Poor White Trash (2000) Poster

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Mr. Addis and Urban nail the local area
slugdriveruh113 February 2005
I was interested to see this movie, because I grew up in Southern Illinois and ran around in Benton as a teenager. Yes, I was a Carbondale Saluki and I believe I know some of the people Mr. Urba and Addis based their characters on. The scary part of the movie is (even if other didn't like the acting of the cast) that really is how most of the people in the local area act. Here's some trivia, local people were mad because the title of the movie was changed from something nice to something degrading, accurate, but degrading. I am also wondering about how Mr. Addis got so many good actors to be in a low budget, bad movie. I know the film has no A-list stars, but I wasn't aware that the actors in it were so disparate for work. Even a Malkovich was involved in the production. Luckily, the only good thing about this movie was seeing Jamie Pressly in the same frame as the old stomping grounds and the fact I don't live there anymore. Stay down and dirty, Slugdriveruh1
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worth a watch
fry82 February 2009
As a Southern Illinois native myself, I can say without a doubt this movie only scratches the surface of Southern Illinois people. So.Il. does have it's share of "rednecks" but that is not the majority. It's interesting to read the claims of accurate representation of former SIU students from the north. Much of SIU's enrollment come from northern Illinois residents who flock to the college for it's money saving advantages. So really most social interactions are northerner to northerner. To be labeled something by people because of geographical location is a bit narrow minded and absurd. That being said I enjoyed the movie and thought it was rather entertaining. It was funny and the cast was an interesting mix but they all worked really well together. My favorite part was the beer can lawn art!
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I love this movie!
freq3226 March 2003
This movie is for fans of Russ Meyer films! I was cracking up at this silly, wacky low-budget masterpiece. The cinematography was great and purposefully bad! The acting was hilarious. The story was chaotic and a pretty good representation of weird things that happen in a small American town. Jamie Pressly is truly funny and superb in this. If you don't 'get' this movie, that is really too bad for you. 10 out of 10!
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rowland-1612 September 2005
This movie was shot almost entirely in Franklin County, Illinois. When the crew came to town they told authorities their working title was Good Morning Sunrise. The locals anxiously cooperated in the production, including use of police uniforms and equipment to use of the Courthouse at night for filming courtroom scenes. (Although the Franklin County Courthouse in Benton was used for interior shots, exteriors were taken in front of the Jackson County Courthouse in Murphysboro. Many local officials auditioned for bit parts, and I was personally disappointed that a local police chief that had a noticeable stutter wasn't cast. When the movie came out with it's title Poor White Trash, the locals were infuriated and the film was blasted in the local papers. A side note- Mr. Snack's is an actual restaurant which was closed at the time of the film. It has since reopened and still stands on Route 14 in Christopher, Illinois. And one of our county judges proudly displays an autographed photo of M. Emmett Walsh.
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You must see "Poor White Trash" if...
mainemovieman9 March 2002
...your goal in life is to see every Jaime Pressly bikini scene ever filmed....someone taped over your copy of "Party of Five: Richer, Poorer, Sickness, and Health" and you really need a London Brothers fix....you wish those Coen Brothers films weren't bogged down by all that witty dialogue, hampered by those sharp scripts, and undercut by crisp and competent direction.

Otherwise, take a pass on this one.
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Had potential, but oh! so awful
d134 August 2001
Any movie centered around the inhabitants of a trailer park has both the potential for incredible comedy and the potential for intense boredom. This falls into the latter. The script seemed pretty good as did the acting, despite some godawful attempts at goober accents (I'm looking at you, London & DeVane). Sadly, where this pic bit the dust had nothing to do with the people in it, but with the editing. It was pieced together so poorly that most comedic moments were ruined by misplaced and mistimed shots. And that's just sad.
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Bad taste
sarastro712 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge fan of Jaime Pressly - so sue me -, and I bought this DVD for her. Biiig mistake. She's not in it that much, and the story itself and most of the characters are tacky and vulgar and stupid. No way this can be called a quality movie. I regret spending the five bucks on it.

One thing is good, though: Sean Young. I never really liked her much, but I must say middle-age agrees with her. She was cool and sensitive and hotter than she's ever been, and I'm going to have to seek out some of her other movies from recent years.

But I doubt I'll ever be watching this one again.

3 out of 10.
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Good Movie
big_show200523 December 2001
I think Poor White Trash was a good movie.At first I thought that I wouldn't like the movie and when I watched it I was surprised.The main reason I got it was because I really like Jaime Pressly and I thought she did a wonderful job in it.All of the cast was wonderful.If you have some extra money you will enjoy this movie.

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kcnrb8 August 2009
The actual title as it was presented to the residents of Benton, Il and the surrounding areas was originally called "Goodbye Sunrise", which for the economically depressed area of Illinois was good PR. It is in the very southern part of the state among many closed coal mines which at one time was the one of the biggest employers in the area. Benton is a small town and when people found out about the filming, everyone was excited.It wasn't until after they had finished filming that the name was changed which really ticked off the residents of the area. I lived 20 min from Benton and I remember all of the excitement. And sadly, I too felt insulted by the slap to the face we got from the poor white trash who wrote and filmed this.
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See the S.I Redneck in it's native environment
stopa_j8 January 2006
I went to college at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. As a northern Illinois native and having spent 6 years in the military, I thought I was prepared for living down there. Not so. People are just "different" down there. It was great seeing some of the places we used to frequent in college: i.e the waffle house in Marion. The plot represents the majority of the newspaper headlines I read in the Southern Illinoisan, as well as what we saw in downtown C'dale. If you want to see a true representation of the loud but entertaining Southern Illinois Redneck (Trashicus Trailerus) as well as drool over Jamie Presley, watch this movie.
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nogodnomasters5 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film takes place in Southern Illinois, but everyone has a southern accent. Mike Bronco, at times is the voice of reason in this film, but he gets talked into doing stupid stuff. The characters are poor caricatures and the dialogue is poorly cliche and predictable. And when it is not predictable, it is bad. My expectations where low, and unfortunately this film exceeded them. Perhaps in 2001 when this film came out it was worth seeing, but in 2012, the indie comedy has been perfected enough to push this film to the bottom of the must view heap. So watch "Chumscrubber" instead and you'll thank me. More stupid than funny.

F-bomb, sex, no nudity.
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Smart comedy
warth24 March 2002
With a name like Poor White Trash, this movie easily could have been mistaken as a low-grade comedy with stereotype characters telling stupid jokes. Instead, it develops characters as real people, with few cliches. Yes, there is a trailer park and trailer trash, but that is the real world, and real people live there. The writers do not make fun of their character's living condition, but rather use it to help understand them. The young men live in a world where stealing cheap beer and chasing cheap girls pass for culture, and they understandably want out. You're rooting for them, especially when things start to go wrong. Oh, and it's funny, and even poignant. Jaime Presley is beautiful and Sean Young is sharp and witty. To her credit, she's not afraid to play a woman her age, and she does so with dignity and grace. Buy the DVD and impress your friends with it in a few years when the young cast become major stars.
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Holds up alright, but not funny enough
Horror-yo24 February 2017
A 2000's comedy titled "Poor White Trash", with that synopsis, with Jaime Presley presented as the lead character on the poster, and rated so low by snobby so-called "professional critics"... one could think this is a hidden gem.

It turns out it isn't. It's a pretty small budget production and it shows in the editing (some of the cutting to the next scene for e.g.) but this isn't nearly the problem. The problem is the film all the while being pretty full with events, still feels pretty slow in pace. We get the point pretty quickly, so it would've been very welcomed, and crucial even, that the film would at least supply good laughs consistently, which it doesn't, it's barely just about tenable for its short length and pretty average in humor. It's okay.

It should have been funnier...

It should be said Sean Young and William Devane really support the film with really good acting presence that maintains some scenes above water level on its own. Presley is good as always, but we see far too little of her...

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I felt right at home with the characters. Great Kitch Flick!
cherry_cola_137 December 2004
If I ever get homesick when I move to Chicago, all I need do is pop this in. We don't live far from southern Ilinois, here. The characters are so expertly unpolished as to make one forget they are watching a movie and not sitting in their neighbor's trailer. I could smell the greasy fries and burgers in the fast food joint they 'robbed', and even felt the need to wash my face and hands after the 'oh so could be me or a neighbor' bungled murder scene. The absurd desperation and nefarious persistence of most of America's less than fortunate, but quite numerous population of us 'Poor White Trash' was funny without insulting, for it showed we have quite a drive to thrive no matter what! Thank you for the snickers and snorts! Cherry Cola

A must see for the kitch lovers, airstream clubbers, or just plain folks, an excellent study of the absurd but true to life story and characters. Great chance to see 2 actors from Blade Runner strut their stuff years later, but neither lessened by those years.
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not funny, cheap situation jokes
trashgang9 September 2014
I came across this flick due Danielle Harris being in it. This flick is filed under comedy and crime so i thought I gave it a try. The story is simple. Two boys getting in trouble will be sent to college but they do need the money. The mother hasn't got any so it's time to rob a fast food joint.

It intended to be funny but I didn't laugh at any moment. Even as it do has stupid moments actually to be funny, for me it never worked. On the other hand there's the crime too, that part was low too, it's really about the comedy. Here and there, like with the safe, we do have a bit of slapstick situations. But overall, this wasn't my thing.

Maybe teenagers will have a big laughter recognising the situations but for me this was exactly what the last word says in the title.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0,5/5
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A Cult Classic!
rabiddog673 October 2001
Last weekend, I bought the DVD for POOR WHITE TRASH even though I had never seen or heard of the film. The movie description and my admiration of Sean Young was enough to convince me, and I am glad I did. POOR WHITE TRASH is hilarious and off beat, in the like viewing pleasure of flicks like HEATHERS, RAISING ARIZONA and FARGO. Sean Young is terrific and the other cast members, especially William Devane as a sleazy lawyer, are great, too. If you like the Coen brothers or David Lynch, you need to get this movie.
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Hilarious Trailer Humor!!!
dsp56816 June 2003
This is the epitome of white trailer trash movies. Nothing else comes close. Where else can you find a lawyer with a law office in a mall with a name like "Ron Lake's Land 'O Law"? If you're looking for a good laugh without having to follow the plot, then this is your movie!!!
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very funny, rent this
therizzzo14 August 2002
This movie rules! I laughed alot. The main character's one-eyed celibate semi-pro wrestler dad is just too funny. Jaime Pressly plays the perfect trailer park girl. Jason London is hilarious as the local stud. All performances are dead on. Nothing to dislike. I wish more indies were this good.
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Very funny movie!!
amenichini23 July 2002
I rented "Poor White Trash" and laughed throughout the entire picture. It's ranks with other white trash greats such as "Joe Dirt," "Sling Blade," "Wild at Heart" and "Drowning Mona." Really, really funny.
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Flat out hilarious "Poor White Trash" = CULT MOVIE
merklekranz5 August 2010
There are several intriguing qualities to this great film. #1 - The story is outrageous with some seriously funny black comedy. #2 - There are four standout performances with colorful characterizations. This is a must see for William Devane's portrayal of Ron Lake, the shopping mall lawyer. M.Emit Walsh is terrific as the compassionate Judge Pike. Jacob Tierney nails the part of totally irresponsible Lenny Lake. Finally Jamie Pressly as Ron Lake's main squeeze is the ultimate sexy bitch. #3 - "Poor White Trash" is so good, and has such tremendous dialog, that multiple viewings are guaranteed. The movie is flat out hilarious, and a real sleeper that deserves instant cult status. - MERK
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Oh God Bless!! Southern Illinois
26dejulio16 September 2004
Just flipping through the channels when I happened upon this gem on Comedy Central.

Review above is seemingly 100% accurate as far as the hilarity of the acting and cinematography. The only thing missing from his review is a history of having spent 4 years going to the university at Carbondale, (SALUKIIIIIIIIIs).

Best line -- just right now -- "ya ain't gonna live in a trailer -- yer gonna live in a dorm !!"

Curses, I have to go to work!!

Anyway -- if you love purposefully bad films -- and if you love Southern Illinois trash !!! wooooh!! I can hardly contain myself -- this film seems to be the hot ticket!
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This movie will become a cult classic!
sudburyiii2 November 2002
This movie is one of the funniest I have seen and I really expect it to rank up there with other cult classic films such as "Raising Arizona" and "Joe Dirt." One must review this movie with an understanding that it is not Shakespeare or some social drama. There's no false advertising here. It is a movie about poor white trash. The selection of actors could not be more fitting. William Devane was excellent as Ron Lake, a man who fancies himself as up-scale white trash, obviously from his choice of dwelling, the classic Airstream Travel Trailer; the true choice of trailer connoisseurs. Sean Young is pure poor white trash, playing the mother who wants her son to go on to things better than the trailer park, and is willing to go the extra mile, including committing armed robbery with him to ensure his success. Also, amongst this group, is the extremely attractive Jaime Pressly playing Sandy Lake. When I think of actresses who can play white trash there are three names that come to mind as the VERY BEST: Holly Hunter, Juliette Lewis, and Jamie Pressly. Ms. Pressly is one amongst talented company. Supporting these actors is M. Emmet Walsh, a superbly talented actor, whom I feel is often underrated.
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Awesome movie, very funny!
beckilang16 August 2001
Super little comedy with charm! Jason London made me laugh my butt off! Very witty script and great, original humor. The only bad performance was the guy from SNL. He wasn't funny at all. Directing was solid but not great. Sound was iffy at times. But the hilarious humor makes this a must see!
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Surprisingly well made for a little movie!
m-dorff10 February 2005
I had no expectations renting this movie other than the description looked funny. But I was surprised how funny it was. The writing is clever, and the story is pretty intricate (I had to pay attention more than I thought I would). The camera-work was OK, but I think for low budget, it was very good. I thought the actors did great, and the characters were fresh (especially the wrestler with a glass eye thats too large). Sean Young will also surprise you. She's pretty damn funny. This movie had an edge, and a voice. Jaime Pressly has a great body... I was jealous. William Devane has never been so weird! He deserves kudos as well. I wanna see more indie films like this. Bravo Michael Addis.
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What great directing!!!
funny1_haha2 October 2001
What a funny film! The director did a fantastic job making this film and it shows!

I hope to see more to come from Michael Addis in the future. Definatly a must see if you are in the mood to laugh out loud!
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