that he loves the young lady. And of course, we have a wise, omnipresent lord who shows the good guy the truth about love. The second chance is to repeat the day of the disaster, as the synopsis already indicates, in which the things that happened the first time are repeated, even with small changes in the way they will happen, but they are never avoided. Only Ian knows that the day is being repeated, even if it seems like a dream at first, and the mysterious taxi driver, who apparently knows the whole situation. The film cycles through these clichés all the time, which makes everything a bit predictable.

Accompanied by Adrian Johnston's soundtrack, the characters of "If Only" share their scenes with few supporting actors and some passages constantly focused on urban movements in London traffic, once again icy, grey, like so many dramatic films and romantics who decide to contemplate space as the seat of their narratives. There is a curious haze in the scene of Ian's first contact with the taxi driver, before he guides the young woman in the premonitory accident. He takes the private car to go to his beloved's graduation event. On the way, the two quickly talk about love, loss, dissatisfaction. Tom Wilkinson's character has a spiritual, mysterious, literary appearance. It seems something non-real within a real, palpable narrative framework. It is a positive point of the narrative that maintains a pale tone and without moments of visual exaltation, given the palettes of Joseph Bennett's production design, very clean and anticipatory of the lack of vivacity that will take the lives of those who stay to memorize this story in the Final.

It is curious to observe that, having the film as a line of thought, the damage caused by such accidents does not only affect the mourning of family members, partners and friends, but is a cause of morbidity that takes shape in the weakening of economic relations, because according to According to the WHO, most accidents worldwide occur with young people between 18 and 44 years of age, that is, a worrying range of economically active adults. This is not problematized by the narrative, just a media data that gains prominence when we watch the dramatic romance that also features two tracks by Jennifer Love Hewitt in her singing version, on the soundtrack. Furthermore, "If Only" was one of the rental champions at the time, from the moment it was on the release shelf until it was moved to the catalog shelf, where it was firmly and visibly established, always sought after and recommended. That someone was looking for an engaging love story, cliché, without major complexities. The film, by the talented filmmaker Gil Junger, makes us review the way we treat those we love, teaching us to value every little moment as if it were the last while there is still time.

"Samantha, I've loved you since I met you, but I didn't allow myself to truly feel that, I was always one step ahead, making decisions to get rid of fear, but today, from what I learned with you, each choice was different and my life has completely changed. I learned, that when you do that, you live entirely, and that it doesn't matter if you are 5 minutes or 50 years... Samantha, if it weren't for today, or for you, I would never know the love... So, thank you for being the woman who taught me how to love and be loved!"
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Painfully predictable
SBartfast23 April 2009
Okay, the movie has it's enjoyable moments (in a throwaway fluff kind of a way), but for the most part it is fairly predictable romantic movie which defies believability on almost every level. The acting is mediocre, the script is poor. Jennifer Love Hewitt is cute - but someone needs to tell her she can't sing.

What amused me most is that the main characters manage to get up late, have an important business meeting, race around London looking for each other, catch a train on the spur of the moment and climb an unspecified mountain all before 11am. I know Americans think that England is small, but its not that small (and our train service is not that good!).
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Don't let whose in it fool you....one of the best
starg8zer5 October 2004
I had the pleasure of seeing a screening of this movie in Orange County quite a while ago. I also stayed behind and had a focus group for the filmmakers and everyone in the group loved it. as well as me. the movie screams romance and drama with some well written comedy too. the acting was way above par for all the actors. Being a Jennifer Love Hewitt fan i'm a little biased. i know her movies in the passed haven't been what she's capable of but her performance in "If Only" is a huge step for her. one of the best acted films in a great while. don't be deterred because you don't like someone in it just give it a chance and you'll walk out happy you did. the movies untimely release has been due to budget and that fact that it's an independent film. studios don't like to take too many chances any more they just want all the big ones.
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A very underrated tearjearker
lisafordeay22 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If Only is a 2003 American British Romantic Drama starring Jennifer Love Hewitt and Paul Nicholls and tells the story of a young couple living in the UK who's lives ends in tragedy as Ian's(Nicholls) girlfriend Samantha Andrews(Hewitt)dies in a car crash driven by a mysterious taxi driver(Tom Wilkinson) after a row broke between the two leaving Ian devastated. However the next morning Sam is alive again and Ian has to try and avoid history repeating itself,even though the exact same thing happens within the 24hrs except in different locations and Ian brings Sam to his old hometown. But can Ian save Sam from dying again or will he sacrifice his life for her?

The acting was good,I liked the chemistry between the two actors especially Hewitt who I liked since Ghost Whisperer as Melinda Gordon(I think that was her surname in that show)and I knew that she was a singer too as she sings two songs in this film. The climax however was heartbreaking(which I am not going to spoil). If you love Premonition,Groundhog Day or A Star Is Born(since both female leads are singers and both end in tragedy) then check it out.

I was glad I saw it for the first time today.

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Badly researched movie
mikkjall24 March 2005
As a musician I am disgusted that a plot like this should get through and make it to the screen! A music student graduating from a London conservatory would have to give a solo recital on the violin, not just sit in with the seconds in an orchestra! But when her boyfriend bursts in with 75 copies of a song (terrible in fact) that she has written and hands it out to the orchestra! (This was a Photostat of the melody only) What on earth do they think orchestras play! All the same notes?s It would take a professional arranger probably about seven day to arrange a song like this for full orchestra and chorus! And suddenly there is a drum kit in the orchestra! And the choir standing up with copies they are reading from in harmony! And the song is still atrocious!

These days we have seen many remarkable films about musicians and in many cases the actors themselves have made a pretty good attempt at playing the instrument, most notable Holly Hunter in "The Piano". The worst moment was the violin lesson when a pupil who played disastrously is in real Hollywood tradition given a pep talk and once more we are made to believe that all it takes is "believing in yourself"-In fact it takes a great deal of talent-dedication-and hard work! Which is precisely what is missing from whoever made the mistake of directing this movie.
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