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(I) (2003)

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nice bloody Twilight Zone
SnoopyStyle8 September 2021
Frank Harrington (Ray Wise), wife Laura (Lin Shaye), son Richard (Mick Cain), daughter Marion (Alexandra Holden), and her boyfriend Brad Miller are going to the hated family Christmas hosted by Laura's mother. Frank falls asleep and nearly crashes the car. He had taken a short cut despite 20 years of driving on the same main road. The road is empty and all the clocks stopped at 7:30. They encounter a Lady in White (Amber Smith).

The son is an annoying brat. The father is a control freak. I love Ray Wise and Lin Shaye does a fun crazy. They're not the nicest or quietest family but it's very relatable especially for a Christmas movie. It's a nice Twilight Zone episode. It's obvious what happened after noticing the clocks. I'm willing to let the characters be stupid since no one would actually want to consider the truth of their situation. The father's explanation is both desperate and unrealistic which actually fits him and their situation. This is a very nice ghost story one tells around a campfire.
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It's new, clever and well made. Give it a chance!
Coventry5 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Dead End is a good film to prove that the horror genre is NOT dead and that there are still young directors who approach the genre with the right attitude. The plot is nowhere near groundbreaking or astonishing, but yet you couldn't care less about that. The directors-duo (Andrea and Canepa – French guys) put their energy in creating tension and socializing with the characters, rather than to gross out their audience with uninspired gore sequences. For these efforts, I think this film is a zillion times better than other over-hyped new horror titles like 'Cabin Fever' or 'House of a 1.000 Corpses'. When you withdraw the gore from those films, there's nothing left but an empty package whereas 'Dead End' at least has some depth and intelligence. This film has a good tempo, a fair amount of suspense and it makes good use of the dark and unsettling woods where it is shot. Like I mentioned before, it's not very original. Especially for viewers familiar with some early 60's expressionism highlights, this plot (and more particularly, the end-twist) won't come as a big shock. I can't really mention the titles 'Dead End' resemblances with, as that would be the biggest spoiler one can give. There also are good performances to enjoy! Ray Wise seems to be boosting up his career by appearing in slick horror films lately. After his remarkable role in 'Jeepers Creepers 2', he now stars as the lead actor in 'Dead End'. The cute Alexandra Holden is good too and, with a little luck, I think she's might even become a big star over the next few years. The rest of the cast is rather unknown, but they all deliver above average performances. Next time you're in the videostore, ignore all the loudly announced new horror turkeys and pick this one. Dead End is the first film of Andrea and Canepa and I really hope to see their names mentioned again in future horror projects.
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Don't really see what everybody is raving so much about.
Boba_Fett113829 July 2011
Don't really understand why this movie is so well liked and has such a good reputation. Guess it's because the movie is different and it really isn't just an average horror genre attempt. But different doesn't always necessarily mean good as well.

The movie starts off well and promising enough, when it's being still a more traditional type of modern horror movie. But then movie than soon decides to build more on its mystery and comical aspects, rather than its horror. This is when the movie suddenly becomes a just too silly and odd one.

Normally I see it as a good and positive thing when a movie doesn't take itself too serious but in this case it probably should had done so. And nothing wrong with some relieving humor in horror movies at times but this movie really overdid it. All of its comedy was obviously intentional but it took away a lot from what the movie had build up in its first half hour or so.

Because of this I was also never taken by any of the movie its horror aspects. There is no real sense of danger when everything is being taken as a joke and the main characters take all of the killings seemingly very lightly. Because the movie was a cheap one to make it also decided on being a very, very dark one to watch, in order to save money on its gore and other effects. I couldn't even really tell what was happening at times but somehow I don't feel like I missed out too much.

In the long run, this movie really doesn't make that much sense with its story, which becomes mostly apparent at the movie its ending. It just seems to be so that the movie wanted to have a surprise ending in it and didn't seemed to be concerned about it not really connecting with the rest of the movie. Some real lazy and cheap writing in my opinion. The entire movie is basically like this once you start thinking back about it.

Still can't really say that this is a bad movie, it at least tries to be different and original but I just can't exactly call this movie a great or successful one, at what it tries to achieve, either.

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This is a heck of a good little movie!
mrush12 December 2004
This movie was a nice surprise.I had never heard of it but it was one of those DVD boxes that catches your eye when you go to rent something.It turned out to be a great little movie.I call it "little" because it doesn't have a cast of thousands or ten bazillion special effects.But the cast is excellent and the effects simple but very effectively done.

This is a road trip from hell movie.5 people set out on Xmas eve for their relatives house and spend the night caught up in a nightmare that wont end.This movie gets right to it,no 20 minutes wasted on the setup.The family is in the car and on the road as the movie begins and it doesn't look back.I can't speak too much of the plot or it will give the whole movie away.Suffice to say the plot is sort of mind bending once it becomes clear to you.

This movie proves you don't need a computer to generate your movie and 100 million dollars to make a good one.See this movie.Its a keeper!
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Charming surprise
Troubletcat31 August 2023
Very hammy characters/performances, lots of laugh-out-loud moments where people say/do things that are utterly ridiculous or over the top.

I wouldn't say it's quite 'so bad it's good', because it's not an incompetently made film, it's just got quite a bit of melodrama and campiness to it. It's unclear to me how much of the comedy is intended but I think it's certainly 'some of it'.

There are a few scenes that are genuinely unsettling and one fairly gnarly bit of gore, but don't go into this expecting to be really frightened.

All in all this was a great surprise - I went in expecting a fairly mediocre horror/thriller but it had just the right level of goofiness to elevate it into something solidly entertaining, without feeling like it was trying too hard. I found it very charming.

I will say, part of my reaction is probably because I watch a lot of horror movies. I'm not sure if people less accustomed to the genre would be as tickled by it as I was. Other reviews suggest a number of people found this movie quite scary, so your mileage may vary.
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enjoyable enough
MikesIDhasbeentaken9 December 2020
I liked a lot of things in this, the acting was quite good, there were some really decent moments, the story keeps you engaged.

The biggest problem thought was the ending, the first reveal was what i think 95% of people watching would have expected from the first 15 minutes of the movie, the last 'reveal' was just a bit odd.. I like the idea of it, but practically couldn't have happened, it's impossible. so seems like it was just thrown in at the last minute to keep people guessing.

I was after a christmas horror movie with a bit of cheese, and this ticked the boxes, if your after the same worth a watch
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More Funny Than Scary
markandyanni22 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
(Overall average score between Mark and Yanni)

Mark = 5 Yanni = 7

He: This movie was dreck. You wait and wait for the violence, and then when it finally happens, it leaves you thinking "WTF just happened and why?" And I don't mean "why" like "wow this is puzzling, show me more," it's more like a totally senseless non sequitor WTF where you continue watching in utter disbelief of the crap you just experienced. The only reason I rated it as high as I did was because the family, totally neurotic and dysfunctional, made me laugh a few times. Watching them come unbuttoned was the most entertaining piece of the movie. I mean, seriously, do all teenage boys carry around marijuaua and porn mags with them on Christmas trips, stopping in the woods to cure their hormonal urges? Hmm, maybe ...

She: I liked this movie. I felt that the plot was kinda unique and tells the whole story. I don't know how to say it but the director has good imagination ... to me. The way the family talked to one another was hilarious to me. But the ghost sucked.
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Dead End.
Scarecrow-8824 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Frank(Ray Wise)takes a detour into the Twilight Zone when he wishes to try another road besides the interstate which, after traveling it for so many years, causes intense boredom. What Frank and his small family doesn't know is that their in for one heck of a hellish nightmare. It's really the road that never ends. Where their true nightmare begins is when they pick up a mysterious lady in white and her dead infant. Marion(Alexandra Holden)watches in horror as a black car with her boyfriend Brad(played by Billy Asher) in the backseat, trapped and fisting the glass in terror, drives away. Later finding Brad's badly torn body, the family never quite recovers the initial shock. One by one, each family member succumbs to dark forces in various odd ways. The Harrington family will never be the same as Frank searches nervously for a place called is the only evidence of any normality other than one deserted ranger station.

A paranoia thriller, this film's main strength is it's unpredictability. The ending perfectly conveys why most of their road odyssey is indeed so strange. The repetitive things within the drive should flick a light switch for many viewers. Fast-paced and surprisingly entertaining.
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Horror with style, wit and charm
Rogthepost24 March 2005
When this movie started my heart sank a little. It's going to be another of those, "People in car take a wrong turn, encounter one sort of slasher or other." How wrong I was, and what a little gem this film is. True, the occupants of the car do take a wrong turn, Frank Harrington is taking his family and his daughter's boyfriend to spend Christmas with his in-laws, but there this movie parts company with your average gore-fest. This, I believe, is for three reasons. The writers gave the cast great lines to read; the blood content is actually very low for such a film, and finally, it was inspired not to fill the car with swinging teens, but use a mixture of youngsters and, shall we say, more mature citizens. I'll not go into plot lines, but if you're like me, this movie will leave you with a satisfied grin on your face.
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Some very nice elements, but the ending is a letdown
Superunknovvn24 June 2007
"Dead End" is like an extended episode of "The Twilight Zone". It's as spooky and intriguing, but unfortunately, the ending is just as foreseeable and ridiculous.

As long as the movie is running, it's good though. The atmosphere is dark and mysterious and some scenes are genuinely creepy. While it's a good thing the directors didn't rely on cheap scares, after a while one would wish for a few more jumps now and then. There are many opportunities for shock scenes that are not taken.

When I started watching "Dead End" I wasn't aware just how much of a comedy it would be. The characters in this movie are arguing so much and shouting so many brilliant one-liners at each other, it's a blast. Maybe a little more sincerity would have created a better all around atmosphere, though, but maybe too much sincerity would have revealed the plot to be completely ridiculous.

Some things in this movie are really bad. Like one character leaving the car in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night, while it's freezing cold outside, to go into the forest and jerk off to a picture of Miss July (!) he brought along. In another scene after one character has already been found brutally slaughtered, the same guy goes into the woods again to smoke a joint and dance to some "crazy" rock music he listens to over his head phones (the music in this movie was a shame, too, by the way). I really hope that this kind of stupid scenes was done on purpose.

The only reason why I'm grouching so much is because "Dead End" could have been a GREAT movie with its basic premise and the way a lot of scenes were executed. As it is, it's merely a fine little sleeper, that's still recommendable.
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Why is everyone raving about this film?
silverstormprod15 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you are a horror fan, then maybe you have a predisposition to like this film merely because it is not garbage. Maybe you spend hours watching b-movie drivel and this was appealing because it had pseudo-competent actors and decent production value for what it attempted. But I was disappointed because of story. The end does not justify the means in this case. Yes, there was a twist, but a trick ending does not justify a lack of story logic to get there. This is a clear case of the script being written to the movie's end rather than building it on real human actions or the development of the characters. In order for the end to be believable, you have to get the viewer there first.

It was lost for me once they got lost and kept driving down this endless road. No one reacted realistically to any of the deaths. They keep driving down the same road despite it's 'horrors'. No one would do that. The mother would throw away the cell phone because she was scared. That was a 'contrivance'. A shotgun they bought as a present for an Uncle just happens to be in the back seat? Contrivance. They never once try to turn around and go back to the highway. Unrealistic. The characters were all clichés. There was enough substance and humor to keep me watching through the end but largely because Ray Wise gave life to an unrealistic character. No one loses a family member in a dark side road and then drives on hoping that something better will happen. I'm all for suspension of disbelief but...come on. Having said all of that, I respect what the directors tried to achieve. I just wish they had let another writer polish the script before they started. Story is everything. It goes beyond new twists in the genre or guessing the ending. Cinema is a journey not a destination. It takes you out of your everyday life by getting caught up in another reality for a couple of hours. That reality has to be REAL or it doesn't work.

It can forgive the lack of FX and the missed continuity or even the wilding beating pulse in the neck of the mother once she was 'dead'. That happens in even big budget films. That's expected in low budget. But the story has to be solid. You can't just buy it with a gimmick alone.
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A Great Low Budget Horror Movie
claudio_carvalho1 July 2004
On the Christmas Eve, Frank (Ray Wise) is driving with his family, composed by his wife Laura (Lin Shaye), his son Richard (Mick Cain) and his daughter Marion (Alexandra Holden) and her boyfriend Brad (Billy Asher), to have the Christmas dinner at the home of Frank's mother-in-law. Frank, asleep, decides to drive through an unknown shortcut using a secondary road, where the weirdest things happen with his family and him. This low budget movie is terrific: although the story passes basically in a car and on an empty road, it is tense, scary, having a dreadful atmosphere, being certainly on of the best in the genre. The screenplay is excellent, having many ironic lines, the direction is tight and the cast is very sharp, alternating funny and frightening situations. This film is highly indicated for fans of `The Twilight Zone', `The Others', `Abra los Ojos', `El Espinazo del Diablo' and `X-Files'. The situation of Frank's family on the road without finding their destination or even an exit recalls Paul Hackett unsuccessfully trying to get home in `After Hours'. I saw on the cover of the DVD that this movie was awarded with many prizes in minor Festivals. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): `Rota da Morte' (`Route of the Death')
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Predictable, But Still Worth a Watch for the Performances
Reviews_of_the_Dead11 March 2024
This was a movie that I heard about when getting into podcasts. It isn't one that is covered a lot, but it does get discussed from time to time. I decided to check this out as this takes place on Christmas Eve so that worked for a holiday watch on Journey with a Cinephile: A Horror Movie Podcast. I also did know that it had a solid cast of character actors with Ray Wise, Lin Shaye and Alexandra Holden.

Synopsis: Christmas Eve. On his way to his in-laws with his family, Frank Harrington (Ray Wise) decides to try a shortcut for the first time in 20 years. It turns out to be the biggest mistake of his life.

This takes place in the car as this this family travels. As the synopsis says, Frank is driving. With him is his wife, Laura (Lin Shaye). They're on the way to her mother's house. In the back are their children, Richard (Mick Cain) and Marion (Holden). Also with them is Marion's boyfriend, Brad Miller (William Rosenfeld). I will point out that Richard and Brad don't get along. Something we learn during this trip is that he is looking to propose to Marion, where she is trying to figure out how to break up with him.

Frank decided to take a shortcut during this year's trip. He dozes off at the wheel and almost crashes into another car. This wakes him and everyone else up in the car. They get back on the road and see a sign for a town called Marcott. Something interesting, it doesn't say how many miles. They also come across a hunting cabin on the side of the road. Something even creepier though is they see a lady in white, played by Amber Smith. She is carrying a baby. They pull over and offer her a ride.

Something terrifying happens so it is decided to go back to the cabin to see if there is a phone in it. Brad is left in the car with this mysterious lady and he sees there is something wrong with her child. When he disappears, the family gets their next scare. That is just the start as dark secrets are also revealed during this journey.

That is where I'll leave my recap and introduction to the characters. Where I want to start is that this is an interesting premise. We are confined mostly to the car as it travels down this dark road through the woods. This does help to build an atmosphere and containing the story. Our characters are still moving and the scenery changes so this is done strategically. I appreciate having this be contained. The caliber of the cast helps there as well.

I believe that is where I'll go next. Wise is great as this father. He tries to keep this sense that he's in control. The longer he drives, the more terrified this gets. There is a potential secret revealed about him and we don't know if it is true. Shaye also plays well off him. She's an actor that I'm glad works as much as she does as she got older. We get to see a change with her as tragedy hits this family and that worked. She also has a secret that gets revealed. Cain is a bit annoying, but he was also funny. His character feels that it is written for someone a bit younger, but he was fine in his portrayal. I liked Holden in her role. She is an actor that I've seen in other things and she is quirky. Rosenfeld, Smith and the rest of the cast do round this out for what was needed. Smith is mostly here because of how good looking she is. We do see her nude from the back if interested.

Now I do have a bit of a negative here. What I have a problem is with the reveal. I'm not going to give away what it is, but I guessed it within the first 15 minutes. I don't think anyone gave it away on a podcast and if it was, then it was hidden in my subconscious. That could be the case. Regardless, I don't love what the explanation is, this does handle it better than others that try this idea. I will credit them for that at least. It is good that dark secrets get explored as well. Part of that is being stuck in the car together and the stress mounting. Things get revealed as the tension boils over. I did enjoy that aspect.

Shifting slightly away from the tension, I want to talk about the atmosphere. I'll also bring in filmmaking. What was scary here was the sound design. We hear a baby crying over the radio. There are other creepy sounds coming from the woods. That made me feel uncomfortable so good on the movie there. I'll say that being on a road in the woods adds to it. It is dark and that helps with the atmosphere. How it is framed makes it feel smaller so there is a claustrophobic feel that I picked up on. There is a bit of a low budget feel here, but I didn't have a problem with it. I thought how this was made was well done.

In conclusion, this movie plays with an idea that I don't necessarily love. It does manage it better than others, so I'll credit it for that. This has great leads with Wise, Shaye and I'll pull Holden here. The rest of the cast isn't as good but push them to where they end up. I think the filmmaking is good with sound design, cinematography and framing to build a creepy atmosphere. I don't think this is a great film. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy my time here. This is one that if you want a creepy, contained Christmas movie, then give this is a watch. Not sure there's a lot of replay value though outside of seeing signs you may have missed not knowing the reveal.

My Rating: 7 out of 10.
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Worst movie ever
StarSparkle15 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I can't even begin to explain how terrible this move was! Pointless scenes, horrendous dialog, predictable, no story, weak concept, terrible acting, the list goes on.

In one scene they think their picking up a woman in distress and leave their daughter, alone on a road, at night, in the middle of nowhere because there was no more room in the car (even though there was) to walk back to a shack where they where returning. Who would do that!? The following scene involved their 32 year old "teenage" son going of in to the woods to masturbate to a poster while his sisters alone on a back road and there is a strange woman and a dead baby in their car. Pointless never ending completely unrealistic drivel.

I was tempted to turn it off on many occasions! I appreciate that this was low budget but if I could relive my life without having seen this disaster of a movie I would. If I could score it any less than one out of ten then of course I would. Save yourself the rental cost and avoid this one like the plague.
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You need to give it a chance
bernie1-110 November 2004
I don't understand how people can embarass themselves by writing a review when they obviously either completely missed the point or must have been not paying attention. Or are just plain dim. There are lots of them here, apparently. This movie wasn't perfect, but it was pretty good and it should be a textbook example of how to make a low-budget film. I am just amazed at how much misinterpretation can be applied to something that's so easy to follow. There's not exactly tons of surprises, other than the note at the end, which I think was put ther just to ruin your smugness when you're thinking you've got it all figured out. Well done to all cast and crew, I say. 7.5/10
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ups and downs
wntuc31 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I suppose the writer was trying funny in a eerie way. This is one of those movies that had a good story line but you have to get through all the "thats so stupid" scenes. This starts right away with the unnecessary bickering and cussing between the family members (glad to see the foul mouth son eliminated early). Next, your driving down a dark road and you're lost--a psycho woman pops out of nowhere so you stop and let her in your vehicle? Wait! Not only do you let the strange woman into your vehicle, you put your daughter out onto the dark deserted road alone to make space for her. An emergency stop at the cabin looking for help and the son goes into the woods to masturbate? Sorry, sometimes these movies seem to be written by college kids for college kids. Eliminate the stupid unnecessary inputs and you have a pretty good horror movie. Humor just doesn't mix with some horror plots. Eddie Murphy in a haunted house yes--family members being mutilated--no.
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Quirky and darkly humorous.
lost-in-limbo21 February 2006
Frank is driving his family through the night to his in-laws for a Christmas dinner, but he decides for the first time in over 20 years to turn off the highway and take a short cut through a forest back road. But what a fatal mistake it was with it turning into a terrifying nightmare, which seems to get weirder and weirder with every stretch of the road they travel. Along the way they come across a lady in white with her baby, a baby carriage and an eerie black car that seems to be only thing travelling the road. All of this madness starts to get to the family and the endless road makes it one hellish Christmas Eve.

What an admirable little low-budget flick! This one isn't trying for anything big and it shows. The novelty plot is simple and basically a one-idea concept, but it plays to its strengths by focusing on its tight and blackly humorous script, a cast that turns in good performances and its bizarre imagery. More so then ever the dark humour is the film's lasting imprint, but that doesn't mean it isn't remotely creepy. Actually, it's incredibly unsettling. The atmosphere that's belted out from the vacant back road and the surrounding forest is incredibly brood and relentless in awe. When the exhilarating tension was put forward it does get the heart pumping fast and some of the grisly deaths are just plain trippy and malicious. Although it's not overly violent with it going for goosebumps in it's psychologically gripping visuals and tautly elevated plot that knows how to get under your skin. But the shocks still do have a full-blooded nastiness to them even if the humour does go over-the-top in its knowing attitude. Sadly it did pay a price for it's simple origins with it all getting a bit too repetitious after the hour mark and the ending I just couldn't help but feel cheated by its tact on conclusion. From what has occurred up until that point, it does cop out by taking the easy way out and provides us with small cryptic symbols and messages being answered. These twist endings are just becoming so predictable, and that's the case here. It's not all that hard to figure out the outcome, but hell the film's other worthy features make up for that glitch. One being we see and feel such a purely genuine chemistry amongst the family. With their hilarious bittering and sarcastic responses. It's hard not to raise a smirk at the family's interactions with each other. But when things start getting peculiar the panic of the situation takes hold. One by one they start losing their sanity with stunning revelations being brought up, because of the shock and stress of this unbearable nightmare.

Ray Wise, as the father Frank is hugely amusing and he was the high point in the performances. Amber Smith is quite good as the strange woman in white that has an enchanting spell over you. Alexander Holden, Mick Cain, Lin Shaye and Bill Asher who made up the well-rounded family were also rather competent in their deliveries. For such a low budget production it looks naturally crisp and it brands some inventive stylistic brushes. There were very impressive camera shots on show and the soundtrack had a mellow feel about it that breeze along in such an unnerving manner. The eerie sound effects too, just knock you off balance with the dense activity created within the wood's nightlife, like that of the chirping crickets.

'Dead End' is a juicy dialog and character driven film with the odd sudden jolt and dose of suspense that's built around an atmospherically charged setting. Out of the recent crop of horror, this one is well worth a look.
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Sheesh! That ENDING
preppy-35 September 2005
The Harringtons are driving to a relatives house for Christmas. There's the father (Ray Wise), mother (Lin Shaye), obnoxious teenage son (Mick Cain), daughter (Alexander Holden) and daughter's boyfriend (Bill Asher). Then they almost crash and strange things start happening--the road never ends and who IS that Lady in White (Amber Smith) who keeps appearing?

Starts off strong. The characters are very real--not likable but you don't hate them either--just like real people. Also there are two deaths in the movie where we never see the bodies--but this works! What I was imagining was a lot worse than anything they could have shown. Also there's the eerie setting and lots of impressive overhead shots of the car driving down the road surrounded by a forest. The acting is good too--especially the always impressive Ray Wise. Good to see him headlining a movie.

But it goes on too long. It starts to feel like an R-rated 30 minute "Twilight Zone" episode padded out to 80 minutes. It gets tiresome and repetitious and I was just watching to find out what was going on. A lot of people don't like this ending (me too) but really--you're not going to find an ending to satisfy everyone. For what it is it's OK.

It's worth seeing though despite the slow stretches and the ending. I give it a 7.
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Great Movie, Check it out
msweetheart185 October 2005
This movie has all the elements of a good movie, yet it was low budget. It is funny and sarcastic, scary and sick, all at the same time. It is also definitely a movie that has you trying to figure it out the entire time.The characters are well built and not as typical as they may seem. there is also a lot of psychological points which make it really interesting to watch. While it may be a little confusing at times, it is worth watching to the ends. Some people seem to really dislike this movie, saying it is confusing, but if you keep an open mind throughout the movie you will really enjoy it. It is surely a movie I would recommend to anyone who enjoys humor with their gore.
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A fun as hell genre flick that never pretends to climb Mt. Everest and thus leaves the viewer with more than just a feeling of simple satisfaction, but one of raw enjoyment.
peter-94527 March 2005
Further proof that Hollywood just doesn't get it right anymore.

When it comes to the horror genre, simplicity is beyond best. It's the one genre where frequently the more feeble the material, the better it can be.

Dead End is an avatar of this principle. The plot is essentially just a concept film; family driving in a car, lost on a road that seems to not end, encountering things beyond explanation along the way. There isn't anything complicated about that and there shouldn't be anything complicated about that. It's a script that builds in on itself, instead of expanding outwards into new territory - yah, I said territory. It doesn't continue to introduce new elements to the fold, in the first 7 minutes it throws it's hands up and says, "this is what you're gonna get, so take it." And I applaud the filmmakers for this. It's something seldom done in the genre these days. All too often do horror scripts follow a formulaic plot that spirals outwards instead of simply just constructing a boxed in realm of the film's reality and then letting the character's react realistically within it. Dare I say it is actually rather Shakespearean in this way? Oh, I dare. Shakespeare was known for creating a story, believable characters and then letting the play unfold as if the characters were realistically responding to the world created around them. This is exactly the scenario with Dead End. It avoids the most common pitfall of the genre; characters that act without logic, without interest and without motivation. It's something scriptwriters should pay considerably more attention to. Characters like these possess some kind of magical power that gives a +20 to any cinematic enjoyment. I cast magic characters! And speaking of those characters, their actions may be realistically responsive, but if it weren't for the remarkably energetic performances of all the cast then all would be for naught. Ray Wise is the man in this movie. He is just badass without being over the top. He has created out of the father a man who is just trapped in an obviously humdrum life and transformed him into someone you just can't help but smile at every time he curses at his family. He is just great. Great, great, great. If I had to recommend the movie for any one single reason, it would be to just enjoy Ray Wise.

The rest of the cast is fantastic as well, Wise doesn't eclipse the few other actors there are, but they all compliment each other like they really were a family. It is the definition of on screen chemistry.

Now, the question you're asking, is it scary? Yes and No. No, it isn't balls-to-the-wall horror. It does fall prey to the optimism of the genre, but it's excusable and I'll get to that in a minute. The script is kinetic, always driving ahead and only pausing as long as necessary to make a point or get in a scare. It's because of this that the film will never scare the **** out of you, but when it wants to it'll keep your heart rate elevated to the point that you're aware of it enough to say to yourself, "hey, this movie is kinda freaking me out." I respect that. It knows it isn't hardcore, so it does exactly what it should and keeps your blood pumping a little faster than normal throughout. I love that feeling. But I also have a wild imagination and so was consistently prepped for an entry into the negative space of the car windows or emerging ever so slightly from the edge of the woods. And that'll freak my junk out more effectively than what you do see.

As for the film falling victim to the optimism of the genre. This is true, but it is appropriately so. It doesn't establish throughout the rest of the movie that it should be taken as the hardest of horror, so no pretending means no disappointment in the end. Oh, and worth an important note for most viewers, there isn't a whole lot of gore, it really does leave a lot up to the imagination (as it should), but what blood there is isn't over the top and there are no CGI scares. Take that for what it's worth, but it's worth a lot to me.

That said, I would have preferred a different ending. Not solely because I would have preferred a darker ending, but simply because the ending has an air of unreliability to it. It attempts to mollify the question that the movie never asks, but obviously the viewer will ("what exactly is happening here?") and I felt that wasn't really necessary. I liked that the movie wasn't raising question after question. I liked that it turned its back to the whole issue, so when the events of the last two or three minutes of the film hit the viewer, or me at least, they feel out of place.

All in all, this is movie that strips away the gloss and glamour prevalent to the genre as of late, establishes the concept and then happily throws what it's got left at the wall. Yes, it doesn't all stick, but the little things that don't are more than shadowed by the much larger portions that do. Dead End is worth your time and money. Rent it and watch it by yourself or with a date, but not in a group. A group would kill the pleasant intimacy that makes the film work beyond its bounds.

I'm hesitant to say instant classic, because obviously it won't be universally so, but it deserves that accolade in my book. Check it out.

The one sentence review: Dead End is a fun ass genre flick that never pretends to climb Mt. Everest and thus leaves the viewer with more than just a feeling of simple satisfaction, but one of raw enjoyment.
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Another disappointing ending.
kurinai13 December 2004
Movie which starts out great, soon becomes a flop. The ending is so unimaginative that I cannot describe it. OK, I know the it is almost impossible to make an

"original" movie, but still. All the promises the movie makes is totally trashed in the end. The cast is great and as I understand the directors have no education in

film-making, but I might be wrong. If this is true, then this is a great accomlisment. The editor could have thought things through a bit more carefully, because he totally destroys the feeling in some scenes. Made really basic mistakes.

But all in all a very entertaining horror flick with some real cool moments. Highly recommended alternative to some of the low grade crap the Hollywood has the

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read reviews ...watched it..sorry I did
ekavet2453 January 2005
Before I ordered the movie 'Dead End" I went thru a number of viewer comments. Most of them, if not all, were positive so I decided to hit the order button. Fifteen minutes into the movie I realized this could be a mistake. Nothing made sense. First of all the viewer is forced to root against the family for their obnoxious behavior. This is usually par for the course in any slash 'em up movie but more so in this one. I said "kill 'em all and end the movie already." The way in which characters disappeared and wound up dead seconds later was hard to believe. No psychological thriller here. If you are dealing with faceless killers try to make it a little more believable. I would pass on this dead end.
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Finely crafted, intelligent horror with excellent cast
Logan-2220 November 2004
Dead End is an excellent example of what you can do on a low budget with a small cast and just a few locations. Mystery and horror are perfect genres to excel under these conditions, and the filmmakers here take full advantage, crafting a wonderfully paranoid, claustrophobic and eerie dream-like atmosphere. The movie is totally character driven, and we spend a lot of time getting to know and care about the main characters. The gore was minimal, but effective, and there is one truly horrifying gore effect (you will know it when you see it).

The plot involves a family of four (plus the daughter's boyfriend) on their way to the mom's relatives for Christmas Eve. The father (Ray Wise) decides to take the "scenic route" and after a near head-on collision with another vehicle in the first few minutes, they pick up a ghostly hitchhiker, and soon after, the horror begins. The family is seemingly trapped on a deserted, heavily forested country road, unable to find their way out... Saying anything more will spoil your enjoyment of the film. Watching the characters react to their steadily worsening situation is a true pleasure, as they convey the film's sense of horror, shock and panic far better than any cheap gore effects or man in a rubber monster suit ever could. As the story progresses, the characters reveal dark secrets about themselves that really add to the fun... things they would not have said were things not looking so grim!

I really loved this movie, up to a point. The ending was predictable, clichéd and a big letdown after spending so much time invested in the characters trying to escape their fate. However, almost everything up to that point was a lot of fun, especially the dialogue, which was FANTASTIC. The main cast was GREAT, especially Ray Wise and the actress who played his daughter. Everyone was great except Steve Valentine, who apparently cannot act any different (or better) than his character on TV's Crossing Jordan. The female doctor at the end wasn't very good, either (I thought it was Shannon Tweed until I read the end credits!). Thankfully, these two don't appear until the end, which kind of sucked anyway (though their rather poor acting didn't help matters, it was ultimately the script's fault).

The minimalist instrumental music is really creepy and worth mentioning.

I give Dead End an "8" out of 10. With a revised ending, it could have easily garnered a "9" or "10." In a sea of brain-dead garbage "B" and grade "Z" horror movies, Dead End stands out at the front of the pack. I wish more low budget horror movies could be this finely crafted and intelligent. This movie is definitely highly recommended viewing for aspiring low budget filmmakers and horror fans.
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A Funny Horror Movie
view_and_review3 July 2021
"Dead End" was a fun low budget horror movie. They maximized what little resources they had. The entire movie, less the last five minutes, takes place on a desolate road somewhere in California. I would say 70% of the time the characters were in a car with very little time spent outside of the car. That's hard to make work cinematically, and I'd say they did.

The Harrington family along with a boyfriend were on their way to Christmas dinner with other family when the patriarch, Frank Harrington (Ray Wise), decided to take a different route. His reasoning for the detour: he didn't want to fall asleep at the wheel on the interstate. He fell asleep anyway and nearly hit an oncoming vehicle. From that point on all kinds of strange things began happening.

As the Harringtons tried to regain their bearings on this desolate road we were kept entertained largely by the teenage son Richard (Mick Cain). His antics and constant teasing of his sister's boyfriend Brad (William Rosenfeld) were laugh-out-loud hilarious. Second in line for providing laughs was the mother Laura, played by Lin Shaye who is now familiar with scary movie roles (known from the "Insidious" franchise).

This comedy horror was more comedy than horror and that was fine because it was funny. The horror requires a bit of imagination as they kept the potential gore off-screen opting for character reaction and small samples of what happened instead. This movie provided laughs and mystery as they all tried to figure out how to get off of the God forsaken road they were on.
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Unimaginative, smug, poorly-written...
DexX28 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Without giving any spoilers, I must say that the "big twist" in this film has been done many, many times before, but rarely has it been done so ineptly or so obviously. Literally five minutes into the film I had guessed what was going on. The next seventy-five minutes felt like eternity.

While waiting for the painfully obvious final revelation I was treated to terrible acting from what should have been a good cast - Ray Wise is always a treat to watch, but the stilted and unbelievable dialogue forced between his lips just made me cringe. I was treated to every rebellious teenager cliché available - teasing the sister, baiting her boyfriend, masturbating to porn, swearing at parents, and getting stoned (and I don't recall ever seeing someone act stoned so poorly). Naturally, he gets all concerned and sad and reveals he really does care about his sister when things get rough. I was treated to an embarrassingly inept portrayal of post-traumatic stress induced madness from a veteran actress who should have known better.

To all those people who seem to think this is some kind of minor masterpiece, get out and see some of the genuinely good examples in the subgenre, such as the original Carnival of Souls. Pointless hackery like this is just a waste of everyone's time.
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