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This ain't "Ferris Bueller"
deejay_bill1 August 2000
Dark, strange, slightly amateurish yet oddly compelling, "The Chocolate War" is an excellent antidote to the happy-go-lucky teen films made popular by John Hughes in the 1980's. Based on the popular book by Robert Cormier, the story concerns Jerry Renault (Ilan Mitchell-Smith, "Weird Science"), a bright but sad young man coping with his mother's untimely death (which has also turned his father cold and distant). Jerry is a student a prep school known as Trinity, where he clashes with a sadistic "secret fraternity" known as the Vigils and the oh-so-slightly-mad acting headmaster Brother Leon (played to perfection by John Glover). At first by order of the Vigils, and then on his own, Jerry refuses to participate in the annual fund-raising chocolate sale, which not only angers Brother Leon but also causes an assortment of other problems. Yes, this is a rather simplistic summary, but going into great detail will not only take a lot of time but will also spoil the viewing experience.

"The Chocolate War" is the directorial debut of actor Keith Gordon ("Christine," "Back to School"), who also wrote the screenplay. The film is a fairly faithful adaptation of Cormier's novel, but the ending is changed significantly. Fans of the book argue that Gordon's ending for the film is too "tidy" or "happy," but in it's own way the film ends on a rather despairing note, with no easy answers or solutions.

Obviously filmed on a shoestring budget, "The Chocolate War" still boasts wonderful performances by its young cast. Mitchell-Smith is quite good as Jerry Renault, as well as the previously mentioned John Glover. Wally Ward (better known today as Wallace Langham of "Veronica's Closet") is very good as the Vigils' evil "assigner" Archie, and Bud Cort ("Harold and Maude") has a funny cameo as another teacher. Sometimes the pacing is slow, and sometimes the director attempts to be a little too "artistic" in his style; the film also suffers from a soundtrack that was dated even when the movie was made (the music comes from such new-wave dinosaurs as Yaz and Kate Bush). But "The Chocolate War" is a very thoughtful, well acted, compelling piece of work, and that is a cinematic rarity. Barely seen at the time of release and sometimes hard to find in video stores, "The Chocolate War" is well worth watching...and also well worth reading.
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Schoolboys at their worst
engineerchange11 October 2018
Thought-provoking tale of following others without knowing why. Interesting take at what others can make you do, but missing elements that would make the story feel more whole.
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The Chocolate Score
jerseyexit104 May 2003
This film was not along the same lines as the ordinary (David conquers Goliath) high school film of the 80's. And for that respect was probably appreciated by anyone who had experiences of being bullied when they were growing up. Though it has been said that the film was not as good as the actual book, I think the adaption made its point and the lesson was learned. Many of the young people in this world who are fornunate enough to see it, even if by accident, will understand that they are not alone. There are others who are having an even harder time as they grow up, and that "their own life" isn't so bad after all !!!
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Much darker and more interesting than you think
Mean_Joe_Weeks22 September 2003
I went into this film expecting yet another inspirational story about an individual triumphing over the oppressive system. Instead, this film is a lot deeper than that... and a lot darker. It is at once a film about the horror of conformity and the deadening pointlessness of resistence.

Our young protagonist, Renault, still agonizing over the death of his mother, is given a right-of-passage style task by his school's secret society, run by the calculating and elagantly power-hungry Archie : To refuse to sell chocolates to boost school income for 10 days (an activity Brother Leon, the equally power-hungry John Glover, is pushing on the students with unexpected zeal). But when his ten days are up, he still refuses to bend to the will of a system that wants only to use him as a tool. Both Archie and Brother Leon then use every method in their power to keep this rebel without a cause from toppeling them from power.

Simple enough, but this, as I said, is not a simple film about fighting the powers that be. The protagonist actually has little to say about his own action: he's so opaque that it seems even HE doesnt know exactly what he's rebelling against, just that he can't give up. He doesnt really know what he's doing, and as his life is made more and more awful by Archie and Brother Leon, it becomes increasingly clear he doesn't enjoy it either. He simply feels compelled to, and stoically refuses to give in, despite the obvious pointlessness of his rebellion and the cruel consequences that ensue. But this makes for a very hard hero to identify with and root for.

In fact, most of the film revolves around Archie and his attempt to break Renault's will. Archie is very talkative, and in fact the camera seems oddly attracted to his mercilessness, elegance and charisma, even as we assume we're supposed to revile him. Even creepy John Glover plays his villain very straight, giving only a vague, intangible sense of menace. By creating a hero we can't understand and villians we gravitate towards, the film subtly creates a situation where we can't really take sides, and can only observe the pathetic hopelessness of both situations. After all, this is all about selling CHOCOLATES. This throws the entire proceedings into an almost absurdist light. Light touches of humor (including a brief but spot-on perfect cameo by "Harold and Maude"'s Bud Cort) reinforce this classification and keep the proceedings from ever becoming bogged down in their gloominess.

All in all, though, The Chocolate War is a very dark, slightly surreal tale of the emptiness of life, for winners or losers. It suggests that, fight the system or succeed with it, you're still just a tool of larger forces, unflinchingly puppeteering smaller lives for their own banal ends. It offers no solutions and no salvations, not for anyone. Just hubris and humiliation, and perhaps a grim chuckle or two along the way. Its this demenor that makes it a truly overlooked and rather unique cinema gem, well - worth some time and thought.
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Il Purgatorio
boblipton6 November 2022
Ilan Mitchell-Smith does not agree to sell chocolate for his parochial school. Because this is something that is absolutely voluntary, the wrath of the teachers and the upper-class gang called the Vigilants descend on him.

There is something in every teen movie that strikes me as depressive; probably because most of the conflicts seem trivial in retrospect but earth-shaking at the moment. Add in the lack of girls at this school, and the mendacious way that teacher John Glover has of maintaining control, and you have something that smacks of Purgatory, with only graduation, transfer, or death offered as ways out.

The performances are good, even though most of the students seem to be in their 20s.
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Where is Forrest Gump when you needed him?
holmescj805 January 2006
Growing up in high school, our year 10 teacher assigned us to read this book as part of our education.

We also got to (occassionally) watch the movie adaptation of the novel.

I really liked this film as the storyline was good.

The Vigils are a secret gang in an all boys school who assign tasks to students as part of their way of saying " we will not conform to the standards others set, so we go our own way." Then Jerry Renault is selected for a task of not to sell chocolates for a set period of time.

After the time elapses, Jerry still stops selling chocolates and becomes a sort of hero, as he is overcoming adversity and going beyond his boundaries.

If Forrest Gump was around, maybe Jerry could have sold his portion to Forrest and Forrest could have given them away to people as he told stories to strangers on a park bench somewhere.

Look out for an appearance of a young Brendan Fraser (before he was in Encino Man, or The Mummy).

Its an educational film and should be viewed in all schools as part of the learning curriculum.
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In the face of intimidation, who is the last one standing?
vertigo_143 March 2004
In my book there are about five political films (as of this writing) that I revere as the best that I've ever seen (and though some may argue with my choice, don't forget that I have not seen every political film ever made). One of those five is Kieth Gordon's, The Chocolate War.

Actually, I found myself watching this film when searching out titles starring Ilan Mitchell Smith who portrays Wyatt Donnelly in Weird Science. And, I walked away being a new fan of Keith Gordon-directed films. (For those of you who don't recognize the name, Keith played the lead in John Carpenter's Christine). His talents as a director far exceed his acting abilities. And, for those of you who have enjoyed the Chocolate War, I recommend watching Gordon's film from the early '90s drama, A Midnight Clear, another adaptation.

I never got through the Chocolate War on the first try. It was a little too gloomy for my liking. But after a full viewing on the second try, I came to love this film. It's based on the fantastic Robert Cormier novel of the same title, which was once censored reading for some public schools. It is a nearly word-for-word adaptation, but has a different ending.

Mitchell-Smith portrays Jerry Renault, a student at a private all boy's school. The acting headmaster, played the very excellent John Glover, decides that because the school is running out of money, they will hold a chocolate sale to boost the revenues. Renault doesn't want to participate, for his own reasons. But, he's the only one. And before Renault's influence can spread to the rest of the boys and cost the school their needed profits, the headmaster employs the services of a vindictive and influential secret society at the school known as The Vigils, headed by Archie (Wally Ward). Thus, the test comes down to this: in the face of intimidation, who will break?

Filmed on what looked like the dreariest days in Washington state, this is a very gloomy movie, but nonetheless presents a powerful psychological study of what people will do under pressure when alone or when in groups. I thought everyone in the movie did a fantastic job (and surprise--nearly everyone--except for maybe Adam Baldwin--looked like they were actually high schoolers). Like other commentors have posted, it is not your usual feel good eighties fun fest.

Gordon changes the ending, but does not make it a happy-ending. Instead, the vicious cycle of inhumane power-wielding structures continue to exist, but in hero-less manner different than imagined by Cormier (as it had to be, since Cormier developed a sequel to the book). It is one of the most intelligent political films and well worth watching.
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The Chocolate War (1988)
fntstcplnt12 July 2019
The Chocolate War (1988)

Directed by Keith Gordon. Starring Ilan Mitchell-Smith, John Glover, Wallace Langham, Doug Hutchinson, Brent Fraser, Corey Gunnestad, Jenny Wright, Adam Baldwin, Bud Cort. (R)

Low-key but absorbing adaptation of Robert Cormier's controversial young adult novel of the same name depicting a secret student society at a Catholic high school and their power plays to manipulate the system and student body. Directorial debut for Keith Gordon is confident but restrained, allowing the story to unfold at a deliberate pace and create a quiet tension that (unfortunately) promises more than it ultimately delivers. The climax alters the book's flawed ending, but doesn't quite work for different reasons: a "happier" wrap-up with a cynical stinger. Mitchell-Smith's blank, listless performance renders the protagonist as an enigma (we never understand exactly why he does the things he does beyond a sleepy-eyed "whaddya got?" Brando attitude), but Glover and Langham (credited here as Wally Ward) both score bulls-eyes as a cruel headmaster and Machiavellian student respectively. Worth watching whether you've read the book or not.

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Chocolate War is Sumptuous Indie Entertainment
slowdive23-116 February 2019
This is a dark film with a somewhat comedic undercurrent. This is also notable for being a film that opened during the advent of post Altman/Cassavettes independent film (just one year before Sex, Lies, and Videotape, the indie darling that revitalized the movement) and it's a strong film even with its somewhat homespun theme. The highlight of this movie is actor John Glover's performance (who plays Lionel Luther in TVs "Smallville"). It's purely a stagework performance -- annuciating parables, Smiling jovially when giving bad news, and shelling out enormous body language. It's also a characterization with heart with sternness but never disparaging. This is very admirable work by Glover who really should have been nominated for an Oscar. Also Kudos to the director, Keith Gordon (who you may remember, played Rodney Dangerfield's rebellious son in "Back to School") plays Peter Gabriel's, "We Do What We're Told" at just the right moment, among other fine directorial attributes.
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lame ending
ksf-213 November 2022
The only name I recognize is bud cort, from harold and maude. He's one of the brothers teaching at the catholic school. When one student, renault, decides he won't sell candy for the fundraiser, one of the brothers takes it personally. But this catholic school has it's own gang. And when brother leon leans on the gang to persuade everyone to sell, sell, sell, they wonder what leon's motivation really is. Kind of a tempest in a teapot, as they say, but that's our story. But then things escalate, and it gets more violent. The trivia tells us that the book was a smidge controversial, as parents were not happy to read what may or may not be occurring at the catholic schools. Apparently the ending was quite different in the book by robert cormier. I can see why this didn't do well at the box office; the ending didn't make sense. It wasn't even a real boxing match. What kind of competition let's one kid get in a bunch of hits before the other even has a chance to throw a punch? Disappointing ending. The first film directed by keith gordon.
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preppy-326 December 2004
This is a textbook example of how NOT to adapt a book to the screen.

Teenager Jerry Renault in high school is having a terrible life. His mother just died, he has no connection with his father and has next to no friends. Then he has a run in with a secret group in the school called the Vigils. They tell him to do something and he refuses. Then his life becomes a nightmare...

At least that's how the book went. The book is harrowing. Strong, powerful and very bleak and desolate and Jerry is put through utter hell and is almost killed in the end in a truly horrifying sequence. A faithful adaptation of the novel was not going to happen--it was considered too extreme and doubtless it would get an X rating (for the violence). So...why bother with a movie version? Well...they did. The story was toned down and changed a LOT and VERY badly cast (especially the part of Janza). It was also shot with a wobbly camera which made me sea sick and (for some reason) Jerry has acne and nobody else does (?????) And, worst of all, they totally changed the ending which completely destroyed the point of the book! The ending is just hopeless--I'd love to know what they thought of when they dreamed it up.

The book is powerful, grim stuff and NOT for kids. It's not easy to read--it's very disturbing--but it has a point. This movie just tones down everything, casts it badly and destroys the book. This seems to have disappeared completely--that's a good thing. Don't bother. I give it a 1.
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Great Movie!
Mercedes-1324 July 2000
The Chocolate War is a movie about a young kid named Jerry and his power struggle with the group at school called the Vigils. They want him to sell the schools annual chocolates but he refuses and from then on the Vigils make his life miserable. I really enjoyed this movie and I thought that Wallace Langham gave a great performance as Archie. He was so mean and cold that you couldn't help hating him and this to me is a sign of a great actor. I think everyone should see this movie and if you already have see it again!
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School spirit socks when you get right down to it.
mark.waltz9 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Thinking back to high school after watching this, I realized how manipulated students could be to think that their school was better than all the rival schools put together, and that they owed the class officers, teachers and school administration so much more than just to pay attention, get good grades and in the case of this all boy's school make sure that their tuition was paid and participate in every fundraiser that came up. This film is memorable for showing in a mostly dramatic structure what happens when certain elements of a class refuse to participate and how they are shunned, abused and ridiculed, that is until they fight back.

In the 80's, there were "Ridgemont High" style teen movies and more serious ones like "Heaven Help Us", and this falls into the category of the later, having light-hearted moments, but more serious themes and elements that make the viewer think rather than wonder when the next sexual innuendo joke will be dropped. A good cast of mostly unknown actors flesh out the story, with a top notch John Glover a cheery but phony administrator, showing irony in how passive-aggressive manipulation egrh manipulates the manipulator to think they are absolutely in the right. A smart screenplay and detailed, steady direction are a plus. Definitely worth a view as a well made art house film that made me grateful that those days are long gone.
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Atrocious Dreck
talkstock2me-11 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
At best this movie is a pastiche of clichés. When there's no useful examination of motivations, simply substitute long glances into the near distance and play some maudlin electronic music. By and large the performances make do with this grotesquely awful material - but mostly it's a stinking mess. One example: The scene of a phone call between the "bad" guy and the "hero" features the bad dude listening to music... hmmm.. what type of music does every director play to indicate the character is very very smart - but evil? Of course! Classical music! Sure it's a little jarring competing with the rest of the ethno/electro soundtrack... but gosh darn it - dat villain is pure evil's I tell ya- PURE EVIL! ANd HEY! wouldn't ya know? - he's also somewhat effeminate! Yeh - I bet they'vee never had an effeminate, conniving villain - let's make him that way! zzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Only thing missing from this "villian" was the British accent and a constantly stroked white cat. Seriously though - this movie was *BAD* for all the wrong reasons. Just steaming dreck. Stay away from this lump.
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good film, great book
thomandybish16 May 2001
As a movie, THE CHOCOLATE WAR is good, but doesn't do justice to the book. Robert Cormier's 1974 novel ranks with A SEPARATE PEACE and CATCHER IN THE RYE as a landmark in young adult literature. While the film does wimp out on the original ending, it does a great job of conveying the bleak landscape of the adolescent mind and the dreary banality of high school life. Exterior shots are filmed under overcast skies, interior shots in gloomy half-light. Like the tone of the book, the film's atmosphere is stifling, apprehensive, and glum. The actor playing Archie gives a methodical, sociopathic performace. Yes, there is some artyness to the film, but it conveys the complex emotions in actions among the characters. Doesn't seem to have been widely released in theatres and was available on video at one point, this one gets overlooked when the lists of best teen films of the eighties are compiled. A stunning indictment of adolescent cruelty. Worth seeking out.
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Misunderstood masterpiece
mcrow30 November 2002
This movie actually surpasses the original novel, because of amazing performances by John Glover (Smallville) as Brother Leon and Wallace Langham (Veronica's Closet) as Archie Costello. While typically labeled an 80's "Coming of Age" film, this is not a feel good teen movie like "Dead Poet's Society" or "The Breakfast Club." This is a dark story about human cruelty and manipulation, no more "Coming of Age" than "Donny Darko."

Director/screenwriter Keith Gordon attempted to moralize the ending...a mistake from an artistic standpoint, but probably wise, considering the audience (American public). Consequently, most viewers are confused, rather than angry, with the outcome of the movie. Just another example of a masterpiece too realistic and uncomfortable for mass consumption.
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Loved the movie, book and soundtrack
safenoe4 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Chocolate War is top quality and deals with a range of themes in a private boy's school...power, corruption, the state, conformity. And that's all within the setting of a chocolate fund raiser.

Some reviewers have criticized the ending because it's not faithful to the book, and fair enough. But I liked the ending and as someone wrote, it's akin to if you can't fight city hall, join 'em. That's what Jerry Renault (Ilan Mitchell-Smith) did when he beat up Archie Costello (Wallace "CSI" Langham) in the boxing ring.

The soundtrack is haunting and it was never released commercially, but you can get the songs from other sources.

The acting is top notch and given the small budget (I think only $170,000), Keith Gordon did a masterful job directing this feature.
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" I'm not sure I made the right decision, maybe I should have sold the chocolates '
thinker16914 September 2009
" The Chocolate War " is a story which takes place in a private Catholic School and concerns itself with the secret goings-on within the religious hierarchy. Among the staff is Brother Leon (John Glover) an inwardly cruel, self-centered, vindictive poor excuse of a teacher. Yearly he holds the students accountable for raising the student activities' funds. In exchange for this suppliant behavior on their part, he allows them to hold court in a clandestine group call 'The Vigils.' The cell is structured from highest to lowest and overseen by a presiding president (Adam Balwin) and his secretary Archie Costello, (Wallace Langham). Both owe their power to Brother Leon who allows their childish behavior to ride roughshod over their lower classmates by assigning them to petty pranks. Enter Jerry Renault (Ilan Mitchell-Smith) a new student with deeply ingrained personal problems. Pressured by brother Leon, the boys are ordered to sell boxes of chocolates. Realizing it's a repetitive, yearly ritual, the entire student body reluctantly agrees to sell the sweets, all except Renault. His reason for refusal is difficult to explain but what begins as a outright refusal, becomes a test of wills, escalating into an true test of power. The decision made by Renault blossoms into a further problem when everyone realizes his decision to not participate could bring the traditional structure to it's knees. The movie itself is very slow to develop and at times downright boring. However there is salvation towards the end and the cast renders a good solution to an otherwise dull drama. Were it not for the poor directing, gloomy environment and shallow script, this would have made an inspiring movie. ***
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Archie's Existential Hell
omalley-1013 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
At the very end of the movie we see Archie's ultimate misery: Being made scribe to Obie's childish assigner. "Get a naked picture of his mom for us", "Make him eat a booger in front of everyone". The sheer banality of these assignments compared to Archie's elegant Machiavellianism is more than enough punishment for him, and it's genius. I don't know if this was in the book, and I think I'll go and get a copy to see for myself!
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all the subtleness of a TV soap opera
btm19 March 2009
I never read or even heard of the book so I had no idea what to expect. What I saw were characters that were caricatures and a director who thinks that good cinema is focusing on a person who is standing still and unsmiling like a 19th century portrait photograph. A catholic school is the setting and the teacher-monk is evil, sadistic and a megalomaniac. The campus secret society is headed by a student who is evil, sadistic and a megalomaniac. The painfully shy A-student looks at girls but won't express any interest in them even when one of them separates from her group and comes over to talk to him. Is there any new message in this film?

I have to confess that I cannot give a fair review to this movie because I turned it off after 30 minutes. It was too painful to watch long enough to find out.
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A brilliant film with echoes of Lord of the Flies
davros30318 July 2011
My perspective on this film is likely to be unique, in that I've never read the book. The critical reception and most user reviews widely criticize Keith Gordon's re-writing of the book's ending and this was ultimately reflected in its shocking performance at the box office. If you've never read the book, you can effectively ignore all criticism, because The Chocolate War is arguably one of the finest films to explore the dark underbelly of teenage cruelty, manipulation and the childhood induction of the mob mentality and a superb directorial debut for Keith.

John Glover's performance as the twisted and politically carnivorous Brother Leon is stunning and easily his best work. With echoes of Lord of the Flies, The Chocolate War explores the outer reaches of cruelty, fear and control exercised by the two antagonistic forces of the student led secret society The Vigils, and the school's acting school head - Brother Leon. Anyone who has ever been bullied or coerced to side with bullies out of the necessity for self-preservation will find a string of painful moments to relate to in this film.

The soundtrack is a masterpiece of emotion. The intro to Peter Gabriel's "We Do What We're Told" is used as a recurring musical theme providing an atmospheric backdrop to the web of cruelty and manipulation that unfolds for Jerry the protagonist. But the revelation is the haunting piano of "Shepherd's Song" by Scott Cossu, which holds the space for Jerry's introspection, his loss and the tragedy of his situation.

Yes, there are some elements lacking in this film - namely the performance of the hero (Jerry) played by Ilan Mitchell-Smith and some of the dated directorial techniques adopted by Keith Gordon for the flashback sequences and other scenes. However the strength of the story, soundtrack and performances from John Glover and Wallace Langham tower above the film's shortcomings. Keep in mind this was Gordon's feature film directorial debut.

I'm not going to comment on the ending, other than to say it works perfectly for the narrative of this film and is in no way disappointing. To the contrary, it still moves me to tears despite more than half a dozen viewings of this film over the years.

The Chocolate War is difficult to find but absolutely essential viewing.
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Thought provoking, powerful and deeply pessimistic about humanity
GusF27 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Based on a novel by the late Robert Cormier, the film paints a fairly dark picture of humanity in general and emphasises the dangers of mob rule through the vehicle of a chocolate sale in a Catholic High School of all things. A pessimistic tone pervades the film and, in the end, no one really wins. Good doesn't triumph over evil. While I haven't read the original novel from 1974, I certainly want to. Apparently, the original ending is even more pessimistic.

The star of the film is, technically, Ilan Mitchell-Smith - best known as Wyatt in "Weird Science" a.k.a. the one who wasn't Anthony Michael Hall - as Jerry Renault. I say "technically" because while the thrust of the story pivots around Jerry, other characters have considerably more screen time, particularly in the first half an hour of the movie. To be perfectly honest, Mitchell-Smith isn't a great actor but he's certainly adequate. It's also supported by a great secondary cast including John Glover, Wallace Langham, Adam Baldwin and Doug Hutchinson (who was apparently 27 at the time in spite of the fact that he was playing an 18-year-old boy). Glover and Langham, probably best known for their roles in "Smallville" and "CSI" respectively, deserve particular praise.

I've been wanting to see this film for over two years and it was well worth the wait. One of the most powerful films that I've seen in a long time which raises some thought provoking issues. It cost $500,000 but made only about $300,000 at the box office. It's so little known that I don't think that it's even earned cult status! I imagine that its lack of success was based on its somewhat silly sounding title, frankly. However, it's far darker and much more interesting than the title would suggest. The cheesy soundtrack aside, I heartily recommend this film.
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This movie has stayed with me since I first saw it in the 80s
joelglevi21 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely write reviews here, but I had to put in a good word for The Chocolate War when I saw so few positive comments on the film. Simply put, if you are the right person who had similar experiences growing up, this movie will move you. You will not forget it. It is a low-budget film, and it sometimes shows. Some of the devices used to show the brutality and its emotional effect on the lead character are clumsy. But I have seldom been more affected by a film. Rather than say anything about the plot, I would prefer to discuss the themes that this movie presents so well. It is about the authoritarian impulses that lie deep in the human psyche. It shows how groupthink can destroy individuality and human dignity. It is about cruelty. When the lead character, Jerry, chooses to defy these conditions in his high school he comes face to face with some terrible truths about human behavior. The film's climax, of course, brings him in direct opposition to his classmates, and it might feel contrived, except that this film manages to bring the ugliness of humanity into sharp relief. If you take a chance on this film, you might not like it. Or, it might move you like few other films ever do.
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as a teaching tool, it works
Kevin_Maness12 March 1999
I decided I'd better write a comment when I rated this movie as a 4. Let me qualify. I use this film with high school sophomores while we read the Robert Cormier novel. I wouldn't run out and rent it unless you can't find your pirated cassette of Yaz's Upstairs at Eric.

The Chocolate War is yet another coming of age novel set in a boys preparatory school, this time in a rather lower-middle class Catholic school called Trinity. The student body is harassed and impressed by a "gang," something of a fraternity, called The Vigils. The sadistic and clever Archie Costello, often referred to as "a bastard," leads the Vigils and devises psychologically twisted hazing rituals for non-Vigils in the school--just to remind everyone who's boss.

Jerry Ranault is a skinny Freshman whose mom died a year earlier of cancer. He's the nice kid trying to make it in a not-nice world. Clearly, the confrontation in the book and the film is between Jerry and the Vigils (specifically Archie).

Power and non-conformity are the themes of both the book and the movie. The good news: this story doesn't necessarily meet the glib expectations it raises. That is, non-conformity doesn't automatically spell success and victory for Jerry. There a Dead Poets Society-ish twist and a dark edge that keeps the book on frequently banned lists all over the country year after year.

The film can be hard to take. It is unquenchably 80s, especially in soundtrack. The acting is close to amateur, and the timing is off. If you don't want to read the book, this movie can almost get you through, but there are some changes, including a rather substantial revision of the ending (high schoolers beware).

Don't rent it unless you're in the market for video Cliff's Notes.
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Adaptation that captures the book's spirit
Aussiesmurf29 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
An extremely low budget adaptation of Robert Cormier's coming-of-age novel hits most of the marks with accuracy.

For the uninitiated, the plot concerns Jerry Renault, a freshman at a religious private school. He is drifting in an emotional vacuum since the death of his mother particularly due to the resulting emotional gulf between he and his father.

At Jerry's school a secret society known as The Vigils plan various pranks and psychological games, known as assignments and given to various nervous freshmen such as Jerry. When a school chocolate sale becomes the focus of the Vigils and the staff, Jerry takes a seemingly futile stand against conformity that sets off many ramifications...

The main things to praise about the adaptation are the acting by the various (mostly quite young) participants, and the tight script, which maintains a remarkable fidelity to the structure of Cormier's novel.


There has been much controversy concerning the ending to the movie, which is of the surface quite different from the novel. It is true that in the novel the villians go 'unpunished', while that is not the case in the movie. However, I would argue that the fate of Jerry, the protagonist is roughly the same. The point being that even if Jerry 'wins' the climactic fight, he has still really lost, because he has doomed himself by being a participant in a contest not of his making.

Worth a look, but if you're studying the book at school, you'll need to read it as well.
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