Blind Fury (1989) Poster


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Good-natured action outing with Hauer on top form
Leofwine_draca29 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This quirky tale of thugs, slugs and martial arts is worth a look for those tired of mainstream, run-of-the-mill fare. Here, the central conceit is that all-action hero Rutger Hauer is blind. You'd think he would therefore be helpless too, but far from fact, he's deadly with his sword and can easily take on a gang of bad guys single-handedly, unaided. The secret to Hauer's success is that he was trained in the jungles of Vietnam to cut a melon into quarters with his sword, in training scenes worthy of an early Van Damme vehicle! Another interesting thing this movie has to offer is a previously-undiscovered penchant on Hauer's part for physical comedy. I've long suspected that Hauer is underrated as an actor and here he proves the fact, by firstly being a totally convincing blind man, and secondly by being frequently funny when the script calls for it. On top of this, he's charismatic, an all-round nice guy and adept at playing either good guys (as here) or bad (THE HITCHER) depending on the film, effortlessly moving from side to side and creating either monstrous baddies or lovable heroes.

Although the plot of this movie is predictable in the extreme, the blindness of Hauer's character makes for several unexpected comic moments, such as the scene around halfway where he drives a van at speed through a busy city - absolutely great stuff, topped off by fine comic interplay when an endangered fellow driver shouts to Hauer "are you blind?!" before realising that yes, indeed he is. The action, when it comes, is also clichéd but good, from the opening non-lethal bar-room fight between Hauer and a gang of thugs (just how many times have we seen that, anyway?) to a moment where he outwits a gang of bad guys in a cornfield. Come to think of it, the odd locations are what makes the action most memorable.

The best scenes are saved for the finale, in particular a great moment when a load of bad guys gang up on Hauer on a disco floor, only for the lights to go out and him to get the upper hand and massacre them all in violent, bloodthirsty ways. There's also a superb one-on-one battle between Hauer and Japanese martial arts star Sho Kosugi, excellently staged.

The supporting cast give mediocre performances, despite there being quite a few familiar faces on view (including Nick Cassavetes, Terry O'Quinn as Haure's Vietnam buddy, Noble Willingham and Randall "Tex" Cobb). Most of the villains are clichéd and uninspired, while some of the rednecks have some really dumb scenes which drag the film down a notch or two. Surprisingly, the bonding between Hauer and the young boy should be vomit-inducing but isn't, perhaps due again to Hauer's wry portrayal of the blind but very definitely not disabled. Fantasy fans will also probably notice Meg Foster (she of the incredible glowing eyes) appearing briefly as a mother. BLIND FURY is predictable stuff saved by some good action and the charisma of Rutger Hauer. Definitely recommended for action fans looking for something a little different.
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Absurd With Zero Credibility......But Fun!
ccthemovieman-128 April 2006
Talk about "suspending belief!" Boy, if this is a prime case of that, I don't know what is, but, it's still pretty enjoyable to watch. You just have enjoy what happening and put your brain on the back-burner.

Rutger Hauer plays a blind man who winds up killing about 10-20 bad guys in fights, despite the fact (1) they can see; (2) they also have guns!

Yes, it's absurd, but it's all in fun especially with Hauer cracking jokes and showing compassion in all his violence. The villains, meanwhile, are so stereotyped you almost want to laugh out loud.

This whole movie is really like a cartoon, without the animation.
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Nice B-class action movie
Maziun1 September 2012
"Blind fury" is a perfect example of a movie that could be very awful in the hands of wrong people . Thankfully , Australian director Phillip Noyce ( known for "Dead calm" , " Patriot games " and "Bone collector") is a solid craftsman . He doesn't turn the movie into "so bad , it's good" kind of movie , but tries to make this movie as good as possible.

How could a movie featuring Rutger Hauer as a blind swordsman be anything but gloriously entertaining? Loosely based on the Japanese samurai movie, "Zatoichi Challenged", the humorous, action-packed tone of "Blind Fury" is vaguely akin to a Hong Kong flick – in fact, it's the sort of vehicle Jackie Chan would have excelled at in his prime, with its numerous scenes of slapstick action, and its lead character's habit of "accidentally" injuring his hapless opponents. Here , Rutger Hauer plays a blind Vietnam veteran - Nick Parker who also knows how to use a sword. His friend and friend's family got trouble with mafia, so Nick must help them.

Sounds cheesy , right ? "Blind fury" seems to fall into B-class movie category , but still manages to be a good movie. This movie has got brains , humor and (what is surprising) a heart. Noyce was able to convince a viewer that blind man with sword is able to defeat mafia . The movie doesn't take itself too seriously , there are plenty jokes , especially the ones about Nick's injury. Creators of the movie obviously had ironic distance to whole story. Despite that there were able to involve viewer EMOTIONALLY to the story .

The friendship between Nick and Frank is done good , but the relationship between Nick and Billy ( Frank's son ) is done simply great. The ending to the movie is one of my favourite movie endings of all time . I'm always crying at the end and that is a a big achievement for a B-class movie.

Acting is very decent . No performances worthy an Oscar , but Rutger Hauer is great as Nick Parker . He makes his character very human - funny , lonely , brave and honorable. He isn't a one dimensional tough guy , but someone who could exist in real life (just like John McClane from "Die hard"). It was also nice to see Randall "Tex Cobb" as one of the bad guys.

There is some good music here . The main theme is quite funny and very memorable , just like the dialogue.

Overall , I recommend "Blind fury" . I give it 6/10 . Give it a shot . You might be pleasantly surprised.
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Jonathan Horner6 April 2001
I love this movie. It's another example of brilliant, under-rated acting by the one and only Rutger Hauer. In a way I feel sorry for Hauer, Like Christopher Lambert, he is a top quality actor but very under-rated.

Anyway, Rutger Hauer stars as a Vietnam War veteran. During battle, he was blinded by a mortar attack. He was then captured by a tribe in Vietnam and trained to master the sword. 20 years later, Hauer is back in the USA and sets out to find his fellow soldier friend, Frank.

The sword which Hauer uses in this movie is so cool. I love the sword fights in this movie.

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Handicapable smackdown
Mr-Fusion10 March 2018
I have to confess I didn't know what to make of most of "Blind Fury". I knew going in that the premise was cool, but the movie also had a surprisingly jovial tone; and the buffoons chasing Rutger Hauer add to the comic sensibilities. It just seemed to lack any real edge. Not bad, but a bit disjointed.

All of this changed with the final fight, when Sho Kosugi showed up and the real swordfighting began. Despite all that came before, it's a moment to cheer.

Yeah, I'd watch it again. Hauer's awesome.

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Rutger Rules!
seveb-251795 October 2018
Rutger Hauer in a comedy action classic! Hauer plays a Vietnam vet blinded in combat, who is nursed back to health by natives and trained as a master swordsman as an added bonus! Sounds ridiculous and it is, but somehow they manage to make it work. This is Rutger before he became paunchy, so he looks fine and he is able to bring a bit of his 'Roy Batty' quirkiness to the role. Even so he's is no martial arts expert, so the skill is in the editing and the action is mainly played for laughs, with a nice line-up of fruity stereotypical villains ripe for an ass wupping! As with "Wedlock" the set up is broad brush and a little shaky, but once they get rolling the story quickly picks up momentum, and there's even a neat little thread about forgiveness and redemption running though it, which gives it a sliver of emotional depth not often found in productions like this. Recommended!!!
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Entertaining and fun action movie filled with violent fights , frantic action impressive duels
ma-cortes22 January 2015
This moving picture is packed with frenetic action , thrills, suspense, and tension . Our peculiar as well as shambling hero is called Nick Parker (Rutger Hauer) , he is a Vietvet , he suffered horrible experiences who left damaged him , batty and blind . As at the beginning shows how he was rescued from the battlefield where was wounded by a bomb and become blind . As stricken Nick is rescued by a gentle Vietnamese tribe and is taught by a mentor about some swift sword skills . There he also learns self-restraint , patience , tolerance , goodness , and compassion . A bit later on , he returns USA , he is a new man with a new mission : save and protect unfortunate people . He is a swordsman who helps and saves hapless and protects a kid (Brandon Call) , his cute menaced mummy (Meg Foster) and his husband (Terry O'Quinn) , Nick's long-last army colleague , from the Mob . Nick is a Ronin-alike , a particular samurai without master . He will have to face a villain (Noble Willingham) and his nasty band (Randall Tex Cobb , Nick Cassavetes , Rick Overton).

In this lively as well as appealing movie there are thrills , Katana sword fights , ass-kicking , emotion , violence and lots of nifty action . The picture develops the classic facing off between good guys versus bad guys . As there's plenty of pleasure fighting and swording , but also includes failed moments . It thunders along amusingly , if rather unbelievably with rapid scenes and spectacular fight images , if not downright supernatural starring's skills . This exciting as well as stirring film results to be an enjoyable attempt to Americanize Japanese ¨Zaito-ichi movies ; however it doesn't altogether work and contains some flaws and gaps . In fact , being based on the Zatoichi film/TV series from Japan , and subsequently adapted by Takeshi Kitano in a popular ¨Ziaitochi¨film . Nice acting by shrew Rutger Hauer as smiling , likable , sword-wielding Vietnam vet , as he carves up nasties and finally duels with a martial art expert played by Sho Kosugi . Sympathetic support cast formed by a bunch of humorous nasties such as Randall Tex Cobb , Rick Overton , Nick Cassavetes , Noble Willingham , among others . Atmospheric musical score composed by means of synthesizer by J Peter Robinson . Colorful and adequate cinematography by Don Burgess

This brash motion picture was compellingly directed by Phillip Noyce , he skillfully orchestrates a cool film plenty of action , fights and hilarious moments . The picture works pretty well and is paced along admirably but also packs some failures and flawed scenes . Phillip Noyce is a known craftsman who has directed successful action movies such as Patriot games, Clear and present danger , The Saint , The bone collector and Salt . Rating : Acceptable , passable and amusing . Worthwhile watching . After principal photography was completed, a sequel to this film was planned, but never materialized .
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*touches man's face* "mmm Japanese huh?"
shawnmikedryer5 January 2022
As far as low-grade cheesy films go Blind Fury is on the higher spectrum & is wholly entertaining. It's undeniably 80's through & through, holy drug dealin mullets! This unique story follows Nick Parker, blinded Vietnam Vet turned highly trained swordsman who returns home to visit his old war buddy Frank but instead stumbles upon his wife & son. Only to learn his buddy owes a substantial amount of money to a crooked Casino in Reno, now Nick is tasked with protecting the young boy but to also find the whereabouts of Frank to warm him of whats in store. Ruger Hauer is a legend & plays this role to perfection, he really makes a street swordsman a bad ass in a cool way. Its sure super over-the-top from the beginning but never ceases to be entertaining as even rewatching its still a super fun time.
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Funny and exciting popcorn action movie
withnail-49 July 2001
This movie gets a thumbs up from me, not because it is a GREAT FILM, but because, when you put it next to similar movies--Chuck Norris or steven Segal movies-- it is superior.

the action sequences are tightly directed and exciting. the humor works. but most important, Rutger Hauer is the main character. When is everybody going to figure out that this guy is a great actor? He is always natural, can be funny, pathetic, intense, anything. He's truly on the level of,say, Gene Hackman, he just can't seem to get into many A-level projects.

Blind Fury is a funny-exciting-goofy type of action film, kind of like a Jackie Chan film, and Hauer's presence raises the whole thing an extra level.
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Solid for the genre
abiecamacho8 December 2020
C'mon no mystery to the 80's action genre and over the top cheese. All these years later you gotta love these types of films. They are still fun and your not supposed to take them too serious. Free on Amazon prime and enjoyed watching it 20 years later. RIP Rutger Hauer.
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B-movie fun with Rutger Hauer.
Boba_Fett113813 June 2004
This movie is a typical 80's B-movie and is one of the better ones.

The movie can be seen as utter trash. It has a silly story, bad dialogue, some cheap actors, horrible stereotype villains, "A-Team" like stunts and horrible 80's music by J. Peter Robinson. This movie will most likely not be liked by the casual viewer but B-movie lovers should really be able to appreciate this movie.

It's a good thing that the movie doesn't always takes itself seriously with as a result that there is lot's of comedy fun to enjoy.

The end fight is ridiculous as well as entertaining and is a fine and suiting ending for this typical B-movie that is a must see for the B-movie fans but not recommendable for the casual viewer.

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Not As Good As I Remember, But Still..........
underfire3517 May 2004
BLIND FURY is one of those guilty pleasure films. The late Chicago film critic Gene Siskel cited it as such during a broadcast of the show he co-hosted with Roger Ebert several years ago. It is not a great film, but has real moments of warmth and humor that are hard to ignore. It's difficult to explain, but what could have been just another vapid action film, is fleshed out by good performances, a self effacing sense of humor, and solid direction.

During the opening credits, we meet Nick Parker (Rutger Hauer). Having been blinded during a firefight in Viet Nam, he is taken in by a local hamlet and nursed back to health. The villagers also teach Nick the art of the sword, we get several scenes of his progress in which he becomes a master. Jump ahead twenty years, as Nick wanders down a country road, walking stick in hand. He is on his way to visit an old friend from the war. After a silly scene involving switched hot sauce, Nick arrives to find that his friend, Frank Devereaux (Terry O'Quinn) does not live there anymore, having left for Reno. Well, Nick meets Frank's wife and son Billy (Brandon Call). Enter Slag (the Randall 'Tex' Cobb), who has come to kidnap Frank's son, to force Frank into making designer drugs, so that an evil Reno casino owner can pay off his debts. Anyway, after a especially violent debacle, Nick is sworn to protect Billy, and off they go to Reno to rescue Frank.

Admittedly, BLIND FURY is plot heavy, and a lesser film would have sunk under the weight. But the film never gets overly involved with the story, never really takes it to seriously. This is director Phillip Noyce's follow up to DEAD CALM, a tense thriller that put him on the map (he would go on to helm PATRIOT GAMES, SLIVER, THE SAINT). It is a campy ode to samurai pictures and westerns, war movies and ninja chop-em-ups. Noyce sets the right tone and keeps the action moving. Observe the scene, near the end of the film: there is a tense moment when Billy throws a sword to Nick. The sword sails in the air, in slow motion, the music builds and the sword slips right through Nick's hands. It is a wonderfully funny moment.

Another important aspect is the character of Nick Parker. As played by Rutger Hauer, Nick is a simple man, not a super hero. He reacts through instinct to the situations he finds himself in, and uses mostly evasive techniques (similar to Jackie Chan), to defend himself. Hauer does a good job blending the realities of blindness with the Hollywood clichés, which makes scenes in which he drives down one-way streets, and the like, very entertaining. The film makers also keep the violence in a backlit, comic book style, never becoming overtly graphic (the antithesis of something like KILL BILL, where the characters dance through geysers of arterial spray). BLIND FURY is an enigma, it is not wacky enough to be considered cult, it does not deal with important subject matter, yet it is still somehow affecting. It will be cast into the discount bins at your local mall, left to languish in obscurity. But for those who will give it a chance, you may be surprised by this standard action fare raised to a higher level by a talented cast and crew. 8/10.
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action packed and funny
disdressed1216 April 2011
there's lots of great action in this film starring Rutger Hauer.but there's also some great comic bits and some good one liners.some of the acting is over the top,deliberately,i believe.the film is very entertaining from start to finish.Sho Kosugi makes a brief appearance toward the end of the movie(in a small role),which was nice,but i wish he had a bigger role.Phillip Noyce(Salt,Clear and Present Danger,Patriot Games)directed the film.i thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.this may be one of Rutger Hauer's best's nice to see him playing a non villain role.obviously he's a very versatile actor.for me,Blind Fury is a 7/10
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I'd recommend skipping it
kevin_robbins29 July 2021
Blind Fury (1989) is a movie I recently rewatched on Tubi. The storyline follows a war veteran who lost his site in battle. He is taught to hone in his fighting skills and martial arts by the locals and then returns to the United States where he has to infuse some martial law into a situation with a little boy and former soldier. This movie is directed by Phillip Noyce (Sliver) and stars Rutger Hauer (Blade Runner), Nick Cassavetes (The Wraith), Meg Foster (They Live), Lisa Blount (Prince of Darkness) and Charles Cooper (The Wrong Man). The storyline for this picture is absolutely hilarious. Who thought Hauer would be good fit for this role? His hair and make-up throughout the movie was laugh out loud bad. The acting and writing was very uneven and inconsistent. The kid was also annoying and the fight scenes were average. The final scene and the music with it had me scratching my head. I will say there were a few good one-liners; but overall, Id score this film a 3/10 and recommend skipping it.
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Typical martial arts action film is distinguished by an unconventional hero and a great sense of humor.
ChoiBaby28 March 1999
The setting is Vietnam, the year is 1969. Amid the explosive violence and the frenzied chaos, America begins to withdraw its troops from the Vietnam conflict. Two soldiers and long time buddies, Nick Parker (Rutger Hauer) and Frank Devereaux (Terry O'Quinn, star of THE STEPFATHER) are ready to go home.

However, the mission of utmost importance to take down the enemy has been bestowed upon the two volunteers. As the heroes begin to take their toll, Parker succumbs to the fiasco in Vietnam. He fights with all his might...but the devastation is simply too much for any one man to handle.

Without warning, Parker is blindsided by the enemy...and left for dead. Waking up several hours later, Parker realizes that he can no longer see; he is permanently blind. Suddenly, he has nowhere to go. He cannot see the lurid horrors of his fallen comrades. Parker is lucky to be alive... Now, hell-bent on getting out of this nightmare and returning home, Parker must find a way to survive in the jungles before the Vietcong arrive.

Without his ability to see, Parker must rely on his remaining senses to guide him out of dangerous perils.

BLIND FURY is a surprisingly serviceable action film. This flick is a fast-paced and fun adventure with raging fury. BLIND FURY contains impressively choreographed fighting sequences and a great, tongue-in-cheek sense of humor. There's plenty of violence in this film to appease action fans, however, and the stunts and action sequences are certainly directed with flair. The comical tones also remind the audience that this film, though full of bellicose characteristics, is good natured and harmless.

As for the villains, Randall 'Tex' Cobb (UNCOMMON VALOR) is a nice addition as a wonderfully sinister, antagonistic philistine. Sho Kosugi also performs a dazzling, show-stealing act. He happens to be a professional assassin with a vendetta against Parker.

BLIND FURY is a commendable adventure with an unconventional hero. Exquisite sword-fighting, dynamite action, a likeable lead, and an amusing albeit subtle sense of humor all add up to an enjoyable experience. It is definitely better than your typical action fanfare with plenty of chances to root for the good guys! Cutting edge entertainment with good natured fun. Overall, a smoothly crafted film.

RATING: **1/2 out of ****.
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Entertaining enough...
paul_haakonsen31 December 2015
This late 1980's action movie is actually one of the better and more memorable movies of Rutger Hauer's movie career. That being said, it should also be said that it is campy and cheesy, but in a good way that only those 1980's movies could manage.

The story is about a blinded Vietnam veteran returning to America where he seeks out his old army comrade, and ends up entangled with drug dealers out to kill his friend.

It is an entertaining movie for what it was, although it had some comedy elements tossed into it as well. That is of course a personal preference whether or not you like that particular combination.

The cast did a good job with their given roles and characters, And for those who were watching movies back in the 1980's then there is a good number of familiar faces amongst the cast.

While "Blind Fury" is nowhere near a masterpiece or even matching the action movies from Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Van Damme or Seagal, it is still a movie that can sustain repeated viewings every now and then with some years in between.
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Fun 80's comedy action flick.
poolandrews27 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Blind Fury starts as blind Vietnam veteran Nick Parker (Rutger Hauer) decides to look up his old army buddy Frank Devereaux (Terry O'Quinn), unfortunately Frank isn't at home but his wife Lynn (Meg Foster) & young son Billy (Brandon Call) are so he stops & has a chat. Shortly after two cops arrive looking for Billy, Nick senses something is wrong then a big guy named Slag (Randall 'Tex' Cobb) turns up & things get violent. Despite being blind Nick is a master swordsman & takes the bad guy's down but Lynn is shot dead in the process, feeling responsible Nick sets out to find Frank & discover what sort of trouble he is in & protect Billy at the same time. However the bad guy's are only just starting & Nick finds himself in danger every step of the way...

Directed by Phillip Noyce Blind Fury is one of those cheesy 80's action comedy flicks which is almost impossible to dislike despite knowing that you should. The script by associate producer Charles Robert Carner is a very light hearted remake of the Japanese martial arts film Zatoichi Challenged (1967) & thankfully doesn't take itself too seriously which helps the already silly central story, I mean sequences when Nick who is totally blind dodges guy's with automatic machine guns, defeats other swordsmen who can see & drives a van in a high speed car chase by having the young boy Billy give him directions like 'left', 'right' & 'straight on' really do need the viewer to suspend their disbelief. However if you can & just take Blind Fury for what it is then there's plenty of fun to be had here, there's some cool fights, shoot-outs & even a cool car chase to keep you entertained across it's 90 odd minute duration. The character's are likable which helps, there is some funny dialogue & the film also has a Lethal Weapon (1987) feel to it with the whole clichéd mismatched partner plot where at first Nick & Billy dislike each other but as they get to know one another a mutual respect & strong friendship forms & despite being clichéd it actually works rather well in Blind Fury.

Director Noyce does a good job, he keeps the pace up & things moving along nicely with some well choreographed action scenes. Blind Fury is also notable for some laugh out loud hilarious scenes as well, the opening montage of the Vietnamese villagers training the blind Nick with a sword & a vegetable are almost as funny as the scene in which Nick is sitting against a tree & he hears a buzzing sound & after one swipe of his sword there is a shot of a cut in half bee falling to the ground! Just the whole idea of a blind man cutting a flying bee in half with a sword is just too funny for words & has to be seen to be believed. As does the bit when Nick cuts the eyebrows off a bad guy with his sword! Unfortunately it's sometimes hard to relate Nick with blindness as he does all sorts of things a blind man in reality would find impossible, he has sword fights with people & wins, he walks around buildings & places he's never been before & never bumps into or falls over things, he drives a van he'd never sat in before & there are many things he does which he would have to be able to see to do. Nick's blindness could have been used much more effectively than it was. The violence isn't too excessive, there's a severed hand & Nick cuts a bad guy in half at the end but there's not much else in the way of graphic violence.

Technically the film is good & has a solid 80's action feel to it, according to the IMDb Blind Fury was shot in Houston, Texas & in Reno, Nevada & strangely in Australia. It's well made & looks nice enough for what it is. The acting is alright, Rutger Hauer is Rutger Hauer I suppose which says it all while Noble Willingham puts in a bit of practise as the bad guy in preparation for his similar role in the Bruce Willis action flick The Last Boy Scout (1991) made a couple of years after Blind Fury.

Blind Fury turned out to be a much better action flick than I had anticipated it would be, there's some neat action, a decent story & some funny moments that passed 90 odd minutes pleasantly enough for me. A must for cheesy 80's action junkies like me!
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A Great Slice Of The '80's...
P3n-E-W1s327 July 2019
A true 1980's action classic.

Left for dead in Vietnam, Nick Parker (Rutger Hauer) is found by a local and taken into the village and trained in swordsmanship by a warrior. The trouble is, Nick is blind. Twenty years later and Nick has returned to the USA to find his army buddy who left him behind. On his quest, he stumbles into a mobsters plan to kidnap his buddy's wife and son. This is where the action and adventure start to ramp up.

Writer Charles Robert Carner does an admirable job of keeping the story interesting and humourous. There are a few character-building scenes, which the director, Phillip Noyce, handles beautifully. The two best situations are relationship builders between Nick and Billy. The sleeping scene where Nick can't stop Billy using his as a footrest. I know nephews who slept like this, very believable. But it's Nicks acceptance of the circumstances that shows his growing feelings towards the boy. Then when Nick informs Billy of his mother's death it's treated with respect. Noyce pulls the cam out and cuts the audio to give the pair privacy. Then when Billy runs off the audio comes back in showing Nicks concern. This then leads into a nicely choreographed action spectacle in a cornfield

Noyce keeps this rollercoaster pace throughout the film, which helps to keep the viewer entertained and interested.

There are a lot of decent actors in the movie, however, it's Rutger Hauer who steals the show. From the first time I saw him in Blade Runner, I was a fan. He has an aura about him which shows in his performances. It's difficult to play a blind person, only a few actors have managed to pull it off. Then you add in a sword, lots of action, and quite a few cast members and it becomes more difficult to make the blindness believable. There are only a couple of times when Hauer slightly loses his concentration and appears to look at somebody or something. But overall he pulls it off magnificently.

Everybody else is perfect in their roles. Noble Willingham makes a great mobster as MacCready. Terry O'Quinn shows why he became a sought after actor. Randall "Tex" Cobb is the perfect hard cigar-smoking bad guy, Slag. Nick Cassavetes and Rick Overton have a great relationship as the two redneck hitmen brothers, Lyle and Tector Pike. Though both Lisa Blount, Annie Winchester, and Meg Foster, Lynn Devereaux are underused. Annie seems to be there to be a babysitter for Billy. While Lynn only appears to be around to get killed. It would have been nice to have these two fleshed out a bit more.

This is such an enjoyable movie that I wouldn't hesitate recommending it to anyone. It's an excellent way to pass an hour and a half.
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A cool movie about a blind guy and his sword
The-Sarkologist28 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Blind Fury is about a blind man, Nick Parker (Rutger Hauer), who lost his sight in Vietnam and went missing in action. He was rescued by a tribe and trained to live with his habit. Twenty years later he returns to America a skilled swordsman to find his war buddy Frank Devereau. When he arrives in Miami he learns that Frank has divorced his wife and lives in Reno, where the only business is gambling and prostitution. Suddenly three thugs break into the house, kill Frank's wife but are foiled in an attempt to kidnapped his kid. Thus Nick must take the kid to Reno and rescue Frank from the hands of these thugs.

I watched this movie because I have seen it before and liked it. Only near the end I realised why I liked it: it was a sword fighting movie. I have never been much of a fan of martial arts, but I have always like sword fighting, especially Japanese sword fighting as their swords are of an extremely superior quality. The thug comments "you can't stop a bullet", but we see that this swordsman manages to outwit and defeat many thugs with guns, and even manages to defeat a master swordsman at the end of the movie. Blind Fury isn't a movie with a twist, it is a simple action movie with a blind sword fighter as the main character for some laughs and thrills.

The interesting thing about this movie I find are the characters. There seems to have been a little more thought into the characters of this movie that normally. The characterisation is not on the level of Edward Scissorhands, but it is far above other movies such as K9. Nick Parker, even though he is a master swordsman, is still very fallible. He isn't one of those unbelievable blindmen who can walk around just as if they could see. We are always reminded that he is not only blind, but his blindness is a weakness. At the beginning he walks along the road into Miama and finds an alligator, but mistakes it for a dog. He is also fooled by the kids little tricks, especially with the rock.

The movie isn't really exciting, more average, but it is a level above most Hollywood movies. The bad guy isn't noble, as most tend to be, he is sadistic and doesn't care what he does as long as he gets the mission completed. The beginning where he shoots the woman dead is an example of this. The kid also begins resenting Nick but grows to rely upon him, especially after he learns that his mother is dead. Blind Fury is enjoyable but I wouldn't rate it with the great movies.
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Classic action film from Rutger Hauer dfferent than "First Blood" but a bad-ass 80's action movie
Before I even heard about "The Hitcher", "Blade Runner", Wanted: Dead or Alive, "The Blood of Heroes" and "Wedlock" I saw Blind Fury which was my first Rutger Hauer movie. This was my first movie I saw from the actor Rutger Hauer. The actor died 10 days ago July 19, 2019 at age 75 R.I.P. I really miss you I grew up wtaching movies from you. So this review is going to be dedicted to a legendary actor Rutger Hauer that I love. Patrick Swayze, Paul Walker and Rutger Hauer were my idols I grew up with these guys so yea it is my passion to write reviews about actors and their movies I like. Blind Fury is my second favorite film from Rutger Hauer the first one will be "The Hitcher".

Blind Fury is a different action movie than "First Blood" Rutger Hauer plays Nick Parker a Vietnam Vet who was blinded in Vietnam War but after 20 years later he come back to Miami to visit his Vietnam Vet war buddy just like in "First Blood". A group of assassins storm in to Parker's buddy's house and kill Frank Devereaux's ex wife but they miss Nick Parker who is an excellent swordsman and kills 2 assassins, but wounds one. He promise Lynn Devereaux (Meg Foster) that he will protect her son Billy at all cost (Brandon Call) so he takes him to Reno, Las Vegas to meet his father, while on the run, a group of mercenaries are after them. An action classic bad-ass movie one of Rutger hauer's best movies, great excellent performence by Rutger Hauer.

I love Rutger Hauer's character Nick Parker a Vietnam Vet and an expert swordsman diffrent than my action hero John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone). Yes I love Rutger's character Nick Randall from Wanted: Dead or Alive and I love him in this movie. I love him as John Ryder in The Hitcher. Blind Fury, Wanted: Dead or Alive and The Hitcher does not get a proper Blu-ray and it is also not talk about it that much today. To me this is a an action classic.

Good story, it has humor, non stop action, great sword fights. Excellent 80's action movie, they don't make like this anymore.

I like the cast which they all do a great job: Nick Cassavetes and Rick Overton who both playes two cowboy brothers Lyle and Tector Pike who are after Nick and Billy. You have Randall 'Tex' Cobb from Uncommon Valor and he made a countless movies, jhe is excellent as the bad guy.. I love Randall 'Tex' Cobb's character Slag he is an assassin with a shotgun Smith & Wesson 3000. Or with a hand gun Desert Eagle MK firing on Nick. I love the cornfield sequence a group of mercenaries try to kill Nick but he kills them with his sword. He stabas to pices Slag but it turns out he is alive he wears a bulletproof vest. I love the sword fight in mountain penthous in which Nick slice all MacCready's men. We have Sho Kosugi in this movie I love the sword fight on the end between Sho Kosugi and Rutger Hauer - excellent choreographed sword fight. Excellent performence from Lisa Blount as Annie Winchester she was also in Prince of Darkness.Great performence from Noble Willingham as the bad guy Claude MacCready. 2 years laster he played another bad guy Sheldon Marcone in Tony Scott's The Last Boy Scout. Noble Willingham was also in Walker, Texas Ranger as C.D. Parker.

Great action sequences, Great directon by Philip Noyce who directed excellent thsi action movie. I love the music score and the humor, I am glad the movie is not dark. In my view it is an action classic R.I.P. Rutger Hauer, Noble Willingham and Lisa Blount you are all missed. I really miss those actors so much I grew up watching them on big screen. "Blind Fury" is a good bad-ass action movie dosen't deserve the hate, but deserves a cult status.
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I get the window seat! You don't need it, you're blind!
reddiemurf8127 December 2021
Nick is a Vietnam vet who was believed to have been killed in action, when he was actually blinded during an attack on his unit. Thankfully, Nick is captured by a Vietnamese tribe that nurses him back to health and they teach him to rely on his remaining senses. They also teach him to be a master swordsman (hence the title Blind Fury).

Fast forward 20 yrs, and Nick makes his way back home to the US. First thing he wants to do is look up his old buddy Frank from the war (who has no idea that Nick survived). What Nick finds though is Frank's ex-wife and his son,, who are attacked by dangerous men to whom Frank is in great debt. Will Nick be able to help his old friend out of the mess he's gotten into?

Great action movie from late 80s. At least a 6.4 rating, if not more.
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You won't go blind with this offbeat movie, but is this really necessary?
emm28 April 1999
The problem with checking out a good low-rate action film is choosing the right one. BLIND FURY says it all, and it does a decent job....but how can this one be so great that it's actually cheesy? Having a tough macho guy like Rutger Hauer to do all the dirty work is one simple thing, even when he's blended into the lousy cinematography it has. Some of the acclaim went to restyling the blind samurai warrior legend into American form, which works depending on how serious the transition is. In this case, it looks pretty silly. Here, our main man Hauer acts like he's staring at a shapely feminist figure until reaching the boiling point to strike madly. That sounds like a typical and ordinary samurai plot. The brief appearance by martial arts master Sho Kosugi (known for the sour lemon called 9 DEATHS OF THE NINJA, as well as host of ninja movies) adds to the touch as a samurai assassin. The rest is purely offbeat and laughable, deciding on how to judge the movie's special identity. You may easily wonder why the acting, characters, and the whole nine yards wouldn't fit Tri-Star's image. Speaking of characters, keep your eyes wide open for two overweight hit men. The best thing about BLIND FURY is that it's funny, but then again, things already seem far worse than what's always expected: pure high-quality action.
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He also does circumcision.
Hey_Sweden26 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Blind Fury" is a solidly entertaining film certain to please action fans, as it attempted to do an American version of a Japanese Zatoichi film.

Rutger Hauer is fantastic as Nick Parker, an average Joe nice guy blinded during his tour in Vietnam. He comes to Miami to look up his old comrade Frank Deveraux (Terry O'Quinn), only to have to deal with a variety of goons. It seems that Frank, a compulsive gambler, has gotten himself into a lot of trouble, and is now being forced by corrupt casino boss MacCready (Noble Willingham) to create designer drugs. So, in order to ensure Franks' cooperation, MacCready has dispatched a ton of goons to snatch Franks' young son Billy (Brandon Call) and then try to dispatch the blind swordsman in their way. Fortunately, Nick proves up to the challenge.

He's not superhuman, but his instincts are good and his skills undeniable. He's also a pretty engaging guy who never takes himself too seriously; the viewer can hardly fail to notice that this film has a real sense of humour about itself.

The action scenes are top notch. One is interestingly staged in a cornfield and the finale is great fun as it sees Nick do battle with an assassin played by martial arts legend Sho Kosugi, whose appearance is brief but welcome.

The excellent cast also includes Meg Foster as Franks' ex-wife (she'd played enough blind roles herself during her career that it's a nice gag to have her play a sighted person here), Lisa Blount as Franks' new lady friend, the always amusing Randall "Tex" Cobb as a towering heavy whose gruesome demise is a hilarious highlight, and Nick Cassavetes and comedian Rick Overton as the comedy relief henchmen Lyle and Tector.

Director Phillip Noyces' direction is efficient, and the pacing is superb, with the running time coming in at a very reasonable 87 minutes. One problem, though, is that the confrontation with the bad guys is just too rushed, and we never actually see what happens to one of them.

Still, this is an agreeable diversion that does satisfy, keeping up a steady body count, and coming up with some entertaining violent gags, but never getting particularly bloody. Hauers' presence kicks it up another point.

Eight out of 10.
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Master of the sword. Avenger of the truth. Blind as a bat
JakeRfilmfreak13 May 2024
Blind Fury is a 1989 action comedy that follows a blind war veteran and trained swordsman who helps rescue the son of a fellow soldier.

This is one of those films that even though it has a very creative premise, and a good cast to back it up, had a hard time finding the right audience when it came out. And although it was a box office flop I'd like to think it's gained more appreciation now days in cult status because it's actually a pretty decent movie. Of course like a lot of 80's films it has some cheesiness to it, but Rutger Hauers performance is quite good, and it mixes the humor elements in with its tone nicely.

It'll never be considered an amazing movie by any means, but is definitely entertaining. If you haven't seen Blind Fury before, give it a chance and see what you think.
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Agreeable But Undistinguished Actioner Of Blind Swordsman Avenger
ShootingShark8 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Nick Parker is a blind Vietnam vet presumed dead for years who tracks down an old war buddy and gets unwittingly involved in kidnapping and murder. Despite his handicap, he determines to rescue his friend and his friend's son from some sleazy Reno drug-pushers.

Loosely based on the old Japanese Zatoichi / Shintaro Katsu blind-swordsman movies of the sixties, this is a pretty agreeable little thriller with an offbeat premise, a great cast, some good stuntwork and many nice moments - the chase in the cornfield, the old blind-man-driving routine, the relationship between Hauer and Call, the final showdown with arch-ninja Kosugi. But, as with too many action films, it's nothing special; there's no real atmosphere, a lot of the characters are just stock goons, the score is weak and the production seems half-hearted, as if nobody was really passionate about the movie. It's a pleasant way to kill time but with the talent of these people it should be much better (see for example Noyce's later Rabbit-Proof Fence). It's still fun though, and Hauer is terrific in the lead as usual, with fine support from O'Quinn (here billed as Terrance for some reason), the always-amazing Foster and the iconic Cobb (Lenny the biker from Raising Arizona). Cassavetes and Overton seem to be having a whale of a time as a pair of goofy hoodlum brothers called Lyle and Tector Pike, who wind up shooting each other. This movie makes me a bit cross - Hauer puts more into it than it deserves, and with a bit more care and originality it could have been something special, but instead it's fairly flat and formulaic. Produced by well-known actor Tim Matheson and a very bad director called Dan Grodnik, and shot in Houston and Reno.
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