Sorority House Massacre II (1990) Poster

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Sexy entertainment. Horror + women in lingerie.
insomniac_rod22 December 2006
I liked and enjoyed "Sorority House Massacre II" because it goes directly to the point since minute 0 of running time.

The movie's opening credits are cool enough. The music in the style of "Phantom Of The Opera" and the orange bright letters are indication of something. The movie follows the bright tone of the opening credits until the end.

For about 90 minutes we have hot, and I mean HOT women in skimpy lingerie running around the house and some bar while escaping from a possessed butcher. That's all you have to know.

"Sorority House Massacre" is an entertaining 80's flick but it isn't for everyone who is into the Slasher genre. There is minimal gore, violence, or even suspense. True, the House is creepy enough but mainly because of the decent cinematography and correct use of lightning and thunders. It's also true that this movie fits better in the cheesy category because there isn't room for logic or common sense.

So I would only recommend this movie for a teenager male audience who will be cheering our hot heroines anytime they run or scream.

This is sexy material in the Slasher genre. Nothing more or less.

Jim Wynorski created a decent cheesefest with lots of hot women. The man truly knows the business.

Gail Harris and Melissa Moore are excellent. They are truly beautiful and had some skills to become scream queens. Too bad it didn't happen.
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Ludicrous, derivative, cheap -- I've seen it 4 times!
JimFK29 June 1999
Clearly a film shot on a weekend, this girls-in-peril flick clearly has an element of self-parody involved -- every cliche is present, and the pains the filmmakers go to to keep the women from just leaving the damned house is inspired! What makes it a schlock masterpiece is the straight-faced performance of Zoran Hochstetter as the Detective on the case who likes to sit in strip bars and ruminate -- I checked the database -- the guy's a cinematographer (!!!!) -- he should get an Oscar! Well, maybe not, because the true inspiration of this film is the character of Orville Ketchum (great name), the strange next-door neighbor who might be a homicidal maniac or a misunderstood anti-hero -- the actor Pete Spellos has a great straight face and pulls off this insane character. I also rented "Hard to Die," which is a sequel to this and is almost as fun....makes a good double-feature with "Hollywood Boulevard" or "The Great Texas Dynamite Chase" or one of those Claudia Jennings flicks of the 70's...
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A measure of suspense hidden amongst the camp
smatysia2 December 2002
Okay, I've definitely seen worse. There was even some small measure of suspense among the camp. And the girls were pretty. Melissa Moore, with the largest part, disappointed somewhat. Interestingly, I thought the best actress among the girls was Stacia Zhivago (Kimberly), and she seems to have never been in any other film. Too bad. Anyway, if you want to see a slasher film where the victims are pretty and buxom, and spend most of the movie in skimpy underthings, this is the one. Grade: C-
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Perhaps the finest "B" movie ever made...
innocuous19 April 2003
I'm with Joe Bob on this one.


What other movie shamelessly borrows lengthy scenes from another totally unrelated movie ("Slumber Party Massacre") and uses them as flashback sequences, but with completely different back story and character names? This technique, by the way, kept this movie from being less than 70 minutes in length.

What other movie could boldly insert a lengthy topless bar scene (featuring the late porn-star deluxe, Savannah) simply to cast suspicion on the neighborhood pervert? Well, wait a minute...I guess a lot of more mainstream movies do that, too.

But you have to admit that this movie confirms what we males have always suspected: When women get together for a sleepover or slumber party, they spend half their time running around the house naked and the other half wearing the lingerie that even Victoria's Secret refuses to sell.


But above all, this movie is watchable. It's not too long, the scenery is interesting, and the blood is evenly spread throughout the movie. What more can you ask for from a B-movie?
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Sorority house strip and slash
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki22 August 2013
Pick up truck. Large breasted girls in terrible 80s clothes. Dilapidated mansion. The opening scene looks like The Beverly Hillbillies crossed with the Addams Family, dragged kicking and screaming into 1980s, with a cast of large-breasted female cyphers jiggling for the camera in an old mansion, before flashbacks of a driller killer begin.

This will either be goofball fun, or mind numbing. Sadly, it is mostly a mixed bag.

Newspaper headlines try to fill in the viewers to the history of the house in this story, but Elvis Lives! headline was moronic, and turns the entire scene into an unfunny joke. When a Satanic serial killer in plaid rears his bloated, flabby face near the house on a rainy night, the girls strip to their undies and consult a Ouija board for help.

Lightning flashes are lifted from the title scene from Gilligan's Island!

At one point, it takes the killer about five minutes just to walk across a two lane street while stalking the girls. It's pouring down with rain when he begins walking, but by the time he gets across the street and at the house, it has stopped raining. The film's pacing is as slow as the killer's walk, because it takes forever for anything to happen.

Linda (played by short little Robyn/ Gail Harris) is my favourite of the lot, but there are no decent nude scenes or sex scenes. It seems more like a PG-rated lingerie shoot than a slasher flick for the first 30 minutes, then some mostly mild violence is brought into the mix, as the girls are stalked (very slowly) by Captain Happy in his plaid overalls, throughout this old mansion.

This one-act story stretched out to 77 minutes basically climaxes about 60 minutes in, and then it falls back on the undying killer cliché, before resorting to the demonic possession cliché, in a surprisingly blood-drenched ending. Of which, there are no less than FOUR endings to this!
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Not the worst
Leofwine_draca18 April 2022
An unconnected sequel and a film made to order by cult director Jim Wynorski: in other words, boobs and blood are the order of the day here, one giving way to the other. It's actually not the worst I've seen, despite the simplicity of having near-naked sorority guys being pursued around a house by a killer. It moves fast, is short, and offers a lot of blood in the second half, and some of the tongue-in-cheek performances aren't so bad. Just don't go in expecting anything else.
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Predictable but funny
Pope-1116 August 1999
Five girls buy a new sorority house and find out there's a killer in the house. Okay, so it's not Oscar material and all these movies are pretty much the same, but it's still funny in that "I can't believe somebody actually wrote this crap" way. The movie plays pretty much as you'd expect it to, so if your the kind of guy that likes T&A mixed with fake blood and freaked out teenagers, then this film is for you. Otherwise, why read the rest of this page?
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Totally played for laughs!
capkronos12 February 2002
Five sorority sisters move into a big new mansion (Isn't this the same place Fred Olen Ray usually films his movies?) and are menaced by the fat, crater-faced, zombie-like next door neighbor "Orville Ketchum" (i.e. Peter Spellos). After lots of nonsense that exists just to fill time (and a pointless subplot starring two cops) someone in the group starts killing everyone off with a hook. For your money you get two shower scenes, three clothes-changing scenes, a bathtub full of blood, a foot in a bear trap, a OUIJA board, a possession, a knife stuck in a neck, a "spank" room, a man eating a sandwich made of raw meat, flashbacks featuring footage from SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE, the slasher scene from Hollywood BOULEVARD seen on a TV set, a trip to a strip club where deceased porn star Savannah dances and much more. It's quite the little B-movie package we got going on here.

Sure, the acting's not Oscar caliber (though the roles ARE played with enthusiasm, especially by Gail Harris *love her accent, by the way*) and it's totally clichéd, but it's actually a pretty fun and extremely entertaining little B slasher if you like these kind of things. Jim Wynorski never aims high with any of his films, but the fact not one moment in this film is played seriously makes it emerge as a sort-of parody. (If you loved this, you'll also love HARD TO DIE, by the way.)
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Better Than the First
matthurst-606454 October 2020
Some sorority girls with an aversion to wearing clothes buy a house with a gruesome past to use as their new sorority house and find themselves terrorized by the creepy guy who lives next door. But is he the one who is killing them one by one?

This one is definitely more fun than the original and the people making it seem to be having a good time. There are random flashbacks from Slumber Party Massacre to use as the history of the house, but I'm not even sure if this is the same house, so it makes things even more confusing.
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Gem sequel from the VHS era!
UncleJesse-FullHouse27 September 2010
I was trolling through the dusty section of my video store looking at all the pornos when I decided to venture into the horror section.

I was after a bit of a horror fix and found this movie. The cover looked awesome and promised boobs! yes! boobies and blood!.

The girls in this movie were all really hot! 80's girls are the best! There's something hot about skimpily dressed chicks with nice racks alone wandering around an old abandoned mansion with some big fat acne faced creepy neighbor lurking about.

I felt the director crafted together the right combo of boobs, & atmosphere & breasts. Robyn Harris who played the lead 'Linda' was great with her sexy British accent (didn't expect it!) while Peter Spellos was funny as Orville Ketchum.

It is definitely one for a late rainy night or to watch with friends for a fun time.

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Not too bad (minor spoilers)
Ivan Ravenous30 October 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I expected this to totally suck, but I was surprised to find some good things in it. The acting was pretty bad, but I wasn't expecting Oscar winning performances. There was a fair bit of suspense and some creepy scenes, but unfortunately the film defeats itself with its cheesiness. There were some funny parts too, mostly due to the greasy Ketchum. The funniest to me was Ketchum's never say die attitude (okay I know that sounded dumb, but I couldn't resist).

It's an okay low budget slasher, but there's not much blood for gorehounds. I still don't understand why they used the Slumber Party Massacre footage. What's the story there?
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Orville Ketchum Rules!
pizowell21 December 2000
Sorority House Massacre II is a great improvement on the original which was basically a rip off of Halloween. In this installment scantily clad sorority girls move into the house where the original took place. There are flash backs, but not to the original Sorority House Massacre, but to the original Slumber Party Massacre, I guess even the film makers got confused, but who cares? This movie is "chopped" full of hilarious dialogue and nudity. Lets not forget Orville Ketchum who gives a stunning performance as the neighbor. Is he the killer or is he out to help the girls? You'll have to see for yourself and you won't be disappointed. This is a classic slasher flick with all the ingredients to keep you entertained for 90 minutes. I mean these girls take 30 minute showers to just clean their breasts, there isn't any hot water, but they can't sleep if they feel "dirty," and they search the house for their missing friends in their underwear. This flick is awesome! Check it out, you won't be sorry.
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Lingerie Clad Students Clash With An Unknown Killer In Sorority House Massacre II
Skeeter70028 December 1998
The story of this one involves 4 hot students moving into a new sorority house, that was once the site of a multiple murder. As well, the home features a truly creepy, raw meat gnashing neighbor. Anyways, at about 20 min. into Sorority House Massacre II I noticed an odd thing. The flashbacks we were being shown were from Slumber Party Massacre. This seemed odd to me. I mean the film has nothing to do with Sorority House Massacre 1, yet uses footage from Slumber Party Massacre. Doesn't this make it Slumber Party Massacre IV? Oh well, when you start looking for who-dun-it campus slashers to make sense, you are getting yourself stuck in a vortex of puzzles more mysterious then the ingredients of Col. Sanders secret blend of herbs and spices. Back to the movie; there is a good enough story, tongue in cheek style, and a decent enough amount of T&A to keep any true 80's cheesy horror filmster happy. Watch for adult film's Savannah to show up in her attempt to break into mainstream Hollywood film making. That alone helped me decide to give it a 7 1/2 for 10! Now go out and take on the day!
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I Want My Brain Cells Back
liberalblossom1530 November 2007
Five young sorority sisters have just bought a dilapidated old building which they plan on renovating and making into a new sorority house. For one reason or another, they go to the house on day and decide to stay overnight in the house to meet the movers the next morning. What follows is an endless tirade of clichés and male driven slumber party fantasies.

I watched this one rainy afternoon while bored (right after Slumber Party Massacre no less)hoping for some campy fun - instead my intelligence was insulted. Lingerie, booze, Ouija boards, creepy neighbors and demonic possession all make an appearance within this 70 minutes of poor film making.

The two things I found most irritating about this film were:

1.) The women in lingerie. I'm sorry boys, I hate to bust your fantasy, but we do NOT wear our sexy lingerie to slumber parties. That type of thing is usually saved for your viewing pleasure - not for our girls to see.

2.) The footage stolen from "Slumber Party Massacre" and used as a back story. I'll give the director points for trying to separate this flick from its predecessor, but, please, don't insult the viewers. We know where that footage is from - and not everyone sees it as an homage - more as a blatant rip off.

The acting was terrible as expected, but this movie is the epitome of the horror film cliché. We have a demonic possession and a slasher film loaded with T&A. A few reviewers have claimed that this is a satire/spoof but it doesn't give that impression to me. This film is watchable, if only to laugh at how ridiculous it is.
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great movie to make fun of
jaws!26 July 1999
this movie is pretty bad,but also very funny at times. the funniest thing in this movie is that creepy guy that kind of stalks the girls. there's also a lot of nude girls which is great. this movie is not nearly as good as the first one,which this movie has nothing to do with. this movie is really just for laughs,and nude girls. all in all pretty bad,but it's so much fun to make fun of it. i give sorority house massacre II *1/2 out of ****
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Average slasher.
poolandrews16 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Sorority House Massacre II starts as five young & attractive female college students, Janey (Dana Bentley), Jessica (Melissa Moore), Linda (Gail Harris as Robyn Harris), Kimberly (Stacia Zhivago) & Suzanne (Michelle Verran), move into their new sorority house. However, as Janey explains, she managed to get the house so cheap because of the notorious history that surrounds it. Janey goes on to say that house belonged to Clive Hokstedter & was the setting for a series of grisly murders five years earlier in which several young & attractive female college students were butchered by Hokstedter... As the girls explore their new sorority house they discover an Ouija board & Jessica has the bright idea to hold a séance because it might be good for a laugh, these people deserve to die! They try to contact the spirit of Hokstedter but give up when things become spooky, as a violent thunder storm rages outside the girls decide to bed down for the night but they are soon to discover that they are not alone as a homicidal maniac starts to kill the girls one-by-one. Is it the vengeful spirit of Hokstedter, maybe it's the weird next door neighbour Orville Ketchum (Peter Spellos) or perhaps it's someone, or indeed something, else...

Casted & directed by Jim Wynorski, according to the IMDb wisely hiding under the pseudonym Arch Stanton, Sorority House Massacre II is another low budget conveyor belt production to come from the Roger Corman owned New Concorde production company & didn't particularly impress me, strangely this is the third film I've seen this week to include footage from The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) the other's being Slaughter Studios (2004) & Slumber Party Massacre II. The script by Mark Thomas McGee, James B. Rogers & Bob Sheridan plays more like a sequel to The Slumber Party Massacre than Slumber Party Massacre II does, it is as basic a slasher as I've ever seen, as soon as the film starts it introduces the disposable cast members, sticks them in the requisite isolated location & then pads things out a bit with boring dialogue before the killer shows up to kill a few of them until the stupid 'he's not quite dead yet' type twist ending that is there for the purposes of a sequel, it really is as simple & straightforward as that. The killings aren't that original, the killers identity is meant to keep you guessing until the shock climax but you'd have to be pretty dumb not to work it out & since the script can't be bothered to throw in any sort of red-herrings it becomes painfully obvious. Having said that if your looking for a slasher then you could do worse than Sorority House Massacre II as it moves along at a fair pace, there are no real sub-plots to bog things down & it delivers what one would expect from a slasher.

Hack director Wynorski has over 60 low budget horror/sex films to his name & Sorority House Massacre II was one of his first. There is one scene that still bugs me even now, Janey is attacked from behind & the film cuts to a white wall with a silhouette of a hook coming down, Janey is heard screaming & a gallon of blood splatters on the wall, with me? Right, now the very next scene within seconds of Janey being killed & one of her friends has come looking for her & looks in the kitchen where the walls are absolutely perfect. I'm sorry but you could not clean that amount of blood off a wall, & presumably the floor to, in the space of a few seconds without any form of cleaning aid, could you? It's totally impossible & that bit really annoys me even now. The rest of the film isn't exactly brilliant either & Wynorski makes sure his female cast have the least amount of clothes on possible as they spend most of the film either running around in their underwear or naked. The gore is tame, a few blood spurts, a few knife wounds & someone has their foot trapped in a bear trap. There is a fair amount of nudity though, if that's your thing.

Technically Sorority House Massacre II was obviously made on the cheap & it shows. The acting is poor by everyone involved especially Spellos as the weird fat neighbour, there are a few porn stars in here as well if that sort of thing interests you...

Sorority House Massacre II is an OK slasher, it does what one would want but it's not that well made, the gore is tame & the story is a bit to basic. Die-hard slasher fans might like it but in an already over saturated sub-genre it does nothing to distinguish itself from far better competition.
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I could make a better film with the $10 I spent to buy this junk.
bigpappa1--220 May 2000
Why? Why isn't this piece of junk not in the IMDB bottom 100? The plot, or what very little it has involves sorority girls getting killed by an unknown killer. Acting, direction, script are all bottom of the line. A few good looking naked girls, but that can't save this from being a total turkey. 1 out 10.
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Trashy slasher fun from Jim Wynorski.
BA_Harrison15 October 2008
A group of young women (played by five untalented, but big-breasted B-movie actresses who are obviously too old for their roles) move into their recently acquired sorority house. After slipping into their smallest items of lingerie, the girls unwisely decide to spend their first night in their new home dabbling with a Ouija board, calling up the spirit of a murderer who massacred his family in the very same house several years before. Sometimes, people in horror films just deserve to get killed...

Director Jim Wynorski, a man not exactly renowned for his high-brow movie making, ladles on the cheese in this deliberately campy sequel to Sorority House Massacre, which forgoes genuine scares in favour of a tongue-in-cheek approach. Cheap, cheerful, and totally devoid of logic, Wynorski's film is never intended to be anything other than trashy fun, and, in that, I suppose it succeeds: viewers are offered a couple of prolonged shower scenes, a creepy weirdo who may or may not also be a killer, two useless detectives whose only purpose is to make possible a scene in a pole dancing joint (which briefly features deceased porn star Savannah as a stripper), flashbacks to a totally unconnected movie (The Slumber Party Massacre), and several unconvincing death scenes complete with hokey gore.

Lacking any decent acting and direction, or any semblance of originality, Sorority House Massacre 2 is the kind of film best watched after a few beers have numbed the senses slightly and one's tolerance for puerile garbage is slightly higher than usual.
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Wynorski to the rescue
Groverdox25 November 2017
B-movie legend Jim Wynorski's name only sequel to the fairly dire "Sorority House Massacre" has almost everything you want from a straight-to-video slasher flick. It's missing only the creative and violent "kills" these movies sometimes have.

Wynorski is the guy who is quoted as saying that "breasts are the cheapest special effect in our business", and from that quote you can divine two things: he is a guy who doesn't take his work very seriously, and he is someone who knows his audience and what they want to see. As a result his movies are goofy, harmless fun.

You already know what this one is "about" - all slashers are pretty much about the same thing - but I'll tell you anyway. A group of college girls (none of whom are the slightest bit believable as students) move into a house they want to fix up. Bizarrely - and unnecessarily - this house was the scene of a multiple murder, but when the girls realise this, they aren't deterred. They waste little time stripping off for a series of shower scenes, and then spend the rest of the movie in only their underwear.

See, I told you Wynorski knows what you want to see.

Anyway, the girls hold a seance with a ouija board and are immediately successful in contacting the ghost of the killer who once lived in their knew home. After this supernatural force throws the planchette (the heart-shaped piece of wood you use in a seance) into the fire, the girls don't seem anywhere near as freaked out as you would expect. They have, after all, apparently just witnessed proof of the existence of a violent poltergeist. They run off to bed and the killings begin.

I'm not sure if Wynorski ever filmed much in the way of creative gore. He seems to have made his living for the last couple of decades as a soft-core filmmaker, and it's not surprising. Coming up with excuses to get generic pin up girls out of their clothes and into their underwear is basically his forte.

The movie has a completely unnecessary sub-plot (more of a sub-sub-plot) about a detective trying to find out what happened to the house's previous occupants... or something. These scenes seemed completely pointless (and are kept to such a minimum you forget about them) until - ta da! The detective takes his partner to a strip club. I'm pretty sure all cop movies from the '80s featured stirp club scenes as a way to shoe-horn in some nudity. Wynorski was a keen student.
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NOT a horror film
Untamed_World_0917 March 2006
This film was just plain poor. The effects, plot and acting were absolutely abominable, the fact that the film was actually a horror was unrecognisable. The only reason i pursued in watching it was because it made me laugh above all else, also the actresses playing the students were rather tasty. I wouldn't recommend watching this film if you are looking to be genuinely frightened, as it comes across as more of a spoof than anything, however it is quite entertaining just for the women and the poor acting skills shown by them. I do like how the director added some interesting shot of the girls going upstairs whilst wearing only lingerie.
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Another B movie gem of breasts, blood, and stalking!
blanbrn30 September 2014
Well back in 1990 "Sorority House Massacre II" was to view, yet I just viewed it as part of my catching up on B list horror flicks, and once again this was a little treat of blood, gore, breasts, and stalking. Yet again it seemed real despite being low budget with mostly no name actors when you don't use a lot of special effects and plus when you add a little story it makes for a good movie. Set in California the beautiful girls of Sigma Pi will soon find that life is not forever as with playing around with a Ouija board and a past curse of their hangout house will lead these sexy colored bra wearing ladies down a blood soaked path of gore! Overall good little suspense horror film of blood, nudity and thrills one to watch and enjoy it's a view that's better than many of today's big budget overblown graphic CGI pictures.
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Laughable sequel
duce12230 August 2004
Sorority House Massacre II (1990) C-80 min. D: Jim Wynorski. Robyn Harris, Melissa Moore, Stacia Zhivago, Michelle Verran, Dana Bentley, Jurgen Baum, Toni Naples, Mike Elliot, Bridget Carney, Bob Sheridan, Gunnar Johnson. More or less a sequel to SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE instead of SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE, this laughable sequel has five sorority girls buying a house for cheap, where gruesome murders took place five years earlier. You might have to be a rocket scientist in order to figure out what happens next. Contains elements of JASON GOES TO HELL, as well as NIGHTMARE ON ELM ST, but ultimately still a MASSACRE film, one of the weakest of the lot. RATING: 2 out of 10. RATED R for graphic violence, grisly images, profanity, sexuality, nudity, adult themes.
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Simply Fantastic!
leegreatorex28 September 2008
I'm a huge fan of the slasher genre and I have yet to find a better example. Packed full of babes, boobs and gore. I recommend staying and watching this with a couple of beers any-day! Obviously not one for movie snobs but just brilliant sexy fun from beginning to end! I' have probably seen this film about 8 times and laughed and loved it every time, watching it with friends and I promise you will have a big laugh together but also contains enough sexy bits to watch alone simply for all the young sexy girls who are constantly loses their clothes. If you like girls, your eyes will simply bulging out of their eye sockets. It's so funny though that if you had a girlfriend she would probably even enjoy it and if you have a girlfiend like one of the babes in the film, she'll sure to be naked before it's over!
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"No one puts a finger on my diviner!"
Hey_Sweden16 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Extremely prolific Jim Wynorski strikes again with this typically amusing slasher trash that, like so much of his other output, works because he establishes a firmly tongue in cheek tone. He does manage to work in all of the tropes of this sub genre while winking at them at the same time. That makes it pretty hard to resist. With a formulaic, predictable script, a tantalizing female cast who do show us their goods, and some decent atmosphere, he makes "Sorority House Massacre II" into an engaging bit of nonsense.

Working in footage from "The Slumber Party Massacre", he spins a yarn about five sorority babes who move into an old house that (wouldn't you know it) was the site of a mass murder perpetrated by vile Clive Hochstatter long ago. The girls play with fire when they find a Ouija board and attempt to call upon Clives' spirit. Later that night, the nasty things start happening, while suspicion falls on the head of the intimidating (and eternally tired looking) next door neighbour, Orville Ketchum (Peter Spellos), a character also seen in Wynorskis' "Hard to Die".

You get what you expect in this thing. There's some graphic gore (devised by Dean Jones and William Starr Jones), appropriate lighting (by J.E. Bash and co-star Jurgen Baum, who plays the intrepid Lt. Block), and a fairly fast pace. The acting is standard for this sort of thing, with the lovely Gail Harris doing well as one of the gals. The movie co-stars Playboy Playmate Melissa Moore, Toni Naples (one of the villains from Wynorskis' "Deathstalker II") as Blocks' partner, and Bridget Carney as foxy stripper Candy, but the show is stolen by the deadpan Spellos, who's as indestructible as any horror movie psycho.

Those who like their slashers on the sleazy side should have a pretty good time with this one. It has sufficient enough nudity to keep ones' attention.

Seven out of 10.
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Steer Clear Unless The Movie Poster Grabs You
ryan-1007529 January 2019
Five college girls (including Robyn Harris and 90s B-Queen Michelle Moore) are going to turn a mega dump into their new sorority house. Super creep next-door neighbour Orville Ketchum (Peter Spellos) comes over and tells the story of Clive Hokstedter's murders that happened in that very house. They actually use footage from the much better SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE (which this is not a sequel to) to tell the story. This movie in fact has zero to do with the original. The five girls find a Ouija board and use it to call Hokstedter from the grave.

If your idea of scary is watching women run around a house in their underwear than have at it. Attempts at humour don't work either. Just excuses to get to another scene with nudity.
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