Night of the Demons (1988) Poster

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Classic 80's horror picture
ryannemetz1 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Night of the Demons is by far one of my favorite horror films to date. You really cannot go wrong with this picture. It's directed by the master Kevin (Witchboard) Tenney and based on a Joe Augustyn script.

The film is based on a rowdy group of high school teens who decide to throw a party in an old abandoned funeral parlor. Both Angela (Amelia Kinkade) and and Suzanne (Linnea Quigley) are the ones responsible for throwing this party together. They invite a small group of personal friends together and host this party on none other than Halloween Night. The party starts off as a real smash. However, throughout the course of the night, Angela and Suzanne transform into demonic characters and infect the rest of the guests.

There are some real classics deaths in this one. Jill (Sleepaway Camp III) Terashita and her beau Philip Tanzini meet their untimely death, while they are "working it out," in a casket of all places. Stooge, who happens to be one of the highlights of the party, crushes them both in the coffin. This death here, is one of my all time favorites. Also, check out the lipstick scene with Linnea Quigley.

This movie has it all, the house, the booze, naked chicks, violence and demons. If you are into real bad movies, like myself, then go ahead and check out this masterpiece.

I am also pleased to report that Anchor Bay has received the rights to be able to release this fine movie finally on a DVD release. Boy, I cannot wait. The street date is slated for an August 24th 2004 release date.

If you haven't seen nor hear of this movie then I advise you to go ahead and check it out. If you have seen this then hopefully you'll pick it up on DVD once its released. 10/10 for a classic!
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They don't make demon movies like these anymore. 80s was the best.
Fella_shibby27 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie just rocks. It has everything, Halloween, the costumes, the big house, demon possession, great 80s cheese music, even creepiness through-out. The demons are actually creepy. Director Tenney is obviously skilled at creating a creepy mood and the film is pretty stylish as well. Once the demon action kicks in, its fun. If you r a horror movie fan you owe it to yourself to check this out. I remember seeing Night of the Demons back in the late 80s on a rented VHS. Its directed by Kevin Tenney (witchboard 1 n 2, witchtrap, 2007-brain dead). It has Linnea Quigley ( Silent Night, Deadly Night, Return of the living dead, Nightmare on elm street-4, Night of the demons remake). Looking forward for more projects from the director Kevin tenney. Saw the sequel of this in the mid 90s on a VHS, which was OK. Saw the third part in the late 90s on a vcd, which was a bad movie. Saw the 2009 remake starring Edward furlong on a DVD, which I dint enjoy.
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Cheesy but mindless fun 80s horror fanfare.
OllieSuave-00730 October 2022
The acting was cheesy, the make-up and hair were too excessive, the plot was mindless, and the music was funky, but hey - it was the 1980s.

This is another 80s horror flick- about ten teenagers who party at an abandoned funeral parlor on Halloween night. They encounter a demonic force, and they turn the teenage kids' party into a living nightmare. What results are some more of the usual screams, chases, and gore.

The creatures were quite creepy as a matter of fact and will give you some nice scares. Not much of a plot to the movie - just lots of running and screaming, but it's mindless horror fun for Halloween, so don't take this movie too seriously.

Grade B-
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An old school 80's classick.
coldwaterpdh23 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After much pondering, I finally popped this flick in recently and I have to say, I was surprised at how good it was. "Night of the Demons" is a classic 80's fright flick, complete with good scares, decent gore, and freaky chicks dancing to bad music.

A group of punks go to an old, run down house to party it up and they soon find out that the place is haunted by an evil presence. One by one they are possessed and turn to the dark side, mauling and killing each other off. It's pretty rad.

The special effects are good in this one. When the punks turn into demons, they are pretty damn hideous.

Recommended for the 80's horror fan.

7 out of 10, kids.
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This film has the best that 80's horror had to offer without none of the crap.
crueltwistoffate31 December 2005
I could never remember if the film was actually any good because a lot of films back then I have fond memories of but now in recent viewing I see that they're not actually that good. But my fears were quickly put to rest when I saw this bad boy of an 80's classic. How hard does it rock? It rocks all kinds of ass. It owns the 80's movie. It is what I think about good 80's horror.

Script's perfect. It's tightly written, funny as hell, has great characters,a great plot and an interesting take on the haunted house set up. But best of all this film isn't just a horror movie... it's a freaking comedy for the first act set in the world of a horror movie. The humor comes naturally and isn't forced and is never too cute for it's own good. The writer knew what kind of film he was making and so he kept everything to make it fit in it's own tone. But best of all the film has a timeless and never feels dated. This film came out about 18 years ago and it's still freaking fun as hell. The jokes still keep me laughing and I've seen it a bunch of times since. I laugh out loud ever single time. Hell, the lines in this film are so damn catchy and the actors deliver them with such life that I can't help but to love them. Man, the script is so well done that I actually know them by heart. I can repeat every catchy line from the film out of the blue and they still make me laugh. I love it. What makes it so great it has a perfect mix of laughs and pure horror. This film is for fans of the genre and they give the fans what they want... but better then that they actually deliver a great film along with the gore and blood. This film captures an era where horror was fun and wasn't scared to try new things while still delivering a good film. It's a classic.

Cast wise...everyone is spot on. They all know how to deliver their lines and they know how to keep their characters alive and fun. First let's start off with our lead... Cathy Podewell as Judy" the good girl virgin". You know what...I love her performance. That's it. I love her in this film. She's really sweet and I love her acting... or non of there You know what I know what I mean. She's not really a great actress but she's on that boarder line of being wonderfully bad. A lot of people won't like her but I love her. She's adorable and cute. Then there's Billy Gallo as Sal and Hal Havins as Stooge. They both are funny as hell have some of the best lines in the film. They are a blast. That's it. I love both their characters. But it's their acting and personalities which makes us like their "jerk" characters in the film. They're both jerks but fun jerks. Everyone else is great to in our group of teens.

Directing wise... I love director Keven S. Tenney. I love his directing on this film. I adore it, I study it and marvel at it. It's amazing. For the first 40 minutes it's mostly a comedy but he shoots it in a very interesting way. He has kick ass angles, camera moves and I just dug everything he brought to the table. The man knows how to make a cool looking film. I love his shots. I can't start to even tell you. This film not might be the most original type of 80's horror movie but it is very original looking. You watch this film and you know you aren't getting some low budget horror movie. No, the style here makes this film feel bigger then what it was meant to be. I loved how the camera seemed to just follow and move. Man, I just trip out on this film because every time I see I catch something new about the directing. There's always something new to spot. There's always some cool shot... or cool camera move that you never noticed before. So I love this film for that too. Not only that but Kevin doesn't let his style speak for him... he also crafts a great horror film. He knows how to bring real terror and fright into this film. But still it fits perfectly with the first part of the film. But I was also happy to see that even in the horror part of the film he never lost his flair for style. I love the floor shot looking up at Demonic Angela as she seems to float above the air... and if you watch the film with the insightful commentary then you've get a bigger treat when you find out just how they did it.

Okay, so you got a clever script,fun cast and an amazing director... so what else do you need? Well, how about an even better score. I love the music for this film. It was done by Dennis Tenny, the director's brother, and he creates some of the most unforgettable music for a horror film ever. I love his score. It's got balls and is original. I never heard a score like that before and haven't heard one since. I also loved the music they used in this film. They didn't just use the latest popular songs(like today's horror movies) or songs from a current popular bands or rappers(like they did in the 80's). Nope, they used music that they picked for the film and would fit in. The music is great and what I loved more is the songs that Dennis Tenny wrote for the film. I love "Computer Date".
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Exactly what it should be!
Domey24 November 1999
IF you're looking for a typical slasher, horror flick, this is a good choice. Don't expect a surprise ending or even witty, interesting dialogue. You will get some screams, some gore, some pre-mortem nudity and some laughs. The point is, don't expect too much.
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Should be terrible...but...its not...
emperor_bender21 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Very low budget, low quality special effects, terrible acting, and not very probable...these all should spell "Bad Movie". But, for Night of the Demons, I'll make an exception. This movie isn't "so bad its good". I hate that philosophy, and I will never use that for a movie. If its "so bad" then it really is "so bad", not "good". This movie was NOT strong on storyline. The storyline does not make much sense at all, I mean, its consistent for the most part, but very improbable. The acting was the worst quality of the movie. The acting was horrid. Most of the actors were probably poor college kids looking for extra money. But, the scares were GREAT! The characters were better acting when possessed than as normal people. I liked Rodger, the main character. He was realistic and different. Judy wasn't all that bad, she played a good "screamer". Angela was alright as well. I did like Sal Romero, his accent was actually funny. He was one of the 3 people (Rodger and Judy) to actually have a brain. The old man was funny as hell also. Reminds me of my neighbor but 10x worse. ANother good thing was that all the actors were no-name, so you couldn't tell who was next, who would make it out and whatnot. I rate this a 6.5/10, but since 6.5 cant be chosen, I'll round it up to 7/10. Watch if your in the mood for a mindless B-horror movie.
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Even too bad to be good
KarlsenGeir6 February 2024
I appreciate that this movie has sort of a cult following, but I'm not one of them. I do usually have a soft spot for B-movies, but this one even misses the mark as a B-flick.

This movie is all around bad. The script, the music, the acting is just awful. Only a small amount of cool special effects makes it 2/10 in strad of 1. The script could be written by a child, the music seems to be recorded using only a piano keyboard found in the discount bin at your local toy store and the actors might just as well be random people who accidentally walked in from the street.

If you like B-movies, then this might be for you. But I don't even think this is "so bad it's good again". Consider yourself warned.
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Great mindless 80s Horror!
capkronos15 March 2000
Warning: Spoilers
The 80s were overrun by all those HALLOWEEN/Friday THE 13TH slasher-style horror movies, so this is something of a relief.

Ten unbelievably annoying teenagers (would you want to hang out with these jerks?!) decide to throw a Halloween party at a local former funeral parlor called "Hull House". During a "past life séance" a demon is accidentally released, and each person becomes possessed and kills off the others.

This all sounds very EVIL DEAD/DEMONS-ish, but Tenney lends some directorial style to the proceedings, there are some good one-liners, the music is excellent, the Steve Johnson prosthetic make-up FX are scary and Linnea Quigley is quite fun as a boy-crazy bimbo who pokes out eyeballs with her fingers and does an amazing new thing with a tube of lipstick!

Great fun on a no-brainer level! After checking out the breakdown of the voting and the other posted reviews, I don't understand how this only received 4 out of 10 (?!)

I give it, 8 out of 10.
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"I'm into all sorts of things tonight".
lost-in-limbo15 April 2020
This is one of those franchises where I had seen the sequels and even the remake before the original film. From that, I had an idea of what I was going to get. Maybe it's a grower, as I wasn't particularly blown away, yet Kevin S. Tenney's "NIGHT OF THE DEMONS" for most part, remains a fun, twisted 80s low-budget Halloween-based horror. The opening animated credits were imaginatively done, as it did a great job setting up the mood.

One thing that stood out, it does spend quite bit of time fooling about, before the party literally goes to hell. Most of the characters are loathsome, but the humour comes off. At least Linnea Quigley can make a scene in more than one way, from her pun-riddled dialogues, or flaunting her underwear and giving us a party trick (involving her lipstick) that's out of this world. Not to take anything away from Amelia Kinkade's seductive dance number either. What it does show, is that the set-pieces, along with the macabre makeup effects and grisly gore (courtesy of Steve Johnson) were more memorable than the formulaic narrative and bubblegum performances.

The setting of the party in an abandoned funeral home with a horrific past, adds a nicely creepy and isolated vibe that works a treat once it becomes a disorientating demonic party-bash. Taut thrills and lively camerawork follows, where the possessed party guests start toying with each other in a chase format. It ends on a disappointedly staged climax, yet the gimmicky ending was a nice touch.
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This movie has its fans...but I'm not one of them.
BA_Harrison11 July 2006
'Night of the Demons' is a dodgy slice of 80s horror boasting a terrible script, some excruciatingly bad acting and lousy direction from horror hack Kevin Tenney.

The derivative wafer-thin plot sees a bunch of obnoxious teens spending Halloween partying in a derelict spooky house; one-by-one they become possessed by the evil spirits that dwell there.

Tenney tries desperately to emulate the visual style of The Evil Dead and the punk attitude of The Return of the Living Dead, but only manages to deliver a dull, tedious crap-fest that doesn't even manage to entertain on a 'so-bad-it-is-good' level. Tenney has nearly all of the ingredients necessary for a B-movie classic—monsters, naked chicks, and gore—but is missing the most vital one in order to make it all work: talent.

The badly paced film takes an amazingly long time for anything noteworthy to happen and after 50 minutes of irritating 'crazy' shenanigans from the 'wacky' teens, I couldn't wait for them all to start dying.

The special makeup effects from Steve Johnson are actually pretty good when they finally happen, but they are wasted on such a lousy film. Particularly impressive is a scene in which 80s scream queen Linnea Quigley pushes a lipstick into her breast and also rather good is a juicy double eye squish.

Also worth mentioning are the lovely ladies who strip off during the course of the movie, making the experience slightly more bearable. The aforementioned Miss Quigley bares all for the camera (as usual) and lovely Jill Terashita gets her best attributes out for the lads. Gorgeous Cathy Podewell only manages a brief glimpse of her bare backside and a bra shot, but I'm not complaining—with such a dull movie, I was grateful for anything that might liven it up.

'Night of the Demons' spawned two sequels, which are on my pile of DVDs-to-watch. Wish me luck!
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The original and still the best
movieman_kev23 October 2012
Two sequels and a lame remake doesn't do anything to diminish the fun of this original film wherein a diverse group of high school seniors attend a Halloween party being thrown by 'weird' Angela at the deserted supposedly haunted Hull House. After staging an impromptu séance, demons come out to show these boys and girls how to really party.

I'm surprised with how well this movies has held up. Yea there's a bit of dated 80's humor but for the most part it still works surprisingly well. Plus they just don't make Scream Queens like Linnea anymore, she's awesome in both this and 'Return of the Living Dead"

Eye Candy: Cathy Podewell shows her butt; Jill Terashita goes topless; and scream queen Linnea Quigley goes full frontal
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Wild, off the wall 80's horror at its best
Analog_Devotee7 September 2020
This one's for the real 80's horror fiends out there. Trashy, tacky, cheesy, greasy, gory and campy. A must-watch during the Halloween season!

Linnea Quigley is a true 80's horror staple!
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It's films like this that killed the horror genre.
gridoon26 January 2003
And you know why? Because they thought (or at least made horror fans think) that a bunch of obnoxious, foul-mouthed, screaming teenagers, some stupid demons (Where do they come from? What is their purpose? Who knows?) and a dark mansion are all you need to make a horror movie. Needless to say, they were wrong. You also need a script, some logic, some rules, and some invention. This flick DOES have one scene that lives up to its reputation (the lipstick scene, of course), and a couple of funny moments (the kid brother's description of his mother's cookies, Linnea Quigley's "don't look at me" scene). It also has more profanity than any movie I've watched since I last saw "Reservoir Dogs". Literally every fourth or fifth word is a "f***" or a "b****". Then again, when a movie begins with FOUR false scares in its first 5 minutes, you know not to expect anything resembling good filmmaking. (*1/2)
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Fun, eighties treat.
PARKER_FILM2527 February 2001
This movie is fun to watch with a bunch of friends. It's silly, and the acting is over the top, but it's fun. The story is simple with ten teens throwing a party in a demon infested mortuary. Quigley was so funny. I wasn't at all sorry for most of the people who died. There were so annoying, that's the whole point of this film to get a few scares, have fun, and see some alright nudity.
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"Run Judy Run!" "See Judy Run!"
PredragReviews12 September 2016
Many people don't appreciate dated or lower budget horror, but in my opinion you cannot be a true horror fan without at least a respect for the B-movie. This movie is enjoyable in only that way that 80's campy horror can be enjoyable. It doesn't take itself too seriously and you really shouldn't either. Often overshadowed by the slasher movies of the 80's, this one is a classic. Amelia Kinkade plays Angela. Watch for her creepy dance sequence. It's pretty memorable and what happens right after elevates Amelia's character, Angela from B Movie character to a horror powerhouse like Freddy and Jason. But unfortunately the 2 sequels that followed are inferior and wound up botching her character. Linnea Quigley does something very interesting with a tube of lipstick. And the gore effects are pretty cool.

This movie is by no means a thought provoking kind of horror movie, where you are supposed to question the existence of humanity or anything like that. This is a horror movie with lots of drinking, sex, and drugs, and many many moments of "oh my god did she just?! Did they just do?!" Honestly as a shock value horror flick very few movies surpass this one. I'm probably a bit nostalgic for it, but only slightly I think a lot of the shock moments in this movie will get more people than most of the ones in "Saw" or "Hostel". The director had a really good feel on what would appeal to an 80's teen (and 90's teen in the near future.) Hull House is by far the best environment for a movie like this. The music is the greatest horror movie music ever! Far surpassing that of "Nightmare on Elm Street's". It throws a lot into the atmosphere of the movie.

Overall rating: 7 out of 10.
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Still an enjoyable horror movie...
paul_haakonsen19 November 2023
I have watched this 1988 movie once before, but must admit that I have entirely forgotten the storyline, and thus I opted to sit down and watch it again here in 2023, as I had the opportunity to do so. I should say that the demonic face on the movie's cover does come off as being very memorable.

The storyline in "Night of the Demons" is pretty straightforward, and very archetypical for a late 1980s horror movie, for better or worse. I have to admit that I am a sucker for movies like this, and found the 1980s to be a great decade for the horror genre. So yeah, I enjoyed what writer Joe Augustyn and director Kevin Tenney delivered with this 1988 horror movie. It is a an entertaining storyline, though I guess some people might consider it a bit slow paced to start out with. But writer Joe Augustyn was good at setting up the premise of the demonic infestation.

The acting performances in "Night of the Demons" were good. It wasn't famous actors and actresses, though. But the cast put on good performances in portraying their characters and the demonic entities.

Visually then "Night of the Demons" was good. Sure, this was a late 1980s movie, and the effects show that. But I enjoyed that, because there was attention to detail, and the demonic entity designs were actually interesting for what they turned out to be. It was funny, however, how the demon in the black dress sounded very similiar to Dr. Claw from the "Inspector Gadget" cartoons when it was speaking.

I have also watched part two, but don't think I ever got around to watching part three.

The 1988 movie "Night of the Demons" is an enjoyable horror movie, and it is well-worth watching. It is, in fact, a movie that still is very watchable today, 35 years after it was released.

My rating of "Night of the Demons" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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Best of the worst
josh-1628 March 2001
I'm not a big fan of doing things for kitsch value, and I usually cringe when people claim that something is so bad that it's good. But this movie really is. The imdb quotes page for Night of the Demons cites a couple of real gems, but there are literally dozens of groan-inducing one-liners in this flick. What more can you say when a screenwriter's idea of snappy banter is, "Shut up and drive, b****"? The gore is cornier, the doomed couples are hornier, the bit players are stupider and the cliches are funnier than the rest of the genre. I can't in good conscience recommend that you pay money to see this movie, but I really enjoyed it.
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"Night of the Demons"- Stupid, trashy, sub-standard schlock... I love it!
TedStixonAKAMaximumMadness28 September 2020
I can't in good conscience sit here and give director Kevin Tenney's 1988 opus "Night of the Demons" great praise or my highest recommendation. I can't tell you it's a must-see film or that it's an expertly crafted thrill-ride. Nor can I say it was well-acted and breathlessly paced. Because the honest truth is... it's a complete mess. It's dumber than a box or rocks, trashier than an episode of "Maury," and the execution is patchy and sub-standard at best.

But you know what? Those are the reasons why I love it!

Yes, the one thing I can say is that if you're a fan of B-movie schlock and sleazy exploitation like I am, you're definitely going to get your money's worth here. Its faults are also the source of its charm, and it's chock-full of everything you'd want out of a dumb 80's horror flick. There are bared-breasts aplenty, and enough gooey gore to keep you glued to the screen. It's stupid... oh, it's stupid. But it's stupid in the right kinds of ways.

It's Halloween night and a group of teens have decided to hold a party at the infamous Hull House- an abandoned mortuary with a troubled past. Among them are the adorkable Judy (Cathy Podewell) and the wild social outcast Angela. (Amelia Kinkade) However, things take a dark turn when the party-goers decide to hold a séance... unwittingly unleashing demonic spirits that begin to possess and pick-off the teenagers one-by-one! Now, Judy and the others must fight for their lives as they try to survive the night of the demons!

To the film's credit, I will say that there are some pretty good things going for it. As silly as it can be, I found the bulk of the visual effects to be really well-executed. Particularly of note was a hilariously insane sequence involving a woman's nipple and a tube of lipstick that was wonderfully disgusting. And the demons were all suitably frightening. I also really enjoyed the bulk of the cast, even if they weren't the strongest actors. Podewell makes for an enjoyable and likeable protagonist, and Kinkade is a ton of fun as the weird, gothy Angela, who is quickly possessed by the demons and becomes the main adversary. She's just a blast in the role. And of course, we have a great turn from scream queen Linnea Quigley in a small part... Quigley is one of those actors that's not very good... but she's always really entertaining to watch as she chews the scenery.

Where the film falls flat is in its execution. While I'm not too familiar with his work, director Tenney seems over-his-head with the material. Many shots and sequences feel oddly paced, and some of the choices in camera angles and compositions are really wonky. The editing can also feel patchy and inconsistent, with the earlier scenes in particular dragging. And then there's the script by Joe Augustyn. And it's... not great. It feels really trashy at times, the dialogue is laughably on-the-nose and the general tone is all over the place. Quite frankly, it's just plain stupid.

But like I said... that's kind of the fun of the film. It's not a very good movie. But I don't think it's trying to be. It's just trying to be dumb fun. And in that respect, it succeeds. I can go alone with the silly plot and the badly written characters because they exist to get us to good stuff- the boobs and blood! And I can live with the poor editing and direction because that's not really the point. The movie exists to entertain. And entertain it does. At least provided you like this sort of silly movie. And it gives a lot of the films faults a certain perverted charm.

This is one of those cases where it's hard to give the film any sort-of numerical score. If I were to judge it based on its actual quality, this is at best a 3 out of 10. As a movie, it just isn't very good. But if I were to judge it by its entertainment value, it's easily a very solid 7, because it has enough nifty effects and bouncing bosoms to make it a fun watch. You know what? I think I'll go ahead and just average those out, bringing us to a sloppy but very watchable 5 out of 10. If you like a good-bad horror movie, you'll almost certainly get a kick out of "Night of the Demons."
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Vastarien2028 September 2006
Night of the Demons is a great movie and an excellent example of how good low-budget can be. Sure, much of it is fairly predictable, but somehow it's still much more enjoyable than the crap we see these days being passed off as "Horror". I give the gore a solid 9, and the Demons' one-liners are actually funny. I'm still creeped out by "Stop looking at me!" The soundtrack is well done, I was surprised to hear "Stigmata Martyr" from Bauhaus! There is also some very nice T&A on display, as well as some hella good make-up effects. The second film in the series is pretty good too, but avoid the inferior third one. Night of the Demons may be dated, dark, and low-rent, but it still has a lot of potential. It's definitely worth a rental at least. Give it a chance tonight, just stay away from any old makeup! (you'll understand when you see it!)
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First of all, I love cover designe of this movie.
olciak-1294922 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely iconic as well as Mimis's seductive dance. I was just mesmerized how good this scene was, and what kinda of atmosphere it creates. It was sexy, it was dirty, it goes perfectly with the song in the background and work of the lights.

This production is rather cheesy and has predictible plot, yet is another example of 80s cult movies. However, more or less in halfway, plot becomes a little bit one note, and I wish there was slightly different ending.

I also appreciate diversity in characters despite that some of them were just annoying and acting in general is not very strong point of this movie. I was not impressed especially with role of the scream queen - Linnea Quigley. Her over sexualized, pinkish, girly character obsessed with make up was the worst, in my opinion. Most of the time she was just shaking her ass and beating her lilps with another layers of lipstick and everyone's cock was getting hard because of her but...let's be real, she looked like women in her mid 30 changed into some toddler dress. I also don't understand what the scene with pushing lipstick into her nipple supposed to mean, but who am I to judge 🤷 The gore is on point as well as surprisingly good makeup effects but once again, they could have gone just a tiny bit further with this.

I enjoyed dark plot twist at the ends but it left me wondering how anyone could possibly not feel lazor on the tongue while swallowing piece of pie🤷

Overall, I was not particularly impressed but I enjoyed watching it.
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Scream Factory Does it again!
mcw695713 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was a huge fan of this movie when it came out.I must have watched it on VHS 100 times.That being said its been a good 15 years since I've watched it & having just bought it & watched it on Bluray I have to say that I don't know what I ever saw in this movie.This doesn't happen very often with me usually a movie I loved as a kid is a movie I still enjoy as an adult. American Werewolf In London,My Bloody Valentine,Prince of Darkness & They Live just to name a few.Night of the Demons is an ugly movie loaded with stereotyped characters & trope after trope.Watching it now it reminded me of really bad dinner theater.This is not a so-bad-its-good b-movie or even one of the finer trashier Troma flicks.Nope NOTD exists in this vacuum of awfulness that is almost jarring to watch.I see no point in breaking down the story or explaining the highs & lows because I can sum up this movie in one sentence. Night of the Demons is a joyless scare-free Evil Dead knock-off that has absolutely zero redeeming qualities if your not a teenage boy living in the 1980's. Still I love Scream Factory & in 2013 my library increased with more of the movies they released & I'm looking forward to future titles to come.
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Better than I remember it!
filmbuff197428 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I originally saw this movie in a movie theater on Times Square in the late eighties. Who would have thought this film would spawn two sequels and have this cult following.Night of the Demons was like most other films that came out at the time.A group of horny teenagers find themselves trapped in some isolated local and then are killed off one at a time in various gruesome ways.Come to think of it the formula still is used and still seems to work as evidenced by Saw II that I recently saw.

I saw Mimi Kinkade at a Fangoria convention about six years ago and she was so gentle hearted!I guess that makes her a pretty good actress if she could make a career out of playing this demon possessed woman in all these horror flicks.Anyway, I just this film again on VHS cassette and this movie still holds up.A little slow at the beginning as I remembered when I first saw it but then it quickly picks up pace. One of the eighties horror classics and worth a look!
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The Party of all parties is about to get a little "demonized"
actionmoviestar4 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"Night of the Demons," the 1988 low-budget cult classic horror flick has everything you want in it: nudity, gore and funny dialogue. The plot is so basic that even a two year old could understand it. While a good movie, it still has it's flaws that cannot be easily overlooked. The problem does not lie within the story because if you actually look at it, the story was simple yet creative and effective but it lies with the performances of the actors.

First off, lets talk about the plot. The plot is basic, as I have already stated. It centers on a group of teens, that throw a party at an abandoned funeral parlor on Halloween(go figure) which is hosted by their freakishly weird classmate Angela. During a séance, weird things began to happen which opens the portal to, you guessed it, demons being unleashed. It is not long until the demons take possession of the teenagers, causing havoc for the rest of the movie.

Don't get me wrong. "Night of the Demons" isn't a bad flick, for it's heart is in the right place. However it sorely lacked in the acting department. The performances were so terrible that it wasn't even good for horror movie standards. The lead actress' performance was so bad, that it just seemed the casting director just randomly picked her off the street and said "you're going to be in horror movie, we need as many people as we can get." The film's strength however lies within it's wild frenetic cinematography(Evil Dead anyone) and gory F/X. If this film's cinematography had not of been that great and the effects would've been less than stellar, this film would've got a less than stellar review from me.

"Night of the Demons" is a good image of reminding us of the good old fashioned days of horror, back when everything was so simple and directors actually still had a lot of creativity, but is sorely brought down because of it's bad acting. Still it's a good film but the acting is what keeps it from being raised from "barely" average 80's horror flick.
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Makes Friday the 13th look like Citizen Kane
mjkpbm29 April 2016
I am a connoisseur of bad horror movies from the 1980s, but this one is sadly lacking even by those standards. The dreary dialogue, made worse by appalling acting, with everyone grimacing and grinding out their lines by rote like automatons, were simply too much to bear. These performances are of the quality you might find in a high school drama production.

Even worse, it lacked action, ignoring an unwritten rule for this sort of film: there simply must be a killing, maiming or supernatural occurrence during the first ten minutes. That doesn't happen here. The early scares are limited to silliness such as someone's little brother popping out of a closet shouting "Boo!" If you're 12 years old and willing to watch almost anything on TV while babysitting for your next door neighbors, you might find this acceptable. As for me, I tried to watch it but had to turn it off after 10 minutes. It was so stupid I couldn't stand any more.
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