The Incredible Mrs. Ritchie (TV Movie 2003) Poster

(2003 TV Movie)

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an 'incredibly' touching film!
ladyhawkeventure13 November 2005
I had no idea of the storyline of this film and was 'incredibly' touched by it. Gena Rowlands was excellent as always and Kevin Zegers shone as the troubled teen boy. With his hunky good looks and natural acting techniques, Kevin Zegers is definitely an up and coming film star. The humorous scenes with the 'mildly retarded' boys brought tears of joy to my eyes. I loved how they 'dressed' for lunch and dinner.This film has enough teenage story lines to appeal to young boys and girls and enough 'adult' content to appeal to mature women and men. I would highly recommend this film to viewers of all ages, especially those with a heart.
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A great movie...
MarkEToronto6 October 2004
I don't know the actors well, and only caught this film by accident. I thought it was very good. I never cry at movies, but this one choked me up at the end.

I disagree with somebody's comment about the mother and father's acting. I thought they were remarkably realistic. I have met people just like them!!!

And I didn't think Kevin Zeggers did that bad of a job.

The only person that I think was completely cast wrong was the "tough-guy" at the school. He looked a little too clean cut to be a bad boy. It was like watching Mr. Rogers trying to do a psycho role.

I gave it 8 stars. Not a block buster, but definitely worth a viewing.
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Bad beginning to a fine movie
dwolf27 July 2003
At the beginning of this movie we meet Charlie, a hot headed teen who is constantly fighting at school. His home life is miserable. His father is an equal hot head who argues constantly with his mother driving her to drink. To make matters worse he's just fallen in with a group of troublemakers. He gets blamed when one of his friends steals a purse. The principal, played by James Caan, agrees not to suspend him if he works off his debt to the purse's owner, Mrs. Ritchie (Gina Rowlands).

Mrs. Ritchie proceeds to teach Charlie about living and caring for each other.

The movie start out poorly. The setup of Charlie's character is painful and the scenes with his friends cliché and over dramatized.

However, when Gina Rowlands appears on the screen as Mrs. Ritchie the movie takes a wonderful turn. Mrs. Ritchie is offbeat and colorful; her zeal for life intoxicating.

Don't let the start of the movie keep you from enjoying a delightful and uplifting film.
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Surprise Performances Throughout!
jbarqs11 April 2004
With two seasoned veterans on the bill, Gena Rowlands and James Caan, (and an up and coming actor like Kevin Zegers) one would expect a certain quality of acting in this movie... and it does not disappoint. The simple yet beautiful story was handcrafted by Paul Johansson (who was also the films director) and it seems that he took as careful care in the casting as he did in his writing. Each character struck me as unique and genuine and all of the actors served the story rather fittingly. Leslie Hope deserves special notice for her portrayal of Charlie's mother; she is near psychotic most of the times and yet Hope manages to keep things from going over the top. One of the highlights of the film for me was observing the relationship between Mrs. Ritchie's handicapped sons, played by Jeremy Raymond and John Speer. Jeremy Raymond, who I've discovered is actually not handicapped at all, was a delight to watch whenever he was on the screen and a few of the scenes between him and Speers were quite touching in their honesty. This is a wonderful movie that is constructed with great care and it is a fine example of what Canadian film is about.
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Quiet movie with a lot to say......
merklekranz4 January 2008
Wonderful feel good movie with veteran cast Gena Rowlands, James Caan, and David Schofield, delivering fine performances. Kevin Zegers in the key role of Charlie was also very good. The sharp contrast between Charlie's totally dysfunctional family, and Mrs Ritchie's unconditional loving family, drives the film. Lessons in forgiveness and tolerance permeate the emotionally satisfying script. Interesting parable that a family is like a garden, and needs love and attention to grow. A very quiet movie that has a lot to say about honesty and human kindness. Not necessarily a tear jerker, more of a mind stimulator, or perhaps a wake up call for your emotions. - MERK
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If only hearts had this much going for them all the time...
JonWatches3 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
['Spoiling' is very mild since I'm sure you've guessed it's a happy film...] Having worked with high school students for some time, I really enjoyed several of the subtle and not-so-subtle commentaries, such as the principal and vice principal just watching a fight and discussing it, doing nothing (in this case a positive thing, but in reality dangerous because of liabilities, no matter what might be best for the boys), the sister not even talking to her boyfriend when she heads back in the house, and the dynamics when the parents have to come into the office.

Far from realistic, nonetheless the sunshine is written into the characters (e.g. the father is a good Catholic after all) and so doesn't come off completely Christmas film-like.

Mrs. Ritchie and the principal are beautiful models of patience and the principle of allowing people to make choices, since really, they're going to anyway, so it is better to "set the drag" really loose than "snap the line".

Highly recommended as a must-see for training mentors, tutors, and other paraprofessionals in education. I know that tutors around us often ask, "So, what did we actually do with the kids today, anyway?" and we're left saying, "We were there." Point is, isn't it, that the people we help may be "better people" than we are--I liked the touch in the film about Mrs. Ritchie's not-so-perfect past. We just happen to be needed.

I do wish that most families still had the underlying connectedness that both the families in the film's like these families were first-generation dysfunctional while by the fifth generation hearts are so lost in the complexities that these sort of happy endings aren't so easily come by.

But action films usually end well, mysteries usually get solved, so there's nothing wrong with a social work film ending a little overly tied up, is there?
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Featuring the great Gena Rowlands
SnoopyStyle24 May 2014
Charlie (Kevin Zegers) is a troubled teen fighting all the time and getting kicked out of several schools. His home life is a mess. His father (David Schofield) is an angry bully. His mother (Leslie Hope) is also troubled. Juvenile delinquent Lawrence (Justin Chatwin) befriends Charlie and steals a purse but Charlie is the one who gets caught. The principal (James Caan) offers Charlie a job to help Mrs Ritchie (Gena Rowlands) and her two Down Syndrome sons or else get expelled.

This is a nice story written by Paul Johansson. It has a nice poetic touch in some of the twists and reveals. He isn't as good as a director. The style is limited to a TV movie feel. My biggest problem is with lead actor Kevin Zegers. He doesn't bring anything special to the role and he also looks too old. I wonder if Justin Chatwin is a better fit although he's even older. At least, he does that grumpy teen character very well. James Caan is in the movie but his skills are needed more in the important father character. Then there is the one and only great Gena Rowlands. She makes this look easy. It could have been a run-of-the-mill Lifetime movie if not for her.
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This movie has a great heart.
hats_flowers9 September 2005
I love this movie it shows us that when we value life in all forms and come from love we are blessed.

The respect Mrs. Richie showed for her two sons gave them the opportunity to grow to their full potential. The love and forgiveness she had for her husband that could not accept his son keep alive to work through the years in their hearts and minds. The husband even though he could not be with him never lost touch. Then there was the family which looked like it could not be redeemed and yet through truth and the son saying "I told you what I thought what you wanted to hear." How often has the that happen in recent years where it has effect peoples lives in a very negative way. When she put an earing back into the earth it showed us that we need to give back to all life. There was so much richness caring in the movie that it is hard to put it into words. Like the garden and the baskets she gave out, her awareness of the limitations of what each recipienent could eat, to me it was love and a return to caring for your neighbor. We all can look around and see where we can extend ourselves to those around us. It was just lovely and has stayed with me like the the movie Enchanted April.
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Watchable maybe
sfiver1 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just caught this film on Showtime. Gena Rowlands the reason only. Of course, she is able (just) to rise above the material and awful dialog.

The "story" has promise: a young, dysfunctional teen is paired with an older woman as a punishment for a school prank. James Caan as the matchmaker school principal (total miscast) turns the youngster into a part-time, gardener-assistant to Mrs. Ritchie to pay for his misdeed. The boy, "Charlie," played by Kevin Zegers (another total miscast)is soon captivated by the open, loving and suitably honest Mrs. Ritchie and excels as the apprentice helper-gardener. Charlie is also captivated by Mrs. Ritchie's two mentally challenged children, both adults.

The flip side: Charlie's home life is warmed-over trailer-trash. Dad, "Sonny," poorly played by David Schofield, walks through his part befuddled by a long-ago marital infidelity. Of course, Charlie and Dad are in conflict with each other over everything. Mom, "Joan," played by Leslie Hope (another miscast - although is able at times to overcome the near sit-com drivel) is caught between her children and their abusive father as she inches her way into substance abuse. Charlie and the aging Mrs. Ritchie instantly develop a secure relationship that transforms the young delinquent into a model citizen.

What is the point of this photoplay? The story-line is not unique by a long-shot. However, the psychological environment and other elements hold promise not explored, nor exploited by the writer/director. It is a shame that Ms. Rowland's extreme talent is rarely allowed to shine. The audience is insulted by the poor, sophomoric dialog. Add the unbelievable solidarity between Mrs. Ritchie and Charlie. No conflict, no generational struggle, just an acceptance that makes no sense.

Do not waste valuable time on this. This one is for Rowland fans only.
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I will watch this one again & again!
terez-220 July 2005
I watched this film by happy accident. My husband picks dvds by a list of 3 he wants to watch and 2 he selects with eyes closed and just reaching on the shelf. Wow! I was really impressed. As a social worker, I am aware that most of all families are dysfunctional. The screen writers got it right here! I winced at the inferred abuse; much worse than the actual screen images. The acting was terrific and I agree with one other reviewer that the tough guy character was not quite right. He was too well groomed, and too mature to be riding around on stingrays. Gina Rowlands was superbly believable her character. She was a universal Everywoman. Thanks to the cast and crew for a wonderfully insightful and loving film!
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A film only incredible when Gena Rowlands is on screen.
mark.waltz6 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Many movies today teach us one thing. We should listen to the older generation for their insight, wisdom, and general humanity. They also teach us that bullies don't win, parents are far from perfect, and that kids are misunderstood. That is the case with Charlie (Kevin Zegers), a teenaged punk who is on the verge of being expelled for stealing an older woman's purse. Principal James Caan tells him he will not be expelled if he goes to work for the woman, Mrs. Ritchie (Gena Rowlands) who has raised two handicapped sons (one adopted), and has the most beautiful garden. Mrs. Ritchie is not your typical eccentric. She is the prototype of one of the most popular stage and screen personalities-the Earth Mother. At first, Charlie is annoyed by Mrs. Ritchie's eccentricities, but as his home life with horrible parents collapses into hell on earth, he finds life with Mrs. Ritchie to be the answer to a prayer he didn't know he had. Of course, he can't avoid dealing with his seemingly horrible parents, but Mrs. Ritchie subtly teaches him without his knowing it how to grow up and become a better person.

On the surface, this sounds like an outstanding and heartwarming drama, and it is, as long as Gena Rowlands' Mrs. Ritchie is on screen. The domestic life Charlie faces with his parents and younger brother and sister is sometimes too depressing to watch, and rather than raise sympathy, it only creates anger. The tensions between the parents is only briefly explained and given a climax in the most absurd manner that increases that frustration. There is a scene involving the mother and a dog that is so vile that the temptation is there to turn the movie off altogether. But, if you do, you will miss the wonderful moments with Rowlands, and a fine performance by young Kevin Zegers who does succeed in showing how Charlie has turned around.
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This was a Great Tear Jerker!
jwfst4 October 2004
This is one of those films that you say to yourself, "Wow!.... What an emotionally satisfying film!". It is definitely filled with great emotional highs and lows.

While the performances were very good in general (Especially Gena Rolands!). Kevin Zegers(Charlie) came up a bit short.

The Romantic Quality of the screenplay all be it a bit mushy,is exactly the quality that I think you should come away with. It gave me tears in my eyes. It has a certain spiritual undertone as well. It makes one think about how our weaknesses can be our strength.

All and All I'd give it a score of 7.5 out of 10.
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Kevin Zegers is so fine.
xuntitledx10 July 2006
this movie was amazing, and Kevin Zegers made it 132843723094 times better. he is the only reason i knew about this movie, but i did end up liking it. yeah i have and obsession with Kevin Zegers. Justin Chatwin is also hot but he's hotter in war of the worlds.The incredible Mrs Rithie was touching.that sounds super nerdy( and so did that).i hated the dad, and the sister. what the heck was she wearing. but i guess that doesn't matter. Well the movie was really good and definitely worth watching. I'm only writing this much because it says it has to be ten lines of text. just so everyone knows. yeah i'm retarded. omg one more line, i serously am confused. because I've seen other ppls shorter comments.
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not a great movie
phils_phan25 June 2004
I rented this movie at BlockBuster since I do love Gena Rowlands. It seems she always has to play the dying grandmother types. The story was very choppy and there was too much of the film spent showing how the lead boy, Charlie, is misguided and not nearly enough showing how he becomes close with Gena. In addition, Kevin Zegers did not shine as an actor. As matter of fact, Zegers, the man who played his father and the woman who played his mother were pretty dreadful and lacked Gravitas. So that detracted from the movie quite a bit. Overall it felt very amateurish. The men who played Gena's sons were wonderful however! They really were quite touching. Overall, I gave it 4 of 10 stars.
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bparks154920 July 2003
I love Gena Rowlands in anything. That being said, I found her performance in this movie no less spectacular than in anything else she has done. I found this movie to be quite heartwarming, inspirational and compelling. The only slight downfall of this movie was the somewhat decreased quality of the filming.
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Wonderful Film!
kelaosbr20 August 2003
"The Incredible Mrs. Ritchie" was a great film and I think if it would have had a cinema opening, it would have done well. It was one of the best movies I have seen in a while. The gorgeous Kevin Zegers as "Charlie" and lovely Gena Rowlands as "Mrs. Ritchie" were perfectly cast. I suggest that everyone watch this film.
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The Incredible Gena Rowlands
flatrich21 July 2003
I caught this film as part of a Showtime preview this weekend and it knocked me out. It's a hard film to describe. Gena Rowlands plays the title role and all the other leads were new faces to me, except James Caan in a supporting role.

The storyline is about a kid who is having trouble at home and in school and the principal (James Caan) gives him a choice between working after school for an eccentric old lady or expulsion.

It's so full of surprises that I'll say no more, but Miss Rowlands, Kevin Zegers and Leslie Hope were outstanding.

I don't know if it's a rental yet but keep an eye out for it. It's one of those movies you'll never forget.
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Gena Rowlands does it again
efrazee111 August 2003
Gena Rowlands is great once again but this is not the best material she has had. It is a very predictable story but still touching. She is able to rise above the material but I knew within the first 5 minutes how it would end for all the characters. See it for her only.
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AnnaPagrati28 August 2021
I loved this movie! It was full of heart-warming moments!
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