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A commanding performance from Roberts
stu900312 February 2001
I've never been a big fan of Julia Roberts as an actress and so I approached this movie with trepidation but I have to admit that I really enjoyed it. Not only that, but Julia Roberts was excellent. I don't think I've ever seen a Roberts movie where she had this commanding a screen presence. Her physical presence may have helped in that regard but so did her acting. But man, she really looked good in this movie. Oh, and Albert Finney displayed some pretty solid acting skills as well even though he didn't look good. Overall, I'd say that most people who watch this movie will probably find themselves cheering for Erin and will be very satisfied with the film. I was.
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Julia Robert's best display by far.
CharltonBoy3 February 2002
I must admit i wasnt too keen on watching Erin Brokovich for a couple of reasons.One is that i am not too keen Julia Roberts or more to the point the type of film she stars in I.E Pretty Woman the other reason is that i presumed that this film was mainly for women. I was wrong. This is film would appeal to everybody. It has charm, humour and a very good story and the acting from all quarters is top notch. Julia Roberts also looks superb, she has the best legs in Hollywood !. I'm not sure how true to life her character is but i would love to see if the real Erin Brokovich is as up front and speaks her mind as much as the one in the film. 8 out of 10.
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Courage, Devotion and Feminine Mystique
sgrewe-844225 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Based on a true story of tenacity and humble beginnings, this film follows Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts) in her stiletto-clad stumble through the challenges of scraping by to pay bills, raising her children and catering to the whims of whiny boyfriends. It is clear from the beginning what a haphazard balancing act Brockovich's life is, opening on her painfully awkward attempts to make a good impression through an unsuccessful job interview, where we learn that she is an unemployed single mother of three. Wallowing in her defeat only long enough to smoke a single cigarette, she makes her way back to her old orange car, which has since acquired a parking ticket, and almost predictably is T-boned at an intersection minutes after leaving.

The ways in which life is stacked against Brockovich are revealed gradually through her meeting with a lawyer in order to sue the driver that hit her, and later the disastrous cross examination in which her fiery temper and colorful diction cost her the jury's sympathy and her chances of winning any reparations for her pain and suffering. In her impatience at the defense lawyer's suggestion that she saw his wealthy client as an opportunity to capitalize on a lawsuit, it is clear that she is familiar with the ways in which power dynamics sway to favor the opposite of everything she embodies. Now confronted with the failure of her lawsuit, Brockovich is set back further than before, and forced to be even more driven and resourceful in her methods of obtaining her next paycheck.

In this desperation, she turns back to her lawyer, Ed Masry (Albert Finney), demanding a job at the law firm in a grand show of shouting and refusal to leave, expressing that he owes her something for false promises and the failed lawsuit that left her in even more debt. When it becomes clear that Brockovich will not take no for an answer, Masry offers her a position as a file clerk. It is in the midst of this tedious paperwork that she discovers suspicious details of what was supposed to be a simple real estate case, which sends her on an investigation of a scheme bigger than she could have imagined.

While the film was inspired by the story of how Brockovich investigates the ethics of the insidious corporation Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) and touches on the intricate workings of the legal system, its strength lies in how deeply it appeals to the viewer's emotion, strategically taking the time to zero in on the struggles Brockovich faces in her personal life in order to humanize her, when on the job her abrasive personality could otherwise be off-putting. In the face of poverty, motherhood and romantic entanglements, it is clear how she grew to project a tough exterior for the sake of survival.

Brockovich's home life is one device used often to make her more accessible to the audience, revealing the tension with her young children over the long hours she must work, and her dilemma between helping the families she represents in her case or focusing on her own family. A defining moment illustrating the struggle she faces as a mother is in an argument with her boyfriend (Aaron Eckhart), who feels that he is being neglected for her work and taking too much responsibility in caring for her children. In a decision rarely made in fictional stories, Brockovich chooses to prioritize her work over her romantic relationship, a powerful choice challenging the familiar trope of a woman realizing that love is more important than her ambition. This is a powerful, pivotal moment in the film.

This film is more impressive than most in its portrayal of womanhood, Brockovich embodying a conglomeration of qualities which fictional accounts rarely conflate. It should not be groundbreaking to present a strong and intelligent female character who also has children and on top of this wears short skirts and high heels, but few other films with this type of character come to mind. And perhaps it is solely for the sake of remaining faithful to the true story on which this is based that her character was created with such dimension. Unfortunately, the other female characters in this film are disappointingly pigeonholed into familiar roles, deliberately contrasting with Brockovich in myriad ways only as a means to further glorify her and set her apart. There are the other women at the law firm who are mostly frumpy and overweight, and seem to regard Brockovich negatively based only on her fashion sense or out of envy. This reproduces the familiar but apocryphal idea that women are in constant competition with one another rather than being allies. There are the victimized clients she helps: rural, married and ignorant mothers who play the sympathetic characters. Then there is the other female lawyer, who, in spite of being on her side of the case, is portrayed as uptight and snobbish, unsuccessful in her attempts to connect with the working class community that the firm represents.

This is the story of an underdog, a representative of a stigmatized group in our society: a single mother, twice divorced, and poor. Above all of this, she is unapologetic in her femininity, refusing to be shamed for her opinions, clothing choices or pursuit of justice. Although it has its weaknesses in succumbing to an uncomfortable number of clichés, the film weaves a heartfelt tale of determination and navigating the gray areas between work and personal life as a woman. I am confident that anyone more emotional than me (read: anyone) would have minimal critique of this evocative combination of comedy and drama, which culminates to a tear-jerking resolution, even more impactful given the fact that it is based on true events. In spite of a few shortcomings and my own nitpicking critiques, I would rate this film highly and recommend it.
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Julia Roberts is Fiercely Dynamic in the Smart and Savvy Erin Brockovich!
sandnair8727 April 2015
Steven Soderbergh's Erin Brockovich opens with a car accident. The vehicle driven by Erin, an unemployed, twice-divorced mother of three, is broadsided by a speeding car at an intersection. She takes her case to a rumpled, cowed lawyer Ed Masry, who agrees to represent her on a contingency basis. However, in court, Erin's surly manner and blasphemous vocabulary do not endear her to the jury, which finds itself in the defendant's favor, as Erin goes home empty-handed. Still without work and needing to pay her bills, Erin, who has no demonstrable skills, but a passion, an uncommon quantity of common sense, and a defiant way of talking, finagles her way into a position as a file clerk under her former attorney.

It is in this capacity that she uncovers, entirely by accident, a paper trail leading to the town of Hinkley, CA, where an endless stream of residents have been diagnosed with various medical conditions including cancer, disintegrating spinal cords and brain damage. It turns out that the community of Hinkley has been poisoned by hexavalent chromium, leaching into the drinking water from the Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) plant. The case is especially odious because PG&E knew exactly what it was doing but lied about what kind of chromium it was using. Erin gains the trust of the community to mount legal action and strong-arms Ed to put together a case that would win the largest direct claim settlement in American history, even as her personal life is threatened by her devotion to the case.

Steven Soderbergh tests Erin's limits of likability numerous times throughout the movie. An early scene is designed to show what a short fuse Erin has when she explodes in a torrent of profanity in the courtroom. Erin, the film makes clear early on, is no sentimental crusader. Rather, she is a tough, hard-nosed cookie who dresses like a hoochie and who would use anything from here heavily coiffured hair to her cleavage or also her baby to get what she needs. In short, Erin is adrift in a hard world. But what makes this potentially despicable character so affable is Julia Roberts' vulnerable and fiercely dynamic performance. As the eponymous character, she is undoubtedly the heart and soul of the film. As a foil for Erin, Albert Finney draws out a complex, engaging performance that is as warm as it is funny. Their scenes together crackle with chemistry and it's a joy to see this kind of male/female interaction where there is absolutely no hint of sexual attraction.

Soderbergh infuses the proceedings with a vibrant, almost peppy sense of style that would not have been half as compelling had a less edgy director helmed it. It would have been easy for him to have allowed Erin Brockovich to descend into manipulative melodrama, but he resists that path of least resistance, instead giving us a film that is smart, savvy, funny, and, at times, poignant.
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Truth IS Stranger Than Fiction
styrrell11 February 2001
If I didn't know it was based on a "true" story I might have dismissed this movie as "unrealistic", particularly in the first half hour or so when it started off like another Julia Roberts comedy. At the beginning the film appears to focus primarily on her wardrobe, her foul language, and the developing romance with the "boy next door", whom she initially dislikes. As it turns out, the actual story, according to the bonus features on the DVD was even more melodramatic than the film's. The real Erin actually got sick to the point of hospitalization from the chromium in Hinkley. The director wisely decided to cut out this part of the story, to avoid making her too much of a martyr. Another aspect while not totally ignored (she does mention at least once that she's a "slow reader") but underplayed is Erin's dyslexia. This makes her accomplishments all the more amazing! Personally, I think this fact could have been emphasized more, as no doubt it was a big factor behind her "attitude" problems - her combativeness toward people with more education than herself, her struggles in finding a job, perhaps even in her efforts to accentuate her physical attractiveness through her outrageous clothing. All in all I found it an enjoyable and enlightening story - the triumph of a unique individual whose determination, empathy, and sense of moral duty ultimately outweigh her abrasiveness and lack of social graces. And largely why she triumphs is her partnership with an intelligent and decent lawyer in Ed Masry. What a refreshing departure from the usual Hollywood stereotype! On many occasions, he effectively counters Erin's prejudices with rational explanations how and why the legal system works the way it does, and why lawyers behave the way they do. With her passion and his reason, they make a great team. Now if only the movie hadn't fallen into the old Hollywood trap of giving its leading lady more outfits than is realistic for someone of her economic status. The point that Erin dressed provocatively and this caused problems with her co-workers could have easily been made with just 3 or 4 costumes. Other than that, it was a good movie - great performances and a wonderful story.
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When feel-good becomes Oscar-worthy feel-good
Movie_Muse_Reviews30 April 2008
The only thing bigger than Julia Roberts' chest in "Erin Brockovich" is the heart this film has. While it is a drama, it would be more apt to describe the plot as a struggle, because it's all about fighting for what you believe in and overcoming the odds and all opposing forces. Nothing bad actually happens in this movie, at all, but it's the complications, the setbacks the moral struggles along the way that make it shine.

"Erin Brockovich" stars Julia Roberts in the title role in a film based on the true story of a twice-married mother of three who is desperate to find a way to make a living and provide for her family. After a failed attempt at suing for damages after a car accident, Brockovich turns to her lawyer, Ed Masry (Albert Finney), for a job doing anything she can at his law firm. Reluctantly he accepts and soon Brockovich finds herself uncovering a potentially huge case.

Roberts had to have been a no-questions-asked best actress winner after this performance. As Brockovich she is incredible playing multiple roles as the loving mother, the driven working-woman, the troubled lover, everything. The mood swings are effortless for her. Perhaps the best element of her performance is that she comes across as glaringly flawed, even if she is quite likable. Her lines are killer and delivered with command. Though some of her rants are over the top, they're really clever nonetheless.

Finney's character is much the same way. He is really enjoyable to watch and gives a great performance even though his character never gets truly dramatic.

This is just a great screenplay by Susannah Grant. It's almost completely devoid of melodrama and yet it tackles so many real life issues. Brockovich's struggle to balance her work with her family brings up an issue that can connect with anyone, although the feminist tones of the film obviously won't connect as strongly with men. Director Steven Soderbergh feels very distant from the film. Every so often a shot or sequence will be artistic, but he allows the story to tell itself for the most part.

"Erin Brockovich" is better than the average feel-good story. When there's little melodrama and great acting, a feel-good story becomes a great movie. Sports films based on true stories are feel-good stories, but they don't get nominated for best picture. While it may all seem too good to be true and the positive seems to trump the negative more times than it ought to, the film still feels very real and one that no one should miss.
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I don't like Julia Roberts, and even I liked this movie.
lee_eisenberg18 October 2005
First, I should explain that I have one of the lowest opinions of Julia Roberts imaginable. I regard her as little more than a Barbie doll who pretends to be the world's biggest genius, and whose movies appear to have been written by ten monkeys working with ten typewriters for ten days/years.

So how then, you may ask, could I like "Erin Brockovich"? Well, for starters, Julia Roberts does more than focus on beauty in this movie. As a twice-divorced single mother who helps prosecute a corporation that had polluted a town's water supply, Roberts is a lot bitchier in this role than in most of her other roles. Occasionally blurting out lines that sound like they came from George Carlin, Erin is one bad-ass mother. The movie is also helped by good support from Albert Finney as Erin's boss Ed Masry.

So, in conclusion, even though I generally consider Julia Roberts pretty worthless, I do agree that her Oscar win for this movie was well deserved.
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A rare perfect ten--this movie has everything.
cathness7 May 2001
Maybe this movie is not the right choice for action fans, but that is the only restriction of my otherwise fullest recommendation for this movie. It has everything, ranging from real-life documentary through love story via comedy to tragedy. And it is so lovingly done, and played so well. And it also has a wonderful soundtrack. To all the non-English Europeans: Get the DVD or original VHS, because the dubbed translated versions aren't quite like the original in terms of atmosphere created.
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"Norma Rae" for 2000
tzmalone23 January 2001
Julia Roberts deserves her accolades for the performance in this. Has she been better? Probably. But not as DRAMATIC. And that's what counts for awards. As a rule. This bit of work holds its own with brother Eric in "Star 80." Albert Finney has been better (best guilty pleasure performance? "Wolfen."). And I must give credit to Aaron Eckhart (unrecognizable from "In the Company of Men") as the house-biker who takes care of Erin's kids while she saves Hinkley, CA (standing in for The World). Oh, and, of course, nod to "C.S.I." to Marg Helgenberger who was quite good. Soderbergh has just been nominated for two DGA best directing noms for this film and "Traffic." Overkill. Nominate him for "Traffic" and take another look at Hanson's "Wonder Boys" or Kaufman's "Quills". Still, like "The Accused" and "The Verdict," two other "name" performance-driven movies, this film does its job, effectively.
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Soderbergh's Visuals in the Service of Roberts.
nycritic30 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Despite being somewhat manipulative, despite being based on true events, despite essentially being a Julia Roberts' vehicle to the extreme, Steven Sodebergh hits a home run with his David and Goliath story. ERIN BROCKOVICH tells the story of -- who else -- Erin Brockovich, a single woman who has somehow lost her way and been under hard times. Urgently needing work to pay her bills as she is close to bankrupt she hustles her way into Masry's office and gets a job as a file clerk (much to his and the entire office's resistance due to her over-the-top personality) where she uncovers some papers from Pacific Gas and Electric mixed with other real estate papers which don't add up. Taking matters to her own hands she decides to investigate further and finds that PG and E had been buying people out of their homes and paying for their medical bills because they were covering up the contamination from hexavalent chromium in the community water to which she enlists Masry to bring forth one of the biggest lawsuits in California history.

Where most legal thrillers, in order to succeed, litter their stories with a slew of shady figures and double-crosses and plot twists, ERIN BROCKOVICH succeeds in sticking (like its heroine) to its "little train that could" story from start to finish. While this curbs some of the suspense, it heightens its social aspect because we identify with the little man. We want this woman who has had a hard life to get her case across, and we also want these innocent people who are victims of the "big corporation to get their compensation. It's like a much anticipated fight between Rocky and his adversary but without the sentimentalism: it's not so much will he win, but what will he do to win. This is the kind of film in which we already know at a gut level what will happen, but what we focus on is the battle itself.

ERIN BROCKOVICH also succeeds in its performances, and with that I don't only mean Julia Roberts who with this role has found her inner actress. There is a scene in which Brockovich reveals to Donna Jensen (played by CSI's Marg Helgenberger) that PG and E have not been on her side, going so far as to pay for her medical bills to cover the fact that they have contaminated the water -- water that her kids are playing in -- her quiet horror is registered on her face. Albert Finney also brings some of his quiet to Ed Masry and in turn is able to ground her when things get rough near the end -- he and Roberts light up the screen whenever they are together without having any sexual tension, leaving it all to their acting styles. Veanne Cox is funny in a buttoned-up way as the lawyer who confronts Erin Brockovich, not knowing who she is coming up against. If anything, Aaron Eckhart is the only actor whose role seems a little like filler, or maybe the story didn't know what to do with him once he had effectively seduced Brockovich, but he has some good scenes near the beginning.

Then there is Julia Roberts in a role that should have gone to a more experienced actress -- someone like Felicity Huffmann who actually resembles the real Brockovich but was not a box-office draw. Roberts fully embodies her character and is given line after sharp line to the point that almost every scene ends with a savage quip from her mouth complete with reaction shot. There are even times when her ferocious grip on her character threatens to go into scenery-chewing. However, Soderbergh brings out a complete acting range from Roberts as Brockovich the person as opposed to cartoon, and with this, Roberts can claim this as her breakthrough role which finally separates her from her trademark persona. This was the role in which she got the Oscar for Best Actress, beating out Ellen Burstyn for REQUIEM FOR A DREAM. Stephen Soderbergh would also win, but for a different film altogether: TRAFFIC, a film which would also grant acting nominations on its own.
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Julia Roberts' best movie
maitreg19 February 2001
This movie may have changed my opinion of Julia Roberts. I have never like her acting, and the media's portrayal of her as some sort of beauty queen in the 80's (and she has never been a very attractive woman) only made it worse. But she did an excellent job in this story, seemingly portraying the real Erin Brockovich with perfection.

Great story, maybe a little hard to believe though if you didn't know it was true. But everything was very well done. All the characters were good. One bad thing is that they seem to have cut some scenes out to speed it up? Some of the scene transitions were downright bizarre and there was no logic behind. But other than that, no real complaints.

One thing I'd like to point out to people before they watch this is that Erin Brockovich is not a very likable person. She's profane, crude, obnoxious, rude, and treats everyone around her, especially those who are better educated, like garbage. She always had trouble finding and keeping a job and she always blamed it on her lack of education and experience. That wasn't it. It was her attitude.
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Great story, with great casting too. Great directing, acting, production.
nzpedals30 May 2016
It doesn't take long to realise that this is a great movie. Everything looks so real, and so it should seeing that it is a true(ish) story, but all the minor roles have great actors too. There are lots of instances where little mannerisms make it real. My guess is that Erin wrote most of the dialogue?

Besides the real Brockavich, the real Ed Masry comes on the DVD bonus, and shows how good the casting of Albert Finney, and his acting, are and how much he contributed to the successful outcome of EB's efforts. Ed is so tolerant of Erin's apparent disregard for the norms of a legal practice, it is a bit hard to accept that he is for real! But he must have been. Also on the DVD is Erin (the real one) saying how surreal is the 30-second scene where she is the waitress, and then Julia saying that it is about "inhabiting the concept, not imitating". So true, and that is what makes really great actors, ie, JR.

The story of corporate carelessness and a small-town lady who found out that the water was contaminated and decided to do something about it in spite of heavy lawyers who do whatever the client says, might give others the incentive to do their own action? 'hope so.

Although this is a huge legal battle, there is very little of that shown - good idea, courtroom stuff can be so boring and irrelevant. We do see the judge deliver a judgement on a procedural matter, that is all that matters, and the no doubt long legal arguments are ignored all together. Good.
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Holds up very well
Leofwine_draca18 September 2021
I'm a believer that even the worst and most hated actor has at least one decent performance in them. Julia Roberts is one of my least favourite stars, but I nonetheless really liked her and warmed to her in this film, prosthetic chest aside. The legal story is well told and engaging - although eclipsed by the likes of Mark Ruffalo's DARK WATERS - and it holds up very well.
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goes down easy
draftyrafters9 April 2000
Julia Roberts is like the vanilla ice cream of movies. Everyone pretty much likes her more or less, and for a dessert, she'll do in a pinch.

And I don't mean that literally.

Of course, vanilla ice cream isn't really all that memorable, and, I'll admit, there are a few memorable Roberts moments. But despite these fleeting moments (think Thelma and Louise or Steel Magnolias) there is one thing you cannot deny about Ms. Roberts: she is the same in every movie.

There are many subtle variations, I'll give her that, but when you boil it down to its essential elements, Julia's performances coast by on a few melancholy looks, a few shy smiles, and a lower lip that juts in the cutest way. If you think about the movies Julia has shined in, they are typically the films with intense plots. But when you stop to imagine her in some of her more shallow films, the parallels are impossible to ignore. Her latest film Erin Brockovitch is such a film.

Don't get me wrong. It's entertaining. But it's formulaic. A cinematic experience made with a cookie-cutter plot. The story: Julia is brash young unwed mother of three Erin Brockovitch who manages to score a job filing forms at a small-time law firm. Erin's take-no-sass attitude and foul-mouthed pluckiness soon take her far, and she ends up with a raise and a new car. This woman with no traditional schooling beyond a few years of high school manages to bring together some 600+ members of a big chemical scandal, memorize all of their families, diseases, phone numbers, and life histories, and does it in this no-nonsense, down-to-earth, sassy way.

They win the lawsuit and the big mean corporation has to pay up 300+ million dollars to the working man. Hip hip hooray!

I didn't ruin the movie for you. It's not a surprise. This movie floats on the same emotive capacities that all based-on-a-true-story enterprises bank on. Because of that, its basic story is only interesting as something off of which to bounce Erin's personality. Which is entertaining enough, although I don't know if I would call it good theatre.

With a storyline with about as much subtlety as a Three Stooges movie, Erin Brockovitch's basic accomplishments fall in the same vein as the Stooges. Just as no one ever watched Curly to see a well-constructed plot, so Erin Brockovitch's exploits become an excuse just to watch her act all tough and in-your-face with everyone.

Vanilla isn't the best flavor, that's true, but it's a fail safe. Likewise, I wouldn't recommend Erin Brockovitch to anybody with uncompromising and discriminating tastes; but anyone looking for basic, well-commercialized entertainment and prepackaged humor should come with a spoon and a bib. Erin serves it up piping hot.

And she won't take none of your lip, neither.
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Excellent Movie!
Bstevens12178713 May 2002
Julia Roberts did an excellent job of Erin Brockovich which is true story about a woman trying to make a difference in the water-pollution that takes place in a certain town. Julia Roberts attitude toward sticking up for herself was so perfect that it made the movie funny in a way. I saw this on The Starz channel and it was really good for a movie based on a true story. I have to own this on DVD. Check it out though you won't be disappointed!
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a definite winner, uplift, social conscience, and knockout acting
mikel weisser5 May 2002
Steven Soderbergh's Erin Brockovich is exactly the uplift picture you've always hoped for. strong acting, moving script, important issues, legitimate procedurals and best of all it is scrupulously faithful to its true story. Struggling outspoken single mom, Erin (the Oscar winning performance by Julie Roberts proving irrevocably that she is more than just tits and teeth), gets on with a law firm run by Ed Masry (Albert Finney in a justifiably nominated supporting role)just in time to break open the biggest direct action corporate lawsuit in american history. it is not a simple magic act either. Erin's got her character flaws (many of which are visited on supportive biker boyfriend George, played by Aaron Eckhart) and the lawsuit is immensely complicated, though Screenwriter Susannah Grant's nominated script keeps it all in focus and understandable. It's the kind of story we can all learn a lot from. Erin works her tail off, polishes her own too harsh rough edges and ultimately wins a richly deserved reward (just the film itself was so amply rewarded.)It's a story that inspires americans to believe in the system and fight against corporate injustice on their own personal level. It's the kind of thing that shows each and every person can make a big difference. everybody should be proud of soderbergh for realizing what a huge hero Erin Brockovich is and for bringing her struggles and triumphs to the screen.
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tbabe292 April 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Hallelujah for Julia Roberts. She was BORN to play this role! Erin Brockovich is one of the most entertaining movies I have seen in a long time! And I am VERY EXCITED ABOUT THAT!

The element that made Julia Roberts a star in Pretty Woman is very much what carried this movie. Julia's strengths is her ability to play street-wise, honest, and passionate characters. Erin Brockovich is all those things.

The writing is dead on, making Roberts job easier, I am sure. And Roberts delivery of the lines was flawless. SHE WAS ERIN BROCKOVICH. Not that I have ever met the woman...

Only in some places did the movie feel a little slow, I think perhaps, because of what the movie was about. Contamination cases aren't exactly the most exciting of plots, but it doesn't stay in one place too long and keeps moving.

I would pay full price to see this movie again. There is just so much funny dialogue in it.

9 out of 10 I vote.
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To sue or not to sue
helpless_dancer8 April 2002
Should the big corporations be sued for trying to cut costs and therefore provide a cheaper product make more profits if you are a cynic] for the consumer? Or produce at a higher cost and keep the consumer safe? Erin thinks she has the answer; watch and see her in action. 5 stars.
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How the common person can take on the mighty and win.
iprudd7 May 2001
After all of the hype surrounding this film I was prepared to be disappointed. I was not! This film deserved to win Roberts the Oscar, her performance was superb. She plays the seemingly white trash Erin who may not have the qualifications but does not lack the intelligence. Through a simple research job she discovers that a large corporation has been poisoning the water supply of a town. She fights their corner for them and eventually secures them a huge court settlement. It is not plain sailing for Erin as she has to overcome stereotypes and prejudice but she wins through in the end through her hard work and determination. Finney provides sterling support and his exchanges with Roberts provide some classic moments. I cannot recommend this film highly enough!
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No-frills David & Goliath story told in straightforward fashion...
moonspinner5530 November 2002
There's nothing dynamic or exciting about "Erin Brockovich" save for Julia Roberts' fiery, Oscar-winning lead performance. She plays the real-life single mother of three who gets a job in a law firm and proceeds to take on a huge corporation responsible for contaminating water in a Southern California city. The residents of that town aren't given any real shadings--we meet most of them on the fly--and Erin's co-workers and boss are a typical office bunch. Director Steven Soderbergh is offered no opportunities here to get flashy, but he does solid work up to the tag (which is silly). Roberts, on the other hand, gets to act all over the place, and it's nice to see her doing well in a role that requires more than just her movie star smile and figure. An interesting case which makes for an entertaining and emotional film. Five Oscar nominations in all, including Best Picture. *** from ****
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One of my all-time faves
kellyq1221 January 2022
I adored this movie when I first saw it - it has it all. Drama and serious stuff as well as lighter, comedic moments and romance. Julia Roberts is great in it. Sadly, this stuff still happens all over the country (the world really), but people like Erin Brockovich keep fighting the good fight. They are the real heroes.
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Sergeant_Tibbs6 September 2013
This is the type of movie that puts me off Steven Soderbergh. I started to find interest in the guy earlier this year when Side Effects surprised me but it's half-assed efforts like this that just make me feel like his hearts not in it. Which is a real travesty on my part because the guy does his cinematography and editing as well as directing. Erin Brockovich is a bland slow film. It works on a simple and boring juxtaposition of a sexy young Mom doing legal work she's not trained to do. It's satisfying as she's driven by a need for justice but it's not as interesting as it thinks it is. Roberts is okay, good for her but not awards worthy. It feels like Oscar bait really, hitting all the checklist, but in mild quantities. There's just not enough meat on this film. Soderbergh keeps giving a little and thinks its enough. Perhaps I should rewatch Traffic, I know that's a complex film.

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Erin Brockovich: When Self-Preservation Leads to Passion
joepanger4 June 2016
What happens when you mix a struggling, single mother of three, an accident, and a lawyer together? Well, you get Erin Brockovich. A film written by Susannah Grant and directed by Steven Soderbergh, this is an Oscar-winning biographical drama that is based on a portion of the life of Erin Brockovich, a woman that has dealt with unemployment, poverty, and just plain bad luck. Erin lives in Hinkley, California, a small town located between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, Nevada. That is where she and her three children live on the fringes of poverty in a small house located in a suburban neighborhood. To exacerbate an already unfortunate situation, one day, after Erin leaves an unsuccessful job interview, she gets into an accident, suffering damages to herself as well as her car. To add to her frustrations, her appointed lawyer, Ed Masry, is unsuccessful in winning her settlement case. After a heated confrontation with Mr. Masry in his office, Erin comes out of there with a job as a legal clerk for Mr. Masry. Her employment under Mr. Masry eventually leads her on a unwitting path to fight for justice against PG&E, an electric/utility giant. In the film, Brockovich is tasked by Mr. Masry to look into a case where the plaintiffs were suing PG&E for damages due to groundwater contamination caused by dumping waste-water which contaminated neighboring water supplies. As the film progresses, more and more victims of PG&E's contamination come forward and join Brockovich to fight against the giant. Although this film is a biographical drama, I would also suggest to Mr. Soderbergh that this is one of the best documentaries I've seen. You may ask: "What are you talking about? This isn't a documentary! This isn't even close to a documentary." Well, I'll have to stop you there. Although the film is captured in a dramatic way, the focus of the movie is not the drama, rather, the events. The film detailed the conditions that not only the protagonist, Brockovich was faced with, but those affected by PG&E, as well. Erin Brockovich was able to create a more powerful message that not only addressed environmental awareness but also corporate greed. One thing I liked about the film was that it wasn't littered with special effects or over-the-top dramatic music. Films that are considered documentaries nowadays are usually chalk-full of propagandic editing and loaded questions. This is especially prevalent in environmental documentaries. This type of documentary usually leads viewers to one conclusion: that corporations are bad, and the environment is dying. Overflowing with dramatic music and cut-offs, those kinds of films, to me, should be considered dramas, not Erin Brockovich. Erin Brockovich is able to make viewers aware of those issues, and more. Grant and Soderbergh immerse the viewer into the movie by giving a context for which many viewers can connect to or sympathize with: a single mom that has nothing but a few dollars, 3 mouths to feed, and a wild personality. She is split into many directions, and her personality is what gets her into as well as out of sticky situations. By introducing us to Erin, a mother, a foundation for connections are established with the viewer. They also introduce realistic conflict into the movie. In addition to her struggles for employment, Soderbergh includes a romantic relationship that the real Brockovich had with a neighbor, named George. Even after she eventually pulls her and her family out of near destitution, she is faced with the task of balancing her passion for her work with time spent with her family and George. Chasing her work would mean putting everything else on the sidelines. Spending time with family would mean that precious time would be lost in the fight against PG&E. Even as she works to repair her relationship with George and her kids, Erin has created a connection to those that were affected by the groundwater contamination. The issue then is where to focus her humanity. Should she sacrifice her family's happiness, potentially ruining her relationship with her kids for good, so that she is able to attempt to save or at least ameliorate the hundreds of lives that have been affected by PG&E? By introducing these aspects, Soderbergh gives a more realistic view of our society as humans, rather than the clips of starving African children you see in every other documentary. I think the addition of these elements keep the viewer more glued to their screens compared to typical documentaries, which try way too hard to grab your attention. Erin Brockovich, aside from the comparisons, is an excellent standalone film. Its unique story line/situation makes the film memorable. Its inclusion of the real Erin Brockovich in the beginning gives the viewer an impression of what the real deal was like, and what the dress, mannerisms, and vulgar language amalgamate into. His seemingly accurate portrayal of Brockovich greatly contributed to the film's intensity as a biography. Soderbergh's film, to me, is a 5-star (10/10) movie. It's incorporation of realness is what clinches the 5th star. Erin's situation was a very unique and rare occurrence. Her strife to survive in life led to successes and failures. Her fortunate chance to work in Ed Masry's office established a previously unknown passion about something that may have never crossed her mind: the environment. It is through random luck that history is made. History is not a set prophecy. Story lines are constantly being created, however, many go unacknowledged. Erin Brockovich created that story, and Soderbergh acknowledged it.
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Julia Roberts steals the spotlight and earns it
Screen_Blitz10 August 2016
The story of Erin Brockovich is significantly intriguing as much as it is thought-provoking, even if it doesn't make a landmark in America's history. Director Steven Soderbergh gives a lively treatment to the inspirational story with a confident direction and an intelligent screenplay, even when the film begins to feel like a two-hour episode of a television series. Soderbergh's brilliant taste of filmmaking comes to life in a 1993 story of a Californian woman taking on one of the biggest class action lawsuits to ever take place in America, and the result is a true cinematic work of art with just small pinch of shortcoming in the mix. The movie pits Julia Roberts in the role of Erin Brockovich, an unlikable and unemployed single mother of three kids who is involved in a car collision while passing through an intersection. She receives aid from lawyer Ed Masry (played by Albert Finney) to assist her in court, but her profane and disrespectful behavior result in her losing the case. Still stuck on the unemployment lines, Erin successfully convinces Masry to hire her as a file clerk at the law firm. There, she comes across a case involving contamination on the water supply of Hinkley, California done by the Pacific Gas & Electricity Company. With a growing number of Hinkley residents getting ill from the contaminated water, Erin enlists the help of the reluctant Masry to assist her in a case against the multi-billion dollar company.

This biographical drama doesn't rise into the rank of the most memorable biopics Hollywood has to offer, nor is it particularly groundbreaking at the least. But what matters most is that it's smart, it's clever, and it features Julia Roberts in a role that definitely defines her career compared to some of the romantic comedies she's endured in the past. Though the rude and surly attitude render of her character make her hard to care for at first, she eventually overcomes her cruel demeanor when she sets out to make a difference for those who are in need of help. Roberts embraces the role with sheer competency and grace (and profanity), it is significantly difficult to point out another role by her that impresses me more. Albert Finney also brings some acting gold in the mix, and his chemistry with co-star Julia Roberts comes on-screen and works quite effectively. Then there is Aaron Eckhart who has plays a motorcycle junkie who moves in next door and after his help with the children, eventually comes her boyfriend but faces a strain in their relationship when her constant work on the case dissolves her time at home. For the charismatic actor he is, he does pretty decent in his role, and does nothing to disappoint the slightest. The cast make admirable appearances on screen in this true story-based film written by Steven Soderbergh that captures true emotion without the temptation of manipulating it with overly sentimental tone, and makes an honest sense of the events that took place leading the title character into a major court case Erin had a very high chance of losing in trial. It was an important case where justice that meant not money, but the lives of the people affected by the wrongdoing of a filthy rich utility company. With people getting ill and some dying, Erin knew something had to be done.

Erin Brockovich is an endearing biographical drama that leaves a landmark on both Julia Roberts and director Steven Soderbergh's career. It is a fascinating movie with a just a few flaws that are overshadowed with greatness and therefore difficult to point out. When taking about Julia Roberts, this film is the role she is likely remembered for.
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Leaves a bad aftertaste
Big O-724 April 2000
I am a big fan of Julia Roberts. I am a big fan of Aaron Eckhart. I am a big huge fan of Albert Finney. So why only 4 stars? The story is nice = 1 star. The three leads are strong, if not great (especially Mr. Finney) >another 3 stars. So what is wrong? The film ultimately leaves a bad, bad aftertaste. Even though this is a 'true' story, the way that Erin behaves in the movie is reprehensible ... she treats all of those around her like utter crap and puts words in their mouths (notice that NO ONE in the film says that they think she is stupid, yet notice how she accuses all of them of doing just that). I mean, wouldn't it be a great world where we could all walk around and openly insult those we work for, yet demand that they pay us? And why? Because WE have three kids, couldn't keep a spouse around, and therefore we DESERVE to be able to do all this? No friggin' way. Julia, go back to NOTTING HILL.
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