Trick or Treat (1986) Poster

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How Much More Metal Can It Be? None, none more metal
MetalGeek27 February 2006
TRICK OR TREAT is a fine example of Hollywood jumping on the "backwards messages in metal music" bandwagon that Tipper Gore and her Washington Wives kick-started in the mid-'80s (other, less successful entries in this mini-genre include the awful BLACK ROSES and silly THE GATE). I was a sophomore in high school when TRICK OR TREAT came out and couldn't wait to see it. It seemed to disappear from video stores by the end of the '80s, but I finally picked up a budget-priced DVD copy a short while ago and it brought back many pleasant metal memories from back in the day. Any teenage metal nerd could relate to the trials of Eddie "Ragman" Weinbauer (Marc Price of "Family Ties")in this film as he is persecuted by the preppie "beautiful" people in his high school for his heavy metal fashions and musical taste. Eddie's favorite rock star is Sammi Curr (who looks a lot like Tommy Lee of Motley Crue), who is killed in a hotel fire early in the movie. Eddie is inconsolable till he receives a test pressing of Sammi's final, unreleased album from a radio DJ (Gene Simmons of Kiss in a brief cameo). Eddie soon discovers that this LP, when played backwards, allows him to communicate with the undead spirit of Sammi Curr himself! Soon Sammi is giving Eddie advice on how to get even with his preppie torturers but when the messages escalate in scariness ("Waste'em ALL... no false metal!") Eddie tries to destroy the album, which results in Sammi coming back to life via Eddie's stereo speakers. Sammi rampages to the big dance at Eddie's high school and takes the stage to rock the crowd and disintegrate a few unlucky "false metallers" before Eddie arrives to save the day and the girl of his dreams. (SIGH) No, it's not terribly scary in 2006, it wasn't even scary in 1986, but TRICK OR TREAT is a movie that will bring a smile to the face of any 1980s metaller and has a kick-ass soundtrack courtesy of the cult band Fastway. Well worth seeking out if you've ever banged your head or have a taste for B-grade horror movies (or both, like me).
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Man, I love this movie!!
paulclaassen30 June 2020
'Trick or Treat' is not just another horror slasher film. It touches on many different elements, such as bullying, rejection, idolizing pop stars, and more.

I love this film for so many reasons. The bullying plays a big role, and would ultimately lead to interesting character development. It's always nice to see bullies get what the deserve! Marc Price gives a very good performance as Eddie, a nerdish metalhead who also goes by the name of Ragman, who is obsessed with rock superstar Sammi Curr. His character develops into a hero, who would risk his own life to save others.

The film features some very cool visuals, and excellent make-up. I loved the rock music, and the way the film unfolded. It becomes an action-packed race for survival, and along the way we're treated to some incredible visual and special effects. 'Trick or Treat' is great fun!

Walkmans, cassettes, cassette recorders... aah, man I loved the 80's!! Look out for a cameo by Ozzy Osbourne as a Reverend condemning rock music...!

Would I watch it again? Yes! (wonder how many times I've seen it already...)
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Enjoyable 80's horror-metal film
coltras355 June 2021
There's always been a marriage between horror and heavy metal, so it's surprising that they aren't many horror films featuring metal as the subject- but Trick or Treat is one of the few, and it is quite enjoyable film about a bullied teen finding solace in METAL, but his obsession can be fatal. With certain bands at the time, such as Judas Priest, accused of putting subliminal messages on their records, this film touches upon that as well.

The story-Eddie Weinbauer, an '80s metalhead teen who is bullied at school, looks to his heavy metal superstar idol, Sammi Curr, for guidance. When Curr is killed in a hotel fire, Eddie becomes the recipient of the only copy of Curr's unreleased album, which, when played backwards, brings Sammi back to life. As Halloween approaches, Eddie begins to realize that this isn't only rock 'n's life and death.

The film also stars Ozzy Osbourne as a preacher (!), Gene Simmons as the DJ telling the teen not to take music too seriously - but it's Marc Price who steals the show as a bullied lone teen.

It might not be a classic, but it's a better film than what it's made out to be. Sure, there's cheesiness, but that's part of the appeal. It's an enjoyable slice of 80's pie, love the fashion, the big hair, and the soundtrack by Fastway, Only Child, and others, rocks!!
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The timing has to be right
ricaritatu6 July 2003
I noticed many of the comments on this movie came from people who saw it during the last five years and bought it out of a bargain bin of $5 or $6 DVDs. I saw it when it came out in 1986 and was quite entertained. I learned long ago when it comes to watching horror flicks, you can't take them seriously. In this case, it's simply a sign of the times. During the 1980s when the concern over music's lyrics was at it's peak and Tipper Gore was on her PMRC crusade, this movie fit perfectly.

Please don't judge it in the 21st century. That's why you haven't seen it in a bargain bin until now. It just doesn't fit anymore. I give it a 3.5 out of 5 for its entertainment value.
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rangesterling15 October 2021
This movie is a gem, not talked about as much and should of got more recognition than it did this movie deserves another look. Very rare that you rock legends in the same movie such as, Ozzie Osborne and Gene Simmons.
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Very 80's style
nightroses31 October 2021
If you're going to watch an 80's film you'll expect to see mullet hairdos. It made me laugh when one of the students said to the protagonist (heavy metal fan Eddie) "You should be normal" because they ALL look the same to me! There were cameos from big stars, although Ozzy Osbourne was playing a vicar so it was a tongue in cheek/weirdness. The music in this isn't "death metal" at all but those saying it is, know zero about metal! And Sam the evil entity who was a dead rock star looked like he was out from the 70's glam rock era, as it looked as though he was in platforms. 80's horror is good but this one turned out messy.
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"This could kick you off into becoming an absolute pervert."
bensonmum23 November 2017
Eddie Weinbauer (Marc Price), an awkward high school student, faces relentless bullying from the "cool" kids. Eddie retreats into his private world of heavy metal. When Eddie's idol, Sammi Curr (Tony Fields), is killed, Eddie is beyond devastated. Things seem as bleak and dark as they can get - until Eddie begins hearing Sammi's voice speaking directly to him on his latest album. It seems that Sammi doesn't want to be dead. He wants Eddie to help bring him back to life, regardless of how many people have to die.

It's difficult for me to explain my reasoning, but I've always found Trick or Treat an effective little horror film. For whatever reason, it creeps me out. It might be the demonic nature of the subject matter or Tony Fields' incredibly effective performance or the atmosphere director Charles Martin Smith creates - I'm not sure. Whatever, this is a film that fills me with a real sense of unease.

Another big plus for me as far as the film goes is the performance of Marc Price. It's hard to imagine Skippy from Family Ties giving a performance like this. You'd never know he was capable based on his time on television. He plays Eddie as a complicated, multi-layered character. He makes Eddie seem "real". Whether it's a scene where he's being bullied or a scene where he's defiant and confident with the strength he gets from Sammi or a scene where he's running scared, Price delivers. It's good stuff.

A couple of other things I'll mention before I end this: 1. Gene Simmons is fantastic. I've seen him do some other things, but here, he's really good. I can't, however, say the same for Ozzy. 2. I got a real kick out of seeing Elaine Joyce in the film as Eddie's mother. She was always a favorite of mine from the 1970s-era game-show circuit.
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Mediocre metal horror.
BA_Harrison29 April 2010
I love a bit of cheesy, 80s heavy metal horror, but Trick or Treat, a film that seems to get a lot of love from other fans of rock/horror hybrids, just doesn't do it for me: for starters, I actually find the film a tad insulting, portraying metal fans as sociably inept dorks (as opposed to the Adonis-like lovegods that we actually are); secondly, the heavy rock soundtrack, by Fastway, is instantly forgettable—a big mistake when the plot revolves so heavily around the music; furthermore, the horror elements are lame and totally bloodless, and the film wastes its two genuine rock stars, KISS vocalist/bassist Gene Simmons and Ozzy Osbourne, in pointless cameos.

The script isn't all that original either, with it's basic plot lifted from Stephen King's Carrie: teenage heavy-metal loser Eddie Weinbauer (Marc Price) gets his mitts on the only copy of the last album by his idol, recently-deceased, occult rocker Sammi Curr (Tony Fields). By playing the disc backwards, Eddie discovers that he is able to bring Sammi back from the dead, which allows hims to turn the tables on the bullies that have been tormenting him at high school. The only problem is, satanic Sammi just doesn't know when to stop, and he's planning a special appearance at the school prom...

The film's best moment comes when a teen hottie listens to a tape of Curr's album on her boyfriend's Walkman, causing her to strip off before being attacked by a rubbery demon and having her ears melted; if only there had been more of this kind of outrageous silliness (and much better music; surely Simmons and Osbourne could have used their influence to get some decent tunes on the soundtrack), then I might have enjoyed this one a whole lot more. As it is, it's merely average.
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A True Metal Movie
Mondo-Cane7 January 2002
This film is the most cult movie on metal there is. Premise: A kid gets a hold of the final recording of his favorite artist Sammy Curr who recently dies in a hotel fire. He plays it backwards and summons him back from the dead to get revenge in the name of heavy metal on those b**tardly jocks who torment him. Any fan of true metal will enjoy this movie, and if you are a metal head being tormented by jocks, play a Sammy Curr album wait he is fictitious, well get a hold of this movie and watch it with your fist in the air, your head banging, and the volume at 11!
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Rock N Roll, Steal your Soul
pughspencer16 September 2022
It's no denying this movies a cult classic of the 80s to many. It's basically a time capsule of that period When heavy metal ruled MTV & parents thought of it as the devil's music. Having that concept as a horror movie is ridiculous yet entertaining as hell. This film has many flaws. Sammi Curr is a cool villain but doesn't seem to have a motivation. There's also a scene he turns to this salamander looking creature but never does anything like that happen again. Eddie getting bullied though relatable also feels abit cliche. There are also moments that drag abit. Plus depending on what copy of the movie you have you may see a film mistake like a boom mic leaning down in one scene. Despite the flaws it's a rockin Fun Time. The soundtrack by the band Fastway is especially excellent & not a dull song to be found. There's posters of bands like Twisted Sister, Anthrax, & Judas Priest all around the movie they'll really appeal to Metal fans like myself. Not to mention rock legends Gene Simmons and Ozzy Osbourne have cameos. Ozzy playing a reverend on TV criticizing heavy metal is comedy gold. Worth checking out especially if horror & heavy metal is your thing!
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brian-38528 February 2005
God I love this movie. If you grew up in the 80's and love Heavy Metal, this is the Movie for you. They really don't get much better than this. The Fastway soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks ever. I put on the record when it first came out and spent the next month learning every song on guitar note for note. The plot outline is your standard Heavy Metal horror movie. Kid's favorite singer dies. Kid plays record backwards. Hero comes back in demonic form and rocks the town. What more could you ask for?

If you haven't seen it yet, rush out and buy it. You will not be disappointed. Metal Rules...
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One of the coolest horror movies ever created!
markovd11123 August 2022
"Trick or Treat" is not a horror movie you go to watch when you want to be scared. It's just not that kind of a movie. It's first and foremost a movie for lovers of metal and in terms of that, it can hardly be beaten. Hell, the movie even has Ozzy Osbourne cameo! If you want an enjoyable 80-s movie that is tribute to metal music and culture and has simple yet interesting characters and plot with even some comedy thrown in the mix, you will have the time of your life. If you expect anything at least remotely scary and don't like metal, you probably won't find what you are looking for here. Movie doesn't take itself too seriously and embraces it, so you should too. It's not perfect. Some characters could have used more time and development (Leslie and Roger) and the appearance of Sammi as a demon in one scene was not necessary. Still, the movie is awesome and I recommend it to both genre fans and metal music fans alike. Even some casuals may like it. I give it 7.5/10!
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Really boring; not sure why it has the cult status
stefanbain1 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie does not rock, as others have said. I found it really boring and silly. The story is about this metal high school kid who idolizes this really bad heavy metal singer. The singer dies, but not before making one last album that is to be played over the radio at, of course, midnight on Halloween (which would actually make it November 1st, a much less potent date to be sure). The kid gets a copy of the record and it contains secret hidden back-play messages. It also is the key that opens the door so that the really bad metal singer can return to bring havoc and death to the world.

The first part of this film is not a horror film at all, but rather an After School Special. We see the metal kid (the outsider) tormented over and over by the popular kids. And he fails to learn the most important lesson in high school movies: When the cool kids who bully you suddenly invite you to a party, DON'T GO! It is a trap. Especially if it is a pool party. Anybody surprised when he ends up in the water?? It was such an After School Special that I kept waiting for Melissa Sue Anderson to show up and teach Jody Foster a lesson.

So back to the horror part of the film. So this metal kid gets some powers and instead of using them to kill the bully boys (which would have made much more sense), he freaks out and tries to protect all of the bully boys and girls from harm. What? A sensitive hero? What fun is that in a horror movie? Thank goodness Carrie White did not follow this lesson. He actually tries to PREVENT having the music played at the Halloween Dance, the very music that could unleash a power to kill all the kids who had been mean to him. If it were me, I would have put that music on, and pronto.

The rest of the movie is about this metal kid going around town trying to kill the horrible metal star he idolized. Why not partner with him and REALLY do some damage. Why you ask? It seems he is in love with one of the popular girls and does not want her hurt..more appropriate for a Molly Ringwald film. Is this a horror film or an episode of Beauty and the Beast? The movie just goes on and on at this point, with no scares, horror, or anything worth watching. If you went to high school in the late 80s like I did, this movie is fun to have a little flashback to fashions and big hair, but that is it for this film. Skip it and stay home and just listen to some KISS.
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Man, I gotta own this movie.
billybrown4120 June 2001
Okay here it goes. This is my favorite 80s horror flick EVER. This is the reason I am so obsessed with the genre. This is where the fascination started.

Let me explain why: Okay, here's this kid Eddie. Eddie is your typical 80s headbanger (you know, Motley Crue, W.A.S.P, get the idea) except Eddie has a brain. Eddie(brilliantly portrayed by Marc Price) is the target for frequent bullying and public humiliation (see the locker room scene). He has exactly two friends and his only consolation comes from his music. His idol, Sammie Curr, happens to share the same hometown as Eddie and Eddie writes the guy (what seems to be) on a daily basis. Well, Sammie dies dies in a hotel fire and Eddie is naturally devastated. So, he goes to see his D.J. buddy "Nuke" (played by none other than Gene Simmons). Nuke sees how torn up the kid is over Sammy's death and gives him Sammie's last record which was never released. Nuke also tries to explain to the kid (apparantly Nuke knew Sammie in high school) that his idol wasn't such a nice guy. "He was always angry." Of course, this means nothing to Eddie. He is totally infatuated with the guy and he believes that the two have some sort of connection.

More humiliation and more torment follow Eddie until he finally plays the record. Upon playing the record backwards, he finds that he can communicate with Sammie's ghost. He also learns that Sammies is more than eager to help Eddie get revenge on the high school jocks who have made his life such a living hell. In a good way, Sammie gives Eddie the nerve to stick up for himself. Eddie also learns that Sammie is bent on wreaking havoc on the town that refused him the right to play in his home town years ago.

You see, this all leads to Eddie having to make a choice: Either turn on his idol OR save the town from mass destruction.

All in all, I give this cult classic a perfect 10. It is totally entertaining and has a very clever script. I especially liked all of the cameos. Gene Simmons as "Nuke" was awesome, Ozzy himself was great as a reverand who despises rock music, and Charles Martin Smith (you know, "Toad" from American Graffiti") he's here too. He was also the director.

There are many reasons to see this movie. The acting is good by the whole cast, there are some genuinely suspensful moments, there is some great humor, there is "the dweeb getting revenge on the jock" scenario, and the music kicks ass. It is also a great flick for anyone who was into the whole "80s metal" movement of the time. I whole heartedly recommend. When is this coming to DVD anyway?
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Unsung 80s Horror Film
gavin694230 December 2015
Sammi Curr was a famous, devil-worshiping rock star who died under mysterious circumstances. Now he wants to come back to life. Doing so requires possessing radio waves and automobiles and making a few human sacrifices.

I was not familiar with this film, and had no idea what it was about. Today, if you say "Trick or Treat", people will think of "Trick 'r Treat", if they know their horror films at all. But right from the start, I liked what was going on here, a rock and roll horror film set in the heavy metal 1980s when rock went head to head with the PMRC.

Unfortunately, the film does not quite live up to the early promise, and is not helped by some irritating music. (I like heavy metal, but some of the tracks on here are awful.) We get a story that is a bit like "Shocker" and a bit like "Rock and Roll Nightmare", though very much its own story... worth a peek, though perhaps not the lost treasure I wish I was.
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Silly "horror" film.
gridoon10 January 2003
This movie has a very hard-to-swallow premise, even by this genre's standards. We are asked to accept not only that a record played backwards can bring a dead man back to life, but that the record also contains hidden messages aimed SPECIFICALLY at one kid, when the singer had no connection to the boy when he was alive, and of course no way of knowing at whose hands the record would end up. Anyway, the film is fun for a while, but eventually the silliness and the pointlessness reign supreme. If they were really trying to create a new Freddy-like horror icon, they were way off: the villain here has no personality, no motivation, and no variety. (*1/2)
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So much hopes, so much disappointment...
islandhawk7 August 2001
It's like this: I like heavy metal and I like horror. The music in this film was OK, I guess but the horror was almost nonexisting. This is clearly a youth film and to slap an R-rating on this movie, just because of a couple of titty shots and completely worthless and laughable effects, is outrageous! The only blood i saw during the entire film was a few drops from our hero's lip after he smashed into a wall.

Anyway, Trick or Treat is not completely worthless. There is some 80's metal nostalgia and the fact that Gene Simmons and Ozzy Osbourne appears in small parts alone makes the film worth viewing.

My advice is: If you're not a metal head, don't see it! If you're looking for true horror, don't see it!
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no treats (or Tricks for that matter)
movieman_kev9 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Skippy from "Family Ties" plays Eddie, a wussy 'metal' nerd who gets picked on. When his favorite wussy 'metal' singer, Sammi Curr, dies, he throws a hissy fit tearing down all the posters on his bedroom wall. But when he later gets an unreleased record that holds the spirit of his dead 'metal' idol. He first gets sucked into ideas of revenge, but then he doesn't want to take it as far as Sammi does. Which isn't really that far as his main victims only seem to go to the hospital. This movie is utterly laughable and has about as much to do with real metal as say, "Rock Star". OK, maybe a tad more than that piece of junk, but you get my point. And how ANYone can root for a guy played by Skippy from "Family Ties" I haven't a clue. The cameo by Gene Simmons is OK, and Ozzy Osbourne reaches coherency, I applaud him for that, but otherwise skip this one.

My Grade: D

Eye Candy:Elise Richards gets topless, an a topless extra at a pool party
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Great Movie... In The Proper Context!
efix-29 February 2005
This is a great movie if viewed in the proper context - It was meant to be a parody of teen-horror-devil-worship movies (and the '80s saw plenty of them)! I saw this movie when it first came out, and instantly liked it. Being a big fan of KISS, it was great to see Gene in the movie. And anything with OZZY as a metal-hating preacher can't be all bad! Also, Fastway was already a favorite of mine, so it was great to hear them on the soundtrack.

The original VHS (this was pre-DVD) cover for Trick Or Treat featured an illustration of Sammi kneeling, playing his guitar in a ring of fire with a "demon" looking on. It was a special order, and the price for the VHS copy at the time (circa 1987) was $90! I really wanted the movie, but not at that ridiculous price. The 'OZZY-Gene' cover was only created for the $5 re-release. The company releasing it probably figured Gene and OZZY were the only recognizable people in the movie, so they had better put 'em on the cover! Same thing with the original "Little Shop Of Horrors" - Jack Nicholson was in it for all of five minutes, but now they have him on the cover as if he were the main star.

I have a "Trick Or Treat" web site, and it's surprising how many people believe Sammi Curr was a real person! Fastway helped perpetuate that myth by dedicating their soundtrack album to 'Sammi Curr'.

All-in-all, it was just a good time, rock-n-roll movie. Definitely not to be taken too seriously, but just enjoyed!
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It's a Treat!
pulpculturesales20 May 2012
Trick or Treat (1986) Director : Charles Martin Smith Starring: Marc Price, Tony Fields & Lisa Orgolini

Eddie Weinbauer is a typical all-American teenager. At least he was until he fell under the evil spell of ROCK MUSIC!

Now he's obsessed with the recently deceased Heavy Metal superstar Sammi Curr and as Halloween approaches, Eddie begins to realise this isn't only Rock "N" Roll…it's life or death!

Trick or Treat combines horror, comedy and Heavy Metal into an entertaining brew. The handling of Eddie's humiliation at the hands of the hated jocks and his feelings of isolation is well done, while the scene where the recently resurrected Sammi Curr lays siege to the high school Halloween party is reminiscent of "Carrie". Throw in cameos from rock legends Gene Simmons and Ozzy Osbourne and a rocking soundtrack from the band "Fastway "and you have a great slice of 80's cinema!

As rock-hating TV evangelist Reverend Aaron Gilstrom (Ozzy Osbourne) says after the credits roll "This could kick you off into being an absolute pervert".
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It Came from Above
tugmydinghy31 January 2005
If you are a listener of hard rock/metal you should check this movie out. Don't except much and I wouldn't recommend owning it. Gene Simmons is actually somewhat decent in the movie. Ozzy's character is great. I wouldn't be surprised if Eddie and his friend Roger played D&D. Roger utilizes a few ability checks throughout the movie. Bluff, move silently, disguise, et cetera. I think he played a Rogue.

I did notice something about this movie that no one else has posted. Check out the top of the screen for when Stan makes his only appearance. This movie is great...

"Die you commie pig!"

The Skiffs
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A feast of stereotypical '80's characters
johnson5029 November 2003
One of my favourite films. It has everything - rocking soundtrack, courtesy of Eddie Clark, ex Motorhead, loads of action, loads of laughs, totally ridiculous plot and the most wonderful '80's stereotypes as characters. Eddie, the put-upon nice guy, who just wants to be left alone to be different, Leslie (about as wet as they come), Nuke (the rock burn-out), Eddie's Mom (pathetic), Roger (the geek) and Ozzy as the preacher (surely he exists in America?). Then there are the boys (rich, vicious and stupid) and the girls (vacant, vain and stupid). What more could you ask for?

Well, first of all, there's Sammi Curr, the rock star, an amalgam of every '80's badass rocker you can think of. What about that rocket firing guitar? Then there's the scene where Sammi pulls the old lady through the TV screen and smashes her up. And what does Roger do? Why, hoover her up, just like a good geek would. My favourite scene is where Tim Hainey gets his long overdue reward from Sammi via the wet finger in the plug - magic!

If you were into rock in the '80's or just love ridiculous films like I do, then check this one out. It's available on DVD and very cheap so (trick or)treat yourself.
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Rock's chosen warriors will rule the apocalypse
DemonGate13 April 2006
Being a genre film fan, a child of the 80's AND a fan of hard rock music...this movie holds a special place in my heart. It has everything you could want in a supernatural movie: action, great special effects (for 1986) and a guitar wailing glam- rock soundtrack. It certainly was THE movie for all the heavy metal fans at the time. I didn't see this at the cinema because it was never released theatrically over here...but it's popularity on video during the mid to late eighties secured it's cult status and eventually led to a (sadly, mediocre) DVD release in 2002. If you're not a fan of creepy movies or rock music then this probably isn't your cup of tea...but, trust me, there are worse films of this type out there...and, despite average acting and some outrageously ridiculous situations, Trick or Treat is most definitely a wailing riff above the usual horror fare. You'll never look at your stereo the same way again. Or should I say MP3 player?

TRICK OR TREAT TRIVIA- Marc Price (Eddie) played geeky Skippy Handelman on the popular long running comedy sitcom 'Family Ties.' After a string of direct to video flops including, 'Little Devils''Killer Tomatoes eat France' and 'The Rescue' he gave up on acting to pursue a career in stand-up comedy. Recently, he has been considering a TV comeback.

Glen Morgan (Roger) is now a major Hollywood producer/ screenwriter. He has written and produced several major films and TV series, including: 'Space: Above and Beyond''The X-Files''Final Destination''Jet Li's The One''Willard' and most recently 'Final Destination 3'.

Tony Fields (Sammi) started his performing career as a dancer on the TV series 'Solid Gold'. He appeared in several low budget films and TV shows before landing his breakout role as the devilish Sammi Curr in 'Trick or Treat'. Sadly, Tony passed away on February 27th 1995 of AIDS related cancer.

Doug Savant (Tim) is probably best remembered for his pioneering role of homosexual twentysomething Matt Fielding on the popular sitcom 'Melrose Place'. Since then he has had a long and varied acting career, appearing in such films and TV series as: 'The One''Godzilla''CSI: Crime Scene Investigation' and the short lived Joss Whedon sci-fi series 'Firefly'. Currently he can be seen as Tom Scavo on the smash hit series 'Desperate Housewives'.
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They didn't understand heavy metal, but made a movie about it anyway.
ruinously10 March 2005
How can a movie have Ozzy Osbourne and still suck? I just don't get it. Trick or Treat managed to do it. This sucks and likes it.

Trick or Treat is one of those movies I have to warn people about. It is a vomit-inducing vile atrocity just begging to be viewed so you can feel that much worse about yourself. Trick or Treat has no redeeming factors.

For a movie about heavy metal, it sure doesn't seem to grasp what heavy metal is or what it represents. This movie manages to make heavy metal look lame and this was in 1986, probably one of heavy metal's strongest hours. That is quite a feat, however negative.

Trick or Treat = so bad you will be angry at yourself for having watched it. That simple equation will hopefully keep you away from this brainless and gutless film.
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So Cheesy It's Cool!
simplyalice26 July 2003
Sure the movie is cheesy, but that is part of its charm. My favourite line has to be when the one chick (I think her name was Genie Wooster) tells Eddie that he is creepy, and when he says he doesn't understand, she replies "If you weren't so creepy, you would know what I mean". The reason why I love this line so much is as follows: It reminds me (and I am sure many others) of stuck up people in high school who had the same attitude. I can think of one, in particular right now.

So despite the movie's lack of appeal to awards committees, it does have some great moments, and although it does not have mass appeal, I don't think that was its purpose. It reaches out to the lost children of the world by showing them that they are not alone.

Besides, it is just a fun movie. Where else will you get to see Ozzy Osbourne preach about the evils of heavy metal music?

Oh yeah: One person compared Sammi Curr to Alice Cooper, which isn't a bad comparison, but I am positive that he was modelled after Blackie Lawless of W.A.S.P. He had the same look and similar attitude, and just as Blackie was a big target of the PMRC, Sammi was a big target of the parents groups in Trick or Treat.

I would also highly recommend another cheesy 80s horror movie called "Basket Case".
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