The Men Who Killed Kennedy (TV Mini Series 1988–2003) Poster

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Find out more about the JFK assassination
frncsbrennan9 September 2010
This series presents more questions than it answers; and it does contain some truth. But as usual, it speculates far too much, as most inquiries do into this tragedy. Some of the material is even far-fetched and irrelevant. But any inquiry into the bogus official version on what happened to JFK in 1963 deserves to be seen. Also, the last two episodes, 7 and 8, are the most controversial and are no longer available. I did see them on Youtube, and they're unfortunately the two best episodes. I personally believe we will never know who killed Kennedy, because too much time has elapsed. But we can at least admit there was a conspiracy to kill the president, and that a government cover-up existed to conceal that fact.
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Fascinating documentary about the assassination of President Kennedy
blanche-223 January 2010
"The Men Who Killed Kennedy" is a multipart documentary putting forth a conspiracy theory of the assassination of President Kennedy. Someone on this board wrote that the film "JFK" had an agenda. Well, so does this documentary.

Certainly it is intriguing to hear what all of the witnesses and investigators have to say, and gruesome to see, in close-up, the killing of the President. I was in high school when it occurred, and it was a shattering incident. As I've gotten older, it's become more devastating to think about.

As far as the theories put forth in this documentary, I can certainly believe there was a government cover-up, either to keep the country from totally going crazy after the assassination or just to keep certain covert operations from the public. I mean, if Enron could cause blackouts in California, I'd say the government can do just about anything it wants.

This documentary was done in 1988, and since then, some of the information has been debunked, so while it might seem that it's on sure footing, it isn't. I'm not sure I believe the enhanced photos of the Grassy Knoll showing various people; and I'm not sure the autopsy photos are fake. Everyone says the President's brain flew out of his head, and yet, when you look at the film of the assassination, the head looks intact. If the Warren Commission Report does say that a single bullet killed the President, I have to agree that can't possibly be, and I'll have to take this show's word for it that three shots can't be fired by one person in 7 seconds.

Even as a kid, I never believed that Jack Ruby just waltzed in and shot Lee Harvey Oswald - obviously Ruby had plenty of help, and it makes sense that no one wanted Oswald telling his story. Was Oswald a scapegoat? It's certainly likely.

Anyway, this is a thought-provoking documentary, but do some background reading about it to get some perspective. Will we ever know the true story of what happened that day in Dallas? Doubtful. And as with many events, stories are embellished and rumors become fact as the years go on.
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One of the best ever
tony-149523 June 2007
Fantastic investigative film-making. VERY VERY scary. Warning, you may feel depressed after watching this series, but in saying that, every American should watch it. If you can, watch the 40th anniversary episodes shown on the history channel. Their not nearly as well produced but the content, evidence and conclusions may actually be the most scary of all. In particular the interview with Oswalds mistress is absolutely compelling and leads the viewer in NO doubt that there was a conspiracy and that Oswald was the patsy. The evidence unearthed leads to even more avenues that need to be explored. Hopefully someone will have the courage write the final chapter.
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Shocking, scary, gripping
garethm-229 December 2003
I watched this as an eleven year old on its original broadcast on ITV back in 1988 and have to say that it absolutely scared me to death. I recently got the chance to see it again and, not only does it beat the pants of all the 40th anniversary documentaries, but it continues to make for absolutely chilling viewing. Forget The Exorcist, The Shining, Psycho or Jaws, The Men Who Killed Kennedy is real life and you come away from it feeling cynical about the world and wondering just who you can trust.

Far from being a good companion piece to Oliver Stone's JFK, as most reviewers claim, this is actually a stand out on its own and a far more historically accurate piece of work. While Stone's film is worth watching it definitely has its own agenda, uses a ton of poetic licence and portrays the corrupt Jim Garrison almost as a martyr to the cause. Garrison does turn up in this documentary but it would appear that producer Nigel Turner doesn't have much time for his much lambasted theories because there is no mention of the likes of Clay Shaw or David Ferrie at all and, if anything, this exclusion adds to the credibility of Turner's work rather than taking away from it. The superb DVD collection contains the original two-episode 1988 programme, three more programmes from 1990 that were cobbled together from the left over footage of the 88' show and an admittedly inferior, though still worthwhile 1995 sequel called The Truth Shall Set You Free. It appears that yet another three episodes, collectively entitled The Final Chapter, made for the US History Channel, have been produced for the 40th anniversary and I've already heard whispers that these are also well worth catching.

The assassination itself, filmed by amateur photographer Abraham Zapruder, has to be one of the most shocking images that the world has ever seen and, despite viewing it several times during the course of this programme, it's one that is impossible to become insensitive to. In eight short seconds it captures the eternal conflict between good and evil as Kennedy transforms from a smiling, dashing, beautiful symbol to a desperate one hanging on for dear life before being blown to oblivion. I doubt that I will ever see a more brutal real life slaying and, happening as it does to arguably the most popular leader that ever lived, makes it all the more tragic. But it is not just the content of this programme, but the way in which it is presented that makes it what it is. An eerie mood pervades throughout owing to a spooky narration, the subtle use of creepy background music and a vast array of stock footage that captures the moment perfectly.

Needless to say this documentary supports the conspiracy view and does so thoroughly. No stone is left unturned, all sorts of theories are examined and anyone with a remote involvement seems to be either mentioned or interviewed. While some of the sections, including the shooting from sewer theory, the attention seeking Beverly Oliver and even the now dated Badge Man theory should be taken with a pinch of salt, it's fair to say that quite a lot of evidence seems beyond question. For instance, can anyone really counter the argument that the autopsy photographs were faked after watching this programme? I doubt it and yet it is notable that documentaries on the lone assassin theory continue to use these photographs as their primary source of evidence. Furthermore the evidence that Oswald's nemesis Jack Ruby was ushered into the basement of the Dallas Police headquarters rather than sneaking in seems almost irrefutable. This is only the tip of the iceberg however. There are so many other unanswered questioned. Why was ink found on the deceased Oswald's hand shortly before his fingerprints suddenly turned up on the Book Depository rifle? Why did the names of 'The Three Tramps', found hiding in a railroad boxcar about to depart beside the Book Depository shortly after the assassination, go unrecorded? How could Oswald possibly have made it from the sixth floor maze of the Book Depository (where he also had to hide his gun) to the kitchen on the bottom floor, where he was witnessed unflustered by a Dallas cop, 90 seconds after the assassination? How did a man on the grassy knoll produce Secret Service identification after a cop had pulled a pistol on him despite the fact that no Secret Service agents were present outside of the cavalcade on that fatal day? Why is there no record of Oswald's twelve-hour interrogation in the Dallas Police headquarters? Even in the unlikely event that you're not convinced by many of the theories then the programme will still almost certainly serve its primary function of planting some seeds of doubt in your mind about the exact nature of the murder of John F. Kennedy.

The unique theory offered up by this programme, specifically by Steve Rivele, is that a three man Corsican hit team carried out the assassination. Only one of the accused assassins (the deceased Lucien Sarti) is mentioned however because one of the others (Sauveur Pironti) threatened to sue Central Television for having an alibi on the day of the murder. Even so the theory seems sound and it would appear that Sarti's involvement, at least, is probable. Rivele turned his back on the matter after the Central fiasco but perhaps he summed it up best when, years later, he commented that attempting to dissect the JFK assassination is a subject that `eats your soul'. Not only were there some very dark forces in Dallas on that fatal day in November 22nd 1963 but since then it has become clear that there are quite a lot of glory hunters and money grabbers, either falsely claiming to be witnesses to events associated with the murder or developing yet more wild theories to be gobbled up by the media. American history's most controversial mystery then seems forevermore destined to make those who seek the real truth end up feeling sick to the pits of their stomachs. So, in summary, this is an excellent programme but it so powerful that I would actually go as far as to warn people who have a positive, happy outlook on life to beware of it because it is the type of thing that might just turn your world upside down.
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Not to be missed!
lottatitles26 September 2002
It's isn't that the information here is a huge surprise, it's that it validates what hundreds, then thousands, then millions began to believe. Especially as more and more people began to question the carte blanche they had been giving politicians to make any statement and it would be believed. How anyone can watch this and not believe most of it is beyond me. Not a conspiracy (as one commenter said)?! Most people have known it was a conspiracy for years. If this were done with actors, like an Oliver Stone film, you might question a lot of it. But the footage, the interviews of just 'people on the street' who were there are so believable as to be terribly frightening. I lived only one state away when this happened. Many people from my city were in Dallas. To this day I wouldn't mention their names or what some of them said they observed. I'm sure they're all gone now as they were much older than me. But who knows what they told their families. This is a well made documentary and should be required viewing in schools.
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If you had to pick just one film about the JFK assassination, this would be the one...
Nooshin_Navidi11 September 2010
The most detailed & chilling documentary I've seen about the JFK assassination. A disturbing number of credible witnesses, as well as damning film footage & audio clips previously unavailable.

If anyone had any doubts that the Oliver Stone conspiracy "theory" film, 'JFK', was nothing but pure fiction, watch this series. (Be sure to see all 6 parts-- there are 4 available on 'Instant Watching', and the other 2 via mail.) As the film asserts, if it happened once, it can happen again. Suffice it to say that it was happening before and still is. One look at recent politics and we know that government cover-ups are alive & thriving.

The series rekindled my interest in the assassinations of both JFK & Bobby Kennedy, and compelled me to get some books on the subject, including 'Brothers' by David Talbot, which I'm really enjoying. It serves as a great companion to the documentary, further elaborating on all the points made by the film, and in great detail.

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Since neither the Government nor the Media will tell you...
gsellars-128 June 2015
Read this review (and copy it) now--it might not be here later.

This is required viewing for anyone who wants to know the truth about the JFK assassination. You'll never hear this information from any major network, magazine nor newspaper. They absolutely will never tell you. That's how much power the forces have who murdered our 35th President in a coup d'état. I would not be surprised if this review is never featured on IMDb once it's seen by those who control the media. If the government calls IMDb and says, "We'd appreciate it if you'd remove this review," do you really think anyone would refuse? This series, along with Douglas Horne's video "Finally hearing the TRUTH about the JFK cover-up" provide an overwhelming amount of proof that JFK's murder was, in fact, a coup d'état and not the work of a the man who correctly identified himself on national TV as "the patsy" not too many hours before Jack Ruby (who was ordered to do so) murdered him.

You NEED to know, not only what happened then, but you need to connect the dots to understand why the wicked people who were behind JFK's murder are still in control.

The first question that should provoke is, "Aren't they dead?" Almost everyone who planned the coup is dead, but the self-serving power structure that was behind the scenes then is more powerful today and their plan is far more developed than 51 years ago and this information provokes too many questions along with a curiosity that these people DO NOT WANT the citizens to develop. They want you to just pretend we're "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave" while they continue their plans to make the backbone of this nation their serfs.

The evil scenario has so developed that you would never believe it no matter who tells you. You must discover it bit by bit for yourself. It's worse than 1984.

That's why you need to learn for yourself. This series and the video report of the Assassination Records Review Board are the very best places to start.

For a short bio on Douglas Horne:
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Good Historical Information
sls_sls_300118 November 2003
I live in Dallas and go to Dealey Plaza every now and then to look over the site where the assassination took place. This series gives an excellent overview of the inconsistencies of the official report by the Warren Commission. Even if you come away from this mini-series not believing all the information presented, the least it will do is let you know that there's a lot more information about this event than anyone can imagine.
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Should be broadcast on all networks
lindhard-morten25 August 2021
This is the most amazing collection of eye witnesses and teknical details which reveals the official coverup and thus complicity in the asassination. The coverup could not be done without the complicity of the heads of the securityapparatus; The FBI, the CIA, the Secret Service and Lydon B. Johnson -and a controlled press.
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JUGGERNAUT-120 September 2003
Once you watch this film, you WILL know who THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY really were! It leaves almost no room for doubt, it is THAT thorough. You will DEFINITELY see THE shooter and what he was wearing, etc. I have never seen a photo of a person that was more chillingly evil than this shooter. The entire piece is FIRST CLASS and TOP RATE! A MUST SEE! I give it a rare 10.0!!
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The Final Summary Adds More Questions
charlesblank19 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The final summary episode of this series suggests that a person taking pictures of Kennedy ,opposite the Grassy Knoll,shows that the final shot did not come from the Knoll.Analysis of the film suggests that the shot was from another location.This series is a good examination of many oversights and evasions of government investigation.But,this suggests that the Knoll is not the sniper site,undercutting the details of others.What is truly needed is a full investigation of the Kennedy murder and a full exposure of the facts & myths from both sides to finally clear the air of public mistrust of the Gov't.I have read counterarguments to the conspiracy theories and we need to sort the real truth of the actual killing from both Gov't deception and Conspiracy rumors mills.I hope that we know the actual story of this dark deed.
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The truth America couldn't face...
scrabo39-938-65837019 July 2023
The Men Who Killed Kennedy is a video documentary series by British television network ITV that depicts the assassination of U. S. President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Originally broadcast in 1988 in two parts (with a subsequent studio discussion), it was rebroadcast in 1991 re-edited to three parts with additional material, and a fourth episode added in 1995. The addition of three further episodes in 2003 caused great controversy, particularly in the final episode implicating Lyndon B. Johnson and the withdrawal of these additional episodes.

This is the documentary series that the USA networks and journalists, to their undying shame, refused to even look at.

President Kennedy, hit in the throat, and front right temple, by an assassin supposedly above and behind him.......
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Somewhat interesting
onepotato24 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A multi-part, substantial series investigating the Kennedy assassination is certainly called for after the coup d'etat that killed Kennedy. But an 8-part series from 1988 is not what an 8-part series would be today. Film technique & investigative technology are in better shape; that and we're less innocent.

Some of these people are cranks. And some of these accusations had to be recanted. If a lot of these men weren't relishing their importance for knowing the "one secret truth" and drawing self-importance from these stories, they'd be reliving war stories or something similar. And if all the witnesses who disagree with the Warren report are mysteriously offed, where is this parade of live, disagreeing witnesses coming from? Some things would make the series more useful; a graphic map of Dealy plaza logging the positions of each witness/figure would be helpful.

The series promotes a shooter on the grassy knoll, and presents picture that may show him. How could a shooter be standing so close in basically plain-view at the top of a hill w/o anyone seeing him and screaming? Tom so and so may have plausible technical approaches but his rambling, drunk-sounding language ("coordinances") destroys his own credibility.

The problem with this editorial stance in this epic treatment is that everyone is eventually guilty, every witness is to be taken at face value, and every theory investigated is found to be true. No standard for rejecting outlandish theories in the now wealth-making "JFK theory industry" is promoted.

Other figures are missing entirely (David Ferrie, Clay Shaw)
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There's wheat here, but beware of the chaff
eparses18 February 2003
"The Men Who Killed Kennedy" (known as TMWKK from hereon out) is in my opinion, the best documentary on the Kennedy case. Produced in 1988, it covered the Kennedy case from almost every angle. Bill Kurtis was the narrator of the US edition and Hilary Minster narrated the British version. (I had the second British version of the documentary; my review is based on it). The theory put forward in TMWKK is that a team of three French assassins pulled off the assassination. One of the assassins was dead. The other two (as of 1988) were still living. Herein lays the first piece of chaff in the pile of wheat. One of the two assassins named in the series threatened to sue the TV network that put together TMWKK. Apologies were made, and the series was rewritten to remove the names of the other two "assassins." The other pieces of chaff concern the witness statements of Gordon Arnold and Beverly Oliver. In 1978, Arnold told a tale that he was on the grassy knoll the day of the assassination and had been filming the motorcade with a movie camera. It was later discovered he was not in Dallas. Oliver was a nightclub singer and claimed to be the 'Babushka Lady' who was in Dealey Plaza that day. The jury is still out on her story. To quote Gary Mack (a researcher who is in TMWKK), 'While much of the original five-part production holds up well today, some is outdated or contradicted by new information.' Above all, do you own thinking! Don't let this documentary or anything else by your guide.
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Important information not published elsewhere but covered thoroughly for your own research.
SentientMeat21 November 2011
I was initially very disappointed when A&E's logo flashed across the screen but this is not a watered down feel good cop-out, this is a courageous examination into events that many people want forgotten. It was produced, perhaps before A&E was purchased? When they were able to take chances?

"The men Who Killed Kennedy" is not an all-encompassing documentary, but it contains footage not seen elsewhere so it is up to the viewer to continue his/her search alone or engage others in the investigation. Nevertheless, this documentary earns a 10 thanks to the sheer courage in telling the story, the effort to be thorough in analysis and the effort to assemble so much information from many years past. It contains interviews both from the time frame of the production of the documentary and from the time of the assassination. There is a great deal of information in this documentary that has never been covered before but they provide plenty of information to allow the viewer to research it themselves.

I wanted the audio evidence to be included in this documentary because I learned about it from the 30th (I think) anniversary coverage that two, perhaps even three networks (ABC and Frontline on PBS, and perhaps NBC) broadcast on the same night. I did not tape them, I tuned in haphazardly because I was accustomed to the sort of sensationalized "did Oswald act alone? Yes." hour long program cashing in on the popularity of Kennedy while offering nothing more than advertising and reassurance that everything is what you've been told.

I posted a question on PBS' website about a contradiction that I will explain. My question is still there but has been mangled and now, uneditable by me, makes it appear that I have asked an unclear question - even that I cannot properly form a sentence. (It is not surprising to me, I can name two donors to PBS, ExxonMobil and David Koch, that would prefer Americans just work and consume and entertain themselves with yet more consumption.)

I found out that night that there exists an audio tape of the shooting, recorded by a stuck police radio microphone from a Dallas police motorcycle. This audio was recorded by the Dallas police station. All networks seemed to have knowledge of the others' content because they all addressed the recorded evidence but only ABC played the tape at the end of the program, after "experts" asserted there was not a fourth shot but an echo. Problem ONE for me was that the recording sounded like 4 shots to me (not three). Problem TWO was that the motorcycle policeman was interviewed on two networks. Different "experts" for the different networks placed the motorcycle cop in two different locations at the start of the shooting at Dealey Plaza. A. About to make a left turn in front of the Book Depository BEHIND the limousine carrying Kennedy, or B. At the FRONT of the motorcade, AHEAD of Kennedy. Each network had a quick interview with the policeman, he agreed with both people who questioned him. In other words, he was asked contradictory information, yet each time he agreed, apparently not caring or unaware that this footage would appear on the same night. It is unlikely that many viewers saw the contradiction since the networks aired their programs simultaneously and you had to be lucky to switch between them at the right time. That policeman, still alive for the interview 30 years later, remembers being in TWO places at once at Dealey Plaza. (This information is NOT in "The men Who Killed Kennedy", the network specials were produced AFTER this documentary was made. Incidentally, George H.W. Bush ALSO could not remember where he was when Kennedy was shot, journalist Russ Baker wrote about that.)

That set it for me. That was when I knew the official story was a lie. If a policeman at Dealey Plaza cannot tell you where he was when Kennedy was shot but millions of Americans remember where they were when they heard the news then something is wrong.

People will always ridicule. The Wright brothers heard this from many people before they invented the airplane. It was two people making a difference and nearly everyone believing they were crazy. There is no doubt that evil exists in the world. It is often difficult to say who creates more damage, the ignorant or the evil. It may sound surprising but the ignorant are a majority and therefore have a disappointing amount of influence.

After watching this documentary, I watched on YouTube the footage of the Secret Service being called off the "walking guard" positions around Kennedy's Presidential Limo by their boss. One agent, to his credit, protests the order. ("Walking guards" actually trot and they were once required but have since been phased out thanks to heavier armor, they are still there for slow speeds but Presidents no longer wave from convertibles.) This footage is also NOT part of this documentary.

"The men Who Killed Kennedy" is not a complete compilation of all the data available but I recommend owning this documentary. It makes a sincere effort to examine the information available and while some segments are not as strong as others they definitely examine much of the information that was available but unpublished. Yes, it will depress you and probably even scare you but the people who made this documentary and the people who participated had courage and they expose the cowards that are responsible for creating a world less beautiful than what is possible. I have revealed much of myself here but I would prefer to live in a world that is honest or die fighting oppression. It is important to understand the world around you and stop those who would harm it. The truth is important and it shall set you free.
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Very well done
jmmustchin25 May 2018
I watched most of the sixth episode. It was incredible! It absolutely establishes beyond a shadow of a doubt who really was responsible for Kennedy's murder - and who was not. You cannot come away unconvinced. This is not speculation - this is a careful examination of photographic and other evidences and produces an undeniable verdict. A must-see.
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Speculation abounds
Bernie444421 March 2024
We follow several theories including the Warren Commission and just passers-by; each is reenacted so we can see that it was possible or not. In this case, you start to think everyone is guilty except Oswald.

"The Men Who Killed Kennedy", a six-part series; It is quite a bit to take in at one sitting. It looks like everyone is coming out of the woodwork. Where were these people when you could do something about it? And everyone had a gun or a camera. There were pictures of the people taking pictures and pictures of people with guns. There were shots from buildings, knolls, and even sewers. Everyone that ever had a grudge and even a group put together by Bobby Kennedy.

I do not want to tell you too much, as that is why you are buying the film. You will finally be convinced it happened this way then they will convince you it happened that way. But you will be glued to the set the whole time.
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Don't Believe Everything You See (or hear)
douggers24 June 2007
This TV special started me on my "assassination conspiracy phase" and had me buttonholing friends and acquaintances with the "secrets" behind JFK's killing. Over the course of 2 years I spoke with authors of conspiracy books, read and watched everything I could on the case and even met Jean Hill, the "lady in the red raincoat" from JFK's motorcade, who told me straight-faced that "the truth is out there." "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" accepts at face value the dubious accounts of various "witnesses" to JFK's killing, whom photographs of the grassy knoll and nearby places show were not there at all or whose vision would have been completely obscured. This 6-part program was an attempt to show some of the conspiracy theories current in the late 1980's and it resembles Oliver Stone's "JFK" in the way it postulates so much speculation as fact, presents the word of so many unreliable sources as "the truth," and even names a French/Corsican as JFK's killer. Everything in this program has since been debunked by far more knowledgeable sources.

My first real acquaintance with the truth came with Gerald Posner's book "Case Closed," which debunks conspiracy lore with modern science and far more accurate and detailed information than was ever available before. Posner's book uses such irrefutable evidence as Abraham Zapruder's famous film of the assassination and photos of the so-called "pristine bullet" to throw new light on the true positions of Kennedy and Connally in the presidential limousine, the timing and trajectories of Oswald's bullets and the fact that said pristine bullet isn't so pristine.

"Case Closed" educates the reader by examining at great length Lee Harvey Oswald's bizarre life and the psychology and movements of Jack Ruby on the weekend of the assassination. The book makes a frame-by-frame examination of the Zapruder film and uses computer modeling to render the accurate positions of the relevant people and vehicles in the motorcade. "Case Closed" makes it clear why Oswald made the perfect killer, why he needed no accomplices and why no one with a brain in his head would trust unreliable misfits like Osward and Jack Ruby to be part of the crime of the century.

Another recent piece of work which may open conspiracy buff's minds is a revealing History Channel video entitled "The Kennedy Assassination - Beyond Conspiracy." This documentary completely negates the 1976-78 Senate Select Committee on Assassinations' contention that a conspiracy was involved. The senate committee relied on acoustics "evidence," which "Beyond Conspiracy" shows to be completely bogus (the motorcycle with the microphone stuck in the "On" position was nowhere near where the acoustics "experts" claimed).

Conspiracy buffs have an agenda to follow (as I once did) and it isn't easy to shake their convictions, which they cling to like a cult religion. The facts of the JFK case, however, point straight at Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone killer and only at Oswald. Chasing ghosts on the grassy knoll is no substitute for the truth, which the book and video I've mentioned will bring you much closer to than all the conspiracy lore in the world.
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One of the greatest documentaries ever made
gerrydogma4 March 2004
This is a must see for anyone even slightly interested in the JFK assasination. Illuminating, vivid, striking, unforgettable. Without a doubt, this series provides more than enough evidence to prove that there was a conspiracy. It doesnt claim to have all the answers, but it does enough to get you thinking and make you wonder how the hell more people are not up in arms about this. If you have never seen anything on JFK before, I strongly recommend this. Even if you are a veteran of the investigation, I also strongly recommend this. There may turn out to be some errors during the series, but since it covers such a vast array of evidence and reports this is only to be expected. A masterpiece.
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Lots of "information", always remember people have axes to grind.
hbest25 March 2002
A true wealth of information if you seek a conspiracy in the death of JFK. Even though I don't personally believe in a conspiracy in JFK's death, it makes for great watching. The series is really in depth and logically (as much as is logical in the case of JFK's assassination) laid out
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