Massacre in Dinosaur Valley (1985) Poster

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Laughably awful exploitation romp
Bogey Man17 November 2002
Michele Massimo Tarantini's NUDO E SELVAGGIO aka MASSACRE IN DINOSAUR VALLEY (Italy and Brazil, 1985) belongs to the category it's so damn bad it becomes totally enjoyable for fans of low budget trash cinema. The film is written by Tarantini, too, and some sources mention that also Dardano Sacchetti (the man responsible for many Fulci scripts) worked as a writer in this film, uncredited. Still most of Sacchetti's screenplays are much better and professional than this so I think he didn't do too much for this film after all.

In DINOSAUR VALLEY, Michael Sopkiw (BLASTFIGHTER (1985), 2019 BEFORE THE FALL OF NEW YORK (1983) etc.) stars as our Indiana Jones like hero who collects dinosaur bones and sells them to those who pay him much. He travels to Brazil and is willing to search for the bones there. There he gets to know an older doctor and his daughter, who are also going to the jungle alongside a photographer, his two almost naked female models and a traumatized Vietnam veteran and his more than annoying and paranoid wife. Now that sounds a hilarious cast doesn't it? It is as wild and laughable as it sounds, so the fanatics of trash cinema will love DINOSAUR VALLEY.

After their plane crashes (unbelievably funny scene by he way!), the fun and the so called plot begins. The most interesting thing in the cast is easily Suzane Carvalho who belongs to the most memorable beauties I've seen in any of these exploitation films of the 70's and 80's. She plays the part of the doctor's daughter, and her beauty steels the whole show. Her eyes are like chocolate balls waiting to be eaten. There are some other beauties in films of this kind like Uschi Glass (Umberto Lenzi's SEVEN BLOOD STAINED ORCHIDS, 1971)), Glory Annen (Norman J. Warren's PREY, 1978) and Olivia Hussey (Brian Trenchard-Smith's outrageous BLOOD CAMP THATCHER aka TURKEY SHOOT, 1981) but Suzane in DINOSAUR VALLEY is easily the most beautiful angel of all.

Sopkiw is as bad as can be expected and that goes to the acting in general in this film, too. The acting is so bad at times that one might wonder if they did it in purpose because it seems unlikely that somebody really "acted" that bad while trying to act good and believably. That of course adds to the enjoyment this junk gives and DINOSAUR VALLEY is easily to these jungle adventures (CUT AND RUN (1985), THE CATHERINE MILES STORY (1986), TREASURE OF THE AMAZON (1985) etc.) the same as Ivan Katansky's ridiculous Italian sleaze fest BEAST IN HEAT (1977) is for nazi exploitation and WIP films. All those who've seen BEAST really know what I'm talking about.

DINOSAUR has plenty of gratuitous sex, nudity and gore which can also be expected from these films. The sex and nudity-o-meter is very high and there are some shots of naked females that go farther than I expected so the makers noticeably wanted to "deliver the goods" big time with this film. The same thing is with the gore as there are the usual scenes of blood letting and people being killed in gory manner as the dangers of the jungle like piranhas and leeches attack the unhappy travellers as well as the hungry cannibals who happen to live there, too. Also, they soon find out that the jungle is terrorized by some sleazy slave ring led by a fat and horny dirtbag whose fate in a film like this isn't too hard to guess.

Pretty much all the characters in the film are more or less disgusting and evil and there are some unbelievably sleazy scenes like the relationship between the war veteran and his wife as well as the laughably lusty men who, trapped in the jungle surrounded by different dangers, don't seem to be able to keep their eyes off the almost naked females and thus giving the camera man an excuse to give couple of close ups! Can it be even more exploitative and over-the-top sleazy than this?!

The settings in the Brazil jungles are very nice and beautiful as can be expected and that is perhaps the only positive and noteworthy cinematic achievement that can be found in this film. The water and trees are shot very lively and peacefully and it creates a nice atmosphere, and the overall beauty of nature is pretty stunning, and even the loathsome characters and goings-on cannot disturb that. The music score (the synthesizer one) is also worth mentioning and it is very simple but effective in the tradition of Carpenter's HALLOWEEN score.

After all, DINOSAUR VALLEY is almost perfect exploitation trash romp but the viewer really has to "understand" and love the genre in order to come to this conclusion. If you try to show this film to anyone with "normal taste" for cinema, you are guaranteed to be recommended to visit a mental hospital to get some help, because these films are so far away from what is considered as acceptable or correct in mainstream (and "normal") cinema. I give DINOSAUR VALLEY 6/10 as a fan of this cheesy genre.
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let's jump in this piranha infested water for our fight
movieman_kev28 May 2005
An anthropologist, Vietnam vet, his bitchy lush wife, scientist, his daughter, and two fashion models(??!?) on their way to dig up some fossils on Dinosuar island (there's no dinosaurs in the movie, don't worry, it's just a name) crash land in the midst of a jungle and must contend with various obstacles to their survival including cannibals, wild animals, and various other things. This movie is so goofily cheesy that I couldn't help but to enjoy it. Lots of gore as well as T&A (and some bush too) make this film go down so much easier. Add to that many quotable lines and you have a good bad movie.

My Grade: C+
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I prefer my cannibal films a little less trashy, and a lot more gory.
BA_Harrison13 August 2007
Michael Sopkiw plays Kevin Hall, a paleontologist who hitches a ride on a plane travelling to Dinosaur Valley, a fossil hunter's paradise deep in the cannibal-infested Amazon jungle. But when the plane crashes en route, he and the other survivors (a photographer and his model, a Vietnam veteran and his wife, and a scientist's daughter) must attempt to reach civilisation on foot, without losing too many body parts on the way.

Although the Italian cannibal craze had pretty much run its course by the mid 80s, a handful of directors tried in vain to scrape a little more meat off an already well-picked carcass, and delivered several offerings that did little to reignite interest in the genre.

Ruggero Deodato, of Cannibal Holocaust fame, directed the fairly enjoyable Cut and Run, an adventure movie with a little gut munching to spice up events, and Mario Gariazzo presented Amazonia, an unexceptional tale (actually about headhunters) that still managed to successfully capture some of that savage vibe that we cannibal fans know and love.

Michele Massimo Tarantini, meanwhile, gave us Massacre in Dinosaur Valley, a trashy (ie. it has plenty of hot nekkid women in it) B-movie style affair that totally misses the mark. With a fraction of the gore that fans have come to expect from the genre (the only memorable moment being a fun piranha attack), particularly dreadful acting, and a group of unlikeable characters you actually look forward to seeing being eaten alive, I found Tarantini's movie to be one of the weakest Italian cannibal films I have seen.

Some viewers seem to have enjoyed this one's general shoddiness, awarding it 'so-bad, it's good' status, but I don't think it manages to pull off that particular trick. In fact, part of me suspects that Massacre in Dinosaur Valley was intentionally made to be bad. Which doesn't make it good. Just bad. Which I guess, would make it a success. Except that I didn't enjoy it that much.

Ah, stuff it..... 4/10 for the quality T&A.
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What can I say- I enjoyed it.
ericdetrick200222 April 2004
The copy that I borrowed from a friend is titled "Amazonas". I have been a friend of all the Italian gore films, so that is why I checked it out. It has adventure, sex, and gore. It sort of reminded me of Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals in that it goes a little farther in the sex scenes then your average adventure movie. The copy I have is the uncut unrated version. So if there is a rated R version, I can imagine it just wouldn't have the same edge that the unrated version has.
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How can a movie this bad be so much fun?
bensonmum217 March 2006
Some may see the rating I've given Massacre in Dinosaur Valley and think I've lost my mind. I'm fully aware that a 5/10 may be too high. In all honesty, the movie is horrible. Tarantini has crammed the film with every exploitation element and cliché you can think of. Massacre in Dinosaur Valley lacks originality, any semblance of good acting, and anything approaching taste. Technically, the movie doesn't fair much better with some really bad looking special effects and poor editing. But if you can get past all the film's shortcomings (as I did), it's a lot of fun for fans of cheese-filled, Italian exploitation type movies. Maybe I was just in the right frame of mind, but I had a great time with it.

Actually, my biggest complaint with the film has nothing to do with the list of previously mentioned problems. My biggest gripe is the "look" of the cannibals. If you've seen Cannibal Holocaust, the Granddaddy of cannibal films, you'll understand what I mean. The cannibal tribes in Cannibal Holocaust look authentic (at least to my untrained eyes). They're dirty, unkempt, and "wild" looking. The cannibals in Massacre in Dinosaur Valley, on the other hand, look like actors. They look like they showered, shaved, and had a fresh haircut on the way to the set. In addition, the cannibal village in Cannibal Holocaust is something completely alien to our modern society. It fits the look of the cannibals. Here, the cannibal village reminded me of one of the headhunter sets from Gilligan's Island. A little more authenticity would have really helped Massacre in Dinosaur Valley.
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Bungle in the jungle
ctomvelu12 October 2012
There isn't much to be said for "Dinosaur Valley" (aka "Cannibal Ferox 2") with the exception of some lovely young ladies who spend a good deal of the film naked and on the run. A plane carrying some truly oddball passengers, including the film's fossil-hunting hero Kevin and several scantily clad models, crashes in the Brazilian jungle. For those who survive, it is a fight to get back to civilization, through pirhanas, jungle animals, flesh-eating pigs, cannibals and a slaver who is running an illegal mining operation. The film is wildly overacted and the dialogue atrocious, but the location photography is noteworthy and the ladies are the kind all heterosexual men dream of. The film verges on camp, so you might as well laugh along with it. The gore quotient is so-so, the few special effects pathetic.
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Restrained Exploitation
Theo Robertson18 July 2013
A passenger aircraft crashes in to the Brazilian rainforest . The survivors realise they're many miles from civilisation and their only hope of rescue is if they trek out of the rainforest . They begin the trek only to find out the dangers facing them are many

I came in to this film knowing it was going to be sleazy exploitation . What becomes clear while watching it is that it has a slightly better look and production value than you normally see in this type of movie . It also has a tongue in cheek sense of humour and you could see this being a mainstream Hollywood movie featuring Sylvester Stallone or Harrison Ford or even Tom Selleck leading a group of annoying characters out of a jungle . Having an archaeologist does mean you've got an Indiana Jones inspired movie

This is an exploitation film with a mainstream feel . The difference is that there's little thought given to events that happen on screen being given much consequence later on in the movie . For example a female character is raped and yet the next day she shows little trauma at her ordeal . This type of sexual violence is typical of the exploitation genre and leads to dismissal from a mainstream audience . It's also a dumb movie featuring a lack of internal continuity where a minor character gets killed by a school of piranha but when the hero enters the water all the killer fish seem to have miraculously disappeared

In short this is a dumb exploitation film that will have little appeal to anyone who doesn't like the genre . That said it has better production values than most of its peers and the gore is fairly restrained which gives the film a relatively mainstream feel
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Savory Brazilian Cannibal Cuisine. .........
merklekranz6 April 2021
Entertaining because several "good bad movie" qualities sent this jungle adventure soaring on the "good bad scale." A leading actress who looks good undressed, but would rather be a race car driver, a leading man who bombed in Hollywood, and a supporting cast of local thespians. There is a language barrier of epic proportions, and a free wheeling Italian Director, who seems to have simply said to his actors, "surprise me." One stand out example would be when the girls are captured by cannibals, striped naked, and subjected to some kind of evil Witch Doctor's torments. Both show zero terror or emotion of any sort, but simply stare at the threatening Cannibals as if they were watching a National Geographic Channel program. What makes the film special, is it does develop characters before they are cannibalized. The Brazilian jungle locations are well photographed., and the dialog is priceless. MERK.
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Massacre in Dinosaur Valley
ryan-1007526 April 2019
A bone hunter named Kevin Hall (Michael Sopkiw) gets himself a free plane ride to Dinosaur Valley. There he can continue his search for bones. Unfortunately for him and the other travelers the plane crashes. Now they must spend the rest of the film trying to stay alive after attacks from a school of piranhas, a tribe of cannibals and some secret slave traders.

This is not successful as a gory cannibal film, nor is it successful as an adventure film. This is not Indiana Jones. This film seems to be taking a few different genres and can't really rock any of them. Not to mention with dinosaur in the title I was coming to expect to see one. Nope. Not a one. It's more of a bad adventure film with a dash of survival, dash of cannibal and loaded with nudity.
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Jungle Exploitation with Cannibals, Sleaze... and Silly Jokes
Some of my fellow fans of Italian Horror/Exploitation cinema and the Cannibal-subgenre in particular seem to regard "Nudo e Selvaggio" aka. "Massacre in Dinosaur Valley" (1985) as a particular highlight. While Michele Massimo Trantini's film is definitely fun to watch, I am personally not too enthusiastic about it. What makes this film fun is both its incredible schlock-factor, and the fact that it combines elements from various sub-genres. While the film is obviously a Cannibal flick (and also marketed as such) it isn't anywhere near as disturbing as (nor otherwise comparable to) the genre classics by Umberto Lenzi and Ruggero Deodato. This film is more like a gory adventure/action film that includes Cannibals and even employs comedy elements.

The film actually begins like a silly 80s slapstick comedy, with goofy jokes, staged fistfights, stereotypical characters, and some female eye-candy. A bunch of drifters stranded in a Brazilian village all require a flight to a certain savage and 'forbidden' area in the Amazon jungle, the 'Dinosaur Valley' which is still inhabited by Cannibals. Needless to say that the slapstick comedy is soon over and the film turns into bloody survival exploitation. Still, the film is tame compared to almost all other Italian Cannibal flicks from the 80s.

The characters are eccentric and their actions often incredibly stupid, but the film is entertaining from start to finish (though never creepy or suspenseful let alone shocking). The highlight in the cast is obviously the ravishing Suzanne Carvalho, who plays Eva, the sexy daughter of a famous scientist. Michael Sopkiw (who might also be known to fans of Italian genre-cinema for playing the lead in Sergio Martino's "2019 - After the Fall of New York") is well-cast in the lead as a shotgun-wielding anthropologist. The rest of the characters include two luscious nude-models, a sleazy photographer and a married couple with slight marital problems - he is an insane 'Nam vet, she is an alcoholic pain in the ass who does not even stop annoying her husband and mocking his impotence once they are surrounded by hungry cannibals.

The film is fun enough to watch, but in my opinion, it is only recommendable to my fellow enthusiastic fans of Cannibal flicks and/or schlock Horror. Those who haven't seen any Cannibal films so far are well-advised to watch Ruggero Deodato's masterpiece "Cannibal Holocaust" (1980) followed either by Deodato's own "Ultimo Mondo Cannibale" ("Last Cannibal World" 1977) or Umberto Lenzi's "Il Paese Del Sesso Selvaggio" ("Deep River Savages", 1972), "Mangiati Vivi" ("Eaten Alive By The Cannibals", 1980) and "Cannibal Ferrox" (1981). When you've seen all the Deodato and Lenzi flicks, you can throw in this one, though there are still a few other Cannibal flicks that I'd probably recommend over "Dinosaur Valley". Unlike most other Cannibal flicks, this one doesn't involve any animal-killings, so some people might actually prefer it (though it probably isn't their genre in general). Overall, "Massacre in Dinosaur Valley" is highly entertaining, though nothing essential in my opinion.
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one of the latest great z movies
Fredericmignard28 March 2001
Well, this wouldn't have been an outstanding movie if this had been one of the last z movies to be released on French screens. It was just before the cinema crisis in 1985-86,a crisis which put an end to all these poor quality products.

this film released in France under the title of "Prisoners in the valley of the dinosaurs" is a mixture of adventure (Indiana Jones was quite popular then), erotica and cannibalistic violence. of course, none of these movie genres are successfully adapted. it's just another curiosity for bad movie buffs.
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Superb jungle adventure - so daft it's awesome!
The_Void28 April 2006
In order to cash in on the success of Umberto Lenzi's Cannibal Ferox, this film has been released under the title 'Cannibal Ferox 2', and personally I can't understand why they would do that - because how could anyone resist a film with 'Massacre in Dinosaur Valley' as its title? That title is somewhat misleading, as it refers to a section in the Amazon where there are fossilised dinosaur remains, and so unfortunately; there are none of the giant beasts in this film. It's hard to deny that this jungle adventure is a bad film, but it's a LOT of fun, and I don't hesitate to name this film as one of my favourites of the Italian cannibal subgenre for that very reason. The film is more along the lines of adventure flicks such as Sergio Martino's Mountain of the Cannibal God than disgusting gore flicks like Cannibal Holocaust and Cannibal Ferox. The plot follows a palaeontologist who hitches a lift to Dinosaur Valley. However, the plane ends up going down - and then we follow the palaeontologist along with two fashion models, a professor's daughter, a Vietnam Vet and some guy with a moustache as they try to get out alive.

The main reason why this film works is because of a hilarious lead performance from Michael Sopkiw. His performance is half Kurt Russell and half Treat Williams; so as you can imagine, every scene he features in is a treat. He's not believable in the slightest as a palaeontologist, but he plays his role as a 'courageous' American perfectly, and his action scenes are carried off well. The film features all the sex and gore that is synonymous with the Italian cannibal films. The gore isn't as strong or relentless as in some of the others, but the scenes that do feature are more than worthwhile for the gore fan. There's a lesbian sex scene, which is always nice and most of the female cast end up baring their breasts. Director Michele Massimo Tarantini does a good job of creating the jungle setting, as the locations look realistic, thus making it easy to believe that the characters really are in a desperate situation. This film won't do much for people who are expecting a sick gore fest, but providing you go into Massacre in Dinosaur Valley knowing that it's a somewhat tongue in cheek adventure film; there's a lot of fun to be had. I know for sure that I'll find myself enjoying this one again.
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Sleazy and gory jungle adventure, but it's more fun than a cannibal film
Leofwine_draca26 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Don't be fooled by the misleading title. This is a serviceable jungle adventure flick which manages to be rather more entertaining and less grisly than earlier entries in this particular Italian sub-genre. Think of it as INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM meets MOUNTAIN OF THE CANNIBAL GOD and you'll be on the right track. All of the clichés are present and correct in this enjoyable yarn which kicks off with a bus load of sweaty people bouncing down a dirt track while an amusing "tropical" song plays over the credits. From here, we are introduced to the various sleazy characters who will variously get bitten, beaten, eaten, tortured, and murdered in a variety of ways within the next hour-and-a-half.

Anyway, after being introduced to the film's "hero" as he gets amusingly beaten unconscious by two huge guys in a bar, the plane takes off and predictably crashes. One guy loses a gallon of blood from his skull, while another thinks that he's Crocodile Dundee and ventures into the wilderness with the others trailing behind. Various pitfalls await, including some snakes, quicksand, a nasty bunch of piranhas who chew off a man's leg, and of course the long-awaited cannibals. The heroines get captured and stripped (big surprise there, didn't see that one coming), and then it's up to the hero to save the day.

This guy obviously models himself on Indiana Jones and spends the film doing all manner of good-natured things. In the film's highlight he attacks the cannibal camp and blasts about a hundred of them with his shotgun before escaping. But is this the end of the film? Not likely. The surviving trio then fall foul of an illegal smuggling cooperation run by a Gunnar Hansen lookalike which is mining in the hills. "Gunnar" proceeds to have his wicked way with the women while an extra from a blaxploitation movie indulges in a little lesbianism. The hero, tied up with the pigs, cunningly contrives a means to escape (using friction burns he causes his wrists to bleed and the hungry pigs immediately chew the ropes away), frees all the native slaves, and blows everything up in sight, including the whole camp and all of the bad guys, before escaping on a helicopter with his girlfriend. The end.

There are many individual scenes in this film to enjoy. For example the showdown between the chief smuggler and the film's hero, played by a wooden-jawed Italian nobody. Watch the hero get shot in the leg and later forget about the wound as he runs through the jungle. Another highlight sees a suspiciously perverted character get his leg half chewed off by piranha before being shockingly executed by the group's leader who has no time for wounded people in his party. This same leader later becomes a pin cushion for the cannibals and their blow pipes and has his beating heart devoured by a hungry native. It has to be seen to be believed. Eagle-eyed viewers may spot ZOMBIE HOLOCAUST's Alexandra Delli Colli losing her clothes on the trip through the jungle.

Well, as you can see, it's certainly an action-packed and fast-paced film with a lot happening all the time. There's a high dosage of excessive gore and nudity (although never as shocking as in earlier entries) and as an adventure film this manages to be frequently thrilling. It may not be a brilliantly made film, and normal mainstream viewers would likely be put off by the poor editing and bad dubbing. The attempts at characterisation are frankly pathetic and a little digging below the surface will expose just how shallow this movie is... but for fans of cult Italian exploitation films, this is an enjoyable affair and well worth tracking down, and I can safely say that I enjoyed it a darn sight more than most of Lenzi's/Deodato's offerings.
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Vigilology2 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was terrible. The dubbing was terrible but ignorable. The plot was OK, but I had to register an account here because people are saying that Sopkiw's character was the hero. He was not!

First off, sometime in the movie a car breaks down, but we're never told why. In a deleted scene we find out that it was because a chubby guy sat on the bonnet and blew the tyres. Yes, that's plural - "tyres". No, not just two. Four. A guy sits on a car - that he was sitting INSIDE in a previous scene - and blows all four tyres. WTF?

Next, they're in the jungle and there's cannibals around. A guy makes a fire so he can steam off some leeches from one of the women. Another woman yelps because she sat next to a snake. The guy has a go at her because she could give their position away - as the smoke from HIS fire billows everywhere!

So this guy gets half his leg eaten by piranhas. Our 'hero' jumps in the water and nurses the wound! Then some other guy kills the wounded guy because otherwise he'd die a slow and painful death. Our 'hero' didn't like this, he must have wanted the poor guy to suffer, so he starts a fight - and they decide to jump into the piranha water to have this fight...

Later, the two girls have been separated from the rest and kidnapped by cannibals. Our 'hero' catches up and spies from behind a rock. Meanwhile, a cannibal chief has started to cut open one of the girls' chests. Our 'hero' decides that now might be a good idea to do something, so, as we hear the poor girl screaming in the background, he starts to load his gun, taking all the time in the world!

Our 'hero' and the two girls then get taken captive by some evil miners. The 'hero' is tied up in a pig pen as the leader of the miners takes one of the girls into his cabin to rape her. As we hear he screams and the commotion from inside, 'hero' decides that now might be a good time to escape, and escape he does. And hides. That's right, he leaves her in there and doesn't appear until the next day. Nice move. You must really hate these women!

Now for the showdown between the 'hero' and the minor leader. Imagine two men standing ten feet apart, one holding a spear ('good' guy) and one holding a gun with one bullet left (bad guy). There is a rattlesnake next to the man with the gun. "Make your choice", our fearless 'hero' says. Well I don't know about you but if I was the bad guy with one bullet left, I'd step away from the snake and shoot the other guy. This doesn't happen, of course. He shoots the snake and the 'good' guy shoves the spear through his chest.

Finally, and let's overlook that the remaining girl has been put into a cage with 2-foot gaps that she could easily slip through, our 'hero' creates a diversion, sending all the miners out of the camp, bar the main bad guy, whom he kills. Now he can finally rescue the girl, whom he has already let be raped through-out the night, right? Wrong. He decides to spend his time lying dynamite at the entrance to the camp for when the miners return. And return they do, and when they see their leader dead on the ground and the girl still in the cage, they start shooting at her. Bullets ricochet off and split the wooden bars as our 'hero' is casually sitting back next to the detonator. Moments go by and I saw at least two bullets hit inches from her head. We flick back to our 'hero', who is casually sitting back in a chair smoking a cigarette, as we hear more bullets being fired right at the girl, then finally he decides to push the detonator painfully slowly to blow up the remaining bad guys.

At least he releases her from the cage. You'd expect her to be so pee'd off at him now, having let her be raped the entire night, and sat idly by as a dozen men shoot at her, but no, she says she loves him and they kiss!

Man, he must REALLY hate that woman.
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Italian cheese. As stinky as french cheese.
Smartt23 August 2002
The story of "Massacre in Dinosaur Valley" (a.k.a. "Nudo e Selvaggio") is clichéd to the very last speck of celluloid. We have the not-so-invincible hero, the tropical version of Professor Challenger and his gorgeous daughter, the neurotic 'Nam vet and, to add gratuitous T&A, a photographer and two models. They go dig dinosaur bones on a forbidden area of Amazonas, but the plane crashes (it's one of them Star Trek-like crashes), leaving 'em stranded in the heart of the jungle. On the way to get back to civilization, they stumble on hungry alligators, piranhas, quicksand and a tribe of meat-eating Indians. But the real threat is an illegal mine where the sadistic China abuses his slave laborers. Everything's derivative, but at least it's well directed and full of gore and nudity. Sharp ears will recognize the score. It's the same one composed by Andrew Barrymore for Lamberto Bava's "Blastfighter" (also starring Sopkiw, also co-written by Dardano Sacchetti, who's not credited in "Massacre").
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Cheesy and enjoyable.... when high
Space_Lord7 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Not much to this film. Group of strangers including a handsome, wisecracking paleontologist, a professor and his hot daughter, a grizzled Vietnam vet and his alky, unsatisfied wife, two nude models and their photographer are on a plane which crashes in the 'Valley of the Dinosaurs', where headhunting and cannibalism is still practiced by the resident tribe!! I must point out that well before the plane takes off you've seen all the chicks naked already, this is that type of film. Awesome! But I digress, the survivors of the wreck must walk out of the jungle, avoiding not only the cannibals but also the cruel slavers who would just love to get their hands on some fresh meat... and are picked off by a variety of methods.

Good cheesy fun with plenty of T&A!!
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"A couple of days in there without food or water... that'll teach 'em." OK adventure/horror film.
poolandrews29 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Nudo E Selvaggio, or it's more common title of Massacre In Dinosaur Valley, starts with Professor Ibanez & his daughter Eva (Suzane Carvalho as Susane Carvall) arriving at their hotel somewhere in Brazil in preparation for their trip to 'Dinaosaur Valley' situated deep in the Amazon jungle. Our hero Kevin Hall (Micheal Sopkiw) an American paleontologist from Boston University is also staying there. Hall becomes aware of the planned excursion to Dinosaur Valley & manages to hitch a ride with them & the other passengers, an ex Vietnam vet named John (Milton Morris, take these credits with a pinch of salt because I'm relying on the IMDb as the film itself has no cast listed) & his wife Betty (Gloria Cristal) plus a photographer Robbie & his two fashion models Monica & Belinda (Marta Anderson). It's not long before the inevitable happens & their plane crashes in Dinosaur Valley leaving them stranded, Professor Ibanez, Monica & the pilot are killed in the crash. Everyone else decides to try & make it back to civilisation on foot, unfortunately for them as they encounter piranha's, snakes & quicksand the immediate area is infested with a tribe of cannibals...

This Italian & Brazilian co-production was co-written & directed by Michele Massimo Tarantini as Michael E. Lemick & I thought Nudo E Salvaggio was at the bottom of the cannibal/jungle/adventure scale, right at the bottom. The script by Tarantini & an uncredited Dardando Sacchetti doesn't make much sense & mixes it's genres about with little success. Don't expect an Italian gore fest because it ain't going to happen. Nudo E Selvaggio for the most part focuses on the adventure aspects as Sopkiw & co. try to escape the perils of the Amazonian jungle, it all moves along at a fair pace but I never found myself particularly involved or excited by it. The characters are as clichéd & stereotypical as you can imagine, a fashion model to provide the looks & nudity, a deranged Vietnam vet to be the antagonist, the American hero & a pretty girl whom fall in love with each other, the bad guy etc. etc. you know what I mean. There is only one brief scene of cannibalism of any description so don't be fooled by the alternate title of Cannibal Ferox 2 as this has nothing to do with Lenzi's film. The dubbing & dialogue throughout Nudo E Selvaggio is very poor even by Euro exploitation standards, obviously this doesn't help the films credibility. There are a few scenes of gore but nothing too nasty, some quick intestine eating, a cut breast, an eaten to the bone leg & an impaling with a spear & machete, actually I found Nudo E Selvaggio quite tame. For the animal lovers there is also a cockfight at the start so beware. The rape, nudity & breast quotient is much higher although this in no way makes up for Nudo E Selvaggio's short comings, of which there are many. Obviously filmed on location presumably in the Amazon (I'd imagine one jungle looks pretty much like any other) Nudo E Selvaggio looks good for this reason alone even if director Tarantini fails miserably to capture any sort of atmosphere or create any tension. As a whole Nudo E Selvaggio looks cheap & nasty all the way through, just check out the awful plane crash sequence. The music score for Nudo E Selvaggio is either taken or was stolen from Blastfighter (1984) also starring Sopkiw believe it or not. The acting is pretty bad & the terrible dubbing doesn't help, having said that Sopkiw makes for a likable hero. Overall I didn't exactly hate it but I didn't exactly like it either, at only just over 80 minutes it's not too much of a chore to sit through but I doubt I'll be watching it again anytime soon. Average at best, just about worth a watch if your a Euro exploitation fan otherwise stay well clear. One more thing this film features no Dinosaurs whatsoever, the English title only refers to a geographical area.
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I love a bad movie
duggies7020 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love a bad movie! This movie has everything I like in a bad movie; campy story line, bad dubbing, no character development, bad makeup, and unrealistic reaction to stimulus. Imagine a father calmly reacting to a stranger in his hotel room that has just been watching his adult daughter bathing.

Makes you want to watch it right!

Meanwhile we have aircraft struggling through turbulence and and a crash. Somehow the only people killed are the ones buckled in their seats. Did I tell you I like bad movies.

A dude gets attacked by piranha, and next thing you know two guys are fighting in the same water without any concern. I do like bad movies!

Two guys get in a fight. One with a machete. The other fella doesn't use his machete? We have a woman carrying a makeup kit in the Amazon jungle!

Yes, I love bad movies, and this is one of the worst. But it's fun and I enjoyed it. I'll leave the rest for your pleasure.
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Fun, Campy, Cannibal/Survival Entry...
EVOL66615 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
MASSACRE IN DINOSAUR VALLEY (aka CANNIBAL FEROX 2 - undoubtedly to capitalize on the success and "notoriety" of the original CF...) is an even campier jungle-romp that isn't nearly as graphic as FEROX, but is an entertaining watch, just the same. Mothing all that original or noteworthy as far as the jungle/survival films go, but this one has a little more "plot" than most...

A group of people are in a plane crash in a deserted (except for the cannibals, of course...) area of the jungle. What comes next is the inevitable flight from the cannibal inhabitants, and a run-in with some local miners...

Some decent gore and a good bit of full-frontal from some pretty smokin' female leads make this one worth at least a one-time look. Not nearly as gory or "strong" as some of the "classics", but there is a decent amount of the red-stuff - and again - a healthy dose of nekkidness to keep ya interested. Definitely worth a look to the genre fan - 7.5/10
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Tweetienator13 April 2020
The deep of a jungle, some pretty looking young ladies and a bunch of flesh-craving cannibals - this must be entertainment of the highest level! Nudo e selvaggio aka Massacre in Dinosaur Valley is for certain not the most cheesy and cult Italian flick of those days back then, and for certain no milestone for that fine genre, but still - if you dig those kind of movies you can dare to give it a try.

Solid but no test for the best - recommended only for the true lover of the art of cannibalism - watch if you like such gems like Cannibal Ferox (1981), Ultimo mondo cannibale (Jungle Holocaust , 1977), or La montagna del dio cannibale (The Mountain of the Cannibal God, 1978).
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lukem-5276024 December 2020
Yes this is an Italian Exploitation flick from the depths of the cheap low-budget 80's & itself still a hell of a fun trip into the Jungle Adventure genre!!!

Cool, Handsome Cult Hero MICHAEL SIPKIW from the Awesome sci-fi Thriller 2019 AFTER THE FALL OF NEW YORK & the Cult Classic BLASTFIGHTER is just fine here as an all American Explorer who finds himself in a plane wreck over the Brazilian rainforest & is trying to survive the dangerous Jungle & the Cannibals that are stalking him & a bunch of other survivor's from the plane such as two sexy skimpy ladies, a mouthy blonde bimbo & her partner a grumpy & controlling Vietnam vet soldier & a photographer, what a bunch as they try to make it through the Jungle as they bicker & fight. Now the dialogue is obviously terrible but expected in these flicks & it has a cheesy but fun music score & some cool gore scenes & a feeling of fun which makes it so enjoyable & entertaining. There's some very bloody gore bits & some weird freaky Rape threat bits & plenty of weirdo characters that make this a strange but still fun Jungle romp. The Cinematography is very good & captured the raw feel of everything in all it's grittier bits but the bizarre thing is that really this could be a very nasty flick but because of it's funky score & Cool Action hero lead it ends up just being silly Action fun.

If you like this type of Jungle Adventure then you will enjoy this as i did & i love old school flicks like this & Exploitation Films & Grindhouse Cinema it's all good fun in my opinion & i genuinely like the B-movie actor MICHAEL SOPKIW as he's got a nice guy charm about him & is more fun & enjoyable here than Indiana Jones in my opinion!!! SOPKIW is a true Cult Hero as he only made 4 films & all 4 was low-budget Italian Exploitation flicks & he's great in them all. Great trashy, erotic Jungle Adventure with comedy & Horror elements throw in too for extra enjoyment.
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Terrible mess
Serenity300016 January 2018
Where do I start? I'm a movie buff, so I downloading this movie thinking it would be watchable. I love horror, action, and drama movies the most. This movie ended up being a comedy because the acting by everyone in the movie was horrendous. Don't waste your time watching this crap. The 5 rating must have came from relatives or the actors themselves.
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Cheezy T&A, one gorgeous babe
CorumJI7 September 1999
OK, this is a Brazillian T&A flick, as far as I know... It's typical of the T&A genre, but it has one very good thing going for it -- Suzie Carvalho (see also: Women In Fury) -- If you like darker women (Yasmeen Ghauri style) then you should find her an exceptional beauty, well worth the time to see this, as you will get to see quite a bit of her. There are some other naked bimbos to see in this, but Suzie is in a class by herself. The title derives from a vaguely obscure plot point that centers around an anthropological search for some fossils. To get there, they fly through the Amazon jungle, as I recall, (along with some nude models and a photog -- go figure), and well, gosh-darnit, that damned plane just had to go and crash. The Perils of Penelope follow, as our semi-naked heroine gets captured, in turn, by cannibals and then jewel smugglers... OK, ok -- The Perils of Penelope as directed by John Willie, at least. If she wasn't so gorgeous, you would be bored with her body after all this, but it just doesn't seem to happen. Your mileage may vary. See also, as noted earlier, "Women in Fury", Suzie's one other known flick.
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Enjoyable cannibal movie.
TalesfromTheCryptfan14 June 2006
In the country of Brazil, Kevin Hall whom is an American paleontologist searches for the legendary valley of the dinosaur which has been said to be cursed. Kevin refuses to believe such stuff as he goes out with a crew on a plane until they crash land in the jungles. They must find a way back home but suddenly they are attacked by vicious cannibal tribes who think they still live in the stone-age and are taken by a greedy slave trader who would sell them for a good price until Kevin decides to kick some butt.

Entertaining and bloody Italian-Brazilian cannibal action horror adventure from the writer of "Zombi 2" (a.k.a. Zombie) and "The Beyond" that mixes the horror and action genres together. Cult actor Michael Sopkiw ("2019: After The Fall of New York) shines as the hero of this movie as he's really the star more then the other cast members, there's some good nudity and gore to satisfy horror and b-movie fans alike on the plus side for those who have seen cannibal movies there is no animal cruelty in this one.

Turn your brain off and enjoy this violent and enjoyable cannibal b-movie romp.

Also recommended: "Jungle Holocaust" ( a.k.a. Last Cannibal World), "Cannibal Ferox", "Indiana Jones Trilogy", "The Mummy (1999)", "The Exterminator", "Man from Deep River", "Eaten Alive!", "Caligula", "Combat Shock", "Troma's War", "From Dusk Till Dawn", "Kill Bill", "Freddy Vs. Jason", "Mountain of the Cannibal God", "Cannibal Apocalypse", "Day of the Dead", "The Toxic Avenger", "Terror Firmer", "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider", "Hell of the Living Dead ( a.k.a. Night of the Zombies, Zombie Creeping Flesh, Virus)", "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series & 2003 remake", "The Hills Have Eyes ( 1977 and 2006)", "Hostel", "Battle Royale", "Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky", "The Untold Story", " Zombi Holocaust", "Emmanuel and The Last Cannibals" and "Cannibal Holocaust".
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"S..., they got us!"
classicsoncall21 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What an egregious example of a bait and switch with that title. I tuned in expecting dinosaurs, and instead found myself in the middle of a thinly disguised soft porn flick, full frontal on display and all. This wouldn't have been so bad if the film makers had kept on track with the premise of the title, but the closest they came was a triceratops looking mask on the head of an Aquera tribal chief. Nor is the movie big on special effects; the plane crash in the jungle was partly accomplished with the help of a toy airplane sliding along a muddy track. Fortunately, some of the players were at least pleasing to look at, particularly Suzane Carvalho as Eva Ibañez, daughter of a renowned paleontologist (Leonidas Bayer) who never made it past the first few minutes of the story. In short, dinosaur lovers - beware! - there aren't any. I hope I can spare you the waste of time.
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