The Love Letter (1999) Poster

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Let us be clear, The Love Letter is a delightful film
inkblot1112 December 2007
Helen (Kate Capshaw) owns a bookstore in the sleepy, coastal town of Loblolly by the Sea. Divorced, Helen has a young daughter who is going to camp for the summer, giving mother a bit more freedom. Working at Helen's store are the manager, Janet (Ellen DeGeneres), a man-crazy village-gossip girl who has eyes for the handsome fireman, George (Tom Selleck), and two young college students, Jennifer (Julianne Nicholson) and Johnny (Tom Everett Scott). One day, Helen stumbles across a romantic, tender love letter and she suspects that Johnny has written it for her. Throwing caution to the wind, Helen and Johnny begin a small-time "thing". But, the letter subsequently lands in others' hands, including Janet's, who thinks George has sent it to her, and Johnny's, who imagines Helen has penned it for him. And, on and on the letter goes. But, in truth, George possibly has eyes for Helen and Jennifer has fallen hard for Johnny. The town's museum curator, too, may have a secret love. Will tangled affairs like these ever straighten themselves out? This is a cute movie with a gorgeous setting and capable stars. Each of the main actors gives a pleasing performance, including the addition of Blythe Danner and Gloria Stuart to those mentioned previously. Then, too, the coastal scenery is most lovely, the costumes quite well-chosen, and the photography very nice indeed. There are a few surprises, including a subtle gay plot development, which may not please all viewers. But, for those who love romantic comedies, this one should be included on any list of good choices for the genre.
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I am surprised this many people have actually seen this film
A-Ron-211 February 2000
Aside from the fact that this movie was filmed mostly in Rockport MA, which is a beautiful town where my mother once rented a small storefront and I spent many a pleasant summer as a child, it is fun and cute little film.

I must admit that I had no desire to actually see this movie even though I have a weakspot for romantic comedies (I don't know why). The trailers I saw were not appealing, the cast did not look that interesting and I had no idea what the plot would be about. In the end I found it to be an interesting meditation on relationships and family. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and must admit that I thought that this film was one of the most overlooked gems of last year. I am disappointed that so few people seemed to have enjoyed the very "human-ness" that this movie presented the viewer with.

I have read many bad reviews of this film, and must admit a certain level of shock at the cynicism that is prevalent in them. As a grad student I consider myself to be quite cynical, but this was a beautiful little film that deserves much better than it got.
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Sincerely yours,
jotix1006 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
We avoided watching this movie when it was released commercially, even though we had read Cathleen Schine's novel in which this movie is based on. Director Peter Chan's take on the story looks good on the screen; what with the picturesque setting of Rockford, Ma., as the background and all the cute houses where the story takes place. The result is a film that is easy on the eye, but alas, like eating a Chinese dinner, it leaves us hungry for more.

Helen, the owner of a book store, finds a letter between the cushions of the couch of the shop. She reads it, and it sounds intriguing, because the writer goes to express how deeply he feels for the person the letter has been sent to. Since it has no name, Helen assumes it has been intended for her alone. She believes Johnny, the young assistant, has sent it to her. The young man, who likes the older Helen, is only too happy to tell her how he feels about her.

Basically, "The Love Letter" is a story about missed opportunities. Helen who was in love with George, the local chief firefighter, married someone else, but her marriage failed. George also is getting a divorce. George confesses he had gone away to New York when he was younger to get away from Helen and his life in town and he had also sent her a postcard from New York, which Helen had kept, but had not read the message inserted within the card. It's at this moment when Helen comes to her senses when she realizes her affair with Johnny is only a summer fling.

The film will be liked by the audience for which it was targeted. Kate Capshaw, who produced the movie, is fine as Helen. Tom Everett Scott plays Johnny. Blythe Danner, Geraldine McEwen, Julianne Nicholson, Tom Selleck, Ellen DeGeneres, and the rest of the cast do good work also.

The film has an ironic twist at the end when the real recipient of this letter is revealed.
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An appreciation of the (often funny) kinds of feelings we have for one another
David Webber30 October 1999
Wow! I'm surprised to see so many negative and lukewarm opinions on this movie, which I had never heard of (apparently it was not highly promoted by the studio) but which I luckily stumbled upon on an international flight. I so thoroughly enjoyed it that now I'm interested in more by director Peter Chan and screenwriter Maria Maggenti. I did not know there was a book, either, but I've made a note of it for future reading, too.

I admit I feel a bit defensive now, in the face of the other comments here on IMDB. So, what did I like and why did I like it? First of all, unlike some other viewers, I thought the movie WAS very funny. It takes sort of a Steve-Martinesque view of the tender absurdity of humans and their feelings about each other (OK, OK, I just saw a stage production of Picasso at the Lapin Agile, and the tone reminded me somewhat of this). Although there is physical humor, too, what I liked most were light touches, like how Ellen DeGeneres' character instantly, wordlessly went back to working for her boss (played by Kate Capshaw) as soon as she got the apology she felt she deserved -- after insisting with great finality that it was all over.

I also felt this film was a celebration of the beautiful but almost lunatic breadth and diversity of the kinds of feelings we group together under the heading of "love": everything from young (and older) wide-eyed lust, to slow steady enduring commitment. As well as friendships, coworker relationships like the one just mentioned, family bonds . . . the list goes on.

Most of all, I guess I appreciated the fond, loving tone of the movie. The artists seem really to like, and love, people. Yes, there ARE quite a few characters, and they're all different ages and different sexes, they're about different trials and tribulations, but they're all treated with light-hearted love and respect, for the sometimes silly but vulnerable beings we all are.

So, if YOU like people, I think you'd like this movie.
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sitcom confusion
SnoopyStyle1 October 2017
It's the small seaside New England town of Loblolly By The Sea. Book shop owner Helen MacFarquhar (Kate Capshaw) sends her daughter off to camp. She's been emotionally closed and her ex is stiffing her on child support. Janet Hall (Ellen DeGeneres), Johnny (Tom Everett Scott), and Jennifer (Julianne Nicholson) work at her shop. George Matthias (Tom Selleck without his mustache) is the hunky fireman. Helen finds an anonymous love letter which sets off a series of mistaken assumptions.

At best, this is a miscommunication sitcom. I'm a little confused about the confusion setup. I'm not sure why Johnny thinks that Helen wrote that letter to him. I don't understand why Janet would think the letter is for her when Helen reveals that she got the letter before her. It's not that compelling. It's not that romantic. It's not that funny. Ellen's slapstick barely cracks a smile. It's more like a jigsaw puzzle of one dimensional characters. It's interesting to see this group of actors although Selleck without his mustache is no Selleck at all. I like these actors but it's a chore to watch.
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Sweet, but not as good as the book
Tonia-210 June 1999
The Love Letter is one of my all-time favorite books, so naturally I was skeptical when I heard it was to become a movie. But, I liked it. I found myself grinning through the entire movie. I admit that it isn't a great movie but definitely a pleasant hour and a half. I thought that Capshaw and Scott were perfect as Helen and Johnny. Just as I pictured them. And the town and scenery were just right as well. I recommend this film, but don't expect too much, just enjoy it.
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garylpassavant31 July 2019
Not quite sure how I got through the entire movie... pretty lame story line. I liked the actors, but it wasn't really worth my time.
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low-key romantic comedy (heavy on the romance, not the comedy)
DocHobbs27 May 1999
"The Love Letter" is a somewhat pleasant, very very low-key romantic comedy in which the use of just the right few words in a mysterious love letter unlocks the secret passions and longings of a sleepy sea-side town's inhabitants.

It's not for all audiences. "The Love Letter", I feel, benefits from it's simple and quiet tone. Never intentionally wacky and phony like most romantic comedies it's quaint, picturesque, and comfy. However, for these exact same reasons, many viewers will be bored and disinterested.

The cast is nice. It's great to see Tom Selleck again, and is such an underplayed role. And it's hard to believe this is the same Kate Capshaw we met 15 years ago in "Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom". She's quite naturally good here; improving in every role I've seen her in since grating on Indy's nerves. And is it possible Capshaw is just getting lovelier and lovelier with age ? ( What is it about that Spielberg!?)

It doesn't amount to much; but after another noisy summer movie season I'll probably look back with brief fondness for this light-as-a-feather romance.
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SPOILER: Beyond Unbelievable
wildchipmunk30 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, Blythe Danner doesn't look anywhere NEAR old enough to play Capshaw's daughter (and in fact she isn't -- only ten years apart).

I understand this is supposed to be one of those magical, Moonstruck type supernatural romances but this is beyond the pale. Very, very weak in terms of acting, script and direction.

The only one who really shines here is Ellen DeGeneres, who makes this film watchable -- if not really believable herself as she's cast as a bit of a heterosexual sex hound. But endearing nonetheless. Actually, DeGeneres and the skin shots of the young guy Capshaw dallies with together make this watchable. But no one can really tell if Capshaw is really in love with the young guy or not; neither the script nor her acting pull it together for us and we're left to wonder how she really feels.
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A good film that's nearly great
hjaggs28 May 2008
Although it's definitely an enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours and it's always worth a watch, this film never quite meets the targets that it should for two reasons. Firstly, after the first forty-five minutes or so it focuses heavily on Helen and Johnny, who are far less interesting characters than most of the others - Janet, Jennifer, George and Miss Scattergoods are all much more enticing. Although at first this works, since in life we don't always know everything about everyone else, and because the point is being made that perhaps Helen is slightly self-involved, it quickly wears thin and we want to see more of the other characters.

Secondly, the film seems to lose its way in terms of plot in the second half. The letter itself holds far less significance than it does in the first half and, again, although this works well in some ways, it seems odd to leave so much of the potential displayed in the first half behind.

Overall, this film is sweet and good-natured, with some genuinely hilarious moments - for example, Janet explaining condiments to an avid audience. The lazy but quietly desperate atmosphere that Helen feels is heavy and the sense of living in a small seaside town is accurately portrayed, but the film isn't quite as intelligent as it's trying to be. It just misses being both a light romantic comedy and being a clever portrait of life. However, it's still good and if you get the chance, it's definitely worth seeing.
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Could have been much better
melissa.ricks28 June 2001
Nice cast, lovely setting, nice story, but poor writing. Most disappointing is that the heart of the movie, The Letter, is not that compelling. I would also have appreciated a bit more character development particularly Ellen DeGeneres' and Tom Everett Scott's. And why was Kate Capshaw's character so repressed? Did Tom Selleck ever love the wife who bore his children? A promising story that left me feeling flat. It seems like this story has been told better before....
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This film refreshes and enlivens
nathomsen23 October 2006
This film shows up on the premium cable channels quite often and, I find that I keep watching it over and over again. The performances are wonderful, and the material has so much happening that there is always something new to take away from the film.

Maybe I am too often distracted when watching films at home, you know the drill, the dogs bark, the phone rings, the popcorn finishes during the credits. But this film is about people and what motivates us, what enlivens us, what causes rifts between us, and what inspires us.

For me, it is films like The Love Letter that keep me taking a chance on new films. Frankly, I am surprised that the film is not better known. I would love to see Blythe Danner and Geraldine McEwan in many more roles. They are a delight to watch. Kate Capshaw is wonderful and I had no previous idea that she would be. Ellen DeGeneres plays a role that is much more complex than simply being the comic relief.

This film provides interesting visuals as a proper background to the characters and their interactions. I find it refreshing every time I take the time to watch it.
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A really cute chick flick
patsworth8 August 2003
This is definitely a girl movie. My husband found it utterly boring, but I think this is a really sweet movie. It's amazing to think that just a note can bring so many people together. This is a great get-away for anyone who loves a cute, funny romance!
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Minus One For Dreamworks
jhclues17 September 2000
Warning: Spoilers
**Possible Spoilers** From Dreamworks and director Peter Chan, `The Love Letter' is a romantic comedy that takes place in a picturesque, New England coastal village where single mom Helen (Kate Capshaw) owns a quaint, little bookstore. One day at work, Helen happens across an anonymous letter (the `love letter' of the title) that has somehow become lodged beneath the cushions of a reading couch. Upon reading the amorous prose therein, she believes it has been written to her, purposely placed in the couch for her to find, and, for reasons of her own, thinks she knows the identity of her secret admirer. Inadvertently, however, Helen leaves the letter out where her employee, Janet (Ellen DeGeneres) finds it, believes it to be for her, and, of course, thinks she knows who wrote it. Circumstances then bring it into the possession of a young man named Johnny (Tom Everett Scott), who thinks Helen has written the letter to him. And before it all gets sorted out, you can only imagine the hilarious situations into which all of those involved have been cast; and I do mean imagine, because the way this movie plays out, the audience gets little more from it than what it brings along itself. There are two specific areas in which this romantic comedy fails miserably: It simply isn't very romantic, and it's not funny; and that is a potent combination that causes this film to misfire practically from the opening credits. Once the setting and main character (Helen) have been established, it basically goes nowhere for the next ninety minutes or so. By the time you finally find out who actually wrote the letter, and to whom, you could care less. Rounding out the cast is Tom Selleck, Blythe Danner, Julianne Nicholson, Gloria Stuart and Geraldine McEwan. It's a shame to see such talent wasted on such claptrap as this, and looking bad in the balance. Kate Capshaw, who usually brightens up the screen just by showing up, looks tired here, while Selleck appears to have just come in off a three day bender that's lasted a week. Ellen DeGeneres actually comes away looking the best of the bunch. It is said that the journey is often a more heady experience than the destination. In the case of `The Love Letter,' however, it would have been best for all concerned if everybody had just stayed home in the first place. I rate this one 1/10.
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A Web Of Missed Opportunities And Mixed Feelings...Because Of A Letter
Chrysanthepop29 January 2009
'The Love Letter' is quite a gentle breezy sort of romantic comedy- drama. It's about opportunities that are missed because people aren't more forward about their feelings. The humour isn't wacky like in most American films. Assuming the director's seat, Chan does quite a good job of portraying the small dockside town and introducing its quirky characters. The story interestingly intertwines the lives of the characters through a love letter. The dialogues are pleasant and the acting is quite good. Kate Capshaw does a good job of carrying the film and maintains a good chemistry with her co-stars. Tom Everett Scott fits the part.It was odd to see Danner play Capshaw's mother because the age difference did not seem believable enough. Tom Selleck was alright. Ellen Degeneres and Geraldine McEwan are scene stealers. In addition, I was amazed by the whimsical soundtrack that flows beautifully with the film, pumping some energy into it and would work well as a standalone score. IU felt the film would have benefited more had their been more comedic situations. At times it gets too serious and that needed to be toned down a little. I liked how it ended without showing the two lovers kissing (as has been evident in x number of rom-coms) but instead suggesting a promising future for them together. 'The Love Letter' was a pleasant watch, a kind of slice of life film.
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Blandly pleasant
moonspinner5529 August 2004
Divorced single mom in picturesque seaside town finds an anonymous love letter and allows it to spur into action her dormant love life. Pet project for actress/co-producer Kate Capshaw, who gives a warm, nicely-modulated lead performance, yet this story is so slim and the direction and editing so erratic that a faint dissatisfaction creeps in. Initially, Capshaw's Helen envisions several of her friends reading the love letter to her (an interesting visual joke) but the first person they do this ploy with is Ellen DeGeneres, who doesn't play a lesbian but who comes off as one because of this gimmick. Different ideas are flayed about in the hopes that one would stick, and the continuity is extremely choppy. Supporting cast (including Tom Selleck and Tom Everett Scott, who mostly acts with his shirt off) is very good, but they can't save the final act, which is disappointing. Low-keyed, in a quirky, pleasant way, but it is blandly good-natured, nothing more. **1/2 from ****
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sweet little nonsense film!
isnogud-der-grosswesir29 January 2001
This film ain't half bad. It may be a little long at times, but carried along by beautiful scenery, an IMMENSELY beautiful love letter and great actors, you forget time and enjoy. The grand prize, however, goes to Blythe Danner and Geraldine McEwan as..........well that would be telling, but they are just GREAT!
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Save your money
glorejd18 July 1999
This is supposed to be a romantic comedy. There is no comedy and what little romance there is has to struggle mightily to escape the horrible script. It is impossible to work up any interest in the characters, and what interest there could be in the plot theme -- who sent the letter to whom -- gets replaced very early in the movie by thoughts of "How much longer is this turkey going to last? Are we half way done yet?" The scenery was nice, though. Maybe recut it without all those people and reissue it as a 15-minute travel promo for New England.
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A middle of the road middle-aged romantic comedy.
=G=12 June 2001
"The Love Letter" tells of a middle-aged book worm (Capshaw) who discovers a draft of a love letter bearing the simple salutation "Dearest" and assumes she's the intended recipient. The letter, left lying about, is rediscovered by others who make a similar assumption allowing the infectious prose to spawn romance among the populace of a quaint little New England seaside community. Sledged by about half the critics, "TLL's" somewhat sappy and contrived screenplay is offset by its quirkiness and middle-agedness. A so-so production, "TLL" will likely resonate most with middle-aged females and more mature audiences.
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Was it supposed to be saying anything?
lee_eisenberg13 February 2006
"The Love Letter" is one of those movies that could have been really clever, but they wasted it. Focusing on a letter wreaking havoc in a small town, the movie has an all-star cast with nothing to do. Tom Selleck and Alice Drummond had so recently co-starred in the super-hilarious "In & Out" (also about an upset in a small town), in which they were both great, but here they look as though they're getting drug all over the place. I can't tell what the people behind the camera are trying to do here (if anything), but they sure didn't accomplish anything. How tragic, that a potential laugh riot got so sorrowfully wasted.
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7 on a scale of 10
len-2128 January 2001
Pleasant movie. That's about all. There certainly wasn't much to get overly excited about, but at the same time, there wasn't all that much to be critical of.

Probably the single best thing was that it was a romantic comedy - my favorite genre. Because of that I give it a 7, but I see the imdb average is 5.4. I suppose if I wasn't biased to the genre, I probably would have given it a lower score too.

I also like Kate Capshaw. I thought she was good, but then I always like her. That was the best specific part of the movie.

On the negative side, Ellen D couldn't be in a movie without gay women, but, ironically, she isn't one of them! It was two relatively old women. Excuse me.

I'm back. Had to go to the bathroom for a minute.

The biggest negative of the movie is that we are forced to "assume" that the two key couples (men and women) end up together at some point in the future. The thing that makes a romantic comedy a great genre is the fact (simple as it may be) that boy meets girl, falls in love, lives happily ever after. And, although they may, we can't be sure.

I liked the concept of the love letter - misunderstood by all parties to be FOR different people and FROM different people. However, I wasn't all that thrilled with where it originated and how it was ultimately dealt with.

So, all in all, I'm sure this would not have exceeded a 6 at best if I just didn't like Kate Capshaw - and if I wasn't relatively fond of Tom Selleck - and if it wasn't a romantic comedy. If you don't LOVE the genre, you won't LIKE the movie.
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Not good!!
spablauw8125 July 2007
I must be honest, I like romantic comedies, but this was not what I had hoped for. I thought Ellen Degeneres was having the biggest part, which should have been, because I didn't like the two struggling bed partners. It was awful. Poor Tom Selleck!! He had to act with someone who was that much in the picture while it should have been him and Ellen to be in most of the film. They were the only believable ones. And the only really funny parts starred them, not Kate Capshaw and that Everett guy.. Cool that mummy is coming out of the closet, I thought that was a nice surprise.

I'm just glad I saw it on the cable and I didn't pay any money renting it..
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Dammit, I enjoy this picture
Marrenp30 November 2006
I'm a large scarred heterosexual male ex-bouncer, ex-rugby player, and ex-boxer, and I love this movie.

It's no "Mystic River." It's a piece of fluff. But there is room in life for fluff, and when that fluff is engagingly shot, well-acted by attractive, likable people, cleverly plotted and full of good dialogue, there's even more room for it.

I'm not the biggest Tom Selleck fan. But he's good in this. So are Julianne Nicholson (love her bald head and freckles), Ellen Degeneres, Kate Capshaw and even Tom Everett Scott (That Thing You Do!).

The scenery is nice, the mood is upbeat, there's heartache and wistfulness and farce and even a little redemption.

Any (male) reviewer who disses this movie is, shall we say, not perfectly confident in his masculinity. In the meantime I'll continue to catch bits and pieces of it without apology whenever it shows up on cable.
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love is a many splendid letter.
Gonzo-223 May 1999
The sound track of this movie, nearly all modern popular music, sweeps a book store, where we attend an eighteenth century comedy of manners. It has everything: the sad and abandoned princess, the contesa, the elder contesa, the young prince, plus two or three prospective partners, scattered about as needed, and of course, the always misplaced mystery love note. And the ending, Oh so Voltairean! Oh So Mozartean.

This movie is slow, boring and unoriginal. Given a 6 only when graded by using a curved score.
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great taffy
Ecutler12 April 1999
The person making taffy in this movie was so realistic. That person must have been trained so well! If I were buying taffy from the store featured in this fine romantic comedy, I would demand to be served by the guy who trained the person who played the guy selling taffy.
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