B*A*P*S (1997) Poster


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Very cute - not bad for a rental.
gnxfan26 December 2001
Just watched this on USA. Not bad. It was very lighthearted, and to see Halle with a gold tooth was a trip.

Not pretentious at all - accomplished what they wanted to - Makes you smile.
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It was watchable for what it was...
paul_haakonsen8 May 2023
Oddly enough, then I had actually never heard about this 1997 comedy titled "B*A*P*S" form writer Troy Byer and director Robert Townsend. I happened to stumble upon it by random chance here in 2023, and with it being a movie that I never seen, much less heard about, of course I opted to check it out.

I was rather surprised with the cast ensemble in the movie, with the likes of Halle Berry and Martin Landau on the cast list, alongside with an abundance of celebrities portraying themselves in the movie as well.

The storyline in "B*A*P*S", as written by Troy Byer, was pretty straight forward. It was actually entertaining enough for what it turned out to be and there were some funny and nice moments throughout the course of the 91 minutes that the movie ran for. It isn't, however, a movie that warrants more than a single viewing for me, as the storyline just didn't have all that much to offer.

It was nice to see Halle Berry on the screen, though I would never have imagined her playing something like the Nisi character in the movie. Martin Landau gave his usual charm to the screen and he was nicely casted for the movie. I wasn't familiar with actress Natalie Desselle Reid, but she was also quite good on the screen.

Watchable for what it was, "B*A*P*S" is a fair enough comedy good enough for a single viewing.

My rating of "B*A*P*S" lands on a five out of ten stars.
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B*A*P*S (Black American Princesses)
tbills231 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I love a nice, goodhearted movie. I do love Halle Berry. I positively love Halle Berry in any manner appearing in a nice, goodhearted movie. I especially love one where Halle Berry is the very main star. No surprise, I absolutely love B*A*P*S, not just for Halle Berry, but also for its goodhearted nature.

B*A*P*S is one of the best dedications to fans of Halle, and this feature is all hers; Berry is so dreamy, and B*A*P*S itself is very dreamlike. Halle gives a vivacious star performance in this gracious tale of rising from rags to riches. In her portrayal of Nisi, Berry preciously provides us the purest glimpse into the real Halle, more true than any other of her numerous roles. Good graces, Halle, you are so sweet, and so strong, and so timeless, so gorgeous, and so funny.

B*A*P*S intends to be funny, and it is, but more importantly it strives to be decent. It succeeds. There are not too many complaints here. Thanks Troy Byer, you, as well as Natalie Desselle, Ian Richardson, and Martin Landau supply generous support. Robert Townsend, a job well done. What a low rating, 3. I feel endlessly inclined to give B*A*P*S a 10, but I'll decidedly decline and give it a true rating of a 6, all to the lovely Halle Berry.

B*A*P*S 2, maybe, just maybe?
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A delightful Cinderella story!
flyinghi3 December 2001
I enjoyed this story about 2 girls with not a lot of class. I'm a woman of color and could appreciate where the ladies were coming from. The characterizations represented the tackier side but I still enjoyed the performances and outcome. What the characters lacked in worldly knowledge, they demonstrated with their heart and compassion for the man portrayed by Martin Landau. I took it as a modern day rags-to-riches story and I'm glad Robert Townsend gave us B.A.P.S. Some may have been insulted but I viewed the story without shame or indignation. Life shouldn't be taken so seriously that you can't find the humorous side of your own people.
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Awful, awful, awful!
Miss_MiChiMi12 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie sucked! The plot is ridiculous, Natalie Desselle is a loudmouth whose talents become nil when she isn't yelling or doing overly exaggerated gestures. Everyone has that one mistake in her professional life that she would love to forget about and this is Halle's.

Halle plays a good toothed gold digger with dollar signs in her eyes and the voice of her equally greedy cohort in her ear. They come into contact with a rich white man and put into a scam to get his greenbacks. They move in with this man and pretend to be related to him when he is found to be terminally ill.
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What was Robert Townsend thinking?
Ysman16 February 1999
A terribly unfunny insulting film that embarrasses Landau and Berry, who have both been better. I hope their salaries for this film were astronomical because no self-respecting actor in their right mind would sign on for this film. There are poor and hungry people on our streets, yet somehow a movie like BAPS gets made with a budget of probably several million dollars. Something is wrong with this picture.
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B.lech A.argh P.uhleeze S.top!
JZvezda16 February 2003
There are no words... If this forum supported HTML I'd upload an image of a pool of vomit. And let that be the review.

And I luvz me a good, dumb-ass, mindless comedy ala "Scary Movie" or "Romy & Michele"...but this... it's just plain not funny. At all. Not once. Not even one good chuckle.

But I brought this torture upon myself because I knew Robert Townsend was the director *before* I shelled out my $9 to see it (I enter a plea of temporary insanity). And Mr. Townsend's movies have been as consistently amusing as an acute case of recurring anal-warts. I'm not at all sure how his career made it past the ultimately un-interesting rice-cake called "Hollywood Shuffle", and led to the opportunity for him to inflict "B.A.P.S." upon us... but *someone* in Hollywood thinks this man is funny. Probably the same guy who keeps giving Byron Allen & Alfonso Ribiero new projects to be sucky on.

This dreck is not "so dumb it's funny", it's just dumb-da-dumb-dum-dum. There's potential aplenty but every last intended joke falls a city block short of the target, and "B.A.P.S." owns the distinction of being one of only 3 movies I actually walked, no, make that RAN out of... "Grease 2" & "Johnny Mnemonic" being the others.

So there you go...
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Bad Movie!
cassie179 June 2000
I can't believe Halley Berry actually agreed to act in this movie. I wouldn't even recommend anyone to watch it on cable on a boring night. The acting was poor, the plot was non-existent, and the ending was all too predictable. Not one scene in this movie I enjoyed, overall a 2/10.
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You know the scriptwriters are desperate when they have to resort to bidet jokes
JamesHitchcock7 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A "bap" is, in British usage at least, a type of bread roll; in slang it can also be used to mean "breast". This film is not, however, either soft-core porn or set in the baking industry. Here the word is an acronym for "Black American Princess". The "B*A*P*S" of the title are Nisi (it's short for Denise)and her best friend Mickey, two black girls from Georgia who fly to Los Angeles to take part in a dancing contest. They don't win, but while they are in the city they are approached by a stranger who makes them a curious proposition. He tells them that he represents an elderly, dying, millionaire, Donald Blakemore, who many years ago was in love with Lily, his family's black maid. The deal is that Nisi will pose as Lily's granddaughter, in return for which she and Mickey will receive $10,000 and free board at the old man's mansion. The girls are so terminally naive they don't realise that this is all a scam and that they are being used as pawns in a scheme by Blakemore's nephew Isaac to defraud his uncle of his wealth.

The term "Black American Princess", coined on the analogy of "Jewish American Princess", is sometimes used to describe young African-American women from wealthy, cultured backgrounds. Its use in this film, however, is deliberately ironic. Both Nisi and Mickey are from working-class backgrounds (Nisi is a waitress, Mickey a hairdresser) and neither can be described as cultured. Indeed, the film has been criticised by some African-Americans for perpetuating the stereotype of working-class black girls as loud, vulgar and tasteless. The film should have received special Razzie nominations for "worst costume design" and, even more "worst hairstyles". Halle Berry, who stars as Nisi, is one of the world's most beautiful women, but even she finds it difficult to look attractive wearing a fluorescent orange trouser suit and with bleached blonde hair piled high on her head. The twist is that at the end of the film the girls become real "princesses" when Blakemore leaves them a legacy to reward them for the happiness they have brought into his life. With the benefits of their new-found wealth they abandon their gold teeth and false nails and dress more stylishly.

The film has been described as a rags-to-riches fairytale along the lines of "Cinderella", although I preferred one reviewer's comparison with "Pygmalion"; Cinderella achieved her good fortune by marrying a prince, whereas at the end of this film Nisi and Mickey return to their original boyfriends in Georgia. For all their vulgarity and lack of class, the girls are depicted as decent and kind-hearted, and therefore deserving of their unexpected good fortune. This characterisation, however, was never really convincing. Any woman who is offered a large sum of money to adopt a false identity really ought to realise that she is being used as part of some dishonest scheme; that Nisi fails to do so suggests she must be either terminally naive or terminally stupid.

A number of good films have been made on the "Cinderella" or "Pygmalion" themes, such as "My Fair Lady" or "Pretty Woman", but unfortunately "B*A*P*s" is not one of them. "Catwoman" (for which she won a "Worst Actress" Razzie to go with her "Best Actress" Oscar for "Monster's Ball") is normally cited as Halle Berry's worst movie, but I found "B*A*P"s" far worse. "Catwoman" may be nonsense, but at least it is enjoyable nonsense, whereas "B*A*P*s" is a vulgar, tacky and witless comedy. There is very little humour in the script; you know that the scriptwriters are desperate when they have to resort to that old chestnut about the girl who is so unsophisticated she doesn't even realise what a bidet is for. The film was simply a waste of the talents of all those involved. Natalie Desselle, who plays Mickey, would not, on the evidence of this film, seem to have much talent to waste, but several of the others- not only Berry, but also Martin Landau as Blakemore and the late Ian Richardson as his stuffy butler Manley- deserved better than this. 3/10
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This is an average to slightly above average addition to the comedic genre that is worth a viewing
kevin_robbins12 May 2022
B*A*P*S (1997) is a movie that I recently watched for the first time in a long time on Tubi. The storyline follows two over the top females who head to LA for their big break. Instead of landing their big break they are observed by a man who believes he can use them to scam an old man out of his money. Instead, their personas might be just what the old man needs to get his swing back...

This movie is directed by Robert Townsend (Hollywood Shuffle) and stars Halle Berry (Swordfish), Natalie Desselle Reid (How to be a Player), Martin Landau (North by Northwest), Bernie Mac (Guess Who), Anthony Johnson (Friday) and Darrel Heath (Woo).

The storyline for this picture is actually more creative than you may expect. Halle Berry delivers an underrated performance and her dance moves in this are legendary. I will also never be able to stop laughing at their teeth, hairstyles and attire in this. Bernie Mac was a tremendous add to this film and hilarious, but the dance auditions will always be the highlight.

Overall this is an average to slightly above average addition to the comedic genre that is worth a viewing. I would score this a 6/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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I Second on the Awful!
captainlou31 January 2001
I'm sorry, I have passed by this film for over 4 years now, and now I understand why. It was recently on TV and I was obviously bored and had nothing to do and somehow managed to sit through it. It actually was painful to watch. It has no redeeming value and was not funny in the least. About the only semi-funny scene was in the bathroom. As far as a deeper meaning, please, this film was horrid. If I had let another 4 years go by, my life would probably be better off. What a waste of a beauty in Halle, and the talent of Martin.
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It's not so bad...
dgordon-114 May 2002
I remember this movie was in limited release when it came out in 1997. I was able to catch it when it appeared on TMN, our movie channel up here in Canada. Being a fan of Robert Townsend, I really liked his past work like "Hollywood Shuffle" and his TV show "The Parenthood", so I knew I was going to like this flick. Though the beginning of the movie is a little on the weak side, it starts picking up to a nice pace and is entertaining.

Some reviewers were offended by the way African-Americans are portrayed in this movie, as ghetto talking and jiving boneheads. For me, I don't see it that way, I just see it as a comedy-straight up. I can see how people would be offended though, because most of the movies that came out before movies like "Waiting to Exhale" & "The Brothers" came out either portrayed the African-Americans as uneducated ghetto talking airheads, or gangsters, pimps, & drug dealers. Another thing I noticed from some of the reviews both on IMDB & other sources, is that the writers think that it has set back the clock for black actors etc. It was directed by an African-American, which I may add, never received his just props in Hollywood. In conclusion, if it makes you laugh, which the fine actors in this movie achieve whole heartedly, it's all good.
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WHAT were they smoking?!
mimiybyazphil4 July 2023
This movie embarrassed my mother!! (She died 30 years ago!) I guess Halle was in need of rent money,as were MOST of the actors in this train wreck of a movie! It can actually serve as a memorial to to the late Heavy D as well as Natalie Desalle-Reid. He ,as well as Leon ; Howard Hewlett ,of Shalimar, and LL Cool J made quick cameos in this. I guess they were just being nice. The plot was silly, and UNREAL, I live in Atlanta, and Decatur is NOT the hot ghetto mess they show in this circus! Halle went on to win an Oscar, later on, Natalie went on to her reward, sadly she NEVER got to play an intelligent role before she passed away. She will always be remembered as THE "around the way girl"
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Don't bash it, re-view it!!! Open your eyes AND your minds!
LeathermanCraig7 July 2000
This movie, while not being a piece of cinematic masterpiece, is not nearly as bad as the rating suggests.... True, most of the characters in the film are completely predictable, but you need to look beyond the "tacky" veneer to see the true person inside. The same could be said for the movie, itself. Sure, on the surface, Nisi & Mickey are scammers from the git go, but, they've got lots of heart & soul.... And, Mr. Blakemore is not as naive or lost as you may think. He sees the beauty beneath the beauties in this film..... It's a growth experience for all involved... Learning to open up and accept people for who they are, not what they seem... Just like this movie! Shame on all of you for beating up on Townsend, Barry, Landau and the rest! Shame!!!! Give it a try.... What's the most it can cost? A few bucks?
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The Vidiot Reviews...
capone66625 August 2014

The reason there are no black monarchs in America is colonists hated British rule as much as black emancipation.

However, the Black American Princesses in this comedy come close.

Nisi (Halle Berry) and Mickey (Natalie Desselle-Reid) head to LA to raise capital for a soul-food hair salon in Atlanta.

While unsuccessful at sudden stardom, Nisi lands a gig as the lost love of an ailing millionaire (Martin Landau).

Eventually the ostentation twosome rub elbows with the elite and introduce them to their brash urban branding.

All the while becoming the unknowing accomplishes to a plan to extort their sugar-granddaddy of his millions.

A cultural misstep, this lowbrow lampoon of black/white relations may feature some first-rate funnymen (Bernie Mac, Rudy Ray Moore, Faizon Love) but its depiction of both races is offensively unfunny.

Besides, neighbours would be calling the cops every time they saw B*A*P*s entering the old man's mansion.

Red Light

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merazgm24 June 2002
There is only one word to describe this horrible film. G-H-E-T-T-O! It was pretty bad, but a funny feel better about yourself bad. haha After a really bad date, I tuned into B.A.P.S. On cable. It made me laugh so hard. I'm a lover of really bad movies, this is a good one to make you feel better. Again this movie is a dumb funny comedy.
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-2, Incorrect use of an acronym
kirby-styles4 August 2011
What does the 'S' stand for in B*A*P*S? That's what I thought. Maybe I'll take a stab at it: Black American Princess Ss, Black American Princesses S, Black American Princesses Scesses, Black American Prin Sesses, Black American Princesses SomeOtherWord, Black American Princesses SmorePrincesses, Black American Princesses SouthWestAirlines, Black American Princesses Skype, Black American Princesses ShawshankRedemption, Black American Princesses Shakaka, Black American Princesses SHI-CA-GO! You're outta here! And since I need 10 lines to make this review ready for submission, here we go again: What does the 'S' stand for in B*A*P*S? That's what I thought. Maybe I'll take a stab at it: Black American Princess Ss, Black American Princesses S, Black American Princesses Scesses, Black American Prin Sesses, Black American Princesses SomeOtherWord, Black American Princesses SmorePrincesses, Black American Princesses SouthWestAirlines, Black American Princesses Skype, Black American Princesses ShawshankRedemption, Black American Princesses Shakaka, Black American Princesses SHI-CA-GO! You're outta here!
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Limited by a Disappointing Ending
Uriah4323 January 2023
This film begins with two black women named "Nisi" (Halle Berry) and "Mickey" (Natalie Desselle Reid) deciding that they are tired of their low-income lifestyle in Georgia and decide to invest all of their money on a trip to Los Angeles to compete in a dance contest worth $10,000. To that effect, although Nisi doesn't win the contest, the two of them are noticed by a talent agent named "Antonio" (Luigi Amodeo) who offers them the same amount of money to star in a music video at a nearby Beverly Hills mansion. Needless to say, both of the young ladies jump at the opportunity and quickly accept a ride in the limousine provided for them. When they get there, however, they are met by another man named "Isaac" (Jonathan Fried) who informs them that, instead of a music video, he needs Nisi to masquerade as the granddaughter of a woman the dying owner of the mansion named "Mr. Blakemore" (Martin Landau) once loved. Figuring that it wouldn't hurt to grant a dying man some measure of happiness--and the chance to make $10,000 in the process--both Nisi and Mickey agree to take part in the charade. What they don't realize, however, is that neither Isaac nor Antonio have been honest with them and that both of them are being used in an effort to steal Mr. Blakemore's money. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film started off really well. Unfortunately, for some odd reason, the director (Robert Townsend) chose to jettison the humor about 20 minutes before the end which almost ruined the entire film. Be that as it may, despite the disappointing ending, I suppose the movie was still good enough for the time spent and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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Cringe acting, quirky concept
Calicodreamin29 September 2021
The acting is pretty bad, stiff dialogue and no chemistry. The concept is quirky, sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way. You're never sure what's going come next, that's for sure. Though I will say the climactic scene was surprisingly heartfelt. Good enough for at least one watch.
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Delightful fun
Dragoneyed36312 February 2008
B. A. P.s, stylized as B*A*P*S, is an all around excellent movie. The actors and actresses made this a surefire hit for anyone who watches it, or at least in my opinion they did, obviously not a handful of other IMDbers, for Halle Berry and Natalie Desselie are remarkable and capture their characters wonderfully giving them so much lovableness that I couldn't help but care for their charades and experiences.

It is so humorous and has great deliverance of the dialog, even if it's not the best dialog, beautiful scenario, the lighting at least in some scenes was gorgeous, and so many wonderful and unforgettable parts such as the bathroom scene, which I thought was the funniest scene in the movie, and when they're all out dancing around the end, which just makes me all warm inside because they're having such a good time without a care in the world, and that's what this movie was trying to show.

I don't believe there was really anything particularly wrong with this movie at all except that of course it is very mediocre at times. I'm tired of everyone calling it absolutely terrible, because I have come to understand that most every "black comedy" on this website is unfairly maligned. It wasn't boring and it certainly was not overrated, and this movie is an awesome and compelling film that is so wonderfully put together and has so many scenes that just make you want to smile through the whole rest of the movie, which I did, even if I was crying, and to this day, I have loved it ever since my first viewing. If you're not racist/sexist like a lot of IMDb, you can enjoy this movie, otherwise, just back off.

EDIT: R. I. P. Natalie Desselie; you really were HILARIOUS in this introducing(?!?!) role. Thank you for the laughs and memories.
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Come On. Lighten Up! It's Just FUNNY
rick787-217 December 2001
Sure it's not "deep" but it is full of sight gags and it's hilarious. The scene at "The Gold Tooth" nightclub, the over-the-top hairdos, and the scene in the line for tryouts in the music video is nothing short of a gut-buster are only a smattering of the laughs you'll have. It is a heart-warming movie that you can watch over and over. PLUS, Halle Berry is such a BABE! So, lighten up and watch it... it beats the copycat 'Booty Call'.
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Classic Black Cinema
BlackCinemaNow10 January 2019
B.A.PS. is definitely one of those quotable movies you can just hang with friends and everyone is laughing like it's the first time. For those who haven't seen the iconic classic, the movie is about two women who dream of a better life so they take a chance and audition for a Heavy D(RIP) music video. After a failed attempt, they're approached by a man who gives them a golden opportunity they couldn't pass. Every Halloween with people 20 years later dressing up in their infamous audition outfits is a reminder that the film is still relatable and relevant today.
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I thought it was a great movie; It shows how Halle can not only be a serious actress but a funny one.
bigchief041822 July 2004
I loved B.A.P.S it was an awesome movie with a meaning. I thought of it as a Romantic Comedy. Halle Berry is one of my favorite actresses and I adore Natalie Desselle. All the other movies Halle played in they were more serious and less funny and B.A.P.S just showed one of her many talents as an actress. When I saw B.A.P.S it was the first time I had ever heard or saw Natalie Desselle and she was wonderful in this movie. This movie proved that they were really Black American Princesses. And besides I love most of Robert Townsend's movies and this was just one of them. Halle and Natalie acted those parts out like they were actually living Nisi and Nikki's lives and I thought that was just outstanding. It may not have been a big hit, but it was to me.
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Fun, Stress Relief Movie - Not Bad At All
GodIsReal13 May 2019
The movie has a clear plot, and Halle Berry and her co-star are hilarious. The movie is great fun and has redemptive qualities.

It's a comedy and should be viewed as such. The negative reviewers are much too serious. Enjoy the movie.
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I LOVE this movie
sches2615 April 2013
I don't care what anyone says...this was a good movie. You had to see it in it's time back in the '90's when it first came out to really appreciate it. I think it allowed us to see Halle Berry in another role...no one wants to see a great actress playing the same type of roles in every movie.

It was funny and it was clean humor. The movie also had underlying themes about character, ambition, and trust. If you think this movie is horrible then you really have no life and you need to loosen up and laugh more....laughter is good for the soul.

I'm an African American woman and I was not offended by the characters or the plot. I don't think Robert Townsend received enough praise for going against mainstream black movies back then and creating something clean and entertaining.
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